Getting married in a dream means that a girl will soon experience new changes in her life.

For married woman such a dream promises great family troubles, additional financial expenses and physical labor.

Marrying a widower means danger.

Marrying a foreigner means trouble.

Marrying a young man promises annoyance or quarrel for widows.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - Daughter

If her father dreamed of a daughter, then very soon she will meet her future husband.

To make everything come true, give your daughter Golden ring.

If the mother dreamed of a daughter, then real daughter experiences emotional discomfort, cannot decide what to do, and does not know who to ask for advice.

For the gods to help her, wear a gold ring near your heart all day, then hide it near your daughter’s bed. Everything needs to be done quietly so that she doesn’t find out anything.

Interpretation of dreams from

The very first condition for the veracity of a dream that would predict the issue of marriage is “the purity of the experiment.”

Those. if the girl the day before did not have conversations with her friends or mother about starting a family, did not look at catalogs with wedding decorations and outfits, I didn’t dream of a fateful meeting with my betrothed, then something that dream books interpret as a symbol of imminent marriage may turn out to be so.

What objects or creatures in a dream predict a wedding?

Of course, universal lists of such “predictors” do not exist in nature. But after looking through various dream books, some generalizations can be made.

Most often, symbols of marriage in dreams, oddly enough, are animals.- both wild and domestic. Seeing a lonely person in a dream means an early meeting with your future spouse, and Wolf Pack promises a quick wedding celebration.

She makes a similar prediction, and interpreters especially note her red color.

All representatives of the barnyard dream of marriage:

  • large-horned animals and their offspring;
  • (preferably white);
  • goats and even for some reason

Some dream books call suitable symbol fish, which is traditionally considered a sign foreshadowing pregnancy, explaining this by the fact that, they say, one dreams of a new addition to the family, and if the girl is unmarried, then this addition may not be a child at all, but a newly-made husband.

All these are symbols from the natural world:

  • birds - swans, storks;
  • trees - especially oak, apple or plum trees;
  • , grass, in particular nettle;
  • fruits, berries and vegetables, the main predictors of which are strawberries (quick wedding!),
  • and (marriage to a wealthy person).

Do you believe in prophetic dreams?

Yes 😄No 😯

A dream in which garlic is woven into the plot has an interesting meaning: a garden bed with it promises a marriage of convenience.

If a man dreams of a bouquet of flowers, it means that he is ripe for a decisive step and is ready to offer his chosen one his hand and heart.

Agricultural work in a dream - sowing, haymaking - also foreshadows a wedding.

If a girl’s parents dream that some changes are taking place in the house - cleaning or rearranging, or some things are being taken out, most likely this indicates that the daughter will exchange her parents’ apartment for her husband’s living space.

A special sign will be that she is taking away things that are necessary for her personally - clothes, underwear, perfumes and cosmetics.

Paradoxical interpretation, but seeing a funeral and all its attributes in a dream means marriage. Especially if one of her relatives had such a dream involving a girl of marriageable age.

Seeing your daughter in a wedding dress means it’s time to prepare for the wedding. If her dress is snow-white, you can hope for a calm family life. But a dream can “dress” a girl in blue or red, which will indicate the presence of envious people.

Examples of real dreams before marriage

Each girl who dreams of getting married or is not at all fixated on this issue has her own life experience, her own character, and therefore approaches to the interpretation of dreams on a “given” topic will differ. Most often, future brides listen to the advice and “decoding” of older people - grandmothers or even great-grandmothers. The classic explanation is dreams about shoes.

Let's ask several young wives a question: what dreams did you have before marriage?

“Several times, in different time, but long before waking up, I had the same dream: as if I was looking for new shoes, going into a shoe store and choosing a soft, comfortable pair, but it seemed like they were worn.

I told my dream in front of my grandmother, and she says: it means you will marry a widower or a divorcee. I just laughed, because at that time I was dating a guy and even making far-reaching plans. And then it happened that we quickly broke up, and after some time on a camping trip I met a very interesting, meaningful man.

