After the newlyweds put their signatures at the registry office, many of them go to church to bless their union before God. But what does this sacrament mean, why do people get married and how does it help them in family matters?

Why do people get married in church?

Wedding in Orthodox religion- rite of church blessing of marriage. It came to us from pre-Christian Greece, where it was customary to decorate the heads of those getting married with wreaths of flowers as a sign of blessing. The Orthodox Church took this action as a basis and introduced Christian elements into it.

But the wedding did not immediately become part of the wedding for everyone. At first, only emperors and their relatives received this honor. Today, any couple can undergo this ritual.

During the ritual, the Priest reads prayers over the newlyweds, calling on God to help the new family and become part of it. Besides:

  • The Trinity is called upon to help the family; it will protect and help the couple;
  • Children born to married couples receive a blessing at birth;
  • It is believed that spouses who have undergone the ceremony are under the protection of God; he himself guides them through life.

That's why many couples come to the Priest, they want strengthen your union, sanctify it and receive support.

But divorce in this case, although acceptable, is considered a great sin. We recommend that you think about this step, whether to decide to ask the Lord for blessings or to wait and check your feelings.

How to prepare for the ritual?

There are some things you need to do conditions, before going to the Priest for a blessing:

  1. It is advisable to start fasting 3 days before the event, more is possible, but three days are required. You should avoid food of animal origin, alcohol, intimacy is also undesirable these days;
  2. As for clothing, a man can choose a regular suit - trousers and a shirt. But the girl will have to choose a suitable dress. It should not expose the knees or chest; light colors are preferred. Many girls wear wedding dresses, but this is not necessary; it is possible to choose others, but modest ones;
  3. A woman's face should not be hidden behind a veil. This symbolizes her openness to God.

This sacrament is performed not any day. The church will give you a specific date. But this definitely will not happen on the eve of great holidays, during fasting, Epiphany and Exaltation, Easter or Holy Week.

In addition, the day of the week is also important. Not suitable for weddings:

  • Tuesday;
  • Thursday;
  • Saturday.

However, if the situation requires it, the Priest has the right to perform the ceremony on prohibited days, and it will be recognized as legal.

How is the wedding going?

Young at first need to get engaged. The engagement begins after the Liturgy, at which the couple is taught the importance of what is happening. Afterwards, the Priest blesses the bride and groom three times, the newlyweds cross themselves three times and receive candles from the minister.

Then the beloved stand in front of the lectern on a pink or white board and confirm to the Holy Father their consent to what is happening. As a sign of acceptance of their consent, three prayers are said to Jesus Christ and the Trinity.

The right hands of the newlyweds are joined by the hand of the minister, and he says prayers for the glory of the newlyweds, for their happiness and health. At this time, the entire procession circles the lectern three times, which means the eternal journey together, which began today for the couple.

At the end, the young people lightly kiss on the lips, approach God’s gates and kiss the icons. That's it, the sacrament is completed. Next, the married couple can go with the guests to the festive table.

In what cases can dethronement be issued?

Orthodoxy is extremely has a negative attitude towards divorce. But there are cases when this cannot be avoided, and in 1918 a list was created possible reasons. Later it was expanded somewhat and today it looks like this:

  • Treason;
  • Entering into a new marriage;
  • Refusal of the Orthodox faith;
  • Disappearance of one of the spouses for a period of 3 years or more;
  • Assault;
  • Incurable mental or venereal diseases;
  • Alcohol or drug addiction;
  • Imprisonment;
  • Performing an abortion without the husband's consent.

Anyone can file a petition to debunk from a couple. You need to come to the temple with the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Wedding certificate;
  • Divorce certificate;
  • All kinds of certificates confirming illness or other reasons for debunking.

No rituals are performed on this occasion; the Bishop considers the petition and, if he considers it justified, he will bless the termination.

We answered the question why people get married, told us how the process works and how to prepare for it. But I would like to note that, first of all, mutual respect and understanding must live in a family. If a couple lacks these two important qualities, no blessing will help them.

Video: what is a wedding for?

In this video, Archpriest Evgeny Larionov will tell you why to seal a marriage before God, how important the sacrament of Wedding is for the couple and for the church:

So, you have decided to join your destiny with your loved one, not just receiving the blessing of the registry office, but also getting married in Orthodox Church. It is important that this event turns out to be not just a tribute to fashion, but becomes a serious, deliberate step, and for this it is important to know its features. Who can get married and when, under what conditions is the sacred sacrament performed and what needs to be prepared for this?

The editors of the site learned all the details of this amazing and powerful ritual.

