Branch of MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School"

In the village of Staroklenskoye, Pervomaisky district, Tambov region

Essay on the topic of:

"The earth is ours common Home».

Completed by 3rd grade student Ozhereleva Lyubov

Teacher: Frolova T.N.

2013 – 2014

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

/ Words from the song: “We are commanded to protect this world!”/

We live on planet earth. There are many of us, but she is one, one for all. The earth is our common home. This means that everyone who lives on Earth is one family. This is both man and nature. And let’s not forget that nature also created man, which is why we call her mother. She loves us and gives us everything we need for life: food, clothing, air, warmth, medicine, water. In return, she expects from us that we will always help her and save her from danger. But we, the children of our planet, very often forget about her, do not notice that she needs help and care. People, look around! Look at its forests, rivers, seas, meadows, and you will see that they need help.

Forests need help.

The forest is a natural oxygen factory on the planet, a natural filter that purifies the green atmosphere. One hectare of green space can absorb 2 kilograms of carbon dioxide in an hour. Do we care enough about him? Every year more and more fires occur due to human fault. This leads to the death of not only trees, but also animals. So let's follow the rules of behavior in the forest!

Animals need help.

Many different animals and birds were destroyed by people. Some were hunted too hard, others were not left a piece of forest or steppe where they could live. And if you don’t help them, more and more animals will die. Scientists have compiled a special Red Book. The red color of the book is a prohibitive color. This is an alarm. The Red Book consists of colored pages. On the black pages are lists of those animals that we will never see again. Particularly rare animals are recorded on the red pages. The yellow ones show animals whose numbers have always been small. On the gray pages are those animals that are still little studied. On green pages– animals whose numbers have been restored.

I think we need to make sure that no one Living being no longer included in the lists of black pages.

Plants need help.

There will be no trace left of the beauty of the meadows if everyone picks one flower. Each flower is connected with other inhabitants of the meadow. Insects fly to it and feed on its nectar. Wild flowers should remain in nature. For bouquets, you need to grow flowers in flower beds, gardens, and greenhouses.

We must take care of the cleanliness of our home. On the streets of cities and villages, on the banks of rivers you can see a lot of garbage. Sometimes this waste results in large landfills that pollute water, soil and air. Can't it be removed? Of course you can. But people are always in a hurry to get somewhere and don’t think that nature will one day get angry and punish us.

Every person should feel responsible for the health of mother nature, love her and pass this love on to their children.

Nature gives all its treasures to man, and only asks us to take care of it. Let us respond to her with warmth for warmth, love for love. Let us remember that by caring for nature, we also take care of the Earth. After all, planet Earth is our common home!

Essay on the topic: “The Earth is our common home”

Prepared by 3 “A” class student Daniil Sarsenbaev.

The earth is our common home, our breadwinner.Native land, Motherland is the place where a person was born, which will forever remain dear to him.Each of us must take care of it, but we often forget about this. Rivers, soil, air are polluted, because of the thoughtless actions of people, species of plants, birds and animals die and even disappear from the face of the earth. But man-part nature, he is inextricably linked with it. If there are no rivers or forests, how will people live?

In our lives, we often do not notice that we are harming nature. Many people don't even think about it. But it's worth thinking about! Each of us is responsible for our actions. And we need to preserve what is left. After all, after many years it may already be too late.

The first thing that appeared on our planet was plants. Life is impossible without them. So why do people destroy them? After all, this is how they harm themselves. During my environment lessons at school, I learned that plants are the lungs of our planet, and without lungs people cannot live. But still, entire forests are often destroyed due to human fault.

The water is also contaminated with chemicals. This kills fish and aquatic animals. But how we, children, rejoice at the arrival of summer! How nice it is to come to the river on a hot summer day and take a swim. But you don’t even want to approach some places on the shore, because everything is littered with waste and garbage. In all cities, even in small villages, there are garbage dumps that are not cleaned up. But many people don't care. Who will take care of our planet if not us?

