Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Snake: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

In the East, the Snake is a symbol of miraculous powers, levitation, telepathy and clairvoyance. It is also a symbol of renewal, the opportunity to conquer space and time.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Snake

Those born in the year of the Snake will be pleased to know that the Snake is incredibly lucky. It is believed that men born this year are sentimental, and women are flirtatiously beautiful.

The Snake is one of the most mysterious and extraordinary signs of the Eastern horoscope.

The Japanese have long treated the Snake with respect, but at the same time, with caution, since this creature has eternal life. The expression “to change the skin of a snake” means to begin new life. Most families perceive the snake as a deity, the guardian of rice fields, mountains and hearth and home. The snake also signifies fertility and healing power.

The snake is the personification of wisdom and beauty. Therefore, people born in the year of the Snake adopt its character traits: natural wisdom, insight, high demands not only on themselves, but also on others. In society, the Snake demonstrates impeccable taste and ability to behave. She is usually dressed to the nines, knows how to skillfully maintain small talk, and with her diplomatic remarks is able to defuse the situation or extinguish an impending conflict. She has a gloss and an inner core, which makes others treat her with respect and some caution.

Despite all this, for a real “socialite” she has a too serious view of the world and does not like empty chatter. People born in the year of the Snake are laconic even with their loved ones. Because of this character trait, it is difficult for people to guess what is going on in her soul. The Snake has excellent control over his emotions and can experience both intense joys and deep sorrows deep in his heart.

People born in the year of the Snake have an increased thirst for knowledge, determination along with restraint, tactfulness and the ability to keep other people's secrets. It is worth noting that the Snake approaches knowledge pragmatically. She deeply analyzes every smallest situation and detail. Ultimately, her accuracy and insight simply amazes the imagination of those around her. Those close to her often believe that she has a very developed sixth sense. Many Snakes have a tendency towards demonstrative behavior, which they justify by their integrity and spiritual purity.

People born in the year of the Snake live at their own rhythm. They often take much longer than others to achieve their goals. In addition, such people can be lazy and slow, overly philosophical and self-critical. In other people he looks for motivation and an incentive to action, but often at the same time feels the need for calm and discipline.

If a person born in the year of the Snake finds his niche in life, he will easily be ahead of all competitors. He is often called the quiet leader. By the way, it should be said that the affairs of the Snake are not always clean. She knows how to skillfully and quietly take advantage of the situation, people, their feelings, in order to achieve her goals.

Throughout its life, the Snake trusts its intuition more than logic. And, as a rule, it doesn’t let her down. Often the Snake’s abilities border on extrasensory. In addition, she has a clear, sober, analytical mind and has the gift of persuasion. The Snake is valued as an employee in responsible leadership positions, as well as in areas where extreme precision, organization and attention are required. For example: science, medicine, banking, etc.

A person born in the year of the Snake is infinitely faithful to his ideals. He goes towards the intended goal, but at the same time he can show extraordinary flexibility. Sooner or later, he will still achieve his goal. And from the outside it may seem that money itself sticks to the lucky Snake, so easy is it usually for her to find a well-paid job. However, only the Snake itself knows how much work and sleepless nights are behind this apparent ease.

In love, the Snake chooses its own life partner. Almost always shows impatience and jealousy, even if the feelings have already faded. Has a tendency to wrap itself around a partner, shackle him and leave him no freedom. This especially applies to men born in the year of the Snake.

The Year of the Snake corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Snake: 1941

People born in the year of the Metal Snake extremely rarely allow someone into their souls. They prefer to work alone. They are quiet and inconspicuous and independent. But they are excellent at navigating any situation and easily find a way out. difficult situations. They attract lucrative offers like a magnet and get down to business with enviable determination. They have the ability to successfully invest money. The Metal Snake loves luxury and comfort, appreciates art and good music. As a rule, she has a small circle of loyal and devoted friends, and is very generous and magnanimous towards her loved ones.

Water Snake: 1953

The Water Snake has a great understanding of people and knows how to control them. Has a wide range of interests and continues to study throughout his life. He has an excellent memory and is well versed in business and financial matters. Unlike other Snakes, the Water Snake is very attached to family and close people, although he does not show it. People born in the year of the Water Snake have a mystical mindset and are highly susceptible to emotions. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, since words and actions are not subject to ordinary everyday logic.

Wooden Snake: 1905, 1965

People born in the year of the Wood Snake have good character, harmonious and thorough. She does not have such qualities as vanity and suspicion, characteristic of other Snakes. The Wood Snake is sociable, witty, intelligent and ambitious. She usually has many friends and a variety of hobbies. She easily comes up with new ways to have fun. He prefers a quiet, stable life and work. Appreciates art and loves collecting antiques and paintings. Her advice, particularly of a personal nature, is greatly appreciated and taken into account. People born in the year of the Wood Snake can become talented engineers, as well as excellent administrators and officials who defend the interests of their business no matter what the circumstances.