Who can and cannot get married

The first requirement for those getting married is to be baptized in the Orthodox Church. If the bride or groom is not a member of the Orthodox Church or the situation with baptism is not clear, it is important to come to the church at least a month before the expected wedding date and discuss the nuances with the priest. Sometimes it is allowed to marry newlyweds, even if someone in the couple is not Orthodox, but! - provided that children born in this marriage will be baptized in Orthodoxy.

The second requirement is the marriageable age of the young: the bride must be 16 years old, the groom -18. True, the priest will probably make an exception for a younger bride if she is expecting a child (or, as we say in Ukraine, “if there is hope”). The Church is interested in children being born in a married marriage.

It is curious that the couple will be married even if the future spouses have not received the blessing of their parents. In this case, everything is decided by the blessing of the clergy.

IMPORTANT.Atheists and unbaptized blood and spiritual relatives (for example, godfather and goddaughter), as well as those marrying for the fourth time, cannot get married. The wedding ceremony can only be performed three times. And then provided that the person is widowed or the previous marriage was dissolved by church rules.

When you can and cannot get married

It is important that you can get married on the day of marriage in the registry office (but this is very difficult to bear physically), and even if your legal marriage is many years old.

By the way, if one of the couple has any misunderstandings with documents or other problems, do not be afraid to contact the priest - they will definitely meet you halfway in the church.

Don't get married:

During fasting:
Rozhdestvensky - lasts November 28 - January 6;
Great - seven weeks before Orthodox Easter;
Petrov - depends on the date of Easter, lasts from 8 to 42 days;
Uspensky - lasts from August 14 to August 27.
Take this nuance into account when planning your wedding (fasting involves abstinence from food, alcohol consumption, loud celebrations, and carnal intimacy);

. weddings will be denied on significant days:
September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist;
September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross;
from January 7 to January 19 - Christmastide;
on Maslenitsa;
on Bright Week (the week after Easter);

If one of the couple planning to get married is married to another person who was not dissolved in the order established by the church;

People get married in church not every day, but 4 days a week on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On the days of four fasts, during them, church marriages are not celebrated;

If the blessing of a clergyman is not given for marriage and wedding.

IMPORTANT. There is one piquant point: according to church laws, you cannot appear in church on “critical days.” Well, it makes sense to calculate and choose the right time for the ceremony.

How to prepare for a wedding

It is important to choose a church and a priest who will perform the ceremony. It is advisable to give preference to the temple that you have been going to since childhood, or the one in which you feel comfortable and calm.

You need to agree on a wedding date in advance - several weeks in advance. It is also important to discuss in time: how long the ceremony will last, what to bring with you to the temple, whether it is possible to film the ceremony in the temple on camera or do a photo shoot, how much the ceremony will cost (it is paid).

IMPORTANT. The priest may offer you additional church services: for example, bell ringing, church choir singing.

How to choose guarantors

Guarantors are witnesses at a wedding who hold the crowns during the ceremony. It is customary to choose them from close (friends), baptized, unmarried or legally married people (the church is not allowed to choose divorced or civilly married people). Guarantors perform the same duties as godparents: they help young people in life with advice and spiritually guide the family.

IMPORTANT. If it was not possible to reach an agreement with witnesses, the wedding can take place without them.

Which wedding dress to choose?

An important rule: young people must wear baptismal crosses. The bride is supposed to wear a dress that is not short (below the knees), without a deep neckline and too open shoulders (a stole can be thrown over the shoulders). A veil is allowed, but massive headdresses or hats are not allowed, since the bride will be wearing a church crown on her head.

The groom is supposed to be in a suit, but... not in a sports suit or too bright or extravagant, and for female guests of the ceremony it is advisable to wear a dress or a skirt below the knee, and for married women - with their heads covered.

IMPORTANT.The bride should not come to church with very bright makeup, and besides, you cannot kiss the cross and the icon with painted lips. By the way, people believe that a wedding dress cannot be given or sold: it is stored like a baptismal shirt, kryzhma and candles.

What you need to prepare for a wedding

Two scarves (they are used to wrap wedding candles).

IMPORTANT. The wedding towel is kept, like wedding candles, which can be lit to cleanse the house on difficult days or when someone in the family is sick.

How to behave during a wedding ceremony

The priest will tell you how the ceremony will take place. The wedding takes place at the entrance to the church, the bride stands to the left of the groom, both stand on a towel and keep candles lit until the end of the sacrament. During the ceremony, the newlyweds are blessed by the priest - after a special prayer, he must change wedding rings from the young man's hand to the bride's hand.

Next, the confessor asks the question: “Is the wedding taking place of your own free will? Are there any obstacles? After the young people answer and pray, the young people become spouses before God. They kiss the church crowns and drink the church wine in three gulps.

At the end of the ritual, the priest leads the spouses around the lectern, then to the Royal Doors, the young man kisses the icon of Christ, the young woman kisses the icon of the Mother of God. Afterwards, guests can congratulate the newlyweds!

