
Fee calculation topic utility resources one of the most difficult. For those who have not encountered the problem before, it is difficult to figure it out right away, and there seems to be no time for it.

However, let's try.

For calculations, RF PP No. 354 is used (procedure and methods for all occasions), RF PP No. 307 (only for heating and only until July 1, 2016, then RF PP No. 354 is in effect), RF PP No. 306 (standards).

The text of the documents is complex and practically inaccessible to mass payers. There is no clear system in the designation of physical quantities, which can confuse the reader; there are no names of physical quantities used in calculation formulas and explanations. It was as if they were writing for themselves. Like we know it ourselves, but others don’t need to know.

And one more initial note. Gentlemen from the management company and from the developer often show great joy regarding the “energy efficiency” of new buildings, in particular our area.

The essence of energy efficiency is strict accounting of all utility resources and measures to save them. Let's see in the course of the discussion how justified such “joy” is.

Since our DHW system is closed, that is, non-centralized, the corresponding section of RF PP No. 354 (Appendix 2, Section IV) is used for calculations, when the production of a utility service, in this case DHW, is carried out by the contractor (MC) on our ITP equipment from composition of common property.

Regarding this very concept of “production” of hot water supply by the contractor, we will not go into details for now. This is a separate rather “murky” and controversial topic, who actually produces what and how.

Let us only note that according to RF PP No. 354, clause 54 of the Rules, it is clearly stated that fees for the maintenance of common property (ITP equipment, where the service provider heats water for hot water supply) are charged separately. That is, “production” - operating costs for this common property are included in the payment for the maintenance and repair of common property and are not included in the calculation of payment for hot water supply.

So, what needs to be taken into account to calculate the DHW fee?

Total cold consumption drinking water(via the cold water line) supplied to heating for DHW.

The total consumption of thermal energy taken in boilers from the coolant from the centralized supply of thermal energy (heating).

Everything seemed simple. Divided the total heat consumption (heating) by the total volume cold water, which is used up for DHW and order. I got the specific heat consumption per cubic meter of hot water.

However, our receipts do not account for the total volume of cold water and hot water separately.

But individual consumption data for domestic hot water and cold water cannot be used due to the systematic measurement error of apartment meters. Therefore, the concept of ODN was introduced to eliminate this systematic error and accurately total water consumption for the entire house using a common house meter.

In this sense, RF PP No. 354 is not presented entirely correctly and has long since become outdated in some places, when it is proposed to base calculations on the total readings of the IPU if there is no common house meter, but the authors of the regulatory text completely forgot about the systematic error of apartment IPU (dead zone IPU at low water flows).

According to the law “On Energy Saving...”, the first thing that must be done is to install common house metering devices, and where there is no technical possibility due to the design of the house, the technical possibility must be created by reconstructing (extension) the premises for installing utility metering units.

General household metering of utility resources is not beneficial to utility workers, which is why they sabotage the process. IN " muddy water“It’s easier to cheat.

Also, in our ITP, we do not have a separate accounting of the consumption of thermal energy, which is spent on DHW heating. At least this is not clear from the content of the information given in the receipt.

But what about the super duper energy efficient ITP? Isn’t this too simple for a super duper energy-efficient ITP with “space technologies”?

Have you installed one common cold water meter and one common thermal energy meter for the entire block and are as happy as elephants?

And according to the Law, every single house must be equipped with metering devices.

How then does our ITP differ from the usual heating unit of an old Soviet house?

Why are we being told over and over again about energy efficiency?

I want some rogue - a “money pump” under an energy service agreement to “authoritatively” declare that we need to install metering devices to increase energy efficiency.

It is already clear to us that we need a comprehensive accounting of utility resources.

Who stopped you from installing a two-channel heat energy meter? Was it difficult to install a meter to account for the flow of make-up water for the hot water system?

And if they do exist, then why are their readings not used in calculations and not indicated on receipts?

Many people, when paying for utility services, are surprised to see the phrase “water heating” on the receipt. In fact, this innovation was adopted back in 2013. According to Government Decree No. 406, if there is a centralized water supply system, payment must be made at a two-component tariff.

Thus, the tariff was divided into two components: the use of cold water and thermal energy. Now the calculation is made separately for two resources: water for hot water supply and thermal energy. That is why a column appeared on receipts indicating the amount of thermal energy spent on heating cold water. However, many believe that heating fees are charged illegally and write complaints to housing and communal services. To ensure the legality of this type of charge, you should learn more about this service.

