Original publication - http://russos.livejournal.com/1125097.html, author - Alexander Popov aka Russos

Every time I get to an interesting and large-scale production, I am ready to stay there for days, taking interesting shots, delving into the intricacies of production and technology. This is incredibly exciting...

So, after a short introduction - Tver Carriage Works. The largest enterprise in Russia and the CIS for the production of various types of passenger cars and components for them. The main supplier of cars for JSC Russian Railways (and its subsidiary - JSC FPK). The enterprise is part of Transmashholding. The existing production areas and technological capacities allow simultaneous work on the production of several models of passenger cars, as well as various types of freight cars and special-purpose cars (they weren’t allowed to film in one workshop, they said that something was being assembled there). that's secret).

1. The plant was founded in 1898 by the French-Belgian joint-stock company “Dil and Bacalan” under the name “Verkhnevolzhsky Plant of Railway Materials”. In 1915, it was renamed the Tver Russian-Baltic Carriage Works, and after nationalization (in 1918) - the Tver Carriage Works. In the period from 1931 to the 1990s it was called the Kalinin Carriage Works.

2. From the first years of the 20th century, the era of passenger carriage construction began at the plant. In Tver, four-axle sleeping cars are produced for the joint-stock company “International Society of Sleeping Cars and High-Speed ​​European Trains,” as well as passenger cars of all four classes, double-decker cars, service cars with salons and sleeping compartments, and passenger cars for countries with hot climates. An archival photograph shows a double-decker carriage created at TVZ in 1905

3. The plant has a huge area in Tver, and in fact it is the only large operating enterprise in this city. On the territory you can see buildings of various eras and types. For example, in the photo you see the oldest building - a wooden frame of the water tower of the local boiler house. It has been standing since the 19th century.
4. But we start our tour from the woodworking workshop. Now, in a modern carriage, very little wood is used, but previously almost the entire carriage was made of wood. The wood, or rather the wood board that is currently used, is impregnated with special compounds to prevent combustion and rotting. Alas, this did not happen right away and several large fires, and then tests showed that the old cars burned out in just a few minutes. But that's how it was. Now the fire safety rules are draconian and the manufacturer is obliged to follow them. Well, the equipment today is not what it used to be, just look at this CNC machine. Replaces more than 8 classic woodworking machines. Parts of any configuration are processed in a matter of minutes, the accuracy is the highest, which accordingly affects the accuracy and speed of assembly of finished cars.
5. Now almost all the internal filling of the car is produced in this workshop. Along with plywood board and fire-resistant wood, plastic, aluminum profiles and other modern materials are used as materials. But the name was kept historical.
6. For example, if I'm not mistaken, these are plastic facing internal panels. They will be installed inside the car on the side walls on top of the double-glazed windows.
7. A worker glues rubber seals to compartment doors with superglue. It’s about half past 12 in the morning, and he’s already used up so many tubes of glue.
8. The plant has carried out and is modernizing its machine park. The company has a huge number of modern CNC machines. And this picture with the remote control immediately reminded me of this.
9. The machine simultaneously saws four metal profiles, which will later become part of the internal equipment of the car.
10. Now let’s go through and see how the metal parts of the future carriage are made. For example, this part was produced on a press. The bending accuracy is clearly controlled by an inclinometer.
11. This is a sheet of metal after plasma cutting. There are three such installations at the plant. There are 14 more laser complexes for cutting sheet metal. In the foreground: the sides of the cart frames were cut out here. Then there are some other little things. The remaining sheets after cutting will be sent for melting. And back to work. In general, the plant treats metal waste very carefully, and everything goes back to work.
12. Stamping machines. Some small fittings and parts, when the quantity used is large, are not profitable to make using new technologies (expensive and less productive), so they use such a machine park. And next to it stands an old press from very shaggy years. But in absolutely working condition. They decided to keep it in production as a working monument. A kind of “player coach”.
13. Parts are painted with powder paints on an automatic line, but with mandatory visual control and touch-up of complex surfaces with manual sprayers.
14. According to a representative of the plant, even in not the most successful years, great importance was paid to labor protection and the tools and materials used in work. Honestly, it was hard to believe right away, but what I saw in the workshops confirms this.
15. Now it's time to make the frames for the undercarriages. First, the prepared sheets of metal are joined in special devices and secured by welding.
16. Next, the automatic robot welder comes into play. It was with these machines that the global modernization of welding equipment began many years ago. Hard-to-reach places are boiled manually.
17. Almost finished cart frame. Since the quality of the trolley and wheel sets is the safety of passengers, the quality requirements are the highest. Moreover, the part is marked with the personal mark of everyone who worked with it. And who checked and controlled. All this data is then stored throughout the operation of the trolley and wheel sets.
18. In the foreground is a stack of bogie frames for the subway car 81-760/761 “Oka”. TVZ makes them for Metrowagonmash.
19. A very smart trolley frame finishing machine. Special sensors check the overall dimensions and axles. New coordinates are measured from these axes, holes are drilled, and edges are processed. Those. if, for example, the bracket was welded with an offset of a couple of millimeters, then the machine will recognize this and a hole in the bracket will be drilled regardless of this in the right place.
20. Now production of wheelsets. The axle itself is turned on site; for railway wheels, which come to TVZ from various factories, including the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant, the mounting hole (wheel hub) is bored.
21. Attaching the wheel to the axle. There is a hot and cold nozzle method. Cold is used here. The inner diameter of the hole in the wheel is slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the axle. And the wheel is pressed onto the axle with a given force. The process is recorded by a special control device with a graphical recording of the pressing diagram.
22. Finished wheelsets are sent for bogie assembly.
23. A finished bogie of a new design for a passenger car with disc brakes.
24. And this is the old, familiar trolley design. It is now produced at a neighboring enterprise in Tver.
25. Press for hot forging. It produces parts using special stamps complex shape from billets preheated in gas ovens until red hot. 26. Now let’s go to the foundry. In this nondescript photo you see a literal technical revolution in the foundry business. If you need to cast a simple part without cavities inside, then it’s all simple. But what if the part is complex and there are cavities and channels inside? There are two options. In the first case, a wax internal model is placed inside the flask. She gives internal structure and when pouring metal, it melts and flows out. But you can do simple things this way. What if it’s complicated? Then the internal cavities are formed using sand models. Previously, they were compacted by hand, and one person could do about a dozen per day, since the work is very painstaking, requires high precision and everything is done by hand. Now sand models are made by machine. The result of her work is in the photo. Every minute and a half, two sand models pop up. And then, after the part hardens, the sand of the model is destroyed on the vibration stand and spills out of the part.
27. The lower part of the flask with the installed sand model.
28. Issuance of cast iron.
29. The ladle is quite small, since a certain temperature of the metal is required to ensure the quality of the casting - a large amount of metal cannot be poured into the flask, the cooling time is limited
30. They manage to fill several flasks and go back to dispensing cast iron.
31. Finished foundry parts and surface treatment.
32. Now let's go look at the body assembly. First, the car frame is welded on special slipways. Undercarriage equipment is installed and communications are laid.
33. In parallel with the assembly of body frames, car sidewalls are manufactured on a special line. The assembly and welding process is as automated as possible and is carried out with minimal human intervention.
34. The roof sheathing is first welded flat, then turned over and given a semicircular shape on a special stand. The arches are welded and the roof takes on shape and rigidity.
35. Finally, all parts of the body (frame, sides, end walls and roof) are connected together into a finished product - the basis of the future carriage.
36. First, all incoming components and parts are tacked.
37. Next, all horizontal external joints are welded using automatic installations. But the rest - by hand.
38. That's it, the carriage is almost ready. At least its frame. As you can see, even a heater (or rather, a boiler) is already installed here.
39. The car after applying the thermal insulation coating and flooring. .::clickable::.40. Next comes essentially the usual assembly of a huge number of components and testing them. The photo shows the installation of a water supply system. The master is preparing a water disinfection system for installation.
41. Assembly is carried out at positions - only certain actions are performed at each. Then the car moves to the next position. They come here already painted.
42. The car after installing almost all internal systems. Now it’s time to install partitions and mount what the passenger will ultimately see. .::clickable::.43. The plant is the main supplier of passenger cars for the subsidiary of Russian Railways - the Federal Passenger Company. But the company's product range is very extensive. .::clickable::.44. New carriages with seats are now included in permanent trains, including branded ones.
45. The full production cycle of a wagon takes about 70 days. For a double-decker carriage this figure is about 100 days. This is the period from the manufacture of the first part to the finished car. On average, a car spends 12 days in the car assembly shop directly assembling the finished product.
46. ​​The main (left) line is occupied by serial cars for Russian Railways. On the middle one this time there were staff and dining cars. A right line occupy other projects. At the time of filming, these were sleeping cars for international traffic (RIC size) - a joint project of TVZ and Siemens. .::clickable::.47. And carriages for railways Kazakhstan.
48. Since 2008, 2,800 different cars have been supplied for the needs of Russian Railways. These new cars are used as a priority for the formation and renewal of branded and fast trains. .::clickable::.49. I won’t show you an ordinary compartment carriage, as there are already a lot of photographs. But the presence of an outlet in the compartment is very pleasing.
50. And this is a lift for the disabled in the staff car.
51. There is a special compartment and toilet for them only in this carriage. Look how the passage has been widened so that the stroller can pass through.
52. Now all bodies are made of stainless steel. The last production car made of ordinary carbon steel is on display at the plant's exhibition site. Occasionally, if the customer wishes, the plant fulfills orders for cars using old technology. But for the customer this is a double-edged sword. The difference in the price of a car with a stainless steel body and a regular one is less than a million rubles. And the service life of a stainless steel car is 40 years versus 28. By the way, I learned a secret at the plant that had been bothering me for a long time. You see the inscription “mileage - 450” on the end of the car. This means that an additional metal layer of increased strength is deposited on the surface of the automatic coupler and buffers, which ensures that the cars can run for at least 450 thousand km without replacing these wearing parts.
53. Double-decker car developed at the initiative of Russian Railways. So much has already been written about him that I won’t go into detail. The photo shows the first prototype, a prototype on which the plant tested and mastered the design and technology of this innovative product. To the credit of the plant, it must be said that this prototype was manufactured in just 8 months from the start of design - from the first line on the drawing. Few competitors, even world market capable of putting a completely new product into production in such a short time.
54. The first metro car produced at the plant. At first, “Oka” was assembled in Mytishchi, then part of the order was sent to Tver. It was done. Now at TVZ they only make frames for metro trolleys.
55. Sleeping cars of RIC size for international traffic - a joint project of TVZ and Siemens commissioned by Russian Railways. Pay attention to the wide surfaces of the end accordions.
56. Let’s take a closer look at this carriage. Coupe - in general, everything is familiar.
57. And this is how the door from the compartment opens. It's surprising that it's mirrored from the inside, but open form she is blocking the passage. Not a very successful design solution, in my opinion, although the design was developed by one of the grandees of the world carriage building - the Siemens company.
58. Each carriage has a shower.
59. And the washbasin under the table. But there is no opener under it. :)
60. Panorama of the plant. Motor transport workshop and railway lines with finished products. Behind the scenes were paint shops, a climate testing station, a central factory laboratory and much more. But there are already a lot of photographs. And by 2030, Russian Railways will purchase 16.5 thousand cars for 774.5 billion rubles, of which 2 thousand in the next three years. .::clickable::.Many thanks to the press service of the Tver Carriage Works and all its employees for their patience and help in preparing the material!