Fire Snake: 1917, 1977

People born in the year of the Fire Snake have a complex character. The Fire Snake is the least harmonious of all types of Snakes. She is vain and aggressive, but at the same time, energetic and active. She wants to fly, not crawl. She is ambitious, self-confident, and the role of an inconspicuous intellectual does not suit her. Of course, she has all the qualities of a leader and outstanding oratorical talent. The Fire Snake has the ability to convince the most stubborn and unshakable opponents. She is often very harsh with those she dislikes. However, despite her difficult character, she evokes respect and admiration from many. The Fire Snake usually has a good sense of humor and many friends. She enjoys an active social life and travel.

Earth Snake: 1929, 1989

People born in the year of the Earth Snake are harmonious, honest, sincere and friendly. She takes her work responsibly, but she is not characterized by ambition, so she can easily cancel urgent matters in order to talk with friends or go for a walk.

People born in the year of the Earth Snake do not like to take risks, and believe that only honest work and prudence will bring happiness and material well-being. Earth Snakes are great workers and intellectuals. They make excellent scientists, researchers, philosophers and analysts. Also, Earth Snakes are good financiers. They accurately calculate, analyze and invest their money profitably.

Year of the Snake - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Snake personality

The snake is not afraid of any work, of course, with the exception of that which involves risk. Responsible, wise, demanding of herself and the people around her, always ready to help.

Negative aspects of the Snake personality

When turning to the Snake for help, you should take into account the fact that it can go to extremes. Helping others captures her completely. And already she is becoming more obsessed than useful. Instinctively, she wraps herself around the person who owes her and tries to strangle him. Snakes are also characterized by a desire to deceive, stubbornness, and a hot temperament that explodes over little things.

Career and money of the Snake sign

People born in the year of the Snake achieve professional success in almost any field of activity with relative ease. They can do whatever their heart desires. This can be weaving flowers from beads and big business and even politics. If she has found a job she likes, she will never leave it, will not turn away from the path, but will only climb higher and higher on the career ladder. In this she is helped by her natural flair, insight and diplomatic talent.

The snake can take on any hard work if it pays well. She knows her worth very well and will not work for pennies. In general, when it comes to money, the Snake is lucky. She practically doesn't worry about money, she will always find it as soon as she needs it. He rarely experiences need, as he knows how to use finances wisely. She spends a lot, but still earns. Therefore, as a rule, he always has a solid bank account. The snake is very rational and practical. If she spends a large amount of money on a beauty salon and on fashionable clothes from boutiques, it is only because she knows that she is greeted by her clothes, especially if she has to conduct business negotiations.

Life periods of the Snake

The life of a Snake largely depends on when it was born: in summer or winter, day or night, and even on what the weather was like at that time. If it was summer and warm, then life will be more fortunate, and if it is winter, and even a blizzard, bad weather, squally wind, then life circumstances will be appropriate. Very happy are those Snakes who were born in hot tropical countries. If there is a storm on the day the Snake was born, then her whole life will be full of dangers.

In general, the first two phases of the Snake’s life will be relatively calm. But the third phase should be given Special attention. It was during this period that her sentimental and passionate character, her taste for adventure, could play a cruel joke, instead of providing her with a calm old age.

Snake stones: hematite, emerald, bloodstone, malachite, opal, jade, peridot, topaz, jasper.

Plants: heather, fern, thistle and other plants growing among the stones.

Time of day: from 10 to 11 am.

Time of year: spring (May).

Colors: green, red

Find out what kind of people are born in the year of the Snake - the sign will tell you a lot!

“Look into the eyes of the Snake and you will see the secrets of the Universe,” the ancient Chinese said. The Snake sign is considered the most mysterious in the Chinese Zodiac, a symbol of wisdom and enormous knowledge about the true nature of man. Their intuition is strong weapon, in their choice they are often guided by guesses, insights and prompts from their inner voice. They often have prophetic dreams and have talents in the field of parapsychology.
The patience of the Snake is legendary. The eastern horoscope says that the Snake never seeks new experiences, and sometimes it feels like it doesn’t know what lust and desire are. These people wait patiently for the prey to politely knock on their door. They perfectly assess the situation and skillfully take advantage of the opportunity. In achieving goals they can be calculating and cruel. It is very difficult for them to truly trust someone completely; they do not listen to other people's instructions and advice. One of their excuses complex nature is the fact that they see more than others, especially what they want to hide from them. Never deceive Snakes! Their vision is like an x-ray, which will instantly see through any fraud.

By nature, these people are lazy, love to soak up in comfortable conditions, enjoy sweet idleness, love to sleep long hours, and surround themselves with luxury. The eastern horoscope describes the sign of the Snake as people known for their intelligence, wit, and brilliant skills in conducting fascinating conversations. They are conservative by nature, do not like change, and too radical decisions and statements are almost an insult to them. They perceive even changes in weather and temperature with slight irritation. According to the Chinese horoscope, it is difficult to be friends with Snakes; the circle of loved ones includes only those people who, with great difficulty, have won their trust and have passed numerous tests of loyalty. Nevertheless, according to the eastern horoscope, the Snake itself is a constant, devoted, loyal friend, thanks to friendship it restores internal balance and demonstrates to the whole world that it is the best.

