Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky (biography presented in the article) is the plenipotentiary representative of the executive branch of the Russian Federation in the Constitutional, Arbitration and Supreme Courts. Before taking public office, he was a successful lawyer who created the first private law firm in the country. What is known about this person?

Beginning of the biography

A native of Moscow, he was born in 1955. His birthday is December 27th. Dad, Yuri Dmitrievich, was a lawyer, and mother, Erika Zalmanovna, was an actress. Both were raised in intelligent families. In my father’s family, up to the fourth generation, everyone practiced law, and my mother’s grandmother had noble roots. Being German by nationality, she was descended from the descendants of Teutonic knights, tracing the family tree back to the Middle Ages.

Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky graduated from English special school No. 29 in 1973 and unexpectedly decided to enter the Shchukin School to become an actor. Yuri Dmitrievich convinced his son to show up famous teacher. In his opinion, if you go to the theater, then have real talent. He did not give any guarantees, noting only the presence of some abilities. Then the young man went to work at a margarine factory, while enrolling in VZYUI (correspondence law school).

Start of work

After graduating from the institute, Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky worked as a legal consultant for another year, and in 1980 he began practicing law, joining the Moscow City Bar Association. Consciously took on the most difficult cases, preparing to defend his dissertation. I soon realized that I had chosen the right profession, because it was possible to realize my artistic abilities in it. At the same time, you don’t have to depend on the director, since you have to write the script yourself. Having defended his dissertation in 1982, he gradually began to move away from criminal and civil cases.

The formative years of his career coincided with the emergence of private business, which he began to engage in. He wrote the charters of commercial banks - Delovaya Rossiya, Inkombank. The Cultural Initiative Foundation sent a promising lawyer as one of 17 people for an internship at a major American law firm, whose client is the New York Stock Exchange. Upon his return, in 1990, Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky (photo can be seen above) registered the first private law firm.

Lawyer career

At first it was called “Moscow Lawyers”, and in 1993 it was transformed into a private law office called “Barshchevsky and Partners”. It exists to this day, although formally Mikhail Yuryevich himself has not worked there since 2001. The starting capital of the newly-minted organization was the professional reputation of Barshchevsky, who works as a teacher at the Law Academy and actively speaks in the media. His colleagues were senior students with whom he taught classes.

The bureau soon reached the level of a leader in the field of legal support entrepreneurial activity. Among his clients are government agencies, Russian and foreign companies and banks. Personally, lawyer Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky defended Efim Basin (former Minister of Trade), Sergei Tsoi (press secretary of the mayor), Leonid Bochin (ex-head of the antimonopoly committee), Alexander Potemkin (deputy chairman of the Central Bank), Yuri Shafrannik (ex-Minister of the Russian Ministry of Energy) and others famous people, winning the processes. In 1997, he represented the interests of A. Chubais in a lawsuit against journalists for the protection of honor and dignity after the publication of his book on privatization. The court did not satisfy the claim, but this did not damage the reputation of the lawyer, who defended his doctoral dissertation in the same year.

"What? Where? When?”, cult TV project

Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky has always been associated with television. He has a number of television programs to his credit, where he acted as the host and author of the idea. The lawyer could be seen in the television projects “The Twelfth Floor”, “Vzglyad”, “The Case is Hearing”, “The Trial is Coming” and others. In 1995, he co-founded Igra LLC, which was preparing the program “What? Where? When?". For a long time His duties included the role of an arbitrator when controversial issues arose between television viewers and experts. The functions of an independent referee gradually developed into a “keeper of traditions,” and since 2002 he found himself at the gaming table, leading his own team.

In 2015, the team of experts, which included husband and wife Barshchevsky, beat the TV viewers (6:4), demonstrating almost youthful excitement.

Personal life

The future lawyer met his wife, Olga Imanuilovna Barkalova, as a student. They found themselves in the same line for tickets to a holiday home near Moscow. The girl standing in front kept dropping money, and he helpfully picked it up. This began their acquaintance, which soon grew into romantic relationship. Olga was a native Muscovite and studied to be a philologist. The couple soon got married, moving in with the parents of their new husband. Their only daughter Natalya was born in this apartment in 1977. Both of them were still third-year students.

What kind of father was Mikhail Yurievich Barshchevsky? His wife recalls that he got up to see his daughter at night, washed diapers and could cook dinner. The help of the spouse allowed the teacher French defend his dissertation, later become a doctor of science, obtain a lawyer's education and teach law at the Law Academy. Their parents’ profession was also chosen by their daughter Natalya, who graduated from Moscow State University and long time worked as a lawyer.

