There is a wide variety of mineral water on store shelves, which can confuse anyone. IN retail outlets They sell mineral water with and without gas, with silver, oxygen, chloride, table, sulfate, medicinal - such an assortment can make your head spin. But you need to understand mineral water so as not to harm your body.

What is mineral water

We are talking about water that is extracted from underground natural sources. It is endowed with a certain chemical composition: it contains minerals. That's why it is called mineral. Depending on how many minerals are contained in such water, it can be table, medicinal, or medicinal-table.

Features of medicinal mineral water

Mineral medicinal water usually contains: the greatest number minerals - more than ten grams per liter. Also considered medicinal are waters containing biologically active substances:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • bromine.

Information about the content of other substances and the degree of mineralization is indicated on the label. Medicinal water is sold in pharmacies, but it is better to go to water resort- water retains its healing properties better at the source itself.

Table mineral water contains minerals no more than one gram per liter. This water can stimulate digestion, but you shouldn’t expect it to medicinal properties. Drink water in any quantity - at your discretion.

Table water should only be drunk; there is no point in cooking food with it. When boiling, mineral salts can precipitate or form compounds that cannot be absorbed by the body. Accordingly, the load on the kidneys becomes greater. In addition, salts lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Mineral medicinal table water

Medicinal table mineral water contains from one to ten grams of minerals per liter. Medicinal table water is less mineralized, but contains a certain amount of biologically active components - iron, boron, arsenic, iodine, silicon.

This water can be drunk both for prevention and as table water. But be careful with this water: in unlimited quantities it can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases and disruption of the salt balance in the body. Such water can only heal if a specialist selects it for you.

According to the chemical composition, mineral water is:

  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate

The most useful of minerals

The most delicious mineral water is considered to be from the hydrocarbonate group (sulfate-bicarbonate, bicarbonate-sodium, bicarbonate-chloride).

Hydrocarbonate water, which contains bicarbonates (mineral salts) in a volume of more than six hundred milligrams per liter, is recommended for people who actively engage in sports, patients with cystitis, and infants. Used for healing urolithiasis. Considered contraindicated for gastritis.

Alkaline mineral water.
This is water belonging to the hydrocarbonate group, from natural sources with a constant composition of mineral salts and other valuable components. Its acidity exceeds 7 pH. Bicarbonates improve protein and carbohydrate metabolism and normalize intestinal function.

Its name is quite arbitrary. It indicates the predominance of hydrocarbonate and sodium ions, as well as magnesium. The presence of these ingredients determines the benefits of alkaline water on the body, as well as the diseases that are treated with alkaline mineral waters.

Main indications for taking alkaline water

The use of this water is important in case of diseases:

  • peptic ulcer,
  • pancreatitis,
  • liver diseases,
  • biliary dyskinesia,
  • (non-insulin dependent)
  • gout,
  • colitis,
  • infectious diseases.

Alkaline mineral water contains magnesium, which is indispensable for brain activity. Therefore, it is recommended to take water when there is severe nervous tension.

Alkaline water is extremely beneficial for people with an active lifestyle. With its help, metabolic products are quickly removed from the body, and the fluid does not stagnate.

Water of this class replenishes the body's alkaline reserve. It helps reduce the number of hydrogen ions and normalizes the activity of the stomach.

Benefits of drinking alkaline mineral water:

  • removal of mucus from the intestines and stomach,
  • elimination of heartburn, belching,
  • getting rid of the feeling of heaviness that occurs “in the pit of the stomach”,
  • removal of slags.

Rules for taking alkaline water

The most useful action provides water that is drunk directly from a natural well at the resort.

But even at home, it helps to improve the health of the body if taken correctly.
The rate of alkaline water intake is determined by the acidity of the body. It is better to determine it with the help of a doctor. On average, this norm is 3 ml/kg of weight. Or 600 ml per day.