The church service during which a Christian marriage is illuminated and blessed is called a wedding or church marriage ceremony. Its essence is to bless future spouses for a happy family life, giving birth and raising children. This sacrament should not be a fashion statement or a mandatory element of the wedding. Such a decision is made consciously; each spouse must be aware that they are ready to be with this person for the rest of their lives.

Why do you need a church wedding?

Initially, among the Slavs, the wedding ceremony was endowed with a magical meaning - to protect newly-made spouses from the evil eye, damage, evil spirits. They prepared for it in advance: they sewed special clothes, hats, and prepared protective dishes. With the emergence of Christianity in Rus', the church custom continued to exist. It was believed that a wedding in a church brings happiness, prosperity to a married couple, and protects them from troubles.

The meaning of a wedding is not only an agreement to take care of each other, but also a decision to raise children together, according to Christian traditions. Wedding is a sacrament after which marriage is not subject to divorce. Currently, young people decide to consecrate their marriage in church for a number of reasons:

  • a married couple receives a blessing from God;
  • internal forces appear to create strong family;
  • protecting the marriage from troubles and troubles;
  • the emergence of a strong connection on a spiritual level;
  • responsibility for offspring;
  • receiving protection from God in joy and sorrow.

What do you need for a wedding?

Before performing the sacrament, you need to talk with the priest and prepare a wedding pair of icons, candles, and a towel. Wedding rings are required. Peculiarities:

  • According to Orthodox canons, the bride wears a silver jewelry, and the groom wears a gold one. This is explained by the fact that a woman personifies the image of the Church, and therefore should, like silver, radiate light and grace. The man is considered the image of Christ, whose Divine Glory is symbolized by gold.
  • In the future, the things used in the ritual will help. So, candles can be lit during family problems, and the icons will give strength, protecting the spouses.

What kind of icons should there be?

Icons necessary for pious tradition are called wedding couples. According to tradition, newlyweds must receive a blessing from their parents, and the bride is blessed with an icon Holy Mother of God, and the groom - an icon of the Lord Almighty. Currently, the use of any handwritten image of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Christ is allowed. The wedding icon of the Kazan Mother of God is often used for these purposes.

Conditions for a wedding in the Orthodox Church

Not every official marriage can be blessed and illuminated. There are a number of contraindications and restrictions for getting married in a church, including the age of the newlyweds. So, the future wife must be over 16 years old, and future husband- 18 years. According to church canons, there are days of the week and holidays on which sacred rites cannot be performed.

When can I get married?

Many spouses plan to get married on the day of marriage registration at the registry office. This is a serious intention that should not be rushed. It is better to postpone this decision until the birth of the child or after several years of marriage. When choosing the date for the sacrament, it is important to remember that it is not always possible to perform church ceremony weddings Unacceptable days for this: Tuesday, Thursday: they precede fast days. You cannot get married on Saturday - the day before the day off.

On patronal and twelfth holidays, and multi-day fasts, weddings are prohibited. This:

  • Christmas post: 28.11-06.01;
  • Cheese week;
  • Petrov's fast, depending on the date of Easter, lasts 8-42 days;
  • Assumption Fast: 14.08-27.08;
  • Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11);
  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 27);
  • Christmas time (07.01-19.01);
  • Maslenitsa;
  • Bright week after Easter.

Even if you have decided on a date that is not included in the fast, it is worth going to the temple and additionally checking with the priest so that there are no misunderstandings. Other restrictions on holding a church wedding ceremony include: night time, “critical” days for women and permanent holidays such as Christmas, Epiphany, Annunciation, Easter.

Obstacles to marriage

A prerequisite for a wedding is the conclusion of an official marriage. Those getting married must be baptized Orthodox Christians. Although there is an exception to this rule: a non-Orthodox Christian is allowed to get married, provided that the children born will be baptized into Orthodoxy. Other restrictions when the ordinance is not performed include:

  • unbaptized;
  • atheists;
  • living in a civil marriage;
  • people with blood or spiritual kinship;
  • fourth official marriage;
  • mental disorders and diseases.


Conduct in church should be reverent and respectful towards the sacred things and each other. Loud conversations, laughter, and whispering are not allowed here. About Cell phones You also need to forget: turn off the device or put it in silent mode. While in the center of the church, you must not turn your back on the holy images. All attention should be directed to prayer, because subsequent family life depends on it.


To choose a church for a wedding, you need to walk through different churches and feel “your” place. It is also important to find a priest you like, talk to him, discuss all the details. Then you need to make an appointment for the wedding a few weeks in advance. The issue of cost needs to be discussed in advance: in some churches it is a fixed amount, in others it is a voluntary donation.