Literary activity

Since 2000, the famous lawyer has had a professorial title, being a teacher at the Law Academy. In this regard, he is the compiler of a number of reference books, including two encyclopedias - “Big Legal” and “Home Legal”. It is written to them a large number of benefits: “Inheritance Law”, “All about pensions and benefits”, “All about real estate” and others.

But from his pen came a lot fiction. In the collections “We? We!”, “Author” (2 parts) included stories whose titles speak for themselves: “Prostitute”, “Player”, “Competition”, “Geese and Pigeons”, “Letter from an Oligarch”. What are the most famous works written by Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky? Books from recent years:

  • “I will command the parade!” (2007), a novel about lawyer Vadim Osipov, based on which director V. Serikov made the series “Defense Against”;
  • “The Ice Has Been Broken” (2008), a novel in which a young lawyer grows up and, at a turning point for the country, faces a serious choice;
  • the play “At the Crossroads”, staged at the Stas Namin Theater;
  • “Happy Are the Have-Nots” in two volumes (2013), a documentary story about the trial between two oligarchs - Abramovich and Berezovsky.

Political activity

The government's lawyer emphasizes throughout that he is not an apologist for the current president. IN Soviet times was a member of the CPSU, in December 2006 - headed the Free Russia party, renamed in 2007 to Civil Force. Its liberal direction was embedded in its ideological platform: supporters advocated a competitive market economy, the fight against corruption, reform of the judicial system and health care. Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky spoke out in favor of weakening the position of the prosecutor's office, considering its functions unconstitutional. His vision is the unification of prosecutorial supervision with the Ministry of Justice and complete subordination of the executive branch.

In 2007, “Civil Power” participated in parliamentary elections, while the party list of candidates was headed by Barshchevsky. They received just over one percent of the votes and in November the party was dissolved, merging with Right Cause. In 2012, Alexander Ryavkin recreated the “Civil Force”, but Mikhail Yuryevich refused to join its political council. From this year, for three years, he was a member of the political committee of the Civic Platform party, which supports the interests of entrepreneurs. In 2015, he announced his retirement from political activities.

Adoption of children

About ten years ago, Mikhail Yuryevich Barshchevsky adopted children - a brother and sister from orphanage. The only daughter Natalya flew out of the family nest by marrying businessman Lev Khasis. A few years later, the couple divorced, but in 2009 the woman remarried businessman Kirill Meshcheryakov. From their daughter's two marriages, the parents had four grandchildren. They always dreamed of living outside the city and built a huge house in the Moscow region. At first, the grandchildren regularly visited their grandparents, and when they grew up, the country estate was empty.

The Barshchevsky couple decided to adopt two children. In two months, all formalities were resolved, after which twins Maxim and Daria, born in 2005, appeared in the house. Already on the first night Foster-son He called the new parents dad and mom, but there were much more problems with the girl. She experienced a pathological fear of men. The period of adaptation lasted for six months. Today, children attend school, various clubs and sections, and their parents are less likely to be seen at social events. Rejuvenated spouses spend most of their time with their children.

Family values

Time has changed priorities. The Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, awarded the title “Honorary Lawyer,” today actively appears on television programs, sharing his experience in educating the younger generation. This is all Mikhail Yurievich Barshchevsky. Children became his real calling. He once sincerely admitted that for two years he had been talking about Maxim and Daria as adopted children. Today they are absolutely dear to him, giving him a happy opportunity to repeat his youth.

Mikhail Yurievich Barshchevsky (b. 1955) is a famous Russian lawyer, Doctor of Law, public and political figure. He created and runs the Barshchevsky and Partners law office. He is a plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation in the highest courts, an actual state adviser of Russia, 1st class (since 2002).

Since 2007 – Honored Lawyer Russian Federation. He headed the “Civil Power” party movement and was a member of the “Civic Platform” party committee. Author and presenter of television programs, expert in the intellectual club “What? Where? When?"

Birth and family

Mikhail was born in Moscow on December 27, 1955. The born boy was destined to become a lawyer, only based on his pedigree, because three generations before that were engaged in legal activities.

Mikhail’s great-grandfather on his father’s side, Barshchevsky Yakov Davydovich, worked all his life as a lawyer in the city of Kharkov. His daughter (Mikhail’s grandmother), Tatyana Yakovlevna Barshchevskaya, was a major revolutionary. After the revolution, she was a member of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) in Ukraine. Then she moved to Moscow, where she received the position of deputy prosecutor of the capital. Her family included more than one generation of Ukrainian state rabbis.

In 1923, Tatyana had a son, Yuri Dmitrievich - Mikhail's father. In Moscow, she married Alexey Selivanovsky, who created the Literary Newspaper and worked there as editor-in-chief. The man adopted her boy Yura, but in 1936 Alexei was declared an enemy of the people and shot. Tatyana Yakovlevna herself was repressed and sent beyond the 101st km. In 1956 she was rehabilitated and returned to practice as a lawyer.

