“Clairvoyance”, “skin vision” or even “quackery”. As soon as the superpowers of a phenomenal girl were not called in the 1960s and 70s Roza Kuleshova. Trying to figure out how she manages to “read” with eyes closed, scientists and doctors fought, but neither one nor the other could give scientific explanation her secret talent.

Roza Kuleshova, at first glance, was a completely ordinary girl born in the post-war years. The father died at the front, the mother arranged her personal life by getting married a second time, and the grandmother took up raising the baby. True, this did not last long: my grandmother lived short life and, left practically an orphan after her death, Rosa was forced to quit school and get a job as a nurse, although she only completed 7 grades. The girl’s health deteriorated: due to a nervous breakdown, she developed epilepsy.

To escape from difficult thoughts and loneliness, the girl began to help the sick after hours; she organized a drama club for the blind. Then she became interested in how people who have lost their sight can read texts. Rose decided to independently master “reading by touch,” but instead of books printed in Braille, she took regular publications. Long hours of painstaking work, and Rose achieved her first successes.

Perhaps about the girl's abilities for a long time no one would have known, but in 1962 she was admitted to the hospital with a sore throat and there, out of boredom, she offered to amuse her roommates by reading to them blindly. The women were shocked and immediately told the doctors about this, but they only recorded phenomenal abilities and could not explain them. Rosa realized that she needed to develop her abilities: first she began performing in a circus for children, then she got a job at a school for the blind, teaching them to read. Over time, she learned to receive information from touch not only with her fingers, but also with her feet, and even her elbows. The girl “read” everything - books, letters, magazines. She could recognize by touch the denomination of a banknote or the date on a tear-off calendar.

Roza Kuleshova lived a short life; she died of a brain tumor before her 40th birthday. We never knew the exact answer to the question of how she managed to read without looking; scientists were unable to get to the bottom of the truth.

What prompted me to write this article? This is a request-order from the chairman of our commission to combat pseudoscience and falsification scientific research Academician E.B. Alexandrova. And the statement of the great mathematician, friend of David Hilbert and teacher of Albert Einstein, Herman Minkowski: “From now on, time in itself and space in itself become an empty fiction, and only their unity preserves the chance for REALITY. That space separately, like time separately, is only a “shadow of reality.” And an appeal from a student of my master classes, Amir Menibaev, to make comments about the science of prognostics. And my hope is that through the Internet, assertiveness can be more optimally formed - a person’s ability to be firm, honest and friendly, forming good will, like spirituality, i.e. the need for truth and the need for others.

Wolf Messing, V.V. Shereshevsky, Roza Kuleshova, Ninel Kulagina, Vanga, Chumak, Kashpirovsky, Longo, Uri Geller and others....

Over the 50 years since my interest in human phenomenology began, I have had to track down a lot of reports about phenomena that are widely known in experimental psychology. In my personal experimentation with many widely famous personalities, I applied my method of discriminative analysis, as a result of which most of the so-called phenomena did not show the advertised psychophysiological characteristics. All this seemed to me like mysticism, i.e. an illusion in which both some representatives of science and a wide audience believed. Today this esoteric nonsense is splashing out from all media, seeping through the sieve of amorphous Duma laws on media and health


In October 1966, I tested Messing’s telepathic abilities at the Semipalatinsk Medical Institute. Having arrived in this city specifically to test his abilities, I decided to meet the maestro. He refused to communicate with me. I was forced to contact the organizers of the performance, employees of the local philharmonic society, in order to get to the public speaking. I introduced myself to them as a fellow musician playing in an ensemble. And they helped me. This aspiration of mine interested Messing and he asked them who this annoying young man was. They informed him, introducing me as a musician from the neighboring Barnaul Philharmonic.

During Messing's speech, I asked students to participate in the session, but with my assignment. My task was divided into three stages according to complexity. At the first stage, Messing had to demonstrate his abilities of muscle sensitivity to ideomotor acts of the experiment participant (spectator). The second stage is showing your ability logical thinking. And the third stage is the telepathic ability to identify an image that was known only to me. The content of the task was as follows: go down to the auditorium, stop at the 3rd row and stamp your foot, go to the 10th row and point to the chandelier, at the end of the hall find a briefcase, remove a book from it and open it on page 101. There take the envelope and determine the symbol in it is Picasso’s dove of peace and say the phrase: “Peace to the world.” As I expected, Messing coped well with the first stage, because... performed it with hand contact. The 2nd stage, where he demonstrated the art of analysis, went satisfactorily, but the 3rd stage turned out to be absolutely impossible for Messing, because information could only be transmitted in the material shell of a word.

