Good afternoon, dear readers! The first year of schooling is very difficult for a child. So many changes in his life came to him in one day. Lots of new and unknown around. From how adaptation will take place the mood of the child, his attitude to school, his desire to learn and even his physical well-being will depend on the school. How to help the child cope with all these experiences so that the adaptation period passes quickly and smoothly. We will answer in this article.

The first of September is eagerly awaited not only by future first-graders, but also by parents. It seems to us that our baby is already quite big, and now he will very soon cross the threshold of the school and a completely different life will begin. He will read books, do homework with pleasure, study.

But, this may not happen on the first of September, and not even on the second or third. It is important to understand that the process of adapting a child to school is a period of time during which the child gets to know and gets used to new conditions. And it's not just one day.

This is a restructuring of the child's body, adapting to completely new conditions. This restructuring occurs both outside and inside the child himself. We remember that this period still coincides with. Therefore, the baby needs even more strength to get used to such powerful changes in his life.

The child enters a completely new environment for him. New rules, new orders, new adults appear here. You need to look around. Learn the rules of conduct at school. The kid masters a new social role for himself - the “student”.

The main type of its activity changes from playing to educational. A new social group peers - class. In which you need to learn how to communicate and interact.

Types of adaptation to school

We can distinguish psychological adaptation, social and physiological.

  • Psychological adaptation is associated with internal changes in first graders. The formation of their internal position of the schoolchild, the restructuring of the body in connection with the age crisis, the development of new levels of mental functions, the general emotional condition child during this period.
  • The social adaptation of the child teaches him a new social role. The kid learns to communicate with peers, teachers. Relationships with parents also change. After all, he is now “very big”, he is already a first grader, which means that the attitude towards him is different.
  • The load on the shoulders of the child falls on the physical plane. The new regime, increased stress on the body, even his personal emotional experiences can also affect health.

How long does adaptation to school take?

Definitely no one can answer this question for you. Everything is very individual. It depends on the temperament of the child, on his psychological readiness for schooling, on the atmosphere in the family, on the first teacher. Remember that this period still coincides with, which imposes its own "typos".

Consider the stages of adaptation

What determines how adaptation will take place?

  • The level of psychological readiness for school (read more in);
  • The level of intellectual abilities (read in the article);
  • The state of physical health;
  • Temperament of the child, his readiness to establish new social contacts, sociability;
  • Mood in the family (frightened parents - scared and the child);
  • Professionalism of the teaching staff.

Three levels of passage of the adaptation period

What is maladaptation?

If the child was not ready for school, then in such a stressful situation for him, he may develop various disorders (personal, behavioral), health problems.

During the period of adaptation of the child to school, parents need to be very attentive to the baby. It is worth paying attention to the first symptoms that may indicate increased stress in a child:

  • bad dream
  • loss of appetite
  • fatigue
  • passivity
  • behavioral changes

If you do not respond to the first signs, then in the future they can develop into neurotic states - the appearance of tics, stuttering, enuresis / encapresis, etc.

How can you help your child adjust to school?

Follow the regime

In the summer, many children have a “relaxed” day regimen. You can go to bed later and wake up later. If your baby likes to soak up his bed in the morning, it is better to start accustoming him to get up earlier so that on the first of September it would not be additional stress for him.

Since the load on the nervous system of first-graders is increased, it is worth, if possible, to exclude possible additional loads. Reduce TV and computer time . Pay special attention to sleep - both at night and during the day. If your baby is no longer sleeping during the day, then this should be the time anyway " quiet games so that the body can rest.

Walks in the open air . Contemplation of the natural beauty of the "golden autumn". No matter how trite it sounds, fresh air, physical activity - all this improves the health of our children.

We especially take into account the fact that the process of schooling in terms of physical activity is considered passive. The child is forced to sit at the desk most of the time. Ideally, in addition to walking and motor games, accustom the child to a small morning exercise.