It was simple and somehow cozy with him. Our acquaintance quietly grew into a great feeling, and we decided to get married. And what would you think: he turned out to be a widower!”

Valeria, 27 years old.

Shoes are a symbol of marriage according to many dream books. Such dreams foreshadow fateful acquaintances, and then marriage.

The type of shoes does not matter, the main thing is that they are paired. The way the woman you try on or buy looks like can say a lot about your future husband.

This was the case in the above example. The girl dreamed of comfortable ones, but they seemed second-hand. And her future husband turned out to be warm and “cozy”, but already with experience of family life.

A dream involving shoes can indicate the “quality” of a future marriage.

So, if boots or sandals do not fit, marriage will not be easy. And a single piece of shoe is interpreted as a very unsuccessful marriage, perhaps an early widowhood.

“In a dream, my friend and I walked through a beautiful flowering garden. We wandered along the paths, holding hands, then went into either a rotunda decorated with flowers, or just a gazebo. And even in my sleep I feel that there is joy and peace in my soul.

And then my beloved gives me a gold ring and for some reason a chain... Literally three days later, completely unexpectedly for me, he asked me to marry him in reality.”

Nastya, 23 years old.

If you delve into dream books, then in the given dream you can find two indications of an upcoming marriage. Blooming gardens, parks, and gazebos in them have long been considered popular wedding symbols. Moreover a good sign is the dreamer’s joyful mood.

And the second sign is a gift from a girl’s friend. All kinds of jewelry such as rings, bracelets, chains and earrings, especially gold ones, promise imminent marriage, which in this case was confirmed, and this marriage will be reliable. A girl can simply see “tchotchkes” in a dream, try them on herself, receive them as a gift or find them - there is no difference.

“I was getting ready to go on a tour, and all my thoughts were occupied only with this. So, one day I dreamed of some kind of island, apparently: wherever I go, I go out onto the shore of some very clean, almost transparent, reservoir.

Then a carved bridge appeared, which seemed to lead to " mainland“, I stepped on it, and then suddenly my young man appears, picks me up in his arms and carries me across this bridge.

Well, naturally, I attributed this to the upcoming trip and new impressions. By the way, I went there without him. I returned from vacation - and here you are: he offers me, as they say, his hand and heart!

Veronica, 22 years old.

Dream Interpretations claim that crossing water streams across a bridge, especially together, and even in the arms of a loved one, is the most sure sign: to be a wedding. It’s good when the water in reservoirs is clean, and relationships will be clean.

So many different symbols! What else do you dream about marriage?

What do you dream about marriage? It’s interesting that they can foretell an imminent marriage in a dream. wild animals, in particular .

It is best if the animal is white, - this promises the girl a meeting with true love, which will lead to a marriage proposal.

It should be noted that the effect of a dream can be extended over time and patience will be required to wait for its fulfillment.

Plots with a bear in a dream do not consist only of contemplation of the beast. So, fast wedding symbolized by a picture in which a girl runs away from the owner of the forest. And if the animal clearly shows aggression and makes attempts to attack, then you should think about it: the marriage may turn out to be forced and become unhappy. But the main thing in such a dream is not to be afraid of the animal, otherwise the pre-wedding prophecy will not work.

According to dream books, if you dream about a wedding, it’s not very good sign. But everything that is somehow connected with this solemn event in reality foreshadows marriage.

If the dreamer seems to be preparing for a wedding, tries on a veil, has her hair combed, or has a festive hairstyle done - all these actions predict marriage. The veil she saw in a dream speaks of a future marriage as a happy one.

If a potential bride had a dream with a veil, such a dream carries a warning: circumstances may arise due to which it is better to postpone the planned wedding.

A girl of marriageable age may dream that she caught the bouquet thrown by the bride - this is truly a dream come true! All moments related to preparations for the wedding will be predictive.