Subsequently, I demonstrated to these students a number of my complex studies. In particular, he identified a needle hidden in the building and a book conceived in the library; having found it, he stuck the needle into the word they had in mind, doing this without visual control or hand contact. We returned to the hall and walked onto the stage, where Wolf Messing stood surrounded by numerous fans. Seeing me, he said: “Young man! Don’t get carried away with this. This is given from God. Mind your own business and you will be a great musician.”

and you will be a great musician." Then the young students could not resist and told him that I had just shown an etude outside this hall that was more complex than those in his program. This caused wild anger both in Messing himself and in the organizers He canceled his next performances. But in some ways, Messing was right. In 1975, I was preparing a number on operational thinking, based on functional asymmetry of the brain. And I learned to play several songs on the piano for the first time, but playing the piano with my left hand. on the right I write and do 5-6 more gnostic actions. It is impossible for the greatest musicians to do such a balancing act 10 years later, I was on tour in the same city, where I experimented with Messing. And it was at the medical institute. a task was proposed that I once proposed with the help of students to Messing. I understood this already at the first stage. Probably, the students, who had already become graduate students and scientists, remembered the task on which the famous Messing stumbled, deciding to “undermine” Yuri Gorny. Naturally, I performed it without hand contact and without visual control one hundred percent correctly, which caused delight and questions about how I managed to do it. To which I slyly replied: “Ask our outstanding physicists A.I. Kitaigorodsky and V.L. Ginzburg, my supporters in the fight against pseudoscience and mysticism.”
1. Messing’s brain was never at the Brain Institute for research; I had to discuss this with the permanent director of the institute, Academician O.S. Adrianov, with whom I maintained a creative relationship.
2. Messing’s brain is located at the Vostryakovsky cemetery
3. Unique morphological data of such outstanding personalities as Lenin, Pavlova obtained at the institute. Landau and Mayakovsky and many other outstanding personalities have significantly enriched world science in the field of structural and functional organization of the brain. This is the enduring significance of the pioneering, in many ways classic, studies of the cellular and fibrous architecture of the brain, begun shortly after the death of V.I. Lenin for further insight into the macro and microorganization of the brain. This is a natural interest of the general public, both here and abroad, in the structural features of the brain of such an outstanding personality as V.I. Lenin. Oleg Sergeevich bitterly told me, “Unfortunately. ignorance or superficial knowledge served as a reason for various, sometimes the most fantastic, statements, both abroad. So it is with us about the brain of V.I. Lenin. It must be assumed that ignorance of the issue was combined with the pursuit of cheap sensations, which I repeat, we deeply regret.” I saw this mainly as the ears of politicians.
4. Messing has never been on tour in more than one country in the world: neither in America, nor in Europe, nor in India.
5. Messing never worked in the security agencies, this was confirmed to me by the main leaders of V.E. Semichastny, V.V. Bakatin N.M. Golushko and deputy V.P. Pirozhkov, who has been in charge of personnel policy for 25 years. Only Messing worked in the UCP. Stanislav Adamovich until 1931 was the head of the foreign (intelligence) department, who was shot in 1938. His wife Messing-Yakobson was rehabilitated in 1955, died in 1967.
6. Messing never met with Stalin, Khrushchev, or Brezhnev, this can be confirmed to you today by their closest people (I mean Radu Nikitichna, Sergei Nikitich and Yuri Churbanov), as well as archival documents of Stalin’s visit, in which recorded minutely throughout last decades even visits from Svetlana and Vasily to him.
7. He never knew how and did not conduct sessions of hypnosis, phenomenal memory, quick counting and other higher manifestations of the human psyche. And he demonstrated only, and at an amateur level, banal studies on deductive-search thinking (if we compare this with the great masters of this genre of that time: Grigory Gutman, Ivan Costelo and Anna Argo, whose work I was well acquainted with).
8. Today we can speak by referring to reliable facts about the biography of two Messings: Adam and Wolf. But about Messing, born in 1898, about whose life until 1939 (the year he appeared in the USSR) there is not a single reliable fact. Messing-X, which is spoken of as a phenomenon that conquered the countries of Europe, America, India and admired A. Einstein and Z. Freud for its art, and which was a competitor to Erik Jan Hanussen (Lautensack), widely known in Europe, is also a complete lie and easily provable.
You can cite many more facts of lies from the press, television and film makers, with the help of which psephologists stupefy huge masses of gullible people with their arrogant and shameless lies ( read the supplement ) And how the press influences the formation of public consciousness can be illustrated by the example of Slyusarchuk from Ukraine. And only when I posted it on the Internet open letter and, the same press presented itself, but from the very the best side. In this Olympics of PR, the Messings, Vangas, Juns, Gellers, Chumaks, Longii Slyusarchuks sometimes change places and replace clackers, stupid PR people with completely stupid ones, with zero relevance (lack of semantic correspondence between the information request and the received message), but very famous, as a rule , artists, and at the same time very talented. The question arises: who needs this? In my opinion, two opposing factions of Sugestors. Over time, many will find out which of them benefited more. I still know this today. And you don’t have to be Vanga. And the old woman, by the way, was driving a blizzard on this issue in a completely different information field, her sincere admirers should know, understand and remember this. Space and time are the harshest determinants of human existence, even harsher than society. In another way, CHRONOTOP (time + place). And he, the chronotope, must guide the wise leader-ruler to contemplate the source of creation, where the seeds of future events ripen. He must govern not so much by laws and administration, but by spiritual foresight of how events will develop. This is what allows him to weave the web of his stratagems in such a way that the victim waging an undeclared war against him himself falls into a pre-prepared trap. These ideas were born back in the 2-3rd century BC. from the founder of non-analytical strategy, the ancient Chinese sage Gui-Gu-Tzu.
As for such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance and telekinesis, my like-minded person Vyacheslav Avvakumovich Ivanov theoretically substantiated the far-fetched nature of these phenomena in his book “The Light and Twilight of the Mind.” I could cite a dozen names of the most authoritative scientists in world science who bitterly said something like this: “What a pity for wasting time and energy on these dummies!” But at the beginning of their hobby they didn’t think so. Although today we trained a rat to perceive infrared radiation. It’s not a problem to teach a person this, but this is far from reading thoughts or even a raw stream of purely sensory experience. But there are certain forces that aim to sort creative energy as their main strategy in the struggle for control of the minds of the masses, and this is their tactic when they use the mechanism of popularity of totally stupid buffoons. Public relations, namely black PR, is what the media mainly do to shape the charisma of their charges. They are called charisma makers. They do the work of transforming everyday charisma into charisma. I, as a decharism maker, transfer them to a primitive state. CONTINUATION Previously, I called them nanostraps, i.e. low professional people, today they have grown to become Papuans. These figures, engaged in public relations, should know that this is “the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full information,” and they are full of lies and incompetence, so our era has replaced the intellectual elite of lyricists and physicists with PR people and outcasts , i.e. those people who created all the best that civilization uses. And PR people, directing our gaze Upwards to the stars, make it difficult for us to look down at our feet and see the abyss below. This is for those who like to speculate about the point of singularity and eternal life. This is what the outstanding thinker of our era, Martin Heideger, meant when he said: “Various verbiage obscures and plunges the understandable into apparent clarity, that is, into incomprehensibility and triviality.” Therefore, in our time, we especially feel the contradiction between colossal technical progress and our obvious internal inferiority. This is the paradox of our time of such an attitude towards the creative work of a scientist. Black PR today is the main obstacle to the improvement of society and the individual. It is enough to give an example of this week, when the Chelyabinsk phenomenon, the strength of which was estimated by just one NASA ultrasound at a distance of 6 thousand km as 30 times greater than Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and ahead of everyone announced it to the whole world, although the estimate of our astrophysicists based on a larger number signs is undoubtedly more accurate: in 20 s one more time below Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For those who are curious, I suggest using Occam’s principle, looking on the Internet at the terrible destruction of Hiroshima and Nagosaki and comparing it with broken glass and debris in Lake Chebarkul. Speaking about black PR, I am not at all going to touch on the honor and dignity of many worthy artists, especially in cinema. I'm talking about a trend, about "uncles" with a village cunning mentality, and they are overwhelmingly werewolves, and this is obvious to everyone. But moral self-improvement is not in fashion today, just as it is in fashion to jump, run, gallop and flex in different ways.
The most real phenomenon described in experimental psychology is the mnemonist.

