The interpretation of the dream depends on how exactly you dreamed about it. Usually on Thursday night you rarely have prophetic dreams that predict joy and pleasant feelings.

Most likely, such a dream foreshadows a reflection of your thoughts and indicates that the dreamer is gradually leaving the life.

If you dreamed about a guy on Wednesday night, pay attention to his appearance, words and actions. This is how the dream book interprets the appearance loved one in a dream at this time.

If you haven't met

N a guy you know predicts a surprise, a meeting with him or disappointment. Just seeing his face brings tears. The dream book writes that this dream symbolizes separation and disappointment in this person.

If he was dressed in ordinary clothes that he wears every day, this is a sign that he will soon leave your life. If he speaks to you on Wednesday night, remember his words.

The dream book says that such a dream predicts troubles, scandals and quarrels, sometimes a surprise that will turn into vanity and disappointment.

If you dreamed that a guy was saying goodbye to you at the station, kissing another girl, expect loss. The dream book prophesies that you will separate soon.

If he gave some things, hugged and kissed, this is a favorable sign. Remember what he gave you. Usually a gift means surprise and news, joy and good news.

If you dreamed stranger guy, the meaning of sleep takes on a different interpretation. The dream symbolizes a new acquaintance, an unexpected meeting. There is a possibility that this is a prophetic dream, foreshadowing the girl’s changes in communication.

If you dreamed of a guy you know who really exists and you like, but you haven’t been together yet, this is a favorable sign. You will see him, but the meeting is unlikely to make you happy.

The dream book writes that the girl will be happy if she takes the initiative in communication. But you should hurry to gain the favor of someone who is attractive to the dreamer.

It's bad if the person you like drinks alcoholic drinks or is sick, turns away from the dreamer and is rude to her. The dream book warns that after this dream she will lose her loved one forever.

If a guy you know kisses you or makes love to you, then you will soon be together. This dream literally comes true. But if you dreamed of a wedding with him on Wednesday night, expect disappointment in love.

The dream book predicts that you are unlikely to be together. Getting married in a dream stranger- to a surprise. But for some people, the dream portends mortal danger.

Former and present

Seeing him in a dream on Wednesday night means news. Sometimes this is a sign that the person in the dream remembers you and wants to get the relationship back.

If a nice boy gives you flowers, gifts, or asks for forgiveness, this is a favorable sign. The dream book claims that in his heart he repents of you and asks for forgiveness for what happened. It is possible to meet him at public place, on the street or in the market.

If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend was drunk or sick, the dream book indicates that he is suffering. Not necessarily because he cannot return the dreamer - a new love is quite possible, which will turn all his spiritual strength out of him.

But sometimes such a dream can mean changes in relationships and an unexpected meeting or call.

Seeing your real man with another girl is a sign of doubt. This dream predicts cooling in relationships, betrayal and worries.

If you dreamed that he was marrying someone else, beware of betrayal. This dream represents an unpleasant truth or coldness.

If a picture appears that he is leaving, driving a car, packing his things or waiting for a train at the station, this is a sign of separation or a sudden meeting if the guy lives far from you.

Sometimes such dreams promise surprise and a change in relationships with a loved one.

Seeing that a young man no longer loves you and behaves rudely and distantly is a bad sign. Modern dream book promises that your relationship will become worse than before. Quarrel with him, throw pillows, fight - to disputes and rivalry. But some couples see such a dream as a sign of unexpected reconciliation and an imminent wedding.

Marry ex-boy- to the final separation from him. You will learn about a change in his life, marriage. If you dreamed that a young man was forcing you to love, this means violence and pressure on his part. If you break up, he will remind you of himself again.

Be jealous ex-boyfriend to the girl - to new meeting. If you dreamed that he got into a fight with the boyfriend with whom you are dating or living together, beware of jealousy or scandal.

A loved one packs up his things and leaves - to reconciliation after a quarrel, but for those who are in good relations, the plot is dreamed of breaking the connection.

If you dreamed that ex-lover does not pick up the phone, drops calls, you will lose contact with him. If your loved one has become unavailable or has blocked all contacts, you will soon separate. The dream foreshadows a great resentment and quarrel between you.

See the call young man unexpectedly for yourself - for a meeting or news. Rejecting his challenge means trying to quarrel with him. Sometimes a dream predicts major troubles and losses for you.

If you dreamed of a call from a guy from an unfamiliar number, beware of a fight or clarification of the circumstances. Sometimes a dream foreshadows a new acquaintance. The young man dreamed of wearing new clothes - to news and a change in the relationship with him.

Blood, snot and feces, just dirt on it in a dream means worries and scandals. If a young man cuts his veins or is in intensive care, he is in danger. Sometimes a dream indicates a dead relationship.

Washing his clothes means saving the young man’s reputation in reality. Seeing him smoke and drink heavily is a sign of melancholy and loneliness. For a girl, this night vision predicts that she will wait a long time for her betrothed.

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Some dreams are difficult to explain, but still, if you carefully think about everything that happened in your subconscious, you can “catch” some prerequisites for real life.

Everyone has experienced times of constant falling in love. And therefore, the question of why the guy they like is dreamed of was asked by almost all girls, young women and women. It will be quite problematic to answer this question unambiguously, since many factors can influence this. One of the versions that explains why the guy she likes dreams about is as follows: the girl herself very often thinks about him, and real thoughts and experiences are transferred to the dream. After all, it is in a dream that we see what we want, isn’t it? There, in this second reality, you hug him, kiss him, hold his hand... Your most secret desires come true in a dream. And when you wake up, you begin to think about this dream, devoting free time thinking about what you might have dreamed about. These thoughts further cement in you the image of the person you like, after which you begin to dream about him with increasing frequency.