Once upon a time, our ancestors only grew plants and raised domestic animals, but now huge factories are being built, thousands of cars drive on the roads, and forests are being cut down. Of course, the development of our civilization does not stand still, and I think this is good. But we must remember that it is necessary to use the Earth’s resources wisely, carefully and take care of the cleanliness of the environment. After all, the Earth does not forgive a person for mistreatment.And you have to start with yourself!We must not break tree branches because trees are our friends. They release the oxygen we breathe. Flowers delight us with their appearance, birds sing for us, the sun also shines for us. What if all this doesn’t happen? What will happen to us?

If we don't urgently help nature, it will die. I believe that nature conservation is a matter not only for adults, but also for schoolchildren. We make feeders and birdhouses for birds, fight garbage, help sick trees, and plant flowers.

I hope that all the people on the planet will come to their senses and stop destroying the Earth, because it is our common home.

Among all the planets in the solar system, Earth is the only planet where there is life. Astronauts say that the earth is very beautiful from space. And when you look at this green-yellow-blue ball from space, it takes your breath away. And immediately your heart ache and you want to go home.

Human civilization arose on Earth a long time ago. We were born here too. The sun warms our planet, maintains the optimal temperature, people can live here.

For our Earth to become a real home, we must love it and take care of it. Treats you like your own home. Clean up trash, but people, on the contrary, litter the planet. Landfills are spreading around large and small cities. The stench is in the air, and the wind carries this smell straight into the residents' apartments.

Just like in the house, the planet needs to be washed. Rains do a great job of this. In some places, it is even too active that rivers overflow their banks and flood the plains. How pleasant it is to walk on a summer morning along the streets of a newly washed city. It is necessary to wash the windows of houses from dust and dirt so that you can better see your city.

Just like the flowers in the house, forests and fields need to be watered (rain does this job well). And when he's not there for a long time, then people turn on special watering installations.

Just like at home, you need to save energy. Turn off lights during the day. Why are they needed if the sun is shining?

It is necessary to care for and look after the animals. After all, at home we look after them. So why have people become so cruel and throw little kittens and puppies into the street? Over hundreds of years, some animal species ceased to exist altogether.

We must live on Earth in such a way as to leave our children and grandchildren a pure inheritance. fast rivers and lakes, not pulp and paper mills along the shores of lakes. Green, noisy forests, not forest stumps. This will probably happen soon. They constantly show on TV how the Chinese are exporting timber from Russia in whole trains.

If it becomes impossible to live on Earth, then there will be nowhere to move. They have not yet found another planet suitable for life in the Universe. And then everyone will die. We must not forget about this.

Option 2

There is an opinion regarding how the development of the human personality is measured. If a person is poorly developed, then he becomes fixated on the interests of only his own body, or even on some separate interest, for example, how to get pleasure. If he is a little more developed, then he thinks in terms of benefits for his own family and his loved ones, and is focused on the team.

A further degree of development can be expressed in how a person associates himself and his own interests with his own city and country, considers himself part of some global community - people who live in a certain territory or those who are close at the level of genetics, belonging to a specific race , people. As you might guess, the next stage is to consider yourself as part of the planet, and then the whole world. This logic is quite understandable, but in fact, not many in this world can really clearly see themselves as inhabitants of the Earth.

It is not uncommon for people to become fixated on smaller scales. Some consider the view of the Earth as one’s own home to be some kind of cosmopolitanism and even a lack of patriotism. However, if you think about it, it is easy to remove these misconceptions and understand how beneficial it can be to consider the land as your own home sincerely and without prejudice.

Viewing the world in this way offers significant additions to one's worldview, such as increased responsibility and a more empathetic attitude towards people. Various conventions that separate people create an atmosphere of tension and confrontation, while the simple thought of the Earth as a common home allows you to see in any other person not a rival or simply different, but your friend, who was also lucky enough to visit this house and settle here. In turn, responsibility that extends to the entire planet is a factor that can improve behavior in a natural way; if you see the need to take care of the entire Earth, then a person can do much more useful things, and quite calmly, simply realizing that he is part of this beautiful and a huge world.

Article on the topic Earth is our home

Space flights have just begun their development, so today the only planet where there is definitely life is our Earth. This is the third cosmic body in the solar system. Among the terrestrial planets, it has the largest size. Scientific evidence indicates that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. The entire process of its formation took about 10-20 million years.

