😉 Greetings to my dear readers and site guests! This is a touching love story from the life of an ordinary woman. I hope you find it interesting. Katya One day a new patient was admitted to our ward - Galina Vasilievna. She was admitted to the hospital with a severe attack. For three days we observed a continuous bundle of nerves, tears and irritation. But as soon as the pain subsided, we didn’t recognize Galya - she was an optimist, a cheerful laugher, and that’s all. ...

😉 Greetings to my regular readers and site guests! “Birth Card” is a story from a colleague of mine. Once over a cup of coffee he told a story from family life: — From the day my wife and I found out that we were expecting a child, life changed dramatically for both of us. We were no longer the loving couple we once were. Almost overnight, as quickly as the pregnancy test turned positive, we...

Greetings to regular readers and guests of the site! This story is about besieged Leningrad- a real story told by my friend: - We have an icon with an interesting story at home. It was given to my great-great-aunt Zina by the girl she saved in besieged Leningrad. Before the war, Zinaida lived in Crimea. In the summer of 1940, Dmitry, an engineer from Leningrad, came to their neighbors on vacation. He met Zina and soon offered her his hand...

Greetings, dear readers! “The Return of the Beloved” is an amazing story from the life of an elderly widower. I hope that you will be interested... About 15 years ago, not far from our multi-storey building, behind the railway line, there was a private sector. There weren't too many houses, but in almost every yard there were small farm: chickens, ducks, vegetable garden, fruit trees. We bought eggs, new potatoes and apples from private owners. In the garden of an elderly couple...

My name is Alena, I'm 22 years old. I want to tell you my story.
I used to always think that happiness is when you have a lot of money, a job you love, and you constantly fulfill your desires, but it turns out that happiness is something else that I didn’t notice. My story begins when I graduated from medical college and went to work in a medical organization. I just finished studying new job, new friends, new stage in life, but it turned out that the beginning will begin at another moment. After working for about six months, I began to notice that my health was deteriorating. I told my older sister about this, and she sent me for examination. My elder sister She raised me from the age of 12 after my mother died of cancer. My father overloaded himself with work and left for another city, simply sending us money. Now I understand that I demanded the impossible from my sister, something that cannot be replaced and made up for is mother’s love. Only 6 years later I realized that my mother had died. Apparently it was a shock. I couldn't accept it. I have the most wonderful, beautiful, kind sister in the world. Thank you that God gave it to me. During the examination, I suspected something was wrong, the doctors delayed the next appointment by 40 minutes. I had all sorts of thoughts in my head. When the doctor came up to me and began to tell me that I needed an expensive operation and urgent treatment, he said something about 2-3 years, to be honest, I remember everything vaguely. Expensive operation, where to get this money? That is, it turns out that in order to live, we need to pay. Leaving the office, I told my sister that I just needed a rest. I left work. I began to sit at home and think about everything. At first I felt anger, rage. I couldn’t understand why, why, where justice was. Then I cried for so long. Then calm came. I began to see the world differently. How? Getting up in the morning, I look at the sky, it is so beautiful, as if I was seeing it for the first time when it's raining, I see raindrops as if in slow motion. It feels as if God himself stopped time so that I could see and remember this beautiful world. I asked for forgiveness from everyone I might have offended in some way, I don’t know why, but I felt better. One day I couldn’t hold back my tears and burst into tears in front of my sister. I had to tell her everything. Her eyes became so sad. And the question arose of what to do if we don’t have such huge money. I even thought about going to work, just so that I would have enough for a ticket to the sea, to see the sea, the waves, beautiful sunset and dawn, and leave so that there is no pain. I began to understand that happiness is when you have people you love and who love you, the least you need is love. One day, while walking around the city, I came across a lottery stall. So small that more than two people cannot fit in there. I bought lottery tickets, and before I left, the woman selling the lottery tickets grabbed me by the hand and said: you think your luck has turned away from you, but it’s not so. And she let go. Of course, later, when I came home, I forgot about this woman, but the most amazing thing was that the tickets I bought won a huge amount. I've never even seen that kind of money. Naturally, I had surgery abroad, I bought myself a house in Russia, and my sister and dad were abroad, and I still saw the sea. This is not to be forgotten. When you are there, you feel as if you are on another planet, it cannot be put into words, you need to see it. And now I’m healthy, rich, and I understand what happiness is. It turns out that fate has been preparing a huge gift for me and my family all this time. This is an incredible gift of fate. I wrote this story because I want to tell you that it is love, it is those who love us and whom we love that make us happy.

Have you heard the tale of the Crane and the Heron? We can say that this story was copied from us. When one wanted, the other refused, and vice versa...

Real life story

“Okay, see you tomorrow,” I said into the phone to end the conversation, which lasted more than two hours.

