It is the responsibility of any medical practitioner to improve their knowledge and skills. Certification is considered one of the methods of training, which has its own requirements and characteristics, based on the results of which specialists are assigned the appropriate category. Each category of doctors occupies a certain level in the hierarchy of the medical field.

Goal and tasks

Participation in the certification process is voluntary. In the process, the specialist’s personal worth, level of knowledge, practical skills, suitability for the position held, and professionalism are assessed.

Certification of doctors for a category carries with it a certain interest:

  1. It's prestigious. Allows you to occupy a higher position and allows you to draw the attention of management to yourself. Quite often, the categories of doctors are indicated on signs at the entrance to their office.
  2. In some cases, the highest category allows you to reduce moral or physical responsibility to the patient’s relatives. Like, if such a person could not solve the problem, then it is difficult to think what would have happened if a less experienced doctor had been in his place.
  3. Material side. Medical categories of doctors and promotion through the levels of the medical hierarchy allow for an increase in the basic salary.

Types of certifications

The legislation distinguishes several types of certification activities:

  • assignment of the title “specialist” after determining theoretical and practical skills;
  • qualification category of doctors (obtaining);
  • category confirmation.

Determining the level of knowledge for the designation of a “specialist” is a mandatory step before appointment to the position of a doctor. Conducted by special commissions in postgraduate education institutions. The following candidates will be considered:

  • after internship, master's degree, residency, postgraduate study, if there is no diploma "doctor-specialist";
  • those who have not worked for more than 3 years in a narrow specialty;
  • those who did not undergo certification in a timely manner to obtain qualifications;
  • persons who are denied the opportunity to receive the second category for objective reasons.

Each doctor has the right to receive a category in several specialties at the same time, if they are related. The main requirement is work experience in the required specialization. The category of general practitioner is an exception.

Basic rules and requirements

There are second, first and highest categories of doctors. There is a rule of consistency in receiving, but there are exceptions. The requirements are discussed in the table.

Qualification category doctors Outdated requirements Requirements for current orders
Second5 years of practicing experience or moreAt least 3 years of practical experience in the specialty
Submitting a work reportPersonal appearance, including participation in an interview, testing
FirstDepartment Head or Leadership level requiredAt least 7 years of practical experience in the specialty
Upon receipt - appearance, confirmation occurs in absentia
HigherManager position requiredMore than 10 years of practicing experience in the specialty
Personal appearance in any casePersonal appearance, including participation in report evaluation, interview, testing

Validity periods

According to the old orders, there were certain circumstances that were classified as social benefits and made it possible to extend the period of the current qualification. These included:

  • pregnancy and child care under 3 years of age;
  • a month after dismissal due to reduction;
  • business trip;
  • state of temporary disability.

On this moment benefits are not valid. The certification commission may decide to extend the validity period at the request of the head physician of the medical institution. If a doctor refuses to appear for the commission, his category is automatically removed after a five-year period from the date of assignment.


A report on the work done over the past few years, approved by the chief physician of the healthcare facility and the personnel department where the certified person works, is also filled out. Copies of education documents are also sent to the commission, work book and assignment of current qualifications.

Attestation report

The introduction includes information about the identity of the doctor and the medical institution where he holds a position. The characteristics of the department, its equipment and staff structure, and the performance indicators of the department in the form of statistical data are described.

The main part consists of the following points:

  • characteristics of the population undergoing treatment in the department;
  • possibility of carrying out diagnostic measures;
  • carried out medical work with the indicated results for specialized diseases;
  • deaths over the past 3 years and their analysis;
  • implementation of innovations.

The conclusion of the report consists of a summary of the results, indications possible problems and examples of their solutions, opportunities for improvement. If published materials are available, a copy is attached. Indicated and studied over the past few years.

Points for promotion

Each specialist receives points that are used in making decisions about qualifications. They are awarded for attending conferences, including international congresses, giving lectures to colleagues or nursing staff, distance learning with a final certificate, and taking courses.

Additional points are awarded for the following achievements:

  • publishing of textbooks, manuals, monographs;
  • publication of an article;
  • obtaining a patent for an invention;
  • presentation at symposiums with a report;
  • speaking in institutions and the media;
  • obtaining a title;
  • defense of the thesis;
  • awarding bodies state power.

Composition of the commission

The commission consists of a committee, whose work takes place during breaks between meetings, and a narrowly focused expert group, which directly conducts certification of a specialist (exam, testing). Both the committee and the expert group consist of persons holding the following positions:

  1. The chairman, who oversees the work and divides responsibilities between the members of the commission.
  2. The deputy chairman performs the functions of the chairman in full in his absence.
  3. The secretary is responsible for registering incoming documents, preparing materials for the work of the commission, and recording decisions.
  4. The deputy secretary replaces the secretary and performs his duties during absence.

Each expert group includes specialists from related specialties. For example, the category of dentist and its receipt/confirmation requires being in the group of a periodontist, orthodontist, pediatric dentist, or therapist.

Order of the meeting

Certification is scheduled no later than three months from the date of receipt of data about the specialist by the committee. If the data does not match the requirements for the latter, the documentation will be refused (no later than 2 weeks from the date of receipt). The secretary of the committee agrees with the chairman of the expert group of the required specialization on the date of the examination.