It was difficult for Mikhail’s dad, Yuri Dmitrievich, who bore the mark of the son of an enemy of the people, to pave the path of a lawyer. Nevertheless, he was able to obtain a legal education and get a job as an investigator at the Ruza District Prosecutor's Office. In 1950, Yuri Dmitrievich was transferred to the position of legal adviser and became one of the best in this matter in the Soviet Union.

Misha's grandmother on her mother's side was a German of noble origin. Her father is a privy councilor and trustee educational institutions Baltic, he was a descendant of the Teutonic knights. The first time my grandmother was married to a White Guard officer, in the years civil war they left for Crimea. Here she met Solomon Gutmanovich (Misha’s grandfather), who became her second husband. Solomon was engaged in shoemaking and had three shoe factories in Crimea. They then moved to Moscow, where he founded and directed a shoe workshop under the NKVD. This workshop prepared shoes for the famous Papanin expedition to North Pole. In 1929, the couple had a daughter, Erica (Mikhail’s mother), who later became an actress.


Despite the fact that Mikhail's parents belonged to the Arbat intelligentsia, they were quite modern people. At the same time, my mother gave her son a real education according to Chekhov - she raised a scrupulous and intelligent person.

Barshchevsky studied at special school No. 29, which was located on Kropotkinskaya Street and had an English bias. He did not shine academically, he studied with “C” grades. In 1969 he joined the ranks of the Komsomol organization. In 1973, I received a certificate of secondary education, and it was necessary to decide on my future profession.

IN school years Mikhail was very interested in geography and wanted to enroll in the Geography Department of Moscow State University. But he was not accepted into the university, and then he had a choice: to follow in his father’s legal footsteps or to devote his life to the acting profession, like his mother. Mikhail went through all the creative tours at the Shchukin Theater School, but then his father told him: “If you are an actor, then only a genius. And the family, Misha, will need to be fed. So go get a law degree first, and then go to the theater.”

Mikhail became a student at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute and completed his studies in 1978 with honors.

Labor activity

After college, Mikhail continued his studies in correspondence graduate school, and also began labor activity:

  • at the Moscow Margarine Plant as a legal adviser (1973-1979);
  • in the Reutov city trade as a senior legal adviser (1979-1980);
  • Member of the Moscow City Bar Association (since 1980).

In 1982, he defended his PhD thesis at the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences. By that time in Moscow he was already a fairly popular lawyer in criminal and civil cases.

He immediately went according to the obvious difficult path. Many lawyers, in order to create a first-class reputation for themselves, only took on winning cases. For Mikhail, such tricks were unacceptable; he generally began to take on those cases that others refused. If he lost, he didn’t worry too much: he didn’t succeed, but others didn’t even try. But winning was a real professional success for him. So he earned an excellent reputation and by the end of the 1980s he finally decided on his field professional activity– business lawyer (Mikhail’s last criminal case was in 1985).

In 1989, he was sent to an internship at one of the largest law firms in America. Here he first thought, why not create his own law firm in Russia? After all, in our homeland the era of market relations was in full swing.

Upon his arrival home in 1990, Barshchevsky created the private law firm “Moscow Lawyers”. In 1993, it was reorganized into the Barshchevsky and Partners law office. Today, Mikhail and his office colleagues occupy leading positions in legal services for Russian entrepreneurs. Among their clients are banks, ministries, and government agencies.

In 1997, Barshchevsky defended his doctoral dissertation and in 2000 received a professorship.

In 2001, he was invited to work in the government of the Russian Federation, where he became a plenipotentiary representative in the Constitutional Court, and later in the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts. In fact, he is a lawyer for the Russian government.

A television

At the beginning of 2004, Barshchevsky was invited to host the program “Hour of Judgment” on the Ren TV television channel. This was the first experience of a court show in Russia, and the host was the famous lawyer Pavel Astakhov. Mikhail was offered the role of co-host, he gave comments to TV viewers on the cases under consideration, and gave examples of some similar situations. Barshchevsky worked in this project until 2009, but left due to low ratings of the program. He was replaced by the Russian writer, author of detective novels Tatyana Ustinova.

In 1995, Barshchevsky became one of the co-founders of Igra LLC. They prepared, organized and conducted television games “What? Where? When?". At first he acted as an arbitrator, helping to decide controversial issues, arising between teams of experts and television viewers. Later, from an independent referee, he became the guardian of the traditions of the game. And in 2002, he assembled a team and sat down at the gaming table. In the 2015 season, the team of the Barshchevsky spouses won the TV audience with a score of 6:4.