S.V. Shereshevsky

whose abilities were studied for 30 years by outstanding Soviet psychologists L.S. Vygotsky and A.R. Luria. The latter wrote the book “A Little Book about Big Memory,” which claims that Shereshevsky had the strongest memory described in the scientific literature. He could remember 20 numbers in 35-40 seconds. and keep them in your memory for a decade. Undoubtedly, Shereshevsky had an eidetic memory. But anyone can remember these 20 numbers normal person in 20 seconds, using mnemonic techniques. I was convinced of this while working with students at my school. As for the surprise of scientists about his long-term memory, this is far from a fact. After each demonstration, Shereshevsky, coming home, took down this information in shorthand and then constantly refreshed it in his memory, especially before the upcoming meeting with scientists. And when asked by A.R. Luria if he remembered the information that they gave him 4 years ago at Vygotsky’s dacha, he invariably answered: “I remember,” and repeated it with absolute accuracy.


which is widely known as a phenomenon endowed with the so-called effect. skin vision, basically, she did this at a primitive level, using the secret of the outstanding Indian illusionist Sorkar, who was the first to perform this act.

Sometimes, in scientific circles, she used a different technique. In particular, this technique is shown in the film “Seven Steps Beyond the Horizon.” Kuleshova is asked to identify a 4-letter word sealed in an envelope. When asked what she feels, she replies: “A stick.” Experimenter: “That’s right, but what else?” Kuleshova: "Round piece." Experimenter: “Correct, so tell me, what letter?” Kuleshova: "R". Experimenter: "What's the second one?" The second letter was defined in the same way, only in a simplified version for Kuleshova, because she knew (assumed) that the second letter was necessarily a vowel, just like the 3rd consonant. As a result, the word ORE was defined. And the delight of the experimenter. And these were the most “difficult” experimental conditions in which Rosa Kuleshova has ever participated.


from Leningrad became famous with the so-called numbers. telekinesis. In all her tricks, she used strong magnets and thin threads that were invisible to the observer. Sometimes she did it in a sophisticated way. For example, I asked to cover the matches with a glass, but they still moved, changing the direction it set. Thin steel needles were previously driven into the matches, which were influenced by magnets located in her shoes and in the abdomen.