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Development and economic justification of measures to improve the efficiency of the OJSC transport department "Tver Carriage Works"


mechanical engineering gaseous fuel innovative

Road transport in Russia is one of the largest environmental polluters, which annually emits about 15 million tons of harmful substances, which is 40% of total industrial emissions into the atmosphere, and almost 40 million tons of pollutants enter water bodies with wastewater. IN big cities they reach 90% and pose a serious environmental threat to public health. Environmental pollution and vehicle toxicity has reached critical levels. A real solution this issue is the use of alternative motor fuel. Converting cars to compressed natural gas as a motor fuel is a very promising solution in market conditions and fluctuating energy prices. This idea is already being implemented in many countries, although not at the same pace. Russia has huge reserves natural gas, however, its use in the transport industry is difficult for certain reasons: poor awareness of the management of organizations, lack of concern for the state of the environment, insufficient knowledge of strategic planning tools for the activities of business entities, underestimation of the benefits of switching road transport to alternative fuels, lack of legislative framework regulating and promoting the use of alternative types of motor fuel, etc.

Despite the fact that in our country there is real opportunity Nowadays, the choice is not only between gasoline and diesel engines, but also between compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and even ethanol. The Russian Federation has fairly favorable conditions for the gasification of transport and other means, primarily through the use of natural gas. However, the use of alternative types of motor fuel in Russia remains insignificant and the effect of their use on the scale of the state economy is hardly noticeable.

The relevance of the issue of transferring vehicles to alternative types of motor fuel, as well as the inevitability of this process, in last years is high due to the fact that, firstly, oil reserves are limited, so in the near future a situation will arise when oil production volumes will not satisfy the growing demand for petroleum products; secondly, the rise in price of petroleum motor fuel, due to rising oil prices, will continue and may reach a critical value. The above aspects determined the relevance of the chosen research topic.

Target course work- development of measures to improve the efficiency of the transport department of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC based on the analysis.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were identified and solved:

1) characteristics of alternative types of motor fuel;

2) review of innovative technologies and equipment in the field of using gas as a motor fuel;

3) study of the socio-economic aspects of the use of gas motor fuel;

3) characteristics of Tver Carriage Works OJSC;

4) analysis of the main results of the activities of Tver Carriage Works OJSC for 2010-2011;

5) assessment of the work of the transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC;

6) development of a translation project trucks transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC for gas-forming mixtures;

7) economic justification for design decisions.

Object of study is the transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC.

Subject research is the process of converting trucks to gas engine fuel.

1 . Characteristics of the processes of converting vehicles to alternative fuels at the service production of a large engineering plant

1.1 Peculiarities of organizing the activities of the mashinostr enterpriseOindustry

Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of the entire industry, its “core”. Products of mechanical engineering enterprises play decisive role in implementing the achievements of scientific and technological progress in all areas of the economy. Modern mechanical engineering is represented by mechanical engineering and metalworking itself, which includes several dozen industries and sub-sectors. The most complex structure of mechanical engineering is. It includes such important industries as power engineering, electrical engineering, machine tool and tool industries, instrument making, a number of individual industries that produce equipment for the mining and manufacturing industries, construction, transport engineering, the automotive industry, tractor and agricultural engineering, etc.

The range of mechanical engineering products is extremely large, which not only determines the deep differentiation of its industries, but also has a strong impact on the location of production of certain types of products. Moreover, even with one intended purpose of manufactured products, the dimensions, composition, technological processes, shape public organization production at enterprises in such industries is very different.

Medium-scale mechanical engineering unites enterprises with low metal consumption, but high energy and labor intensity. The main technological processes in medium-sized mechanical engineering are the mechanical processing of parts, their assembly on conveyors into units, assemblies and finished machines. This industry consumes a large variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, rubber, and glass. Medium-sized engineering enterprises are the most numerous, highly specialized, and have extensive cooperative connections. Their products are massive and large-scale, it includes the production of cars and aircraft, tractors, combines, engines for them, medium and small metal-cutting machines and forging machines, pumps and compressors, machines and various technological equipment for the light, food, and printing industries.

Medium mechanical engineering is located in different areas, including:

a) automotive industry:

Production of heavy-duty trucks in the cities of Moscow and Naberezhnye Chelny;

Production of medium and light-duty trucks in the cities of Nizhny Novgorod, Bryansk, Miass, Ulyanovsk;

Production of passenger cars in the cities of Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Tolyatti, Izhevsk, Serpukhov;

b) machine tool industry is located in areas with developed mechanical engineering, where there are research and development centers (Moscow, St. Petersburg);

c) tractor manufacturing is focused on areas of consumption and partly on raw material bases (Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Vladimir, St. Petersburg, etc.).

Today, many Russian machine-building enterprises are faced with many problems. These include the role of senior management of companies and their relationship with auctioneers; acute shortage of working capital; outdated range of products; lack of information about new and potential sales markets; lack of development of the company’s marketing strategy, etc. One of the major problems is inefficiency organizational structure companies that are poorly suited to work in market conditions.

1.2 Innovative technologies and equipment in the field of using gas as a motor fuel

Advanced developments in the field of gas use in transport will be demonstrated by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Currently, there are over 9.5 million gas-powered vehicles in use in the world, and there are more than 14.5 thousand gas filling stations. Russia ranks only 12th in the world in terms of the number of gas-cylinder vehicles (GV) fleet, although the use of gas fuel ensures: a reduction in emissions of CO and CH compounds into the atmosphere by 2-6 times; noise reduction; reducing the cost of fuel and oil changes by 2 or more times; increase in engine life by 1.5-2 times.