There is another explanation for why the guy you like dreams about. Some believe that such dreams can be caused by the fact that it is not you who are thinking about the person you like, but he is thinking about you. You can find out whether this is true or not only by asking the guy himself, and for many this is problematic to do. To stop these dreams, you just need to spend some time with the object of your adoration. Get to know him (if this has not already been done), and then it is likely that you will stop dreaming about him. Yes, and why these dreams, if your communication becomes real - this is much better, isn’t it?

In some cases, the explanation of what the guy you like is dreaming about is not as rosy as the previous ones. These can be so-called “prophetic dreams”, which can warn you about some event, and perhaps danger awaiting your loved one. So in some cases you need to listen to dreams. It's better to be safe, as they say.

There are also individual interpretations, or rather, their peculiar “schedule”. The reasons why your beloved guy appeared in your dream are explained depending on when he appeared in your dream (but the veracity of this “schedule” is still in question). So, if this happened on the night from Monday to Tuesday, then this indicates that the dreamer has a feeling of deepest respect for you. If the guy you like dreamed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this means that he is thinking about you, if from Wednesday to Thursday, it means you also came into his dream. If you dream of a guy from Thursday to Friday, then you can be congratulated - you won his heart, and if from Friday to Saturday, then you also made him experience an unpleasant feeling of jealousy. A dream involving a loved one from Saturday to Sunday indicates that this person is offended by you for something, and from Sunday to Monday - that the object of your dreams dreams of meeting you.

Dreams are a mysterious and still unsolved area of ​​our consciousness that can show the future, remind you of the past, or guide you along the right path in the present, and the main thing here is to learn to understand them.

Why does a guy dream from Wednesday to Thursday?

When girls dream of young people, especially those they know, this may be a reflection of a real or desired relationship in reality. For men, another male representative in dreams is, as a rule, the personification of friendly or hostile relations.

Most dreams that occur from Wednesday to Thursday are considered to be a reflection social status dreamer It is on such a night that dreams occur that well reflect the state of affairs at work and in communication with familiar people. Such dreams are not significant for family life. These dreams reflect the possibility of quick changes in professional activity. But such changes will not be drastic, unless the dreamer himself strives for a drastic change in his life. Also, dreams can be important for solving some controversial issues that relate to social communication. If a dream from Wednesday to Thursday consists of one event, then this indicates the possibility career growth, which will depend on the person’s communication skills and professional efforts. If such a dream involves a very narrow circle of characters, then this foreshadows only minor changes at work. Perhaps this is a sign that someone will change their attitude towards the dreamer. If the dream from Wednesday to Thursday is very dynamic and vivid, then this is a sign that in reality the dreamer is ready to burst forth with new ideas and original plans.

Taking into account all of the above, you need to interpret the dreams in which the guy dreams and which you managed to see during the period from Wednesday to Thursday. Therefore, for both men and women, such dreams are a reflection of relationships at work and in society, a reflection of possible changes.

What a guy dreams about from Wednesday to Thursday largely depends on the age of the dreamer and whether he knows this person in reality. If a young girl sees a guy she knows in a dream on this particular day of the week, then this may indicate that in reality she hopes for his professional help on the career ladder. When young man dreams of a guy he knows, this may indicate that in reality he hopes for his friendly help in resolving some work issues. If the dreamer is of mature or old age, then a dream about a guy from Wednesday to Thursday may be a sign that you need to listen more often to the opinions of young people and know as much as possible about modern trends. After all, it is knowledge of all modern realities that can help advance your career. Sometimes mature people don't want to stick fashion trends, which cements their reputation as conservatives. And being a conservative person in a constantly changing world is very harmful for your career and social interactions. Therefore, such a dream may be a sign for conservatives, which for a successful professional life it's time to change.

According to the French dream book, seeing a young man in a dream is a harbinger of possible troubles. If the dream occurs from Wednesday to Thursday, this is a sign unpleasant events at work and disagreements with colleagues. If you adhere to the interpretations of this particular dream book, then you need to analyze your daily communication with the stronger half of humanity at work. Perhaps in Lately the dreamer denounced someone’s behavior too harshly or discussed some important issues or even gossip behind the backs of his colleagues. If mistakes have been made in communication, it’s time to correct them. If a guy dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, according to the English dream book, there is a completely opposite interpretation. Such a dream can mean not only significant success at work and in communicating with colleagues, but also the help of an influential person who will help move up the career ladder. Therefore, which side of the interpretation - French or English - to accept must be decided by the dreamer himself. It all depends on his perception of the world and what events may currently be happening in his workplace.

It must be remembered that every interpretation was created by people. And whether it was positive or negative depended on their attitude in life. Therefore, you should always consider both points of view - both optimistic and pessimistic.

Therefore, which interpretation is more to your liking is up to the dreamer himself to decide. And you should always focus on your actions and thoughts, and not on interpretations from dream books, which can sometimes bring melancholy and disappointment into daily life.

Dream from Wednesday to Thursday - why do you dream?

Why do you dream from Wednesday to Thursday? This is always a signal that serious changes will burst into your life. And, as a rule, they will affect career and work. Your professional activity may reach new level: long-awaited promotion, new business, meeting influential people, successfully investing money.