The reason for this innovation was the additional use of energy. Risers and heated towel rails connected to the hot water supply system consume thermal energy, but this consumption was not previously taken into account in calculations of utility bills. Since heating fees can only be charged during the heating season, heating the air through the use of a heated towel rail was not paid for as a utility service. The government found a way out of this situation by dividing the tariff into two components.


If your water heater fails, your hot water bill will not increase. In this case, authorized employees of the management organization are required to repair the equipment urgently. But since repairs require payment, residents must still pay this amount. Although the heating bill will remain the same, the cost of repairs and maintenance of the property will increase. This is explained by the fact that water heating devices are part of the property of homeowners.

As for non-standard situations, when, for example, some apartments in a multi-storey building have access to hot water, and the second only to cold water, issues regarding payment for heating are resolved on an individual basis. As practice shows, residents are often required to pay for common property that they do not use.

Thermal energy component

If the calculation of payment for cold water is quite simple (it is carried out on the basis of the established tariff), then not everyone understands what is included in the cost of such a service as heating.

The amount to pay for a service such as water heating is calculated taking into account the following components:

  • established tariff for thermal energy;
  • expenses required to maintain a centralized hot water supply system (from central heating points where water is heated);
  • cost of thermal energy loss in pipelines;
  • costs necessary to transport hot water.

Payment for utility services for hot water supply is calculated taking into account the volume of water used, which is measured in m3.

As a rule, the amount of required thermal energy is determined on the basis of general house values, which are shown by hot water meters and consumed thermal energy. The amount of energy used in each room is calculated by multiplying the volume of water used (determined by the meter) by the specific consumption of thermal energy. The energy volume is multiplied by the tariff. The resulting value is the amount required to pay for what is written on the receipt as “water heating”.

How to calculate it yourself in 2018-2019

Water heating is one of the most expensive utilities. This is explained by the fact that when heating it is necessary to use special equipment operating from the mains. To make sure that the receipt shows the correct amount to be paid, you can do the calculations yourself and compare the resulting value with the amount indicated on the receipt. To do this, you need to find out the amount of payment for thermal energy established by the regional tariff commission. Further calculations depend on the presence or absence of metering devices:

  1. If you have a meter installed in your apartment, then you can calculate the consumption of thermal energy based on its indicator.
  2. If there is no meter, calculations should be made based on established standard indicators (set by an energy-saving organization).

If there is a general heat energy consumption meter in a residential building and individual meters installed in the apartments, the calculation of the amount for heating is calculated based on the readings of the general meter and further proportional distribution for each apartment. If such a device is not available, the amount required to pay for heating is calculated based on the standard energy consumption for heating 1 m 3 of water in the reporting month and the readings individual counter water.

