Features of an ankle tattoo

The tattoo on this part of the body does not seem to be too noticeable. But anyone who glances at him at least once will no longer be able to take his eyes off. Especially if the design is chosen wisely. After all, this rather intimate place on a woman’s body always attracts attention. It’s not for nothing that many celebrities put tattoos on their ankles.

Plus, a neat pattern on your leg can always be hidden under trousers or boots. Therefore, you can apply it even if you plan to make a career in a serious institution with a strict dress code in the future.

If desired, the tattoo can be hidden for a long time even from parents. Although no. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide anything from them for a long time. You will have to ask for permission to visit the salon.

Advice! Even when applying a small tattoo, the artist needs to concentrate. If you want to get a high-quality drawing, forget about the noisy company and “support group” when going to the salon. And noisy children have nothing to do in the cabin.

Types of ankle tattoos

There are so many tattoo designs that it is simply unrealistic to list them all. We will give you only the basic ideas. For example, you can prick yourself:

  • anchor as a symbol of stability and reliability;
  • a dolphin, one or more flying swallows or seagulls if you value freedom more than anything else;

  • a bird sitting on a branch, meaning that you are still able to “settle down” (if, of course, the guy can tame you);
  • bird wing: this tattoo means lightness, speed; the feather of the firebird is a symbol of spirituality and inspiration, the desire for the unknown;
  • an image of a small animal, bird or fish, if you identify yourself with one of them;
  • a blooming bud, a small bouquet of flowers or a bunch of berries, associated with femininity and purity;
  • an ornate or short, neat inscription: it is most often done in Latin, Arabic, French or English; Hieroglyphs are also welcome;
  • loved one's initials;

  • hearts of all kinds;
  • a snake wrapping around a leg;
  • a scattering of stars;
  • light and weightless butterfly;
  • key: perhaps with the help of it someone will one day want to discover your heart and soul;
  • bracelet or chain that completely covers the ankle; By the way, the inscription can also be made in the form of a bracelet;
  • sexy strip of lace;
  • bow;
  • any pattern or geometric or floral design; small or more voluminous, starting at the foot itself and extending to the back of the lower leg.

Advice! Before going to the salon, look into a tattoo dictionary (you can easily find it online) and be sure to find out the meaning of the chosen tattoo. To avoid getting into an awkward situation in the future, be sure to find out the exact translation of the phrase you like.

What do stars “wear” on their legs?

Most girls strive to be like their idols. That is why they choose tattoos that famous actresses or singers inflict on themselves, including on their legs. We offer you a small guide to “stellar bodies”:

  • Kelly Ripa: owner of a small rose tattoo on her ankle; By the way, she believes that she did it out of stupidity, although she has absolutely no regrets about the rest of the drawings on her body (and she has a lot of them);
  • the extravagant Paz de la Huerta, on the contrary, is only proud of the cobra pattern that runs from her foot almost to her knee; but this place is very painful;
  • Alyssa Milano made a lot of drawings on her body, including on both ankles: on one she has a cross and an angel plus the initials of her ex-boyfriend, on the other - a chain of scarlet roses;
  • Katy Perry: owner of the famous ankle strawberry; Naturally, this design on her body is not the only one;
  • Nicole Ricci also has several of them: she very often chooses open dresses precisely in order to demonstrate small wings on her back; for her ankle she chose a design with a rosary and a cross;

  • Zoe Saldana recently got a tattoo on her ankle in Arabic: “I want to ask her”; you will agree that the inscription is quite exotic.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, let's summarize.

We have already found out that there are few disadvantages to tattoos on the ankle. But here advantages plenty:

  • a small drawing always looks more elegant;
  • with its help we can attract the attention of men to our beautiful legs;

  • it will allow us to express our inner self;
  • with it we will look more liberated;
  • if desired, it can be easily hidden from prying eyes;
  • when applying a small image, the pain will not have to be endured for long;
  • the drawing is small and will not cost much, so you can afford to order it even in a prestigious salon;
  • Since the skin in this area does not age so quickly, the design will look neat for a long time.

