These are thin and brittle woody black mushrooms. Outwardly, they look like charred paper. Mushrooms have a smoky smell and crispy, sweetish flesh. They are widely used in Vietnam, Thailand, China. Muer grows on tree trunks. Muer mushrooms were first used at imperial receptions in Japan. Mushrooms, together with tiger lily buds, were considered a real delicacy of Japanese cuisine. All guests loved their crispy texture and sweet taste.

Later muer became widespread in Western countries. In dried form, these mushrooms were not particularly popular until at one of the markets the muer fell into the water, after which it swelled and acquired the appearance familiar to such a product. Now you can buy muer in an oriental spice store at a fairly affordable price.

How to choose

If you purchase dried mushrooms, and most often muer is sold in this form, you should pay attention to their appearance. They should be dry and without any droplets on the bag.

Then look at the color, which can be black or dark gray, but always even, without green or white splashes. If such spots are present, the mushrooms have most likely been wet and moldy. This product is not worth taking.

How to store

Dried mushrooms It is advised to store them in a cool, dry place, where they will be usable for a very long time, up to 5 years. Soaked mushrooms are stored in a closed bowl with water for no more than 2-3 days.

In cooking

Muer has an almost neutral taste, due to which they combine perfectly with any food. They are used to prepare numerous stewed and fried dishes, first courses, side dishes, cold appetizers and salads. Muer is rarely used as a main dish due to the same neutrality of taste.

Before cooking, this product must be soaked in warm water for about 3-4 hours. After this, the mushrooms increase their volume 6-8 times. Next, you need to remove the tough root part and you can cook.

In Korea, fried muer with spices is popular. To prepare this dish, add red pepper and ground cilantro to a heated frying pan, pour olive oil over them and fry for about 2 minutes. Then add mushrooms and cook for 7-10 minutes. Cooled mushrooms are served with herbs. If the product is part of a salad, then you need to add salty and hot sauces. In addition, muer is often consumed as noodles, cut into thin strips and placed in boiling broth for 20 minutes.

These mushrooms are also often used as a side dish for fried potatoes, boiled rice or pork. Funchoza salad with muer is popular in modern cuisine. In addition to muer, it contains rice noodles, carrots, cabbage stalks, spices and herbs. To prepare it, pour boiling water over the vermicelli for 10-15 minutes, meanwhile frying the cabbage stalk and grated carrots with spices, then add the mushrooms cut into strips and fry for about 10-15 minutes. After this, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for about 10 minutes. After this time, the noodles are mixed with mushrooms, soy sauce and fresh cilantro are added and cooled in the refrigerator for several hours.

Calorie content

Like most mushrooms, the calorie content of muer is very small - 33 kcal. Therefore, it can also be used in dietary nutrition.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of muer

Composition and presence of nutrients

These mushrooms are so popular in Asia for a reason. Besides the good ones taste qualities, they have many useful and even unique properties. Muer is rich in protein, and in terms of its content this product is not inferior even to meat. These mushrooms contain a lot of B vitamins and vitamin D. Muer also contains amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. It is ideal for dietary nutrition, as it helps to reduce weight, while saturating the body with all the necessary microelements, which prevents vitamin deficiency.

Useful and healing properties

The health benefits of muer mushrooms are great. First of all, because they are considered an excellent natural antioxidant.

Mushrooms have a number of enzymes that prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, as well as nicotinic acid, known beneficial influence for restoration processes. In other words, by eating muer, a person can not only protect the body, but also help its renewal.

contains iodine, which is important for the thyroid gland. These mushrooms usually help eliminate iodine deficiency along with other Japanese culinary products, such as chuka and shibuki seaweed.

Also, tree mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides, which prevent the development malignant tumors and can improve overall immunity. In addition, extracts, ointments and tinctures from muer, used in oriental medicine, cope well with skin diseases and heal wounds.

This product is also useful for people suffering from hypertension, anemia, obesity and diabetes. Consumption of muer helps reduce cholesterol levels and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Regular consumption of muer normalizes stomach acidity and soothes inflamed and irritated mucous membranes. It acts as a mild antibiotic with anti-inflammatory effects.

