Lyudmila Mikhailovna Savelyeva. Born on January 24, 1942 in Leningrad. Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. People's Artist RSFSR (1985).

In 1962 she graduated from the Leningrad Choreographic School named after A. Ya. Vaganova and was accepted into the troupe of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater. S. M. Kirov (now the Mariinsky Theater).

Her career as a ballerina was going well. Soon her first appearance on the screen took place: in 1964, a film adaptation of the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” was made, in which she took part.

The ballerina was noticed by assistant director Sergei Bondarchuk, who was preparing for the filming of the film. "War and Peace". Lyudmila, who had absolutely no experience in cinema, was invited to Moscow for a screen test - for the role of Natasha Rostova.

Many people auditioned for the same role. famous actresses, among whom are Anastasia Vertinskaya, Natalya Kustinskaya, Natalya Fateeva.

Initially, Bondarchuk didn’t like Savelyeva, as he admitted: “At first she was even denied a photo test: she seemed so inexpressive and “not Natasha” in appearance. I accepted it, essentially, in order to soften the bitterness of rejection.” But then she proved that she was capable of playing the role of Natasha Rostova.

“But I had nothing in common with Natasha: small, fair-haired, eyes not black, like the heroine of the novel, but blue... And in general, some kind of ugly duckling... But when they put a wig on me, pantaloons, I suddenly I felt like Natasha. The scene was not complicated, and everything worked out,” said Savelyeva.

When filming began, she was still performing on stage. It ended with physical exhaustion - she began to faint both in classics lessons and on the set. And she had to leave ballet. Later they asked her if she regretted it, because a brilliant career awaited her in ballet. “At first, maybe I was sorry. And when I finally “grew into” Natasha, everything in my fate was decided,” said the actress.

The film was a huge success all over the world; in the USA, the Soviet film was awarded an Oscar.

Savelyeva’s work was also noted. At the Moscow Film Festival, young Savelyeva received two awards at once - for the best debut and the audience award. In France, after the film was released, mothers began to call their daughters Natasha.

For her role as Natasha Rostova, she was recognized as the best actress of 1967 according to a survey of readers of the Soviet Screen magazine.

Lyudmila Savelyeva in the film "War and Peace"

Since 1967 - actress of the Film Actor's Studio Theater.

She played her next film role only a few years later - Serafima Korzukhina in the film "Run" by Mikhail Bulgakov. Filming took place in the Turkish quarter in Plovdiv and Sevastopol. Here Lyudmila was lucky enough to make friends with the wife of the great writer, who advised the film.

Next she played Nina Zarechnaya in the film Yulia Karasika "Gull". The film was awarded the Silver Hugo Prize for best film adaptation classic work and the excellence of the ensemble cast at the 1973 Chicago International Film Festival.

In 1970, she starred in the French-Italian melodrama "Sunflowers". The young actress had the chance to star with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni.

By the way, 1970 was declared the Year of Lyudmila Savelyeva in Japan.

In 1973, she starred with Oleg Vidov in the title role of Louise Poindexter in the adventure film by Vladimir Weinstock "Headless horseman". Four years later, Savelyeva played main role in the Soviet-Bulgarian historical film “Yulia Vrevskaya”, which tells about the dramatic fate of a remarkable Russian woman - Countess Yulia Petrovna Vrevskaya, who invested all her funds in organizing a volunteer sanitary detachment during the Russian-Turkish war.

Together with her husband Alexander Zbruev, she played in the heroic adventure film by Georgy Nikolaenko “It was the fourth year of the war” (1983) and the psychological drama “Success” by Konstantin Khudyakov (1984).

Also remembered in the psychological drama by Vitaly Koltsov “We can’t predict” (1984).

Since the early 90s, she stopped acting in films for a while. Appeared on screen in 1999 in Vladimir Naumov’s philosophical parable “The Secret of Nardo, or The Dream of a White Dog.” After that, she played the main role in Sergei Solovyov’s drama “Tender Age”, then in the film “Clocks Without Hands”. In 2009, Savelyeva played the role of Princess Shcherbatskaya in the film "Anna Karenina".