Let's list and minuses:

  • the pain during application, although slight, will still have to be endured;
  • a large image, say a painting, cannot be placed in this place;
  • It will be problematic to remove an unsuccessful tattoo, so immediately choose only a trusted salon;

  • This pattern can be applied only in summer, so that closed shoes do not rub the wound;
  • if it comes into contact with the seams of trousers or shoes, it may wear off over time (although, in principle, the image can be updated at any time if desired).

Advice!To prevent your tattoo from bleeding for too long, do not drink alcohol at least a couple of days before visiting the salon. After all, it is capable of expanding capillaries.

How should you behave in the salon?

If this is your first time going to this place, we recommend that you read the following tips very carefully:

  • if you don’t know how to stay still with minor pain, it’s better not to go to the salon at all; If during the procedure you jerked your leg several times, do not blame the tattoo artist for the fact that the design turned out uneven;

  • tattooing is a very painstaking work, do not rush the artist under any circumstances;
  • don’t force him to squeeze a too large image into a small space on his leg, otherwise you will regret it later;
  • don’t listen to anyone’s advice - choose the drawing yourself; after all, it’s not your friends who will have to go with him all their lives;
  • and don’t complain later that the master couldn’t offer you a more original drawing; the master’s responsibilities include fulfilling any, even the strangest, wishes of the client;
  • keep in mind that 99% of people have once regretted choosing someone’s name as a tattoo; no, we do not convince, but only advise you to take note.

Advice! A 3D tattoo design looks so natural that it can only be distinguished from a real bracelet or bow upon closer inspection.

How to apply a tattoo?

The design is transferred to the skin using special stencil paper. To do this, it is treated with gel (the best option) or soap. During the entire work it is on the body.

The tattoo is applied manually or with special thin needles soldered together. Depending on the chosen pattern, they can enter the skin by 1–5 mm. That is, the contour is outlined brighter and, accordingly, with greater force, and the shadows are drawn slightly noticeable.

The outline is done first, and only then the shading. Shadows are usually applied with pigments diluted in distilled water.

Advice! You will be able to see the final result only after a few days, when the wounds have completely healed.

Does it hurt or not?

Indeed, due to the lack of a large amount of subcutaneous fat, this place is more painful than other parts of the body. However, we all have different pain thresholds. Moreover, the pattern in this place is most often small, so the procedure for applying it will be less lengthy.

However, it all depends on your pain threshold

Advice! If you are afraid of pain, choose the smallest tattoo. Believe me, whoever needs it will definitely see it.

How long does it take for a tattoo to heal?

If the tattoo is applied correctly, and there are no abscesses or ulcers on the body during the healing process, it will heal very quickly - in about 1-2 weeks. On the ankle, due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, a tattoo may heal a little more slowly.

During the first 2–3 days, the redness disappears and a crust appears (removing it, as well as scratching the wound, is strictly prohibited). During healing, much depends on the individual characteristics of your body and the speed of skin regeneration. In young people, as a rule, wounds heal very quickly.

Advice! Even if you think that the drawing does not need correction, be sure to visit the salon again after healing. Or at least send a photo of the tattoo by e-mail. After all, a master always wants to see the end result of his work. Perhaps he will add a photo of the design on your leg to his portfolio.

Tattoo care

The speed of healing of wounds after a tattoo largely depends on the correct care for it:

  • Never remove the bandage prematurely. The master is more familiar with the features of skin regeneration than you, so strictly follow his advice. On average, with a small pattern the size of a matchbox, the bandage can be removed after 4 hours. It is removed from a volumetric tattoo after 12 hours.
  • Never wash the wound with alcohol. Warm boiled water without soap is enough. Rubbing a healing tattoo is also prohibited.
Never wash the wound with alcohol. Warm boiled water without soap is enough. Rubbing a healing tattoo is also prohibited.
  • After applying it, do not bandage your leg too tightly. Keep the bandage on for 1-4 hours. You should not leave it on your leg for too long - the wound should dry in the air.
  • After the specified time has passed, remove the bandage and rinse the tattoo with running water. Warm water will help open the pores and wash away excess pigment from the wound. Then open cold water and wash the wound with it. This will help soothe irritated skin. Do this quickly enough so that the wound does not get too wet.
  • Repeat the procedure 4 times a day for at least 3 days in a row.
  • If you feel tenderness in the wound area, take ibuprofen.

