* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create a bakery in Rostov-on-Don. The bakery is focused on producing bakery products in small batches. Price segment – ​​premium. The basis of the assortment is handmade products, mostly non-traditional: with the addition of vegetables, whole grains, and so on.

Sales are carried out through the bakery’s own sales area, as well as through city restaurants in the corresponding price segment.

The competitiveness of the project is based on the originality of recipes and finished products, as well as a low level of competition in this segment. Despite the difficult economic situation in the country and the declining solvency of the population, the premium segment is traditionally the most resistant to negative influences market.

The invested funds are aimed at purchasing fixed assets (equipment for the bakery, commercial equipment), organizing a start-up advertising campaign, as well as forming a working capital fund, which covers the losses of the enterprise until it reaches payback.

The main indicators of the project's effectiveness are given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Key performance indicators


According to experts, the Russian market of bakery products is developing at an accelerated pace and has significant potential for growth and development in the near future, while the markets Western countries are in a state of stagnation.

The main global trends include the following. In the coming years, demand and supply for bakery products are expected to increase in certain countries South Africa. Also, active growth in supply is expected in a number of countries such as China, Vietnam and Turkey, while demand in these countries is at a fairly low level. A distinctive feature of demand in these countries is the shift in its focus from the use of unpackaged products to products in convenient packaging. In developed countries, there is weak market growth or stagnation - for example, in the UK, Germany, New Zealand and others.

The demand for handmade products is growing. This trend is largely characteristic of the Russian market today. It provokes the opening of a large number of so-called “bread boutiques” - authentic bakeries in the “luxury” and “premium” segments.

Typical for the European market in Lately became “healthy products”, “without additives and preservatives”, hypoallergenic, whole grain and others. Separately, we can note such a popular positioning as “eco-friendly packaging”, which does not directly relate to the properties of the product itself, but also refers to the class of environmental friendliness. Taste preferences typical for Europe are: natural taste, natural taste using olive oil, garlic taste; Sunflower seeds, cheese, and rosemary are often used.

The decline in demand for traditional bakery products in Europe was partly influenced by the growing popularity of the snack format, that is, products in convenient portioned packages. These include, for example, porridge instant cooking, breakfast cookies, cereal bars and other products. Manufacturers of bakery products, in order to increase competitiveness, are beginning to produce ready-made toasts and crackers as the most suitable products for breakfast.

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High demand for dietary products in Europe, it is also caused by the fact that residents of some countries suffer from excess weight, as a result of which they adhere to various diets, most of which involve the absence of flour products in the diet. Analysts include the UK, Ireland and Poland as such countries. According to surveys conducted by analysts, 65% of Britons believe that proteins help them feel fuller for a longer time; 54% believe that high protein content in foods helps control weight; 44% purchase products with a higher protein content as healthier.

An interesting feature of the European market is that sweet bread It is considered a much healthier alternative to such treats as cakes, sweets, ice cream and so on. This feature allows bakery product manufacturers to create new types, such as brioche or fruit bread, products containing berries, chocolate slices and others. At the same time, to enhance the marketing effect, a variety of cereals, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax, and oatmeal are used in production.

The opposite of fruit bread can be considered baked goods with the addition of vegetables - peas, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes. Such products are also considered healthy, and the packaging indicates that they are enriched with minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, have a low glycemic index, and so on.

In Russia, bread has historically been one of the main products in the diet of the population, which is treated with special reverence; it also falls into the category of essential products. Despite a slight decrease in consumption growth rates, the bakery products market continues to grow.

For the most part, the Russian market follows the main trends of the markets of developed countries, but with less intensity. Handmade bread, luxury bakeries and unusual flavors are becoming increasingly popular, but traditional types of baked goods remain the undisputed market leaders (90% of the total market volume). The reasons for this: the lack of global marketing campaigns of manufacturers (and the lack of mass production of non-standard products) and the high cost of non-traditional products with the decreasing solvency of the population. In 2015, the production of traditional varieties increased by 1.3%, and the production of non-traditional varieties by 7%.

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According to a study by Mintel analysts, the majority of new products launched in Russia in 2014-2015 are positioned as non-GMO products that support heart function and normalize digestion. The leader in taste preferences is natural taste without flavorings; Also popular are products with raisins, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and garlic.

The growing interest in Russia in a healthy lifestyle, which came from Europe, is today one of the main drivers of industry growth. On the one hand, it leads to a limitation in the consumption of traditional bakery products, on the other hand, it stimulates the development of the industry towards the development of new directions and the creation of new products.

Over the past decade, the volume of bakery products production in the country has decreased from 8 million tons per year to 6.6 million tons. Unlike most food products, during periods of crisis the demand for the industry's products increases. This is due to the fact that bread is a nourishing, high-calorie product at a low cost. For example, during the 2008 crisis, the demand for bakery products increased significantly, and after the economic situation stabilized, it decreased.

Figure 1. Supply of traditional types of bread per capita, kg per person per year

Some of the growth drivers for the industry were the annexation of Crimea. In this region, the production of bakery products is 50 thousand units per year. IN last years bread consumption in the Northwestern Federal District has decreased significantly, which is likely due to high cost products due to remoteness from grain-producing regions.

According to RBC research, in Russia, especially in metropolitan regions, products from small bakeries producing so-called handmade bread are gaining popularity. Demand is growing not only from individuals, but also from restaurants who want to have high-quality baked goods in their assortment.

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In addition to small bakeries, which can be classified as small or micro-businesses, large retailers such as Auchan, Okay, Perekrestok and others have their own bakeries producing non-traditional products. At the same time, small industries strive to improve quality and use original recipes.

According to market participants, the daily revenue of a small point selling handmade bakery products can reach 50-60 thousand rubles on weekdays and 140-150 thousand rubles on weekends with a margin of 75%.

Using the example of a number of “handmade” bakeries that opened in the capital’s regions in 2014-2016, we can talk about the following indicators. The volume of investment costs is 7-9 million rubles. Operating expenses – 3.5-3.7 million rubles, the main part of which is rent. The rest is utility bills, wages, raw materials, packaging and logistics. The revenue is 3.8-4.0 million rubles. Thus, profit (before taxes) is 100 thousand rubles per month in the worst scenario, and 500 thousand rubles in the best scenario.

A big problem for bakeries in the high price segment today is the quality of raw materials, primarily flour. Capital bakeries purchase flour from fairly remote regions - for example, in Perm, Orenburg, but the stability of quality varies from batch to batch.

According to market participants, the most effective business model for a small bakery is a combination of wholesale and retail distribution channels. Creating your own retail network certainly requires considerable expenses, but significantly increases profitability. In some cases, we can talk about doubling it.

One of the main problems for small bakeries can be the small range of products offered. Given this factor, bakeries cannot always satisfy the demand for non-traditional products, which, in fact, are quite diverse.

To summarize, we can say that the bakery products market in Russia has growth prospects. If the economic situation stabilizes, the demand for traditional products may fall, and the demand for non-standard ones may increase. This will affect, first of all, the increase in market volume in monetary terms.