The bride and groom should prepare for the wedding not only financially, but also spiritually: confess and receive communion. Without these procedures, the couple will not be able to receive blessings from God in the church. Newlyweds must pray, ask for salvation, forgiveness from the offended, let go of grievances, and pay off debts. Only after their souls are cleansed are spouses allowed to receive communion.


Treat your prayers with attention and reverence, because a wedding is not just a ceremony. During the entire sacrament, the Church prays only for the bride and groom, with the exception of prayer for the raising parents. Church ministers, those getting married, witnesses, guests and everyone present should, with their words, thoughts, and prayers, ask God for happiness and a strong family for the spouses. It's important to focus on what's important.

Choosing an outfit for the bride

The wedding dress should cover the shoulders and arms and be no higher than the knees. A deep neckline is not desirable, but you can use a cape, an openwork shawl, a bolero, or a stole. It is better to choose a light color for the outfit; avoid dark and bright ones. Sundresses and trouser suits are not appropriate for this occasion. The bride's head must be covered. A hat is not suitable for this occasion, since during the ceremony the newlyweds wear church crowns.

Shoes can be anything, the main thing is that they are comfortable. You must remain on your feet throughout the entire procedure. The wedding lasts a long time, so it is better to avoid high heels and uncomfortable shoes. Makeup should be light and discreet. It is forbidden to kiss icons, crosses, or crowns with painted lips. Wedding dress stored with wedding candles, icons, baptismal shirts. It cannot be sold, given away or given to anyone.

How does the wedding take place?

During Divine Liturgy emphasize the importance of the Sacrament of Marriage and the spiritual purity with which one must approach its conclusion. This is followed by betrothal - the consolidation of the mutual promises of the spouses before the Lord. Heavenly marriage takes place in the church and means that the husband accepts his wife from God himself. The engagement is secured with wedding rings, which the priest puts on first to the groom, then to the bride, while saying prayers. Afterwards, the spouses exchange rings three times in honor of the Holy Trinity. Everything ends with a prayer for a Guardian Angel for new family.

Then comes the wedding:

  • The newlyweds hold candles in their hands and solemnly follow the priest with a censer to the altar. This means that on its own life path they must follow and keep the commandments of the Lord.
  • The couple is greeted by the Choir singing Psalm 127, which blesses the marriage.
  • The newlyweds stand on a white or pink board located in front of the lectern.
  • The bride and groom once again confirm their voluntary decision to marry, remain faithful and create a union made in heaven.
  • The wedding ceremony begins with the liturgical exclamation: “Blessed is the Kingdom...”
  • Then prayers are read, after which the most important moments of the sacrament begin - everything that was asked for in the prayers is accomplished, strengthening and illuminating the future family.
  • The priest places a crown on the groom and gives him to venerate the image of the Savior. In the same way, he blesses the bride, allowing her to kiss the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • The priest reads a prayer for the acceptance of crowns immaculate and undefiled in the Kingdom of God.
  • Following is the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians, which husbands and wives should fully know.

Spouses, adorned with crowns, appear before the face of God Himself, awaiting blessing. The solemn moment comes. After reading the prayers, the priest gives wine to drink first to the groom and then to the bride. Everyone takes 3 sips. The priest then connects the husband's right hand with right hand wife, covers them with stole, and places his hand on top. Such a gesture means that through the hand of a clergyman, the husband receives a wife from the Church itself forever in the earthly world.

The young couple walks around the lectern 3 times, from that moment their joint procession began, hand in hand. Having completed the movements, the priest removes the crowns from the married couple, brings them a cross for kissing and hands the image of the Savior to the groom, and the image of the Most Holy Theotokos to the bride. The great sacrament of wedding lasts 45–60 minutes. Church wedding ends with a wedding meal for spouses, guests, and witnesses.

How many times can you get married in Orthodoxy?

A wedding is a responsible decision for two adults. loving people. This is the step that seals marriage ties and makes them inseparable. If there is a feeling of fear or uncertainty, it is better to wait. Having decided on the sacrament, you should not perceive it as a beautiful church ceremony, and even more so as an obligatory element of the wedding. It's something more. Jesus said in the Bible that people cannot destroy a union blessed by God, but there are situations when a church marriage does break up.

There is no such thing as “debunking,” but the church still recognizes the possibility of dissolving a married union. According to church canons, a Christian is not allowed, but tolerated, a second marriage. Permission for it can be obtained only by writing a petition addressed to the ruling bishop and submitting Required documents. This is followed by a conversation with a priest to explain the reasons for the dissolution of the first marriage. The Church allows remarriage:

  • widowers;
  • those who are left with small children;
  • if one spouse was never married, and the second was divorced not on his own initiative;
  • after adultery;
  • in case of criminal punishment of one of the spouses;
  • in the presence of a disease that is incompatible with the birth of children (AIDS, syphilis);
  • in the absence of a spouse for more than 3 years;
  • with severe mental illness incompatible with family life (including drug addiction, alcoholism).

