How a person is born is no secret to us. How does it happen? the birth of new souls?

The riddle is very interesting. I would like to know the process itself - where it happens, who participates in it, what the birth of a new soul looks like.

It is curious whether souls are constantly being born, or whether once born, they are now only reincarnated.

It is also important: are the same souls born or does each new soul have special talents and unique abilities.

We set out to explore these questions in an additional lesson of the 13th stream of the Institute of Reincarnation.

How souls are born

Observations of memories, how souls are born, made it possible to identify several repeating scenarios.

Let me clarify right away for skeptics: the research was carried out in different time, with new people, but their descriptions largely coincided. These are the common ones storylines the birth of new souls and are collected in “scripts”.

In the first scenario, similar memory images were some small particles that were separated from a large creature.

Svetlana S: I remembered something big Living being, resembling a hydra from which soul balls bud. Heavenly Mother name is Avatorii.

Each ball had its own color. Some were more intensely colored, while others had a less intense color. The color of the soul depends on the energies that the Heavenly Father initially lays down. And he takes energy from the worlds where these souls will have to incarnate.

The scattering balls rushed into spherical spaces where souls of their color gathered. My the soul was purple, and I joined the group of purple balls.

In total there were about ninety newborn souls. I saw how big hands collected us into peculiar beads, then twisted us along the axis. In the process of movement, souls accumulated energies and began to glow from this.

Then a stream began, connecting to the cosmic mind. The mentors monitored the readiness of souls for the first incarnation by the intensity of the glow.

They began to divide us into smaller groups. Teachers visited the small group one by one, transferring important energies for knowledge, recharging and accumulation. Working with energies, the ability to anchor them in the place where it is necessary to stabilize space, turns out to be special the talent of my soul.

Svetlana Ch.: I saw my soul as a drop that separated from something big. As soon as I flew away, about ten to fifteen more droplets joined me, clinging to me from all sides. I remember the feeling of persistence, desire to get ahead- qualities that I observe in myself to this day.

Someone moves our group of droplets into a vessel, and the process of infusion of energies begins. I feel myself expanding from the energies of love and mercy filling me.

Olga T.: I saw a large clot of energy shimmering different colors. There was movement and swaying inside.

Balls of different colors stand out from it. I felt like one of the balls - light, playful. My soul shimmered purple-blue-green, and at the base there was a pearly-golden color.

The mentors accepted me and passed on the basics soul purpose– generate love, spread the energy of love.

Experiencing the white light

In the second version of stories about how souls are born, there were often images of white light and honeycombs, from which the formed energies of souls flew out.

My memory showed just such a process. A large space filled with white light, full of honeycomb pentagons.

In each cell boiling occurs at different intensities. When the seething reaches its peak, a soul ball bursts out of the honeycomb with a sharp explosion.

This ball is taken under the care of the Mentor and transferred, keeping it in his field. This process was revealed very clearly and in detail in Elena’s memoirs.

Elena B.: I see a bright space filled with a white glow. In this sparkling glow, you can feel some waves moving.

This is a living space, and everything in it breathes and moves. Space itself is like a sphere. There are observers outside the sphere.

There are small balls inside. They also sparkle, as if light is about to burst out in each of them. Some processes are taking place on the surface of the balls, flashes flash. Each ball is placed in a honeycomb.

The entire sphere is filled with pentagons that interlock with each other. But the space above the cells is open. There is a lot of traffic in the cells. In some it becomes stronger and stronger.

Here light comes out of one cell. This light is born soul. One cell opens, then a second, a third. And here is mine!

It has a soft purple glow. At first, the color breaks through with one ray, then it grows and now the whole ball-soul shines evenly purple glow.

From inside, through the violet, white light breaks through. Through it there is contact with the external living sphere. A ray of thread, like a connecting cable, joined the large field.

Contact has been established. The maternal sphere begins to respond by transferring knowledge and energy to the newborn soul. Bookmarking in progress soul files.

From within, observers send a stream Great love. The flow is so strong that the sphere has to hold it back, otherwise the soul balls will not be able to withstand it.

But this whole process is so gentle that the energies of love simply envelop every soul, fill and structure. Love becomes reflection of divine light, coming from inside each ball. Under its influence the soul opens up.

The colors of the soul balls are different. Some people are like a rainbow – the play of several colors. For some, one color predominates, for example, yellow. At the same time, there are few red balls. Glow is associated with purpose.

So my purple Connected with vibrations of higher energies. The main task is the ability to grasp the spiritual principle and bring it into the material world.

After the souls have collected the initial starting information and absorbed the necessary energy, the maternal sphere begins to thin out and disappear.

The swarm of young souls is left without care, but they are immediately embraced by the energies of the Mentors. Balls in groups are attracted to the Mentor with whom they match in color.

My group has as many as five Mentors. Each of them undergoes alternating attunement and obtaining information. The soul feels that it is expanding, becoming weightier, more structured.

One of the Mentors talks about the World of Souls. Explains the hierarchy and interaction of souls. Another introduces different worlds and spaces. Shows the geography of incarnations, tells where you can go and what kind of experience.

The last Mentor prepares for the first incarnation. It will be warm place, not earthly, where souls learn to communicate.

Vortex energy

The last story of the birth of a soul can be said to be unique. In my observations, this is so far the only example of just such a scenario. All the more interesting is the experience that has opened up, where the source of the birth of the soul is the energy of the vortex.