Thus, taking into account all market trends, the project seems highly promising. In order to implement it, a new business entity is created. At the time of writing the business plan, the company does not have a history or any financial results.

The location of the bakery is Rostov-on-Don, the administrative center of the Southern Federal District and the Rostov region, the largest economic, industrial, cultural center of the South of Russia, an important transport hub. The population of the city is 1.1 million people, the population of the Rostov agglomeration is 2.16 million people.

The bakery is organized in rented premises in the city center, in close proximity to the intersection of major transport routes, which makes it accessible to residents of various areas of the city. The bakery has its own sales area. However, the main sales volume comes from sales of products to premium segment restaurants.


The bakery produces pan and hearth bakery products, mainly of non-traditional type; some of them are positioned in the segment of products for healthy eating. Wheat and rye-wheat, as well as yeast products are produced. All products are made exclusively from natural ingredients, without GMOs, and without added dyes, flavors or other additives.

Ingredients from local producers are used in production - farms Rostov region, purchased directly. Production includes a full technological cycle, starting from sifting and loosening flour, kneading dough, to baking in an Italian-made oven, which ensures high quality of the finished product by blowing hot air onto the rotating cart.

The recipe for all products is completely original, developed by the initiator of the project, who has a culinary education and many years of experience in the catering industry.

The bakery's assortment includes more than 60 items, which can be grouped into several main categories. Since the main distribution channel is wholesale supplies to restaurants, the calculations show the wholesale price; income and expenses of a retail point of sale are determined by the average receipt.

Table 2. Bakery assortment



Assorted hearth bread (wheat, rye-wheat)

High quality traditional hearth bread assorted, weight 600 g

Ciabatta with sun-dried tomatoes

Italian wheat bread with olive oil and sun-dried tomatoes, weight 350 g

Bread made from wholemeal wheat flour with particles up to 1.5 mm, which allows you to preserve maximum taste and vitamins, weight 500 g

French baguette

A classic baguette with a crispy crust and soft inside. Weight – 250 g

Wheat bread with assorted sunflower seeds, flax and sesame seeds, weight 600 g

Assorted croissant

Classic French croissant in the shape of a crescent, made of puff pastry and high-fat butter with various jam fillings, assorted, weight 70 g

Table 3. Production costs and selling price





Assorted hearth bread

Ciabatta with sun-dried tomatoes

Assorted whole grain bread

French baguette

Assorted hearth bread with seed additives

Assorted croissant

Average retail receipt

For retail customers, products are packaged in branded paper bags with the bakery logo and contact information. Delivery to wholesale customers is carried out using the personal vehicle of the project initiator.


The range of project products is given in Section. 3. Price segment – ​​premium. The target audience is men and women with a high income (from 60,000 rubles per month), aged 30-50 years, mostly married with children.

Products are sold both wholesale and retail. Retail sales are carried out through our own point of sale - a sales area at the bakery; The project also cooperates with an online food delivery service. In general, retail sales account for up to 25% of the total volume, of which 15% is own retail, 10% is delivery service. Wholesale sales involve selling products to high-end restaurants. The retail margin is significantly higher than the wholesale one, which in monetary terms neutralizes the difference in sales volumes in physical terms.

Promotion is carried out both using online tools and traditional offline advertising. Advertising articles are published in the most popular glossy magazines dedicated to leisure and style. The articles highlight the production process, positioned as “ handmade”, photographs of production are published, and the beneficial properties of “handmade bread” are described.

The website is used as online tools, as well as advertising pages in in social networks(fb.com) and services (Instagram). Interesting bakery news is published culinary recipes, competitions and sweepstakes are held. Photos of the production process, finished products, and photographs of visitors are published on Instagram. There are also photo competitions from bakery clients under the slogan “Bread on the family table.”

An important promotion channel is also the online delivery service, which actively advertises its services using banners (billboards), video advertising and Internet tools.

The main factors for the success of the project include:

    Original recipes for the entire range

    High product quality due to the high quality of all components: recipes, ingredients, equipment, personnel work

    Quality stability

    The location of the bakery is convenient for retail customers

The demand for bakery products does not have a pronounced seasonality, but may have local fluctuations - depending on weather conditions, public holidays and so on. A slight decrease in the consumption of bakery products is noted in warm time year, and a significant increase in demand during the New Year holidays.

A study of the competitive environment showed that the level of competition in the city in this price segment is low. Of the enterprises that can be considered as direct competitors, today there are four cafe-bakeries on the market with small production volumes, selling products only through their own retail. In addition, two larger bakeries operate, which have a similar positioning to the project; one of them has its own retail network, the second sells products both wholesale and retail, that is, it has a business model similar to the project. The price levels of all competitors are comparable. At the same time, mini-bakeries are focused on one specific area of ​​the city in which they are located. The range of large bakeries is based on more traditional products. Thus, the project is in favorable competitive conditions.

Table 4. Planned sales volumes, pcs./month.






Assorted hearth bread

Ciabatta with sun-dried tomatoes

Assorted whole grain bread

French baguette

Assorted hearth bread with seed additives

Assorted croissant

Average retail receipt


3 083 150


The bakery is located in rented premises in the building shopping center in the central part of the city. The total area of ​​the premises is 75 m2, of which 54 m2 is allocated directly for production, the rest is the sales area and auxiliary premises. The premises have all connected communications and meet all sanitary standards.

The equipment is purchased from a federal-level supplier that provides turnkey solutions for food production. Thus, delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment is carried out by its supplier; The supplier also provides staff training. The duration of the process - from order and payment to the finished line - is 4 weeks.

The equipment set provides the following processes:

    Sifting, loosening flour

    Kneading dough

    Dividing and forming dough pieces by machine

    Final proofing of dough pieces in the proofing cabinet

    Baking in an industrial rotary oven

The equipment supplier also provides services for the development of engineering communications and room design. Finishing work is carried out by a construction team from Rostov-on-Don in accordance with the provided project. Trade equipment is purchased from a regional supplier.

Ingredients for the project's products are purchased only from regional producers - farms. All purchased products undergo strict incoming quality control, since the quality of the finished product depends on its properties, which is one of the main factors in the competitiveness of the project.

Delivery of products to restaurants is carried out by the project initiator, using his own car. Collection and delivery of products to clients of the delivery service is carried out by the service on our own. Retail customers purchase products in the sales area of ​​the bakery.


The entire project implementation process can be divided into three main stages: the preparatory stage, the growth stage and the maturity stage. The exit stage is not considered at the stage of writing a business plan. The decision to exit the market is made by the project initiator based on a detailed analysis of the economic situation, competitive environment, financial results of the project and other factors.

The preparatory stage lasts 4 weeks. During this time, delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment is carried out. At the same time, a launch advertising campaign is being carried out, as well as personnel selection.