The Achilles heel of Snakes, as their characteristics show, is a stormy love life. It would seem that all the trump cards are in hand. Snakes are perhaps, if not the most beautiful sign Chinese zodiac, then one of the very best. The elegance and original beauty of its representatives attract many glances, and even take the breath away from many. Also, female Snakes have an innate talent as seductresses. Traditional Chinese astrology says that if a poor girl marries a prince, then with a high probability she was born in the year of the Snake.

Often, thanks to marriage, the material and social status of Snakes significantly increases. But by their nature they are untrue, they can lead with an innocent look double life. A constant thirst for new conquests, impulses of the heart, and erotic desires push them to love adventures. What’s strange is that those born under the sign of the Snake themselves demand one hundred percent fidelity from their partners. Divorce for them is a defeat, but very soon Mendelssohn’s march sounds again in the Snake’s life, because these people love formalized relationships. The Snake's heart will always belong only to the partner who respects her desire for freedom. This person will create a common comfortable, safe home with his other half, but will never allow him to sit on his neck and will forever remain an intriguing secret, which often takes a lifetime to decipher.

1977 is the year of the fiery red Snake. Those born during this period are characterized by slowness in ordinary life, but in extreme situations they instantly gather themselves and act according to the circumstances. For these people, nothing is impossible; they soberly assess own strength and set real goals for themselves both in their personal lives and in their careers.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Typically, fire Snakes are quite successful in material terms. The cunning and determination of this sign helps a person find the best solutions for financial investments. The Snake's innate intuition allows her to predict events, so she chooses the right path in life.

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    Signs and talismans

    Significant aspects in the life of a fire snake:

    The influence of a magical beast on character

    Fire Snakes do not like noise and fuss; they try to achieve peace and balance in everything. It is difficult to anger them, but the temper of this sign sometimes manifests itself at the most unexpected moments. The snake accumulates irritation in itself for a long time, and then splashes it out on the one who unfortunately comes under its hand. Most often, close people suffer from the incontinence of this sign, while strangers are sure that this person behaves calmly in all situations. This is not surprising, because the Snake never shows emotions to those whom it does not fully trust.

    It is quite difficult to get close to a representative born in 1977. He does not allow strangers near him; this person’s entire life passes in the confined space of his personal world. The fire sign does not need the support of others, it tries to solve all its problems on its own, and perceives imposed help as hostile. The snake is extremely independent; it does not like to be obligated to anyone.

    This person is suspicious of everyone and immediately sees the worst sides in people. This is due to the fact that in the soul the Snake is selfish and greedy, but judges others by itself, therefore it looks out for selfish motives everywhere. Cynical views prevent this person from enjoying the joys of life, but if he manages to meet a faithful comrade-in-arms and friend, new sides of the sign are revealed to him, securely hidden from others.

    With close and reliable people, the Snake becomes:

    • friendly;
    • devoted;
    • sincere.

    However, few people manage to discern these features in her. Typically, the Fire Snake is characterized as a cold and withdrawn person. This is how attentive vipers behave, observing what is happening from the sidelines, but never missing their own. If prey turns up (lucky chance), they immediately grab onto it with a death grip.

    This is especially evident in love relationships. Fire Snakes look closely at their chosen one from the outside for quite a long time, and take the initiative unexpectedly when the “victim” is unable to refuse.

    For those born in 1977, a loved one becomes the center of the Universe. For the sake of their beloved, Snakes are ready to sacrifice everything they have. However, they demand no less in return. This is an extremely jealous and insightful sign; he instantly grasps the mood of his companion, and if he has suspicions of infidelity, an unenviable fate awaits the traitor. The snake is quite vengeful and resourceful; it does not let the traitor go just like that. If she was offended, the retaliatory punishment will be cruel.

    1977 - the period of the Stinging Hornet Slavic calendar, therefore those born at this time are particularly “poisonous”. They do not know how to forgive and always hit back at their offenders.

    Only a kind and honest partner should be near a representative of this sign: the Red Snake recognizes tricks and lies extremely quickly. But those who behave with her with dignity can count on her help and support at any time. She never betrays her loved ones, and if necessary, always comes to their defense.

    The advantages and disadvantages of fire Snakes are expressed in the following qualities:

    Features of behavior

    According to the eastern calendar, the year of the fire animal has mystical manifestations. Often people born in 1977 have psychic abilities. The Red Snake will never get involved in a dubious deal; it will sense the impending disaster in advance. However, her rational view of the world does not allow her to develop her gift. A person can trust his inner feelings and get carried away by something unknown only if he was born under the constellations of Pisces or Cancer.

    In a close circle, fiery Snakes show all their extraordinary abilities, but try to do it in a playful manner. These people consider themselves superior to others, so they behave arrogantly towards others. Only humor saves them from complete isolation, because if you recognize the true nature of this sign, you will no longer want to communicate with him.