Russia is the world's largest gas power, accounting for almost 40% of proven natural gas reserves, and its road transport remains 98% dependent on oil. The noticeable growth of the vehicle fleet in Russia has led to a significant increase in air pollution with harmful substances. In most cities in our country with a population of more than 250 thousand inhabitants, vehicle exhaust gases account for over 60% of the total volume of harmful emissions, and in the main industrial centers this figure reaches 70 percent or more. This has a negative impact on the health of city residents, pushing automakers and transport workers to use more environmentally friendly fuels.

Currently, in Russia, the annual consumption of various types of gasoline is over 13 million tons and diesel fuel - more than 45 million tons. As a result of their combustion in vehicle engines, 11.8 million tons of harmful substances are released into the atmosphere.

Reduce harmful effects on environment domestically produced vehicles can be achieved, for example, by improving motor fuels and improving engine construction. This path is long and expensive. The shortest and effective solution A radical improvement in the environmental situation is the transfer of automobile transport to gas motor fuel, which will reduce emissions of carbon oxides into the atmosphere by 3-4 times, nitrogen oxides by 15-20%, and reduce the smoke emissions of diesel engines by 8-10 times.

An analysis of gas-cylinder equipment and gas-fuel equipment shows that these devices have gone through several stages in their development. First-generation systems (first level of complexity) of the ejection type with external mixture formation for spark-ignition engines and for engines converted to operate in the gas-diesel and gas cycles have become quite widespread. They are mechanical, operate on the principle of a basic carburetor, and have many disadvantages and limitations from the point of view of ensuring optimal mixture composition and, especially, compliance with environmental standards. The presence of electromechanical elements in these devices makes it possible to only partially increase mixture formation and achieve improved power and environmental performance in certain modes. First-generation systems are still used on a significant number of carburetor engines in cars and trucks. Their electronic elements do not affect the formation of the working mixture and do not participate in the organization of the engine’s operating process. Ejection systems are not able to meet modern requirements regarding harmful substances in exhaust gases.

Partially, the disadvantages inherent in these devices are solved by systems of the second level of complexity. Their main distinctive feature is the presence of a simple electronic control unit that performs the functions of monitoring the state of engine operation (lambda sensor, throttle position sensor, engine crankshaft speed sensor) and regulating the amount of gas supplied. The remaining elements of the gas supply system are the same as in the first generation systems - a cylinder, a reducer, and valve equipment. The amount of gas supplied to the mixer is regulated by an electronic gas dispenser controlled by signals from the electronic unit. A tester or computer can be used for adjustment and configuration. In this case, you can set the sensor type, adjust the idle speed, the sensitivity of the electronic dispenser, and the algorithm for switching to gas (automatic).

Third-generation systems designed for injection vehicles use a more advanced gas supply control algorithm, distributed injection through open injectors or phased injection through electromagnetic injectors with adjustable opening time. To form a gas supply algorithm, the readings of standard sensors of the injection power system are used; signals from standard sensors must be disconnected from the fuel system and sent to the gas power system controller. Gasoline injectors are also turned off. Such devices make it possible to form a gas supply with a high degree of accuracy and direct it directly into the inlet pipe of each cylinder. The systems are difficult to install, but provide high power and environmental performance.

Fourth-generation systems are practically free of the disadvantages inherent in third-generation systems; they can be easily integrated into modern injection engines without disturbing the operation of the controller; in gas mode, a signal supplied to the injectors is used. The change in the opening value of the gasoline injector at each time during the working process is modified at the required opening time of the gas injector according to the speed, temperature, signals from the gas system sensors and the required load. The ignition system control algorithms remain the same as for gasoline and do not take into account the characteristic operating features of gaseous fuels. Recent trends in the development of fourth-generation systems have resulted in the development of more advanced nozzles, combined into a single block (ramp) and supplying gas through a hose and nozzle. After the reducer, a filter is installed in front of the gas train.

The high-pressure gas injection system into the engine cylinders or into the intake valve area can also be classified as fourth-generation systems. For creating high pressure and to ensure a stabilized supply, a high-pressure pump is used, installed in a cylinder in systems operating on propane-butane. Gas under excess pressure is constantly pumped through the gas injector ramp, thereby eliminating the formation of vapor locks. The engine operates on gas even with a slight increase in power; cooling of the intake air (during the expansion of compressed gas or evaporation of propane-butane supplied in the liquid phase) creates a supercharging effect. Gas injection under pressure requires more accurate cyclic supply of gas fuel, higher requirements for the composition of gas fuel in terms of purity, condensate and the presence of foreign impurities. Systems that supply gas directly to the engine cylinders at the end of the compression stroke make it possible to achieve even higher power and environmental performance.

2 . Analysis of JSC activities"Tver Carriage Works" and assessment of the work of its transport workshop

2.1 Characteristicsenterprises

OJSC "Tver Carriage Works" is a high-tech production focused on mass release various types of locomotive-hauled passenger cars and components for them. The existing production facilities allow us to simultaneously carry out work on the production of several models of passenger cars: sleeping compartments and with seats, non-compartment (reserved seats) and open type with seats, as well as various types of freight cars and special-purpose cars.

Currently, the Tver Carriage Works is the main supplier of locomotive-hauled passenger cars for Russian railways. In the domestic car building market, the share of cars built by JSC TVZ exceeds 90%. The total area occupied by the enterprise is 93 hectares.

The plant consists of 10 main workshops and 8 auxiliary production workshops, as well as 3 subsidiaries (related to the main technological cycle): Forging and Press Production OJSC, Vagonkomplekt CJSC and PTNP LLC.

One of the undeniable advantages that the Tver Carriage Works received thanks to the massive modernization carried out since 2003 was high mobility and flexibility of production. This is confirmed, in particular, by the development and launch into mass production in 2011 of new escort cars for special-purpose trains: less than six months passed from receiving the technical specifications to the start of mass production. The high mobility of production is also evidenced by the pace of development by the Tver Carriage Works of a new direction for the enterprise - the creation of metro cars, which is carried out jointly with the Metrovagonmash plant, which, like OJSC TVZ, is part of CJSC Transshmashholding.

On August 25, 1898, a carriage building plant began operating in Tver, the entire history of which is inextricably linked with the origins of domestic carriage building and the history of the development of Russian railways.

In 1939, by a decision of the USSR Government, the production specialization of the plant was defined as “passenger car building”.

Since July 1941, the plant began producing military products: artillery shells, mortars, aerial bombs, and ambulances. In parallel with this, equipment for car building was being dismantled and prepared for evacuation to eastern regions countries.

They returned to passenger carriage building at the Kalinin Carriage Plant in 1950. Without stopping the production of freight cars, the car assembly, frame-body and bogie shops were redeveloped, the galvanic section and the fittings shop were re-created, and woodworking production increased several times.

The accumulated experience allowed in 1972-73. build the Russian Troika express train (RT-200), which during testing reached speeds of up to 250 km/h. This was a real breakthrough in carriage building.

In the early 90s, the Tver Carriage Works, which had been building non-compartment cars for many years in a row, mastered the production of cars with 4-seater compartments. The problem of import substitution of compartment cars, previously produced in Germany, has been solved. In the spring of 1993, a presentation of a luxury compartment car model 61-820 with improved technical characteristics and design. Its serial production began in 1994.

Established on May 21, 1993 Joint-Stock Company open type "Tver Carriage Works", to which all major production assets enterprises. The plant continued to produce various types of passenger cars: compartment and reserved seat cars, staff and SV, open type and with seats, mail and luggage cars, freight cars and special purpose cars, as well as bogies for passenger cars and for trailed cars of electric trains, wheelsets with axle boxes for bogies of passenger and freight cars; cast iron.

In 1998, on the eve of the plant's 100th anniversary, a new generation car, model 61-4170, was manufactured, designed for use at speeds of 200 km/h. In the production of this car model, the most modern technologies were used, which made it possible to implement the most promising and daring design developments. From cars of this series, such trains as Nevsky Express (2001), Burevestnik (2004), and Red Arrow (2005) were manufactured and formed.

Main volume technical re-equipment JSC TVZ, as part of the development of the production of passenger cars of a new model range, took place in the period from 2003 to 2008. The project was implemented in three stages, each of which involved the creation of independent production facilities for the production of promising designs of a new car: a cradled-type undercar bogie with a disc brake system, car interior products using modern structural materials, and extended-length bodies made of stainless steel.

Procurement production has been completely transformed. Traditional stamping has been replaced by modern, highly efficient technology for thermal separation of metals. To obtain high-precision parts, unique three-point bending is used, as well as automated longitudinal-transverse cutting of rolled thin-sheet metal and the production of corrugated sheets and bent profiles by cold rolling of metal from a coil.