Advice! The first days the tattoo may look sloppy. But after the excess mascara comes out from under the skin, it will take on a normal appearance. You will be able to see the final result no earlier than in 10–12 days (in the case of a large tattoo, no earlier than a month).

How to remove a tattoo you don't like?

If you doubt the correct choice of image for a tattoo, it is better to apply a temporary image. If you are completely satisfied with it, you can get a permanent permanent tattoo.

We give this advice not in vain. After all, tattoo removal is an even more painful procedure (most often it is removed with a laser). Plus the cost of breeding will be considerable. In addition, a small, but still scar will remain at the site of the tattoo after removal.

Tattoo removal is an even more painful procedure

Advice!On some forums you can read “smart” ideas for tattoo removal. What is not used: brilliant green, iodine and even acids. Please note that if you remove it at home, you will only get huge scars. Best case scenario. Or, if you are less fortunate, suppuration and terrible inflammation.

Lioness transforming into a fish. This is Charlize Theron. The model and actress was born in August, but she imprinted on her body not the patron constellation, but a playful carp. Charlize loves these fish and considers them a symbol of good luck and wealth.

By the way, this is also the case in the East. Here the golden carp is revered, as are dragons and the color red. So what does it mean ankle tattoo Theron, we got it. It remains to understand what the other images near the feet say.

The meaning of an ankle tattoo

Some ankle tattoo designs relate to the prison theme. Thus, the shackles depicted at the bottom of the legs indicate that the prisoner committed a crime while already in prison for previous offenses. Prisoners also apply cats to their ankles. They are recognized as a symbol of good luck in illegal matters and caution. The abbreviation "KOT" translates as "indigenous inhabitant of the prison." It turns out that tattoos are worn by those who almost never appear in the wild.

Cats are loved not only in the zones. Law-abiding citizens also like the image of mustachios. To prevent the tattoo from being confused with pictures of the zone, you should choose color sketches. In places not so remote it is customary to make only black and white tattoo on ankle. Meaning The character will also change if you select a cartoon image, or a full-scale version of the mustachioed one. In prisons they use only his face, made in a realistic manner of painting.

Ankle tattoo - pattern, which can contain any elements. Of these, there are the most popular. These include, for example, plants. Four leaf clovers are used. This is a sign of good luck, akin to a horseshoe. Typically, clover petals have only three leaves. Therefore, the drawing is also considered a symbol of exclusivity and chosenness. Sakura is associated with the fragility of the universe and the continuous series of rebirths.

Lotus is a sign of peace and thoughtfulness. The Western rose is associated with beauty and passion. So, flowers on ankle - tattoo, capable of satisfying any requests regarding the meaning of the image. True, plant themes are more often used by women. Men prefer other symbols. Let's figure out which ones.

Tattoo on the ankle for men

Men more often refer to their ankles as ankles, in a folk manner. The area is rarely chosen by gentlemen for body art. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the images are hardly viewed. They are hidden by trousers or socks - a classic in any guy’s wardrobe. Only beaches and swimming pools remain for demonstration. Even if you wear shorts, it is better to place the patterns on your knees or calves. Here the tattoos look more impressive.

The second reason for ignoring photo, tattoo on ankles men - lack of muscle relief that would emphasize the pattern. By doing this on your arms you can highlight your pumped up biceps and triceps. The abdominal muscles are played out on the stomach, and the oblique muscles are played on the back. The ankle is almost devoid of muscles, elegant, and only ladies want to emphasize elegance.

The pain of the procedure cannot be ignored. Men are patient. But, if there is an opportunity to choose another, less sensitive area, the guys try to take advantage of this chance.

Usually, lettering tattoo on ankle, or another image is made by those who are already covered with multiple tattoos. For girls, on the contrary, the patterns on the ankles often become the only ones. Therefore, ladies approach the choice of sketch with special care.

Women's ankle tattoos

Ankle tattoo for girls- a way to play up the elegance of the legs. Therefore, a lady's choice often falls on sketches that imitate jewelry. Typically, the design is made in the shape of a bracelet. This is what Nicole Richie wears, for example. Its chain falls onto the foot, ending with a pendant in the form of a cross. Nicole is a Christian. She wanted the tattoo to be not only a decoration, but also to serve as a talisman reflecting the girl’s faith.