Lyudmila Savelyeva's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Lyudmila Savelyeva:

They got married in 1967. For Zbruev this was the second marriage. His first wife was actress Valentina Malyavina.

The couple has a daughter, Natalya Zbrueva, who as a teenager starred in the film “If you believe Lopotukhin.”

Since the early 90s, there have been rumors that the long-term marriage of Alexander Zbruev with Lyudmila Savelyeva broke up. The artist began to be seen more and more often in the company of another woman. Zbruev’s ex-wife Valentina Malyavina said in the summer of 1997: “Sasha is completely confused about women. Today he has two wives, and somehow he can’t cope with them: both complain to me about him.”

However, they are still officially together.

Filmography of Lyudmila Savelyeva:

1964 - Sleeping Beauty - Nereid
1967 - War and Peace - Natasha Rostova, Countess
1969 - Sunflowers - Masha
1970 - Running - Serafima Vladimirovna Korzukhina
1970 - The Seagull - Nina Zarechnaya
1972 - The Headless Horseman - Louise Poindexter
1977 - Yulia Vrevskaya - Yulia Vrevskaya, Baroness
1981 - Hat - Mila
1981 - From evening to noon - Nina Zharkova
1983 - It was the fourth year of the war - Nadezhda Moroz
1983 - Snow (film) - Tatyana Petrovna, actress
1984 - We are not allowed to predict - Olga Nikolaevna Michurina
1984 - Success - Inna, ex-wife Fetisova
1986 - Alien White and Pockmarked - Ksenia Nikolaevna Startseva, actress
1989 - Black Rose emblem of sadness, red rose emblem of love - Alexandra's mother
2000 - Tender Age - Grandma (“Night Witch”)
2001 - Clock without hands - lady
2006 - Seventh Heaven - Margarita, Yegor’s mother
2009 - Anna Karenina - Princess Shcherbatskaya

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Savelyeva made a huge contribution to Russian cinema. She has a rich filmography behind her. The films in which this wonderful woman starred are still in demand today. The actress performed each of her roles, completely devoting herself to it.

The biography of Lyudmila Savelyeva begins in Leningrad. The actress was born in 1942, during the blockade. Her family went through a lot of pain and suffering. But life's difficulties and need were not an obstacle to the incredible beautiful girl, and she became a talented actress.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila Savelyeva was born in a very tragic time. When she was born, it was in the midst of the siege of Leningrad. Her family was poor; there was nothing to eat. The baby miraculously survived. The family did everything to prevent the girl from dying of hunger. But throughout her childhood, Luda was very small and thin.

After the end of the war, little Lyuda and her family gradually began to return to a quiet life. The girl did very well at school. WITH early years she was attracted to art and creativity: she loved to draw, sculpt, sing and dance. The future movie star was especially attracted to ballet. The actress's parents noticed their daughter's talent and sent her to ballet school. Savelyeva was eleven years old at the time.

In ballet art, Lyudmila showed herself to be the most the best side. She danced just great. The future artist loved choreography so much that she could practice it day and night. Everyone thought that she would become a famous ballerina. The teachers also predicted a bright future for the girl in this field. She herself had no doubt that her calling was the ballet stage.

Carier start

After Lyudmila graduated high school, she entered the choreographic school. There the girl continued to practice ballet and improve her skills. In 1962, Savelyeva received a college diploma and was accepted into the Mariinsky Theater, which at that time was called the Kirov Theater.

Lyudmila was one of the best ballerinas. She danced leading roles in such productions as “Giselle” and “Sleeping Beauty”. Ballet performances with her participation were regularly broadcast on television. The moment came when the girl realized: everything was heading towards the fact that she would soon be the leading ballerina of the theater.

Success in the profession and the popularity that came with it greatly delighted our heroine and her family. The young dancer was going to continue her creative path, however, radical changes took place in her life.


This happened in 1964, when the famous director Sergei Bondarchuk began filming the legendary film “War and Peace.” However, he faced a huge problem: he could not find a suitable actress for the role of Natasha Rostova.

The screen tests took a very long time, Bondarchuk looked through one girl after another, but could not make a final decision - all the contenders did not suit him. Then-famous actresses auditioned for the main role:

  • Natalya Fateeva.
  • Natalya Kustinskaya.