A daughter's wedding is a joyful event that leaves parents with fond memories of this day. In esotericism there is no unambiguous interpretation of this dream. It is important to consider whether the dreamer has a daughter in real life and what is her Family status. Seeing the wedding of an unmarried daughter who has a boyfriend is a sign of the imminent wedding of a couple in love. If the dreamer does not have children, then in reality he will have opportunities to realize his potential. If you correctly understand the signs of the subconscious, the dreamer will not only learn about his future, but will also be able to avoid making mistakes. Therefore, you should approach the interpretation of the dream responsibly and take into account all the details.

General interpretation of the dream

A childless person can be very puzzled by a dream in which he had a wedding own daughter. In esotericism, this plot is a favorable sign. A person will have a lot of strength and energy to realize his plans. Preparing for a celebration that is not planned in reality foreshadows pleasant troubles. There is a high probability that the dreamer’s house will undergo renovations or he will change his place of residence. In any case, the dream should be perceived with optimism and hope for bright changes.

Setting the table means profit. We must try to remember important detail: how many dishes were on festive table. If the sleeper saw a lot of delicious food in a dream, then in reality he will receive a big profit. Fish portends a new addition to the family, and meat signifies the dreamer’s material wealth. Lenten dishes are a symbol of lost opportunities.

The wedding of a girl who is already married is a warning from the subconscious. The dreamer must be careful when signing contracts and making deals with partners. It is worth postponing expensive purchases for a while.

Who had the dream?

If a woman sees in a dream the wedding of her daughter, who is unmarried in reality, then this is a good sign. The dreamer will have the opportunity to change activities. An activity that caused her a lot of trouble will be replaced by a pleasant and productive pastime. In the interpretation we're talking about both about a possible change of job and about opening own business. It is worth taking into account the dreamer’s life circumstances and, based on them, drawing a conclusion about exact value night vision.

An alternative interpretation is given in the dream book of the Apostle Simeon the Canaanite. The author believed that the dream foreshadows the receipt of unexpected news.

For a man, a dream in which his own daughter did not invite him to the wedding personifies his attitude towards her in real life. Such a dream is a sign that in reality the dreamer pays little attention to his children. They, in turn, feel the need for fatherly love and care. The dream book advises spending more time with your children, learning about their hobbies and worries, and helping them cope with difficulties in life. If the invitation was not sent to any family members, then this bad sign. There will be conflict in relations between relatives.

Bride's outfit

The symbol of the bride and one of the main details of the dream is the wedding dress. Its color and appearance play a big role in the interpretation of night vision. Bride's outfit:

  • Daughter in wedding dress traditional white color - a symbol of good luck and family well-being.
  • A revealing outfit that looks too vulgar on a young girl foreshadows gossip and gossip. The dream book advises not to pay attention to them; over time, envious people will calm down.
  • Dreaming of a daughter's wedding standing at the altar in a torn dress is a bad sign. The dreamer will have a difficult period in his life. Serious troubles may arise at work and in the family.
  • An expensive dress embroidered with sparkling stones is a sign of wealth. If he sees a dream unmarried girl, then soon she will meet her “prince” and a harmonious and trusting relationship will be established between them.

If you dreamed about your own daughter’s wedding, then joy awaits you in life. If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, then it is believed that you should expect good and joyful changes in life. It portends complete freedom from household and everyday troubles and responsibilities.

What if you dream about your daughter's wedding?

Today there are a huge number of dream books that describe many interpretations of the most various dreams. People have dreams, but no one really knows what they mean. You may dream of something incredible and inexplicable, you may dream of something that will happen or has already happened, maybe some kind of mourning moment or, on the contrary, a feast. Many people are interested in why they dream about their daughter’s wedding, so we need to consider it in detail. If a mother dreamed of her own daughter’s wedding, be prepared for good or bad news.

If a mother dreamed of her own daughter’s wedding, be prepared for good or bad news.