Nutrition. Despite the fact that children will be fed breakfast at school, usually first-graders are fed after the second lesson, approximately at the beginning of the 11th. That's why, feed your baby in the morning at home . This will give him strength and energy.

Moreover, unhurried preparations for school enable the child to wake up and become more active.

Eliminate additional loads

Now for preschoolers and toddlers school age There are a huge number of circles, sections and additional developmental activities. Of course, I really want to introduce the child to different areas.

For a more successful adaptation, it is still worth a little delay with visiting extracurricular activities. Let your little one settle into their 1st grade first. This also applies to the introduction of any other changes in his life.

Don't rush baby

The cognitive activity of the baby intensified, he was interested in the learning process, but even for a child who was ready for school, play activity still remains relevant. To make him feel calmer at school, at first let him take his favorite toy with him, which he can play during breaks. Or sit next to him in the first lessons.

In grade 1, homework should not be assigned, but if any homework required, do not rush the baby with its implementation, give him time to relax, play, and only then sit down to complete the task.

Help build relationships with classmates

The condition for successful adaptation is the building of friendly relations in the team by your child. Help him with this. Invite his new comrades for a joint walk or visit.

If he can communicate with them outside the school walls, this will be a great advantage and will help him quickly adapt to school and even be more successful in his educational activities.

Rejoice in successes and do not scold for failures

The learning process is not without mistakes. It is not necessary to immediately draw conclusions about the intellectual unpreparedness of the baby. "Why don't you understand? It's so simple! Are you stupid? Hearing this, the child may believe that he is a failure and stop striving for something further. What for? Nothing good will come of it, will it?

Remember, in this case, it is not the result that matters, but the process itself! If your kid tries hard, he shows interest in learning - praise him for it! And if you can’t cope with the task on your own, try to do it together.

My home is my castle

Create a calm atmosphere at home. This is a safe place where everything is familiar and clear, where your baby can finally relax and do what he loves, where he is accepted and supported.

Remember, dear parents, how this restructuring of your baby will go under new conditions depends on you. If something in the behavior of your heir is alarming, or you have questions, do not hesitate to contact the teachers and school specialists.

Watch a short video about the adaptation of first graders to school:


primary school

2011 – 2012 academic year

School is the planet we live on.

School - this is a country, a lot of knowledge

and she gives us skills.

School This is a city, and we love everything in it.

School - This is a spacious bright house,

where many happy days

we'll go through together.

The school where we study

MOU Chargarinskaya OOSh

In our beautiful village

There is a school where they go to study

There is one in which we can work, friends!

There is it ... but, however, we do not take into account everything

There is such a school

We will tell about ourselves now.

And we hope you understand.

Children are always welcome here

Regardless of the snow and rain.

Mind - the mind will be taught here.

In life, we will not be given an abyss

You will always recognize our school

It is reliable, warm and cozy.

The first time in first class

From September 1, 2011 academic year, all educational institutions in Russia

switched to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education (FSES IEO)

The school is called upon to play an important role in the education of highly moral, creative, competent and successful citizens of Russia, who are aware of the responsibility to society and the nation for the present and future of their country. The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, conceptually based on ensuring that the learning activities of students correspond to their age and individual characteristics. The school will have to form a system of skills in students - to learn and the ability to organize their activities, as well as the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, plan their activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process.

We are now students

The standard establishes three main groups of results:


readiness and ability for self-development;
formation of motivation;
value-semantic attitudes:
personal positions
personal qualities
formation of the foundations of civic identity

mastered universal learning activities:

As a basis for mastering key competencies, the ability to learn, interdisciplinary concepts.
experience in obtaining, transforming and applying new knowledge
system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge.

In gym class

Education in the 1st grade is conducted on the basis of the EMC "School of Russia".