Mikhail also participated in television projects:

  • "Twelfth Floor"
  • "The trial is coming";
  • “The case is being heard”;
  • "Sight".

Personal life

As a student, Mikhail met his future wife– Olga Barkalova. She is a native Muscovite, studied at the Moscow Institute foreign languages. The young people fell in love with each other, got married in their third year and moved to live with Misha’s parents.

In 1977, the Barshchevskys had a daughter, Natasha. She continued the dynasty, graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, works as a lawyer, has academic degree candidate of legal sciences. The first time Natalya married businessman Lev Khasis, they had two sons, Leonid and Alexander. Natalya’s second husband is entrepreneur Kirill Meshcheryakov, from whom she gave birth to two girls, Lisa and Yulia.

Mikhail himself grew up in poor family, his parents couldn’t afford their own dacha, so they always rented for the summer. His dream since childhood was to be big Vacation home, which would become family estate. Now his dream has come true. Barshchevsky likes to come home from work in the evening, not to go straight into the house, but to wander along the paths for about fifteen minutes and breathe in the fresh air. All the city fatigue disappears, and he comes to the family normal person without problems accumulated during the day.

Mikhail likes his family to gather in the house, it is noisy. That’s how the idea came to take the kids from the orphanage. When the grandchildren grew up and went to school, they began to visit their grandparents very rarely - classes, sections, clubs, competitions. Over the weekend there was silence in the house, and Mikhail noticed that Olya’s wife was in a very sad mood. He then told her: “If you want, let’s take the child from the orphanage. There will be no need to wait for the grandchildren to arrive.” Barshchevsky thought that now his wife would say: “You’ve gone crazy,” but in response he heard: “Okay. Not just one, but two.”

They consulted with psychologist friends about whether they would make young parents. Then there was a conversation with their daughter, who warmly supported them. And a month and a half later Maxim and Dashka appeared in their family. Adaptation took place after six months, now these are absolutely home children without any special features or exceptions.

But now, when all six of them gather in the house - both children and grandchildren - it becomes very fun. As Mikhail says, he and his wife are 15-20 years younger both in appearance and in soul.

In the Barshchevskys' house huge collection books - about six thousand volumes. Here is a library that was collected by his father and grandfather of his wife Olga. The oldest book, published in 1760, four cabinets of books with dedicatory inscriptions from the authors, one shelf of books written by Mikhail. But he himself admits that he reads little now and can no longer eagerly devour the works of Leo Tolstoy as he did in childhood. He reads poetry and his favorite contemporary author, Alexander Nikonov, with great interest.

Animals are his weakness

Mikhail loved animals since childhood, but there was no question of having any animal in his parents’ communal apartment. But when he got his own home, Barshchevsky took up animals full program– dogs, birds, fish in aquariums.

All Barshchevsky canines are black in color. Over time, one of them died, but another dog would certainly take their place, always black. Mikhail jokingly says that this is their rationalism: after all, they live in a private house on the ground, and dirt is almost invisible on black wool.

The main dog in the house is a royal poodle, he is already quite old, smart and understands human words. When Mikhail is at home, he does not leave his owner's side. They also live with a shaggy German shepherd, a charming Russian terrier Chernysh and a Belgian shepherd. The poodle is the most respected due to its age, its place is always in the house, Chernysh lives on the street, and shepherd dogs depend on the weather (Mikhail jokes and calls them guests). All dogs are female.

Black color scheme The animals in the Barshchevskys' house are brightened by a bright gray parrot named Zhirik. His daughter Natasha gave it to Mikhail; at first the bird was wildly angry and constantly screamed. Now Zhirik has been tamed, he has become kinder, but sometimes he still shouts. The parrot is not very capable, but it says something: “Bye”, “Good Zhirik!”, “Hello.” He also flawlessly imitates a phone call, sometimes household members confuse whether it’s a call or Zhirik is playing around.

Mikhail's wife loves zebras and collects everything related to them. So four beautiful small birds appeared in the house, which alternated black and white striped colors - zebra finches.

Once upon a time, the Barshchevskys acquired several goldfish, but over time they multiplied and now there are about a hundred of them swimming around. In the summer they live in the pond, and in the winter they move to three huge aquariums.

Mikhail wrote the story “Dumping Ground”, in which a domestic kitten touchingly befriends a stray dog. There was an incident in his life when a frozen and hungry dog ​​ran into the Barshchevskys’ dacha. He and his wife fed her, called a veterinarian, examined her, and then gave her away good friends, their dog just died at that time.

Barshchevsky deeply condemns the abuse of animals and believes that for the murder of our little brothers there should be a punishment of at least twenty years. For the same reason, he does not like the circus and training. She dreams that her daughter Dasha will become a veterinarian in the future.