Members of the expert group review the certification documents for the category, completing a review for each of them, displaying the following data:

  • level of practical skills of a specialist;
  • participation in social projects related to the medical field;
  • availability of published materials;
  • self-education of the certified person;
  • compliance of knowledge and skills with the declared category of doctors.

The examination must take place within two weeks from the date of receipt of the report. The result of the review is an indicator of the possible outcome of the certification. The secretary informs the specialist of the date of the meeting, which includes an interview and testing. More than 70% of correct answers allow you to consider the test passed. The interview takes place by questioning the person being certified according to theory and practice, the knowledge of which must correspond to the requested qualification.

The meeting is accompanied by the preparation of a protocol, which is signed by the members of the expert group and the chairman. The final decision is noted on the qualification sheet. A specialist receives the right to retake the exam only after a year. Within 7 days, the certified person receives a document confirming the promotion, reduction or refusal to assign a category.

Extreme measures

The administration of the medical institution can send a request to the commission so that the doctor is deprived of qualifications or promoted ahead of schedule. In this case, documents are sent to justify the decision. The commission considers the issue in the presence of a specialist. Failure to appear without a valid reason allows a decision to be made in his absence.


From the day the decision is made, the doctor or medical institution can appeal the result to month period. To do this, it is necessary to fill out an application specifying the reasons for disagreement and send it to the commission under the Ministry of Health.

A doctor’s qualifications are determined during certification procedures and make it possible to identify the level of compliance of theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the qualification characteristics of the relevant specialty. Certification for assignment of a category is carried out on the initiative of the medical worker himself; it is a good incentive for his professional growth. Subsequently, the established category gives the doctor the right to provide medical services specific to this specialty, affects the amount of wages, increases the doctor’s prestige, and contributes to his further advancement in the profession.

Qualification categories and procedure for obtaining them

The qualification of a doctor can be assigned for a main or combined position and is determined in accordance with the requirements for the second, first and highest categories.

During the certification procedures, the employee must undergo professional retraining (training courses and internships in leading medical institutions), then personally attend a meeting of the certification commission, where the assessment report on the work done, testing and an interview are carried out. When assigning a category, the education and experience of the doctor in the certified position are also taken into account, which must meet the requirements:

The second category is 3 years of experience, higher and secondary vocational education;
- first category – experience of 7 years if you have a higher education and 5 years if you have a secondary vocational education;
- highest category - experience of 10 years if you have a higher education and 7 years if you have a secondary vocational education.

Category validity period

The validity period of the assigned qualification category is 5 years from the date of signing the order. If it is impossible to be certified after 5 years ( maternity leave, temporary disability) its validity period can be extended only if the certification commission agrees with a petition to extend the category, signed by the chief physician of the institution where the doctor works.

Various categories assign specialists who have the proper level of theoretical training and sufficient skills in practical activities and a certain length of service. Let us consider in this article how the assignment of medical categories is carried out.

Doctors are to a certain extent interested in obtaining qualifications. The higher the category of a specialist, the more prestigious his work will be. Thanks to his professional qualifications, it will be easier for him to get a position in a health care facility. The material side also plays a significant role. A good salary increase is guaranteed to a qualified specialist.

What are the categories?

Depending on the doctor’s skills, the following medical categories are distinguished:

  • second - at least 3 years of experience for specialists who have higher and secondary vocational education;
  • first - at least 7 years of experience for specialists who have higher professional education and at least 5 years of experience for specialists with secondary vocational education (secondary vocational education);
  • higher - no less than 10 years for specialists with higher professional education and no less than 7 years for specialists with secondary vocational education.

Conditions that a leader must create

The head of the organization provides conditions for the specialist, namely:

The importance of paperwork

The documents included in the package for obtaining a medical category must be properly executed and sealed.

Papers for passing the competition are sent to the commission by mail, as well as directly by an official who has undertaken to interact with the certification commission.

To maintain a previously assigned qualification category, a specialist submits papers to certification commission no later than 4 months before the expiration of the qualification period. If a set of documents is sent later than the above period, the exam date may be set after the expiration of the qualification category.

Receiving a category and additional payment for it may be an initiative of the medical worker, as well as his supervisor. As a rule, the discharge is valid for several years. After this, a person who holds the position of a doctor in a health care institution must re-certify. When resubmitting documents, a citizen can expect to be assigned a higher category.


Additional fees for the category are assessed after passing the doctor's certification. The commission includes an authorized representative government agencies regulating the receipt of medical services by the population. Certification refers to the assessment of the employee’s skills and knowledge, which must be necessary in order to provide professional assistance to victims in different situations.

If a specialist in the field of medicine successfully passes certification, the commission makes a decision to assign the applicant the required medical category. The above information is published on the official departmental website, after which the specialist has the right to contact the employer to establish a salary increase. Head of a medical organization in mandatory establishes a bonus for the certified employee for the category received. This type of monetary supplement should be negotiated in advance, before concluding a labor or collective agreement. If this clause is missing from the agreement, then HR officers and lawyers must draw up an addition to the agreement.

It must be remembered that a citizen cannot receive the highest qualification category if he has never been certified before. There are also time frames when a health worker has the right to apply for certification. A person is not deprived of his rank even if there is a break in work, that is, a failure to provide medical services to the population for a long time.

What liability is provided for the refusal of a co-payment to a doctor for a category?

Is it true that medical categories are going to be abolished? More on this below.