Project activities, which are given attention in the lessons and extracurricular activities, is very important for the development of the ability to lead research work at junior schoolchildren and further comprehension of the basics of scientific - research activities. Children willingly join in the search for new information, learn to present their projects. They not only learn to reproduce what they saw or read, but also learn to reason, draw conclusions, and justify their opinion.
The teacher's work is based on modern technologies in training and education.

Work in pairs

The best way to organize a cumulative assessment system is a portfolio of student achievements, understood as a collection of student work and results, which demonstrates his efforts, progress and achievements in various areas.


A portfolio of achievements (portfolio) is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also effective remedy to solve a number of important pedagogical problems, allowing:
maintain high learning motivation of students;
to encourage their activity and independence, to expand opportunities for learning and self-learning;
develop the skills of reflective and evaluative (including self-evaluative) activities of students;
to form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize their own learning activities.

Initiation into disciples

According to the results of the assessment, which is formed on the basis of
materials of the portfolio of achievements, conclusions are drawn about:
1. Formation of the student's universal and subject methods of action, as well as the supporting system of knowledge, providing him with the opportunity to continue his education in the main school;
2. Formation of the foundations of the ability to learn, understood as the ability to self-organize in order to set and solve educational, cognitive and educational and practical tasks;
3. Individual in progress in the main areas of personality development - motivational-cognitive, emotional, volitional and self-regulation.

Formation of UUD
self-determination ( internal position schoolchild, self-identification, self-respect and self-esteem)
meaning formation (motivation, boundaries of one's own knowledge and "ignorance")
moral and ethical orientation (orientation towards the fulfillment of moral norms, the ability to solve moral problems on the basis of decentration,
work with information;
work with training models;
use of sign-symbolic means, general solution schemes;
execution of logical operations:
establishing analogies,
bringing under the concept
evaluation of your actions.
managing your activities
control and correction
initiative and independence
speech activity
collaboration skills

Fikultminutka at the lesson

From this point of view, it is especially importantadaptation period , the organization of which should help every first grader, taking into account his readiness for schooling, to painlessly move from preschool childhood to school stage life.

School - very important period in the life of every person. After all, school is not only learning, but the world of communication, joys, experiences, ups, the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, the world of fantasy, creativity.

To make the school years a golden time in the life of every child is the duty of every teacher.

Coming to us to study, children should feel happy. A happy child is easier to teach and educate. It is important for a child to study successfully, to feel smart, quick-witted, quick-witted.

After all successis a source of joy that inspires new success.

The key to a successful student is toteacher, which carries a life-affirming beginning, confidence, joy and happiness. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new teachers -key feature of the school of the future.

Learning is the path to skill.

Therefore, the basis of the activity of each teacher is the following:values:

Love children! Protect them with love and truth.

Do no harm!

Look for the positive in children!

Teach children to think and love!

Not a day without something new!

Learn to love life and be healthy!

Math lesson

« Admissioninschool» difficultstage

inlifeeveryonechild, insofar as

going onperestroikaTotalhis






Circle "Watercolor"

What is "school adaptation"?

Adaptation - the natural state of a person, manifested in adaptation (addiction) to new conditions of life, new activity, new social contacts, new social roles. The significance of this period of entry into an unusual for children life situation It manifests itself in the fact that not only the success of mastering educational activities, but also the comfort of staying at school, the health of the child, his attitude to school and learning depend on the well-being of its course.

Learning to write

The problem of adaptation of first-graders to school is relevant

for the entire education system. Coming to school, getting into a new

for themselves the situation, almost all children are worried and worried. This is expressed in different ways: some try in every possible way to attract

attention to themselves and really attract it with their mobility

and not always justified activity, others, on the contrary, as if

freeze, speak more quietly than usual, have difficulty making contact

with other students and teachers. With all the variety of different manifestations of the behavior of children in the period of adaptation, we can say that

all first-graders in this difficult period for them need

help and support from adults.

What is the most difficult for first graders?