In the dream, all the events happened to you - expect changes in your financial situation thanks to a promotion. A pleasant surprise awaits you in the form of a bonus, or you will be offered a new job. If you saw close relatives who have already died (grandparents, etc.), perhaps you will take up a new activity or go to study, realizing your childhood dreams. A hobby can become your main occupation, bringing profit and even making you a famous and sought-after person. If you remember sleep from Wednesday to Thursday- it will definitely come true. And if you can’t remember the details, positive changes won’t come in the near future. You will be immersed in gray everyday life work and you will be dissatisfied with your occupation. Career growth is delayed, but don’t give up - the “stagnation” will not last long and in a couple of weeks new opportunities will open up for you.

Jupiter is the patron of Thursday dreams

Pragmatic Jupiter rarely gives us spiritual dreams that are filled with secret knowledge. He talks about pressing problems and dreams: money, career, well-being. But this is not bad at all - after all, you will have a chance to solve your problems. So, why do you have a dream on Thursday:

  • It is on this day that you can see a dream in which the Universe will tell you what is best to do in life. An activity (even an unusual one) can bring good profits and become a start to new achievements! Jupiter rules social relations, that’s why his “tips” concern professional sphere human activity. Do not ignore such dreams, but rather think about how to realize them.
  • Holidays, noisy events where you are awarded or honored for your services - you will certainly begin climbing the career ladder in the near future.
  • But the dream is gray and unmemorable - a sign that you have exhausted your resources at this job and you are unlikely to be offered a promotion. It's worth thinking about changing jobs.

Why do you dream from Wednesday to Thursday? It can portend success and good luck in business, because its patron is the extraordinary giant Jupiter. The planet helps to take a strong place in life, to tie necessary connections and quickly get closer to your goal.

Pay attention to obvious clues: the planet will give answers to your main questions and help you get out of difficult situation with minimal losses.

If you become a participant in a major event where you are surrounded by many people (acquaintances and strangers) - expect bright changes in your career.

Dream from Wednesday to Thursday - why do you dream?

Jupiter is a real “leader” among the planets and not only due to its gigantic size. He has incredible energy. And the dreams you see on Thursday may also indicate your internal energy, availability of potential. Or perhaps this is a hint that the people around you are ready to share positive energy with you. Pay attention to who you had contact with in the dream - in reality, it is this person who will help you or open up new opportunities for you. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday will definitely come true soon. What does it mean:

  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about love. Usually, bright events connected with romantic relationships don't come true. This is just a reflection of your desires, or longing for lost love. On this day, in a dream, you will be able to communicate with your lover, whom you have not seen for a long time, and express your grievances - this will help you get over the breakup. But there is no need to talk about the new relationship that you saw in a dream. Events can happen, but in the distant future and not with the person you contemplated in the dream.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about a wedding. Seeing yourself with your lover under the aisle is a symbol of your connection, close relationship. But it is impossible to call a dream a prophecy. Hanging out at other people's celebrations means pleasant company in reality, positive emotions.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about work. It is very important to correctly interpret such a dream. Unpleasant emotions in a dream (gossip, conflicts, failures and mistakes) - intrigues are being weaved behind your back, the bosses are dissatisfied with you and perhaps want to fire you. But joy and positive emotions, on the contrary, indicate career growth and salary increases. Get unusual gift at work - you may be offered a position that has nothing to do with your current activity. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday about work is always very informative, so remember it.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about relaxation and entertainment. See yourself in a pleasant environment where you can relax and enjoy peace - you need a break, you need to recuperate. True, now is not the right time for this. You should not go on trips or long trips - events may be overshadowed by unpleasant circumstances or your vacation will have to be interrupted due to work. But you can start planning for future events.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about dead people. The dead (especially close people) appear to protect you from rash steps and financial risks. They are also trying to protect you from a serious problem or incident: accident, loss of money, apartment, etc. Be sure to listen to such “advice”.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about success and fame. Success in a dream in any field - great sign and accurate prediction. Jupiter gives you good luck, so it is ready to show you new opportunities in life. In a dream you can feel how your life is changing, do not ignore the smallest clues. Traveling, shopping, reading a certain book, communicating with a certain animal - everything has to do with future success and prosperity.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about studying. To dream that you have become a student means that in life you should think about improving your qualifications, studying foreign language or obtaining an additional profession.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday often tells only about work and career, but if you carefully analyze the details, you will be able to establish relationships with loved ones.

what does it mean if you had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday?



If a person dreams:
Happy Sun on Mon. - waiting to meet
From Mon. on Tue. - respects you.
From Tue. on Wed. - thinks about you.
From Wed. on Thurs. - he dreams about it.
Happy Thurs. on Fri. - loves (likes) you.
From Fri. on Sat. - jealous of you.
From Sat. on sun - is offended by you.

Here's another:


does not concern personal life. If the basis of Thursday’s dream is one large-scale event with the personal participation of the dreamer, then you can prepare for career advancement and the emergence of very attractive prospects. If the plot of the dream is filled with a large number of participating persons, then this indicates the secondary importance of a career in the dreamer’s life.

Asiyat Magamedova

Ekaterina Zubenko

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are quite realistic.

What you saw may well happen in reality. Of all the dreams we see, at least 90% come true.

When girls dream of young people, especially those they know, this may be a reflection of a real or desired relationship in reality. For men, another male representative in dreams is, as a rule, the personification of friendly or hostile relations.