Baba Vanga and Uncle Vanya from near Taldy-Kurgan

Of the clairvoyants with whom I had to experiment, the most striking person was Uncle Vanya from Taldy-Kurgan, whose fame in the 1970s was greater than that of Vanga. I was on tour in this city. The driver who drove me around the stage, impressed by my sessions, said that they also had a healer, Uncle Vanya, in the village. He is blind and knows hypnosis and cures people who come to him from Siberia from many diseases, Far East, Central Asia etc. He has such an ability that he knows absolutely everything that happened to a person in his life. I, in turn, confirmed to the driver the possibility of Uncle Vanya in his psychotherapeutic influence, but completely rejected his second ability. The driver invited me to make a bet and prove Uncle Vanya’s abilities. I agreed to the bet, and a week later we went to a village 30 km away. from Taldy-Kurgan. Along the way, we drove and reminisced with my producer Yu.I. Nekipelov about the most exotic cases in my life, but these cases were the fruit of my producer’s imagination and real life never happened. Arriving at the healer's house, we saw large number suffering people who came to Uncle Vanya for healing. Many, like us, arrived by taxi. We were accepted without a queue, but our driver interceded for us first.

Uncle Vanya and his assistant wife greeted us kindly and said many compliments to me. After that, Uncle Vanya took my hair and placed it in a bottle of water. Holding the bottle, he began a lengthy monologue about my life, correctly accompanying it with those fictitious facts that our driver heard on the road. When we were returning, the driver asked me how Uncle Vanya managed to do this. I handed him an envelope containing an explanation. And it happened like this. All taxi drivers, including him, work for Uncle Vanya as manager-informants. They pick up passengers at the station and guarantee reception and acceleration of the queue for a reasonable prepayment. After which, bowing to my professionalism, he introduced us to many of the subtleties of psychological treatment of his clients, and I have no doubt at all that it had a powerful psychotherapeutic effect, filling the existential vacuum and complementing Uncle Vanina’s abilities. Often remembering Uncle Vanya from Taldy-Kurgan, I consider him the founder of manipulation psychology - a section of medical psychology and psychotherapy. If Uncle Vanya was a single pioneer, then Baba Vanga managed to bring this matter to the state level.

It was supervised by local ideologists and the Bulgarian special services and their colleagues.

Therefore, they chose famous, large-scale people for “processing”: from writers L. Leonov and S. Mikhalkov, people’s artist V. Tikhonov, academician N. Bekhtereva, President Todor Zhivkov, President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, journalist of the newspaper “Pravda” Vl. Sudakov, as well as hundreds of other famous and thousands of little-known people. All of them, as a rule, were amazed by Vanga’s insight, especially the Bulgarian president, to whom she told an incident from his life half a century ago, when he remained alive, but his friends died. But not only Todor Zhivkov remembered that incident, but also the special services entrusted to him earlier.

I recommended to V.I. Sudakov to apply my discriminatory and discrediting method, which I applied to Vanga’s predecessor, Uncle Vanya. He did it brilliantly, making sure when meeting her that this was just a legend that certain people needed to advertise exotic Bulgarian tourism business, as well as some structures for extensive, professionally important communication.

Therefore Vl. Sudakov continues to support the legend, which is needed by many, but he himself knows the real price of the fact. Now he has new subject Grigory Grabovoi, about whom he wrote a book. As a journalist for the newspaper of the CPSU Central Committee "Pravda", he should have called it "Not a Word of Truth."

But not everyone was hooked by Baba Vanga’s clairvoyance. Alexander Evgenievich Bovin, our political observer, and later the first Russian ambassador to Israel, with his sound and critical thinking, with all his goodwill towards Vanga, did not see her as a prophetess. And she told him, back in 1973, that Soviet Union will send troops into Chile within a month. The action took place, but not in that time and space, but in Afghanistan. And many other things that she told him about his loved ones did not even approximately coincide to this day, although in her place any more or less observant person would be more accurate, using its inherent natural property brain: probable prediction, namely the amygdala!

Therefore, I will remind her admirers of the statement of the famous mathematician David Hilbert: “Allow me to accept that two is two is five, and I will prove that a witch flies out of the chimney!”

This is truly true: “Put a lie on the bait and hook the truth on the bait!”

Over the course of many years of communicating with many “sorcerers,” I became convinced of their absolute lack of spirituality, while understanding spirituality. as the desire to satisfy the need for truth and the need to do good for others.

So what needs did these subjects satisfy?

At the first stage, they had a need to ensure material well-being, and when this was achieved, an exaggerated need for recognition and fame appeared. The activity they tried to engage in, in the broadest sense, is human studies. It requires enormous systemic knowledge in many fundamental human sciences, and this knowledge is not acquired instantly, but requires long-term painstaking work, the acquisition of skills and abilities.

The intention of these subjects to pass off what they wanted as reality consumed the entire being of these individuals, which is why they chose the crafty path of expansion of the mind. And they acted in front of themselves and society.

Here in Russia this became very evident in the late 90s, when a countless number of all kinds of sorcerers-healers, messiahs, shepherds, sorcerers, and magicians appeared. Undoubtedly, all this was done with the permission of the authorities.