Svetlana I. Two swirling energies in a dense vortex flow merged into one, the result was something like a blank. It was completely raw, heavy material that had to be developed further.

The mentor introduces some kind of impulse into him, sparkling star and the energy is revived. The workpiece glows, lightness appears, the glow becomes bright.

The soul receives life.

The mentor invites the soul to follow him, and I begin to move cautiously, carefully, looking around. I see a world similar to outer space, dark, mysterious, in which life is felt.

I feel the closeness of the Mentor, I trust him as a parent. We arrived in a round illuminated hall. This is where we are met energy beings who welcome and rejoice at the addition of a newborn soul to their team.

I feel the warmth and joy of this space, I calm down. I understand that it studies outer space and regulates and corrects processes if necessary.

Everything is under control here, higher energies monitor the emergence of new galaxies, new worlds. I have to learn this work.

What conclusions arise after studying the birth of new souls?

Firstly, the process itself takes place according to different scenarios, although there are not many of them and there are repeating plots.

Secondly, in all examples, the birth of a new soul is controlled by the Guides, who pick up the newborns and move them into a space where growth and learning take place.

Third, many remember the color of their soul at birth, which is associated with special talents, unique abilities and its purpose.

P.S. Are you interested in learning about the birth of your soul and your unique abilities?

Certified consultant of the Institute of Reincarnation. I help people find themselves through creativity.

Stunned like a log,
What's left of the alley,
Everyone is equal to me, I don’t care,
And perhaps most equally -
The former is dearer than anything.
All the signs are from me, all the signs,
All the dates are gone:
A soul born somewhere.

At the beginning of the week I was in the large hall of the House of Music for one performance about my favorite poet, and at the end I heard another story about her, but in a very small hall of the Lyalin Center from the Komediant Theater - “A Soul Born Somewhere... ".
The one-man show is a biography of Marina Tsvetaeva, which was interspersed with her poems. It must be very atmospheric to watch it in Marina Tsvetaeva’s house on Borisoglebsky Lane. But even here, at the moment of the story about the old woman who scared Marina Ivanovna in a dark alley, it seemed that I was standing in this alley and seeing this situation from the outside.
The main role in the play is played by actress and director Alena Chubarova. How wonderfully she managed to act from the young Marina, who sent a collection of her poems to Valery Bryusov, to the Marina who threw a noose for herself in 1941 - all the twists and turns of her life, her love for Efron, which at the same time did not exclude other loves in her life.
And it seems like I already know the poet’s biography well, but it was in this performance, in combination with poetry, that it was new story. It was interesting and exciting to watch her.
I really liked about this performance that it mentally transported me to places connected with the life of Marina Tsvetaeva, to those places where I learned her biography - Crimea, a house in Trekhprudny Lane, a house in Borisoglebsky Lane.

Where does the soul come from before birth - descends from heaven to earth? Where was she before birth, appearance in man?

Hegumen Ambrose (Ermakov) answers:

The question of the origin of the human soul has not been completely answered by the Word of God. As St. Cyril of Alexandria says, this is “a mystery known to God alone.” The Church does not offer us a strictly defined teaching on this subject. Therefore, we can talk about the origin of souls on the basis of theological opinions and the attitude of the Church to these opinions. One of the central places in Origen's dogmatic system was the doctrine of pre-existence human souls. Origen inherited this view from the philosophy of Plato. We will not dwell in detail on the content of this teaching, we will only say that it: a) contradicts the teaching of Holy Scripture about the consequences of the sin of our ancestors, b) is not capable of explaining the fact of the incarnation, c) is associated with the doctrine of universal restoration condemned by the Church. In the middle of the 6th century, Origen's teachings were condemned by the Church. There is an opinion that God created every soul from nothing. (Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyons, Saint Ephraim the Syrian, Blessed Theodoret, Saint John Chrysostom, etc.). Some saints talk about the creation of the soul together with the body, others about the creation of the soul on the 40th day after conception. Weak side This opinion is that it does not explain the transfer of Adam's sinful corruption to the entire human race, nor how children inherit the qualities of their parents. There is another opinion about the birth of human souls from the souls of parents. (Tertullian, St. Gregory the Theologian, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Venerable Macarius Velikiy and others). This theological opinion also does not answer all questions. For example, the soul comes from the soul of the father, mother or both parents; Nor does it explain the cases of striking dissimilarity between children and parents. After V Ecumenical Council The opinion about the creation of human souls began to prevail, and later the doctrine of the birth of souls became more widespread. Both of these opinions complement each other.

The laws of the spiritual world are not known to us. We can only assume that a person receives a soul from his parents, but a person becomes a person, unique and unrepeatable, as a result of a special Divine influence.

Soon everyone will be able to attend the amazing performance “A Soul Born Somewhere...”, dedicated to the great poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. The event lasts 60 minutes.

M.I. Tsvetaeva became one of the brightest and at the same time tragic representatives of Russian poetry of the 20th century. Her beautiful creations still receive many rave reviews and are not subject to the influence of time. The production “A Soul Born Somewhere...” was first presented to the audience in July 2014 and soon it became a prize-winner at the Moscow Roadside theatrical art festival and was awarded many certificates and thanks from museums named after the great poetess. Everyone who purchases tickets to the performance will meet with the birth of fate and poetry, which is forever elusive. The script and production were created by Alena Chubarova and Irina Egorova, and main role performed by A. Chubarova.

The theatrical performance “A Soul Born Somewhere...” was held at the Lyalin Center on October 8, 2017.