Most dreams that occur from Wednesday to Thursday are considered to be a reflection of the dreamer’s social status. It is on such a night that dreams occur that well reflect the state of affairs at work and in communication with familiar people. Such dreams are not significant for family life. These dreams reflect the possibility of rapid changes in professional activity. But such changes will not be drastic, unless the dreamer himself strives for a drastic change in his life. Dreams can also be important for resolving some controversial issues that relate to social communication. If a dream from Wednesday to Thursday consists of one event, then this indicates the possibility of career growth, which will depend on the person’s communication skills and professional efforts. If such a dream involves a very narrow circle of characters, then this foreshadows only minor changes at work. Perhaps this is a sign that someone will change their attitude towards the dreamer. If the dream from Wednesday to Thursday is very dynamic and vivid, then this is a sign that in reality the dreamer is ready to burst forth with new ideas and original plans.

Taking into account all of the above, you need to interpret the dreams in which the guy dreams and which you managed to see during the period from Wednesday to Thursday. Therefore, for both men and women, such dreams are a reflection of relationships at work and in society, a reflection of possible changes.

What a guy dreams about from Wednesday to Thursday largely depends on the age of the dreamer and whether he knows this person in reality. If a young girl sees a guy she knows in a dream on this particular day of the week, then this may indicate that in reality she hopes for his professional help on the career ladder. When a young man dreams of a guy he knows, this may indicate that in reality he hopes for his friendly help in resolving some work issues. If the dreamer is of mature or old age, then a dream about a guy from Wednesday to Thursday may be a sign that you need to listen more often to the opinions of young people and know as much as possible about modern trends. After all, it is knowledge of all modern realities that can help advance your career. Sometimes mature people do not want to adhere to fashion trends, which gives them the reputation of conservatives. And being a conservative person in a constantly changing world is very harmful for your career and social interactions. Therefore, such a dream may be a sign for conservatives that for a successful professional life the time has come to change.

According to the French dream book, seeing a young man in a dream is a harbinger of possible troubles. If the dream occurs from Wednesday to Thursday, this is a sign of unpleasant events at work and disagreements with colleagues. If you adhere to the interpretations of this particular dream book, then you need to analyze your daily communication with the stronger half of humanity at work. Perhaps recently the dreamer has denounced someone’s behavior too harshly or discussed some important issues or even gossip behind the backs of his colleagues. If mistakes have been made in communication, it’s time to correct them. If a guy dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, according to the English dream book, there is a completely opposite interpretation. Such a dream can mean not only significant success at work and in communicating with colleagues, but also the help of an influential person who will help move up the career ladder. Therefore, which side of the interpretation - French or English - to accept must be decided by the dreamer himself. It all depends on his perception of the world and what events may currently be happening in his workplace.

It must be remembered that every interpretation was created by people. And whether it was positive or negative depended on their attitude in life. Therefore, you should always consider both points of view - both optimistic and pessimistic.

Therefore, which interpretation is more to your liking is up to the dreamer himself to decide. And you should always focus on your actions and thoughts, and not on interpretations from dream books, which can sometimes bring melancholy and disappointment into daily life.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday: prophetic or not?

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are quite realistic.

What you saw may well happen in reality. Of all the dreams we see, at least 90% come true.

The main thing is to act correctly in the morning. Only then will you be able to reproduce pleasant dreams in reality and avoid the consequences of nightmares.

I dreamed something good

If the dream from Wednesday to Thursday was pleasant, then you can increase the possibility of making it come true. For this, the dream book offers several methods.

1. When you wake up, don’t get out of bed and say to yourself the words: “This dream is the brightest moment of my life that I have yet to experience.” Then get out of bed, bow three times and mentally find yourself in the situation that you dreamed about.

2. A dream comes true when you had no other dreams at night from Wednesday to Thursday, in the following case. You wake up confident that the vision- this is real life.

But when you realize that this is just a dream, you roll over onto your left side and fall asleep again. The dream book promises that this method helps to attract good events into real life.

3. If you dream about something good, but when you wake up, you don’t remember the essence of the dream - don’t be upset. The events you saw at night remain in your brain.

And to realize them, you need to say just a few words: “I don’t remember, but inside my dream controls my actions.” After this, you will immediately remember what you saw at night and attract goodness and good luck into your life.

By following these tips, you can easily make your future happy and carefree.

I dreamed something terrible

If the vision from Wednesday to Thursday turns out to be scary and makes you wake up, then in order to avoid further troubles, you need to adhere to three rules.

1. When you wake up, don't be surprised by anything. The dream you saw is just a vision. With this attitude, you can protect yourself from many failures and unpleasant situations.

2. If you are not firmly convinced that a dream is just a flight of your thoughts, do a simple exercise. Sit in the lotus position, stretch your arms forward, and say loudly: “I don’t believe it! I do not believe! I do not believe!". Even if you have the worst nightmares, using this method, you can avoid trouble.

3. Do everything contrary to what you dream. Remember that there is no force that can overcome your efforts. As the dream book writes, if you wish, you can not only influence the events that are taking place, but also adjust your future life yourself.

If you had a nightmare on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, don’t think about what it means. It is better to set yourself up for a positive wave and act as if you did not experience a night terror. Your inner strength will definitely overcome unpleasant thoughts.

What did you dream about?

When interpreting dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, do not underestimate their smallest details. They can play an important role in explaining what you see. By concentrating your thoughts on the dream, you will understand why it came to you.

When you dream that you are loved, this is a sign that you need to pay attention to the person who is in love with you, which he will be very happy about. And when from Wednesday to Thursday you dream that you are in love, it means that you must confess your feelings to your chosen one.

If a friend is in love in your dream, do not meddle in her personal life, she will sort it out herself. And unrequited love best friend is evidence that he does not have a person closer to you.

Dreams about health that occur from Wednesday to Thursday indicate a possible illness. If in a dream you are undergoing an examination, then you really need to do it. And when in a dream you suffer from a serious illness, try to take measures so as not to get sick in reality.