First of all, it is very difficult for them to orient themselves in space.

schools, it is unfamiliar to them;

First graders do not know the rules of behavior at school, in the classroom;

In addition, they have to get to know each other and build

their relationship with classmates.

Of course, both the teacher and parents are interested in first-graders entering school life as quickly and successfully as possible in order to high level tension gave way to a sense of emotional comfort.

We play

The meaning of the adaptation period at school is to make the natural process of adaptation more intense.

The purpose of the adaptation period - soften and accelerate the process of adaptation of first-graders to school. To do this, it makes sense to provide children with the information necessary to get acquainted with the school situation in a systematic way, so that the process of entering school life is smooth and consistent.

Tasks of the adaptation period:

1. Creation of conditions for ensuring emotional comfort, a sense of security for first-graders when entering school life.

2. Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom as a necessary condition for the development of self-confidence in children.

3. Helping children to understand and accept the rules of school life and themselves as students.

4. Creating favorable conditions for children to get to know each other.

5. Organization of interaction between children as prerequisites for the formation of skills of educational cooperation.

6. Creation of prerequisites for group cohesion of the class.

7. Creation of conditions for future first-graders to master the space of their class as a prerequisite for mastering the space of the school.

The main idea of ​​pedagogical activity – helping children to adapt to school as one of the elements of successful socialization.

. Planned result:

creation of comfortable and favorable conditions for the educational process, contributing to the successful and transient adaptation of first-graders.

Circle "Healthy"

The activities of the teaching staff of our school in organizing a favorable adaptive environment in the transition from preschool to primary school education is aimed at creating the following psychological and pedagogical conditions:

    Organization of the school life of first-graders.

II. Creation of a subject-spatial environment.

III. Organization of health-improving and preventive work.

IV. Organization of educational and cognitive activities

first-graders in the adaptation period.

V. Organization of non-academic life of first-graders.

VI. Interaction with the participants of the educational


VII. The study of social psychological adaptation

children to school.

Circle "Why"

Primary school readiness is seen as a complex concept that includes both psychological and physical readiness for school, as well as readiness to master mathematics, reading and writing.

Physical readiness is determined by the general physical development of the child, which must correspond to age standards. The basis of the physical readiness of children for school is the state of health of the child, his psychophysical status. Physically healthy children came 100% or 18 students.

Psychological children's readiness for learning is also considered as a complex characteristic of the child, which reveals the levels and zones of development of qualities that are the most important prerequisites for the normal adaptation of the child at school and for the formation of educational activities. The adaptation period is painless, formed:

Personal readiness, manifested in the presence of educational motivation, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the ability to take a new social position - a student,

intellectual readiness, the main parameters of which are: the arbitrariness of mental activity and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity, the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, memory, fine motor skills of the hand and hand-eye coordination.

Readiness to master mathematics, reading and writing does not consist in the presence of a certain amount of subject knowledge and skills in the future first grader, but is determined by the formation of the prerequisites for mastering mathematics, reading and writing, a certain level of development of those

processes that ensure the successful assimilation of these subjects.

Circle "Magic chest"

Summing up the analysis of the diagnostic examination, it turned out that in the class of students withhigh level preparation - 3 people,middle level - 4 people, low level - 1 person.

Circle "Young Explorer"

In the learning process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

We are well aware of how different children are when they come to the first grade.

Some first-graders have a lack of formation of school-significant functions:

Many people get tired quickly and find it difficult to organize their activities without external control. Different guys come in terms of the level of intellectual, speech, moral and volitional development.

Individual work

Forms individual work in first grade:

tasks of varying degrees of difficulty;

specially selected general developmental exercises for the development of thinking, speech, imagination, attention, memory, etc., occupying a small part of the lesson. At the same time, if possible, children unite in pairs, groups in order to collectively solve one or another logical or creative problem;

additional material offered to children in the lesson, which creates a favorable intellectual and emotional background for learning.

