Nikolay Timchenko, psychologist

A person’s verbal behavior serves as an indicator of his general erudition, intelligence, behavioral motivation and emotional state. It can also be used to determine a person’s emotional tension, which

A person’s verbal behavior serves as an indicator of his general erudition, intelligence, behavioral motivation and emotional state. It can also be used to determine a person’s emotional tension, which is manifested in the choice of words and style of constructing phrases.

Erudition can be assessed to a certain extent by the content of speech and presupposes, first of all, the presence of deep and versatile knowledge. If from specific statements of a person it is clear that he is well versed in various issues, quickly finds compelling arguments to confirm his point of view, using adequate linguistic means, then we can say about him that he is an erudite person.

Let us note that speech is an important informative signal when assessing the emotional state of a person, in particular his emotional tension, manifested in the particular choice of words and the specific stylistic structure of the statement.

We can conclude that a person carries within himself the experience of linguistic development of generations, including the experience of wordsmiths, the experience of the country, the environment, as well as his own, that he is always within the framework of speech behavior set by the diverse conditions.

In a state of emotional tension, many people have difficulty finding words when expressing their point of view. In particular, compared to speech under normal conditions, the number and duration of pauses increases. They are sometimes called pauses of indecision. This is easy to verify if you compare the speech of the same person in calm state and a state of emotional tension.

Difficulties in choosing words can manifest themselves in the utterance of various meaningless repetitions, in the use of words: “this”, “you see”, “you know”, “such”, “well”, “here”, etc.

Under conditions of emotional tension, vocabulary becomes less diverse. Speech in these cases is characterized by stereotypes: the speaker mainly uses those words that are most typical for him and actively uses speech cliches.

Another important indicator of emotionally intense speech is the grammatical incompleteness of phrases, which is concretized in grammatical lack of formality, violation of logical connections, and sequence between individual statements, which leads to ambiguity. The speaker is distracted from the main idea, focusing on details, which, of course, complicates understanding. In the future, he, as a rule, realizes the mistake he made, however, trying to correct it, he usually gets even more confused. It should be noted that the most important indicator mental health A person’s speech is speech; almost all mental deviations are clearly recorded from it.

Voice intonations are also subtle indicators of not only states, but also deep personal parameters of a person. You can change the timbre of your voice, be in different moods, but only 20% of your characteristics will be new - the remaining 80% are constant. Taking into account vocal characteristics in the study of the interlocutor provides very important and reliable information, which the speaker can hide from an attentive observer only with appropriate special training.

Famous Russian linguist A.M. Peshkovsky wrote about the connection between emotions and intonation: “... the expression of the emotional side of speech is the main and, one must think, primordial function. While the emotional side is almost not reflected in the values ​​of the actual sound side of speech, the values ​​of the intonation side are filled with it by 0.9. One has only to remember the abundance of exclamatory statements in our everyday speech and their intonation, especially timbre (and timbre, of course, is also part of intonation) variety, to recognize that we express our feelings not so much with words as with intonation.” Intonation and timbre constitute the fund of significant phonations that we widely use in communication. And here again is the whole range of feelings and the whole range of social and personal relationships. In one of the newspapers we read: “In fact, sadness, joy, falsehood, triumph - we recognize hundreds of nuances of the mood and internal state of the interlocutor unconsciously, without having time to think about the meaning. Intonations, it should be noted, are universal. And even when a person is silent, his emotional state affects the electrical activity of the muscles of the speech apparatus.” How often does a writer designate precisely the vocal accompaniment of statements uttered by characters: he said - softly, insinuatingly, rudely, defiantly, with a smile, through clenched teeth, cordially, affably, gloomily, maliciously. And by the way the word “sounded” in a literary text, we recognize the feelings and relationships of the characters. And each of the shades will be revealed by the peculiarities of intonation, voice expression, as well as the “language of the eyes”, a smile.