The director was constantly dissatisfied with something and refused the artists. Quite by accident, Bondarchuk’s assistant saw the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” on TV, in which she noticed an elegant ballerina. It seemed to her that this was exactly the actress the master was looking for. The assistant told the director about this sweet, fragile dancer. Sergei Fedorovich agreed to talk with the ballerina.

The director looked closely at the girl for a long time and tested her. Finally, after an interview, tests with the text, and joint tests with already approved actors, the ballerina was approved for the main role in the film. This is how Savelyeva’s acting career began.

Savelyeva herself was confident that this film would be her only one, that she would return to ballet again and everything would fall into place. During filming, the young ballerina was very tired; this work took a lot of time and energy from her, so she had almost no energy left for ballet. Lyudmila fainted from constant fatigue and tension.

It was very difficult to combine ballet and cinema. Unbeknownst to herself, our heroine was faced with a choice: cinema or ballet? The actress hesitated for a long time, but made a decision - she chose cinema. And, as the actress herself claims, it was the right choice.

The film “War and Peace” made Savelyeva incredibly famous. After its release on the screens, it was truly a moment for Lyudmila. finest hour. This rarely happened in Russian cinema - not every actress was lucky enough to become so popular after the release of her first film.

The film epic “War and Peace” took four whole years to film. The film was shown in many European countries. The film won the most prestigious awards in the world of cinema: Oscar, Golden Globe. The actress herself was recognized for her superbly played role as Natasha Rostova: she was presented with an award at the Moscow Film Festival.

The Russian actress was incredibly loved not only in the Soviet Union, she was also known abroad. 1972 was declared in Japan “The Year of Lyudmila Savelyeva”, and in France girls began to be called Natasha en masse. Russian viewers idolized the artist; many dreamed of communicating with the film actress. After such a dizzying success, the heroine of our story played roles in the following films:

  • "Run".
  • "Gull".
  • "Headless horseman".
  • "From evening until noon."
  • "Yulia Vrevskaya."
  • "Success".
  • "Alien white and pockmarked."
  • “The black rose is the emblem of sadness, the red rose is the emblem of love.”

The 90s were a difficult period for the actress. There was a break in her career; she completely stopped receiving invitations to film. Only in the late 90s a new film was released with her participation - “The Secret of Nardo, or The Dream of a White Dog.”

In the 2000s, the artist starred in such films as “A Tender Age,” “Clocks Without Hands,” “Seventh Heaven” and “Anna Karenina” (directed by Sergei Solovyov). To date, these are her last works. As one would expect, Savelyeva was unable to repeat the success of “War and Peace” in her subsequent career with any of her roles.

It must be said that there were very few films with the participation of the actress. Apparently, the directors were afraid to take on an actress in their projects, who for the audience had firmly “fused” with the image main character"War and Peace". At the same time, Lyudmila Savelyeva was always extremely conscientious and responsible on the set.

In the few films in which she starred, even in small roles, the actress never allowed herself to work half-heartedly. Lyudmila Mikhailovna gave herself entirely to each role, put part of her soul into her characters, never disappointing her fans or betraying herself. All of our heroine’s films are bright, charismatic and interesting.


The actress got married only once. Lyudmila Savelyeva and Alexander Zbruev met and fell in love during the filming of the film “War and Peace.” Even then, Alexander was a prominent person in Soviet cinema, he had quite a lot of roles to his credit, everyone knew and respected him. Zbruev’s future wife fell in love with the actor when she first saw him on screen in the film “My Little Brother.” However, this was no wonder, because millions of Soviet women were in love with Alexander.

Having met, the young people immediately realized that they were made for each other. Soon they decided to link their destinies and became husband and wife. For a long time the couple lived a happily married life and raised a beautiful daughter, Natalya.

However, a few years later Savelyeva found out that her husband was having an affair. The lady of Zbruev’s heart was actress Elena Shanina, who gave birth to a daughter from the actor.

Despite this, Alexander did not intend to part with his legal wife. He wanted to save his marriage at all costs. Savelyeva also tried to save her happiness. The couple began to fight for each other and managed to save their family.