Mikhail Barshchevsky is a widely known person. Plenipotentiary representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Constitutional, Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts. Keeper of the traditions of the game “What? Where? When?". And also a husband with thirty years of experience. Barshchevsky doesn’t let anyone into the world of home comfort. It is inhabited by four dogs, a parrot Zhirik and 60 aquarium fish. The fragile Olga reigns supreme there. His wife. They have been together since the time when Mikhail Yuryevich was still a law student.

“My wife is an adult and will make her own decision,” Barshchevsky responded to a request for an interview with his other half. This is a rare case - in the bureaucratic world, husbands, as a rule, decide everything for their wives. Little is known about Barshchevsky’s wife. More precisely, nothing is known.

And here we are - in the kitchen of an elite Moscow apartment. Porcelain zebras and dogs “look” at me from the windowsill and from the back of the sofa. There are hundreds of them - of different sizes and colors. And this is only a small part of the owner’s collection! The rest of the exhibits are at the dacha, where the Barshchevsky family mainly lives. The owner of the family also has his own collection of edged weapons. Previously, the couple collected stamps together. I find out all this while Olga gracefully and quickly sets the table. It is immediately obvious that guests come here often. And somehow the interview immediately goes from being official to being at home. Such a “conversation with gingerbread” in a good Moscow family. And the first question, of course, is about Olga’s parents.


— Your husband is a native Muscovite. And you?
— I am from an Arbat family in the third generation. My grandfather was a translator and journalist, he knew 10 languages. Dad was a journalist and then a writer, although his first education was in law. For several years he worked as an investigator in Petrozavodsk - I lived there for the first four years, although I was born in Moscow.
— Did you manage to instill these “Arbat” qualities in your daughter?
- To some extent... But it’s not the same. We have, as Okudzhava sang, “Arbatism dissolved in the blood.” And the daughter is a different generation, a different psychology.
— Your husband is a public person. But no one knows what his wife does.
— I am a doctor of sciences, I teach law. But by first education I am a philologist. She graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and taught French. Then she defended her dissertation at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University on the topic: “The relationship between dialogue and monologue in oral and writing in civil proceedings."
— How did legal education appear?
— When I defended myself, Barshchevsky was offered a contract in America. And we lived six months there, six months here. This lasted for three years, I didn’t work and I went completely wild. And then came perestroika, and no one needed my French, everyone was learning English. My daughter is also getting ready to go to law school. I decided: why am I worse? My mother is a lawyer, Misha is also a fourth generation lawyer.


— What was the limit of dreams for young specialists in Soviet times?
- Advocacy. For three years Misha tried to join the bar, and for three years he was not accepted. The reasons are different. First of all, young. Secondly, no connections. Thirdly, not a member of the CPSU. In those years I worked as a translator for Valentina Tereshkova, in the Committee of Soviet Women. And it was difficult to even dream of a different life then.
— Where did the young Barshchevsky family live after the wedding?
— At the Barshchevsky Sr., in a three-room “Khrushchev” with Misha’s parents and grandmother. Our daughter Natasha was born there. For three years, the six of us lived in a three-room apartment. And they lived very friendly! I had an amazing mother-in-law. When my husband and I quarreled, both my father-in-law and mother-in-law took my side.

(Olga praises her husband so much that I can’t resist asking a provocative question.)

— Did Mikhail Yuryevich wash diapers?
- I washed it! And at night he got up to see Natasha. Once he had to defend his thesis, he was very worried. And then one day he wakes up at night in a panic: “I have to go to a competition! I need to go to the competition!” I say: “What competition?” And he responded: “Wash the diapers!” By the way, Misha is great at cooking and baking. Since he is a bore and a meticulous person, he approaches everything thoroughly and meticulously.


— Your husband is a government lawyer. This is the world of officials. Are you friends with the wives of officials?
- No. I communicate occasionally, but no friendship has arisen.
— Do you think they treat you as Barshchevsky’s wife or as a separate, accomplished person?
— In the bureaucratic world, of course, they treat me as Barshchevsky’s wife. It `s naturally.
— Do you go to government “parties”?
- Me not. He goes, but it's not a party. And, for example, on someone’s birthday in the White House. Although no... (Olga has difficulty remembering) once Barshchevsky took me to a reception in the Kremlin, and there I had to be in an evening dress.
— Do you have enough evening dresses in your wardrobe?
- Eat. But there are few reasons to wear them. It happens that on our friends’ birthdays we all agree and come in evening dresses. Then twice a year there is a ball of the Assembly of the Third Millennium. And you should definitely come there in long evening dresses.
-Who buys dresses?
— We buy together in the States. This business is well established there. The dresses are inexpensive - 200-300 dollars, and not like ours - 2 - 3 thousand dollars. Therefore, I can afford to buy several dresses.
— Can you afford to buy a suit, say, for 3 thousand dollars?
- Can.
- How will your husband look at this?
- Very good. I have such suits. But you understand, I buy them more than once a week. Barshchevsky knows that I am not a spender and will not buy an expensive item just because it is fashionable.