General rules for drinking alkaline mineral water:

  1. For prevention purposes, drink water half an hour before meals. For ulcers or gastritis, it is useful to take it after meals. If there is excessive secretion of gastric juice - during eating. Gastritis with low acidity requires drinking water 1-1.5 hours before. before eating.
  2. The use of alkaline water in the treatment of hyperacid gastritis requires the mandatory removal of carbon dioxide (alkaline water without gas). This is due to the effect it has on the gastric mucosa.
  3. About the optimal temperature. For stomach diseases, the water should be slightly warmed. In other situations, the water can be at room temperature.
  4. For better absorption of nutrients, drink water slowly and in small sips.
  5. If illnesses worsen, stop drinking water and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for alkaline mineral water

Alkaline water is contraindicated if you have the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease,
  • pathologies of the urinary tract (making it difficult to remove excess salts and minerals),
  • renal failure,
  • bilateral chronic pyelonephritis,
  • insulin dependent diabetes.

Popular names of alkaline mineral waters

The group of hydrocarbonate waters is represented by the following brands:

Mineral waters of Georgia

The most significant representative of Georgian alkaline waters can undoubtedly be called Borjomi mineral water.

This is water with natural mineralization and a salt concentration of 6 g/l. The chemical content of water is rich in useful components:

  • hydrocarbonates (90%),
  • boron,
  • fluorine,
  • sodium,
  • calcium,
  • aluminum,
  • magnesium, etc.

Borjomi is used to prevent and treat a very large number of diseases of the digestive system.

It is most beneficial to use Borjomi for diseases:

  • metabolic disorders,
  • gastritis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • ulcer,
  • colitis.

Alkaline mineral waters of Russia

The most well-known representative Russian water of this class, of course, is the mineral alkaline water of Essentuki. But only two numbers belong to the alkaline species of this brand - 4 and 17.

Alkaline mineral water Essentuki 4 refers to medicinal table mineral waters. Has a complex effect on various systems body. Relieves the condition of diseases of the kidneys, stomach and intestines, liver, bladder.

Alkaline mineral water Essentuki 17 is a medicinal mineral water with increased mineralization. This alkaline mineral water helps cure gout, stomach diseases, mild diabetes and other pathologies already mentioned.

Alkaline mineral waters of Ukraine

Included in the group of Transcarpathian alkaline waters. It is distinguished by a salt concentration of 7.5 g/l and reduced mineralization. This allows it to be used as drinking alkaline water, i.e. table drink. The water is almost completely saturated with hydrocarbonates (96-100%). Alkaline mineral water contains the following components:

  • biologically active magnesium,
  • fluorine,
  • potassium,
  • silicic acid,
  • calcium, etc.

Due to its saturation with bicarbonates, “Luzhanskaya” serves as a mild antacid - a remedy that neutralizes high acidity in the stomach and relieves dyspeptic symptoms - heaviness, heartburn, bloating. This effect occurs immediately after drinking water.

Boric carbonate water with a high degree of mineralization. It also consists almost entirely of hydrocarbonates. The main indications for use are similar to the waters described.

Characteristics of bottled mineral waters for drinking treatment

O. N. Nechipurenko, Ph.D. honey. Sciences Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Mineral waters are complex physical and chemical irritants and obey general physiological laws. Taking mineral water internally leads to physiological reactions in various organs and systems.

There are three phases of the action of mineral waters on the body: 1) complex reflex; 2) neurochemical; 3) aftereffect phase. It should be noted that the reflex mechanism plays a role in the implementation of all three phases.

The main indicators of the balneological significance of mineral waters are: total mineralization, gas content, ionic composition, content of organic compounds and microelements with biological activity, radioactivity, water pH, temperature.

Characteristics of medicinal mineral waters

Hydrocarbonate waters (Borjomi, Sairme, Luzhanskaya, Polyana Kupel, Polyana Kvasova and many others) have a beneficial effect on the bile-forming and bile-excretory functions of the liver and biliary tract, improve carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Bicarbonates inhibit the level of acid formation in the stomach, so they are recommended for use in case of increased levels of acid formation, pyloric spasm, and symptoms of acidism. They improve the absorption of micro- and macroelements and enhance diuresis. It should be noted that the inhibitory or stimulating effect of water on the secretory and motor functions of the stomach depends on the methods of their use.

Chloride waters (source No. 2 of the resort Truskavets, Druskininkai, Mirgorodskaya, Kuyalnik; brines springs No. 6 of the resort Morshin, Truskavets, etc.) are indicated for diseases of the liver, biliary tract with concomitant chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, enterocolitis.