It is also believed that muer normalizes water metabolism and slows down the aging process. They should be consumed by those who suffer from swelling in the legs (for this, a teaspoon of chopped mushrooms is added to rice cooked without salt).

Among other things, muer prevents the development of infectious diseases.

Dangerous properties of muer

First of all, muer is contraindicated for those who have liver disease, since such people are not recommended to eat any mushrooms at all.

These mushrooms are also not entirely suitable for allergy sufferers. Especially for those who suffer from eczema or skin dermatitis, such exotic products can cause an undesirable reaction.

This product does not cause harm to the body; it itself is not poisonous and has no poisonous analogues. But if we talk about wild mushrooms, we should remember that they can absorb harmful substances, which often lead to digestive upset or poisoning.

Also, due to the content of a large amount of chitin, muer is considered not entirely suitable food for children under 14 years of age. There are no enzymes in the child's body that digest chitin in large quantities, so it is better to limit the consumption of mushroom dishes.

Mushrooms are not a dangerous product, but somewhat suspicious: especially if their names (hiratake, jingu, xianggu, etc.) evoke associations with either hara-kiri or scurvy. Do you want to figure out what’s what and what it’s eaten with?

What do you do with mushrooms?

Mushrooms are one of the most common ingredients in Far Eastern cuisine. They are added to salads, soups and main courses, vegetables and noodles are fried with them, and even the noodles themselves are made from mushrooms. The Chinese believe that regular consumption of mushrooms regulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system, helps lower cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, in general, all sorts of benefits.

Muers (black fungus)

Popular Chinese mushrooms. They grow on trees. They are usually sold dry. They are highly valued for their ability to not boil over and maintain a dense structure even during prolonged heat treatment. Latest Scientific research have proven that consumption can lower cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots.

Xianggu or shiitake

The pride of Chinese and Japanese cooking and medicine. sold dried. Gourmets appreciate them because the mushroom practically does not lose its original taste during the drying process. And the fans traditional medicine They even consider shiitake to be a panacea for all ills. There is probably a basis for such a belief: at least the Chinese successfully treat sexual impotence with shiitake mushrooms, high pressure and depression for thousands of years.

Oyster mushrooms (aka baoyu-gu, hiratake or “oyster mushrooms”)

Mushrooms that both look and smell like oysters - which is why they got the name "oyster". Valued for its strong and lasting aroma. Sold both dried and fresh. Often used as an alternative to shiitake in Chinese and Japanese dishes.

Jingu (Enokitake or "winter mushroom")

Mushrooms, which, at first impression, can only be used when making original bouquets - they look so strange and “inedible”. However, this is only the first impression. In fact, " winter mushrooms"or are amazingly tasty, especially if you fry them with soy sauce. In addition, they are also useful: recent studies by Singaporean scientists have confirmed that “winter mushrooms” are one of the best natural antioxidants.

Iners (or "snow mushrooms")

Iners are more like corals than mushrooms. However, there is, of course, nothing in common between them in terms of taste. Delicate, slightly sweet, iner are included in many Chinese dishes (including desserts).

Mushrooms - Fungi

Mushrooms- lower eukaryotic unicellular and mycelial chemoorganotrophic organisms. They belong to a special kingdom - Mu-cota. Representatives of fungi are divided into macro- And micromycetes. Macromes and istes form large fruiting bodies, which are absent in micromycetes. The latter throughout life cycle there are only microscopic structures.

General morphological characteristics. The body of the mushroom, called mycelium, or mycelium, makes up branched long threads, or hyphae. In some fungi, the hyphal threads do not have transverse partitions. Most are characterized by hyphae with transverse septa - septa, dividing them into sections. Based on this characteristic, mushrooms are divided into lower ones - nonseptate and higher ones - septate.