— Do you have family traditions?
— We celebrate all birthdays. Not necessarily broadly, but sincerely. And when we still lived with Misha’s parents, we celebrated all birthdays in three stages. First, relatives - 20 people, then - fellow lawyers, then - friends. We also celebrate the day we met and the wedding day.
- A Wedding Dress was it gorgeous?
- No, a simple pink dress. By the way, I have it hanging in my closet and I can still fit into it! I remember that someone got my mother a piece of fabric, and we sewed this dress from it. We got married without a wedding procession, we left the registry office on a trolleybus! And the next day we flew off on our honeymoon to Vilnius.
- Do you often call each other - not on business, just like that?
- Very. We call each other ten times a day. Mostly Misha calls. I don't call because he might have negotiations or an important meeting. Why tear it off?
— Do you take part in raising your grandchildren?
- Certainly. They spend a lot of time at our dacha. Since they are city boys, we accustom them to the forest. They love to collect lilies of the valley and mushrooms. And the eldest, he is six years old, already understands trees. Barshchevsky and I are completely crazy mushroom pickers. And our grandchildren love our dogs very much. We are happy about this: when children are raised close to animals, they become kinder.


Olga and Mikhail met in a holiday home near Moscow. Olga stood in front of Mikhail in line for vouchers and kept dropping money, and he picked it up. An acquaintance began. Once we got together for a dance. Olga and her friend were preening themselves in the room, while Mikhail and his friend stood and waited outside the door. And suddenly it was not Olga who appeared before Mikhail, but a girl... his dreams, a girl with gray curls.

Using silver hairspray, Olga gave herself one silver strand. It looked impressive. But the main thing is that Mikhail had already seen a dream come true with a lock of hair before, at the Sovremennik Theater and fell in love with it then. I saw her twice and was afraid to approach her twice. Olga did not believe this story at first. But when they arrived in Moscow and checked the surviving theater tickets, everything came together.

Famous adoptive parents

In 2008, lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife Olga took two-year-old twins Maxim and Dasha from an orphanage.

Barshchevsky’s eldest daughter Natalya is married to Kirill Meshcheryakov, the owner of a large construction company.

There are such gossip...

The story about the Barshchevsky family would be incomplete without a spicy episode with Bozhena Rynskaya:

...With his wife alive, Mr. Barshchevsky climbs into everything that crosses his life path tangentially

I still remember that I asked Barshchevsky to help my fiancé with citizenship, but he replied that it was not profitable for him. Then we met again at the Monolith club, where Barshchevsky, breathing tobacco, slobbered into my ear: “Remember that I want you.” I almost threw up."

“It’s difficult for me to comment on everything that concerns Bozhena Rynska, because I’m a lawyer, not a psychiatrist,” Mikhail Barshchevsky commented on the journalist’s notes.

CCCP. Father - Barshchevsky Yuri Dmitrievich, lawyer. Mother - Barshchevskaya Erika Zalmanovna, actress.

In 1973-1979 he worked as a legal adviser at the Moscow Margarine Plant. In 1978 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. In 1980 he became a lawyer at the Moscow City Bar Association, and in 1982 he defended his PhD thesis at the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Trained in Western law firms Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy (USA) and Bureau Ricchi (France). In 1990, he created and headed Russia's first private law firm, Moscow Lawyers, which in 1993 was transformed into the Barshchevsky and Partners law office. In 1997 he became a Doctor of Law. In 2000 assigned academic title Professor of the Moscow State Law Academy. In 2001, he voluntarily renounced his status as a lawyer in connection with the transition to public service, excluded from the register of lawyers. On March 12, 2001, he was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the Russian government in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. On July 26, 2001, he became the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian government in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court Russian Federation and Higher Arbitration Court Russian Federation.

Since December 2006, member of the Civil Power party. On September 23, 2007, at its VIII Congress, he was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council of the party and remained in this post until October 2008, when he announced his retirement from politics and ceded his post to the Chairman of the General Council public organization“Business Russia” to Boris Titov.

Currently he is the host of the Dura Lex program on the radio station Echo of Moscow, where he also appears in the program Minority Report.


  • Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2002)


  • Order of Honor (June 29, 2010) - for merits in legislative activity and many years of conscientious work
  • Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (2007)
  • Laureate of the highest award of the bar - the gold medal named after. F. N. Plevako

What? Where? When?