Where to write a complaint

If the legality of the additional line “water heating” in receipts is in question, in order not to overpay for heating, it is recommended to first contact the Criminal Code with a request to explain what this item means. The appearance of a new line in the receipt is legal only on the basis of the decision of the owner of the apartment building premises. In the absence of such a decision, you should write a complaint to the State Housing Inspectorate. After filing a complaint with the Criminal Code, you must be provided with an answer with explanations within thirty days. If you refuse to justify why such a service is indicated in the receipt, you should file a complaint with the prosecutor's office with a claim in court. In this case, if you have already paid the amount indicated in the receipt, the basis for the claim will be Article 395 Civil Code RF. If a refund is not required, but you must pay for services that are not provided to you, file a claim to exclude the “water heating” line. In this case, it is worth referring to Article 16 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2013 No. 406 “On state regulation of tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation,” with a centralized hot water supply system in a closed system, a two-component tariff for hot water is established, consisting of “ cold water component "(rub./m3) and " component for thermal energy "(RUB/Gcal). The resource supplying organization supplying hot water makes settlements with the utility service provider ( Management Company, HOA) for 2 resources: cold water – at the tariff for the “cold water component”; thermal energy – at the tariff for the “thermal energy component”. The value of the cold water component is calculated by the tariff regulatory body based on the tariff for cold water. Value component for thermal energy is determined by the tariff regulatory authority in accordance with methodological instructions based on the following components: thermal energy tariff; maintenance costs centralized systems hot water supply in the area from central heating points (inclusive), where hot water is prepared, to the point on the border of operational responsibility of the subscriber and the regulated organization in the event that such costs are not taken into account in the tariff for thermal energy; · the cost of thermal energy losses in pipelines in the area from the facilities where hot water is prepared, including from central heating points, including the maintenance of central heating points, to the point on the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber and the regulated organization in the event that such losses do not taken into account when setting tariffs for thermal energy; · costs associated with the transportation of hot water. Providers of utility services in accordance with the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011. No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), calculate the amount of payment for utility service for hot water supply for the volume of hot water consumed in cubic meters. In accordance with the Rules, the amount of payment (P i) for the utility service for hot water supply, in a room equipped with an individual hot water meter, is determined by the formula: P i = V i n * T to p (1), where:V i n - volume (quantity) consumed during the billing period in i-th core or non-residential premises of a communal resource, determined according to the readings of an individual meter; T to p — tariff for a utility resource. Since the tariff for the utility resource “hot water” is set in the form of two components, the utility service provider with consumers of hot water makes payments for the components: cold water and thermal energy for hot water supply needs. Amount of thermal energy (Gcal/ m 3) for hot water supply needs per 1 m 3, as a rule, is determined by the utility service provider on the basis of general house (collective) readings of hot water meters and thermal energy in hot water. It should be noted that the utility service provider makes settlements with the resource supplying organization based on the readings of the same common house (collective) metering devices for hot water and thermal energy in hot water. The consumed amount of thermal energy in hot water in the i-room (Gcal) is determined by multiplying the amount hot water according to an individual metering device (m 3) by the specific consumption of thermal energy in hot water (Gcal/m 3). The volume of hot water determined according to an individual metering device (m 3) is multiplied by the tariff “component for cold water” (rub ./m 3) is the payment for cold water as part of hot water. The volume of thermal energy in the consumed hot water (Gcal) is multiplied by the tariff “thermal energy component” (rub./Gcal) - this is the payment for thermal energy as part of hot water water. In accordance with the information letter of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia dated November 18, 2014 No. SZ-12713/5 “On the issue of regulating tariffs for hot water in a closed hot water supply system for 2015,” it is said that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of public regulation of prices (tariffs) has the right to make a decision on the establishment of tariffs for hot water in a closed hot water supply system per 1 cubic meter. m. In this case, the calculation of the tariff for hot water (T hot water) per 1 m 3 is made according to the formula: T hot water = T hot water * (1 + K pv) + US central heating + T t/e * Q t/e (2), where :T hvs - tariff for cold (rub./cubic m); T t/e - tariff for thermal energy (rub./Gcal); K pv - coefficient taking into account water losses in closed heat supply systems from central heating points to the point connections; US central heating - specific costs for the maintenance of hot water supply systems from central heating points to the boundaries of the balance sheet of consumers (without taking into account losses) in the event that such costs are not taken into account in tariffs for thermal energy (power), per 1 cubic meter. m;Q t/e - the amount of heat required to prepare one cubic meter of hot water (Gcal/cub. m). At the same time, the amount of heat for preparing one cubic meter of hot water (Q t/e) is determined by calculation, taking into account heat capacity, pressure, temperature, density of water, losses of thermal energy in risers and heated towel rails. Thus, the charge in the receipt for hot water depends on the form in which the regulatory authority has set the tariff for hot water: for two components (cold water and thermal energy ) or per cubic meter. In question the amounts of charges for 2 components (cold water and thermal energy) are given, but the municipality and tariffs for the components are not indicated. If we assume that hot water consumption was 10 m3, then the tariff for the “cold water component” is 331 rubles. / 10 m 3 = 33.10 rubles/m 3. If we assume that the tariff for the “thermal energy” component is 1800 rubles/Gcal, the amount of thermal energy consumed is: 1100 rubles. /1800 rub./Gcal = 0.611 Gcal, respectively, to heat 1 m 3 of hot water, the thermal energy consumption was 0.611 Gcal / 10 m 3 = 0.0611 Gcal/m 3. Chief Economist of the Yurenergo Group of Companies Isaeva T.V.

When paying for utilities, consumers see various abbreviations on their receipts. It is important to know what stands behind these letters and where the money goes. DHW is a hot water supply service. But let’s take a closer look at what it includes and what it consists of.