Fungi are much larger than bacteria and have actin and cetaceae. The diameter of their hyphae ranges from 5 to 50 microns or more. The cell wall of most fungi contains chitin or compounds close to it. Beneath the cell wall is granular cytoplasm. It contains a large number of ribosomes, consisting of almost one RNA and serving as the main site of protein synthesis. In the cytoplasm of fungi there are mitochondria in which respiratory enzymes are localized; there may also be inclusions of volutin and fats. Fungal cells have a clearly differentiated nucleus surrounded by a membrane. Nonseptate mycelium of fungi contains several nuclei.

The presence of mycelium is one of distinctive features mushrooms Individual areas of fungal mycelium can turn into special formations - sporangia, in which spores are formed that serve to preserve or reproduce the species. The methods of propagation of mushrooms are very diverse. They can have vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction. The specificity of reproduction is the basis for the taxonomy of a particular fungus.

Taxonomy. Let's look at some representatives of fungi that are important for agricultural or industrial production. To the kingdom Musoi includes slime molds, or myxomycetes (division Muhotu cot a), and mushrooms themselves, or true mushrooms (department Eitusoy).

Myxomycetes - department Myxomycota. This is a group of peculiar organisms that resemble mushrooms in some properties, but at certain periods of the development cycle they are similar to amoebas. Myxomycetes are found in the form of a mucous mass; they move like amoebas, releasing pseudopodia. The body of these microorganisms is not divided into cells; it contains many nuclei. Myxomycetes can reproduce by simple division, but at a certain stage of development two mucous masses unite, forming fruiting body where disputes arise. The latter, once in a favorable environment, germinate and then begin to divide, forming amoeboid cells. Some of these gamete cells fuse with each other to form a zygote, which divides and grows into a multinucleated mucous mass.

True mushrooms - department Eumycota. This group is divided into a number of classes, a brief description of which are given below.

Class Zygomycetes- a group of organisms that have completely lost the mobile stages of development. Among its representatives, sexual reproduction is most often observed. Asexual reproduction is carried out by immobile sporangiespores formed inside the sporangia.

The described class includes, among others, representatives of mucor fungi, which are widespread in soils. Mucoraceae have a well-developed branched unicellular mycelium, above which rise fruit-bearing hyphae - sporangiobearers. Asexual reproduction occurs with the help of immobile sporangiespores formed inside the sporangia. Among the mucor fungi often found in soil are the genera Mucor, Thamnidium, Rhizopus and etc.

Class Ascomycetes represents the largest group of fungi with branched multicellular mycelium. Reproduction in ascomycetes usually occurs with the help of conidia. They also reproduce sexually - ascospores which are formed after the fusion of the nuclei of germ cells - gametes in the bag - ask. The ascus may develop two, four, six or eight ascospores. Asci are located in formations of various shapes - in ascocarps, or cleistots, - containers without holes, perithecia - containers with a hole or apothecia, shaped like a bowl or cube.

To class representatives Ascomycetes, often found in soil, include species of the genera Aspergillus, Pen id Ilium And Chaethomium. These fungi typically reproduce using conidia, but sometimes they form bags. One of the widely famous representatives department - ergot.

Class Basidiomycetes - the mycelium of these fungi consists of multicellular hyphae. The nucleus of basidiomycetes is differentiated. Sexual reproduction carried out basidia - formations similar in function to the bursae of ascomycetes. Each basidium is formed after the fusion of nuclei - gametes and is a cylindrical cell, at the end of which four basidiospores. The latter are separated and, finding themselves in favorable conditions, develop into a new mycelium.

Basidiomycetes include many pests of agricultural plants, for example, rust and smut pathogens, wood pests - house fungus Serpula lacrymans, many higher, including edible, fungi, as well as various saprotrophs, actively participating in the decomposition of organic residues.

Class Deuteromycetes - a collective group that includes the so-called imperfect fungi. Their body consists of dissected transparent or colored multicellular hyphae, sometimes of budding cells. They reproduce exclusively asexually, in which the formation of conidia occurs on isolated or grouped conidienosps or in special formations called pycnidia.

Deuteromysts include fungi of the order Sphaeropsidales, Melanconiales And Hyphomycetales or MoniHales, representatives of which are widely distributed in the soil.