In communication situations, a person's voice is very characteristic feature, allowing you to form a general impression about it. In mass studies, from 60 to 90% of correct judgments regarding body size, fatness, mobility, internal mobility and age were obtained, relying only on the voice and manner of speaking.

  • a lively, lively manner of speaking, a fast pace of speech indicates the liveliness, impulsiveness of the interlocutor, his self-confidence;
  • a calm, slow manner indicates equanimity, prudence, and thoroughness;
  • noticeable fluctuations in the speed of speech reveal a lack of balance, uncertainty, and slight excitability of a person;
  • strong changes in volume indicate the emotionality and excitement of the interlocutor;
  • clear and precise pronunciation of words indicates internal discipline, the need for clarity;
  • ridiculous, vague pronunciation is characteristic of compliance, uncertainty, softness, and lethargy of will.

Talking about personal characteristics voices, one cannot help but mention laughter. Laughter is one of the most expressive personality traits. He expressed his attitude towards him most clearly in XVIII century famous German doctor Christoph Hufeland: “Of all the bodily movements that shake the body and soul together, laughter is the healthiest.” A person recognizes many shades of laughter: joyful, cheerful, carefree, ringing, rumbling, bleating, bitter or sweet, dirty (greasy), poisonous, hateful, mocking, gloating, sedate, cozy, embarrassed, hidden, artificial, artificial, forced, etc. .d. Let's consider several options for laughter:

  • with an “a” (ha-ha): completely open, coming from the heart. Testifies to the unclouded joy, carefree, naively cheerful disposition of a person;
  • with an “e” (hehe): not too nice, defiant, impudent, envious. The more open the vowel, the more gloating, rudeness, and contempt he expresses;
  • with “and” (hee hee): a giggle that goes deep into oneself. Indicates secrecy, cunning, irony and gloating (typical of young girls);
  • with “o” (ho-ho): it sounds boastful and threatening, with some critical surprise, protest, basically mocking and protesting;
  • with “u” (hu-hu): indicates hidden fear, timidity, timidity of nature.

In the study by P.M. Ershov especially emphasizes the complete involuntary nature of laughter, although in the list of its nuances not all of them are born without the participation of consciousness. On the contrary, although ironic, malicious, patronizing, sarcastic and other shades of it are reproduced using the same mechanisms, the facial expressions accompanying them are still artificial. Therefore, it is advisable to distinguish between: a) truly involuntary laughter; b) arbitrary demonstrative; c) involuntary, but controlled.

Thus, not only speech, but also extralinguistic, paralinguistic features of pronunciation, on the one hand, give us the opportunity to judge our partner and, on the other, characterize each of us.

Human speech- a very complex process and no animal can reproduce it. One of the reasons for this is that a person has a whole series of organs with the help of which he pronounces the sounds that make up words. Our vocal cords vibrate in a special way, the larynx, oral and nasal cavities are tuned in a special way, lips, teeth, lower jaw, tongue and palate move. Everything is designed to produce vowels and consonants, which animals cannot do. They cannot make a series of sounds to form words and sentences.

Human language, as was the case with material culture, has come a long way of development, and the sounds accompanying the first labor actions could not yet be genuine words denoting individual objects, their qualities or actions performed with them. At first these sounds did not yet exist independently, but were woven into practical activity. In addition, they were certainly accompanied by gestures and expressive intonations, and it was possible to understand their meaning only by knowing the specific visual situation in which they arose.

Such “effective conversation” carried out with the hands led, however, as Tikh notes, to a conflict between two functions of the hand - action with objects and their designation, which entailed the transfer of semantic function to the vocal organs. This marked the beginning of the development of an independent sound language.

However, innate sounds, gestures, and facial expressions retained their meaning, starting with primitive people to this day, however, only as an addition to acoustic means. Yet long time the connection between these components continued to remain so close that the same sound complex (“praslovo”) could designate, for example, the object to which the hand was pointing, the hand itself, and the action performed with this object. Only after the sounds of language were separated from practical actions, the first genuine words arose. These words obviously denoted objects, and only much later did words appear that denoted actions and qualities.