“Bracelet” ankle tattoo may not consist of chain links, but of letters. The inscription, like religious symbols, clearly conveys the meaning of the image. Girls imprint their favorite quotes, life attitudes and mottos on their bodies. There is an opinion that any ring figures are amulets. It’s not for nothing that a circle was drawn in Gogol’s Viy so that Pannochka would not get at the uninvited guest of the church. The Slavs embroidered belts with beads, passing them on through inheritance. An unbelted man, our ancestors believed, is vulnerable to demons.

These beliefs attract women. Even a simple ankle bracelet, without crosses, spells and other things, from their point of view, is reliable protection from harm. Women's ankle tattoos - photo, which often display butterflies, birds, lizards and dolphins. They are all graceful, which corresponds to the essence of a girl. Requests for cute, good-natured, graceful characters. True, not every painting can fit around the ankles. Well, more on that separately.

The nuances of applying a tattoo on the ankle

The ankle is a small area of ​​the body. Paintings with many nuances and complex compositions are difficult to fit on it. At the same time, quality has to be sacrificed. As a result, the image looks crumpled. Over the years, the lines drawn back to back merge into a single, unflattering spot. Therefore, simple images are selected for tattoos near the ankles. If there is a large flower, then one. If there are many buds, then small ones.

If you need a lion, then it is better to depict it in the form of a simplified coat of arms. A realistic painting in the ankle area will not be possible. Instead of a bird, it is better to stuff only a feather from it. But stars, anchors, butterflies and hearts will also work in the traditional version. There is no need to transform crowns, diamonds, or zodiac signs.

Considering the small size of the patterns, they are applied to the ankle quite quickly. Often, one session is enough. The client receives the image not in pieces, but all at once. This gives a special pleasure when leaving the salon. The amount that you have to leave in it is also pleasant.

Small ones are not expensive, but at the same time they decorate the body and give joy. It will also not be difficult to remove such a tattoo. It won’t be difficult to cover up a tattoo if you need to go to a business meeting or meet a guy’s parents.

Ankle tattoos are beautiful, elegant, and comfortable. But it is also more painful to apply drawings to this part of the body than to the same shoulder or forearm. In addition, special attention will be required to ensure that the healing process proceeds correctly. Is it worth going to such

Some parts of the body are particularly suitable for tattooing. Ankle tattoos are one of the most common options, especially among women. Perhaps, only the hips, forearms and shoulder blades are most often chosen.

Why do they get tattoos on ankles?

Indeed, although the ankles are “flesier” than, for example, the knees, the bone is still quite close to the surface, there is practically no fat layer. And this, as you know, causes particularly painful sensations when applying a tattoo. If this scares you, it makes sense to pay attention to your calves. This part of the leg is very close. However, getting a tattoo on it will be much easier. Plus, it's not as painful as foot tattoos anyway.

Others are not afraid of painful sensations at all. After all, ankle tattoos have their undeniable advantages:

  1. A tattoo in this place can be easily hidden under pants, knee socks, or long skirts. But on the beach or in an informal setting, it’s easy to put a tattoo on public display.
  2. Ankle tattoos are recognized by many men as one of the most attractive places for a tattoo on a woman’s body.
  3. The graceful design will draw attention to thin, feminine ankles. It will not only draw the attention of others to them, but will also add grace and a little “spice.”

Features of tattooing on the ankle

The process of applying a tattoo to the ankles is fraught with some difficulties, which you should prepare for before you sit down in the chair of a tattoo artist:

  • The location of this part of the body creates difficulties in applying a tattoo, both for the tattoo artist and for the client himself.
  • Find a comfortable position that allows you to relax while still giving the tattoo artist enough access to your ankle.
  • Prepare for some pain. As mentioned above, on the ankles there is almost no layer between the skin and the bone. So the process will not bring the most pleasant experience.
  • Experience shows that tattoos on ankles bleed more often. Don't be alarmed, this is completely normal. However, it is worth noting that we are talking about slightly more profuse blood. But not about bleeding in the usual sense of the word.
  • Before changing the position of your body, warn the specialist about this. If a professional is working with you, he will be able to level out even the most sudden twitches without ruining the work. But why create unnecessary difficulties?
  • The place of a fresh tattoo should not be rubbed or squeezed by clothing. Think about this when going to a tattoo parlor.