After another couple of million, the Earth’s satellite, the Moon, was formed. It is not known exactly how the Moon was formed. The most popular theory says that the satellite broke away from the Earth after its collision with another cosmic body.

Life on Earth began to develop 3.9 billion years ago, from the simplest cells.

The ocean occupies large territory planets. Water covers approximately 70% of the total area of ​​the Earth. Everything else is continents, islands and ice. The entire water system is called the hydrosphere. This is not only the ocean and seas, but also fresh lakes, rivers, reservoirs and underground waters. The Earth's poles represent an area covered by ice. It is from here that icebergs break off and then drift in the waters of the world's oceans.

The planet consists of several layers. The most pronounced ones are the outer cortex and the inner core. The outer bark is quite dense, its main component is silicates. The planet's core is an active region, composed mainly of nickel and iron. The temperature in the center of the Earth can reach 6000 degrees.

The shape of the Earth is ellipsoidal. It is slightly flattened at the poles. Because of this feature, the diameter of the equator is larger than that of the poles.

The most high point of our planet is Mount Everest. Its height is 8848 meters. The deepest point on Earth - Mariana Trench, which goes 10994 meters deep.

With the development of technology, the Earth began to suffer from environmental problems. The rapid development of industrial society has led to environmental deterioration and the appearance of holes in the ozone layer. The biggest problem represents the ozone hole over the Arctic. The ozone layer is an important part of the Earth's atmosphere. Thanks to it, the planet is protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. With its destruction many problems arise. People are increasingly experiencing cancer skin. However, this is not even the main thing. Emergence occurs greenhouse effect, which leads to serious climate change.

We must remember that today the Earth is the only home where we can live and try with all our might to preserve its natural resources.

Essay 4

Planet Earth is a unique planet. Only on her in ours solar system there is life in the form of intelligent beings. It is significantly larger than Mercury and Mars and slightly larger than Venus. But although it is too small compared to Jupiter or Saturn, it is huge for people. To cross it along the equator, a lifetime may not be enough.

All people were born and raised on a wonderful planet called “Earth”. She is our refuge, a place that gives us everything: from food to the air we breathe.

Every person has a corner in his heart dedicated to his native land or Motherland. She is dear to us, and we simply must take care of her gifts that she gives us. This is the water and food that we use to replenish our energy, the air we breathe, other people who are our friends or relatives, animals that we also love and keep, and much more.

We are also obliged to protect and protect nature from harmful substances and pollution, because it provides us with most of our resources.

In nature, everything is interconnected. If a person cuts down a tree, kills an animal, or drains a river, all this can turn against him. The earth does not forgive such people, because without a river a person will not be able to fish, and without trees he will breathe poisoned air filled with exhaust gases and other chemicals.

Of course, it is good that our civilization is developing, our life is becoming much more improved, but it is worth remembering that all the resources of the planet must be spent wisely and take care of the cleanliness of our planet.

Man cannot live outside the Earth. It shelters us from the radiation of the Sun with its atmosphere and gives us oxygen, which is vital for our existence.

Man is very small compared to the planet and often forgets that he himself is part of the Earth. People start wars, take lives, sometimes even entire cities, by dropping atomic bombs. After all, in this way people harm not only the planet, but also themselves. They deprive themselves of the only thing - what life gives them.

On Earth, as mentioned earlier, everything is interconnected. Every bird and every leaf. If a person drains a lake or river somewhere, then in another part of the planet a flood will begin and everything will be flooded with water. The earth is our common home and it is given to us not only for our own purposes, but also in order to learn something new, study and maintain the balance of all living things in it.