Much can be interpreted by the daughter's outfit. A lot can be interpreted by a daughter's outfit. For example, if a daughter gets married in an extraordinary, extravagant outfit, then this means something very bad and is an unkind sign.

You should prepare for bad gossip and slander. But if a daughter gets married in a traditional dress, then this is a very kind and good sign, which foretells only joyful and happy events in life.

If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, she will get married soon.

If your daughter gets married in a dream, then you should expect her to marry very quickly and successfully. But close relatives should especially pay attention to the fact that if you suddenly had a dream in which the daughter does not want to invite relatives to the wedding, this means that the relatives are completely immersed in work and this is very upsetting for family members.

What does it portend?

We need to summarize. If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, you should definitely expect joyful changes and relief from already boring everyday and painful worries, as described in the dream interpreter.

It is very important to remember the dream in which your daughter had a wedding; it is especially important to remember her wedding outfit. If the daughter was in traditional white wedding dress, then this dream promises immeasurable, unclouded and boundless happiness. And if you dreamed about your daughter wearing a wedding dress of red, blue or some other color and style, then you need to be on guard and prepare for envy and gossip that will come from ill-wishers.

Such rumors and tales will not do any harm, but this is the case if you remain calm and completely confident.

In the event that you dreamed that your daughter was getting married, but she did not want to see her close relatives at the wedding.

This means that there will be a possible split in the family, a breakdown of the family. You need to try to pay more attention to close relatives and family, and less immersed in work. Otherwise, there will either be a breakup of the family, or the bad relationship with the daughter will remain.

If you dreamed about your own daughter’s wedding, then joy awaits you in life. If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, then it is believed that you should expect good and joyful changes in life. It portends complete freedom from household and everyday troubles and responsibilities.

What if you dream about your daughter's wedding?

Today, there are a huge number of dream books that describe many interpretations of a wide variety of dreams. People have dreams, but no one really knows what they mean. You may dream of something incredible and inexplicable, you may dream of something that will happen or has already happened, maybe some kind of mourning moment or, on the contrary, a feast. Many people are interested in why they dream about their daughter’s wedding, so we need to consider it in detail. If a mother dreamed of her own daughter’s wedding, be prepared for good or bad news.

If a mother dreamed of her own daughter’s wedding, be prepared for good or bad news.

Much can be interpreted by the daughter's outfit. A lot can be interpreted by a daughter's outfit. For example, if a daughter gets married in an extraordinary, extravagant outfit, then this means something very bad and is an unkind sign.

You should prepare for bad gossip and slander. But if a daughter gets married in a traditional dress, then this is a very kind and good sign, which foretells only joyful and happy events in life.

If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, she will get married soon.

If your daughter gets married in a dream, then you should expect her to marry very quickly and successfully. But close relatives should especially pay attention to the fact that if you suddenly had a dream in which the daughter does not want to invite relatives to the wedding, this means that the relatives are completely immersed in work and this is very upsetting for family members.

What does it portend?

We need to summarize. If you dreamed about your daughter’s wedding, you should definitely expect joyful changes and relief from already boring everyday and painful worries, as described in the dream interpreter.

It is very important to remember the dream in which your daughter had a wedding; it is especially important to remember her wedding outfit. If the daughter was in a traditional white wedding dress, then this dream promises immense, unclouded and boundless happiness. And if you dreamed about your daughter wearing a wedding dress of red, blue or some other color and style, then you need to be on guard and prepare for envy and gossip that will come from ill-wishers.

Such rumors and tales will not do any harm, but this is the case if you remain calm and completely confident.

In the event that you dreamed that your daughter was getting married, but she did not want to see her close relatives at the wedding.

This means that there will be a possible split in the family, a breakdown of the family. You need to try to pay more attention to close relatives and family, and less immersed in work. Otherwise, there will either be a breakup of the family, or the bad relationship with the daughter will remain.