I had to communicate closely with the main sorcerers. Some are worth mentioning. In those years, a certain Italian Bongiovani visited Russia, as he claimed, at the request of Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva, who proclaimed himself the long-dead shepherd Francesco, to whom the Virgin Mary appeared and conveyed apocalyptic messages about the terrible cataclysms to come in the second half of the century. To prove that he was right, he showed unhealed stigmas on his hands - the wounds of Christ. Seeing how his pattern of promoting bleeding wounds was developing situationally, I doubted his ability to self-regulate sufficiently for this through self-hypnosis. Most likely, the young man picked out his through wounds and quite professionally, because... previously worked as a shoemaker, he kept them in a non-healing state in order to cause bleeding when visiting visitors by simply tensing the muscles. I had to verify this when personal meeting with him. He really wanted, together with a group of his assistant managers, to convince me otherwise.

After all, how he wanted to triumph with his ideas in the main sports palaces and on television.

Our “locals” were not inferior to him either. These are Chumak, Kashpirovsky, Longo and Colonel General Juna. Each was original in their own way. The most shameless was Longo. He “revived” the dead and claimed that he would have done this with Lenin, but for some reason the 3rd Department of the KGB did not allow him. Neither the authorities nor the public reacted to all this nonsense that was coming from the TV screens.

One day I was speaking at live program "Third Eye", expressed my displeasure to the presenter I. Kononov and Longo about the letters that I personally receive asking viewers to facilitate a meeting with Longo so that he can help find the missing head of the family, i.e. husband, father and grandfather Artamonov. Longo took the letter and photograph. He waved his hands and said that the person would be found in 6 months, but now he is on the run, because... The police are looking for him. At this time, the Artamonov family in full force I sat by the TV and watched the program. When we went on the next broadcast, I announced that the family was outraged by Longo’s discredited statements about their father and husband, who was not lost anywhere, and Yu. Gorny joked with a letter and photograph. But I. Kononov and Longo did not experience even a shadow of embarrassment.

All the others mainly specialized in healing. With the exception of Anatoly Kashpirovsky, they tried, with the help of some frivolous scientists, and especially with the help of artists, to convince society that they possess some kind of field unknown to science that energizes the body, and they are capable of using their hands, without touching the human body, differentiate this field in patients and identify diseases.

To find out the truth, I held a competition, in which more than four hundred psychics - healers with all kinds of diplomas and other documents certifying their extraordinary capabilities - came. First, they were asked to identify the plates in the envelopes that were different in temperature, density, composition, radiation, etc. There was not a single correct guess. Next, it was proposed to diagnose three patients, one of whom was invited from the clinic with an accurately established diagnosis. Patients were positioned behind a screen to exclude visual analysis. The “sorcerers” made a diagnosis, and it never coincided, especially since the two objects behind the screen were mannequins - a man in a general’s uniform and a woman.

And in general, long-term communication with “sorcerers” convinced me that many of them are pseudologists and hysterical psychopaths, and in people like Baba Vanga, any qualified psychiatrist will always see paraphrenic syndrome: one of the variants of delusional syndrome, characterized by the presence of delusions of grandeur. The experiences take on a cosmic character. Patients consider themselves transformers of the world. Violation of the probabilistic forecasting mechanism.

But the mannequins were given all sorts of diagnoses, and the general mannequin was even given gynecological female diseases. When the competition - a social experiment - ended, not a single channel that glorified these scammers covered their fiasco. But the earth, as they say, is full of rumors, and millions of people have stopped using the services of crooks speculating on their health. I am incredibly proud of this and make fun of their patrons, the blind guides of the blind, representatives of power from the first to the fourth.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that at the beginning of perestroika, most of our famous scientists and chief specialists took an honest and principled position on these issues. And time has confirmed this. Read their opinion: Phenomenon! syndrome! Or Phenomenon Syndrome? or? Dubrovsky, Lebedev, Ivanitsky, Stepin, Rozhnov, Pekelis, Soloviev, Moroz, Raikov, Brushlinsky. What compels me to make such harsh and categorical statements? This informational approach to human research and enormous experimental practice (colleague Grigory Gutman 20 thousand presentations, Yu Gorny 10 thousand) and my knowledge in the field of cognitive psychology and neuroscience gave me the most correct ideas about memory mechanisms and thinking styles. Our psyche can be formed with different substrate-energy and spatio-temporal properties. It is synergistically connected with four types of codes (neurodynamic, behavioral-expressive, speech and hormonal). The system of code transformations itself is organized according to a hierarchical principle. Understanding this, I personally in my psychotechnology, namely (maternal hypnosis-suggestion is the forerunner of Ericksonian hypnosis and today's NLP) I use not so much a speech code, but primarily a neurodynamic and behaviorally expressive one to form Gabidus. In the process of activity, Gabidus, which forms a deep (implicit) set of ideas about the world and gives rise to the structuring of activity-practice. It is characterized as “history become nature.” This concept is close to what is called attitude, mentality, social stereotype... And when it was demonstrated without verbal accompaniment or supplemented (ventriloquism), it amazed not only a wide audience, but also high specialists in medical psychology, which is why NLP became quickly and widely spread . Although I myself, recognizing this technology, do not make a cult out of it and my principle is to work with roots, not leaves, i.e. with nuclear functions that are formed as basic information needs at the biochemical level, and not as secondary skills. This gave the Ministry of Health a reason to legalize numerous healers who are absolutely ignorant from the standpoint of systemic psychophysiology, disguising them as fighters for the health of the nation. But the minister had information about the negative consequences of telepsychotherapy from the ministers of most republics, but it became the property of only E.I. Chazova. and no one else. And subsequently the concern of the Academy of Med. Sciences about low qualifications of university graduates with even 6 years of education at universities. I, not having this piece of paper-diploma, in 1975 excluded these etudes-experiments from my variety program and became a hypnotist-undressed, but I remain a hypnologist with enormous experimental baggage, which helps my understanding of the complexity of consciousness, subconscious and unconscious. But even today, computer science and consciousness have several dozen definitions, even among the majority of outstanding scientists who have devoted decades to this themselves and their great representatives of world science, grandfathers and fathers: A.N. Leontiev, P.K. Anokhin, P.I. Zinchenko, A.N. Konovalov, A.V. Petrovsky, D.B. Elkonin, etc.