The maturity stage implies active development project, forming a pool of regular customers, up to reaching planned sales volumes. After this, the maturity stage begins, working within the planned financial indicators.

Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form of the project. A mixed form of taxation can be applied to the project - for wholesale trade the simplified tax system, for retail through our own retail outlet – UTII. However, in order to simplify reporting, a single form of taxation has been adopted - the simplified tax system with the object of taxation “income minus expenses” (rate 15%). You can read more about choosing a legal form and taxation of bakeries

All management and administrative functions are performed by the project initiator. He has all the necessary skills in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as culinary education and many years of experience in this field. The organizational and legal form is simple - all employees are directly subordinate to the project initiator. The functions of the deputy manager are performed by the administrator, who controls the work of the sales floor and also accepts orders from wholesale clients.

Production schedule: five days work week, from 09.00 to 18.00. The opening hours of the trading floor are daily, from 10.00 to 21.00.

Production workers – bakers and auxiliary workers – are subject to particularly stringent selection requirements. A minimum of five years of experience in a bakery industry is required, as well as compliance with the relevant requirements. personal characteristics: responsibility, desire to learn.

Table 5. Staffing table and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.





Production worker




RUB 196,000.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 58,800.00

Total with deductions:

RUB 254,800.00


The financial plan of the project is drawn up for a five-year period and takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Revenue refers to revenue from operating activities. Income from investment activities, as well as from the sale of fixed assets, is not provided for in the financial plan. Revenue from the first year of project implementation – 29.0 million rubles; net profit after taxes – 11.4 million rubles. Revenue for the second year and subsequent years is 36.7 million rubles per year, net profit is 15.6 million rubles.

Investment costs – 4.6 million rubles. The main cost items are the acquisition of fixed assets, finishing work, as well as the formation of a working capital fund, which covers the losses of the project until it reaches payback. The project initiator’s own funds are 2.5 million rubles. The lack of funds is planned to be covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 36 months at 18% per annum. The loan is repaid monthly in annuity payments, with a credit holiday of three months.

Table 6. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Planning and interior design

Finishing work


Bakery equipment

Retail store equipment

Intangible assets

Website development

Working capital

Working capital


RUB 4,555,604

Own funds:

RUB 2,500,000.00

Required borrowings:

RUB 2,055,604


Duration, months:

Variable (production) costs include costs for the purchase of raw materials and their delivery, for electricity and water used in the production process, as well as for the purchase of packaging for retail sales (Table 7).

Table 7. Variable costs





Assorted hearth bread

Ciabatta with sun-dried tomatoes

Assorted whole grain bread

French baguette

Assorted hearth bread with seed additives

Assorted croissant

Average retail receipt


Fixed costs include rent, utilities, advertising and a number of other costs, including depreciation. The amount of depreciation charges is determined linear method, based on the deadline beneficial use fixed assets and intangible assets in five years (Table 8).

Table 8. Fixed costs

Detailed financial plan given in Appendix. 1.


The assessment of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of a detailed analysis of the financial plan, as well as simple and integral performance indicators (Table 1). To account for changes in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. The discount rate is taken at the level of the risk-free rate - the yield on long-term government bonds is 10%.

Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period is 7 months. Net present value (NPV) – 5.4 million rubles. Internal rate of return (IRR) – 19%. Profitability index (PI) – 1.19. All these indicators indicate the effectiveness of the project and its fairly high investment attractiveness.


To assess all risks associated with the implementation of the project, all internal and external factors are assessed. Internal risk factors include everything that can negatively affect the quality of the product: recipe, equipment operation, personnel work, ingredients. Constant monitoring of these factors by the project initiator allows minimizing risks.

External factors include, first of all, the actions of competitors - both existing and potential new players. Price struggle is unusual for this price segment, therefore, presumably, the struggle will take place in the area of ​​improving the assortment, offering new products, and also improving the quality of service. This scenario does not pose a threat to the project, since the project initiator has the necessary skills to continuously improve the product range. The level of service to retail clients is at a very high level. In addition, during the growth stage, active formation of a pool of regular customers is envisaged.



Financial plan

Denis Miroshnichenko
(c) - portal of business plans and guides for starting a small business

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For many people who want to invest money in their own business, opening pastry bakery will be the optimal solution. Despite the fierce competition in this segment, with a competent marketing strategy you can take a strong position in the market and make a good profit. In this article we present detailed business plan for a confectionery bakery, where we will justify the feasibility of the project, calculate the payback period and profitability.

Even a mini bakery can bring stable income 80-200 thousand rubles per month. This type of business activity is attractive, first of all, due to the stability of demand. Despite fierce competition, this niche is not completely filled and with high-quality products, a large assortment and well-established sales channels, you can count on success.

Compared to the large players who present baked goods in a very meager assortment, mini bakeries respond more quickly to the seasonal preferences of customers, trends in the culinary world, etc.

Why write a business plan?

Many novice entrepreneurs make a very common mistake and start implementing a project without thoroughly studying the market, analyzing the competitive environment, or drawing up a production and financial plan.

This poses serious financial costs and maximizes risk. If we talk about the business related to the production of bakery products, then it may seem simple to many novice businessmen. The production technology itself and sales channels are all simple and easy to understand even for novice entrepreneurs. But we should not forget about the weaknesses of the project, about its risks, which can cause serious damage to the business.

With proper business organization and a clearly developed marketing strategy, you can quickly achieve payback and good profits. A lack of weaknesses, ignoring strong competitors, on the contrary, will lead to losses and closure of the business.

Project Summary

The section reflects the relevance of the business idea and the feasibility of doing business in this direction.

The goal of the project is to open a confectionery shop in a city with a population of about 300 thousand people.

The advantage of this business idea is a very wide target audience, which can be expanded further by offering confectionery products for different groups population.

The main advantages of a mini bakery are:

  • wide demand for the product;
  • stability of demand;
  • wide target audience;
  • high profit volumes in the long term;
  • opportunity to develop business and offer related services;
  • business profitability is 20-30%.


  • high competition;
  • dependence on external factors;
  • perishable goods.

This type of business is characterized by wide and stable demand.

Depending on the format of the business, you can count on a profit of 100-200 thousand rubles per month. But, given the small investment, this article will focus on mini bakeries, where the main emphasis in the assortment is on baking confectionery products.

Regardless of the season, holidays, etc., people consume a large number of products in this segment, which is a definite advantage. But we should not forget about the weaknesses of the project.

The short lead time for the sale of goods necessitates clear sales forecasts, otherwise a large number of products will need to be disposed of. Advertising, creation of a loyalty program, quality service and a wide range of additional services will help neutralize these risks and achieve a good, stable income.

Market analysis

Despite the great competition in the confectionery market, it should be noted that there is a great demand for this product. There is a particular demand for services and products in this segment during the holidays.

It is also necessary to note the lack of seasonality in the baking business? Among other services and goods, baking and selling confectionery products is one of the most promising today. With proper planning and development of the company, you can achieve a profitability of 20-30% in a short time and make a good profit.