Regulatory framework and definitions

Hot water, centrally supplied to consumers, in accordance with the provisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011, is one of the communal resources. A utility service is the provision of a resource to the consumer by the service provider (provider).

That is, in the case of hot water supply, the utility service is the supply of hot water of the required parameters to apartments apartment buildings, dorm rooms, enterprises and public buildings (hospitals, laundries, kindergartens, etc.).

The heating network provides services for the supply of hot water to residents, and it is also responsible for providing centralized heating of residential and public buildings.

Features of the service

The preparation of hot water for the needs of hot water supply occurs in centralized heating boiler houses, in the same place where the coolant of the heating system is heated.

Boiler rooms can be connected to a looped DHW system or be a dead-end type - designed for a group of houses or one house (for example, rooftop boiler rooms). The closer the consumer is to the source of hot water (boiler room), the better the quality of the service provided and the higher the water temperature. However, connecting to loop networks is preferable from the point of view of reliability and uninterrupted hot water supply.

The service includes:

  1. Boiler room maintenance. Unlike heating, domestic hot water is provided all year round, while the boiler houses switch to summer (minimum) operating mode.
  2. Trail maintenance.
  3. Carrying out scheduled repair work on networks.

Water heated in the boiler room for an open (unclosed) DHW system enters consumer apartments through supply water pipes, distributed through intra-house DHW networks.

It should be remembered that hot water cannot be used for cooking due to the presence of additives in it - special additives that reduce the level of scale formation on the internal walls of pipelines.

The temperature of hot water for consumers is regulated by sanitary and legal standards and is +50…+65 °C. In reality, it often does not exceed +40 °C.

This is due to heat losses during the supply of coolant along routes (poor pipe insulation, gusts) or due to low temperature at the outlet of the boiler room. Boiler room operators adjust output parameters based on outside air temperature.

The service provider’s task is to provide apartments with a utility resource of appropriate quality. Sometimes the heating network justifies the poor quality of the service by the deplorable state of the networks - routes built in the last century that require overhaul, will not withstand temperature changes in winter time, if you maintain the parameters of the coolant at the outlet of the boiler room at the standard level.

It turns out to be a vicious circle - many residents often do not pay for hot water due to its low temperature or refuse this service altogether, switching to heating water with electric boilers. And heating network enterprises cannot produce renovation work, because the population's debt to pay does not provide them with an influx of cash.

In the video about the hot water service

Bottom line

Whether or not to pay for a hot water service if it turns out to be of insufficient quality is a purely personal matter. It is important to understand that if you decide to take the path of non-payment, you do not need to simply create debts. It is necessary to collect the evidence base according to the following scheme: carry out commission measurements of water temperature, send the results to the company providing the services. Be sure to receive an official response explaining the reasons for the poor quality of the service. Having collected a package of evidence, you can go to court to assert your rights.

Another VK comfort fraud

Preparation of hot water using in-house engineering systems (ITP) apartment building(in the absence of centralized hot water preparation in the apartment building).
The amount of payment for hot water supply (DHW) is calculated based on the readings of household metering devices and the corresponding tariffs for cold water and consumed Gcal used to prepare hot water. At the same time, the costs of maintaining and repairing in-house engineering systems and electricity used for preparing hot water are included in the fee for maintaining and repairing residential premises.

Individual heating unit of our house (ITP)

Payment for heating and hot water prepared in an apartment building on the basis of the Russian Federation Regulations dated May 6, 2011 No. 354

Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354, hereinafter referred to as the Rules. For ease of dialing text editor the formulas used are slightly modified and specified in comparison with their writing in the Rules, which does not change their meaning in any way.

For a clear understanding: in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Rules, “non-residential premises in an apartment building” are premises in an apartment building that are not residential premises and the common property of the owners of the premises in the apartment building. For example, a store, a sewing studio, an office space for an organization, etc. The calculation of fees for such premises is, as a rule, similar to the calculation for residential premises (apartment). If there are differences in calculations, they will be discussed separately.

Calculation and distribution of fees in accordance with clause 50 of the Rules between consumers living in the room (rooms) of communal apartments in MKDs is carried out according to formulas 7, 8, 16, 19 and 21 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules and will not be considered in this case.