One would think that we're talking about about a meeting. Moreover, in a place well known to both of us. But that was not the case. We were just agreeing on... the next call. And everything looked exactly the same for several months. Then I called Polina for the first time in the last four years. And I pretended that I was just calling to see how she was doing, but in reality I wanted to renew the relationship.

I met her shortly before graduating from school. We were both in relationships at the time, but there was a real spark between us. However, only a month after we met, we separated from our partners. However, we were in no hurry to get closer. Because on the one hand we were attracted to something in each other, but on the other hand, something constantly got in the way. It was as if we were afraid that our relationship would be dangerous. Eventually, after a year of mutual exploration of each other, we became a couple. And if before that time our relationship developed very slowly, then since we got together everything has started to spin at a very fast pace. A period of strong mutual attraction and dizzying emotions began. We felt like we couldn't exist without each other. And then... we broke up.

Without any clarification. Simply, one fine day we did not agree on the next meeting. And then neither of us called the other for a week, expecting this action from the other side. At some point I even wanted to do this... But then I was young and green, and did not think of doing this - I just took offense at Polina for the fact that she so easily abandoned our reverent relationship. So I decided that it was not worth imposing on her. I knew that I was thinking and acting stupidly. But then I could not calmly analyze what happened. Only after some time did I begin to really understand the situation. Gradually I realized the stupidity of my action.

I think we both felt like we were a good fit for each other and we just started to fear what might happen next to ours.” great love" We were very young, we wanted to gain a lot of experience in love affairs, and most importantly, we felt unprepared for a serious, stable relationship. Most likely, we both wanted to “freeze” our love for several years, and “unfreeze” it one day, at one fine moment, when we feel that we are ripe for it. But, unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way. After breaking up, we didn’t completely lose touch - we had many mutual friends, we went to the same places. So from time to time we bumped into each other, and these were not the best moments.

I don’t know why, but each of us considered it our duty to send the other a caustic, sarcastic remark, as if accusing us of what had happened. I even decided to do something about it and offered to meet to discuss “complaints and grievances.” Polina agreed, but... did not come to the appointed place. And when we met by chance, two months later, she began to stupidly explain why she then made me stand pointlessly in the wind, and then did not even call. Then she again asked me for a meeting, but again she did not show up.

The beginning of a new life...

From then on, I began to consciously avoid places where I could accidentally meet her. So we haven't seen each other for several years. I heard some rumors about Polina - I heard that she was dating someone, that she left the country for a year, but then returned and started living with her parents again. I tried not to pay attention to this information and live own life. I had two novels that seemed quite serious, but in the end nothing came of them. And then I thought: I’ll talk to Polina. I couldn’t imagine what went through my head then! Although no, I know. I missed her... I really, really missed her...

She was surprised by my phone call, but also delighted. We talked then for several hours. Exactly the same the next day. And the next one. It's hard to say what we discussed for so long. In general, everything is about a little and a little about everything. There was only one topic we tried to avoid. This topic was ourselves...

It looked as if, despite the years that had passed, we were afraid to be honest. However, one fine day Polina said:

– Listen, maybe we can finally decide on something?

“No, thank you,” I answered immediately. “I don’t want to disappoint you again.”

There was silence on the line.

“If you are afraid that I will not come, then you can come to me,” she finally said.

“Yeah, and you’ll tell your parents to kick me out,” I snorted.

- Rostik, stop it! — Polina began to get nervous. “Everything was so good, and you’re ruining everything again.”

- Again! – I was seriously indignant. - Or maybe you can tell me what I did?

– Most likely something you can’t do. You won't call me for several months.

“But you will call me every day,” I imitated her voice.

– Don’t turn things upside down! – Polina shouted, and I sighed heavily.

- I don’t want to Once again to be left with nothing. If you want to see me, then come to me yourself,” I told her. – I’ll wait for you in the evening at eight o’clock. I hope you come...

“Whatever,” Polina hung up.

New circumstances...

For the first time since we started calling each other, we had to say goodbye in anger. And most importantly, now I had no idea whether she would call me again or come to me? Polina’s words could be interpreted as either an agreement to come or a refusal. However, I was waiting for her. I cleaned my studio apartment, which I didn’t do very often. I cooked dinner, bought wine and flowers. And he finished reading the story: "". Every minute of waiting made me even more nervous. I even wanted to give up my rude behavior and intransigence regarding the meeting.

At fifteen minutes past eight I began to wonder whether I should go to Polina? I didn’t go only because she could have come to me at any moment and we would have missed each other. At nine o'clock I gave up hope. I angrily started dialing her number to tell her everything I thought about her. But he didn’t finish the job and pressed “End”. Then I wanted to call again, but I thought to myself that she might view this call as a sign of my weakness. I didn’t want Polina to know how worried I was about her not coming, and how painfully her indifference hurt me. I decided to spare her such pleasure.