Before starting the project, it is necessary to determine the format of the business. This directly depends on the scale of the city. The format will determine the target audience, the general concept of the store, its stylistic orientation and design.

You can implement a business idea in two directions:

  • opening a bakery on your own;
  • buying a franchise.

In the first case, you will have to think over the name of the company, promote its services, and conquer the market from scratch. In the second case, advertising costs will be minimal. Since you will be working with an already promoted brand, recognizable and loved by customers.

Each of these two options has its pros and cons. For example, buying a franchise completely deprives you of freedom. You will have to use the entire assortment, recipe, and branded packaging strictly according to the contract.

One of the first steps in studying the competitive environment is to identify the main players in the market. Carefully study their products, sales channels, and pricing policies. This will allow you to form an idea of ​​what direction to move in.

Great emphasis must be placed on correctly identifying the target audience, forming a pricing policy and developing marketing activities to increase sales.

To analyze the competitive environment and determine your own advantages and weaknesses, it is advisable to conduct a SWOT analysis and identify the pros and cons of the project, threats and development opportunities.

SWOT analysis


  • business development and opening of additional confectionery shops;
  • high profitability;
  • possible increase in overall demand;
  • possibility of implementing additional services.
  • high competition;
  • short shelf life of products;
  • There may be problems with raw material suppliers.


  • highly qualified personnel;
  • wide demand;
  • lack of seasonality;
  • availability of services;
  • quality service;
  • effective advertising.

Weak sides:

  • possible miscalculations regarding demand for products;
  • lack of experience in this area of ​​business.

Development of pricing policy

When determining the pricing of your products, you should rely on the business format and target audience.

You shouldn’t put too high a markup on confectionery products because huge competition and short shelf life. Only a company that occupies a leading position in the market and offers branded products that are qualitatively different from competitors can afford a high price tag.

Bakery services

The line of business for opening a confectionery bakery can be implemented in several options:

  • small bakery producing buns;
  • mini bakery with point of sale;
  • own workshop for the production of confectionery products with a small shop and cafe.

Most the best option small business is its own workshop with a direct sales point.

To expand the range of services and strengthen competitive advantages, you can implement a service for targeted delivery of products.

The product range can be very wide:

  • croissants;
  • bread with various additives;
  • pies and buns;
  • cakes;
  • diet bread and crackers;
  • cream cakes;
  • cookies, waffles, gingerbread.

Organizational plan

In order to correctly implement the project and successfully enter the market for the production and sale of confectionery products, it is necessary to carry out the following points step by step:

  1. Register a business.
  2. Find a premises and sign a lease agreement.
  3. Purchase commercial equipment.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Develop a marketing strategy and a way to promote services.

Registration and paperwork

To open a bakery, an entrepreneur must not only register with Tax Inspectorate And Pension Fund, but also obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Supervision.

At the very beginning of this stage, the question of choosing an organizational and legal form will arise. To implement a mini bakery, you will have to choose between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC.

It is also necessary to correctly register the codes in the registration documents

To launch a mini-bakery project, 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” must be specified as the main code.

It regulates activities related to the production of food products and their sale directly at the place of production. Other codes can also be added, but this one must be specified as a key one.

After submitting documents to open an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to resolve the taxation issue. The optimal solution would be to choose UTII, but it is not available in every region.

In addition to registration documents allowing for entrepreneurial activity, you will also have to fill out a lot of permitting documents for equipment, premises, and personnel work.

Considering the specifics of the business project, you need to be prepared for constant inspections by sanitary services.

So, to open a bakery you need:

  1. Submit documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Select and arrange the premises in accordance with the requirements of government inspections, make it safe for workers and visitors.
  3. Obtain permission to open from Pozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

Also from additional documentation you will need:

  1. Conclusion of the SES on compliance (sanitary and epidemiological examination);
  2. Book of complaints and suggestions;
  3. Waybills (TORG-12);
  4. Lease agreement.

To work you will need to purchase cash machine and keep a cash register. It will take you 2 to 3 business days to complete the process.

The choice of products for launching a bakery and selling confectionery products should be approached very carefully. The success of the business will largely depend on this.

If you have chosen the business option of purchasing a franchise, then a consultant from the franchisor company will help you choose the right premises and arrange it. This is one of the advantages of working with a franchise.

If you open a bakery yourself, then when choosing a premises you should take into account the following nuances:

  • permeability of the place;
  • transport accessibility;
  • rental price;
  • long-term lease;
  • possibility of rental holidays;
  • are utility bills included in the rent?
  • permission to repair and redevelop the premises;
  • permission to place external advertising.

You shouldn’t open a candy store near fitness centers, sports clubs. But the proximity to children's entertainment and educational institutions will contribute to a good flow of clients.

The size of the room and its style largely depend on the chosen business format. It should not be a basement, water should be supplied to the room, and a ventilation system should be equipped.

The ideal option is a room with large glass display cases, which will allow you to display products on display, attracting customers. Also, if you plan, in addition to direct sales of products, to set up a mini cafe where customers can enjoy fresh pastries with a cup of coffee, you need to rent a room in which you will install 3-4 tables.

In addition to the client hall and sales counter, it is necessary to think through the production part. Depending on the chosen business concept, this area can be open or closed.

The advantage will be the presence of a back entrance where it will be possible to transport equipment and raw materials without disturbing customers.

If you decide to implement a business project not only in the production, but also at the same time in the sale of confectionery products, then the place must have good traffic. IN big city consider options near the metro, educational institutions, large shopping centers.

Renovation costs vary depending on the chosen style and project concept. Minimum - it is necessary to whitewash the walls and ceilings, tiled the floor. Be sure to include these costs in the financial plan section when calculating the payback of the project.

The purchase of equipment will be the largest expense item. At the same time, the quality of the product and the final result directly depend on the quality and manufacturability of the equipment.

To minimize initial costs, you can consider purchasing used equipment.

Here we present a business plan that aims to produce and sell our own products locally.

This necessitates the purchase of two types of equipment:

  1. For direct production of confectionery products.
  2. For selling products.

The production type of equipment includes:

  • bake;
  • dough mixer;
  • closet;
  • hearth sheet;
  • table for cutting dough;
  • baking trolley;
  • flour sifter.

The average purchase price for this list of equipment is about 1 million rubles.

To sell products, you will need:

  • cooling chamber;
  • thermal showcase;
  • cash machine;
  • safe or cash drawer;
  • seller's table;
  • racks for storing products.

If the business format includes a mini cafe on site, then it is necessary to purchase furniture for visitors:

  • tables (3 pieces);
  • sofa (2 pieces);
  • air conditioner;
  • chairs (10 pieces;
  • mirror;
  • hanger.

Issues regarding the purchase of raw materials play an important role in the implementation of this project. Pay great attention to the quality of raw materials, reliability of suppliers, price and delivery time of products.