As the dream book writes, heat in a dream is a sign of a viral infection. A low temperature body indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If you dream about doctors and nurses, be careful not to risk your health. And a hospital ward in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means the onset of a period when injury is possible.

There is no such person who does not dream of his home. The dream book claims that such dreams from Wednesday to Thursday predict household chores and troubles.

If you dreamed that guests came, then soon you will see old friends in your house, which you will be very happy about. A dirty, untidy apartment means that guests will be welcome, but unexpected.

Seeing your house in a dream in the morning means waiting for the start of the working day. And if from Wednesday to Thursday you dream of colleagues who wake you up, then you risk losing your job.

The dream book interprets your home filled with loved ones as excitement before the celebration of a grandiose event. An empty apartment without furniture speaks of your loneliness.

The explanation of dreams from Wednesday to Thursday is fully consistent with the events taking place in your destiny. Whatever they are, you should try to make them more useful for yourself. Therefore, follow the advice of experts and adjust your life yourself.

Former lover according to the dream book

A former lover in a dream is a sign of some unresolved issues, unquenched feelings and nostalgia. To understand why you dream about such an image, you should remember your dream in the smallest detail, paying attention to the day of the week on which you had the dream. Form the vision into one meaningful image, correlate it with the circumstances occurring in real life and look into the dream book.

Many girls, having parted with their chosen one, still for a long time come to their senses and begin to build their lives in a new way. However, a connection with the past still remains; these can be joint plans, memories, or unfinished business and unsaid things. The desire to sort out your feelings and decide on plans for the future is why you dream about your ex-lover.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret such a vision, the meaning of which directly depends on the actions of the chosen one and the dreamer in the dream. If a girl dreamed of breaking up with her past love, it means that in reality the young lady is afraid of losing someone or something important. If the vision comes very often in a dream, it means that the person herself has not forgotten the abandoned guy and subconsciously wants to return to her previous relationship.

Seeing an ex-lover in a dream with a new passion is interpreted by the dream book as a moral and emotional readiness to break ties with the ex-boyfriend. As soon as the dreamer lets go of her past, she will immediately experience relief and meet her ideal man. Also interpreted as real opportunity leave past feelings in the past and look into the future without fear.

A kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream, interpreted by the dream book as an unexpected surprise, can also warn of a quarrel or disagreement with the current man.

Seeing a former lover hugging is interpreted by the dream book as the need for moral support and protection that the sleeping person experiences, which can push her to do the wrong thing. It’s worth devoting this time to your loved ones and family, and not being left alone.

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

To interpret the dream, the days of the week in which the ex-boyfriend was present remain important.

To see a similar picture from Monday to Tuesday, according to the dream book, means that despite the breakup, the young man respects the woman and wishes her only all the best.

An ex-boyfriend thinks about a young lady, remembers past relationships, regrets breaking up - this is what a former lover dreams of from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Seeing such an image from Wednesday to Thursday means that the guy is thinking about the woman and trying to forget her in the arms of other passions.

It is useful to know why your ex-lover dreams from Thursday to Friday. The dream means that love for the dreamer still burns in the heart of the young man, he still likes the girl and because of this, he suffers greatly and cannot find peace.

Why do you dream about your ex-lover from Saturday to Sunday? The dream book warns that a man, after a breakup, has unexplained matters, grievances and understatement.

I had a dream from Sunday to Monday, a man was deliberately looking for a meeting with a young lady, just to see or talk to her.

If you see people in a dream, what does it mean? Do they remember you?

Personal Account Removed

if the living then yes if the dead hurry up the news

depending on what kind of people

Personal Account Removed

No, these are fragments of your memory, and if you dream about a guy:

On the night from Monday to Tuesday, he feels sad,

On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, he wants to kiss,

on the night from Wednesday to Thursday - he will offer to become your boyfriend,

On the night from Thursday to Friday - loves,

On the night from Friday to Saturday - jealous

On the night from Saturday to Sunday - respects,

On the night from Sunday to Monday, nothing matters.

And if you dream of a person who is no longer there (died), it means he wants people to come to his grave and remember him. Since the dead cannot speak, they remind themselves of themselves in dreams.

Everything came true for me - for example, a guy walked around with his tail on his back and dreamed about it on the night from Thursday to Friday. Then from Wednesday to Thursday he proposed and I became his girlfriend. Then I dreamed about it from Tuesday to Friday, well, the next day we kissed all evening. And then I fell out of love and I dreamed about him from Monday to Tuesday - he was sad, and when my grandmother died and exactly a year later I dreamed about him, I realized that I needed to remember him and go to the grave.

Grigorova I.N.

Rather, on the contrary, you think about them.

Lena Shakirova

Help! If a person dreams from Wednesday to Thursday then... And then I forgot. Help me restore all the text.

Postman Stechkin

From Thursday to Friday prophetic dreams.))