Laser complexes from BYSTRONIC (Switzerland), plasma cutting machines from MESSER (Germany) and IGM (Austria), hydraulic press brakes from HAMMERLE and BYSTRONIC (Switzerland), EHT (Germany), coordinate-punching press "TRUMPF" (Germany) made it possible to radically change the ideology of procurement production, providing high productivity, flexibility of the technological process and reduction of preparation time for the production of new types of products. Currently, the plant operates 14 laser complexes, two of which (KS-3 Navigator) are Russian-made using fiber-optic ytterbium lasers.

Simultaneously with the implementation of measures to put a new model range of cars into production, work was carried out to increase the production capacity of the plant. If in 2003 the production capacity of JSC TVZ was 625 cars, then as a result of the work done, by 2009 the plant's capacity increased to 1,200 passenger cars per year. The increase in production space for the period from 2003 to 2009 amounted to about 3000 m 2 (1.5%), while the plant's production capacity almost doubled.

Great attention is paid to improving the production system, optimizing production and reducing costs. In April 2010, the Tver Carriage Works became one of the first enterprises of Transmashholding CJSC, which began to implement the new production system “Lean Production” and has already achieved significant results in this. Thanks to its implementation, it was possible to improve product quality by 19%, increase labor productivity by 14%, reduce inventories in warehouses by 44% and reduce production space by 14%. According to the results of the third audit conducted by experts from JSC Transmashholding and the Alstom transport company in the fall of 2011, the Tver Carriage Works took first place among all enterprises of JSC TMH in terms of the dynamics and effectiveness of the implementation of the new production system. The work carried out at the plant was appreciated by the strategic partners of the enterprise - JSC Russian Railways and the Alstom transport company. According to the results of the next audit, which was carried out in April 2012, the Tver Carriage Works confirmed its leading position, taking first place among the holding’s enterprises in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing tools.

Currently, specialists from the Tver Carriage Works continue to study and master the experience of leading European car-building enterprises. The result of this work will be a program for the development of car building technology in order to achieve European requirements to cars and maximum satisfaction of the needs of the main customers - JSC Russian Railways and JSC FPC - for high-quality, comfortable, reliable and inexpensive rolling stock.

A separate range of OJSC products « TVZ"

Main activities: production and sale of locomotive-hauled passenger cars and other types of rolling stock, as well as components and spare parts for them.

TVZ produces the following types of products, works and services:

· Locomotive-hauled passenger cars for speeds of up to 160 km/h and up to 200 km, including luxury cars and cars for permanent trains;

· Freight cars and special purpose cars;

· Trolleys for passenger cars - cradle and cradleless;

· Wheel pairs for passenger and freight cars;

· Spare parts for passenger cars.

Passenger cars for trains of permanent formation

61 -4 462 compartment with berths

61 -4 463 compartment headquarters with berths

61 -4 464 dining car

Freight and special purpose cars

Car model

Purpose of the car

61 -4 483

car for accompanying trains of hopper-dispenser cars.

TK- 1 3T

TK-VG- 1 8 -2

car for transportation of spent nuclear fuel

TK- 8 4/1

car for transportation of spent nuclear fuel

61 -4 500

wagon for transporting special forces

61 -4 159

wagon for transporting money and jewelry

laundry car

washing and disinfection car

TP 2-3

wagon for transporting containers to nuclear power plants

TP 5-3

carriage for on-site transportation at nuclear power plants

Bogies for rolling stock of mainline railways

Trolley model

68 -4 063 biaxial cradle

68 -4 075 biaxial cradleless

68 -4 064 biaxial cradle

68 -4 076 biaxial cradleless

68 -4 065 biaxial cradle

68 -4 095 biaxial cradleless

68 -4 066 biaxial cradle

68 -4 096 biaxial cradleless

The scientific, technical and production potential of the plant, the constant equipping of production shops with new equipment of domestic and imported production allow today to create and produce various models of cars. Computer-aided design systems using personal computers have been widely introduced into design practice. All this allows us to spend no more than a year from the moment the idea of ​​​​creating a new model arises to its full implementation - serial production.

The plant is constantly in the process of improving its products. The plant management pays significant attention to the modernization of process equipment. To increase the reliability and productivity of manufactured products, imported components are installed on equipment. Both domestic machine tool factories and companies from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy were involved as suppliers.

OJSC Tver Carriage Works is one of the city-forming enterprises of the city of Tver. The plant management pursues an active social policy in the team. Efforts are aimed at improving working conditions, ensuring decent wages, and implementing social programs.

Analysis of organizational management structure

OJSC « »

The organizational structure of an enterprise is the interconnection of interdependent departments, services, positions, arranged in a hierarchical order, the interaction between which ensures the achievement of the organization's goals.

Thus, the current organizational structure of the management of JSC TVZ is linear-functional:

9 main workshops:

· Car assembly,

· Frame-body,

· Cold pressed,

· Small series housing,

· Headset,

· Transportation and packaging workshop,

· Woodworking,

· Trolley,

· Foundry;

8 auxiliary:

· Tool production,

· Boiler room,

· Electric power,

· Energy structures,

· Operational gas sector,

· Motor transport,

· Mechanical repair,

· Railway warehouse.

as well as 3 subsidiaries associated with the main technological cycle: KPP OJSC, Vagonkomplekt CJSC and PTNP LLC.

The number of employees of the enterprise is more than 8,000 people

An analysis of the organizational structure of OJSC TVZ made it possible to identify its main advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the organizational management structure of JSC TVZ:

Stimulating professional specialization;

Promote clear delineation of functional responsibilities;

Elimination of duplication of functions by other departments;

Increasing the efficiency of using infrastructure capacities, material and financial resources when performing individual functions;

Increasing the technological effectiveness of performing functional tasks;

Creating prospects for career growth and professional development for staff;

Focus on improving the quality of services provided.

Disadvantages of the organizational management structure of JSC TVZ:

Some functional isolation and difficulty in cross-functional coordination;

An increase in the number of cross-functional conflicts and a certain lack of assistance in achieving common goals;

Complicating the implementation of innovative technologies;

Difficulty in planning, analyzing and monitoring complex performance indicators of an enterprise.

The organizational management structure of JSC TVZ is optimal for achieving the statutory goals and objectives of such a large machine-building enterprise.

2.2 Analysis of the main results of the JSC’s activities« Tver carriageOconstruction plant» Andhistransport workshop

In market conditions, the activities of a commercial enterprise, regardless of its organizational and legal form, are assessed by the volume of income received, expenses incurred and the amount of profit. The enterprise independently plans its activities and determines development prospects based on the demand for its products and the need to ensure industrial and social development. Profit has become an independently planned indicator, among others, as the basis for successful economic development of an economic entity and the source of its life activity. However, one cannot assume that planning and generating profits remains exclusively in the sphere of interests of the enterprise. The state (budget), commercial banks, investment structures, shareholders and other securities holders are no less interested in this. The formation of a mechanism of fierce competition, the instability of the market situation, confronted the enterprise with the need to effectively use the internal resources at its disposal, on the one hand, and, on the other, to respond in a timely manner to changing external conditions, which include: the financial and credit system, state tax policy, pricing mechanism, market conditions, relationships with suppliers and consumers. As a result of the above reasons, the results of analytical activities become particularly relevant. Analysis of the main results of the activities of JSC TVZ for 2011-2012. indicates changes that have taken place in the company.

Table 2.1 - Analysis of the main results of the activities of JSC TVZ for 2010-2011


2011/2010 thousand rubles

Revenue from sales of goods, works, services (less VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments)

Cost of goods, works, services sold

Gross profit

Business expenses

Administrative expenses

Profit (loss) from sales

Interest receivable

Percentage to be paid

Income from participation in other organizations

Other income

other expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Deferred tax assets

Deferred tax liabilities

Current income tax

Income tax for previous years

Net profit or loss of the reporting period

For reference:

Permanent tax liabilities (assets)

Basic profit (loss) per share, rub.

Overall financial result economic activity in accounting, it is determined in the profit and loss account by counting and balancing all profits and losses for the reporting period. Business transactions in the profit and loss account are reflected on a cumulative basis, i.e. cumulatively from the beginning of the reporting period.

An analysis of table 2.1 shows that in 2011 compared to 2010, sales revenue increased by 27.4% or by 4,423,397 thousand rubles, while the cost of production increased by 27.4% or by 3,809,658 thousand rubles.

Assessment of the work of the transport workshop

OJSC « Tver Carriage Works»

The transport workshop (TC) is a structural division of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC and serves to provide the enterprise with components from suppliers in Tver, Tver region. and other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as to ensure intra-plant transportation, removal of solid and liquid waste.

Table 2.2 - Basic information on the transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC

In the general production structure of a machine-building enterprise, the division belongs to auxiliary production (maintenance of main production, logistics).