According to church rules, a repeated sacrament leads to excommunication from communion for 1-2 years, and for a third wedding – up to 5 years. The temple interprets the second and third marriage as adultery and polygamy. The ceremony will no longer take place the same way as during the first wedding. There will be prayers not only for the happiness of married life, but also for the repentance of those who have deviated from the church rules of marriage. It is permissible to marry for the third time only due to the exclusion of disorder in personal life and fornication. This is not the norm for a believer. The fourth marriage is not considered by the church in any way: it is prohibited.


Wedding carried out after marriage at the registry office using a marriage certificate, which will actually be required from you church.
In some churches there is a pre-recorded date and wedding time, it’s easier for young people. To do this, they only need to drive up. You will be married by a priest, who will be the first to perform the ceremony. Bookings are usually made one to two weeks before the event. This time is enough to confess sins, repent, and spiritually cleanse yourself for a new period in your life. Eat churches, where such a record does not exist, and then it depends. You will be married after all the requirements. But here you can choose a priest if there is such a need. For such weddings You should issue a receipt for sacraments on the wedding day.
Wedding ceremony not performed on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, on the eve and on the days of great and church holidays, in fasts - Great (seven days before Easter), Petrov (second Monday after Trinity), Assumption (August 14-27), Rozhdestvensky (November 28-January 7), Christmastide (January 7-20), on Cheese week(one week before the start of Lent), Easter week(Bright Week), February 14 (eve of the Presentation of the Lord), April 6 (eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39 days after Easter), Eve of the Holy Trinity (49 days after Easter), Trinity Day, 10 and September 11 (the eve and day of the Beheading of John the Baptist), September 20 (the Eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary), September 26 and 27 (the eve and day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord), October 13 (the eve of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary).
Best day of the week for a wedding It is considered Sunday; on this day there are many people who want to get married. Some churches even practice wedding of several couples at the same time, although this is prohibited. They also get married on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Passes wedding in the middle of the day, but under no circumstances, not in the evening.
Wedding is a paid action. Each church and temple has its own fee; you must first agree on the price.
There are some wedding restrictions, according to which the priest has the right not to allow you to participate in this ritual. Here are some of them: if one of the young people is not baptized, then he will need to be baptized first; if there is a large age difference or the age is not within the limits established by law; if there is any relationship between the bride and groom (up to the fourth degree of relationship); if the person is mentally or mentally ill; if the person is an atheist, Muslim, pagan or any other non-Christian religion. Also, if a person has been married for more than three times or currently married. And one of the main things is parents' blessings!
If a girl is in this moment pregnant, this will not interfere with the wedding. You can contact the ruling bishop with all questions.
For wedding You will need two icons of the Savior and the Virgin Mary, as well as rings, candles and a long white towel on which the newlyweds will stand.
The bride should be dressed in White dress, even if she is aged. Shoes should be comfortable, without high heels, as you will have to stand for several hours. Jewelry and cosmetics must be absent or in minimum quantity. The bride must have a headdress on her head, this can be either a veil or a scarf.
Newlyweds must wear pectoral crosses . We must also take care of the choice of witnesses. They must be baptized. It is better to choose two men, since you will have to hold crowns over the heads of the bride and groom, and this is not so easy. Before the wedding young people should not eat, drink, or smoke anything and abstain from marital relations- from twelve o'clock at night.
The church does not approve of second marriage, but allows it as a descent into human weaknesses. In this case wedding differs slightly in two prayers of repentance, there are no words about voluntary and unforced marriage, but the betrothal and the laying of crowns remain the same. Only the bishop has the right to dissolve a church marriage. You show him the divorce certificate from the registry office and if there are no canonical obstacles, he removes the blessing and gives permission for a new one church marriage.