Hydrocarbonate sodium chloride waters give a pronounced choleretic and cholekinetic effect. The presence of sulfates in mineral waters (Slavic, Smirnovsky springs, Kislovodsk sulfate Narzan, etc.) makes them especially effective for pathologies of the liver and biliary tract, as well as for a number of stomach diseases. Sulfate mineral water slow down the processes of absorption in the intestines, enhance their peristalsis and secretion, which determines their laxative effect. After normalization of intestinal function, the functional state of the liver improves due to the fact that sulfates inhibit acid formation in the stomach and this is the basis for their use in patients with liver pathology and concomitant stomach diseases that occur with high acidity.

There is evidence of a beneficial effect of sulfate and magnesium-containing waters on the functional state of the liver, primarily due to the restoration of hepatocyte function. Magnesium is less common in mineral waters. Magnesium ions are absorbed in the stomach and initial parts of the small intestine and enter the liver, where they are partially deposited. The beneficial effect of magnesium on the functional state of the hepato-biliary system is associated with its choleretic effect and the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and bile. Magnesium salts have an antispasmodic effect, helping to normalize the tone of the gastroduodenal zone, gall bladder, and sphincter of Oddi. Magnesium participates in enzymatic processes, deposited, in particular, in muscles, activates carbohydrate metabolism, catalyzes the activity of digestive tract enzymes (trypsin, erypsin), reduces the excitability of the central nervous system. nervous system, has a pronounced laxative effect. Waters with a magnesium content of more than 20 g/l include Batalinskaya, Crimean Narzan, Moscow, and analogues of Kislovodsk waters.

For concomitant gastritis with secretory insufficiency, mineral waters containing, in addition to sulfates, chlorine and sodium ions are indicated. Sodium helps regulate metabolism and osmotic pressure in tissues, stimulates the bile-forming and especially bile-excretory functions of the hepatobiliary system and the secretory function of the glands of the digestive tract, and enhances intestinal motility. Calcium chloride waters have an anti-inflammatory effect and thicken cell membranes, reduce tissue swelling, increase the level of metabolic processes.

Sodium chloride waters containing calcium improve lipid metabolism, so they are prescribed to patients with chronic gastritis with secretory deficiency.

Thus, sulfate- and magnesium-containing mineral waters have a pronounced choleretic, cholekinetic effect, have a beneficial effect on the functional state of the liver, and restore the structure of the liver. The therapeutic effect is due to the anti-inflammatory effect, normalization of the physico-chemical composition of bile, preventing precipitation of the constituent parts of bile. Due to the pronounced choleretic effect, the objective and subjective condition of patients suffering from liver and biliary tract diseases significantly improves. After completing a course of drinking treatment with mineral waters containing significant amounts of magnesium, sulfates in combination with other ions (sodium, potassium, calcium), in most cases, dyspeptic syndrome disappears in patients (bitterness and dry mouth, nausea, heartburn, etc.) , clinical manifestations of the disease (increase in the size of the liver, its pain, change in consistency), the size of the spleen, intestinal function, and pancreas are normalized.

The microelements contained in mineral waters have a specific physiological effect. Two groups of microelements have been identified, differing in the nature of their action: 1) arsenic, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese and other heavy metals; 2) iodine, bromine.

Arsenic, iron, cobalt (component of vitamin B12) take an active part in the processes of hematopoiesis, therefore arsenic-containing mineral waters (kvass, avadhara, karmadon) and iron-containing waters (Polustrovskaya, Kelechin, Shepetovskaya) are indicated for patients with diseases of the digestive organs in combination with anemia.

Mineral waters containing manganese include kvass, shayan, and kelechin. Manganese is part of proteolytic enzymes, takes part in redox processes and regulation of hematopoiesis, in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and affects the content of vitamins (ascorbic and nicotinic acids).