Mushrooms of order Sphaeropsidales characterized by conidia that form in pycnidia that remain closed or open outward through pores or cracks. This class includes, among others, the genus Phoma, species of which form mycorrhiza with the roots of some plants.

Order Melanconiales includes organisms that do not have pycnidia. Conidia of melanconium fungi are located on conidiophores, connected into special formations - Acervuli.

Mushrooms of order Hyphomycetales have dissected branched transparent or dark-colored hyphae. Conidia of fungi of this group, varied in shape, are found on conidiophores, located singly or in groups. Species of many genera belonging to this class live in the soil: Cephalosporium, Trichoderma, Cladosporium, Alternaria, Fusarium and etc.

Imperfect fungi are divided into families according to the type of mycelium and the shape of the conidiophores. Imperfect fungi also include a group of fungi with an unknown method of sexual and asexual reproduction - Mycelia sterilia, or mushrooms with sterile mycelium, this includes a number of mushrooms ( Sclerotium, Rhizoctonia etc.) that are important in soil processes.

Yeasts and yeast-like fungi belong to the classes Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes And Deuteromycetes. Okay, off to class Ascomycetes order included Endomycetales- yeast-like marsupial fungi that form endospores. The mentioned class includes the family Saccharomycetaceae representatives of which are almost devoid of mycelium. This single-celled organisms oval in shape, reproducing by budding or division.

This family includes a well-studied genus Saccharomyces, many types of which, for example Saccharomyces cerevisiae, have great importance in the food industry. This yeast reproduces by budding.

Species of the genus Schizosaccharomyces, also related to Saccharomycetes, reproduce by division. Among these microorganisms there are causative agents of alcoholic fermentation and yeasts that cause spoilage of wines; these also include many other genera of yeast, for example Nadsonia, the types of which cause food spoilage.

The class Ascomycetes also includes the most typical soil yeasts of the genus Lipomyces.

Class Basidiomycetes represented by yeasts that form basidial-type reproductive structures - basidiospores. Most of these yeasts are related to smut fungi. Among them are red yeast of the genus Rhodosporidium and pink kind Sporobolo-myces, living on the surface of plant leaves, in the asexual stage they reproduce by ballistospores.

To the class Deuteromycetes include yeast-like organisms that do not have endospores. They reproduce by budding. Some species of the genus Torula cause alcoholic fermentation. In yeast genus Rhodotorula pink pigment is synthesized, they cause food spoilage. There are also pathogenic yeasts, for example some species Candida.

A significant number of yeast species are found in the soil, the majority of which do not cause alcoholic fermentation. Yeasts, the causative agents of fermentation, can most often be found in the soils of vineyards.

Representatives of the class are currently classified as fungi-like organisms Oomycetes. Some researchers combine them into one taxon with algae.

  • The ranks of fungal taxa are given in accordance with the guidelines of Yu. T. Dyakova “Introduction to algology and mycology* (M., Moek University Publishing House, 2000).

Tree mushrooms, or as they are also called muer, have a variety of useful properties, they are used in gourmet dishes and alternative medicine. In addition, girls who are on a diet and watching calories should not worry, just 152 kcal contained in 100 grams of product.

When adding mushrooms to food, it acquires an individual, unique taste. But it is worth considering that when preparing and using it is necessary to take into account a certain number of rules, and for some, tree mushrooms can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

general information

Have you ever noticed black mushrooms on certain trees? They are called tree fungi and can grow on tree stumps, tree bark, or the ground. There are several types of such mushrooms. For example, the most famous among the common people is Chaga, or birch mushroom. It is most often used in teas and tinctures. It is worth looking for it on deciduous or coniferous trees.

Usually it does not grow too high, but sometimes it is located almost at the very tops. It can also be found on the stumps of old oak trees after rains. But you need to remember that not all mushrooms are beneficial to humans. You need to know and distinguish between them in order to avoid poisoning. These are “Russian” tree mushrooms.

Chinese tree mushrooms resemble small round ears on trees. And they are deep black in color. They are also famous in Thailand, Japan, and Korea.