How to care for ankle tattoos?

Just like any other place, ankle tattoos also require special care after they are applied. For legs, perhaps, compliance with the rules should be even more thorough.

  • Listen carefully to the tattoo artist's recommendations on how to care for your design. If you weren't given a handout, write down the key rules and tips. Feel free to ask questions and clarify names.
  • Feet are that part of our body that is often susceptible to all kinds of pollution. Make sure that dust, fur, and dirt do not get on the tattoo on your ankle. Wash the area regularly with soap and water, and then moisturize with a special ointment (recommended by the tattoo artist).
  • While the tattoo is healing, avoid tight clothing, synthetic fabrics, or pressing or rubbing accessories. The same applies to shoes if they come into contact with the tattoo site.
  • Protect your ankle tattoos from sun exposure. Especially while it's new. After all, a fresh tattoo is like an open wound. This means you can't use sunscreen on it. But after healing it is possible, and even necessary!

Ankle tattoos have some limitations in design options. Firstly, because of its special shape - cylindrical. When placing a design on such a surface, the tattoo artist will have to take into account its distortions. Secondly, you cannot place a large pattern on the ankle, or with fine detail. However, ankle tattoos are still not losing their popularity.

Are you thinking about getting a tattoo on your ankle? First, decide on the picture, its size and shape. Prepare yourself mentally: the procedure is painful and does not last long. And also make sure that you are really ready, because you will have to walk with her for the rest of your life. Today it is fashionable to get tattoos. Almost every self-respecting celebrity can boast of at least one. Remember the famous Angelina Jolie - there are a great many signs on her body. The ornate pattern on the ankle looks sexy and exciting. Definitely attracts attention. Let's study this issue in detail and finally decide whether you need it or are not ready yet.

Pictures on the body: fashion or ritual?

Why do people go to tattoo parlors? Since ancient times, we have decorated our bodies with indelible designs. In addition to the aesthetic function, they often carried religious or symbolic overtones. Even today, before deciding on a pattern, every person strives to find out what it means. Does it carry any message?

Many believe that an inscription with a call, a lucky number, or a magical parting word can influence the favorable course of life. No one knows for sure whether these beliefs work. However, it has been proven that the power of thought, as well as the notorious placebo, really work. Therefore, if you believe that some image will bring you health or success - go for it!

Advice! Find a thematic dictionary on the Internet and find out the exact meaning of the selected composition. For example, make sure the translation of a phrase is accurate. This will avoid awkwardness in the future, because, as mentioned above, it is extremely difficult to correct what has been done.

Another part of humanity gets tattoos because it is fashionable and stylish. And you can't argue with that. The mark on the leg looks piquant, not provocative, very appropriate. And today there is a trend to immortalize important dates on yourself: the birth of children, a wedding, a milestone day.

There is a small segment of individuals who are convinced aesthetes. They love to contemplate beauty, they like sensual, captivating patterns. As a rule, these people decorate hidden parts of their body, or unexpected, non-trivial ones. Which, by the way, includes the ankle.

Popularity among women and men

The procedure itself is very common among both sexes. It is noted that men visit salons more often and choose more voluminous images. However, ankle decoration is more popular among women. There are reasons for this:

  1. Guys are less able to tolerate weak, aching pain (but are much more resilient in case of serious injuries);

On a note! Do not take blood thinners before recording. This means don’t drink alcohol, for the same reason. This will cause the skin to bleed during the process. Ladies are not recommended to schedule the procedure during Women's Day.

  1. The stronger sex mostly wears trousers and trousers, with socks underneath. The picture will simply not be visible;
  2. Girls, on the contrary, constantly show off their legs. Their wardrobe includes a lot of skirts, shorts, fashionable cropped trousers and leggings. Sexy and elegant shoes also highlight the beauty of the art.
  3. It is believed that decorating the lower part of the leg is not manly. But this is debatable.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages and disadvantages. This is why the topic is so controversial. Therefore we doubt and fear. And not everyone decides. Let's start in order, with the minuses.