Iodine-containing waters (waters of Maikop, Akhtyrsky springs, Semigorsk) promote resorption and regeneration, participate in redox processes, and have a bactericidal effect. Indicated for patients with pathologies of the digestive system. With an iodine concentration of 5 mg/l, 200 ml of mineral water contains 1 mg of iodine, which can have pharmachologic effect. In highly mineralized waters, iodine is often combined with boron (Polyana Kvasova, Dragovskaya, Svalyavskaya, Semigorskaya). Polyana kvassova mineral water, containing 126 mg/l of boron, reduces the amount of bile and the concentration of cholesterol in it, i.e. there is a tendency to reduce bile secretion.

Siliceous mineral waters (Berezovskaya, Kharkovskaya No. 2, Rai-Elenovka springs, Shayan) have adsorption, astringent properties, sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects due to the presence of silicic acid in them. These waters are indicated for pathologies of the digestive tract, liver and bile ducts.

Bromine has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the central nervous system. Bromine waters include Lugelskaya, Talitskaya, Nalchik, which are prescribed for many diseases of the digestive system, but since these waters reduce the level of metabolism, they should not be prescribed to obese patients.

Thus, the internal use of mineral waters is an integral part of balneotherapy.

Table 1. List of bottled mineral waters

Name of water Source location Chemical characteristics
Azovskaya Russia sodium bicarbonate
Alma-Ata Kazakhstan chloride-sulfate-sodium
Amurskaya Russia (Amur region)
Anvakan Armenia
Arzni Armenia
Arshan Buryatia hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium
Ashgabat Turkmenistan sulfate-calcium-magnesium
Batalinskaya Russia (Stavropol Territory) sulfate-sodium-magnesium
Berezovskaya Ukraine, Berezovsky mineral waters resort (Kharkiv region) bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium-sodium
Bjni Armenia sodium bicarbonate
Bolnisi Georgia hydrocarbonate-sulfate-magnesium-sodium
Borjomi Georgia sodium bicarbonate
Bystryanka Ukraine (Lviv region) chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium
Brusnitskaya Ukraine (Lviv region) chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium
Burkut Ukraine (Transcarpathia) hydrocarbonate-chloride-calcium-sodium
Vazhastskaro Georgia bicarbonate-calcium-sodium
Valmiera Latvia sodium-calcium chloride
Vardzia Georgia
Velikobogachanskaya Ukraine (Poltava region) sodium chloride
Verkhovinskaya sodium chloride
Hot key Russia (Krasnodar region) chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium
Darasun Russia (Chita region) hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium
Jermuk Armenia hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium
Dilijanskaya Armenia
Dolinskaya Russia (Nalchik) bicarbonate-sodium-calcium
Don Russia
Dragovskaya Ukraine (Transcarpathia) chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium
Druskininkai Lithuania sodium chloride
Ergeninskaya Russia chloride-sulfate-sodium
Essentuki 4 Russia (Stavropol Territory) bicarbonate-chloride-sodium
Essentuki 17 Russia (Stavropol Territory) bicarbonate-chloride-sodium
Zaramag Russia bicarbonate-chloride-sodium
Zvare Georgia bicarbonate-chloride-sodium
Zlochevskaya Ukraine (Lviv region) chloride-sulfate-sodium
Izhevskaya Russia (Tatarstan) sulfate-chloride-sodium-calcium-magnesium
Istisu Azerbaijan sodium bicarbonate
Kazbegi Georgia
Karmadon Russia sodium chloride
Caspian Russia (Makhachkala) chloride-sulfate-sodium
Kashinskaya Russia
Kozhanovskaya Russia hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium
Krainskaya Russia (Tula region) calcium sulfate
Krivorozhskaya 1 Ukraine sulfate-chloride-sodium-magnesium-calcium
Krivorozhskaya 2 Ukraine chloride-sulfate-magnesium-sodium-calcium
Krishtaleva Ukraine sulfate-chloride-sodium-calcium-magnesium
Crimean Ukraine (Saki) bicarbonate-chloride-sodium
Cook Russia (Chita region) hydrocarbonate-magnesium-calcium
Kuyalnik Ukraine (Odessa) sodium chloride