Sacrament of wedding

In ancient times, after matchmaking and engagement, the most important step came - weddings. The bride and groom, having received the approval of their parents and announced their intentions to family and friends, now had to receive God's blessing their union.
Before the wedding ceremony the young people had to fast for a certain time (usually seven to ten days), pray, then repent and take communion.
Before deciding to take this important step, young people should realize that from this moment they will begin a completely different life, based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. All this must be achieved with the help of their mutual love. There should be no lies in this new life. Wedding implies a certain relationship between spouses, where the husband is the head and support of the family, and the wife provides her husband with support, understanding and patience, no matter what happens. Now the married couple must work for the benefit of their tandem and not allow various problems and troubles to destroy their family happiness. Overcoming difficulties together only strengthens the marriage.
According to church laws each spouse has their own place in the family and they both must know and adhere to it. Husband is an organizer family life and the life of both. A wife should become her husband’s most precious treasure; he is obliged to take care of her and the children. The strength of the union and the well-being of the family are now on his shoulders. The spouse should appreciate everything best qualities your wife and be proud of her merits. The wife, in turn, must listen to her husband, respect his opinion and the decisions he makes. A woman should become a model of obedience. Spouses must exist for each other and do everything possible to ensure the joy and happiness that is felt in the process wedding ceremony, accompanied them throughout their lives.
Wedding ceremony has a deep spiritual basis. This is a sacrament when two loving halves unite on earth into a single whole to be together until the end of their days.
Surrounded by icons and thousands of burning candles, one especially feels the close presence of God, his blessing. The very atmosphere prevailing in the church makes one think about eternal values. After wedding ceremony an inevitable transformation of moral and spiritual qualities occurs, the unity of two loving souls is achieved.

Wedding ceremony

Since ancient times in Rus' wedding in church was an integral part of the wedding. IN modern world couples wishing to present their union at God's blessing, is getting smaller and smaller. This largely happens because church marriage lost its legal force. In addition, getting married is a very serious step that entails certain responsibilities on the part of both spouses.
Wedding follows engagement. The young people, holding lighted candles in their hands, follow the priest into the middle of the temple. The priest, as it were, shows them the way and bequeaths them to live according to the Biblical commandments, with God in their hearts and souls, to do only good deeds. At this time, the church choir sings a song in which the marriage blessed by the Lord is glorified.
The young people stand on the towel, spread out in front of the lectern, where the crowns, cross and Gospel lie. The bride and groom again confirm their mutual desire to get married and the absence of similar promises made to anyone else. This recognition is the main condition for the conclusion church marriage. After this, the marriage is considered valid and then its sanctification by Divine Grace begins.
Then the priest again prays for a message to the young children, for a peaceful life, long life and love for each other.
And now comes the culmination of the ritual - the clergyman takes the crown, signs the cross over the groom and gives him to kiss the image of the Lord, which is attached to the upper part of the crown. In the same way, the priest blesses the bride and gives her the image of the Most Holy Theotokos to kiss. This is how it is presented to spouses God's blessing.
After this, the priest continues to read prayers, excerpts from the Gospel and the messages of St. Apostle Paul. They tell us how spouses should treat each other from now on, how to lead their future lives, and also proclaim God’s blessing on the union.
The next step is to offer the cup of fellowship - the cup of red wine. The groom takes three sips first - as the head of the family. The priest then passes the cup to the bride. Afterwards he joins the hands of the young people and covers them with his own - as a sign blessings of marriage.
Then the priest circles the spouses around the lectern three times, which symbolizes the further joint procession of the young people through life. After this, he removes the crowns from the bride and groom and pronounces greetings. Then the priest prays again and at the end of the prayers the young people seal their union with a kiss. In conclusion wedding ceremony the clergyman brings the spouses to the Royal Doors and presents the icons of the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos.

Wedding traditions

There are many different traditions and rituals. All of them are done to strengthen the new family and happy life young.
The most spiritual and pure among all wedding ceremonies is undoubtedly wedding. It is performed before the face of the Lord in the name of blessing the new union. Surrounded by their closest relatives and friends, the young people commit the most important action in your life.
In the solemn atmosphere of the temple, it is impossible not to be imbued with the grandeur and spirituality of what is happening. Many burning candles, an altar, and gold icons give rise to incredible awe and reverence in the soul before the action taking place. This environment helps young people take a different look at their union. This view is more serious, it requires the deepest awareness of all your feelings and responsibilities in marriage. The young people declare their relationship in front of the Lord and ask for his blessing. The husband now takes on the responsibilities of a protector and leader, and the wife takes on the responsibilities of a housewife and mother of children.
Church marriage consists of a church where young people promise each other before God to go through life hand in hand and do everything possible for the prosperity of their family. the main objective both husband and wife - to take care of the welfare and strength of their union and the continuation of the family. The spouses promise each other to be together on earth and remain inseparable in eternity. The husband should now be proud and admire the virtues of his wife, and the wife should listen to and respect her husband. The basis of their marriage is love, which helps the young to cope with all the difficulties and problems that they encounter.
Nowadays, all the promises made by young people in the church come down to two main ones - to be faithful and inseparable. Both events - betrayal and divorce - are great sins.
Wedding- a rather long ritual. It takes place within a few hours. The ceremony begins with betrothal, during which young people exchange rings. The priest is a “conductor” between the spouses and the Lord, he declares the will of God and blesses the couple. The priest reads prayers for the salvation of the bride and groom, and then asks God himself to bless their union. At the very beginning of the ceremony, the priest hands the newlyweds two candles, which must burn throughout the ceremony.
At all times wedding made a lot of sense to people. It was considered official marriage. But these days, the ceremony has no legal force and only those couples who have previously registered at the Registry Office can get married. Today, few young people get married immediately after the wedding.
Most people prefer to first test their marriage for several years or not get married at all.
At the wedding banquet, the main traditions are also preserved: the first toast is raised to the bride, the bride and groom eat one piece wedding cake for two (from one plate), the traditional wedding dance - the waltz - is also required. Moreover, the newlyweds start dancing first, and then they are joined by the father of the groom paired with the mother of the bride and the father of the bride with the mother of the groom. The third dance is the bride dancing with her father, and the groom dancing with the bride's mother (mother-in-law). And only after this dance all the guests begin to dance. And then the wedding celebration follows the “well-worn track” - songs, competitions, games, funny toasts.