  1. Durability. In the literal sense of the word. It is extremely difficult to permanently remove a drawing;

Interesting! Almost 95% of people sooner or later regretted having their lover’s name immortalized on them. Just take note.

  1. Soreness. There is no fat layer under the skin in this place; it is dry and thin. Therefore, the proximity of the bones will cause pain.

Important! Prepare to endure discomfort until the last touch. If your leg twitches at a crucial moment, you yourself will be to blame for the unevenness and defects of the ornament. The good news is that after about 10 minutes after the needle starts working, you will get used to the pain, its threshold will significantly decrease.

Now comes the turn of the positives. This is already more pleasant:

  1. If desired, this place can be hidden with pants, socks, a skirt, or a floor-length dress;
  2. Not vulgar appearance. In this place, even under the office dress code, a strict ornate picture will look appropriate;
  3. The image will remain in its original form for a long time, since the skin in this sector ages slowly.

What to stuff?

The question is very important. Let's break it down into three stages.

Choosing a size

It will not be possible to make a very large pattern on the lower part of the leg. Most often, ladies choose the middle one, or opt for narrow weaves, monograms, and ornaments. Also in trend are small accents on the skin: a heart, one letter, a number, a drop, a petal.

Set yourself up for two hours of immobility, do not take children or objects that irritate you with you. For example, a constantly ringing mobile phone.

Deciding on the form

The most common format: bracelet. It looks very catchy and at the same time gentle. It’s especially cool and fashionable to make 3D bracelets these days. An experienced master will perform careful shading under the contour. It will create a shadow effect that will give volume and relief to the weaving.

Note! Don't rush the tattoo artist. He knows better how much time he needs to complete the procedure.

Subject pictures are also in demand: animals, anchor, bird, rose. Digital codes, Latin inscriptions, hieroglyphs are in fashion. Many people print a sketchy sign of the zodiac, the sun, the moon, or an astronomical constellation.


Black is considered a classic. It looks more strict, contrasting, clear. And even more durable. Multi-colored ensembles fade, lose their richness, and over time the contours become blurred. In a modern tattoo parlor you will be offered a rich palette, so choose at your discretion.

The coolest drawing ideas and sketches

There are so many types and ideas for tattoos that it is simply unrealistic to list them all in one article. We list the most popular and frequently encountered ones. Well, for a rare curiosity, go to the depths of the Internet, look for sketches in special tattoo magazines. Or come up with your own unique design.

  • Chinese characters. Girls love the meaning of the word “love”, “rose”, “yin-yang”, “happiness” and similar meanings;
  • Inscriptions from Latin, English, Arabic, French. Confessions, life attitudes, philosophical quotes;

  • Bracelets. They have their own symbolism. An ancient spell is placed around the ankle and secured with a clover leaf. This is for wealth. Celtic patterns act as a talisman. A chain with a key speaks of the closed heart of its owner;

  • Marine theme: dolphins, anchors. The former signify faith and spirituality, while the latter symbolizes independence and freedom;

  • Butterfly. It is a big mistake to think that only corrupt women prick her. Nowadays, on the contrary, it means love, care, family happiness;

  • Hearts. They talk logically about love, passion, feelings;

Note. If you are not completely sure that you are ready for an indelible tattoo, get a henna design. It lasts for about 2-3 weeks, and then disappears without a trace. There are also temporary tattoos. They go away in 2-5 years.

  • Stars. A scattering of stars. Luck and fulfillment of desires;

  • Fairies. In different versions they are interpreted differently. The forest nymph is a sign of innocence. Sharp wings indicate aggression. With butterfly wings - about beauty;
  • Names and dates. Each person himself determines the key moments of his life. Some people want to imprint them on their body;
  • An interesting idea is to depict the sun and moon on the back of both ankles;

  • Flowers. Each plant has its own deep meaning;

  • Animals. Many young ladies get a tattoo of the beast with which they associate themselves;

  • Sexy openwork lace pattern around the ankle;
  • Patterns, monograms, ethnic ornaments, astronomical signs.