Korneshtskaya Moldova sodium bicarbonate
Ķemeri Latvia sodium chloride-calcium-magnesium
Lazarevskaya Russia (Krasnodar region) bicarbonate-chloride-sodium
Martin Russia sodium bicarbonate
Lipetskaya Russia (Lipetsk region) sodium sulfate chloride
PM Armenia hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium-magnesium-calcium
Lugela Georgia calcium chloride
Luzhanskaya 1 Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium bicarbonate
Luzhanskaya 2 Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium bicarbonate
Luzhanskaya 3 Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium bicarbonate
Lysogorskaya Russia sodium sulfate chloride
Malkinskaya Russia (Kamchatka) hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium-calcium
Marcial Russia (Karelia) glandular
Mashuk Russia (Stavropol Territory)
Makhachkala Russia sulfate-hydrocarbonate-sodium
Minsk Belarus sodium chloride
Mirgorodskaya Ukraine (Mirgorod) sodium chloride
Moscow Russia sulfate-calcium-magnesium-sodium
Nabeglavi Georgia sodium bicarbonate
Nalchik Russia chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium
Narzan Crimean Ukraine (Feodosia) chloride-sulfate-hydrocarbonate-magnesium-sodium-calcium
Narzan dolomite Russia (Kislovodsk) hydrocarbonate-sulfate-calcium-sodium
Narzan sulfate Russia (Kislovodsk) hydrocarbonate-sulfate-calcium-magnesium
Nartan Russia (Nalchik) sodium chloride
Nelepinskaya Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium bicarbonate
Nizhneivkinskaya No. 1 Russia chloride-sulfate-sodium
Nizhne-Serginskaya Russia sodium chloride
Novoizhevskaya Russia (Udmurtia) chloride-sulfate-sodium
Obukhovskaya Russia chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium
Ozhevskaya Ukraine (Chernivtsi region) sodium chloride
Omsk Russia sodium chloride
Ostrozhskaya Ukraine (Rivne region) sodium chloride
Palanga Lithuania sodium-calcium chloride
Ploskovskaya Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium bicarbonate
Polesskaya Ukraine (Chernigov region) sodium bicarbonate
Polyana Kvasova Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium bicarbonate
Pereginskaya Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk region) sodium chloride
Polyustrovskaya Russia ferrous, containing bromine
Polyana Kupel Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium bicarbonate
Rostovskaya Russia sodium chloride
Rychals Russia (Dagestan) sodium bicarbonate
Sairme Georgia bicarbonate-sodium-calcium
Svalyava Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium bicarbonate
Sevan Armenia hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium-magnesium
Semenovskaya Ukraine (Poltava region) sodium chloride
Sirab Azerbaijan sodium bicarbonate
Slavyanovskaya Russia (Stavropol Territory) hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium-calcium
Smirnovskaya Russia hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium-calcium
Snegirevskaya Ukraine (Mykolaiv region) chloride-sulfate-sodium
Soluki Ukraine (Lviv region) sodium sulfate chloride
Talitskaya Russia sodium chloride
Tersinka Russia bicarbonate-sodium-calcium
Truskavetskaya Ukraine contains organic compounds
Turshsu Azerbaijan hydrocarbonate-magnesium-calcium-sodium
Tyumenskaya 1 Russia sodium chloride
Uglichskaya Russia sulfate-chloride-sodium-calcium
Uredon Russia sodium chloride
Ufa Russia calcium sulfate
Utsera Georgia sodium bicarbonate
Feodosiyskaya Ukraine sodium sulfate chloride
Khilovskaya Russia chloride-sulfate-sodium-calcium-magnesium
Khorolskaya Ukraine (Poltava region) sodium chloride
Khodyzhenskaya Russia sodium chloride
Chartakskaya Uzbekistan chloride-sulfate-sodium
Chelkarskaya Kazakhstan chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium
Shaambars Tajikistan sodium sulfate
Shifaly-Su Russia (Tatarstan) sulfate-chloride-sodium-calcium-magnesium
Elbrus Russia bicarbonate-sodium-calcium
Yavornitskaya Ukraine (Transcarpathia) sodium chloride
Yavorskaya Ukraine (Lviv region) sodium chloride
Yagotinskaya Ukraine (Kyiv region) sodium chloride