The main tasks of the transport department:

· transport support for the enterprise's activities;

· improvement of transport support for the enterprise;

· interaction with the railway department for the supply of equipment and raw materials and dispatch of finished products (trolleys, passenger cars), as well as preparation of documentation;

· removal of waste from the territory of the enterprise;

· timely and high-quality technical maintenance to maintain vehicles in technically sound condition, etc.

Main functions of the JSC shopping center « Tver Carriage Works »:

· development of operational transportation plans and schedules based on written requests from business units;

· development of vehicle routes;

· determination of the enterprise's needs for vehicles, loading and unloading and repair equipment;

· rational use of vehicles in accordance with established standards of their carrying capacity and capacity;

· preparation of transport documentation;

· development and implementation of measures to ensure: reduction of transport downtime during cargo operations; increasing capacity and rational use of sites and vehicle access routes; rational use of loading and unloading equipment, mechanisms and vehicles; eliminating the causes of premature returns of vehicles from lines due to technical faults;

· repair and maintenance of vehicles, their components and parts, lifting mechanisms and other equipment in accordance with established technology;

· concluding contracts for the supply of fuels and lubricants, auto parts, and their storage;

· reference and information work about incoming and outgoing cargo, delivery times, transportation conditions, etc.;

· transfer of material and technical resources to the enterprise’s warehouses and transfer of finished products to customers’ warehouses, etc.

To achieve the above functions, the transport department interacts with other structural divisions of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC (Figure 1).

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Figure 1 - Scheme of interaction of the transport workshop with other structural divisions of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC

The activities of the transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC are supported by fixed assets: buildings, structures, vehicles, equipment, tools, etc.

The list of buildings and structures of the transport workshop of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC is presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 - List of buildings and structures of the transport workshop of Tver Excavator Plant OJSC



1) Garage - 12 pcs.

Used for parking cars and trucks, has maintenance and safety zones

2) Platforms for cars - 3 pcs.

Used for parking trucks and cars

3) Mechanical workshop - 12 pcs.

Room for maintenance of machine equipment

4) Warehouse - 1 pc.

Designed for storing spare parts

5) Administrative premises (control room and expedition)

An analysis of Table 3 shows that the total area of ​​the transport workshop of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC is 3,352.99 sq. m. m., its main production premises (garage and workshop) occupy 36.04%. Let us provide in more detail the characteristics of individual objects of fixed assets of the transport workshop. This structural unit consists of a repair shop, divided into areas for the repair of electric cars and electric forklifts, a battery department, a locksmith workshop, a welding area, a vulcanization area, an engine department, an area for maintenance and routine repairs of trucks and the same area for passenger cars, a mechanical fitter and washing department. In the same building there is a spare parts warehouse. All workshops are equipped with all necessary equipment. We have: a lathe, a drilling machine, electric hoists, stands for repairing engines, chassis, a stand for vulcanization and other equipment. The transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC includes twelve garages that serve as repair rooms, both have drive-through inspection ditches with good lighting and exhaust gas exhaust outlets to vehicles.

Thus, the production structure of the transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC (Figure 2) corresponds to the functional purpose of this division as an auxiliary department of the main production.

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Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

Figure 2 - Production structure of the transport workshop of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC

Personnel composition of the transport department

OJSC « Tver carriageOconstruction plant»

The transport workshop has 230 employees with vocational education, corresponding to the type of activity (Table 4). Personnel structure of the transport department:

1) employees (managers, specialists and actual employees) - 8 people. (3.48%);

2) Specialists - 10 people. (4.35%);

3) workers - 211 people. (91.74%);

4) Other employees - 1 person. (0.43%)

Table 2.4 - Staffing schedule of the transport workshop of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC

Names of positions, professions

Number of staff units


Deputy shop manager

Head of the section






Rubber repairer

Car repair mechanic


Tractor driver

Electric and gas welder

When analyzing the activities of the structural divisions of an enterprise that performs the functions of transporting goods, a certain system of technical and economic indicators is used. First, it is necessary to analyze the vehicle fleet of the research object by brands and types of cars, their models, production dates, which is presented in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 - Characteristics of freight vehicles on the balance sheet of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC (without internal plant transport) in 2011

Make, type of vehicle

Model, modification

Year of issue

Quantity, pcs.

Flatbed cargo

Truck tractor

Truck tractor

Mercedes-Benz Axor

Truck tractor

Flatbed cargo

Flatbed cargo

Flatbed cargo

Cargo van

Cargo van

Cargo van

Flatbed cargo with awning

Cargo van

Dump truck

Dump truck

Dump truck

GAZ-SAZ 3507

Specialist. transport

Specialist. transport

In 2009-2010 External transportation accounted for 80% of the total volume, the average distance of intercity transportation was about 700 km, the remaining 20% ​​was intracity and intra-factory transportation.

For the transport workshop to operate efficiently, it is necessary to look for ways to reduce costs, reducing losses caused by the specifics of the transportation process and repairs. In this project, cost reduction is expected to be achieved by switching freight transport to gaseous fuel.

3. Development of measures for the transfer of trucks of the transport department of the OJSCTver Carriage Works for gaseous fuel

In order to solve the problem field of the transport workshop of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC, it is necessary, first of all:

1) improve the internal company accounting system;

2) expand the segment of potential consumers - provide services not only for the transportation of goods for third parties, but also for the technical repair and maintenance of vehicles;

3) modernize the truck fleet to switch to gaseous mixtures in order to optimize the costs of its maintenance and due to the impossibility of replacing it at present.

3.1 Organization of work on converting highways to gaseous mixturesWithTailors in use

The conversion of motor vehicles (ATS) in the Russian Federation to gaseous mixtures is carried out in two ways:

Due to the production of gas-cylinder vehicles by automobile enterprises;

Due to the installation of gas-cylinder equipment (LPG) on vehicles in operation.

In the second case, to convert vehicles in operation to gas cylinders, enterprises and organizations that manufacture gas cylinder equipment supply them under contracts or through trade organizations LPG kits for specialized enterprises (firms) performing work on installing LPG on automatic telephone exchanges. Installation of gas equipment on automatic telephone exchanges for operation on the homing system can be carried out by enterprises and organizations of any form of ownership and having:

Appropriate production base;

Technological equipment necessary to perform the work;

Workers, engineering and technical personnel certified to perform the work.

In addition, an enterprise, in order to confirm the quality of the work performed to install gas equipment on a vehicle, can conduct voluntary certification of the services performed and receive a certificate for this issued by an accredited certification body for services for vehicle maintenance and repair (OSU).

Conversion of vehicles to operate on liquefied petroleum gas that meets the requirements GOST 52087-0 3, All vehicles in operation, domestic and foreign models, including cars, trucks, specialized and special vehicles, city and suburban buses, general and local buses, equipped with piston engines with a spark ignition system, can be exposed. When organizing the transfer of basic telephone exchanges to work on the GOS, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 - Measures to convert vehicles to operate on gaseous mixtures

Due to the complexity and cost of the measures for converting vehicles to operate on gaseous mixtures, as well as due to the limited number of vehicles that can participate in this process, we consider it inappropriate to organize this point on the territory of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC. In order to study the Tver market in the field of services provided, research was carried out, the results of which are presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Marketing research of the Tver market on services for converting automatic telephone exchanges to gaseous mixtures

Analysis of the information presented in Table 3.2 allows us to select a company in which work will be carried out to modernize the automatic telephone exchange of the transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC: GAZ-Center LLC.

The “Guidelines for the organization and implementation of services and work on converting motor vehicles in operation to liquefied petroleum gas,” approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, establishes a number of mandatory requirements for vehicles accepted for the installation of LPG:

1) Vehicles in operation of domestic or foreign production are accepted for installation of gas equipment, including passenger cars, trucks, specialized and special vehicles, city and suburban buses, general and local buses, equipped with piston engines with a spark ignition system.

2) Vehicles intended for installation of gas equipment must be technically sound and equipped in accordance with the technical specifications and documentation of the manufacturer.

3) Before being handed over for installation of gas equipment, vehicles must undergo technical maintenance in full (TO-2), specified in the Regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of motor vehicles, in the operating instructions for the vehicle of this model or in the service book of the vehicle.

4) Vehicles sent (accepted) for installation of gas equipment must meet the following additional requirements:

The presence of repair influences (additional welding seams, holes, overlays) in the areas of fastening of gas equipment and cylinders is not allowed;

The vehicle engine should not have increased wear of the cylinder-piston group and gas distribution mechanism beyond the limits determined by the manufacturer’s technical conditions;

The spark ignition system of the vehicle must be in technically sound condition.

