
One of the kindest professions is a veterinarian. But behind the goodness are hidden years of study, and even earlier - admission to educational institution. What do you need to take to become a veterinarian in order to get a glorious profession? Let's find out.

Like any medical profession, the specialty of a veterinarian requires a strong predisposition and mental inclination. A lot is required of a doctor; before making a choice, you need to be aware of the extent of these requirements and your ability to meet them.

There is no need to tell for a long time who a veterinarian is and what he does, everyone imagines general outline. The veterinarian receives animal patients, makes a diagnosis and selects treatment, carries out healing procedures. The doctor must be able to do surgical operations. He must know all medical disciplines by heart, because in one person he provides the help to animals that is provided to people various specialists. That is, you will have to study a lot and cover different areas. To become a doctor and treat animals, you need to enroll in a veterinary school. For those who have decided exactly what they will do, the question becomes relevant: What should be submitted to the veterinarian?

But before you enroll, weigh with yourself all the pros and cons of this profession, evaluate the possible difficulties and difficulties, evaluate the possibility of employment in this profession.

If you have thought it over thoroughly and decided that you need to take the veterinarian course, enter medical school and get this profession, that you are ready to work with animals, are not afraid of blood, “dirty” work, are psychologically and emotionally hardened and are ready to accept everything that can happen - it means that the profession of a veterinarian is for you and all that remains is to choose a university and enroll in it.

It is also important to be ready to learn without shirking your knowledge, and to correctly imagine what awaits you in practice when applying for a job. Most veterinarians call the biggest disadvantage of their profession the fact that not all patients can be helped; this is the most difficult thing. And in addition to sick animals, you also have to work with their owners, who are under stress and do not always know and are able to provide proper care.

If you are ready for all this, it’s up to you to choose a university. And here you will need good preparation in what needs to be submitted to a veterinarian. You need to focus on biology first.

In Moscow there are not so many universities that provide comprehensive and fundamental veterinary education. There is only one specialized university, this is the Moscow Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education. state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin, but a suitable education in the specialty “Veterinarian” can be obtained in agricultural or medical universities. There are some varieties of veterinary qualifications at major universities as well. For example, Moscow State University has a faculty of veterinary and sanitary examination.

The Agrarian Faculty of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN) is very popular. It has a department of veterinary medicine, which provides good theoretical and practical training in the best traditions of Russian science. RUDN students undergo practical training in specialized All-Russian Research Institutes, large breeding agricultural enterprises, and various divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Another large Moscow university is the Russian State agricultural university MSHA named after. K.A.Timiryazev. There is a department of veterinary medicine at the Faculty of Animal Science and Biology. This institute also has excellent experimental and scientific facilities and brilliant teaching staff for training highly qualified specialists.

What do you need to take to become a veterinarian at these universities? As a rule, to enter they are required to present USE results in three subjects: biology (this is the main subject), mathematics and the Russian language. Without knowledge of biology it is not possible to become a doctor - this is a major subject and it is necessary to know it “excellently”. Some universities also have an interview. But school graduates should focus specifically on these three subjects and pay increased attention to them.

The profession of a veterinarian is quite in demand in the current labor market. Of course, there are more chances to find suitable job those living in major cities. Simply because there is a larger population, there is greater demand for veterinary services. But also in small towns Veterinarians are also needed in villages. Not only can veterinarians work at agricultural enterprises, such as state farms, fur farms, breeding farms, and food production enterprises, but it is also possible to conduct private practice. Veterinary clinics, zoos, circuses, stables - a veterinarian is required everywhere. Even at an animal exhibition he must be present. So you can open it if you want own business. But, first of all, a veterinarian is still not a businessman, but a doctor of animals who helps them stay healthy.

The need for a specialist who could treat animals has appeared since man began to domesticate them. IN modern society The veterinarian profession is still needed and important. It is this specialist that people turn to when their pets become ill. If there are no veterinarians, there will simply be no one to treat cats and dogs.

A little history

As already emphasized, the veterinarian profession has a long history. Initially, animal healers used decoctions and infusions of herbs to combat illnesses. People of the above profession in mandatory accompanied armies, went on journeys with caravans.

Since the veterinary service had not yet formed into an independent structure, in ancient times epidemics often broke out on the planet, as a result of which livestock died en masse, which had a negative impact on demography, since people simply died from hunger.

As a result, veterinary schools began to be formed in the Middle Ages. In Russia, the veterinarian profession began to emerge thanks to Tsar Peter I, who invited several foreign animal healers to work in our country. As a result, Russian specialists adopted experience from their Western colleagues.

What is remarkable about this profession?

The profession of a veterinarian is a relevant and in demand type of activity. The main task of a specialist in healing our little brothers is to treat diseases and carry out procedures such as sterilization, castration, childbirth, insemination, vaccinations, and so on.

In villages and villages, veterinarians are also involved in monitoring the use of harmful chemical substances, which can find their way into pet food mixtures. Moreover, people of the above profession carry out mandatory control of food products (milk, meat, etc.), which subsequently end up on the shelves of grocery stores.