You can search for partners via the Internet. This is long and painstaking work. You should not order all the goods from one supplier at once. In the first months, it will be advisable to work with 3-5 suppliers at once. Although this approach will require additional time and effort, it will allow you to identify the best supplier with whom you can later enter into a contract and ask for an additional discount.

It is necessary to conclude a verbal agreement on supplies with suppliers at the planning stage, so that there are no time delays later.

Do not forget that in addition to the supply of basic products, you need to take care of the purchase of packaging products.

Profit and the success of promoting services on the market largely depend on properly selected personnel. Depending on the size of your business, you may need a different composition and number of employees.

The staff must include:

  • confectioner;
  • baker (2 people per shift)
  • technologist;
  • seller (2 people);
  • director (accountant);
  • sales manager;
  • cleaning woman.

To minimize costs under the “Salary” expense item, you can hire an accountant from a third-party organization, paying for piecework when submitting reports to the tax service.

It is advisable to make the bakery operating hours around the clock, taking into account the specifics of the business. To do this, you need to hire sellers and bakers in double numbers. Be very careful when selecting sellers.

In addition to sociability and pleasant appearance, they must have an excellent understanding of the buyer’s psychology and be able to offer a product.

Video. Business idea for opening a bakery

In accordance with the business format and target audience, it is necessary to develop competitive advantages and marketing strategy for the bakery.

In order to stand out from your competitors, you need to think over your own corporate style, focus on packaging and service. You can come up with creative services that will be provided only in your mini-bakery (personal greetings on a cake or pastries, home delivery of products, baked goods to order, etc.)

Promotion of services and goods

The main channels of product promotion will be direct sales and external advertising.

To actively promote products, it is necessary to think through a loyalty program, various promotions, and discount savings cards for regular customers. This will increase sales and create a base of regular customers.

Pay attention to outdoor advertising. This is due to the fact that people very often buy confectionery products on impulse. A colorful sign, a bright original exterior, outdoor advertising and a sign will help increase sales.

A few weeks before the opening of the bakery and the start of production, you can organize a large-scale advertising company, and make the opening day a holiday. To loudly announce your entry into the market, decorate the store with balloons, organize competitions and promotional sales.

Word of mouth will start working only 6-8 months after the launch of the project, but for this you need to take care of the company’s reputation and your own corporate style.

An excellent marketing move would be to create your own corporate identity and develop gift packaging. Considering the stiff competition in this segment, this will allow you to stand out from other bakeries. In addition, modern trends require a creative approach to the design of not only the products themselves, but also their packaging.

Don’t forget that in order for this “trick” to work for you, you must pay great attention to the company’s reputation. The company's reputation consists of high-quality personnel, a wide range of services, prompt service, and optimal price-quality ratio.

As mentioned above, for a franchise business, the advertising budget may be minimal.

Financial plan

Depending on the business format, you can sell from 50 to 100 kg of products daily. It is difficult to talk about the exact amount of daily revenue, since much depends on the product range.

The average bill per client will be 100 rubles.


  • repairs – 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment – ​​900 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 3 thousand;
  • advertising for opening – 10 thousand;
  • purchase of goods – 50 thousand

TOTAL: 1063 thousand rubles


  • staff salary – 70 thousand;
  • premises rental – 20 thousand;
  • utilities - 15 thousand;
  • purchase of goods – 60 thousand;
  • additional expenses – 30 thousand.

TOTAL: 195 thousand rubles

The average payback period, with a properly developed plan and strict adherence to it, is 4-5 months.

The main advantage will be the direct sale of your own products. In addition, you can develop your business by establishing partnerships, concluding an agreement for wholesale supplies to supermarkets, confectionery shops, etc.

Video. Features of bread production


As you can see, the process of implementing a business idea to open a confectionery bakery is quite simple.

The main thing is to strictly follow the developed plan and take into account all the weaknesses of the project.

In order to minimize risks at the first stage of launching a project, follow simple tips:

  • think over the assortment and highlight branded positions;
  • start by baking 8-10 positions;
  • focus on the target audience;
  • do not start production with large batches.

Video. Opening your own bakery

No business project can be implemented without a clear action plan. If you compare it with building a house, it’s the same as starting to lay a foundation without a design or calculations. It's the same in business. A business plan allows you to correctly assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business idea, analyze the market, competitive environment, and calculate the profitability and payback of the project.

Writing a business plan is especially necessary when attracting outside investments. For investors, business partners and creditors, such a document is the basis for consideration of the application.

In this article, we present a detailed business plan for a mini bakery, which will allow you to correctly assess your strengths, calculate initial costs and build a competent marketing strategy.

Relevance of the idea

The bakery business is characterized by wide and stable demand. Regardless of the time of year or the economic crisis, people buy these products equally well. Moreover, as statistics show, the increasing number of private bakeries does not allow us to fully satisfy customer demand for quality products.

Depending on the business model, you can reach a monthly income of 100-200 thousand rubles per month. But, given the small investment, this article will focus on mini bakeries, where the main emphasis will be on branded products.

But, despite the visible advantages of this activity, there are also weaknesses that should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

One of the disadvantages of business is the short implementation period. This necessitates the creation of clear forecasts, otherwise most of the products will be disposed of. Advertising, creating a loyalty program, quality service and a wide range of additional services will help mitigate these risks and achieve a good, stable income.

Determining the business format

Before you start developing a business plan, you should determine the bakery model and what exactly you plan to produce.

You can develop entrepreneurial activity in two directions:

  • Full-fledged production, which includes all stages of the full cycle: from dough preparation, baking and sales.
  • The second option may include baking products and selling them to wholesale buyers.

Speaking about the first option, it will be necessary to think through not only the production part, but also sales channels. Products will be sold through our own sales points.

In this case, to increase customer flow and expand service, it will be possible to include drinks and other products in the assortment, except for our own baked goods.

The business format will determine the target audience of the bakery and the direction of the assortment.

You can implement a business idea in two directions:

  • opening a bakery on your own;
  • buying a franchise.

Entering the market on your own entails many difficulties, ranging from developing a concept, bakery style, name and finding a target audience. The advantage is freedom of action when decorating the premises, developing an assortment, setting prices, etc.

The advantage of a franchise is the opportunity to attract a large audience from the first day due to the well-known name of the company. On the other hand, this format also has disadvantages: strict control by the franchisor. You will be deprived of the opportunity to independently determine the style of the premises, prices, assortment and recipes of bakery products.

Great emphasis must be placed on correctly identifying the target audience, forming a pricing policy and developing marketing activities to increase sales.

Project Summary

This chapter of the plan reflects the relevance of the business idea and the feasibility of doing business.

The goal of the project is to open a mini-bakery in a city with a population of about 500 thousand people.

The advantage of a mini bakery is a very wide target audience and increased demand for products.

The main advantages of a mini bakery are:

  • wide demand for the product;
  • stability of demand;
  • wide target audience;
  • high profit volumes in the long term;
  • opportunity to develop business and offer related services;
  • business profitability is 20-30%.