An active participant in the games “What? Where? When?". Also, until 2010, he was the “keeper of traditions” of the club “What? Where? When?". Participated in the creation of Igra LLC, which owns the transfer rights.


Compiler of the Great Legal Encyclopedia and the Home Legal Encyclopedia.

Works of art. Collection:

  • 2007 - Barshchevsky M., “We?? We!". - JSC "Olma Media Group". - 2007. - 383 p. - ISBN 978-5-373-00836-5
  • “Player”, “Competition”, “Five Letters, Anti-Comedy”, “Righteous”, “Geese and Pigeons”, “Prostitute”, “ last love”, “Authors”, “Judge”, “Epicrisis”, “Service”, “School”, “Letter from an oligarch” and “Dump”.
  • "Author"
  • “The author is the same. Other stories"
  • “Defense against, or I will command the parade!”
  • "The ice has broken"
  • "At the Crossroads"
  • "All about real estate"
  • “All about pensions and benefits”
  • “Everything about the rights of a suspect and accused in criminal cases.”

Personal life

Married. Daughters: Daria and Natalia (lawyer). Son: Maxim.

  • From January 12 until the spring of 2004, Mikhail hosted the television program “Hour of Judgment” in parallel with Pavel Astakhov. Was forced to leave after extremely low ratings. The successor in the “Hour of Judgment” was Tatyana Ustinova.


  • In 2010, Mikhail Barshchevsky on the Ekho Moskvy radio reacted rather negatively to a personal question about the flashing light. Considered to be a prominent tobacco lobbyist.

Mikhail Barshchevsky, a representative of the government of the Russian Federation in the highest courts of Russia, is sometimes confused with the philosopher and sociologist, first husband Mikhail Borshchevsky, due to the almost complete coincidence of his first and last names. However, Mikhail Yuryevich resembles much more.

Famous lawyers are united not only by their profession, but also by their impressiveness, eloquence, love of speaking in front of the camera and the rare talent of remaining among decent people despite “going to power.”

Childhood and youth

On December 27, 1955, a son, Misha, appeared in the family of lawyer Yuri Dmitrievich and artist Erika Zalmanovna Barshchevsky. Mikhail Yuryevich’s mother, father and uncle (deputy Roman Mokhortov) lived for 71 years.

Among Barshchevsky's ancestors there are rabbis and German knights. The great composer of the 20th century had such an exotic combination of blood. Mikhail's grandfather is the founder of " Literary newspaper» Alexey Selivanovsky.

The boy studied at a prestigious English school on Kropotkinskaya Street, and his granddaughter was a classmate. Misha's academic performance was mediocre, but he tried to resolve school conflicts peacefully. For his ability to persuade and willingness to shield erring classmates, he received the nickname Lawyer.

In his youth, Barshchevsky wrote stories, but writers to whom their parents showed early works Misha, they noted the author’s lack of life experience.

When choosing life path a guy with a talent for speaking in front of an audience fluctuated between his parents’ professions. The father managed to convince Mikhail that the path of a lawyer is more likely to guarantee the ability to feed his family than an artistic one. Therefore, the young man entered the correspondence law school, from which he received a diploma at the age of 22.

Career and government activities

Starting as a legal consultant at an oil and fat plant, 17 years later Mikhail created the country's first private law office(after some time she received the name of a lawyer), and after another 11 he became the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian government in the Constitutional Court.

Barshchevsky has two defenses of dissertations (candidate's and doctoral), internships in American and law firms, writing numerous legal books and reference books. The rapid development of Barshchevsky's career was facilitated not only by the genes and connections of his ancestors, as well as the economic changes taking place in the country, but also by his ability to work lawyer and two principles that Mikhail laid as the basis for his legal practice. The first principle is to take on obviously losing cases, since failure in them is predictable and is not attributed to the incompetence of the defense lawyer, and an unexpected victory increases the status and future prices of the lawyer.

Thus, Mikhail Yuryevich took the risk of defending “writers” in the trial and lost the case. The second principle is never to tell a lie in court (facts that discredit the client can and should be kept silent, but the words spoken must be believed; a deliberate lie is unconvincing).

In 2001, Barshchevsky switched to public service and, on his own initiative, renounced his status as a lawyer. The position of Mikhail Yuryevich on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation is: “Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Russia in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.”

The former lawyer is politically active - he was among the founders of “Civic Force” and “Civic Platform”, which he left in March 2015.

IN mature age Mikhail Yuryevich returned to his youthful dream of artistic and literary creativity. The Plenipotentiary's Peru owns prose works of large and small forms, as well as plays.

"What? Where? When?"