Table 2. Main criteria for evaluating medicinal mineral waters

Index Standard for classifying waters as mineral Indicator values Name of waters
Total mineralization (M), g/dm3 1 <1
Low mineralized
Low mineralized
Medium mineralized
Highly mineralized
Strong pickles
Gas content (G), ml/dm3 50 <50
Very low gas saturation
Low gas saturation
Medium gas saturated
Highly gas-saturated
Very highly gas-saturated
CO2 content, g/dm3 0,5 0.51.4
Low carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide
High carbon dioxide
H2 S content, g/dm3 0,01 0.010.05
Low hydrogen sulfide
Medium hydrogen sulfide
Strong hydrogen sulfide
Very strong hydrogen sulfide
Ultra-strong hydrogen sulfide
As3+ content, mg/dm3 0,7 0.75.0
Strong arsenic
Very strong arsenic
Fe2+ ​​content, mg/dm3 10 1040
Strong ferruginous
Very strong ferruginous
Br- content, g/dm3 0,025 0.0250.1
High bromine
Very high bromine
I- content, mg/dm3 5 520
High iodine
Silicic acid content, g/dm3 0,05 0.050.1
High silicon
Very high silicon
Content of organic substances (C), mg/dm3 8 1020
Waters enriched with organic matter
Waters highly enriched with organic matter
Volume activity Rn, kBq/dm3 0,185 0.1850.74
Very low radon
Low radonaceae
Medium radon
High radon
Water reaction (pH) — <3,5
Strongly acidic
Slightly alkaline
(T), °C
— 04
Very cold
Very hot


  1. Serbina L. A. Rehabilitation of patients with pathology of the digestive organs. K., 1989. 208 p.
  2. Klyachkin L. M., Shchegolkov A. M. Medical rehabilitation of patients with diseases internal organs Guide for doctors. M., 2000
  3. Ulashchik V. S., Lukomsky I. V. General physiotherapy. Mn., 2003 512 p.

Alkaline mineral water Water is considered to be one that contains a high percentage of sulphate, lime carbonate and magnesia. The acidity of the salts of such water should be more than seven percent. Having this composition water has a positive effect on metabolism in the body.

Alkaline mineral water is produced by adding carbon dioxide to the bottle, this is done to prevent the entry of air. Water of this type belongs to medicinal canteens; it should be consumed in doses. It is prohibited to use after the expiration date or for cooking.

Alkaline mineral water. General information


All alkaline mineral waters can be divided into three groups:

Varieties of alkaline mineral water. List

Nowadays, unfortunately, there are a lot of low-quality products and fake water on the shelves. It is not surprising that under the guise of alkaline mineral water, the buyer is offered water of unknown origin, which not only will not be beneficial, but can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Therefore, if a patient is prescribed to drink alkaline mineral water, you need to carefully study the list of manufacturer names.

Alkaline water from Russian producers

« Luzhanskaya» Alkaline mineral water is recommended for use in cases of frequent bloating, heaviness in the stomach, and heartburn. It is indicated as an antacid mild action, in other words, it is used as a means to neutralize high acidity. Patients note an immediate effect when drinking Luzhanskaya mineral water.

Another brand of alkaline mineral water has a deposit in Ukraine " Polyana Kvasova" It consists of almost 100% salts, but unlike the mineral water “Luzhanskaya” and “Polyana Kvasova”, it is more mineralized. Indications for use are diabetes and obesity. It can be taken both before and after meals, but different therapeutic effects are observed.

« Svalyava", another alkaline-mineral water from Ukrainian producers. Has a medium degree of mineralization. Feature This brand of mineral water has a high boron content. Water with this content is recommended for patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys and biliary tract.

Thus, we see that brands of alkaline mineral water are good because they have different degrees of mineralization. Therefore, each patient will be able to choose the right one for himself.

In this list we have listed the names of alkaline mineral waters that are the most popular among consumers and have an impeccable reputation.

How to use water


Alkaline mineral waters have a number of indications for use:

Please note that you should not self-medicate!

When carrying out therapy with alkaline mineral waters, the doctor prescribes water indicated for a specific disease, in addition, the dosage, time and method of administration are strictly prescribed.


Since, in addition to indications for use, there are a number of contraindications:

Rules for taking alkaline mineral water

The most effective and beneficial effect comes from water, which is consumed at special resorts, from a natural well.