5) The vehicle handed over for installation of gas equipment must have a reserve of fuel in the fuel tank in an amount not less than:

Passenger cars and buses of especially small class - 5 l;

Trucks, specialized vehicles with a gross weight of up to 10 tons and small and medium class buses - 10 l;

Trucks, specialized vehicles with a gross weight of more than 10 tons and large and especially large class buses - 15 liters.

6) Cars sent for installation of gas equipment must be washed. Particular care should be taken to clean the mounting areas of gas equipment (engine compartment, trunk, car frame, underbody).

7) Passenger cars sent for LPG installation must meet the following requirements.

The car body should not have severe or through corrosion, cracks and mechanical damage in the places where gas equipment is attached;

The luggage compartment space must be cleared of items not related to the vehicle;

Passenger cars are accepted for installation of gas equipment, regardless of body type, provided that the manufacturer of gas cylinder equipment recommends in its specifications its installation on these vehicles with a guarantee of ensuring that possible gas leaks from the area where the gas cylinder is located are diverted outside the gas cylinder.

8) Trucks, specialized and special vehicles, when handed over for installation of gas equipment, must meet the following requirements:

Trucks, specialized and special vehicles with a wooden platform or van must not have damaged longitudinal and transverse beams, floor boards;

Metal platforms or vans must not have mechanical damage in the area where the gas equipment is attached;

The car frame should not have cracks, loose rivets and mechanical damage in the places where the gas equipment is attached;

Specialized installations and mechanisms installed on the vehicle (vans, tanks, cars utilities, dump bodies, etc.) must comply with the technical specifications and design documentation of the manufacturers of these installations.

Also, the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation establish technical requirements for gas-cylinder equipment installed on vehicles and for the processes of its installation.

The selection of automatic telephone exchanges of the transport workshop of Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC, which are subject to modernization, was carried out according to the following criteria:

1) type of vehicle - trucks;

2) Vehicles equipped with piston engines with a spark ignition system, etc.

Table 3.3 - List of vehicles of the transport workshop of Tver Carriage Works OJSC, subject to conversion to gaseous mixtures

car model


Number of units

GAZ-SAZ 3507

An analysis of Table 3.3 shows that 50 out of 100 units are subject to conversion to gaseous mixtures, which is 50% of the freight vehicles in operation at Tver Freight Car Building Plant OJSC.

After completion of the work, an acceptance certificate of form 1-a is drawn up for automatic telephone exchanges belonging to an enterprise, organization, etc., regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership. The issuance of the GBTS after the installation of the GBBO to the representative of the enterprise (organization, etc.) or the owner of the PBX is carried out by the representative of the enterprise that installed the GBBO, and is issued accordingly with a certificate of the established form. The certificates received by the owner of the GBTS are documents for the traffic police authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation when performing registration actions or during periodic technical inspections.

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Tver Carriage Works. The largest enterprise in Russia and the CIS for the production of various types of passenger cars and components for them. The main supplier of cars for JSC Russian Railways (and its subsidiary - JSC FPK). The enterprise is part of Transmashholding. The existing production areas and technological capacities allow simultaneous work on the production of several models of passenger cars, as well as various types of freight cars and special-purpose cars (they weren’t allowed to film in one workshop, they said that something was being assembled there). that's secret).

1. The plant was founded in 1898 by the French-Belgian joint-stock company “Dil and Bacalan” under the name “Verkhnevolzhsky Plant of Railway Materials”. In 1915, it was renamed the Tver Russian-Baltic Carriage Works, and after nationalization (in 1918) - the Tver Carriage Works. In the period from 1931 to the 1990s it was called the Kalinin Carriage Works.
2. From the first years of the 20th century, the era of passenger carriage construction began at the plant. In Tver, four-axle sleeping cars are produced for the joint-stock company “International Society of Sleeping Cars and High-Speed ​​European Trains,” as well as passenger cars of all four classes, double-decker cars, service cars with salons and sleeping compartments, and passenger cars for countries with hot climates. An archival photograph shows a double-decker carriage created at TVZ in 1905
3. The plant has a huge area in Tver, and in fact it is the only large operating enterprise in this city. On the territory you can see buildings of various eras and types. For example, in the photo you see the oldest building - a wooden frame of the water tower of the local boiler house. It has been standing since the 19th century.
4. But we start our tour from the woodworking workshop. Now, in a modern carriage, very little wood is used, but previously almost the entire carriage was made of wood. The wood (or rather, it is a wood board), which is currently used, is impregnated with special compounds to prevent combustion and rotting. Alas, this did not happen right away and several large fires, and then tests showed that the old cars burned out in just a few minutes. But that's how it was. Now the fire safety rules are draconian, and the manufacturer is obliged to follow them. Well, the equipment today is not what it used to be, just look at this CNC machine. Replaces more than 8 classic woodworking machines. Parts of any configuration are processed in a matter of minutes, the accuracy is the highest, which, accordingly, affects the accuracy and speed of assembly of finished cars.
5. Now almost all the internal filling of the car is produced in this workshop. Along with plywood board and fire-resistant wood, plastic, aluminum profiles and other modern materials are used as materials. But the name was kept historical.
6. For example, if I'm not mistaken, these are plastic facing internal panels. They will be installed inside the car on the side walls on top of the double-glazed windows.
7. A worker glues rubber seals to compartment doors with superglue. It’s about half past 12 in the morning, and he’s already used up so many tubes of glue.
8. The plant has carried out and is modernizing its machine park. The company has a huge number of modern CNC machines. And this picture with the remote control immediately reminded me of this.
9. The machine simultaneously saws four metal profiles, which will later become part of the internal equipment of the car.
10. Now let’s go through and see how the metal parts of the future carriage are made. For example, this part was produced on a press. The bending accuracy is clearly controlled by an inclinometer.
11. This is a sheet of metal after plasma cutting. There are three such installations at the plant. There are 14 more laser complexes for cutting sheet metal. In the foreground: the sides of the cart frames were cut out here. Then there are some other little things. The remaining sheets after cutting will be sent for melting. And back to work. In general, the plant treats metal waste very carefully, and everything goes back to work.
12. Stamping machines. Some small fittings and parts, when the quantity used is large, are not profitable to make using new technologies (expensive and less productive), so they use such a machine park. And next to it stands an old press from very shaggy years. But in absolutely working condition. They decided to keep it in production as a working monument. A kind of “player coach”.
13. Parts are painted with powder paints on an automatic line, but with mandatory visual control and touch-up of complex surfaces with manual sprayers.
14. According to a representative of the plant, even in not the most successful years, great importance was paid to labor protection and the tools and materials used in work. Honestly, it was hard to believe right away, but what I saw in the workshops confirms this.
15. Now it's time to make the frames for the undercarriages. First, the prepared sheets of metal are joined in special devices and secured by welding.
16. Next, the automatic robot welder comes into play. It was with these machines that the global modernization of welding equipment began many years ago. Hard-to-reach places are boiled manually.
17. Almost finished cart frame. Since the quality of the trolley and wheel sets is the safety of passengers, the quality requirements are the highest. Moreover, the part is marked with the personal mark of everyone who worked with it. And who checked and controlled. All this data is then stored throughout the operation of the trolley and wheel sets.
18. In the foreground is a stack of bogie frames for the subway car 81-760/761 “Oka”. TVZ makes them for Metrowagonmash.
19. A very smart trolley frame finishing machine. Special sensors check the overall dimensions and axles. New coordinates are measured from these axes, holes are drilled, and edges are processed. Those. if, for example, the bracket was welded with an offset of a couple of millimeters, then the machine will recognize this and a hole in the bracket will be drilled regardless of this in the right place.
20. Now production of wheelsets. The axle itself is turned on site; for railway wheels, which come to TVZ from various factories, including the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant, the mounting hole (wheel hub) is bored.
21. Attaching the wheel to the axle. There is a hot and cold nozzle method. Cold is used here. The inner diameter of the hole in the wheel is slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the axle. And the wheel is pressed onto the axle with a given force. The process is recorded by a special control device with a graphical recording of the pressing diagram.
22. Finished wheelsets are sent for bogie assembly.
23. A finished bogie of a new design for a passenger car with disc brakes.
24. And this is the old, familiar trolley design. It is now produced at a neighboring enterprise in Tver.
25. Press for hot forging. It uses special stamps to produce parts of complex shapes from blanks preheated red-hot in gas ovens.