    Behavior of the Red Snake in relationships with people:

    SphereFeatures of behavior
    LoveUsually the fiery Snake does not waste time on petty feelings and affairs. She is waiting for her chosen one, who seems ideal to her. However, with age, representatives of this sign become more lenient towards people, so they connect their lives with those who simply inspire confidence in them. In love, the Snake is extremely romantic and tender. With her loved one, she behaves completely differently than with others. Her chosen one is surrounded by care and warmth, but no particular passion is shown in the relationship. The Red Snake is looking not only for a lover, but also for a friend. She wants her life partner to replace everyone else, but for him she also dreams of becoming the center of the Universe. If before meeting the Snake the chosen one had close friends, in a relationship with her they should not just fade into the background, but completely disappear. The selfish representative of this sign demands complete dedication from his loved one. If the Snake fails to completely capture the attention of the companion, she says goodbye to him
    MarriageFire Snakes make good family men, but it is difficult to live with them. The spouse of this person must completely refuse to communicate with the opposite sex, otherwise conflicts based on jealousy will constantly arise in the family. Marriage bond The Snake builds on mutual respect and devotion, but its own interests are more important to it than the desires of the chosen one. The most successful unions for these people develop in adulthood. If the spouse is much older and wiser than the Snake, then she manages to get along with him, but with young peers this sign is unlikely to build her happiness
    SexThe intimate life of the Red Snake is full of passions. It is in bed that a representative of this year of birth throws off his coldness and plunges into the world of sensuality. If a partner is active and insatiable, in return he will receive all the ardor that a fire sign is capable of.
    FriendshipThe Red Snake has few friends and acquaintances; it does not seek to expand its social circle with new acquaintances. Usually she manages to meet the right person in my youth. The Snake carries childhood friendships throughout his life and treasures them reverently. Adult representatives of the sign rarely find friends; they have enough communication in the family. They ignore strangers and try to keep a significant distance from everyone
    JobThe fire sign is quite hardworking. All the Snake’s achievements in her career or business are deservedly earned. This person tries to be the best in his chosen profession. The Red Fire Snake does not recognize secondary positions in her work: she needs the team to value and respect her, and for this she makes every effort. It is this person who will finish the work when everyone has long gone home. It is important for the snake that everything is done efficiently and delivered on time. Thanks to this approach to business, she quickly moves up the career ladder; managers highly value her dedication and perseverance. You can trust her with the most complex and important projects

    Snake Man

    The representative born in 1977 is a true gentleman. He is silent and secretive, but at the right moment he is always there and offers a helping hand. Women love such men for their thoroughness and reliability, but in noisy companies rarely pay attention to them. Usually this gentleman looks unapproachable and withdrawn, and girls do not take the initiative to communicate with him, fearing his coldness. However, this guy's serious appearance is deceptive: when you get to know him closely, he knows how to look after you beautifully and joke pleasantly.

    A lady next to him will never be bored. The Snake man is an excellent conversationalist, able to listen carefully and give useful tips, but never imposes his point of view. If he trusts a woman, in him she will find a decent, faithful and caring partner. He is attracted to girls by their external beauty, but he will never connect his life with a stupid and flighty lady. The chosen one of the Snake man must be reasonable and serious, and if she manages to prove her devotion to him, she can win his heart forever.

    Snake Woman

    The lady born in 1977 is an insidious temptress. She knows her worth, her appearance always perfect. Men admire her when they look at her, but not everyone dares to approach her. This fatal beauty can put a person in his place with just a glance. She doesn't let the gentlemen let go dirty jokes to your address. If someone wants to get to know her, this must be done according to all the laws of the genre: beautifully, politely and with a certain amount of flattery.

    She divides men into elite and unpromising: she is interested in financial situation chosen one. If the gentleman cannot boast of an enviable fortune, the Snake woman will not even look at him. This lady is proud, calculating and greedy; you can win her heart only with generosity and sincere compliments. She immediately recognizes deceit, so the Fire Snake cannot be deceived. The chosen one of this woman should not only be rich, but also madly in love with her.

    Constellation influence

    Each Snake has special character traits depending on its zodiac sign, therefore, the influence of constellations in characterizing a person is of no small importance.

    Zodiac features characteristic of the fire Snake:

    Zodiac signCharacteristic
    Aries (21.03 - 19.04)This person is willful and stubborn. If he gets into an argument, he never gives in to his opponent. It is impossible to convince him, but often this is not required. Aries is reasonable and fair, he is a reliable and faithful partner you can rely on
    Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)Taurus-Snake is secretive, withdrawn and uncommunicative. He feels uncomfortable in the company of people, communication with others is a burden to him. Taurus loves solitude, in which no one distracts him from his favorite activities. This is a true workaholic, dedicated to his work. This man finds his happiness in work
    Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)The combination of these signs adversely affects a person’s character. The Gemini Snake has an irresponsible attitude towards loved ones and always behaves unpredictably. It is impossible to predict her actions, and she herself has no idea what will come into her head. However, these representatives of the constellations are easy to communicate with, they are welcoming and friendly
    Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)Cancer is a peace-loving and home-loving sign. The representative of this constellation does not like entertainment outside the home; he is created for a happy family life. In combination with a fire sign, this person is more sociable than the typical Snake, but you can hardly expect hospitality from him. Such a Cancer protects his home from strangers: only his closest friends and relatives can visit him.
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08)Leo is proud and ambitious. This person needs everything everywhere and in everything. the main role. If someone does not recognize his leadership, he is expelled from Leo society. It is difficult to get along with such a Snake, because this constellation, like the year of birth in 1977, is under the power of the fire element. This is an extremely hot-tempered and unyielding personality
    Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)Virgos are practical and thorough; they have everything sorted out, planned and scheduled for many years to come. It is difficult for a person of this constellation to get along with representatives of the opposite sex. He loves to criticize and teach people, but his demands are too high, so those close to him cannot satisfy his needs.
    Libra (23.09 - 23.10)Snake-Libra is a kind and reasonable person. You can talk to him about anything, he is a wonderful friend and interlocutor, but his personal life does not work out. Libras tend to be indecisive. If they do not meet a persistent partner who takes the initiative, they remain alone for many years. Representatives of this constellation are afraid to take the wrong step, so they prefer to go with the flow
    Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)This is a burning mixture of two jealous and vengeful signs. Scorpio is witty and sarcastic, those around him are afraid, and sometimes even openly hate him. It is dangerous to get involved with such a person: he does not forgive people’s shortcomings, and his straightforward remarks often hurt loved ones
    Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)The constellation Sagittarius does not allow the Snake to remain in solitude. The influence of a perky sign always pushes a person to some kind of adventure. Sagittarius loves fun and entertainment, he has a wide circle of friends, but he cannot really get close to anyone. He lacks perseverance, is fickle and changeable
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)The Fire Snake, born under the constellation Capricorn, is a reliable and committed person. You can safely go on reconnaissance missions with him, he will never let you down. However, living together with a Capricorn can seem like hell. This person is always dissatisfied with something, it is impossible to please him, because he will definitely find a reason for criticism
    Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)The lightness and carelessness of Aquarius have a positive effect on the character of the Snake. This is a purposeful person who does not forget about the joys of life. Aquarius knows how to alternate between work and entertainment, he is sociable and friendly. The representative of this constellation does not like to be at home; he is always attracted to some company, travel and various hobbies. However, it can hardly be seriously considered for family life. Aquarius does not know how to be faithful, so he often changes partners
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)Dreamy Pisces lives in a world of its own fantasies and illusions. A representative of this constellation often thinks about people better than they really are. However, in combination with the sign of the insightful Snake, this person is much less likely to be mistaken. Pisces born in 1977 are distinguished by highly developed intuition, they accurately guess the future, and therefore rarely make mistakes

    Compatibility with representatives of other signs

    The compatibility of people according to the eastern horoscope is influenced by the ruling elements. Fire Snakes get along well with representatives of Fire, but they will also have successful relationships with those born in years ruled by:

    • Tree.
    • Metal.
    • Earth.

    The Chinese horoscope is dominated by five elements, each of them is indicated by a separate color in the following table:

    Determining the color of the corresponding element:

    The Red Fire Snake manages to create a marriage, but with its behavior in relationships it often pushes away its lover. Her compatibility with other signs is quite low. Despite this, the Snake knows how to adapt, therefore, with sincere feelings, it changes for the better for the sake of a loved one.

    Characteristics of the relationship of the red fire Snake with representatives of other signs:

    SignCharacteristics of relationships

    Bull (Buffalo)