  • high competition;
  • dependence on external factors;
  • a large number of permits;
  • high requirements for manufacturability;
  • large capital investments;
  • perishable goods.

Market analysis

As mentioned above, one of the significant disadvantages of this business is high competition. You should understand that you are not the only participant in the market, so you need to focus on the main players.

Serious competition will come from state bakery factories, whose products are available on the shelves of all stores.

If you plan to focus on fresh baked goods and branded products, then your main competitors will be private mini-bakeries that are ready to offer hot buns and croissants to city residents at the start of the working day.

These factors must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan, as this will allow you to correctly set pricing and determine the target audience.

In order to firmly establish themselves in the market and occupy their own niche, it is necessary to take a high-quality approach to the production of bread and offer customers products made according to the original recipe.

Banal bread will not allow you to enter the market and attract regular customers. There are a huge number of such bakeries throughout the city.

To analyze the competitive environment and determine your own advantages and weaknesses, it is advisable to conduct a SWOT analysis and identify the disadvantages and advantages of the bakery, threats and development opportunities.

SWOT analysis


  • business development and opening of additional confectionery shops;
  • high profitability;
  • possible increase in overall demand;
  • possibility of implementing additional services.
  • high competition;
  • short shelf life of products;
  • There may be problems with raw material suppliers.


  • highly qualified personnel;
  • wide demand;
  • lack of seasonality;
  • availability of services;
  • quality service;
  • effective advertising.

Weak sides:

  • possible miscalculations regarding demand for products;
  • lack of experience in this area of ​​business.

One of key points When developing a business plan, a thorough study of the competitive environment is necessary. Of course, in every city there are plenty of regular suppliers of bread and bakery products, but not all of them will be direct competitors for you.

Basically, they focus on a standard range. If you find your own trick, you will quickly conquer your target audience. Such a “highlight” could be the production of products for people who follow proper nutrition, support healthy image life. Or, you can rely on national recipes, offering homemade bread according to old recipes.

Having developed a high-quality assortment and invested a lot of money in advertising, you can compete with serious bakeries.

Setting the price

Developing a pricing policy is an important step in writing a business plan. It should be started after a thorough study of the competitive environment, the range of local bakeries, prices and demand for competitors’ products.

Considering the high competition in this segment, the price tag cannot be too high. The only exception can be those products that are developed for the premium category, for example, fitness bread with cereals, nuts, etc. That is, we are talking about branded products, the demand for which will be among people with high incomes.

To determine the assortment of a bakery, it is not necessary to carry out complex marketing research. It is enough to immediately decide on the place where the retail outlet will be located (if you have chosen this business format) and go around the nearby bakeries of this type.

A peculiarity of this business is that people purchase bakery products near their main places of work, housing, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to count on the fact that even a very good assortment of bakeries will force the client to go to the other end of the city for fresh baked goods. Therefore, you need to focus specifically on those competitors who are within walking distance of you.

It is enough to visit such bread shops several times a day to determine which products use millet and which have been lying on the shelf for a long time. When analyzing this parameter, you should pay attention to the implementation time. As a rule, fresh buns are well served for breakfast and lunchtime. But people mostly go to buy bread at the end of the working day. This should be taken into account when planning the work schedule of a retail outlet with a bakery.

When developing a bakery assortment, make it universal. The basis should be three or four types of bread from different types of flour, loaves. We should not forget about sweet pastries, which customers are happy to buy for tea, for children, or when visiting. You can make a referral for people suffering diabetes mellitus or on a diet. In this case, you should adhere to special recipes and purchase special raw materials: durum wheat flour, fructose, seeds, nuts, etc.

The range of mini bakery products can be quite wide:

  • croissants and donuts;
  • bread with various additives;
  • pies and buns;
  • diet bread and crackers.

Organizational plan

This chapter is step by step guide, allowing you to competently start your entrepreneurial activity.

  1. Registration of business activities.
  2. Search for premises.
  3. Purchase of equipment and raw materials.
  4. Personnel search, registration.
  5. Marketing strategy development, advertising.

Registration and paperwork

When starting a bakery, a businessman must not only register with the Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund, but also obtain permits from other authorities.

This area of ​​business is characterized by strict requirements from the SES. Before launching the project, it is necessary to obtain two licenses: for production and for bakery products.

Also, a mandatory requirement for conducting business is a certificate of conformity from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

The last stage of this stage of business organization is the issuance of a document from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Supervision

It is impossible to open a mini bakery without these legal documents. Expenses must be included in the financial plan. Obtaining all permits and registering the business itself will cost you 50 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to correctly register the codes in the registration documents. If you plan, in addition to the production of bakery products, to organize their sale, then you need to enter code 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.”

This code defines activities related to the production of food products and their sale directly at the place of production. After registering an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to resolve the taxation issue. The optimal solution would be to choose UTII, but it is not available in every region.

Also from additional documentation you will need:

  1. Conclusion of the SES on compliance (sanitary and epidemiological examination);
  2. Book of complaints and suggestions;
  3. Waybills (TORG-12);
  4. Lease agreement.

To start a bakery, you will need to purchase a cash register and create a cash register.

As you can see, one of the main disadvantages of this business is the large number of permits, without which it will not be possible to implement the project.

Selecting a room

The choice of premises for a mini bakery should be approached very carefully if you plan to sell products at the place of production. If the business format involves only production activities and its sale by a large wholesale buyer, then the production workshop can be located in the industrial zone of the city, outside its boundaries. This will allow you to minimize rental costs and find inexpensive premises that meet your requirements.

A completely different matter is a bakery, the products of which are sold immediately on the spot. Here, the success of the business will largely depend on the location of the bakery.

The following factors must be taken into account when choosing a location:

  • permeability;
  • transport accessibility;
  • rental price;
  • long-term lease;
  • permission to repair and redevelop the premises;
  • permission to place external advertising.

When purchasing a franchise, the franchisor company will help with the issue of choosing premises. If you have chosen the business option of purchasing a franchise, then a consultant from the franchisor company will help you choose the right premises and arrange it. This is one of the advantages of working with a franchise.

It is not entirely correct to locate a bakery near a fitness center or gym, but proximity to children's and general educational institutions, business centers, on the contrary, will increase the flow of clients and develop a permanent base.

The size of the bakery and the interior of the premises largely depend on the chosen business model. Under no circumstances should it be a basement; water must be supplied to the room and a ventilation system must be equipped.

The optimal choice would be a spacious, bright room with large windows that can be used as a display case. Considering the fact that this purchase is most often impulsive, the buyer should be attracted by a beautiful sign and display.

To increase income and expand the target audience, you can set up a small cafe area at the retail outlet, where visitors can drink a cup of tea and taste the products.

In addition to the client hall and sales counter, it is necessary to think through the production part. Depending on the chosen business concept, this area can be open or closed.

When choosing a room, consider which side the work vehicles will enter from to unload raw materials or load finished products. It would be optimal to have a back entrance.