During the separation of language from the immediate practical activities verbal meanings become more and more abstract, language increasingly acts as a means of human thinking, and not just as a means of communication. Leontyev writes in this regard that “the direct connection of language and speech with the labor activity of people is the most important and basic condition under the influence of which they developed as carriers of an “objectified” conscious reflection of reality. Denoting an object in the labor process, the word singles out and generalizes it for individual consciousness precisely in this objective-social relation, i.e. as public item. The fact that thinking, speech and social and labor activity constitute a single complex in their origin and development, that human thinking could develop only in unity with social consciousness, constitutes the main qualitative difference between human thinking and the thinking of animals. Animal activity, even in its highest forms, is entirely subject to natural connections and relationships between the objective components of the environment.

Human activity, which grew out of the activity of animals, has undergone fundamental qualitative changes and is no longer subordinated so much to natural as to social connections and relationships. This social and labor content is reflected in the words and concepts of human speech.

Speaking without thinking is the same as shooting without aiming.

M. Cervantes

General characteristics of speech. Basic types of speech. Functions of speech and its connection with thinking. Speech development

One of the main differences between humans and the animal world is speech. This is the process of communication between people through language. In order to be able to speak and understand someone else’s speech, you need to know the language and be able to use it.

Language- this is a system of conventional symbols with the help of which combinations of sounds are transmitted that have certain meanings and meanings for people. It is developed by society, and one of its phenomena is that every person already finds ready language spoken by those around him, and in the process of his development assimilates it.

Why does a person need a language? Why is articulate speech necessary?

Language is needed so that people can:

  • - exchange thoughts during joint activities, i.e. it is needed as a means of communication;
  • - consolidate and preserve the collective experience of humanity;
  • - use it to express your feelings and emotions.

Without language there would be no man himself, because everything that is human in him is connected with language, expressed and fixed in it.

In the wonderful book “A Word about Words” L. Uspensky writes: “From the very early childhood and until old age, a person’s entire life is inextricably linked with language. The child has not yet learned to speak properly, but his clear hearing is already catching the murmur of grandmother's fairy tales... A teenager goes to school. A young man goes to college or university. A whole sea of ​​words, a noisy ocean of speech, catches him there, behind the wide doors. Through the lively conversations of teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, he sees for the first time the immensely complex Universe reflected in words... New person was born with ancient thoughts, with those that formed in the heads of people thousands of years before his birth. He himself gains the opportunity to address his great-grandchildren who will live centuries after his death. And all this is only thanks to language.”

The language is the same for all people who use it, and reflects the psychology of the people. Speech is individual, and it expresses the psychology of an individual person.

The meaning of a word is its content side. Every time we use a word to designate a real object, we thereby indicate to our interlocutor or ourselves what class this object belongs to, what properties it has, what action can be performed with it. But at the same time, we associate with it some features of individual experience. For example, the word “brush” will be perceived differently by an artist, a doctor, and a gardener, associating different ideas with it. It happens that the “language” of a representative of a particular profession, class, or group is so unique that it becomes incomprehensible to people who do not belong to this profession or social group.

We also distinguish people not only by their How they say, but also How many.

For example, there is an opinion that women are “the most talkative people in the world.” Czech scientists have questioned this widely held belief. As a result of the study, it turned out that the palm belongs to children aged 5 to 10 years. They speak at least 14 thousand words per day. Sometimes the child even talks to himself. Second place goes to... foreign sailors who talk about their impressions after returning from long voyages. In third place are young people aged 18 to 25 years. They speak approximately 10 thousand words a day.

But even the speech of one person cannot always be the same: speaking from the podium, he will speak more slowly and clearly, use words and expressions that he never uses in a simple conversation. Depending on the circumstances, on the conditions in which a person speaks, stylistic differences.

We often hear that this or that word or expression “shouldn’t” be used, “they don’t say that,” “it’s not literary.”