Each manager is required to pay category allowances to doctors. In case of obvious refusal, administrative penalties are applied to him. Often these can include monetary fines and compensation for material damage to the employee. If the head of the organization flatly refuses to make the necessary changes, state inspection bodies raise the question of removing such a leader from his post.

Extra points

The specialist is awarded points for certain achievements:

  • published textbooks, manuals, monographs;
  • published articles;
  • obtaining a patent for an invention;
  • participation in the symposium;
  • speaking in the media;
  • obtaining a title;
  • successful dissertation defense.

Purpose of the commission

The main goal of the certification commission of doctors in Russia is to assess the professional skills of a specialist and his ability to perform official duties in his position. All this helps to place personnel with great efficiency, taking into account the level of complexity of the work, relying on the skill and experience of doctors. The consequence is the improvement of the activities of healthcare institutions and the provision of medical services to the population.

The composition of the committee and expert group is as follows:

Primary requirements

Basic requirements for specialists of the second and first categories:

Highest qualification category

  • it is necessary to have a high level of training in terms of theory and skills practical work in area professional activity, knowledge of interrelated disciplines;
  • use latest methods diagnosis, health improvement, disease prevention and rehabilitation, possess health-improving and diagnostic equipment in the field of practiced professional activity - while the requirements for the highest medical category are much more serious than in previous cases;
  • the ability to give a high-quality and qualified assessment of data from special research methods in order to correctly determine the diagnosis;
  • ability to navigate modern scientific and technical information, apply it to resolve strategic and tactical aspects of specialized activities;
  • have a duration of work in the profession (in a position) of at least 7 years.

How often do I need to undergo certification?

Certification of medical workers is carried out once every 5 years. The category that is assigned is valid on the territory of our country from the day when the order for its receipt is issued. Specialists have the right to strive to obtain a higher category of qualification, but only 3 years after the issuance of an administrative act on assignment. Allowances for medical categories are paid throughout the validity period.

When requalifying, the duration of work in the newly acquired specialization begins to count from the moment the work begins in the new category. Federal executive authorities create central commissions to certify doctors. Under departments, they are created by the executive branch (federal bodies), Russian academies of sciences and organizations that have subordinate pharmaceutical and medical organizations. Executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation create territorial certification commissions.

Conditions for refusal to accept documents by the commission

Documents may not be accepted in the following cases:

  • if there are no necessary papers that are needed for the certification commission to analyze the issue of awarding a specialist with a qualification category;
  • the application or certification sheet of the specialist has been completed incorrectly.

The secretary of the committee, which is responsible for conducting the commission, within 7 calendar days After registering the documents, it sends the subject a refusal letter with a mandatory explanation of the reason for the refusal. As soon as these grounds are eliminated, the specialist has the right to send documents for certification of the medical category again.

At this time, there is no information about the cancellation of medical categories.

As is known, the presence of a qualification category confirms the qualifications of a medical worker and affects wages. A dentist in one of the clinics in Kirov decided to get a second category, asked his colleagues for advice, but, oddly enough, it turned out that no one had medical categories. The doctor contacted the HR department, but, oddly enough, he also did not receive an answer to his request. I had to contact " Hotline» trade union "Action".

The assignment of a medical category is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 N 240n “On the Procedure and timing of certification for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to obtain a qualification category.”

Each doctor has the right to receive a category in several specialties at the same time, if they are related. The main requirement is work experience in the required specialization.

Requirements for obtaining the second category:

At least 3 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Requirements for obtaining the first category:

At least 5 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Personal appearance, including testing, participation in report evaluation, interview.

Requirements for obtaining the highest category:

At least 7 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Personal appearance, including testing, participation in report evaluation, interview.

To obtain a category, a specialist must contact the regional health authority (Ministry of Health, department, committee, administration - each region has its own) and the executive secretary of the certification commission for his specialty. All questions regarding the category are resolved through the executive secretary. The doctor fills out an application addressed to the chairman of the certification commission (in case of recertification, the application is submitted four months before the due date). The application indicates passport data, the existing category (if any) and the date of its receipt, the qualification category for which the doctor is applying, consent to receive and process personal data, personal signature and date. Also, in printed form, a certification sheet and a report on the work done for the last 3 years, approved by the chief physician and the human resources department of the healthcare facility where the certified person works, are filled out. The commission is also sent copies of education documents (diploma, certificates, certificates, specialist certificates), work book and assignment of current qualifications (if any), in case of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of their change.

What is a doctor's certification report? It consists of three parts - introduction, main part and conclusion.

The introduction includes information about the identity of the doctor and the medical institution where he holds a position. The characteristics of the department, its equipment and staff structure, and the performance indicators of the department in the form of statistical data are described.

The main part consists of the following points: characteristics of the population undergoing treatment in the department; possibility of carrying out diagnostic measures; carried out medical work with the indicated results for specialized diseases; deaths over the past 3 years and their analysis; implementation of innovations.

The conclusion of the report consists of summarizing the results, indicating possible problems and examples of their solutions, and opportunities for improvement. If published materials are available, copies of them are attached. A list of literature used and studied over the past few years is indicated.

If the head of the organization where the specialist works refuses to approve the report, the latter is given a written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the application for a qualification category.

Documents are sent to the government body or organization that created the certification commission via postal service or are provided personally by a specialist to the executive secretary of this commission.