26. Now let’s go to the foundry. In this nondescript photo you see a literal technical revolution in the foundry business. If you need to cast a simple part without cavities inside, then it’s all simple. But what if the part is complex and there are cavities and channels inside? There are two options. In the first case, a wax internal model is placed inside the flask. It gives the internal structure and when the metal is poured, it melts and flows out. But you can do simple things this way. What if it’s complicated? Then the internal cavities are formed using sand models. Previously, they were compacted by hand, and one person could do about a dozen per day, since the work is very painstaking, requires high precision and everything is done by hand. Now sand models are made by machine. The result of her work is in the photo. Every minute and a half, two sand models pop up. And then, after the part hardens, the sand of the model is destroyed on the vibration stand and spills out of the part.

27. The lower part of the flask with the installed sand model.
28. Issuance of cast iron.
29. The ladle is quite small, since a certain temperature of the metal is required to ensure the quality of the casting - a large amount of metal cannot be poured into the flask, the cooling time is limited
30. They manage to fill several flasks and go back to dispensing cast iron.
31. Finished foundry parts and surface treatment.
32. Now let's go look at the body assembly. First, the car frame is welded on special slipways. Undercarriage equipment is installed and communications are laid.
33. In parallel with the assembly of body frames, car sidewalls are manufactured on a special line. The assembly and welding process is as automated as possible and is carried out with minimal human intervention.
34. The roof sheathing is first welded flat, then turned over and given a semicircular shape on a special stand. The arches are welded and the roof takes on shape and rigidity.
35. Finally, all parts of the body (frame, sides, end walls and roof) are connected together into a finished product - the basis of the future carriage.
36. First, all incoming components and parts are tacked.
37. Next, all horizontal external joints are welded using automatic installations. But the rest - by hand.
38. That's it, the carriage is almost ready. At least its frame. As you can see, even a heater (or rather, a boiler) is already installed here.
39. The car after applying the thermal insulation coating and flooring. .::clickable::.
41. Assembly is carried out at positions - only certain actions are performed at each. Then the car moves to the next position. They come here already painted.
42. The car after installing almost all internal systems. Now it’s time to install partitions and mount what the passenger will ultimately see. .::clickable::.

43. The plant is the main supplier of passenger cars for the subsidiary of Russian Railways - the Federal Passenger Company. But the company's product range is very extensive. .::clickable::.44. New carriages with seats are now included in permanent trains, including branded ones.

45. The full production cycle of a wagon takes about 70 days. For a double-decker carriage this figure is about 100 days. This is the period from the manufacture of the first part to the finished car. On average, a car spends 12 days in the car assembly shop directly assembling the finished product.
46. ​​The main (left) line is occupied by serial cars for Russian Railways. On the middle one this time there were staff and dining cars. And the right line is occupied by other projects. At the time of filming, these were sleeping cars for international traffic (RIC size) - a joint project of TVZ and Siemens. .::clickable::.47. And cars for the railways of Kazakhstan.
48. Since 2008, 2,800 different cars have been supplied for the needs of Russian Railways. These new cars are used as a priority for the formation and renewal of branded and fast trains. .::clickable::.49. I won’t show you an ordinary compartment carriage, as there are already a lot of photographs. But the presence of an outlet in the compartment is very pleasing.
50. And this is a lift for the disabled in the staff car.
51. There is a special compartment and toilet for them only in this carriage. Look how the passage has been widened so that the stroller can pass through.
52. Now all bodies are made of stainless steel. The last production car made of ordinary carbon steel is on display at the plant's exhibition site. Occasionally, if the customer wishes, the plant fulfills orders for cars using old technology. But for the customer this is a double-edged sword. The difference in the price of a car with a stainless steel body and a regular one is less than a million rubles. And the service life of a stainless steel car is 40 years versus 28. By the way, I learned a secret at the plant that had been bothering me for a long time. You see the inscription “mileage - 450” on the end of the car. This means that an additional metal layer of increased strength is deposited on the surface of the automatic coupler and buffers, which ensures that the cars can run for at least 450 thousand km without replacing these wearing parts.
53. Double-decker car developed at the initiative of Russian Railways. So much has already been written about him that I won’t go into detail. The photo shows the first prototype, a prototype on which the plant tested and mastered the design and technology of this innovative product. To the credit of the plant, it must be said that this prototype was manufactured in just 8 months from the start of design - from the first line on the drawing. There are few competitors, even on the world market, capable of putting into production a completely new product in such a short time.
54. The first metro car produced at the plant. At first, “Oka” was assembled in Mytishchi, then part of the order was sent to Tver. It was done. Now at TVZ they only make frames for metro trolleys.
55. Sleeping cars of RIC size for international traffic - a joint project of TVZ and Siemens commissioned by Russian Railways. Pay attention to the wide surfaces of the end accordions.
56. Let’s take a closer look at this carriage. Coupe - in general, everything is familiar.
57. And this is how the door from the compartment opens. It is surprising that it is mirrored from the inside, but when open it blocks the passage. Not a very successful design solution, in my opinion, although the design was developed by one of the grandees of the world carriage building - the Siemens company.
58. Each carriage has a shower.
59. And the washbasin under the table. But there is no opener under it. :)
60. Panorama of the plant. Motor transport workshop and railway lines with finished products. Behind the scenes were paint shops, a climate testing station, a central factory laboratory and much more. But there are already a lot of photographs. And by 2030, Russian Railways will purchase 16.5 thousand cars for 774.5 billion rubles, of which 2 thousand in the next three years. .::clickable::.

Many thanks to the press service of the Tver Carriage Works and all its employees for their patience and help in preparing the material!

OJSC Tver Carriage Works (TVZ) is an enterprise with a century-old history, but modern production. They are capable of assembling 1,200 carriages of two hundred models and modifications per year - record figures for Russia. The company is part of the Transmashholding structure.

Prerequisites for creation

In the middle of the 19th century, rapid construction of railways began in Russia. Over 1,500 km of tracks were introduced annually. However, at that time there was only one large locomotive and carriage building plant operating in the empire in St. Petersburg - Aleksandrovsky. He was also involved in the repair of rolling stock. Naturally, its capacity was not enough; it was necessary to purchase cars and railway equipment abroad.

As practice has shown, Western European-style cars were not very suitable for Russian conditions. They were of an inappropriate design and were not insulated. Some even had no brakes. In the 1890s, the government passed a number of laws encouraging railroads to purchase rolling stock from domestic companies. Favorable economic conditions were created for the development of this line of business, and foreign investments poured into the country.


On September 23, 1896, French and Belgian industrialists entered into an agreement with the Tver authorities to lease a plot of land for the construction of the Tver Carriage Plant. The city of Tver, located between Moscow and St. Petersburg, was an ideal place for a new enterprise. Two years later (08/25/1898), director Libke was awarded a certificate of the right to work, this date is the plant’s birthday.

At the time of opening, it was one of the most advanced production facilities in Russia. Foreign industrialists did not skimp: the best equipment and tools were purchased, powerful steam engines made it possible to achieve high productivity. The new cars of the Tver Carriage Works were distinguished by high quality and enviable technical characteristics. Thanks to the launch of the enterprise, electricity appeared in Tver - one of the steam units provided the townspeople with electricity.

Pre-revolutionary period

By 1899, the first batch of 13 covered freight cars, capable of transporting up to 12.5 tons of cargo each, was ready. These were so-called dual-use products. In case of war, they were easily converted to transport personnel (40 people or 8 horses) or military cargo.

With the advent of the 20th century, the Tver Carriage Works switched to the production of passenger cars of all possible classes: from double-deckers for settlers setting out to explore the expanses of Siberia and Far East to luxurious 26-meter “salons” for the elite, including the royal family. The main products were sleeping cars for high-speed trains. In 1915, the Tver and Riga plants merged.

Time for a change

The October Revolution interfered with the development plans of the enterprise. In 1918 it was nationalized, and in 1921 it was mothballed. Work at the plant resumed in 1925. Instead of two-axle freight cars, the assembly of four-axle ones has begun, which has significantly increased their carrying capacity.

In 1931, Tver was renamed Kalinin, and accordingly the Tver Carriage Works was renamed Kalininsky. A year later, construction began on a huge workshop almost a kilometer long, where the assembly of rolling stock was subsequently established. By this time, the production employed over 6,500 workers, and productivity was 10 times higher than in 1913. In 1937 alone, the company produced 418 passenger and 5,736 heavy-duty freight cars.


After the German attack on the USSR, the plant switched to the production of purely military products: ambulance trains, ammunition, mortars. However, the city was soon occupied German army, we didn’t have time to take out the equipment. Most of the workshops were destroyed.

On January 3, 1942, after a successful counteroffensive, the city of Kalinin was liberated. A resolution was immediately approved to urgently restore production. By the fall of 1943, the Kalinin Carriage Works had become one of the largest operating factories in the Central region of the country. 18 types of products for the front were produced here.