Language, like dress, differs from one and the same person depending on time and place. Therefore, when we are taught at school that we “should” speak in a certain way, this is not violence against the individual. The school should teach, in particular, under what circumstances how to speak. Since we learn ordinary conversational speech without school, in the family and on the street, the main task of school is to form our speech skills, to teach literary language, those. such a form of the national language that is used in fiction and scientific literature, in newspapers, magazines, etc. Nobody obliges us to use only it in all cases of life - this could lead to comical situations, but where it is customary, we must speak it.

It is this set of rules literary language, according to which it is customary to build one’s speech in certain specific conditions of communication, and are usually called norm of language.

Of course, each of us speaks Russian, uses its vocabulary, constructs phrases according to the rules of Russian grammar. But that, What And How we speak is not always provided for by grammar and dictionary.

Let's look at some examples.

Here is an excerpt from S. Yesenin’s poem:

Cold gold of the moon

The smell of oleander and gillyflower.

It's good to wander among the peace of the Blue and gentle country...

And here is an excerpt from the book by Professor M. A. Sapozhkov “Speech signal in cybernetics and communications”: “A comparison of the width of the frequency range of three-layer and single-layer transmissions (with equal band intelligibility) shows that three-layer transmission narrows the frequency range by approximately 1.5 times "

Any schoolchild understands that in both examples the language is Russian. But in the first case we are dealing with poetry, with poetic speech, and in the second case with scientific speech. Thus, we can conclude that speech is divided into types.

Distinguish the following types speech: oral, internal, written.

Oral speech is communication through linguistic means, perceived by ear. It is divided into monologue and dialogic. Monologue speech - extended speech of a person addressed to other people. This is the speech of a speaker, lecturer, speaker. Dialogical or conversational speech is an exchange between two or more people.

Written speech - a type of monologue speech, but unlike the latter, it is constructed using written signs. If in oral speech intonation is used to meaningfully express the attitude towards what is being said, then in written speech the same functions are performed by vocabulary, grammar and punctuation marks.

Inner speech - silent speech about oneself and for oneself, arising in the process of thinking. It is specially adapted to perform mental operations and actions in the mind, encodes images of the real world and acts as a means of thinking.

This is the speech we address to ourselves. Let's say you haven't prepared for classes. The teacher takes the magazine and looks to see who he should call. You say to yourself mentally: “At least they wouldn’t ask me.” This is inner speech. And even a very typical case for it is when there is no subject in the sentence. It is usually not needed for internal speech. After all, what we think about is in such cases before our eyes, or at least appears to us quite clearly.

Any type of speech, including oral and written speech, has its purpose, i.e. performs certain functions (see Fig. 12).

Function expressions lies in the fact that with the help of speech a person expresses his attitude towards a certain object, phenomenon or himself. When expressing our attitude towards something, speech has a certain emotional connotation, which helps others understand this attitude.

Function impact is that we use speech to try to motivate another person or group

Rice. 12.

Function messages is the exchange of thoughts and information between people using words. It provides contacts between people.

Function designations lies in the ability to give names to objects and phenomena. She is the highest.

Usually there are four periods of speech development in a child.

The first period, from birth to one year, is preparatory to verbal speech. The second period lasts until about three years of age and is characterized by initial language acquisition. The third period is preschool age, from six to seven years old. This is the period of development of the child’s language in the process of speech practice and generalization of linguistic facts. The fourth period is associated with the mastery of written language. These are school years.

We can also distinguish a fifth period, which is associated with the improvement of speech after the completion of the school period. However, this stage is strictly individual and is not typical for all people. For most people, speech development ends with graduation from school, and the subsequent increase vocabulary happens very little.

For example, studies conducted at the University Clinic for Speech Problems in Mainz (Germany) found that every fourth child preschool age have a speech disorder. Speech disorders were found in children three to four years old, and they amounted to 18-34%. In 1982, this number was only 4%. What is the reason? The conclusion is this: families watch too much TV and talk too little. Video, television and computer games seem to play the role of parents in families. Researchers have noticed that many children have difficulty speaking, but respond very quickly when it comes to computer games. Moreover, the situation is worsening due to scientific and technological progress.