The couple do not want to talk about this story with the press; in none of her interviews does Lyudmila answer journalists’ questions related to her husband’s illegitimate daughter. She also does not like to talk about the details of the life of her daughter Natasha, who, as a schoolgirl, played the main role in the film “If you believe Lopotukhin.” Natasha did not continue her creative career and chose another profession. In 2012, the daughter of Savelyeva and Zbruev suffered a stroke.

In 2017, the actress celebrated her anniversary. She is now 76 years old. Lyudmila Mikhailovna looks simply amazing. She lives with her family, to whom she has dedicated her life. Today the artist is happy with her family. Author: Irina Angelova

Spouses, film actress Lyudmila Savelyeva (right) and actor of the Lenin Komsomol Theater Alexander Zbruev (left) walk in the park near the Rossiya cinema. June 16, 1966. Photo by Miroslav Murazov / RIA Novosti

Lyudmila Savelyeva and Alexander Zbruev met at the WTO restaurant, which for many actors became a meeting place with their soulmate. We had a nice chat, and soon met by chance in the corridors of Mosfilm. She starred in "War and Peace", he - in the film "Chistye Prudy". "So you are Natasha Rostova?" - Zbruev was surprised and immediately began to look after her. They got married in the mid-60s

Lyudmila Savelyeva and Alexander Zbruev relax in a cafe during a break between filming the film "The Seagull". 1970 Photo by Yuri Abramochkin / RIA Novosti

“I’ve been in love with Sasha ever since the film “My Little Brother” came out,” the actress admitted. Zbruev lost his head when he saw Lyudmila at Mosfilm in Natasha Rostova’s makeup.

Lyudmila Savelyeva and Alexander Zbruev during a break between filming the film "The Seagull". 1970 Photo by Yuri Abramochkin / RIA Novosti

“Sasha always had a kind of boyish mischief, which is what captivated me,” said Lyudmila Savelyeva. “In those days, I was a completely romantic young lady who believed in fairy-tale love.”

Actors and spouses Lyudmila Savelyeva and Alexander Zbruev during a break between filming the film "The Seagull". 1970 Photo by Yuri Abramochkin / RIA Novosti

Sources eva_devochka_iz_blokadnogo_leningrada_po korivshaya_mir v-si-Lyudmila-Savelyeva-445.html

See also other posts from the series:

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Savelyeva could become a great ballerina. WITH early childhood she loved art and looked with delight at the ballerinas who performed on stage. The girl grew up as a purposeful child and set herself the goal of becoming the best in this difficult profession.

She studied at a ballet school, all the teachers noted her hard work and perseverance. Then there was a choreographic school, after which the aspiring ballerina was accepted into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. She managed to play in “Giselle” and “Sleeping Beauty”. It was after the last performance that dramatic changes took place in the girl’s life.

Many ballet fans are often interested in what parameters a girl should have to become a ballerina. So let’s use our heroine as an example to understand this issue: what is the height, weight, age, how old is Lyudmila Savelyeva? Throughout her life, the actress has had a “aspen” waist: her height is average – one meter sixty-five centimeters, and she weighs fifty-five kilograms. Lyudmila Mikhailovna is well over seventy, but the actress looks amazing.

Lyudmila Savelyeva, photos in her youth and now - like no one else, she proves to the entire public how you can preserve your appearance and beauty. After all, despite all the difficulties that this great woman had to endure, she is ready to continue her path as a star actress, thereby delighting her fans.

Biography and personal life 👉 Lyudmila Savelyeva

The biography and personal life of Lyudmila Savelyeva tested her strength from early childhood. The future celebrity was born in 1942 in Leningrad. Unfortunately, who the father and mother of the actress are is unknown. Needless to say, Lyudmila’s life began in hunger and poverty, like other children born during the war. But she survived this difficult time, went to school, and grew up as a gifted child.

In 1962, the Honored Artist thought that she had decided on her type of activity, because by this time she had successfully performed in ballet productions. But, as often happens, His Majesty chance intervened. At one of the performances, Lyudmila was noticed by assistant director Sergei Bondarchuk. At this time, auditions for the role of Natasha Rostova were taking place and he mercilessly rejected all the candidates. This fate befell Savelyeva at the first audition, but something prompted the director to give her a second chance.