This is a very serious issue, because the procedure involves manipulations that can cause serious harm to health. The office should be clean and tidy. Make sure that the required sanitary and hygienic standards are observed here. The tattoo artist regularly disinfects his instrument after each client. Replaces needles in a timely manner. Let's list the basic requirements for the salon:

  • It must contain at least two rooms. In the first, reception and recording are carried out, and the second is procedural;
  • The administrator sits in the reception room. Friendly and sympathetic, with enough knowledge to suggest a theme for a tattoo and recommend an ornament. Certificates and permits and license documents hang on the walls here.

Attention! Leave a tattoo parlor that does not have a single certificate and refuses to show permission to operate!

  • Smoking, drinking, and using drugs are prohibited on the premises. If you notice prohibited traces, leave the place!

Caring for the finished tag on the leg falls entirely on the owner. All recommendations will be given to you at the establishment. It is important to carefully follow the rules so that the wound heals quickly, infection does not get there, and the tattoo takes on a finished look.

  • When the master completes the work, he will apply sterile gauze or plastic wrap to the open wound. The first is removed after a few hours, and the second after half an hour. Before doing this, disinfect your hands;
  • After removing the bandage, wash the surface. Prepare warm soapy water in advance. Do not use running tap water. Then blot the moisture with a napkin;
  • Apply antibacterial ointment recommended by your technician. Cover the surface with film or gauze;

Advice! Bepanthen ointment gets very good reviews. It perfectly heals wounds, relieves irritation, and has antimicrobial properties. It can be applied directly to an open wound. The product eliminates dry skin.

  • After 3–5 days, the ointment is replaced with a gel that relieves itching. During the healing process, the wound will be very itchy. At this stage, the tattoo is no longer covered;
  • Treatment is carried out twice a day;
  • Do not wear rough pants or shoes with straps during this period.

An ankle tattoo helps highlight your individuality. Many believe that it has an impact on a person's life. It is also a beautiful and stylish decoration that you will never “forget” on your shelf at home.

More photos for inspiration:

To see with your own eyes how a tattoo is applied, watch a short video.

Tattoos are an eternal subject of dispute between connoisseurs of beauty and people of the old school, between extraordinary individuals and conservatives. There are many arguments for and against these bodily adornments. But the fact remains: people who want to distinguish themselves through tattoos do not pay attention to different opinions, supposedly tattoos are unaesthetic and the like. Almost the entire body can be decorated in this way. Nowadays ankle tattoos are becoming especially popular. The design on this part of the leg looks elegant, and if the tattoo gets boring, it can be hidden. Let's look at all the nuances of the procedure and find out which tattoos are most often done on the ankle.

Why are more women getting ankle tattoos than men?

From time immemorial, it has happened that the shoulders and torso have become a masculine attribute, while designs on the legs are considered the prerogative of women. This is explained by the fact that girls always want to draw attention to slender legs. No amount of jewelry or clothing can do this better than small tattoos gracefully placed on the ankle. It is worth noting that in addition to the ankle, the foot and thigh are also popular areas for tattoos.

Another reason why tattoos on the ankle are more popular among women is that girls often wear open shoes and sandals, while men prefer sneakers and other closed shoes even in the warm season.

Ankle tattoos: do they hurt?

Many ladies want to get a tattoo on their ankle, but they are stopped by the possible pain during the procedure. However, people who have already gotten a tattoo say that the sensations are not too intense, they are more just unpleasant. In addition, the body quickly adapts to them. To reduce discomfort, take a friend with you to talk, read a magazine while performing the procedure.

Ankle tattoo options

Ankle tattoos for girls can be different.

  • Flower. A beautiful, blooming flower with large petals has always been a symbol of innocence and purity. It looks great on the side of the leg. The tattoo artist will be able to offer sketches of tattoos where the flower is intertwined with intricate patterns or is part of a floral arrangement.
  • Anchor. This sign symbolizes reliability and luck. It will be an excellent decoration on the body of ladies who cannot imagine life without the sea.
  • A flock of birds. Imagine that on your ankle there is a picture of a flock of birds flying upward. Seductive, isn't it? This tattoo symbolizes love of freedom.
  • Bow. A feminine sign that will unobtrusively emphasize the curve of the ankle and draw attention to it.

To ensure that an ankle tattoo successfully complements your image, consult with the artist before performing the procedure.