But it is possible to get the maximum benefit by drinking alkaline mineral water from the manufacturers listed above in our article at home.

The following general rules must be followed:

The principle of the effect of alkaline mineral water on the body

This water is intended to eliminate the existing deficiency of minerals and useful microelements in the body, also to restore the acid-base balance.

The principle of operation is that during the interaction of alkali metals with water, hydrogen is released, which is necessary for the cells of the body to perform their functions in the required volume.

How does alkaline mineral water affect the body?

  1. With its help, carbohydrate and fat metabolism is regulated.
  2. Helps speed up the process of removing waste and toxins from the body.
  3. Does not allow the formation of foci of inflammation.
  4. Strengthens the immune system.
  5. Due to the fact that it contains magnesium, the overall functioning of the brain, memory and heart muscle improves.
  6. Enhances the therapeutic effects of certain medications.

In this article we looked at the most popular types of alkaline mineral water, their beneficial features. I would also like to note that when drinking this medicinal water, swelling disappears, memory and attention improve, and the aging process slows down.

Treatment and prevention of diseases using mineral waters has been known since ancient times. Modern medicine widely uses mineral and thermal waters different chemical composition. How do hydrocarbonate mineral waters affect health? In what cases is it better to take them and where can I find them on sale?

One of the main advantages of mineral waters is their availability. On store shelves we can easily find a whole range of mineral waters of different compositions, extracted from Russian sources and imported from other countries. When selecting and using these waters, it is necessary to pay attention to their chemical composition. In the article you will find information about how hydrocarbonate mineral waters affect the body and in what cases they are recommended for use.

What are mineral waters

According to their name, hydrocarbonate mineral waters are mineral waters that contain large quantities of hydrocarbonate ions (HCO3-). They appear in many natural waters as a result of the dissolution of limestone deposits of sedimentary rocks. Hydrocarbonate ions affect the pH of water and are found everywhere except acidic waters. They dominate in waters of low and moderate salinity.

According to the main classification of Aleksandrov (1941), hydrocarbonate alkaline (sodium) waters belong to the first of six existing classes of drinking medicinal mineral waters. The content of hydrocarbonate ions in them exceeds 25%, and the remaining anions are contained in smaller quantities.

These waters supply carbonates to the blood, thereby alkalizing the internal environment of the body. Additional chemical impurities in such mineral water affect various functions body. Therefore, when choosing water, pay attention to the chemical elements it contains.


Bicarbonate mineral water contains calcium. It has a positive effect on the condition of teeth, bones, muscle tissue, and nails. Calcium plays an important role in metabolism, protective functions of the body and hematopoiesis. Its presence in required quantities improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, joints, and glands. Calcium salts are necessary for the full development of the body. Therefore, it is especially needed at a young age.

Sodium and potassium

Sodium and potassium normalize osmotic pressure and help in the formation of protoplasm. Potassium helps in the functioning of muscles, the heart, and coordinates the work of the nervous system with executive organs. These two components help with swelling, help remove water from the body, and improve memory.


Magnesium has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress effects and is used in the prevention of cancer. This element is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It is recommended to take it in large quantities in situations of overexertion, constant intellectual activity, and also when working with a computer.


On sale you can find bicarbonate sodium alkaline mineral water of the Borjomi type. It will help with diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as with high acidity. For example, it is useful for chronic gastritis, hepatitis, colitis, urolithiasis and cystitis and other diseases.

This mineral water normalizes protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, cleanses the body of toxic substances. It helps get rid of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. You can take this water if you lead an active lifestyle, play sports, or if your work requires constant mental stress.

The original source of Borjomi is in Georgia, but hydrocarbonate waters of this type can also be found in other regions, such as the Carpathians.

Essentuki and Semigorskaya

Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium (salt-alkaline) waters include such types as Essentuki No. 17 and Semigorskaya. They are used for chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder. They can be used for metabolic disorders and gastric juice secretion. Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium waters have a positive effect on obesity and diabetes.

Hydrocarbonate waters are taken before meals. For example, for stomach diseases with high acidity, it is better to drink this water 1.5-2 hours before eating. Once in the stomach, it reacts with gastric juice, releasing carbon dioxide and normalizing digestive functions.