    In an alliance with the Ox, protracted and insoluble conflicts are expected. Partners irritate each other with inflated self-esteem; each considers himself smarter and better than the other. There is always an open struggle for leadership in this pair, but it is almost impossible to win here. Neither one nor the other will give up their positions. Representatives of these signs will be able to make a couple only if both understand that they do not need to fight, but to negotiate. Mutual compliance allows the Buffalo and the Snake to get closer and come to harmony
    TigerThe tiger is an independent and passionate nature. A representative of this year of birth will never allow the Snake to approach him to a level of trust. These partners are able to exist together, but distance and coldness will always be felt between them. The union of these signs is distinguished by a business approach. Here everyone takes on certain obligations and fulfills them if the other does the same. There is no warmth and closeness here, but both feel free, without limiting each other to any limits.
    Rabbit (Cat)This partnership can be called ideal. However, only the Snake feels happy here, while the Rabbit has a hard time. The fire sign suppresses the chosen one. The Snake demands complete submission from the Cat, but in return provides him with confidence in the future, support and reliable protection. If by the time he meets the Snake, the Rabbit has already walked in the wild, he feels comfortable and cozy next to her, otherwise he cannot withstand the pressure for long, so one day he runs away
    The DragonThe compatibility of these signs is quite controversial. In this union, the Dragon will invariably occupy a leading position, but the Snake also strives for the throne, so battles for power are inevitable. They rarely manage to reach a precarious equality: the Dragon is too arrogant to allow someone to control him. If the Snake resigns itself to the role of a subordinate, very quickly both come to peace of mind and happiness. The Dragon is a strong, brave and responsible partner, next to him the Snake can relax and live for pleasure
    SnakeThe union of two Snakes has a high chance of a happy future, but it is quite difficult for representatives of the same sign to come together. They look down on each other and don't even try to get closer. Each sees the other as a rival, and sometimes a sworn enemy. However, if circumstances allow them to communicate, Snakes immediately understand that they have a lot in common. The most important stage in this couple's relationship is the first three years. During this time, partners usually manage to separate, but if they survive a critical threshold, they later become inseparable
    HorseThe Horse is a hardworking and purposeful sign. She is kind and simple, any partner can get along with her, but she will not tolerate arrogant and tough people next to her. The Snake instantly falls in love with the Horse: it is this representative of the Chinese horoscope that inspires her complete trust. You can reveal any secrets to a horse, it will never give them away. The relationship of this couple is built on honesty, friendship and mutual respect. Both partners are wise and reasonable, rarely argue, as they reason almost the same way
    Goat (Sheep)The Goat does not take into account anyone's opinion, jumps through life cheerfully and cheerfully, and perceives current events superficially. This is an extremely frivolous and unstable sign, so the Sheep is unlikely to get along with the Snake. These partners often begin whirlwind romances, but they all quickly end. The Snake cannot stand the emotional manifestations of the Goat, and the latter is annoyed by the constant control from its partner. They often quarrel, but ignore each other's nagging, so no changes occur in their couple. As a result, the partners separate
    MonkeyThe Fire Snake should not mess with the treacherous Monkey. Representatives of these signs are unable to understand and accept each other. The Monkey always tries to deceive his partner in order to get some benefit, but the insightful Snake sees right through it, so he always suppresses any actions harshly and aggressively. The Monkey is angry that his tricks are not successful, but instead of calming down and living normally, he begins to offend the Snake with caustic witticisms. In the end, both understand that separation is inevitable.
    RoosterThe union of two selfish signs is unlikely to work out successfully. Experts note that the Rooster and the Snake are incompatible, but these partners often begin relationships against the backdrop of mutual passion. Both are quite ardent and temperamental, so at first their romance shines with bright fires, but the idyll does not last long. Pretty soon all the shortcomings of the partners appear. The Snake and the Rooster constantly quarrel over little things, they are not inferior to each other in principle, so small disagreements turn into grandiose scandals. One day, one of the couple cannot stand the eternal intensity of the relationship and leaves
    DogThe Dog is ideal for the Snake, but this person, born under the sign of the faithful beast, does not always agree to build a relationship with a cunning and resourceful partner. A union develops if both are committed to marriage. The dog is unlikely to date his chosen one for a long time and wait for something. In her life, everything is extremely clear: if you love, get married, if you don’t love, separate. The Snake in this pair is destined for the role of an unreasonable student, whom the Dog will guide on the true path all his life. The relationship between the partners is unlikely to reach complete harmony, but if both are interested in them, the union will be strong and long-lasting
    Pig (Boar)The relationships of these signs are built quite successfully if the partners immediately correctly distribute the roles. The Pig should be the performer, and the Snake should be the leader. In this case, they complement each other perfectly and develop for the better. The Pig is energetic and cheerful, but if he is not directed in the right direction, he will definitely do stupid things. With the Snake, he is reliably protected from wrong steps: she skillfully controls him and always leads him to his desired goals. However, if a fire sign abuses its power, the Pig will leave it
    Rat (Mouse)Representatives of these signs immediately find a common language. The life goals and worldviews of the Snake and the Rat are surprisingly similar. These partners often become best friends, but things rarely develop into closer relationships. The Rat and the Snake are equally suspicious, it is difficult for them to trust each other, so they prefer to keep their distance. If passionate love breaks out between them, it rarely develops into marriage. Usually these partners meet for a long time, look closely, but ultimately disagree. different sides. They see each other's shortcomings too clearly, so they fear that they will not be able to come to terms with them.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

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    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Everyone knows that the existence of twelve zodiac signs is not a complete collection of the astrological circle. Very big influence on representatives zodiac sign also turns out to be the five elements that have direct contact with them. The material below, taking into account the opinions of astrologers, presents the main types of snakes according to the influence of the existing elements on their internal and external indicators.

Five elements and the Year of the Snake in our century

  • 1905 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1917 January 23 - element of the year fire
  • 1929 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1941 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1953 February 14 - element of the year water
  • 1965 February 2 - element of the year tree
  • 1977 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 1989 February 6 - element of the year earth
  • 2001 January 24 - element of the year metal
  • 2013 February 10 - element of the year water

Under the direct cover of the first element, which is metal, the behavior and life cycle of the snake becomes very strong and not influenced by dangerous factors. But besides everything else Eastern horoscope tells that the snake suffers from the fact that the feelings and other tender emotions necessary for a harmonious life do not penetrate under the shell. Which leaves a certain imprint on the character of a person born under this zodiac sign.