Working in groups

Information note about the class

* General information about the class

Grade 1 is the general education class of the school. It has 8 students, 3 girls and 5 boys. All children born in 2004. All children attended preschool education.

* social class passport

The children in the class are mostly from prosperous families, so they really appreciate family traditions.

Out of 8 students, only 2 people from single-parent families, 2 people from large families, one child under the care of a grandmother.

Good relationships have developed with parents, most of whom are interested in the life of the class, the achievements of their children. Particularly active members of the parent committee (3 people).

* Performance characteristic

There is a good potential, especially since all the guys strive for good and excellent knowledge. In addition, we see that there is a group of children who require additional attention (support) from the class teacher and parents.

Group work

The possibilities of students are not fully realized, it is necessary to work in this direction.

* The level of upbringing of students

Students in the class show an average level of education. Children especially brightly show such qualities as openness, benevolence, generosity.

It is necessary to develop curiosity and diligence in children.

* The level of cohesion and development of the class team

Assignments are distributed in the class.

It is possible to single out a group of students (2 boys and 1 girl), who are usually chosen as leaders in microgroups. Academic success and cognitive activity of these students are an example for everyone. There are no people who are completely indifferent to the affairs of the class either. Each student tries to the best of his ability to help a friend. This indicates that it is necessary to continue to develop in children such qualities as sensitivity, mercy, friendliness.

Students love to spend time together both at school and outside of it, they strive for communication (boys and girls are friends with each other).

We eat…

* Characteristics of students' employment outside of school hours

8 guys, that is, 100% are employed in the field of additional education (circles).

* The level of physical development and health of children

8 students underwent a medical examination, all children are healthy. In the class, a circle "Healthy" is held, the program of the circle is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children.

We love performing...

We are together

Topics of adaptation classes held in our class:

1. Hello school!

2. Let's get acquainted!

3. If you want to speak, raise your hand.

4. School rules of courtesy.

5. Excursion around the school.

6. Forms of oral response.

7. School supplies.

8. The ability to express their emotions.

9. Rules of conduct at recess.

15. Feedback in the lesson.

16. Organization of the workplace.

17. Ways out of controversial situations.

18. The concept of meaningful evaluation.

20. Memo to the first grader.

We participate in competitions

Questionnaire on adaptation students to school

1. Do you like school or not?

A) not very

B) like

B) don't like it.

2. When you wake up in the morning, do you always go to school or do you often feel like staying at home?

A) I want to stay at home more often

B) is different

c) I am happy to go.

3. If the teacher said that tomorrow it is not necessary for all students to come to school, if you wish you can stay at home, would you go to school or stay at home?

A) don't know

b) stay at home

C) go to school.

4. Do you like it when you cancel some lessons?

A) don't like

B) is different

B) like

5. Would you like (a) to have only changes at school?

A) don't know

B) would not like

B) would like

6. Do you often tell your parents about school?

A) often

B) rarely

B) don't tell

7. Would you like (a) to have less strict teachers?

A) I don't know for sure.

B) would like (a) would

B) would not want

8. Do you have many friends in your class?

A) little

B) a lot

C) no friends.

9. Do you like your classmates?

A) like

B) not very

B) don't like

writing lesson

According to the results of the survey among first-graders, the following was revealed:

Students enjoy school;

The students go with joy;

The students would go to school;

The students don't like it;

Students do not like and 1% do not know;

Students often tell their parents about the school and 5% - rarely;

Students would not like;

Students have many friends and 3% - few friends;

Students like classmates, 3% - not very much.

We rest

Dynamics of the adaptation period of first-graders.

it is very important for a first-grader to feel accepted into the school family, as well as to realize his desire to be heard and understood.