The problem is extremely complex and should not be solved by numerous cooks who find themselves in a botanical garden and are looking for beets and cabbage. This is a highly specialized problem, and the scientific press and documentaries help a lot. But not many television journalists and filmmakers, because... they have another super task: to carry nonsense, since they have certain material benefits and not only material ones. Sometimes they have high verbal intelligence and intuition of technocratic thinking, but they lack a sense of responsibility, meaning and intuition of conscience - important components of the mind. If political ideologists really want to distract and entertain people, demonstrating an undoubtedly high, albeit non-Stalinist, Machiavellian IQ, then let them at least call their programs “Fairy Tales for Adults...”

How Yuri Gorny supplanted A. Kashpirovsky on Olympus. Capital Magazine

If A. Kashpirovsky, according to the forecasts of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, will receive a state prize in the field of health care, then the master of psychological experience, Yuri Gorny, is definitely entitled to the Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. What about Kashpirovsky? Shines on the entire planet (I quote "Komsomolskaya Pravda") with "dozens of facets of Diamonds of talent", reduces to "nothing" the "spiritual pain of humanity", makes Soviet women sing and smile under the knife. (The latter, by the way, is generally a simple matter for us). However, there will be no special, “long-lasting” effect from the miracle of Kashpirovsky’s creativity in our country. It will heal migraines - tomorrow your heads will ache again from the intractability of the damned questions: “where to get it?”, “how to get it?”. It will cure radiculitis, but we have chronic queues - the back will ache again. It will change your hair color, but you will still turn gray prematurely from such a life. A doctor should, they say, not eliminate the disease, but the cause of it...

Yuri Gorny's TV session was a total public benefit. In the “Labyrinth” program of the Leningrad program, Yuri Gorny, in an ideal way for the domestic viewer, for just one minute combined the facets of the talents of Kashpirovsky’s “Diamond” with Geller’s “Diamond” and “overvalued” them both. In response to the request of the host of “Labyrinth” to comment on Geller’s abilities, he decided to “kill two competing birds with one stone” (or rather, the “whales” of sorcery): without leaving the TV camera, he took and launched all the faulty mechanics in the country and at the same time improved the health of the population of the Union.

The warranty period for its impact was set at three days. “I played shaman” for a minute, and then for 2 hours, while the transmission continued, the phones in the studio were working with terrible force, and for a long time later calls were heard in the workshop of the psychic(?)-artist(?)-master(?)-joker (?) Gorny. They called from different parts of the vast Motherland, reporting that the hands of domestic watches of all brands and sizes had moved, from electric to mechanical, from manual to wall-mounted, from antique to modern.

Hundreds of faulty refrigerators began to produce frost. Vacuum cleaners made noise. I haven’t ironed the iron for two years, it got white hot. The broken tape recorder turned on. The record player started playing. The coffee grinder started grinding. The image of the color TV "Horizon" and the black-and-white "Record" were cut through. From a tractor driver from the mountains. Under Kolbina’s window, the “Belarus” tractor started up by itself. “The clock hasn’t moved, but hemorrhoids have upset me,” the next viewer informed the television. For three days, as promised, not only in the regions of the visual influence of Leningrad TV, but even beyond the Urals, stomach cramps disappeared, aching teeth went away, osteochondrosis and migraines went away.

And academicians and deputies are still looking for a painless way to improve the country’s economy, the basis for the spiritual and physical resurrection of Soviet people. What to think about?! Repeat Gorny's session on the central heating station and extend the guarantee period. To hand over to the Master not only the Star of the Hero of Perestroika Labor, but also the control levers...

“Clairvoyance”, “skin vision” or even “quackery”. As soon as the superpowers of a phenomenal girl were not called in the 1960s and 70s Roza Kuleshova. Scientists and doctors struggled to figure out how she managed to “read” with her eyes closed, but neither of them could give a scientific explanation for her secret talent.