In the 2000s and the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, Mikhail Barshchevsky was the host of television and radio projects. He hosted the television program “Hour of Judgment”, then the program “Dura Lex” on “Echo of Moscow”. Since 2012, he has been a frequent guest in the “Minority Report” program of this radio station.

TV quiz “What? Where? When?" - an important component of the biography of actual state adviser Barshchevsky.

From May 1994, for almost 6 years, the lawyer acted as a kind of lawyer for the players, whose interests he defended with fervor and persuasiveness, and then, after a short break, he became the keeper of the traditions of the elite club. It seemed that the man was realizing not only his lawyer’s, but also his acting ambitions. Mikhail Yuryevich sat in the expert’s chair for the first time only in 2002, and in November 2015, Barshchevsky’s team won among television viewers.

Personal life

While still a student, Mikhail got married and became a father. Fate brought Barshchevsky together with his beloved Olga, the daughter of the writer Immanuel Barkalov, three times - in the company of friends, in the Moscow metro and in a boarding house near Moscow. After the second meeting, the young man wrote a story about a girl with a gray lock, but he decided to talk to the stranger only when he encountered Barkalova for the third time. The novel developed rapidly. The work, written a year ago and presented to Olga, played a significant role in winning the beauty’s heart.

Now Olga Barshchevskaya is a candidate of philological sciences and a doctor of historical sciences. Numerous photos confirm: husband and wife continue to look at each other with loving eyes. Everyone strives to please their partner with surprises. So, on the thirtieth wedding anniversary, Olga danced a cancan for Mikhail, and the talented husband timed the play “The Zebra of Our Yard”, staged at the theater “At the Nikitsky Gate” based on the work of Barshchevsky, to coincide with the anniversary of his life partner.

It should be noted that Zebra is Olga’s pet nickname, since she, like a wild striped horse, “cannot be trained.”

The only one own daughter Mikhail Yurievich, lawyer Natalia, married twice. From her first husband, a major businessman Lev Khasis, the woman gave birth to two sons - Sasha and Lenya, from her second - businessman Kirill Meshcheryakov, whom she divorced in 2018 - two daughters, Yulia and Lisa. The photos posted by Natalia on Instagram testify to her beauty and rich life.

In 2008, Mikhail and Olga adopted 2-year-old twins, Dasha and Maxim. The famous lawyer claims that adopted children gave a second youth, and is sure that 9/10 of a person is determined by upbringing, not genes.

Barshchevsky collects zebra figurines; there are already about a thousand copies in the collection. The lawyer's pets are black dogs.

Mikhail Barshchevsky now

Mikhail Barshchevsky remains a defender now. In 2017, the lawyer stood up for the director and the film “,” which allegedly offended the feelings of Orthodox Christians. In the fall of 2018, he said that an adequate punishment for violent football players would be a multimillion-dollar fine in favor of the victims, rather than a prison term.

Judging by the declaration, Mikhail Barshchevsky is the richest (or most honest) Russian government official: he and his wife have 4 apartments, 5 houses and 7 cars of various classes from Daewoo Nexia to Hummer.

On May 20, 2018, Mikhail Yuryevich, who started smoking in his youth, defended the right of smokers to appear with a cigarette on television and, according to opponents, was lobbying the interests of tobacco and myocardium manufacturers. Perhaps news of troubles in his personal life played a role in the lawyer’s illness eldest daughter. The celebrity required emergency hospitalization. Doctors performed stenting on the vessels that supply blood to the heart.

In September 2018, a certain Yulia remembered the alleged rape by Barshchevsky 7 years ago and filed a statement with the Presnensky police department. The accusation was supported by a blogger. However, the man said that he was much more concerned about his health than the absurd accusations, and would be able to prove his innocence in court.

Barshchevsky’s main plan for 2019 remains improving his physical fitness.


  • 2006 – “Author”
  • 2006 – “The same author”
  • 2007 - “We?? We!.."
  • 2007 - “I will command the parade”
  • 2008 - “The Ice Has Broken”
  • 2010 – “All about pensions and benefits”
  • 2010 - In between the bustle
  • 2010 – “Pensions, benefits, real estate, housing and communal services problems. Complete legal guide"
  • 2010 – “Marriage, divorce, employee rights, cars, suspect rights. Complete legal guide"
  • 2010 – “Princes in the Mud”
  • 2010 - “Shall we talk?”
  • 2015 - “Not my life, or countdown”
  • 2017 - “Happy are the have-nots”

Awards and achievements

  • 2002 - Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class
  • 2007 - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
  • 2010 - Order of Honor
  • 2015 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree
  • Laureate of the Plevako Gold Medal, awarded by the Guild of Russian Lawyers.
  • Academician of public academies - RANS and Russian Academy legal profession