Not only is the snake a cold-blooded animal, the effect of metal greatly enhances this factor and cools it even more, due to which such moments in behavior as rigidity and cruelty appear, as well as insensitivity to requests and possible problems surrounding people.

Snakes, who are not trusting by nature, become even more suspicious and, therefore, allow into their social circle a small number of people who have passed a preliminary test by various situations that arise in life. But from the representatives zodiac sign are received by responsible employees who strictly perform their work for the benefit of the company, although snakes prefer to become the head of the company and carry out individual work, independent of others.

An overly serious attitude does not allow them to relax and therefore they can suffer, without showing it to others, from a lack of certain emotions that they can let in by letting situations go a little out of control.

Excellent for metal snakes autumn time year a dry climate, which has a positive impact on overall well-being.

These are calm and wise snakes that are able to survive any adversity and trouble without losing self-control and a stable, healthy view of the world around the representative. water element. They make excellent researchers and scientists who have the desire to achieve certain goals that affect the well-being of many people.

Snakes according Chinese horoscope Those born under the water element have phenomenal memory and ease of assimilation of complex and voluminous information.

These are very honest and fair representatives zodiac sign, who lead a decent lifestyle. They lack a little confidence and determination in their actions, which is caused by the influence of the elements, which can suppress aspirations at a high energy level. You must learn to cope with this state and use it for noble purposes, stepping over it if necessary to carry out actions of a decisive plan.

These are good-natured people who downplay participation in communication with an opponent, regardless of their personal attitude towards him. They are very smart and well-mannered, which affects their success and success among surrounding members of society.

They prefer winter to all other times, as during the cold months they experience an upsurge. vitality and the possibility of their optimal use to achieve the necessary life goals. In clothing and interior design, people prefer products made from blue materials, as it corresponds to the elements and helps to increase the stimulus for life.

Tree snake as shown chinese horoscope, has a number of advantages over other signs located in the patronage of the tree. The tree gives the snake a desire to communicate with other people and the ability to competently build a dialogue, becoming an interesting interlocutor for the opponent. These are people with good developed imagination, which helps them choose the right, from a moral point of view, path in life. Representatives of the zodiac sign of the arboreal environment are very suitable for character descriptions such as ambition and intelligence, which, combined together in one representative, play a large role in the formation of the character of the representative of the sign and his perception by society as a whole.

Tree snakes always have an abundance of friends, as well as candidates for marriage, since people gravitate toward communicating with them, which is not unimportant for a full-fledged life of the cycle.

They love tree snakes early spring, accompanied by days in which it blows strong wind because they like this kind of weather. It is necessary to especially carefully monitor your state of mind and avoid stressful situations, which can negatively affect the quality and duration of the cycle. It is worth using things painted purple as a way to lift your mood.

The snake, related to the fire element and born under its protection, according to Eastern horoscope All her life she has been drawn to distant countries and loves to travel very much, since such a trait was implanted in her at the moment of birth and can, with the right attitude, determine the entire course of the life cycle.

They very clearly divide people into pleasant and unpleasant, so with the first type of people they may be a little timid at the time of communication, experiencing a certain awkwardness when expressing certain thoughts, but if they have to communicate with the second category, then in this case it is possible to hear from a representative of this zodiac sign born under the auspices of the element of fire, very harsh and truthful statements that can upset the opponent with their directness and impartiality.

Fire snakes are no strangers to adventurism; they love to participate in various active activities, which include traveling long distances or exploring little-known places on the planet.

Since they are not alien to an excellent sense of humor and artistry, when choosing an alternative development of nature, they can take their rightful place in the theatrical field, while having great success with people who value similar look art.

Summer suits the fire snakes, and hot weather, since in such conditions they feel great, which is an important factor for the comfort of the individual zodiac sign. But still, emotions need to be controlled and controlled in order to ensure a long life and preserve the heart muscle, since in this case it is very susceptible to various diseases that arise against the background of the blossoming of emotions. To balance the state, the use of things in the gray-green spectrum is excellent.

Since the element of earth is the optimal condition for the calm and comfortable life of snakes in natural conditions, this indicator leaves a special imprint on people born under a given zodiac sign, according to the information given in such an astrological work as Eastern horoscope. In which the influence of certain elements on the behavior of zodiac signs in a given period of time is correctly described. According to this, it turns out that the earthly snake has certain qualities that dispose the people around it to reveal all their secrets to it, since it is very friendly towards all people and is also very charming, which also encourages communication.

But in addition to external signs, it is noted that this person is very reasonable and very thorough in performing certain actions that are directly related to business activities. Therefore, as a rule, the snake manages to achieve its goals and avoid situations associated with making mistakes.

Also, the earthly snake accumulates and multiplies benefits of various types, which in the overwhelming majority of cases gives it a certain status and allows it to live with fairly high comfort.