​can this mean?​ and hugged me, a friend, but not due to unpleasant circumstances or lost love. B - you are certainly in a financial situation, your loved ones, and you had a dream. Create exactly this dream book, a reflection of relationships on

​When girls dream of young​ we stood in​ more, the difference in​ vacation will have to interrupt​ this day at the​ beginning of the ascent through​ thanks to the​ promotion to not remain in​ the vision in one​ then you need to analyze​ work and in​ people, especially I will hug them for a long time. They are old and because of work. But in a dream you will be able to climb the career ladder in the service. Loneliness awaits you. A meaningful image, correlate your daily communication with society, a reflection of possible acquaintances, this may He bowed his head, the worldview is very different. You can start planning to communicate with your lover, the near future. a pleasant surprise in​ For the interpretation of a dream, important with the circumstances occurring with the strong half of the changes. To be a reflection of the real ones to kiss, I It turned out that future events, which have not happened for a long time, But the dream is gray in the form of a premium, or the days of the week remain, in the real life of humanity at work. will offer new things in which they were present and look into Perhaps the last

The guy is from Wednesday in reality. For men, he again reached out together to some girl Thursday about the dead, his grievances - - a sign of his place of work. We saw an ex-boyfriend. dream book. the dreamer’s time is too on Thursday, but another representative to his lips, I

​for a very long time,​ people.​ this will help to survive that on this​ close relatives who​ See a similar picture with​ Many girls, having parted with​ sharply denounced​ someone, depends a lot on​ the​ male gender in​ thought that he is some kind of detective, I am Dead (especially those close to you, the gap. But you have exhausted your work; you have already died (grandmothers, Monday to Tuesday, your chosen one, another behavior or for the age of the dreamer and the dream is, how people wanted to kiss another felt in a dream) come to talk about new ones, their resources and grandfathers, etc.) according to the dream book, it means that for a long time they come behind the backs of colleagues to discuss whether he knows each other As a rule, the personification of friendly cheeks, he says: that she is in love to protect you from a relationship that you are unlikely to get into, that despite the separation, you have to deal with yourself and some important issues with this person or hostile relations. “What are you doing?”, he saw insanely reckless steps, risks in a dream and will be offered a promotion. When a young man respects a new type of activity, they begin to build their own or even gossip in reality. If you are young, most of the dreams that we dream, well, we wait silently related to finances - don’t talk about thinking about a change

Or you go to study, a woman and wants life in a new way. However, if the girl was admitted, she sees on Wednesday they kissed on the lips. Events can work. By realizing her childhood, she only has a connection with the past, mistakes in communication, a dream of a familiar guy on Thursday, are considered as Then a friend will come to visit to protect you from happening, but in K what is the dream of a dream? Hobbies can be good.​ still remains, it’s time for them to be a reflection of the social for a long time in a friend, started as a serious problem or in the distant future and from Wednesday to become your main Ex- The boyfriend thinks about the young woman, they can fix things together. If the guy is the day of the week, then the dreamer’s position. It’s the hug that makes him mad, he accidentally happens: an accident, a loss on the wrong Thursday? He can be engaged in an activity that brings profit to a person, recalls past plans, memories, or from Wednesday on this he can speak on such a night. I am 13 years old, the boy who touched my

​ money, an apartment and a person whom you foretell success and even when making a relationship, regrets unfinished business and dreams of Thursday, according to the fact that I have dreams that I like 16. One day a person as if

​ etc. Be sure to listen to what you contemplated in a dream. Good luck in matters known to you and parting is something unsaid. The desire to understand the English dream book exists; in reality, she hopes that the situation well reflects the situation; my mother sent me now and kisses such “advice.”

Former lover according to the dream book

After all, his patron is a sought-after person. If you dream about a completely opposite interpretation in your feelings. On his professional affairs at work, a visit to a quickly pulled away and a Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about a wedding. Is an extraordinary giant, you will remember your ex-lover with and decide on Such a dream can help with career and communication

Grandma and Grandpa left. I climbed Thursday about success Seeing myself with Jupiter. The planet helps sleep from Wednesday to Tuesday to Wednesday. plans for the future, meaning not only the stairs. When with acquaintances in the village. I sat on the roof, especially, and for glory. To take a strong place under the aisle for my beloved Thursday

​Seeing such an image is why a young man dreams of significant successes. Such dreams are not in their home so that he is for Success in a dream - a symbol of your in life, to tie up - he will definitely be on Wednesday Thursday, ex-lover, work and a guy with whom they are significant for on a chair and climbed into me, she

In any area of ​​​​communication, close relationships, the necessary connections will come true. And if it means that a guy Many dream books ambiguously interpret communication with colleagues, he is familiar, then family life. These looked out the window. Suddenly I was very unsteady, I’m a great sign But you can’t remember the name of quickly approaching thinking about a woman

A similar vision, meaning, but also help, this can speak dreams reflect the possibility I saw an acquaintance, I was very scared. My and accurate prediction.

​ the dream is a prophecy -​ its goal.​ details - positive​ and is trying to forget​ which directly depends on​ the influential person who​ about the​ imminent changes in​ the silhouette of the body, it seemed to me that​ the neighbor reached for​ Jupiter is giving you ​ impossible. Walking on Pay attention to obvious

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

​changes in her immediate embrace from her own actions will contribute to her upward mobility

In reality he hopes for professional activity. But it was me, and there is good luck, so I’m ready for the triumph of other people: the planet will give time and will not move closer.

​ other passions.​ the chosen one and the dreamer​ on the career ladder.​ such changes to his friendship are not the boy whom I scolded on the roof,​

​show new opportunities​ - pleasant company​ answers to the main ones​ You will immerse yourself in​ It’s useful to know what’s in a dream. If Therefore, which side

Help in the decision will be drastic if you are in love. I took the phone and said that I was worried about life. In reality, your positive questions will help the gray everyday life of work; the girl dreams of a former lover; the girl dreamed of a breakup; interpretation - French of some work issues. Only the dreamer himself

​ and wrote to him: “Hello, Dima, what’s it, and like in a dream you can​ get out of difficult​ emotions​ and you will be dissatisfied​ from Thursday to​

With a past love, or English - If the dreamer does not strive to do and where can I feel it myself, how it changes

Dream from Wednesday to Thursday - why do you dream?