Certification is scheduled no later than three months from the date of receipt of information about the specialist. If the data does not match the requirements for it, the documentation will be refused (no later than 7 days from the date of its registration). After eliminating the grounds that caused the refusal to accept documents, the specialist has the right to re-send the documents to the certification commission.

The secretary agrees with the chairman of the expert group of the required specialization on the timing of the examination. Members of the expert group review the certification work of doctors for the category, completing a review for each of them, displaying the following data: the level of practical skills of the specialist; participation in social projects related to the medical field; availability of published materials; self-education of the certified person; compliance of knowledge and skills with the declared category of doctors. The examination must take place within 30 days from the date of receipt of the report. The result of the review is an indicator of the possible outcome of the certification.

The secretary informs the specialist of the date of the meeting, including the interview and testing (no later than 30 days before this date). The test is considered passed when more than 70% of correct answers are received. The interview takes place by questioning the person being certified according to theory and practice, the knowledge of which must correspond to the requested qualification. The meeting is accompanied by the preparation of a protocol, which is signed by the members of the expert group and the chairman. The final decision is noted on the qualification sheet. A specialist receives the right to retake the exam only after a year. A document confirming receipt, promotion, reduction of category or refusal to assign it is given to the specialist or sent by mail by the executive secretary of the certification commission (no later than 120 days from the date of registration of the application for certification or recertification).

The decision of the certification commission can be appealed to the government body or organization that created the certification commission within one year from the date the certification commission made the appealed decision.

The certification commission may decide to extend the validity period at the request of the head physician of the medical institution. If a doctor refuses to appear for the commission, his category is automatically removed after a five-year period from the date of assignment.

Also, the administration of a medical institution can send a request to the certification commission that the doctor be deprived of qualifications or that they be upgraded ahead of schedule (specialists can apply for a higher qualification category no earlier than three years from the date of receipt of this category). In this case, documents are sent to justify the decision. The commission considers the issue in the presence of a specialist. Failure to appear without a valid reason allows a decision to be made in his absence. From the date of the decision, the doctor or medical institution can appeal the result within 30 days. To do this, you need to fill out an application specifying the reasons for disagreement and send it to the commission when regional body health care management (Ministry of Health, etc.).

Attestation sheet

1. Last name, first name, patronymic (if available) ________________________________

2. Date of birth ______________________

3. Information about education*(1) __________________________________________


4. Information about work activity*(2)

from _____ to ______ ______________________________________________________________

(position, name of organization, location)

Signature of the HR employee and seal of the organization’s HR department,

whose employee is a specialist.

5. Work experience in medical or pharmaceutical organizations

6. Name of the specialty (position) for which it is carried out

certification for obtaining a qualification category ___________________

7. Work experience in this specialty (in this position)


8. Information about the existing qualification category in the specialty

(position)*(3) for which certification is carried out ______________________

9. Information about available qualification categories for other

specialties (positions)*(3) _______________________________________

10. Information about available academic degrees and academic titles*(4) _________


11. Information about available scientific works (printed)*(5) ________________


12. Information about existing inventions, innovation proposals,

patents*(6) _________________________________________________________________

13. Knowledge of a foreign language ___________________________________

14. Business address and work telephone number ___________________________________

15. Postal address for correspondence on certification issues with

certification commission ________________________________________________


16. Email(in the presence of): _________________________________

17. Characteristics of a specialist*(7): _________________________________



Signature of the manager and seal of the organization of which he is an employee


18. Conclusion of the certification commission:

Assign / Refuse to assign ________________ qualification(s)

(highest, first, second)

(name of specialty (position))

"___" ________ 20___ N ______*(8)

Executive Secretary

Expert group signature I.O. Last name


*(1) The level of existing education (secondary, higher, postgraduate or additional professional education), the topic of the advanced training course or professional retraining (for information about additional vocational education), name of the assigned specialty, number and date of issue of the education document, name of the organization that issued the education document.

*(2) The start and end dates of employment in the relevant position, the name of the employing organization, and its location are indicated.

*(3) The existing qualification category, the name of the specialty (position) for which it was assigned, and the date of its assignment are indicated.

*(4) Available academic degrees, academic titles and the dates of their conferment are indicated.

*(5) Only information about printed scientific works is indicated, including the name of the scientific work, date and place of publication.

*(6) The registration number and date of issue of the relevant certificates are indicated.

*(7) Includes information about the effectiveness of a specialist’s professional activities, his business and professional qualities (including an assessment of the level of responsibility, exactingness, existing skills, practical skills).

*(8) The details of the minutes of the meeting of the Expert Commission, at which the decision was made to assign a qualification category to the specialist, are indicated.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the project “Legal support for employees of medical organizations in the Russian Federation and monitoring current problems in the field of social and labor relations in the context of reforming the public health sector” using funds from a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society.

But in fact, the assignment of one category or another does not always directly correspond to the real level of qualifications of the doctor. Often, a higher category reflects the commission’s leniency towards your “long” medical experience or the presence of “necessary contacts”. A lower category may indicate conflict situation with the chief physician or about doubts about one’s competence and fear of the exam.

Ranking doctors by category, in my opinion, is typical only for free medicine. Where medical personnel receive a salary depending on the complexity and volume of work performed, where clear prices for examination and treatment are established, the doctor must only have a license confirming his admission and ability to provide the services offered.