Filmography 👉 films starring Lyudmila Savelyeva

Filmography great actress begins precisely with the role of Natasha Rostova in the film “War and Peace”. This film was shot over five years and exceeded all expectations of critics and audiences. The film won an Oscar and was shown in different countries world, French women began to name their daughters after the heroine.

After such an enchanting success, the young actress began to be inundated with offers to act in films. However, Savelyeva, after such a rise, carefully chose roles, not agreeing to play the same type of romantic person.

She probably chose the right tactics, because all the films with her participation became masterpieces of Russian cinema. She played the main characters in the films “Running”, “The Seagull”, “Yulia Vrevskaya”. She also starred in the Italian film “Sunflowers” ​​with equally famous foreign actors.

Afterwards there was a long break. Recent films include “A Tender Age,” “Seventh Heaven,” and “Anna Karenina.”

Lyudmila Savelyeva never regretted that she had to give up her career as a ballerina because of filming.

Family and children 👉 Lyudmila Savelyeva

Interview on the topic: family and children of Lyudmila Savelyeva - the actress does not like to give in principle. She has quite good reasons for this. It is known that Lyudmila Mikhailovna is married to Alexander Zbruev and they have a daughter, Natalya.

The ballerina once mentioned that she loves order, cleanliness and beauty, and enjoys doing all this around the house herself. During her childhood, her parents gave her the nickname Baroness for this. But standing at the stove and preparing culinary masterpieces is not her thing at all. In this regard, she was incredibly lucky with her household - they were not whimsical in their choice of food and gladly agreed to fried potatoes and sandwiches.

Daughter 👉 of Lyudmila Savelyeva - Natalya Zbrueva

The daughter of Lyudmila Savelyeva, Natalya Zbrueva, was born in 1968. The couple were happy to have another family member. Finishing ninth grade, Natasha played one of the main characters in the film “If you believe Lopotukhin.” However, she did not become a famous actress as a mother. On the contrary, Natalya disappeared somewhere for many years. Star parents in the interview they kept silent on all questions, only occasionally they could mention that she was doing well.

And only very recently the secret connected with Natalya Zbrueva began to be revealed. It turned out that Savelyeva’s daughter was a very reserved child since childhood. Further - more: she falls in love with an older man, they begin to live together, and after a while they kill him. This greatly affected the girl’s psyche - her parents took her to live with them. Recently it became known that Natalya had a stroke. For these reasons, “Lyudmila Savelyeva is an actress, her daughter is Natalya Zbrueva” - a photo with such an inscription cannot be found on the Internet.

After details about the daughter’s condition were revealed, the yellow press began to speculate as to why this was happening, and accusations rained down on Alexander and Lyudmila. In fact, only the actors’ relatives and friends know what is really true and what is just gossip, but they keep their mouth shut.

Husband 👉 of Lyudmila Savelyeva - Alexander Zbruev

Lyudmila Savelyeva's husband, Alexander Viktorovich Zbruev, was born in 1938 in Moscow. He graduated from the Shchukin School and began to successfully audition for films. The marriage with Lyudmila was the second in a row. Before this, his wife was Valentina Malyavina - she also belonged to the acting profession.

There has long been gossip around the actors' family, sometimes unsubstantiated rumors. However, some things turned out to be true: for example, that Alexander had an affair with a young actress. The girl gives birth to his illegitimate daughter Tatyana, to whom Zbruev never gave his last name.

Even when Lyudmila found out about her husband’s infidelity, she did not file for divorce, and Alexander did not want to leave his family. After everything they have experienced, they hide all the details of their family life.

Wikipedia 👉 Lyudmila Savelyeva

Wikipedia Lyudmila Savelyeva - will tell everyone interested about life path great ballerina and actress. Here you can see the awards and titles that Lyudmila Mikhailovna deserved.

She starred in more than 20 films - they were a huge success not only in her native land, but also abroad. And all because she played Natasha Rostova, the heroine who made Savelyeva famous throughout the country overnight. After that, the actress agreed only to roles that she liked. That is why, people's star I never played some kind of charlatan or bitchy lady.