In conclusion, I would like to provide some interesting statistics. Gerontologists have concluded that silent, taciturn people live longer. After all, conversation is a significant waste of energy, and we already spend it mercilessly.

For example, it is known that the writer Marietta Shaginyan (she lived to be 99 years old) regularly, once a week, arranged a “day of silence” for herself. According to her, this helped her regain strength for further work.

Buddhist monks who have taken a vow of silence are distinguished by their longevity. The prisoner lived to be 112 years old, maintaining his sanity and interest in life. Solovetsky Monastery Pyotr Kalnishevsky, who spent a quarter of a century in solitary confinement.

And those who have to talk a lot due to their line of work (lecturers, teachers, actors, tour guides, radio and television workers) often complain of complete emptiness and exhaustion after work. They are advised to look for an opportunity to remain silent as a means of recovery. People around them should treat such people with understanding. We must remember that human energy resources are not limitless.

Questions and tasks for self-test

  • 1. What role does memory play in human life?
  • 2. Describe the basic processes of memory.
  • 3. What is common between perception and memory, what are the differences?
  • 4. What methods of memorization do you know and do you use them in practice?
  • 5. List and characterize the laws of memory.
  • 6. Give examples of rational memorization techniques.
  • 7. What is common and different between thinking and perception as cognitive processes?
  • 8. How are thinking and speech related?
  • 9. Why is thinking called generalized knowledge of the world?
  • 10. What qualities of mind do you think are necessary to solve non-standard problems?

Concept and functions of speech.

Types of speech.

Equipment: lecture notes, notes and diagram on the board, test with tasks


1. R.S. Nemov General psychology: Short course. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005: ill., (p. 151-153)

2. General psychology: Textbook/Ed. Tugushev R.Kh. and Garber E.I.-M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2006. (p. 244, p. 249)

3. Psychology: Education for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions: 3 books - 3rd ed. - M.: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 1999. - (P. 311-318).

Progress of the lesson


2. Setting goals and objectives

3. Studying new material.

Concept and functions of speech.

Speech- this is a mental function associated with a person’s knowledge and use of languages ​​for communication, thinking and solving many other vital problems. (R.S. Nemov)

Without written language, a person would be deprived of the opportunity to find out how people of previous generations lived, thought and did. He would not have the opportunity to communicate his thoughts and feelings to others. Thanks to speech as a means of communication, the individual consciousness of a person, not limited to personal experience, is enriched by the experience of other people, and to a much greater extent than observation and other processes of non-verbal, direct cognition carried out through the senses: perception, attention, imagination, memory and thinking can allow. Through speech, the psychology and experience of one person become accessible to other people, enrich them, and contribute to their development.

In terms of its vital significance, speech is multifunctional. It is not only a means of communication, but also a means of thinking, a carrier of consciousness, memory, information (written texts), a means of controlling the behavior of other people and regulating a person’s own behavior.

Speech functions:

1.Communicative- speech acts as a means of communication or exchange of information between people;

2.Intelligent- speech is involved in thinking processes;

3.Motivational-regulating- speech is involved in control as mental processes both states and human behavior;

4.Psychodiagnostic- a person’s speech expresses his psychology (for example, when we analyze a person’s spontaneous speech utterances, ask him questions and evaluate the answers to them. We offer to compose something and judge from his essays psychological characteristics person);

5.Psychotherapeutic- We use words to try to calm a person down, to instill in him self-confidence, especially if this person is sick or worried about the problems he has.

The meaning of speech in human life.

Speech is the main means of human communication. Without it, a person would not have the opportunity to receive and transmit a large number of information, in particular that which carries great semantic load or captures in itself what cannot be perceived with the help of the senses (abstract concepts, not directly perceived phenomena, laws, rules, etc.). Thanks to speech as a means of communication, a person’s individual consciousness, not limited to personal experience, is enriched by the experience of other people, and to a much greater extent than observation and other processes of non-speech, direct cognition carried out through the senses: perception, attention, imagination, memory can allow. and thinking.