Roza Kuleshova, at first glance, was a completely ordinary girl born in the post-war years. The father died at the front, the mother arranged her personal life by getting married a second time, and the grandmother took up raising the baby. True, this did not last long: her grandmother lived a short life and, left practically an orphan after her death, Rosa was forced to quit school and get a job as a nurse, although she only completed 7 grades. The girl’s health deteriorated: due to a nervous breakdown, she developed epilepsy.

To escape from difficult thoughts and loneliness, the girl began to help the sick after hours; she organized a drama club for the blind. Then she became interested in how people who have lost their sight can read texts. Rose decided to independently master “reading by touch,” but instead of books printed in Braille, she took regular publications. Long hours of painstaking work, and Rose achieved her first successes.

Perhaps no one would have known about the girl’s abilities for a long time, but in 1962 she was admitted to the hospital with a sore throat and there, out of boredom, she offered to amuse her roommates by reading to them blindly. The women were shocked and immediately told the doctors about this, but they only recorded phenomenal abilities and could not explain them. Rosa realized that she needed to develop her abilities: first she began performing in a circus for children, then she got a job at a school for the blind, teaching them to read. Over time, she learned to receive information from touch not only with her fingers, but also with her feet, and even her elbows. The girl “read” everything - books, letters, magazines. She could recognize by touch the denomination of a banknote or the date on a tear-off calendar.

Roza Kuleshova lived a short life; she died of a brain tumor before her 40th birthday. We never knew the exact answer to the question of how she managed to read without looking; scientists were unable to get to the bottom of the truth. Even more mysterious before today personality remains.

In the 70s of the twentieth century in Soviet Russia, the paranormal abilities of Rosa Kuleshova were seriously studied. And this despite the fact that the era of that time did not favor such phenomena. But Rose took with her the secret of how one can see without the help of physical vision.

The girl was born in the village of Pokrovka near Nizhny Tagil. Her father died in the war, her mother married someone else, and her grandmother took up raising Rose.

Her death shocked her granddaughter so much that she couldn’t even finish high school, epileptic seizures began. Seven classes were enough to get a job as a nurse in a hospital. At the same time, Rosa attended amateur art courses. And in 1960 she became the head of the drama club in the society of the blind.

“I was surprised that the blind can also read,” said Kuleshova, “that they have their own special books. And I decided to try. I started with a cut out alphabet for first graders. In two weeks I mastered the alphabet. And then, at my own peril and risk, I tried to read ordinary books blindly. At first I only felt roughness, but after a year and a half I could already read printed text.”

According to Rosa, in the spring of 1962 she was hospitalized with a sore throat. And there she invited the women from her ward to give her a book and blindfold her tightly. When the girl read lines three in this way, the women got scared and ran for the doctor. The doctor, of course, didn’t believe it, and gave Rose the Medical Encyclopedia, covering it with a pillowcase to be sure. Kuleshova read the entire page with her eyes closed. After this incident, the local newspaper wrote an article about her.

In the summer of the same year, Rosa was invited to work in a circus for children, where she read without seeing the pages, recognized the shapes and colors of objects without touching them. In 1965, the girl moved from Nizhny Tagil to Sverdlovsk to work at a school for blind children.

“I taught the children using my own method,” Rosa said in an interview, “but I didn’t admit to them that I was sighted. Especially to instill self-confidence in the children. Sasha Nikiforov achieved particular success. He learned to accurately recognize objects at a distance and walk without a stick or a guide.”

Rose was involved in a wide variety of experiments. In addition to being blindfolded, something impenetrable was placed between the book and her face. But the result remained unchanged - Kuleshova read text of any complexity. She could also distinguish the color of an object or card that she removed from a bag or envelope by touch.

According to numerous witnesses, Rosa could read not only with her hands, but also with her elbows and feet. In one experiment, she was asked to recognize the name of a magazine lying under the table. The girl touched the publication with her bare foot and said: “Young designer.” And a moment later she corrected herself: “No, “Model designer!”” The word “modeler” was unfamiliar to her. In the same way she placed her elbows on postal envelopes, banknotes, on sheets of tear-off calendars, and always determined exactly what it was.

There were many conflicting rumors about Rosa Kuleshova. Some considered her a charlatan and convinced others that while reading, the girl was brazenly peeking through her blindfold. In particular, this was done by the editors of Literaturnaya Gazeta, after an independent experiment on Rosa. Others called her a phenomenon endowed with the gift of skin vision. Still others accused the primitive use of the secret of the outstanding Indian illusionist Sorkar, who was the first to perform a “blind” act in the circus.

There were cases when Rose's abilities were openly mocked. Thus, in the popular science film “Seven Steps Beyond the Horizon” (1968), in a scene of an experimental experiment, Kuleshova is asked to guess a 4-letter word sealed in an envelope. The professor asks:

What do you see?


- Right, but what else?


- Right, so what letter is it?

- "R"

And so on until the word ORE came out. Film scientists were delighted. Allegedly, for Rosa Kuleshova this was the most difficult experiment in her life. But it seems to be a sensational film for its time, exploring the limits of the human brain, creative and sensory abilities of a person.