There are also many signs associated with a wedding. Here are some of them:

There is a ritual worth doing before the wedding. In the morning on the wedding day, you need to put a lock under the threshold, as soon as the newlyweds cross the threshold, close the lock with a key, throw away the key, and save the lock for a happy life together!
If before the wedding The young people swear allegiance to each other over the well, then their love will be eternal and “bottomless.”
Good omen when the bride for the wedding travels and returns home using different routes, it is better to think them through in advance.
Under no circumstances should the crown be held over the heads of the newlyweds due to its weight - this is considered almost an invalid marriage, a bad sign. Therefore, it must be fully clothed on the head.
In the process of getting married When they put on their crowns, young people can repeat to themselves the words “...but my illnesses do not make us crowned,” this is the only way to get rid of illnesses and not take them with them into a new bright life.
If during the wedding the newlyweds’ candles burn evenly and smoothly, then they will lead to a measured and happy life, but if they crackle, then they will have to live restlessly.
If one of the young people’s candle burns out faster and longer, then he will not have to live so long.
Wedding candles must be saved and kept at home for the rest of your life. There is a belief that they help with difficult birth!
The towel they stood on young people at a wedding, you should not give it to anyone and keep it at home for the rest of your life. This towel (also called a towel) is a symbol of a long life road for two loving hearts. By the way, who will be the first to step on wedding towel, he will rule the family.
During the wedding young people should not look into each other's eyes, they will not get along together, leading to adultery.
At the end of the wedding, as a sign of gratitude for the sacrament performed, the newlyweds should thank the church with freshly baked bread, wrapped in a linen towel.
After the wedding Before the festive table, the newlyweds are met by their parents, who present them with a pie and throw hops at their feet. The bride and groom must eat the cake in half. Pie (bread, loaf) is a symbol of love and harmony in the family, and hops are for a fun life.
When young people sit down festive table, then they must intertwine their legs under it so that even a cat cannot run between them. This way, young people will not have quarrels and scandals.

In principle, there are general rules and regulations for those days when you cannot get married. Here they are:

- the ceremony cannot be performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year;
- weddings are not held during the Great, Petrov, Assumption, and Nativity fasts;
- on the eve of the twelve, temple and great holidays;
- in continuation of Christmastide, from January 7 to January 20;
- during Cheese Week (Maslenitsa);
- during Easter (Bright) week;
- on the days (and on the eve) of the Beheading of John the Baptist, and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

Topic of the article: wedding in the Orthodox Church - rules. And I would like to tell you about weddings not just as a beautiful rite, but as a sacrament that can influence your entire life in an inexplicable and unknown to “humans” way. And not only for yours, but also for the lives of your children.

My grandmother told me that people get married not even for themselves, but for their children. After all, in the sacrament of wedding the couple is blessed to give birth and raise children.

In the article I will tell you about the sacrament of wedding in the Orthodox Church in accessible language. And I will definitely answer all the questions that arise when preparing for the wedding. Also in the article you will find a video with the priest’s answers to all your questions about the wedding.

Notice the word "sacrament." It is this word that is intended to suggest that you should not get married if you do it not consciously, but at the insistence of your parents or because it is fashionable or accepted. Wedding is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church, along with baptism, communion, and priesthood.

We've all heard the expression, "Marriages are made in heaven." But we have no time to think about what secret and important message of our day is hidden in these words.
We all want to live happily ever after with our loved ones, but we neglect such a simple and accessible opportunity to receive the sanctification of our union. To do this, you just need to seriously, consciously and thoughtfully prepare for the wedding.

What needs to be done before the wedding?

So, how to properly prepare for a wedding? The couple must receive communion before the wedding. This can be done the day before or on the wedding day itself at the morning liturgy (morning service). The wedding usually takes place immediately after the liturgy.

You need to prepare for communion: fast for 3 days, read special prayers - Follow to Holy Communion, confess. Here is the answer to the question, is it necessary to fast before a wedding? If the newlyweds will take communion on the wedding day, then fasting before the wedding (more precisely, before communion) is necessary.