30 years have passed since the release of the film “If you believe Lopotukhin,” where ninth-grader Natalya Zbrueva played one of the main roles. To a beautiful girl With character, God himself ordered to shine in the movies. Her mother is Lyudmila Savelyeva, known to everyone for her role as Natasha Rostova from the film “War and Peace,” and her father is People’s Artist Alexander Zbruev. But fate did not smile on Natasha: she had to pay for the success of her talented parents with personal happiness. After the release of the children's film about Natasha, none of her partners in the film heard anything.

“I thought she was abroad,” explained actor Grigory Evseev, who played the main role of the freckled Lopotukhin. - She married a foreigner, and everything is fine with her. I would really like to know about Natasha. According to the plot of the film, she was in love with me, but in reality it was I who fell head over heels for her! Natasha was a star and kept to herself. She liked another boy who played Pavlov’s classmate in this film, Anton Narkevich. He was one of the punks: he never finished school and went to work. After filming, we met a couple of times with director Mikhail Kozakov, and then our paths diverged. Please give me Natasha's phone number, I want to visit her.

Alexander ZBRUEV all his life has been torn between his wife Lyudmila SAVELYEVA
(on the left - in the role of Natasha Rostova, film “War and Peace”) and actress “Lenkom”
Elena SHANINA (on the right - in the role of Conchita, rock opera “Juno” and “Avos”)

Lost my mind from grief

Having explained that Natasha was now in the hospital, I gave her home number. But over the phone, Evseev was turned away, like the others who were interested in her fate.

They told me that she was doing well,” Gregory explained. - They didn’t want to hand over my phone and asked me not to disturb me. This is strange...

Having called all the residents of the house on Malaya Bronnaya, I realized that no one wanted to talk about Natasha. Alexander Zbruev behaves quietly, but the neighbors did not speak very well of Lyudmila Savelyeva, the eldest in the building.

The actor and Elena SHANINA have a common daughter, Tatyana, who followed in the footsteps of her parents and is studying to become an actress.

“I had a fight with her once,” said neighbor Vladimir. - She smokes on the playground, but I asked her not to do this: children walk around and it’s harmful for non-smokers. You can tar on the balcony. To which she objected, saying that the corridor is not public place. After that we don't communicate. I saw their daughter a couple of times, but nothing attracted my attention. Somewhat faceless, thin. She is neither heard nor seen. There are rumors that she drinks... I heard that a couple of years ago she almost started a fire. I know from neighbors that an ambulance recently arrived at the entrance. They say she was taken away.

ZBRUEV and SAVELYEVA in their youth loved to walk in the park near the Rossiya cinema

Alexander Zbruev’s older brother, actor Evgeny Fedorov, did not clarify the situation either. He knew even less about his niece than his neighbors.

Sasha and I don’t even say hello,” explained Evgeniy Evgenievich. - I saw my niece when she was 12 years old. She was a normal girl. After school she did not study anywhere. I know that she has a mental wound after unhappy love. And when she found out that she had a sister from another woman, she completely lost her mind from grief.

This is what the most popular actors Lyudmila SAVELYEVA and Alexander ZBRUEV looked like in their youth

All theater colleagues know that Alexander Zbruev has been living in two families for 25 years. His affair with actress Elena Shanina became public knowledge when he began to have illegitimate daughter Tatiana. Zbruev had a hard time: choosing between his wife Lyudmila Savelyeva and his mistress Shanina. After three years of relationship, he honestly told Elena that he would not leave his wife, but would help his daughter.

The fact that Zbruev lives in two families is a drama for Natalya, the actress of the Lenkom Theater Alexandra Dorokhin is convinced. - I read that it was she who asked her father not to leave her mother. But I have never seen Natasha Zbrueva in the theater, although this is strange.

The actor himself does not talk about his personal life. Not long ago, rumors spread that Zbruev had cancer. As if summing up the results, he admitted to the journalist interviewing him: “I am very sinful before God.”

In January of this year, when preparing material for the anniversary of Lyudmila SAVELYEVA
our paparazzi Ruslan VORONOY spent a week near her house.
Imagine Ruslan’s amazement when he saw his daughter famous actress.
Drunk as hell, Natasha could barely stand on her feet...