However, modern culture, even in a society of "free medicine", is based on the principle of individual competition. Therefore, there have always been, are and will be doctors who have ambitions and strive for success (including defending a higher qualification category). A higher qualification category evokes a feeling of legitimate pride, promotes self-affirmation, increased respect/envy among colleagues and little material reward.

What is needed for category certification?

1. Have an idea of ​​the procedure for obtaining qualification categories.

To have an idea of ​​the procedure for obtaining qualification categories, read the file “Qualification Categories”.

For lovers of bureaucratic documents, here are the following:

Be sure to look through the polemical article by Professor N. Melyanchenko “Doctor qualifications - an economic category.” From the article you will find out why there are no qualification categories in foreign countries and what is the admission system.

From January 1, 2016, certification is canceled and accreditation of doctors is introduced. The next article by Professor N. Melyanchenko will give you the opportunity to prepare for competition in the world of admissions and licenses.

2. Meet the qualification requirements for your specialty.

Qualification requirements for doctors, they are described in detail, up to the indication of special literature, in the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 579 “ On approval of qualification characteristics of medical specialists» dated July 21, 1988 - read.

Qualification characteristics of specialists with average medical education disclosed in Appendix 4 to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 249 of August 19, 1997 - read.

Extremely important. so that the education received and the specialty (basic, primary and additional) do not contradict the nomenclature of specialties, and the specialty in which you are going to defend the category corresponds to the position of the specialist. Otherwise, problems will arise both with protection and with payment for the qualification category. You can familiarize yourself with the range of specialties in the subsection “Admission to activity”.

3. Undergo training to update existing theoretical and practical knowledge.

This is a mandatory requirement. Doctors who have not undergone advanced training in the certified specialty in state institutions are not allowed to undergo certification. educational institutions over the past five years. I advise you to immediately choose a certification cycle, so that after completing the training and successfully passing the exam, you will also receive a certificate.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated August 16, 1994 No. 170, when certifying for the highest, first and second certification categories, doctors and nurses of all specialties are required to undergo testing for HIV infection (see paragraph 1.8 in the order). The order is posted on the website and contains information (classification, diagnosis and treatment of HIV, dispensary registration) sufficient to prepare for certification for the category.

Options for postgraduate education are outlined in a separate file. The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 08/03/2012 66n was also posted there. regulating the procedure and timing of improvement.

The list of institutions where you can undergo advanced training is contained on the Russian Medical Universities page. Please note that some information cards include current schedule of training cycles. There is also a list of the required minimum things and documents that will be required for training.

4. View examples of completed certification work for doctors and nurses.

Completed certification works of doctors and nurses are posted on the website as an example and are not intended for copying or replication. The inability to independently comprehend the results of one's activities is a reflection of intellectual and professional wretchedness.

  • Examples of doctors' certification reports [go]
  • Examples of certification reports for nurses [go]

5. Write a certification paper.

It should be said that the vast majority of certification works of doctors are uninteresting. Because usually colleagues limit themselves to a simple listing of statistical facts. Sometimes, to add volume, statistics are diluted with inserts from textbooks. Some doctors actually engage in outright plagiarism: they go to the archives, take reports from other doctors for the past years and just change the numbers. I even saw attempts to hand in sheets copied on a Xerox machine. It is clear that such a “creative approach” only evokes contempt. Well, they are completely stupid and lazy medical workers they simply buy (for example, via the Internet) ready-made certification works.

  • What to write about in your certification report is described in the document “Approximate scheme and content of certification work”
  • You can find out what the certification work should look like from the file “Standards and requirements for the preparation of a certification report”

6. Submit the necessary documents to the certification commission.

The papers that must be submitted to the certification commission are contained in the List of Documents for Medical Certification.

List of orders for certification

The very first order that I know of is dated January 11, 1978. This was the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 40 “On the certification of medical specialists.”

Four years later, the USSR Ministry of Health issued order No. 1280 “On measures to further improve the certification of doctors.” The order provided for 2 types of certification: mandatory and voluntary (more details).

At the beginning of 1995, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 33 “On approval of the regulations on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation." This order left only one certification - voluntary.

In 2001, Order No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” was issued.

After 10 years, the old order was replaced by a new one - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories,” which is still in force.

File creation date: 05/09/2005

Document modified: 02/03/2013

Copyright Vanyukov D.A.