What do you need for a wedding in a church?

You need to buy in advance before the wedding:

  • Icons of the Savior and Mother of God(icons must be consecrated, so it is better to buy them not in a store, but in the Temple),
  • Wedding candles (beautiful wedding candles can also be purchased at the Temple).
  • 2 towels (rushnik), one for laying under the feet of the bride and groom, and the other for wrapping the hands of the bride and groom,
  • Wedding rings.

Who can be a witness at a wedding?

Previously, witnesses at a wedding were called guarantors and successors. They were to mentor the young. Therefore, as a rule, experienced witnesses were taken as witnesses. family people. Nowadays they often take their friends as witnesses. A wedding without witnesses, at the request of the newlyweds, is also possible.

What days can you get married?

The basic rules that must be followed are as follows. You cannot get married on the days of all 4 fasts, as well as on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. There are also a few more days a year when weddings do not take place.

After the wedding is over, the bell rings in honor of the birth of a new family and the guests congratulate the newlyweds.

Church wedding – rules. VIDEO Answers to questions from Archpriest Pavel

Find out the answers to the questions you still have to put your wedding planning stress behind you in this short video. Archpriest Pavel answers the questions.

What rings are needed for a church wedding?

Previously, it was customary to buy wedding rings - gold for the groom and silver for the bride. Golden ring the groom symbolized the brilliance of the Sun, and the wife's silver symbolized the light of the Moon, shining with reflected light.

Now they often buy both rings - gold ones. Rings can also be decorated with precious stones.

How to choose the right outfit for the bride?

What kind of dress should you wear for a church wedding? The dress should be light, not tight-fitting and no longer than the knee. Shoulders, arms, and décolleté should not be exposed. If the dress is off the shoulder, use a cape.

The head must be covered. You can use a veil, scarf or cape with a hood. In the hands of the bride at the wedding is not a bouquet of flowers, but a wedding candle.

Don't wear too bright makeup. It is better to choose shoes that do not have very high heels, because the wedding ceremony can last about an hour.

Young people and witnesses must have crosses on their bodies.

Communicate your wedding dress code to your guests. Women and girls must wear dresses with covered knees and shoulders. And also with your head covered.

How to celebrate a wedding? Congratulations on your wedding. What do you give for a wedding?

The sacrament of wedding takes place joyfully and solemnly. It is customary to continue the celebration at the table after the end of the sacrament. But since a spiritual holiday is being celebrated, the feast should be modest and quiet. From this point of view, it is better to separate the wedding day and the wedding day in time.

In congratulations on a wedding, they usually wish for salvation for the soul, congratulate on God's blessing, wish to live happily ever after, take care of each other, love and cherish. They wish for peace and peace of mind. It is also better to give spiritual gifts, for example, icons or spiritual books.

What do you need for a church wedding if you are already married?

If you are already married, no matter how many years, and have come to a mutual decision to get married, congratulations. This is very useful, both for you and for your children. Our spiritual father says that weddings are even more important for children. because at the wedding, parents are blessed to have and raise children.

For you yourself, a wedding is also very valuable, because now you will not live in fornication, but in a legal marriage concluded in heaven. And now God himself will bless your union.

For the wedding you will need all the attributes described above in this article - icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, 2 candles, towels (towels), rings. The rings may be the same ones you are wearing now. You need to agree in advance with the priest about the date and time. Prepare for communion (fast for 3 days, read the order for Holy Communion, confess). You can receive communion on the wedding day or earlier. You can invite witnesses to the wedding. But you can get married without them.

When does a wedding not take place?

The sacrament of marriage cannot be performed:

  • If the bride or groom is not baptized and does not intend to be baptized before the wedding,
  • If the bride or groom announces that they are an atheist,
  • If it turns out that the bride or groom was forced to come to the wedding by parents or someone else,
  • If the bride or groom have already been married three times (it is allowed to get married only 3 times, and in order to dissolve the wedding there must be a good reason, for example, infidelity of one of the spouses),
  • If the bride and groom are married to someone else, civil or church. First you need to dissolve the civil marriage and obtain permission from the bishop to dissolve the church marriage.
  • If the bride and groom are related by blood.

They also often ask whether it is possible for those who are in a civil marriage that is not registered in the registry office to get married. In general the church is not very welcoming civil marriages, but still acknowledges them. Moreover, the laws of marriage according to church canons and civil law are different. However, some churches ask for a Marriage Certificate.

I really hope that in this article “Wedding in the Orthodox Church - rules” you found the answers to your questions. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments. If I don’t know the exact answer, I’ll ask my spiritual father.

I wish everyone to enjoy life, even rain and bread, to love and be loved!