Currently, there is a veterinary office in almost every locality. Of course, in large cities, veterinary services are a more extensive and organized structure than in the periphery.

Today a person can apply to both public and private ones. IN Lately commercial structures began to open quite often. However, a private veterinarian often tries to delay the treatment process, guided solely by selfish motives. In order not to throw money down the drain, first check the reputation of the veterinary institution where you intend to seek help.

What qualities should a veterinarian have?

Naturally, every healer is simply obliged to love animals. Such qualities as altruism and endurance should not be alien to him. Without this, it will be very difficult to provide quality assistance. four-legged friend: perform gastric lavage or stitch up a laceration. At the same time, the veterinarian’s sense of sentimentality is relegated to the background. He must have nerves of steel, he must show maximum composure and be able to quickly make decisions in unforeseen situations.

A true professional is capable of not only treating dogs and cats in a bright and spacious office, he is always ready for technically dangerous and not always pleasant procedures.

In addition to this, he must be good psychologist, since animals cannot convey their experiences and complaints through means, and the veterinarian’s task is to “read” them.

What else should a veterinarian know?

A doctor treating our little brothers must deal with medical records animals. He is obliged to make an accurate diagnosis and select the correct treatment for his four-legged friend. An experienced veterinarian can also conduct laboratory tests.

How to choose a veterinary clinic

Many pet owners believe that if a veterinary institution charges high prices for its services, it means that it employs first-class specialists. In fact, this is far from the case. You should first of all pay attention to how long the clinic has been on the veterinary services market and whether its doctors have sufficient experience.

In addition, look at how technically equipped it is, how modern its equipment is. Also analyze the sanitary and epidemiological situation: dust, poorly washed floors and dirt on the tiles are a sign that it is better to refuse service in this establishment.

Among other things, the clinic should be located as close to home as possible and operate 24 hours a day.

Make the choice of a veterinary institution in advance, and not when there is an urgent need to help the animal.

How much do veterinarians earn?

The standard salary for an animal doctor in a government agency varies from 10,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles per month.

The cost of a consultation with a private veterinarian averages from 500 to 1,500 rubles. The salary of a veterinarian in a commercial clinic is from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles per month.

I want to become a veterinarian

Prospects for the profession

Some people are interested in what heights in their careers an animal healer can achieve. Most of the students, already in their senior years, become orderlies in clinics and hospitals that treat animals on a professional basis. This helps them gain the necessary work experience that is required when applying for jobs after graduating. The highest level of the career ladder for an animal doctor is the chief physician of a veterinary institution.

Greetings readers! This veterinary blog article is about the veterinarian profession, from it you will learn how to become a veterinarian and something about the profession itself. Perhaps this information will be of interest to those who love animals and want to become a veterinarian or those who choose their own path, their own specialty.

Where to become a veterinarian?

Those who have firmly decided to devote their lives to treating animals need to know what needs to be done for this. So, you can study to become a veterinarian at a technical school or at an institute, university or academy. You can get such an education almost all over Russia; there are agricultural universities and technical schools in every regional center and large cities.

In order to enroll as a veterinarian at a technical school, 9 years of education is enough, in this case, having a good certificate, you will need to pass exams, after which you will become a student at the technical school. After graduation, you will receive a specialty - veterinary paramedic. The duration of training will be almost 4 years. A veterinary assistant can work and hold positions even as the chief specialist of a farm or the chief physician of a clinic; knowledge, skills, and the desire to work are more important here.

How to become a veterinarian?

If you want to have higher education, graduating from a university with a degree in veterinary medicine is also possible in the capital and in any regional center. To enter, you need to complete 11 classes, have a good certificate and academic performance in chemistry, biology, Russian language, but now they are admitted according to Unified State Exam results. Upon completion of your studies, you will receive a specialist diploma and qualification as a veterinarian.

Let's summarize: how to become a veterinarian - you need to study at a technical school or university.

About the veterinarian profession, where does a veterinarian work?

This profession is agricultural, so it will not be easy for people with a fine mental organization, who have their head in the clouds and are afraid of physical work.

Where does the veterinarian work? It all depends on where you live.

  • If you are in rural areas Most likely, you will have to work on a farm, after graduation you can work with any animals, so your patients in the village are cows, horses, pigs and poultry. Although in a village you can open a veterinary pharmacy or work in the state veterinary service.
  • If you prefer to live in the city, then most often you have to work in. Most of the animals that a “city” veterinarian most often has to work with are dogs and cats, ferrets and exotic animals. In the clinic, you can choose your specialization, if you like surgery or therapy, or you like to work with exotic animals, becoming such a specialist, you will be in demand and can easily find work in any clinic.
  • There are also other options for working in your specialty - civil service, customs, dog handler, inspector, these professions also require veterinary education, although they do not involve treating animals.

Those who have initial capital can organize their own business, clinic, pharmacy or office. Having chosen the profession of a veterinarian, you will not be left without work.