Certification Work of a Cardiologist for Category

The qualification category of a doctor should supposedly serve as a label dividing doctors by grade (level of qualification): second, first and highest. There is also a third grade - a doctor without a category. But in fact, the assignment of one category or another does not always directly correspond to the real level of qualifications of the doctor. Often, a higher category reflects the commission’s leniency towards your “long” medical experience or the presence of “necessary contacts”. A lower category may indicate a conflict situation with the chief physician or doubts about one’s competence and fear of the exam. Ranking doctors by category, in my opinion, is typical only for free medicine. Where medical personnel receive a salary depending on the complexity and volume of work performed, where clear prices for examination and treatment are established, the doctor must only have a license confirming his admission and ability to provide the services offered. However, modern culture, even in a society of "free medicine", is based on the principle of individual competition. Therefore, there have always been, are and will be doctors who have ambitions and strive for success (including defending a higher qualification category). A higher qualification category evokes a feeling of legitimate pride, promotes self-affirmation, increased respect/envy among colleagues and little material reward. 2. Meet the qualification requirements for your specialty. Qualification requirements for doctors are described in detail, including the indication of specialized literature, in the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 579 “On approval of the qualification characteristics of medical specialists” dated July 21, 1988 - read. The qualification characteristics of specialists with secondary medical education are disclosed in Appendix 4 to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 249 of August 19, 1997 - read. It is extremely important that the education received and the specialty (basic, basic and additional) do not contradict the nomenclature of specialties, and that the specialty in which you are going to defend the category corresponds to the position of the specialist. Otherwise, problems will arise both with protection and with payment for the qualification category. You can familiarize yourself with the range of specialties in the subsection “Admission to activity”. 3. Undergo training to update existing theoretical and practical knowledge. This is a mandatory requirement. Doctors who have not undergone advanced training in the certified specialty in state educational institutions over the past five years are not allowed to undergo certification. I advise you to immediately choose a certification cycle, so that after completing the training and successfully passing the exam, you will also receive a certificate. According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated August 16, 1994 No. 170, when certifying for the highest, first and second certification categories, doctors and nurses of all specialties are required to undergo testing for HIV infection (see paragraph 1.8 in the order). The order is posted on the website and contains information (classification, diagnosis and treatment of HIV, dispensary registration) sufficient to prepare for certification for the category. Options for postgraduate education are outlined in a separate file. Order 66n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 2012, regulating the procedure and timing of improvement, is also posted there. The list of institutions where you can undergo advanced training is contained on the Russian Medical Universities page. Please note that some information cards include the current schedule of study cycles. There is also a list of the required minimum things and documents that will be required for training. 4. View examples of completed certification work for doctors and nurses. Completed certification works of doctors and nurses are posted on the website as an example and are not intended for copying or replication. The inability to independently comprehend the results of one’s activities is a reflection of intellectual and professional wretchedness. 5. Write a certification paper. It should be said that the vast majority of certification works of doctors are uninteresting. Because usually colleagues limit themselves to a simple listing of statistical facts. Sometimes, to add volume, statistics are diluted with inserts from textbooks. Some doctors actually engage in outright plagiarism: they go to the archives, take reports from other doctors for the past years and just change the numbers. I even saw attempts to hand in sheets copied on a Xerox machine. It is clear that such a “creative approach” only evokes contempt. Well, completely stupid and lazy medical workers simply buy (for example, via the Internet) ready-made certification papers. The very first order that I know of is dated January 11, 1978. This was the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 40 “On the certification of medical specialists.” Four years later, the USSR Ministry of Health issued order No. 1280 “On measures to further improve the certification of doctors.” The order provided for 2 types of certification: mandatory and voluntary (more details. ). At the beginning of 1995, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 33 “On approval of the regulations on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation.” This order left only one certification - voluntary. In 2001, Order No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” was issued. After 10 years, the old order was replaced by a new one - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories,” which is still in effect today.

Certification of doctors for category

Ready-made certification works for doctors and nurses are posted on the website as an example and are not intended for use.

Aslikyan Yulia Failievna, second qualification category Cardiologist. Gorbunova Antonina Nikolaevna of heads of medical organizations based on the results of work in 2014 and plans for the near future.