Post-war development

Even before the war, engineers of the Kalinin (Tver) Carriage Plant developed a unique, comfortable all-metal passenger car for long-distance trains. In 1950, work in this direction was resumed, and already in 1951 the company switched to their production.

The introduction of new products required a major change in the technological process, and the requirements for the quality of welding work increased manifold. For the first time in the USSR, specialists developed a special portal automatic welding machine for welding car roof arches, flooring and side walls.

By 1965, the plant was already producing 11 modifications of passenger cars (instead of one in 1959). On some models, for the first time in the practice of railway workers, air conditioners were installed, which were powered by electricity generated by a special power plant that was part of the train. Such systems were used in the south of the country, mainly in Central Asia.

At high speeds

By the 60s, the question of increasing the speed of trains became urgent. In 1965, the Aurora series express train was built. It was capable of delivering passengers from Moscow to Leningrad in less than 5 hours - unimaginable speeds at that time. However, the experts did not stop there. Together with scientists, a project was developed to build a turbojet train driven by two aircraft engines.

The experimental model was tested for many years on public routes, reaching speeds of up to 250 km/h. It turned out that he was capable of moving much faster, but the condition of the railways did not allow him to accelerate above the specified limit. The data obtained made it possible to subsequently design the RT-200 express train, called the “Russian Troika”. Although its operational speed was 200 km/h, it was also capable of ideally reaching 250 km/h. This train became the pride of the factory workers.

Today's day

In the 90s, OJSC Tver Carriage Works experienced stagnation. The volume of orders decreased many times over, but the factory workers found their market niche: for the first time in their history, they began to produce compartment cars, which had previously been purchased in Germany. The first product, model 61-820, was introduced in 1993. Demand for traditional products gradually warmed up: passenger, mail and luggage, staff, cargo, special, etc.

Other products are also produced along the way. For example, trams from the Tver Carriage Works travel around Moscow and other major cities countries.

Since the 90s, work has been underway to design and improve high-speed cars (over 200 km/h) with a flat body side. For the centenary anniversary of the enterprise in 1998, the first sample of model 61-4170 was manufactured. New developments have been applied to the design:

  • increased strength and durability due to a corrosion-resistant steel frame;
  • improved smoothness;
  • many processes are automated and controlled by a central computer;
  • dry toilets have been installed.

These cars were used in the formation of branded express trains “Red Arrow”, “Burevestnik”, “Nevsky Express” and others.

Today, the railway sector is on the rise. Russian Railways is renewing its fleet of locomotives, carriages and special equipment. The main burden of responsibility falls on TVZ, as the industry leader. In 2008, after many years of hard work, production of a new generation of rolling stock began. Thanks to the modernization program, productivity in recent years has doubled the number of carriages in the early 2000s to 1,200 currently).

Since 2009, within the framework of cooperation with the Siemens Corporation, the development and construction of RIC luxury coupe cars with a transformable interior has been underway. These products can be used both on the Russian standard (1520 mm) and European standard (1435 mm) gauge.

Also, since 2009, new double-decker cars have been produced for Russia, which the citizens of the country have already fallen in love with. By the way, this is the own development of car manufacturers from Tver.

Workshops and their description

Tver Carriage Works is one of the few domestic enterprises where they create and build cars for high-speed traffic. Naturally, their production requires innovative technologies and modern equipment. The technological capacity is designed to assemble over 1000 cars, of various modifications, including single copies.

Production consists of a number of areas. The main workshops include:

  • Car assembly. Here, the final assembly of railway equipment is carried out from components created in other areas.
  • Frame-body, Trolley (production of frames and trolleys).
  • Woodworking, furniture (production of wooden structures, products, decorative elements).
  • Foundry, Forging and pressing, Cold pressing (producing metal structures of complex shapes).
  • Small-scale (execution of single special orders).

Auxiliary workshops:

  • Instrumental.
  • Painting.
  • Electric power.
  • Boiler room
  • Motor transport.
  • Mechanical repair.
  • Experimental.
  • Experienced products.

Tver Carriage Works: reviews

The company is one of the largest employers in the Tver region. A large volume of orders allows us to guarantee decent and timely payment. Employees note high social standards at production. Employees in need are provided with a place in a dormitory. Surprisingly, lunch at the plant is free, and the food, according to reviews, is good. The work at the company is hard, but highly paid. The administration requires strict discipline.

Tver Carriage Works Address: 170003, Russian Federation, Tver city, Petersburg highway, bldg. 45-B.

is a Russian high-tech plant, whose production is focused on the mass production of various types of locomotive-hauled passenger cars and components for them.

Source: http://www.tvz.ru/

History of TVZ

On August 25, 1898, a carriage building plant began operating in Tver. Already in 1899, the first 13 covered 9-meter freight cars with a carrying capacity of 12.5 tons were presented to the inspection of state-owned railways.

In August 1915, the Tver Carriage Works came into the possession of the joint-stock company Russian-Baltic Carriage Works. About 3 thousand unfinished cars were evacuated from Riga to Tver.

On October 26, 1918, the Tver Russian-Baltic Carriage Works was nationalized.

In 1931, in connection with the renaming of the city of Tver to Kalinin, the plant became the Kalinin Carriage Building Plant (and remained so for 60 years - until Tver returned its historical name in 1991).

Since July 1941, the plant began producing military products: artillery shells, mortars, aerial bombs, and ambulances. In parallel with this, equipment for car building was being dismantled and prepared for evacuation to the eastern regions of the country.

During the occupation of the city by Nazi troops, the plant was severely destroyed, and ruins lay on the site of the workshops. But already on January 3, 1942 - two weeks after the liberation of the city of Kalinin from the Nazis - an order was received from the People's Commissariat of Medium Engineering of the USSR to resume the plant's activities as soon as possible. Restoration work has begun. Since October 1943, by decision State Committee The defense plant was included in the number of the most important defense enterprises in the country: the enterprise produced 18 types of front-line products.

Despite the large amount of work associated with the development of the production of cars for high-speed traffic, the plant continued to modernize the main model range to meet the ever-increasing demand for mass passenger transportation. In 1981, the plant mastered the production of a serial open-type passenger car 61-821, in 1985-1987. produced interregional carriages model 61-837 with seats.

On May 21, 1993, an open joint-stock company “Tver Carriage Works” was formed, to which all the main production assets of the enterprise were transferred. The plant continued to produce various types of passenger cars: compartment and reserved seat cars, staff and SV, open type and with seats, mail and luggage cars, freight cars and special purpose cars, as well as bogies for passenger cars and for trailed cars of electric trains, wheelsets with axle boxes for bogies of passenger and freight cars; cast iron.

In August 2008, mass production of cars in a new stainless steel body began. To go from design development to mass production of cars of a new model range, a large number of specialists, employees of auxiliary production, and builders had to work hard. The result of joint work was a radical technical update of the entire production chain.

Simultaneously with the implementation of measures to put a new model range of cars into production, work was carried out to increase the production capacity of the plant. If in 2003 the production capacity of JSC TVZ was 625 cars, then as a result of the work done, by 2009 it had grown to 1,200 passenger cars per year. To ensure the growth of the plant’s production capacity, an intensive path was chosen - equipping the plant’s workshops with high-performance equipment and technologies that make it possible to increase production volumes without increasing the total area: the growth of production space for the period from 2003 to 2009 amounted to about 3000 m2 (1.5%), and At the same time, the plant's production capacity almost doubled.

TVZ today

Currently, the Tver Carriage Works is the main supplier of locomotive-hauled passenger cars for Russian railways. In the domestic car building market, the share of cars built by JSC TVZ exceeds 90%.

The total area occupied by the enterprise is 93 hectares.

The plant consists of 10 main workshops and 8 auxiliary production workshops, as well as 3 subsidiaries (related to the main technological cycle): Forging and Press Production OJSC, Vagonkomplekt CJSC and PTNP LLC.

One of the undeniable advantages that the Tver Carriage Works received thanks to the massive modernization carried out since 2003 was high mobility and flexibility of production. This is confirmed, in particular, by the development and launch into mass production in 2011 of new escort cars for special-purpose trains: less than six months passed from receiving the technical specifications to the start of mass production. The high mobility of production is also evidenced by the pace of development by the Tver Carriage Works of a new direction for the enterprise - the creation of metro cars, which is carried out jointly with the Metrovagonmash plant, which, like TVZ OJSC, is part of Transshmashholding CJSC.

Products of the Tver Carriage Works

  • Passenger cars
  • Freight and special purpose cars
  • Trolleys
  • Spare parts
  • Providing operational documents
  • Promising developments: electric train EG2TV

Photo: http://www.tvz.ru/catalog/advanced/item_detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=314