I describe the calculations using the example of my own apartment building (hereinafter - MKD), which is equipped with the following metering devices:

1) collective (common house) installed in the heating unit of the MKD (hereinafter referred to as ODPU):

A) to determine the total volume (quantity) of thermal energy used for the “heating” utility service and water heating for the “hot water supply” utility service, the temperature of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines at the boundary of operational responsibility (hereinafter referred to as ODPUte);

B) to determine the volume (quantity) of thermal energy used for the public service “hot water supply” (hereinafter - ODPUte-gv);

C) to determine the volume of water used for the public service “hot water supply” (hereinafter referred to as ODPUgv);

2) individual, installed in each residential (apartment) and non-residential premises (hereinafter - IPU):

A) to determine the volume (quantity) of thermal energy used for the utility service “heating” (hereinafter referred to as IPUte);

B) to determine the volume of hot water used for the public service “hot water supply” (hereinafter referred to as IPUgv).

Thermal energy supplied from city heating networks to the house is divided into two parts and used with the help of heating point equipment:
for preparing coolant circulating in the MKD heating system closed type;
for preparing hot water circulating in the open type MKD hot water supply system.

In this case, the coolant itself, supplied from city heating networks, is not taken away, but only the thermal energy contained in it is used.

In accordance with clause 40 of the Rules, the consumer of a utility service for heating and (or) hot water supply, produced and provided by the contractor to the consumer in the absence of centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply, pays a total fee for such utility service, calculated in accordance with paragraph 54 of the Rules . Namely, it should include both the payment for utility services provided to the consumer in residential or non-residential premises, and the payment for utility services provided for general house needs.

Consequently, in this case, consumers should be charged in the payment document for utility services “heating” and “hot water supply” without dividing into individual consumption and consumption for general household needs.

In accordance with clause 54 of the Rules, consumers of each residential (apartment) and non-residential premises must pay the contractor for the utility resources used during the billing period, namely the thermal energy provided for the utility service “heating”, and the thermal energy and cold water provided for public service "hot water supply".

When determining the amount of payment by consumers of each residential (apartment) and non-residential premises for the utility service “heating”, the volume of thermal energy used only for heating is distributed among all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building in proportion to the size of the total area of ​​residential or residential premises owned (in use) by each consumer non-residential premises in an apartment building in accordance with formula 18 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules:

Po-i = Vte-o-d x (Si / Sd) x Tte

The amount of payment by consumers of each residential (apartment) or non-residential premises for the utility service “heating” (Po-i, rub.) is determined as the product of three components:

The volume (quantity) of thermal energy used during the billing period in the production of the utility service “heating” and defined as the difference between the measured amount of thermal energy ODPUte and ODPUte-gv (Vte-o-d, Gcal);

The ratio of the total area of ​​the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building (Si, sq.m) to the total area of ​​all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building (Sd, sq.m);

Tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Tte, rub./Gcal).

When determining the amount of payment by consumers of each residential (apartment) or non-residential premises for the utility service “hot water supply”, the cost of cold water and the cost of thermal energy used to heat cold water in the production of the utility service for hot water supply, distributed to each residential and non-residential premises in proportion, are taken into account the volume of hot water consumed during the billing period in a specific residential or non-residential premises and is calculated according to formula 20 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules:

Rgv-i = Vgv-i x Txv + Vte-gv-d x (Vgv-i / Sum Vgv-i) x Tte

Sum- mathematical sign “sum”.

The amount of payment by consumers of each residential (apartment) or non-residential premises for the utility service “hot water supply” (Ргв-i, rub.) is determined as the sum of two components:

The product of the volume of hot water consumed by the consumer for each residential (apartment) or non-residential premises, determined for the billing period IPUgv (Vgv-i, cubic m), and the tariff for cold water established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Tkhv, rub./cub.m .m);

The product of the volume (quantity) of thermal energy used during the billing period for heating cold water, determined by ODPUte-gv (Vte-gv-d, Gcal), the ratio of the volume of hot water consumed by the consumer for each residential (apartment) or non-residential premises, determined for the billing period IPUgv (Vgv-i, cubic m) to the total volume of hot water consumed by consumers of all residential (apartments) and non-residential premises, determined for the billing period IPUgv (SumVgv-i, cubic m), and the tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Te, rub./Gcal).