Benefits of Muer

Mushrooms have many vitamins, especially a lot of calcium. Muer is advised to be used by people with anemia, weak heart and blood vessels, as it has a strengthening effect.

The benefits of Muer mushrooms include a variety of vitamins and chemical elements. As a rule, they are used in the treatment and strengthening of blood vessels and the heart. They are also used for preventive purposes.

The chemical composition of wood fungus includes:

  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.
  • Pantothenic acid.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Calcium.
  • Plant proteins.
  • Vitamins belonging to the group. IN.
  • Protein.

Due to the last component, muer mushrooms are often used as food by vegetarians. In addition, muer can actually replace fish in terms of the amount of phosphorus, and the amount of calcium is higher than that of some types of meat. For example, celery has 20 times less iron than mushrooms, and crucian carp has 7 times less calcium.

Muer mushroom dishes are very popular in China.. In addition, do not forget about vitamin C, for which the Chinese mushroom is famous. It can cleanse the body of harmful toxins and is good for strengthening the immune system.

With constant or frequent use of muer in the diet, you can notice such changes in the body as:

  1. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  2. Blood thinning.
  3. Reducing the risk of malignant formations (for example, cancerous tumors).
  4. Weight loss.
  5. Reduced fatigue.
  6. Fresh breath.
  7. Reducing the likelihood of kidney stones or gall bladder stones.
  8. Improving recovery processes.
  9. Relieves diarrhea.
  10. Relieves colds and has an expectorant effect.
  11. Relieves swelling in the legs.
  12. Reduce inflammation and pain syndromes.
  13. Side effects from hypertension are now easier to tolerate.
  14. With iodine deficiency, a person's condition becomes better.

In alternative medicine they are used as eye lotions in case of inflammation or fatigue. In the sixteenth century it was used as a throat rinse against colds.

Besides tree mushroom regulates the acidic environment in the stomach. Therefore, they will be very useful for people with high or low acidity (most often associated with chronic gastritis). Mushroom tinctures are recommended for people with coronary disease heart, and those who are susceptible to myocardial infarction. Recommended for those who are engaged in work such as the mining industry, in the most difficult respiratory system conditions. People with enterocolitis should also pay attention to this mushroom.

Harmful properties

Like any other food, tree mushroom carries not only benefits, but also harm. It is contraindicated to eat mushrooms for those who have any liver pathologies, problems with the thyroid gland, exacerbation of the digestive tract or other acute diseases associated with it, and finally, cholesterol. It's also possible individual intolerance, allergy. People who are advised by doctors not to eat foods with coarse fiber should also not eat too many of these mushrooms.

  • Pregnant.
  • For those who want to conceive a child.
  • A lot.
  • Not very useful in the form of chips.
  • For people suffering from such skin diseases like dermatitis or eczema.
  • Little children.

In cooking they are used in such dishes as:

  1. Fish dishes (in the form of dry seasoning).
  2. Meat dishes (especially beef, chicken and pork).
  3. Soups (boiled).
  4. Side dishes.

When storing mushrooms, you need to remember that dried they last quite a long time, but if soaked for only a couple of days. To store dry mushrooms you need a dry and cool place.

When choosing mushrooms, you should pay attention to the specks. For example, if there are greenish or white tints, this most likely indicates old, stale mushrooms. Dried mushrooms, which initially seem small, swell in water and become several times larger than before.

A box of store-bought dried mushrooms can absorb up to five liters of water. Some experimenters argue that the water needs to be changed periodically, along with the temperature, ranging from ice to boiling water.

Proper brewing of mushrooms is characterized by the fact that it takes quite a lot of time, as it requires good heat treatment. This mushroom needs to be cooked for at least two hours. Even frying is best done after prolonged processing. This is because the mushroom itself is not poisonous, but its environment can affect its quality.

Mushroom stems are usually not used in the dish, but they can be added to the soup, finely chopped, for flavor. Mushrooms have a bland taste, but if you use it in dishes, it tends to take on the tastes and smells of other dishes, turning into something individual and unique. In the form of chips, they have a bitterish-sour taste.