I went to bed only at 12 o’clock at night, but I couldn’t sleep for a long time because I kept thinking about this situation. On average, I changed my point of view every five minutes. At first I thought that only I was to blame, because if I had not been stubborn like a donkey and came to her, then our relationship would have improved and we would have been happy. After a while, I began to reproach myself for such naive thoughts. After all, she would have kicked me out anyway! And the more I thought that way, the more I believed it. When I was almost asleep... the intercom rang.

At first I thought it was some kind of mistake or a joke. But the intercom kept ringing persistently. Then I had to stand up and answer:

- Two o'clock in the morning! – he barked angrily into the phone.

I don't even have to say how surprised I was. And how! With a trembling hand, I pressed the button to open the door to the entrance. What will be next?

After a long two minutes I heard the call. He opened the door... and saw Polina sitting in a wheelchair, accompanied by two orderlies. She had a cast on her right leg and right hand. Before I could ask what happened, one of the men said:

– The girl discharged herself at will and insisted that we bring her here. Her entire future life apparently depends on this.

I didn't ask anything else. The orderlies helped Polina sit on the large sofa in the living room and quickly left. I sat down opposite her and looked at her in surprise for a whole minute.

There was complete silence in the room.

“I’m glad you came,” I said, and Polina smiled.

“I always wanted to come,” she answered. – Do you remember the first time we agreed to meet, but I didn’t show up? Then my grandmother died. The second time my dad had a heart attack. It seems incredible, but it's still true. As if someone didn't want us...

“But now, I see, you didn’t pay attention to the obstacles,” I smiled.

“It happened a week ago,” Polina pointed to the plaster. – Slipped on the icy sidewalk. I thought we'd meet when I got better... but I thought I just needed to make a little effort. I was worried about you...
I didn't answer and just kissed her.

Real stories from the lives of women readers of the blog, about domestic tyranny. Your stories are accepted for this section! How did you meet your tyrant husband, how did the relationship develop, what feelings and thoughts bothered you, and of course, how did you manage to get rid of the tyrant and recover from painful dependence on him? Read, discuss, consult, exchange experiences!

Some women, disappointed in domestic suitors and experiencing financial difficulties, see salvation in marrying a foreigner, believing that the men there are different and there are more opportunities. But, instead of a heavenly life, they often end up in the arms of domestic tyrant. Marina shared...

Using this life story as an example, one can trace a fairly typical pattern of how a woman finds herself in a situation domestic violence and what happens to her next. Here you can see all the mistakes made by women who become victims of a domestic tyrant and remain in destructive relationships. After the story we...

A woman asks you to help her decide on a divorce. She describes terrible life with a tyrant husband who mocks her, but something prevents her from filing for divorce... This happens often. No matter how terrible our situation is, we are prevented from deciding to change it...

Svetlana asked a question that many women ask when they are not satisfied with a relationship and it seems (or does not seem) that something is wrong with a man: is he a tyrant or not? Often a woman really needs to get an answer to this question in order to stop having illusions about...

The heroine of this story put the question in the title: how was I able to deceive myself? She managed to find and analyze her mistakes and successfully get out of a destructive relationship with a domestic tyrant. I highly recommend reading her experience to anyone who is in the same situation, trying to get rid of...

😉 Greetings to my dear readers and site guests! This is a touching love story from the life of an ordinary woman. I hope you find it interesting. Katya One day a new patient was admitted to our ward - Galina Vasilievna. She was admitted to the hospital with a severe attack. For three days we observed a continuous bundle of nerves, tears and irritation. But as soon as the pain subsided, we didn’t recognize Galya - she was an optimist, a cheerful laugher, and that’s all. ...

😉 Greetings to my regular readers and site guests! “Birth Card” is a story from a colleague of mine. One day, over a cup of coffee, he told a story from family life: “From the day my wife and I found out that we were expecting a child, life changed dramatically for both of us. We were no longer the loving couple we once were. Almost overnight, as quickly as the pregnancy test turned positive, we...

Greetings to regular readers and guests of the site! This story about besieged Leningrad is a real story told by a friend of mine: “We have an icon with an interesting story at home. It was given to my great-great-aunt Zina by the girl she saved in besieged Leningrad. Before the war, Zinaida lived in Crimea. In the summer of 1940, Dmitry, an engineer from Leningrad, came to their neighbors on vacation. He met Zina and soon offered her his hand...

Greetings, dear readers! “The Return of the Beloved” is an amazing story from the life of an elderly widower. I hope that you will be interested... About 15 years ago, not far from our multi-storey building, behind the railway line, there was a private sector. There weren’t too many houses, but in almost every yard there was a small farm: chickens, ducks, a vegetable garden, fruit trees. We bought eggs, new potatoes and apples from private owners. In the garden of an elderly couple...