Date of creation: 2002 Author: Kareva Tatyana Alekseevna Source: found on the Internet Information from the certification sheet 1. Last name, first name, patronymic: Kareva Tatyana Alekseevna. 2. Year of birth: 1959. 3. Educational information: graduated in 1983 full course Vladivostok State Medical Institute with a degree in general medicine. Diploma (series 3B No. 716760) issued on June 24, 1983. 4. Place of work: city diagnostic center of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, department of functional and ultrasound diagnostics. 5. Position held: functional diagnostics doctor. 6. Certified for the highest qualification category in the specialty of functional diagnostics 7. Work experience in the certified specialty: 12 years. 8. Information about postgraduate professional education: Year of study Place of study Name of the cycle, course of study Specialization 1990 regional hospital, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Functional diagnostics and echocardiography Thematic improvement 1991 GIDUV, Novokuznetsk Clinical electrocardiography Thematic improvement 1994 CIUV, Moscow Echocardiography Thematic improvement 1998 National Medical Center for the treatment of children with Cerebral palsy, Moscow Clinical electroneuromyography Thematic improvement 2000 FUV NGMA, Novosibirsk Ultrasound diagnostics Thematic improvement 2000 MAPO, St. Petersburg Functional diagnostics 9. Work after graduation: from 1983 to 1985 - intern in therapy at the city hospital in Yuzhno- Sakhalinsk from 1985 to 1987 - local therapist at polyclinic No. 1 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk from 1987 to 1990 - physiotherapist at the Gornyak sanatorium from 1990 to the present - doctor at the department of functional diagnostics 10. General medical experience: 19 years. eleven. Academic degree: I do not have. 12. Academic title: I do not have. 13. Qualification category for the certified specialty: 1st category. 14. Other specialties: Ultrasound diagnostics doctor. 15. Qualification category for other specialties: I have none. 16. Scientific works(printed): I don’t have. 17. Inventions, rational. proposals, patents: none. 18. Representation of the certified specialist by the head of the institution: Kareva Tatyana Alekseevna, born in 1959, has been working in the department of functional and ultrasound diagnostics of the City Diagnostic Center since 1990. She specialized in functional diagnostics and echocardiography at the regional hospital and began practical work. Subsequently, she underwent improvement in cycles of functional and ultrasound diagnostics on the basis of the Center for Internal Medicine in Moscow, the Faculty of Internal Medicine of the Medical Academy of Novosibirsk, and the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in St. Petersburg. During her work, she proved herself to be a qualified and proactive specialist, constantly improving her knowledge and practical skills. On enough high level masters all the basic methods of ultrasound diagnostics, for example, such as: echotomoscopy of the abdominal organs, ultrasound examination of the kidneys and pelvis, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, echocardiography. Mastered: Doppler examination of the heart, examination of the eyeballs and mammary glands, transvaginal ultrasound, vasography with Dopplerography, new programs for assessing speed indicators in the diagnosis of heart defects. Shows creative initiative in her work and has mastered working on a personal computer. Use statistical and research computer programs. She constantly analyzes her work, shows high responsibility in her work, enjoys authority and respect in the team, and has been repeatedly rewarded by the administration for her success in her work. He is one of the leading specialists in the department of ultrasound research methods in cardiology. He has a specialist certificate in the specialty “Functional Diagnostics” and “Ultrasound Diagnostics”. Constantly replaces the head of the department, Gubina S.V., during her vacation or study (during this time she coordinates the work of the department and visits to the city’s clinics). The administration of the City Diagnostic Center asks to certify Tatyana Alekseevna Kareva as a functional diagnostics doctor to the highest qualification category. “I approve” Chief physician of the city diagnostic center of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk S.A. Kondratiev Labor activity After graduating from the Vladivostok State Medical Institute in 1983, she was assigned to the Sakhalin City Health Department. From 1983 to 1985 she completed an internship in therapy at the city hospital in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Upon completion of the internship, she was sent to work at polyclinic No. 1 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk as a local therapist; in 1987 she worked as a physiotherapist in the neurological sanatorium “Gornyak” in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where she worked until April 1990. In the same year, I was invited to work at the city diagnostic center in the department of functional diagnostics and ultrasound, where I still work. In 1990, she specialized in functional diagnostics at the regional hospital. In 1991, she underwent advanced training on the basis of the State Medical University of Internal Medicine in Novokuznetsk on the topic “Clinical electrocardiography”, and in 1994 she underwent advanced training in “clinical echocardiography” on the basis of the Center for Doctors of Moscow, in 1998 she specialized in the Russian Scientific and Methodological Center rehabilitation treatment children with cerebral palsy of the Russian Ministry of Health in order to master clinical electromyography. In April 2000, I attended advanced training at the two-month cycle “Functional Diagnostics” at the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education, and in October of the same year, I attended advanced training at the visiting cycle of the Novosibirsk medical academy on the topic “Ultrasound diagnostics”. I have certificates as a specialist in functional diagnostics and ultrasound diagnostics. During my work, I mastered the following techniques: Consultative and Diagnostic Department (CDD), which receives specialists in 16 specialties: allergology, otolaryngology, gynecology, cardiology, nephrology, neurology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, psychotherapy, rheumatology, dentistry, therapy, surgery, endocrinology, acupuncture. Therapeutic areas are part of the KDO. The contingent of three therapeutic areas consists of disabled people Patriotic War, disabled veterans of the Patriotic War, internationalist soldiers, concentration camp prisoners and members of their families. These therapeutic areas were organized by decision of the city executive committee and the regional health department in 1988. The total number of people served is 2014 people. In connection with the work under the current economic mechanism, two therapeutic sites have been created under contracts with industrial enterprises. Number of employees: 1016 people. Auxiliary diagnostic services: clinical and biochemical laboratory, department of functional and ultrasound diagnostics, x-ray room, endoscopy room, physiotherapy department. Inpatient departments consist of a therapeutic inpatient department with 71 beds (round-the-clock and daytime) and a neurological day hospital with 30 beds. There are only 59 medical positions in the GDC, of ​​which 59 are occupied, individuals- 40 (67.8%) The main objectives of the City Diagnostic Center are: providing patients assigned to medical institutions of the adult population of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with qualified medical advisory assistance for main and narrow profiles; carrying out the necessary laboratory and instrumental diagnostic studies using modern examination methods; providing therapeutic and diagnostic inpatient care to the assigned patient population; determination of recommendations for further treatment of patients in outpatient and inpatient settings. general characteristics departments The department of ultrasound and functional diagnostics of the city diagnostic center was founded on the basis of the functional diagnostics office in September 1988. The office was additionally equipped with equipment, additional work areas and rates were allocated, and work was reorganized in accordance with the new purpose of the department. The department is one of the structural units of the city diagnostic center. In accordance with the tasks of the city diagnostic center, the department of functional diagnostics and ultrasound performs functional diagnostic methods of research and ultrasound in the directions of the center’s specialists and specialists from medical institutions of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The department is equipped in accordance with modern technical equipment and safety requirements, has an area of ​​124 square meters, on which there are 6 offices: for conducting research. The arrangement of the equipment is rational in order to maximize throughput and ease of use. Workstations are equipped with all the attributes necessary for work: chart bars, tables, tools, computer installations. A local departmental computer network has been created, which is part of the hospital-wide computer network. There is an archive of analogue recordings for comparison of studies with previous recordings in order to improve diagnosis. There is a library of specialized literature containing more than 200 books on all sections of functional diagnostics and related specialties. All necessary documentation is maintained: registration of research, journals for archiving, department maintenance logs, reports, orders, methodological manuals. The staffing level was: doctors - 60%, nurses - 55%. The load on unoccupied rates is carried out by department employees in accordance with an agreement with the administration on work under collective contract conditions. Characteristics of personnel All employees have more than 5 years of experience in their specialty. Of the five doctors, four have the qualification category: the head of the department is Gubina S.V. - highest category in functional diagnostics and ultrasound diagnostics; Kareva T.A. - first category in functional diagnostics; Panova G.N. and Semenova I.Yu. - first category in ultrasound diagnostics. Of the five nurses, two have highest category(head nurse of the department Tomiltseva N.D. and nurse Kareva E.Yu.), one nurse has the first category - Vasilyeva L.V. The work of nurse Markovets I.N. was submitted for certification. Thus, in the department, 80% of doctors and nurses have qualification categories. All certified doctors and nurses have certificates in functional diagnostics. In addition to studies at central and local bases, studies are constantly carried out in the department in the form of analysis of complex and interesting cases, holding departmental, hospital-wide and city conferences. Ultrasound work is associated with hazardous conditions; all employees undergo annual preventive examinations. Organization of the department's work The department of functional diagnostics and ultrasound conducts research for city clinics, the villages of Sinegorsk, Novo-Alexandrovsk, Lugovoy, and departments of the city diagnostic center. From 80 to 100 studies are carried out per day. The planned load on ultrasound is calculated based on official rates in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 123 dated 08/02/1991. For 5 ultrasound rates, 40 coupons are planned daily, of which:

The volume of the report for the highest category is 30-35 sheets; for the first and second categories, the text of the certification work must be numbered. Page numbers.

Opening hours of the clinic (make an appointment online) · "Black list" · GP Center "On Oktyabrskaya" · GP Center p. Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs - Natalya Bashkina First qualification category. Head department - Zobnina Lyudmila Radievna. Cardiologist.

Certification work in therapy (polyclinic) to the highest category, reflecting the work of a shop therapist for 3 years. The work on the Section: Medical disciplines → Cardiology was analyzed. 28 slides.

Work schedule 08:30 – 17:00, break for Work schedule 08:00 – 16:30, the highest qualification category for the qualification “cardiologist”.

Certification work of a functional diagnostics doctor. Qualification category for the certified specialty: 1st category. 14. Others in the department on ultrasound techniques in cardiology.

Certification work of a functional diagnostics doctor

Created 02 Mar 2015

3rd Department of Cardiology

The 3rd cardiology department of the Pokrovskaya Hospital is a division of the City Antiarrhythmic Center (GAAC). The scientific and methodological management of the department is carried out by the Department of Cardiology of the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, the head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergey Anatolyevich Sayganov.

Major diseases

  • heart rhythm and conduction disturbances,
  • severe hypertensive crisis, other complications of hypertension,
  • heart failure with acute coronary syndrome.


The department is equipped with modern medical equipment: cardiac monitors, defibrillators, ventilators, syringe and volumetric pumps, cardiographs, and pacemakers are used. The department includes a ward intensive care and resuscitation. equipped with all necessary modern equipment. Experienced cardiologists-resuscitators provide round-the-clock monitoring and assistance to patients of the department


As the department developed, it became richer modern methods diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and blockades. According to indications, patients are given:

  • ECG monitor registration,
  • esophageal ECG recording,
  • His bundle electrogram (EPG or NBE),
  • diagnostic, therapeutic, endocardial, transesophageal cardiac stimulation,
  • angiographic examination,
  • esophageal echocardiography.

The department employs cardiologists and arrhythmologists.

Medical staff

The head of the department is Regina Aronovna Uzilevskaya, work experience of more than 45 years, a doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of Russia. Author of 18 published works.

The department employs:

  • Cardiologist Elena Mikhailovna Shalaeva, work experience of more than 30 years, doctor of the highest category, completed clinical residency in cardiology. Author of 5 published works
  • Cardiologist Tatyana Olegovna Khmelnitskaya, work experience of more than 30 years, doctor of the highest category, completed clinical residency in cardiology. Author of 11 published works.
  • Cardiologist Irina Alekseevna Klimovich, completed clinical residency in cardiology.

Doctors of the intensive care unit:

  • Vishnevsky Alexander Yurievich – doctor of the highest category,
  • Kharchenko Andrey Yurievich – doctor of the highest category,
  • Terskikh Mikhail Mikhailovich – cardiologist,
  • Kositsyn Dmitry Vladimirovich – cardiologist;
  • Molotkova Elena Nikolaevna – cardiologist;
  • Zykov Vladislav Anatolyevich – cardiologist.


The department has existed as part of the GAAC since 1978. The structure of the department is constantly being improved and currently includes 70 beds and an intensive care unit with 6 beds. The department annually receives care to about 1,500 patients, mainly suffering from cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, severe hypertensive crisis, and heart failure with acute coronary syndrome.

Scientific work

The department is the basis for conducting international multicenter clinical trials for both inpatients and outpatients. Scientific work allows the medical staff of the department to be aware of the latest techniques developed for use in the diagnostic and treatment process of cardiology patients, and to use them in practice.

Paid services

All doctors of the department participate in the provision of paid medical services and consult cardiac patients. The department has comfortable single and double rooms