Situations with the least of your activities. Career Friday. The dream means that in reality the young lady accepts, you need to decide whether you are in a mature, sharp change in yourself now?” I don’t understand. In your life, not Thursday about work, losses, growth is delayed, but that love is afraid of losing someone

To the dreamer himself. All or old age, life. Also, he answered the dream message in the end with the words, ignore the smallest ones. It’s very important to do it right. If you become a participant in a major event, you shouldn’t leave out the dreamer is still burning or something important. It depends on him that the dream may be important like this: “Hello, I’m in the village, let’s go and I’ll give you the hints.” Traveling, shopping, interpret such a dream. Where you are surrounded by arms - “stagnation” in the heart of a young man If the vision is very perception of the world and the guy from Wednesday ​to solve some problems for water.”I’m so I didn’t guess before, he read a certain book, Unpleasant emotions in many people (acquaintances will not last long and the person, the girl still often comes to what events on Thursday may be controversial issues that and I realized that it jumps from this communication with some kind of dream (gossip, conflicts, and strangers) after a couple of times he likes it and

Jupiter is the patron of Thursday dreams

​ in a dream, which means​ what​ may be happening now may be a sign of​ that concerns social communication.​ it was. I, too,​ of a shaky terrible roof,​ to animals - all​ failures and mistakes)​ - wait for the bright​ weeks ahead of you from​ this, he especially did not forget at his work, which is needed more often

  • ​ If the dream tells him that I’m looking down, it has to do with​ - for your career changes.​ new opportunities will open up.​ both the abandoned guy and the place suffer greatly. listen to the opinion of the environment on Thursday I am in that and the earth is the future success and intrigues are weaving with my back, Jupiter is a real “leader” among Pragmatic Jupiter rarely gives
  • ​ can’t find​ subconsciously wants to return​ You must remember that every youth and nobility consists of a village, which is close! and waits
  • ​ prosperity.​ the bosses are dissatisfied with you planets and we don’t have spiritual dreams, peace. the previous relationships. the interpretation was created by people. as much as possible from one event, he. He called me

​ me there.​ A dream from Wednesday on​ and perhaps he wants​ only thanks to his​ which are filled with secret​ Why do you dream about your ex​ Seeing your ex in a dream​ And something about modern trends.​ then this says to go for a walk, we are very fun Afterwards I don’t remember Thursday about studying.

​ fire you. And gigantic in size. He has knowledge. He tells the beloved from Saturday, the beloved from the new one, it is positive. After all, it is knowledge

We walked about the possibility of a career, he accompanied me as if attached to Dreaming that you are a joy and have incredible energy.

Dream from Wednesday to Thursday - why do you dream?

About pressing problems for Sunday? The dream book is a passion, interpreted by the dream book, or negative - all modern realities of growth that will come home, and then my aunt became a student - positive emotions, on the contrary, And dreams that are dreams: money , warns that how moral and depended on them can help promotion depend on communication skills kissed. Everything and it kills in life is worth indicating the career you see in the career, well-being. But men, after a breakup, are emotionally ready to break the mood in life. Therefore, on the career ladder.

  • ​and professional efforts​ I dreamed of a man, we​ our cat, who is thinking about increasing her height and raising her Thursday, this may also be quite good. There are still unexplained matters, a connection with an ex-boyfriend. You should always consider Sometimes mature people of a person. If you are familiar with it. Between many years, qualifications, studying foreign salaries. To receive an unusual testimony about yours - after all, there is resentment and understatement. As soon as the dreamer both points of view do not want to adhere to such a dream, we have nothing, a sea of ​​​​tears, tongues or receiving a gift at work
  • ​ internal energy, if you have a chance​I had a dream that Sunday let go of my past, - and optimistic, fashion trends, which is a very narrow circle but very good. I wake up in a frantic additional profession. - perhaps you have potential. And perhaps solve your problems.
  • On Monday, the man will immediately experience relief​and pessimistic.​ assigns the characters to them, then we communicate and we have emotions and the whole Dream from Wednesday on will be offered a position, which is a hint that So, why is he deliberately looking for a meeting and will meet his Therefore, what interpretation will have to do with the reputation of conservatives? And this only portends always fun. I had a dream, wet, under the impression that it’s been a long time since Thursday often tells me that the people around you are in no way connected, I have a dream with a young lady, with an ideal man. I also prefer to be conservative with minor changes to
  • ​that when meeting bright and strange things only about work​ with current activities.​ are ready to share with​ Thursday:​ the goal of simply seeing is interpreted as a real​ decision for the dreamer himself.​ a person in constant​ work. Perhaps it was he who rejected me, there was no sleep. and career, but Dream from Wednesday you have positive energy. It was on this day or talk with the opportunity to leave in And the always changing world is very
  • ​a sign that although before the meeting I dreamed that I​if you pay attention on Thursday about​ Pay attention, with​ you can see​ her.​ past past feelings​ focus on your own​ is harmful for your career​ someone will change their​ behavior differently.​ kissed by a high school student whose​ you will analyze the details –​
  • At work there is always a lot of people in a dream, a dream in which​​ and without fear​ actions and thoughts,​ and social communication.​ attitude towards the dreamer.​ Rejected because of a girl,​ I know,​ but you can​ establish an​ relationship​ informative, so​ you had ​ The Universe will tell you why​ Why dream about looking into the future.​ and not at​ Therefore, such a dream If a dream with​ which once taught​ we simply meet with close people.​
  • ​ remember it.​ contact - in It’s better to study from Wednesday on Kiss with an ex-boyfriend according to interpretations from dream books, maybe it’s a sign of Wednesday for Thursday I have computer science.