As for the location of the bakery with a retail outlet, select points where there is the greatest foot traffic. In a big city, consider options near the metro, educational institutions, and large shopping centers.

Repair costs depend on the chosen style and project concept. For minimal repairs, it will be necessary to whitewash the walls, install new windows and doors. If you plan to immediately create the atmosphere of a stylish mini-bakery with a cafe, then you will have to think about an original interior that will attract customers.

This item will become the largest expense item, but in this case you should not skimp on technology, since the quality of baking and manufacturability directly depend on this factor.

In order to minimize investment costs, you can consider purchasing used equipment.

Considering that we are considering the option of a mini-bakery with the sale of finished products on site, we need to purchase equipment for both production and the sales area.

This necessitates the purchase of two types of equipment:

The production type of equipment includes:

  • bake;
  • dough mixer;
  • closet;
  • hearth sheet;
  • high-quality auxiliary utensils;
  • bread molds;
  • table for cutting dough;
  • baking trolley;
  • flour sifter.

The cost of purchasing equipment will be about 1 million rubles.

To sell products, you will need:

  • cooling chamber;
  • safe or cash drawer;
  • seller's table;
  • thermal showcase;
  • cash machine;
  • racks for storing products.

After purchasing the equipment, the stage of searching for suppliers from whom you will purchase raw materials begins.

Don’t forget that your profitability and the level of your bakery directly depend on their reliability, quality and cost of goods. Therefore, you should not immediately place your bet on one supplier, even if he offers good price. Experienced businessmen begin cooperation with 2-3 suppliers and then, in the process of work, choose one from whom they can get a discount on products.

It is necessary to conclude a verbal agreement on supplies with suppliers at the planning stage, so that there are no time delays later. From the moment production starts, it is necessary to draw up a supply agreement in order to clearly define delivery conditions, terms and prices.

If you plan to offer branded products to customers, then at the same stage you need to start developing packaging products that should be ordered. Despite the additional costs, this will serve as good advertising and attract additional customers.

The staff plays one of the key roles in the work of a mini bakery. Without conscientious and qualified personnel, you can hardly count on business prosperity. Therefore, pay great attention to the employee search stage and immediately make a list of requirements necessary for selection.

The staff must include:

  • confectioner;
  • baker (2 people per shift)
  • technologist;
  • seller (2 people);
  • director (accountant);
  • sales manager;
  • cleaning woman.

Many businessmen reduce wage costs by combining services. For example, for a small business format where products are sold directly in a bakery, sellers can combine their direct job responsibilities with cleaning function.

An external accountant can be hired to prepare reports.

Marketing plan

When production issues have been resolved and the issue of finding premises and hiring personnel is closed, you should begin to develop a marketing strategy that will allow you to correctly determine product sales channels.

In accordance with the business format and target audience, it is necessary to develop competitive advantages and a marketing strategy for the bakery.

Think over your own corporate style that will make your bakery stand out from its competitors. This could be branded packaging, seller uniforms, interior style, etc.

Pay great attention to the sign and display. The name should be euphonious, evoking pleasant associations. Take into account the general concept of the bakery and the “brand style”. Let's say, if you decide to focus on baking national bread, then the name should emphasize the main idea of ​​​​production.

Try to be original and not use words such as “homemade cake”, “crumpet”, etc. in the names. Keep your eyes open. Who knows, perhaps in a few years this brand will become recognizable in the city and you will think about expanding your business and opening new branches. In this case, the name cannot be changed.

As for the promotion of services, they are facilitated by:

  • holding promotions;
  • loyalty program and issuance of discount and savings cards;
  • sale of products at certain hours.

To increase demand, you can make a promotion for morning and evening baked goods. Or create kits that will include the daily allowance of baked goods for an average family. This will create a base of regular customers and increase sales.

Promotion of services and goods

To establish direct sales channels, you should enter into agreements with wholesalers. To do this, you need to have a clear product range and preferably test samples. It is better to entrust the work of expanding sales channels to an experienced manager who will be able to demonstrate the best product characteristics of your products and conclude contracts.

In order to organize the delivery of products to wholesalers, you need to enter into an agreement with private carriers. In some cases, these issues fall on the wholesale buyer's firm. Don’t forget to include the costs in the overall estimate when calculating the cost of production.

Financial plan

Depending on the business format, you can sell from 50 to 100 kg of products daily. It is difficult to talk about the exact amount of daily revenue, since much depends on the product range.

Even the most careful planning will not allow you to clearly determine the cost of production until the first loaf of bread is baked. The cost of production consists of various factors: purchases of raw materials, utilities, transport services, etc. Therefore, it is very important to determine pricing for the first batches of baked goods in order to clearly calculate the break-even point.

Approximate calculation of product costs:

To produce 1 thousand kg white bread necessary:

  • 740 kg premium white flour;
  • 9.6 kg salt;
  • 1.2 kg sunflower oil;
  • 7.4 kg of yeast.

By calculating the price of these products from suppliers, you will receive an approximate cost of production. Now you need to add expenses such as wage personnel, utility and transportation costs.



  • repairs – 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment – ​​900 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 3 thousand;
  • advertising for opening – 10 thousand;
  • purchase of goods – 50 thousand

TOTAL: 1063 thousand rubles


  • staff salary – 70 thousand;
  • premises rental – 20 thousand;
  • utilities - 15 thousand;
  • purchase of goods – 60 thousand;
  • additional expenses – 30 thousand.

TOTAL: 195 thousand rubles

The average payback period, with a properly developed plan and strict adherence to it, is 4-5 months.

The main advantage will be the direct sale of your own products. In addition, you can develop your business by establishing partnerships, concluding an agreement for wholesale supplies to supermarkets, confectionery shops, etc.


In order to minimize risks at the first stage of launching a project, follow simple tips:

  • think over the assortment and highlight branded positions;
  • start by baking 8-10 positions;
  • focus on the target audience;
  • do not start production with large batches.

The figures given in this business plan are only approximate. A clear calculation of product costs and payback can only be made for a specific type of business, indicating regional characteristics.

But this business plan is suitable as a basis that will allow you to correctly draw up a document.

In this article, we described in as much detail as possible how to start your business from scratch. As you can see, with proper organization of production and qualified personnel, payback can be achieved within six months. Set long-term and short-term goals that will serve as a kind of guideline for determining the vector. According to reviews from experienced businessmen who own bakeries, this type of business has great prospects and is very stable.

Video. Opening a mini bakery

Opening own business in the field of nutrition - a noble cause, since the human body is designed in such a way that it needs to eat to maintain life. Therefore, enterprising people first of all think about starting a business in the field of food preparation. A popular trend is a mini-bakery as a business.

Private small establishments are in demand, and many entrepreneurs set quite high prices for their products: often not for quality, but for the brand. Often the taste and other characteristics of products leave much to be desired, so when opening such a line of business, think about whether you can provide the products with the proper quality, and whether you are ready to make investments to make the enterprise work as it should.