Speech system.


I.P. Pavlov created the doctrine of an extraordinary increase in a person’s GNI. This increase is - speech. Based on this, Pavlov identified two signaling systems of reality. Signaling activity – This is a characteristic manifestation of any living organism. In animals there are signals different types for the exchange of biological information (including audio communication, acoustic signal) - they warn each other about danger, attract individuals of the opposite sex, etc. Primitive also enjoyed different ways signaling: facial expressions, gestures, sounds . First signaling system – it is a system of direct signals from reality that affect our senses. According to I.P. Pavlov, the first signal system of reality is a system of conditioned connections that is developed under the action of direct stimuli; it is common in humans and animals. Second signaling system – It's a signal system. According to I.P. Pavlov, the second signal system In reality, it is a system of conditioned connections that is developed in response to verbal stimuli (under the action of a speech stimulus). I.P. Pavlov: “A word is a signal of a signal.” The second signaling system arose in the process of evolution along with the complication nervous system, as a result of the need for human communication in the process labor activity. In a word denote everything that acts on our senses, while we can break away from specific object-images and think about them abstractly. That's why speech is a means and form of human thinking. Speech makes it possible for one person to perceive the information accumulated by humanity. The meaning of the second alarm system is thanks to the general meaning of the word, a person is able to cognize the world without direct contact with him. The generalizing meaning of the word allows a person to think abstractly, which is typical only for humans. The child gradually develops first-order conditioned reflexes (at the initial stage of speech development) - the child learns to associate names with objects. Later, the generalizing function of the word develops. That., GNI of a person- this is a combination of 1 and 2 signaling systems, the leading role belongs to the 2nd signaling system. This gives the human GNI that qualitative diversity that distinguishes it from the higher nervous activity of animals.

Speech– a form of communication between people with each other using signals (words), which ensures human thinking. This specifically human a function that arose during the process of evolution.

Types of speech. Speech happens internal(a form of thinking process), external(form of communicating thoughts to others - oral and written). Written speech (writing and reading) is functionally closely related to inner speech (saying to oneself what needs to be written, reading to oneself). Expressive speech - This statement with the help of language, which begins with a plan (program), then goes through the stage of internal speech and then goes into the stage of expanded external speech utterance(in the form of speech or writing). Impressive speech- This is the understanding of oral and written (reading) speech.

Functions of speech. Expressive function – manifests itself V voice, rhythmic organization of utterance; reflects the individual's attitude towards events of reality, his assessment, emotional states , personal peculiarities. Greater role in regulation This function is played by self-control, observation of oneself, one’s voice, and behavior. Significative function (from the English Significate - designate) – words are signs common to everyone within the same language group that have the same meaning. Intellectual, conceptual– speech is an instrument of thinking, subjugating all types and forms of thinking. Communicative function - communication, exchange of information, the basis of the thinking process - combines all previous functions. Regulatory function - manifests itself in conscious forms of mental activity, regulation of voluntary behavior. Programming function - consists in formulating programs various actions and behavior based on inner speech.

Speech as a function of the brain. The central part of the speech apparatus is the speech centers (motor, sensory, associative areas of the brain and pathways). Speech perception is carried out using a speech-auditory analyzer, and reproduction is carried out using a speech-motor analyzer. The speech function involves many brain structures that do not have a clear localization and are interconnected. Various speech disorders are especially pronounced when the frontal and temporal areas are damaged. The distribution in the right and left hemispheres of the brain of such a highly specialized human function as speech is deeply asymmetrically. A person's linguistic abilities are determined primarily by left hemisphere. Despite the fact that the main speech centers are located in the left hemisphere, the right is also involved in the speech function (responsible for intonation, emotional coloring of speech).

4. 52 Types of speech. Physiological mechanisms of speech.