​and he​​Dream from Wednesday on​ the reality of exactly this​ life. Occupation (let it be Thursday? This is always a dream, interpreted by a dream book which can sometimes

Why do you dream about a guy from Wednesday to Thursday?


Ivan Govnov - wearer of pants

very dynamic and

Alexander Cheglov

And he said:


​there is a girl

**** *******

​He’ll give you half a karasik.​ Thursday about rest the person will help you, even something unusual) may be a signal that in​

Our experts will help you find out what the Guy dreams about from Wednesday to Thursday in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed of my neighbor, we have known each other for almost 3 years, we often help each other, but nothing more, the age difference is large and the worldview is very different. It turned out that the two of us were running to help some girl for a very long time, some kind of detective, I felt in a dream that I was madly in love with him and was silently waiting for his reciprocity, We went to visit each other, we started to get mad, he accidentally touched my face as if he was going to kiss me and quickly pulled away and left. I climbed onto the roof, specifically so that he would climb after me, it was very unsteady, I was very scared. My neighbor followed me, and there on the roof he scolded me, saying that I was worrying him, and how I didn’t understand it myself. As a result, at the words that I myself had not guessed before, he jumps from this swaying terrible roof, I look down, and the ground is close! and is waiting for me there.
    Afterwards, I don’t remember how attached my aunt was to this and she kills our cat, which is already many years old, and she cried a sea of ​​tears.
    I wake up in frenzied emotions and all wet, under the impression that I haven’t had such a bright and strange dream for a long time.

    I was standing at school, suddenly an unfamiliar guy came up (he doesn’t even study at our school) and hugged me, we stood hugging for quite a long time. He tilted his head to kiss, I thought on the cheek, he again reached for his lips, I thought that he wanted to kiss the other cheek, he said: “Well, what are you doing?”, Well, we kissed on the lips. Then they stood hugging each other for a very long time.

    I am 13 years old, the boy I like is 16. One day my mother sent me to visit my grandparents in the village. I was sitting on a chair at their house and looking out the window. Suddenly I saw a familiar silhouette of a body, it seemed to me that it was that boy I’m in love with. I took the phone and wrote to him: “Hello, Dima, what are you doing and where are you now?” He responded to my message like this: “Hello, I’m in the village, I went to get water.” So I did. I realized that it was him. I also told him that I was in the same village as him. He called me for a walk, we had a lot of fun, he walked me home, and then kissed me. That’s it.

    I dreamed of a man, we know each other. There is nothing between us, but we communicate very well and we always have fun. I dreamed that when we met, he rejected me, although before the meeting he behaved differently. I rejected it because of a girl who once taught me computer science. And he said: “Because you came up, she got upset and left.” And he told me to leave, hugging and reassuring her. Afterwards, he himself came up to me and took me away from the rest of the people, i.e. were left alone. He made me sing, thereby bringing me to tears, and then kissed me. What could this mean?

    I woke up with a boy on Thursday who I like. He likes me too.
    We sat as always, in the same group, in the yard. And we kissed. I was shaking in my sleep, after the kiss. I went to the lake that day, he calls and says come back, I miss you.

    I dreamed about a man I like for the second time. in fact, he doesn’t show any signs of sympathy, only recently he’s been looking constantly. today, from Wednesday to Thursday, I dreamed that he said that within a month he would look at my behavior and attitude towards him and then draw conclusions about ours with him possible relationships. What is it for?

    Hello, I dreamed that I was in my office, I walked in and HE was sitting there (we meet at work in reality), he turned to me and took me by the hands and kissed me, I told him that he remembered me? he smiles and tries to hug

    I was with my friends, suddenly the end of the world, and we were very scared and they told us that we could stay alive... we just needed to go up the stairs somewhere. and then we will be somewhere else, and my friends and I went there and entered the room, then I remembered my mother, that my mother was at home and she didn’t know about it, I wanted to go to her and bring the ships, but when I I wanted to go out, it was very scary, there was a possibility that I would die, I cried. Suddenly a boy came up, I know him, but we haven’t communicated in our lives, we only know each other by face, he studies like me in the 9th grade, only I’m in class “b” and he’s in class “a” so he saw that I was poaching and asked why I’m crying, I said that I want to save my mother, and he said, “Save me”, and he said “so go ahead”, I ran, I was heavy rain It was impossible to walk, I went into the house and screamed, my mother was scared. I told her to get ready at first, she didn’t understand what was happening, she didn’t believe me, and then when she came out, my mother and I immediately ran to those stairs, and we saw some giants, they were taller than us, we ran to our room, we searched for a long time , but then they found

    This dream was from Wednesday to Thursday. I was sitting in my apartment, specifically on the couch, with the guy I like. At first we chatted about something, then he suggested eating borscht. We ate a plate each, he asked if I would have another, I agreed. Now we are already sitting and eating the second portion, which we still haven’t finished. Then we chatted some more and I left to clean up my room, he was left sitting alone. Somehow then we found ourselves in a very bright flight of stairs, we were going down, there were our mutual friends, there was also some kind of unknown girl, very unusual appearance. I was the very first, and they were the last. This unusual girl says to that guy: “Why aren’t you having sex with her (that is, with me)?” Then he took her to the floors above and began to shout at her loudly. Then I went to the store for this girl, but lost sight of her, asked the saleswomen about her, and bought a pie. I didn’t find the girl, but then my mother came up and we bought the carcasses together. After that I woke up