Dreams of a bun with butter

Ironically, Grisha Evseev played a boy whom everyone in the class considered a little out of this world: Lopotukhin did not come to the test because he saw humanoids and a “flying saucer”. In the early 80s, the UFO theme was fashionable, and cosmonaut Georgy Grechko himself consulted on Mikhail Kozakov’s film. Now Grisha went to visit Natalya Zbrueva in the psychiatry department. In her hands are the same chrysanthemums that he gave to her heroine, Malakhova, 30 years ago. Worried, Grigory smoked a cigarette on the threshold and then went into the department. Only behind the iron doors we were met not by that lively Natasha, but by an emaciated, pale old woman with pierced hands. It was simply impossible to recognize the heroine of the picture. Some huge gray-blue eyes reminded of the Natasha whom everyone remembered from “...Lopotukhin.”

And with great difficulty she opened the entrance door

Natasha, is that you?! What happened to you? - Grigory squeezed out, stunned.

“I don’t know,” Natasha quietly answered, peering at the guest’s features.

You've lost a lot of weight. She became smaller, but she was as tall as me.

Yes, I lost weight...

Do you remember me? And Anya Ardova? Svetlana Kryuchkova? Are you watching a movie?

I don't watch this movie, I don't want to. It's a thing of the past. I remember you, but with difficulty. Is Anya Ardova so white? I forgot everything…

What happened to you? I thought you became an actress or live abroad. You were a star. Got married.

I didn't want to be an actress. My parents saw me as a teacher in English. But it didn't work out. I had a tragic love. His name was Georgiy. We lived with him in an apartment that I got after exchanging ours on Tverskaya. Then, during the years of perestroika, Georgy was killed. I started renting out this apartment, and I moved in with my parents.

Do you have children?

And this is what Natalya looks like now in a mental hospital

Didn't my arrival upset you?

What you…

I really wanted to see you. Find out about you, tell about yourself. By the way, I graduated from Moscow State University, assembled computers, my life is also not chocolate. And by the way, you have a little gray hair, excellent teeth... Do your relatives visit you?

Mom came, but father never came. It's just a nightmare.

When I found out that you were in intensive care, I called Ardova, but she doesn’t know anything. And your family says everything is fine...

Lies. It all started with renting out my apartment. I didn’t want to let the tenants in, but my mother and father insisted. They rent it out for 42 thousand. They hammered and hammered me for every thousand. Dad works, mom has a pension, but everything is not enough. I was very active, but they broke me.

Realizing that the cause of the mental wound lay deeper, I intervened in the conversation:

Natasha, why do your parents treat you like this?

Why do you think he didn’t go to actress Elena Shanina, with whom he has a daughter?

Don't know. He probably communicates with that daughter, Tanya. I don't know her. But Tatyana once sent a letter from her mother. And a book. It's called "Mom Humor." There's a bad poem about mom. Dad tore it up.

Do you have a girlfriend?

No. I need to get out of here. And I don’t want to live with them. I want to live in my apartment on Runovskogo.

How did you get to the hospital?

They stabbed me at home,” Zbrueva showed her hands. - My mother was always looking for some doctor, doctor, doctor. The one she hired came. I'm not crazy, although now I can be mistaken for anyone.

What's the diagnosis?

Don't know…

Maybe your uncle Evgeny Evgenievich could help?

I have never communicated with my uncle in my life. My father never spoke to him in front of us. I don't know why they don't have a relationship. Nobody can help me...

How does your father treat you?

My father doesn't feel sorry for me. He once said, “You are not a woman.” And he said to his mother: “We still need to check if she is my daughter.”

How much do you weigh?

Probably 30 kilograms. My mother can’t cut my nails - that’s how she takes care of me. And I want a bun with butter.

Are you capable?

Yes, but the parents have the passport. Will you help me? - Natasha whispered with a prayer in her eyes. - I agree to anything, just to get out of here! They inject so many drugs here. One chlorprothixene is worth it.
- Do you need to tell people that you are here?

Yes. I agree to anything just to get out of here and live separately.