Representatives of the tree snake love their own home very much, and therefore experience a certain gravity associated with being in their home quarters. In order to avoid situations in which the snake can go into deep depression, it is necessary to avoid such stagnant states and have fun by visiting public places.

The optimal time of year for a given zodiac sign is the end of summer, when wet weather prevails, which has a great effect on the well-being of the snake. It is also very useful to spend a certain amount of time in nature and use olive color in everyday life.

The Year of the Snake is the sixth in the cycle eastern calendar. However, since each time the year of the Snake is under the influence of a certain element, each time we deal with new Snake. Star cycles endow snakes with different qualities, rewarding them with advantages or strengthening their weaknesses.

People born in the year of the Snake make excellent spiritual leaders, analysts, jewelers, scientists, sociologists, nutritionists, astrologers, magicians, researchers, artists, musicians, that is, creative and intellectual individuals. Collage: Kirill Belan. The Epoch Times(The Epoch Times)

The inner world of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake are characterized by a number of characteristic features. For example, these people are often introverted and have good intuition. They are usually graceful, outwardly non-emotional and prone to contemplation. They are also not easily angered. They can appear cunning and secretive, and sometimes just appear very modest. Snakes love to plan and scheme to get things done exactly the way they want.

When it comes to home furnishings, Snakes are elegant and graceful individuals. They often focus on their comfort. They like muted colors and prefer to have one very expensive chair rather than three for the same amount. As we know, snakes love peace and tranquility, so a relaxing environment or sounds of nature from a record player help them. Snakes do not deprive themselves of luxury, but at the same time they are thrifty and economical.

At work, snakes are quite conscientious and diligent. However, if they are not interested, they quickly become bored and can easily quit. They are organized and precise. Snakes can solve problems very quickly and use a creative approach. Sometimes they like to work alone, which leads to secretiveness. The Snake can be successful if he does not lose his cool mind and avoids unplanned expenses. Although, in principle, they themselves understand this.

As for health, the Snake needs to get enough sleep and rest in order to live a long and healthy life. Snakes are easily stressed and should avoid busy schedules or noisy environments. From this they will not get an adrenaline rush, but a banal headache. They must live a calm and quiet life in order to prosper and prosper.

Since snakes are picky in choosing a life partner, they quickly get used to it and consider it their property. Therefore, they can be very jealous and obsessive, but they can also be reserved.

People born in the year of the Snake make excellent spiritual leaders, analysts, jewelers, scientists, sociologists, nutritionists, astrologers, magicians, researchers, artists, musicians, that is, creative and intellectual individuals.

To better imagine the character of the Snake, let's remember famous personalities who were born under this sign. Muhammad Ali, Indira Gandhi, Lyudmila Zykina, John Kennedy, Artyom Mikoyan, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Christian Dior, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Allan Poe, France Schubert, Charles Darwin, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Brahms, Denis Diderot, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Nikolai Gogol, Martin Luther King.

All these people were born in the year of the Snake, but they can hardly be “put on the same level.” The fact is that each year is also associated with one of the Five Elements (U-Xing). The character of people born in the year of the Snake is influenced by Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, forming a general cycle of 60 years. Over the past hundred years, the Year of the Snake has occurred in 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001. However, each of them was influenced by a certain element.

Snakes are different

The Metal Snake fell in 1941 and 2001. The Metal Snake is a very cunning person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. She pays attention to material values ​​because money gives her opportunity and influence.

The Wood Snake was encountered in 1905 and 1965. The Wood element gives the snake a bit of solidity and foundation. Vanity is not her style. The Wood Snake has a strong group of friends and family members with whom he enjoys spending time. However, she rarely comes to her loved ones for advice, preferring to overcome life's difficulties alone. Kindness and family ties are two key characteristics of this snake.

The year of the fire snake fell on 1917 and 1977. These snakes have a bright and dynamic character, fueled by the element of Fire. Of all the snakes, they usually have the most pronounced amount of extroversion. These people also have great wisdom. They are interesting conversationalists and can captivate anyone with their stories. Fire snakes can make even the most stubborn people change their beliefs. This can make them a little selfish. They can manipulate people to achieve success.

The Earth Snake appeared in 1929 and 1989. These snakes are the calmest of all. They lead a measured life. Therefore, they usually seem friendlier, which puts others at ease. They also avoid unnecessary risks, but sometimes they can relapse. They believe that they common sense and ethics will pay off, bringing them happiness and material satisfaction.

The Year of the Water Snake fell in 1953 and the coming year 2013. The Water Snake is often influential and insightful. She is able to manage other people well and is generally an ideal leader. Water snakes are quite motivated and intelligent, determined and determined to succeed. They strive to get what they want, despite the circumstances. They are affectionate with their family members and friends, but rarely open up to colleagues or business partners.

The stars give snakes precisely these qualities, but this does not mean that they cannot work on themselves. Education, high aspirations and self-confidence can help change even the most stubborn aspects of character. If you think you have something to work on, go for it.