There were, of course, those who considered such a phenomenon to be rare and tried to analyze it. The point of the analysis was that every moment a person’s skin comes into contact with anything - and all of this has its own shape and color. But in ordinary life, the body does not need to register them with its fingertips or feet. That's what eyes are for. And in the case of Rosa Kuleshova, he decided to take the initiative and forced the skin receptors to “take a closer look.”

Kuleshova herself once told one of her researchers: “Do you really think that I see with my skin? I knew what was written here when I was still standing outside the door!” If this is true, then most likely Rose did not have “skin vision”, but clairvoyance.

Roza Kuleshova lived less than 40 years. She died of a hemorrhage caused by a brain tumor in 1978. Perhaps her abilities were somehow related to her illness. But we are no longer allowed to know this secret.

35 years ago, a Sverdlovsk woman died who could read with her eyes closed. Her performances in the 60s The 70s of the last century divided the scientific world into two camps. Some considered Rosa to be unique: they wrote articles about her and organized scientific and practical conferences. Others called her a swindler and also wrote articles, but of an exposing nature.

Foreign lovers of mysticism and Soviet “competent authorities” showed interest in her... So who is she - famous Rosa Kuleshova?

Rosa was born in March 1940 in the village of Pokrovskoye near Nizhny Tagil. With the beginning of the war, the head of the family, Alexei Borodin, went to the front and did not return. Little Rose lived either with her mother in the city or with her grandmother in the village. From the age of eleven she had epileptic seizures. The girl graduated from seven classes of school No. 7 and went to work as a nurse at an infectious diseases hospital.

To engage in amateur activities, she went to a school for the visually impaired. Having seen how blind people read Braille, she also tried to “touch” the letters in an ordinary book and felt that she could distinguish white from black. Rosa began training and within a year and a half made significant progress.

Later, scientists called this period the formation of contact skin-optical sensitivity in her. By the fall of 1962, she not only knew how to read ordinary printed text, but also recognized the color tones of paper and fabrics by touch and perceived the contents of pictures and drawings with her fingers.

At the same time, Rosa married Valentin Kuleshov, a mechanic-assembler at UVZ, and they had a daughter, Irina. The young woman’s health was still poor, she received a disability group, and spent a lot of time in hospitals. One of her treating doctors is I.M. Goldberg, having learned about the patient’s unusual talent, told his colleagues about it. Employees of the Department of Psychology of Nizhny Tagil

Pedagogical Institute started research work on the topic “optical skin sensitivity”. Rosa and her family moved to work at a school for the blind in Verkhnyaya Pyshma and began teaching children using her own method.

Soon, on the initiative of the Knowledge Society, Kuleshova was given an apartment in Sverdlovsk. During the winter season, she worked as a nurse in a hospital or as a dishwasher in a canteen. And in the summer I went to the sea on tour. This is how her daughter Irina Palamarchuk recalls these trips:

Mom took two tickets to any southern city - Anapa, Dnepropetrovsk, Sochi. In the carriage she always sat down to play cards and always won. When they arrived, I went to the “Knowledge” society. She was always welcome there. They immediately drew up a schedule of performances, and for the entire time I was assigned to a pioneer camp.

At concerts, my mother, with a thick blindfold over her eyes, read newspapers with her fingers and toes, determined the colors of objects through thick cardboard... The audience was delighted. Mom rejoiced at every success, she loved to be in the public eye, and felt like a queen on stage. And when the curtain fell, I was worried nervous breakdowns, often negative energy splashed out on me...

The daughter of Rosa Kuleshova did everything not to repeat the fate of her mother, and she doesn’t like it at all when she own daughters exhibit extrasensory abilities. Photo by Galina Sokolova.

Roza Alekseevna was especially sensitive to criticism. Each devastating article led to a nervous breakdown. In 1976, an extensive examination of Kuleshova was carried out in Moscow, after which “ Literary newspaper“wrote that the Tagil “clairvoyant” is a charlatan who knows how to skillfully spy. It should be noted that these experiments were already carried out with a seriously ill woman, and, according to many scientists, then “they threw out the baby with the bathwater.” In 1978, Rose died of a brain tumor.

Rose liked to be a unique person, and she was one. Only the acquired gift did not bring happiness to the woman. She lived with her husband for only five years. How to keep your family together when you are away from home for a long time: you are either undergoing treatment or performing at concerts. There were other men in her life, but the romances quickly ended. And the daughter rarely saw her mother; she grew up with her grandmother, aunt, father and stepmother.

When Irina was 13 years old, her mother began teaching her to read with her hands. The girl didn’t want to, but obeyed. I began to distinguish large letters and numbers, and my intuition suddenly developed. As soon as her mother died, her daughter did everything not to repeat her fate.

“I suppressed all the skills I had learned,” says Irina Palamarchuk. “I hold on tightly to my husband, I gave birth to three daughters, and now I help raise my grandchildren. I live in our ancestral village - Pokrovskoye, and am engaged in fattening livestock for meat. I am sure that the desire to be special did not make my mother happy. She experienced moments of glory, and I relied on long-term family happiness.