A bakery is an excellent type of business in almost any region

Bakery business plan

It is this that acts as the main type of documentation before starting any activity. Many novice entrepreneurs ignore this document. With its help, you can identify the main goals, determine the strengths and weaknesses of the business, as well as determine financial costs, and analyze the market and competitors. At the end of the documentation, it is worth giving two main plans according to which events will subsequently develop: positive and negative.

Developing a goal is always a primary component of a business plan in any business. You can note not only material indicators, but also any others. Some entrepreneurs open just such a business because they are not satisfied with the quality of the products currently existing on the market. Someone creates a business with the goal of helping the poor, in any case, there is no need to set a limit to act only for the sake of making a profit.

So, after defining your goals, you need to start somewhere. Traditionally, this is the calculation of the amount that will be required to conduct the activity. The main thing here is to write everything down to the smallest detail so that unforeseen circumstances do not arise. A preliminary study of the labor market and the characteristics of real estate leased for commercial activities will help with this. You will also need to determine the required production volumes for a certain time period. Next, we move on to the next stages of the bakery business plan.

Selecting a room

Since it will be necessary to provide for the placement of several elements in one room, it must be selected correctly and have the required area. It should house a workshop, several warehouses and premises for workers. The administrative part is also allocated a certain place - this is the office of the accountant, manager and supervisor.

For a small bakery: all these positions can be combined into one. Another factor on which the specific choice of premises depends is the purpose of opening a bakery. If this is a small establishment that only involves baking fresh bread, then a room with a total area of ​​100 square meters is suitable. m. For a large factory you will need something more. If you want to open a branded store on the territory of a mini-bakery, then make sure that there are no competitors nearby. At the same time, the retail outlet should be located near a large crowd of people, not far from some business center or office space. The average premises will cost 300,000 rubles per month.

You need to study the segment in which you plan to open a production line. A bakery business plan with cost calculations assumes the personal participation of the creator in the project, and this responsibility should not be shifted onto other shoulders for two reasons. Firstly, an independent approach will provide you with tremendous experience, and secondly, you will personally do better. Even if things don't work out, you'll only have yourself to blame.


To start your business, you will need to hire qualified personnel. It is best to pay attention to specialists with at least several months of experience, since baking bread is a rather complex and somewhat problematic process. If a mistake is made at some step, this indicates that correcting the situation is not an easy task.

The number of people you will need in production depends on the size of the enterprise. If you plan to produce bread and bakery products in a mini-bakery, then you will need at least 1 employee for the production of baked goods and 1 manager. His role can also be combined with the position of a manager.

Read also: Mini production for small businesses

There is no need to rush in this case, just for the purpose of making things “go” as quickly as possible; you will need to find people who want to earn money and at the same time learn something new. Only after you are convinced of their competence can you offer adequate payment for their work.

Note: the most important condition food production - sanitary book. It must be present; you should not hire employees with illnesses.


Considering the question of how to open a bakery from scratch, let's consider the features of the equipment that should be present in it. It is presented on the market by foreign manufacturers, as well as domestic elements. To select the required unit, you may need the services of the company from which you are going to buy the equipment. In addition, its specialists must deliver and install ovens, tables, and shelves for storing bread. It would be good to make sure that this is the company that handles the warranty service of the units: this will save your time, money and nerves.

In principle, starting a mini-bakery is possible even with a little over a hundred thousand rubles. This is a combination of the cheapest oven and a Russian-made dough mixing machine, but everything else will have to be done by hand. However, such “startups” are justified when it comes to the need to bake up to 200 kg per day. Given the market situation, such an enterprise can provide bread not only to a small settlement, but also to work for two or three people. But imperfect technology in one bakery cannot guarantee consistent quality of baked goods.

If we are talking about a larger number of products and a wide range, the amount of investment in such production increases significantly. One of the recent projects of the Bread Equipment company is a small bakery with a cafe in one of the large cities of Kazakhstan. The owner's wish is 1000 kg of products per day, but at the first stage. To launch the bakery, it required about 600,000 rubles of investment in equipment, which should provide the main assortment - tin bread, loaves, baguettes, bakery products and pies. At the second stage, you will need to order specialized equipment - dividers and equipment for puff pastry.

When choosing equipment, the main argument for clients in the mini-bakery direction is for a long time the “first price” factor remained. The cost of entry is extremely important, especially for small chains. Often this equipment is of very low quality, has a low service life and high operating costs. Such bakeries, as a rule, are constantly transported from one rented premises to another, thereby reducing the already low service life of the equipment.Mini-bakeries, built on the “one-person business” principle, are formed completely differently. Equipment for such bakeries is selected according to the principle of strength-functionality-price. Such enterprises may need re-equipment only after 15–20 years, while operating costs and depreciation costs are very low due to the long service life of the equipment. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

If you imagine a bakery as a person, then, of course, the heart of the bakery is the oven, the skeleton is the dough mixer and the baker is the head.” Just as in the body, the resource of the heart guarantees it many years of life, so in the bakery, the design and reliability of the oven guarantees success. Moreover, not only the thickness of the metal or the “survivability” of electronics is important for success, but also the availability of service and spare parts throughout the entire life cycle ovens. Today no more than 10–15 manufacturing companies can guarantee this. Among them are FINES from Slovenia, Cimav from Italy, and Irtysh from the Russian Federation.

High-quality dough making is also a fundamental condition for the production of excellent products, and here, alas, the domestic manufacturer has practically nothing to offer to those who want to open a mini-bakery. In the segment of dough mixing machines with a load of 2 to 40 kg of flour, the clear leaders are Italian companies, but their quality varies greatly. Price also cannot be a marker of reliability; there are examples of highly overpriced equipment.

In the segment of small dough cutting equipment, the situation with inexpensive domestic technology things are getting even sadder. Our industry still ignores this part of the market; this niche is occupied by European manufacturers. The most popular middle-class manufacturers are Italian MacPan equipment: dividers, rounders, seamers, dispensers that provide excellent results for relatively little money. Those wishing to purchase more serious equipment can offer equipment from the Dutch company DAUB. In its class, this equipment has practically no equal in quality, and even more so in price. It is not without reason that many of this company’s technological solutions have received major awards at major international exhibitions.

To summarize, you will need the following equipment:

  • a machine for stirring dough - it takes a long time to do everything with your own hands, the price of such a machine is from 150,000 rubles;
  • machine for rolling out dough – 20,000 rubles;
  • a cabinet for raising the dough before proceeding directly to the baking process - 50,000 rubles;
  • bakery oven - you can bake not only bread in it, but also bakery products and cakes. The cost will be about 600,000 rubles;
  • cooling system – with its help, bread products can retain their nutritional properties for a long time. Typically the bread is cooled before being sliced;
  • packaging machine - for a mini-bakery in the first stages it is not necessary, but over time you will have to take care of purchasing it;
  • means for sifting flour - its cost is 10,000 rubles;
  • additional elements professional equipment– racks, tables, hoods, molds, knives and other elements.