Several interesting essays

  • Essay Shtokman in the novel Quiet Don Sholokhov image and characteristics

Man is not yet destined to understand that the Earth is a unique creation of the Universe, that this is a planet flying at enormous speed in space, flying along its given trajectory, a planet that lives and works according to the laws of the universe and is our common Home. Human, a common person sitting in his apartment, in his quiet, cozy apartment, can hardly, or rather, will never be able to understand, imagine and appreciate this Miracle! He simply fenced himself off from the Earth with an artificially created world, hid from all problems behind a wall of prosperity.
To feel and understand that the Earth is huge and powerful, that its forces as a planet are majestic, a person, or rather a man, so small and insignificant in size and strength, can only in one place - in the mountains - in the huge Mountains that rise to the skies, throwing down millions of liters of water in their waterfalls. Only in nature - virgin and untouched, impenetrable in its forests, mountains and swamps, can he realize the fragility human life and its complete dependence on global planetary events.
Nowadays there is a lot of talk about ecology and environmental problems, but very little is actually done. Calling on a person to save the Earth - his home from destruction, sometimes seems as impossible as it is impossible to imagine a barbarian reverently frozen in front of the marble statue of the great Roman sculptor and not breaking it.
And it seems that before calling a person to this - to preserve his Home, it is necessary that he realizes and accepts the idea of ​​how much a Man depends on the state of the planet - his Home. It is necessary for him to feel, experience on his own skin that “Disharmony in the house, and a person cannot see a calm life!”
I address the Earth with words that could become a kind of credo for every person, words that show his attitude towards it: “Live the Planet! Live my Home! Live the planet and prosper, live and give me the strength to live with you!
After all, our planet is a living system – it is a cosmic body. I don’t want to say the word “organism”; it belittles the essence of the planet, does not allow us to understand the depth, power and globality of its existence. The planet - our Home - absorbs and releases (the energy of space), gives birth and destroys (living organisms and all bodies), it is infinitely huge for us and infinitely small in the space of the Universe. She shows us her crazy power and insignificance before the myriads of stars of the Milky Way. It is harsh for lonely travelers and so defenseless against asteroids.
I urge you to respect her as your Mother and not betray her!
She must be Praised and Loved!
We must follow the principles and commandments:
- First love, then know!
– First recognize the greatness and power, and never dare to destroy its armor, parts and structures.
- Use its riches in moderation and distribute everything equally among us - people.
The earth is our mother - in its essence: chemical, physical and biological. Our refuge in the Universe, our Home - fighting with us and for us, saving and giving, accepting our mortal bodies at the end of life. This is our house!!!
Bless the Earth - homeland, mother and home! Save it for centuries and millions of years!
Earth...It is silent and unnoticeable for people hiding in the small boxes of their cities, but screaming loudly in tornadoes and tsunamis, tearing its surface with earthquakes and erupting volcanoes, warning of pain, suffering from bomb explosions and trials, from mockery of it subsoil, humiliated by the contempt of the insignificant applicants for her wealth.
I appeal to you, People!
Take back your Home and stop destroying it already!
Find yourself in your home!
After all, First there was the Earth! and only then... the Man came!

Theme description: To bring purchases from the store to your home, plastic bag It is used for 20 minutes, but it will take nature 400 years to process it.

So the essay will be on the topic: About ecology and respect for nature, namely, reconsidering the attitude of all people to our planet, which is common and dear to everyone.

"You need to be wiser, not more fashionable"

Our earth is a unique planet in the universe, our only home. Every person should take care of environment and don't rely on anyone else. This, like washing the dishes after yourself, should become a habit.

The ecology of the Earth is suffering more and more every day. New factories are being built, more and more cars are appearing on the roads, rockets and satellites are being launched. This leads to air pollution, global warming, melting glaciers appear ozone holes. Entire species of animals are dying out due to deforestation, many aquatic mammals and fish have long been under threat of extinction due to pollution of water bodies, because many car enthusiasts save on car washes and wash their iron horses in natural sources using household chemicals.

IN big cities people suffer from respiratory diseases due to poor environment. Outside the city limits, heaps of garbage are growing because bags and bottles are not recycled but thrown away. Such “little things” that we don’t think about lead to the proliferation of rodents and the emergence of new diseases, which they then bring to cities.

To protect our Earth from destruction, everyone must start with themselves. First of all, there must be careful attitude to nature, to the plants that give us air. You shouldn’t pollute cities with small garbage, which is not difficult to carry to the trash bin, or throw cigarette butts, candy papers, or bottle caps along the sidewalks.

If everyone looks into themselves and remembers how much harm they have caused to nature, and then tries to be wiser and more caring, then our “Blue Planet” will exist hundreds of years longer, along with our great-grandchildren and their descendants.