Stage 1 of the adaptation period (duration: approximately 1 week): the teacher sets the task of introducing children to each other, creating a general friendly atmosphere in the classroom; gives children the opportunity to feel like members of a new community;

Stage 2 of the adaptation period: work on the daily routine of the student: the guys remember what they do in the morning, getting ready for school, and in the evening, coming from school. As a result of work at this stage, children figure out what hinders them, and what helps them become real schoolchildren;

Stage 3 of the adaptation period: the teacher discusses with the children possible criteria for evaluating educational work (correctness, accuracy, beauty, diligence, interest, etc.) and ways to achieve all this.

Our creativity

Stage 4 of the adaptation period: the stage is devoted to monitoring the development of previously introduced rules and methods of work. It is important that the teacher creates a situation where not he, but the children themselves exercise this control. The task of the teacher at this stage is to observe and fix the main difficulties of the students (too slow or too impulsive, too anxious, etc.). It turns out that the most difficult thing for a first-grader is to argue, without quarreling and not being offended, at each other, to look for evidence of his position in solving a particular problem. The teacher pays attention to how much school children work, and what rules of school life help them cope with assignments;

5 (final) stage of the adaptation period: the guys share their impressions about the school, tell what they remember and like the most about school, distribute public assignments.

The adaptation period of first-graders ends with the holiday "Dedication to students"

Our youngest

For our first graders

The holiday is dedicated.

In a large and bright school,

The door has opened for you!

You are all here to learn!

You are students now!


We are working...

And now the order for first graders:

Being smarter from class to class is one thing.

Get up early in the morning -

It's time to be at school at eight - that's two!

Don't mumble and don't scream

Answer, but do not be silent - these are three.

And don't forget four!

Be clean and tidy!

The student must know:

Need to write slowly

To avoid blots.

It's five!

Be healthy, eat fruit - that's six!

You need to be kind to everyone - that's seven!

And try to be friends

Do more sports.

Everyone loves their school -

This is how you should be!

Parent meetings are a significant moment of this period.The teacher clarifies the expectations of parents from teaching their child at school, introduces the peculiarities of learning and the specifics of the new learning situation, talks about the first difficulties and successes of children during the adaptation period.

Working with parents

Parent meeting on the topic: "Adaptation of 1st grade children at school. New responsibilities - the first difficulties."

Tasks of the parent meeting:

1. Relieve some of the tension of parents caused by fears associated with academic year and individual difficulties of the child;

3. identify the expectations of parents regarding the education of the child at school and correlate them with the expectations of teachers;

4. identify difficulties in communication between parents and the child, in his upbringing;

5. agree on ways of interaction between the teacher and parents during the year, on uniform requirements dictated by school rules.

I often ask adults and parents of my students the same question: “Why do people - children come to school?” Many answer this question without hesitation - to study! And they mean by this the acquisition of a certain amount of knowledge. Here are some parental statements: “School is needed to teach children everything”; “It is necessary to gain knowledge that would help to decide in life”; "To teach the child to write, read, mathematics and other subjects that will be useful to him in life"; “To lay the foundations of all subjects in the child”; "School is needed to get a secondary education." At the same time, every tenth parent recalls that, in addition to education, the school should develop the abilities of children; about the fact that a person comes to school to communicate, says every fourth.

This is the opinion of the parents. And many of my colleagues say that the main job of a teacher is to teach. Sometimes I hear: “I am a teacher. My job is to teach." And, indeed, they try very hard to invest in children as much knowledge as possible and ask them as best as possible.

Now let's imagine what it's like for a child at school? And what does the child expect from school? I work in an elementary school, and I have always been worried about the question, how comfortable are the children in school? Especially considering that the leading activity for preschoolers was the game remains incredibly significant.

After dynamic, emotional games of a preschooler new life seems tedious and not always interesting. School discipline requires a lot of stress, it is difficult for a first-grader to control his feelings and desires. A previously carefree kid has unusual responsibilities: at school, he manages his time, must obey the rules of discipline, which do not always seem reasonable to him. Why can't you make noise, shout, run? Why is it necessary to sit the whole lesson? Many first-graders and do not study initially go to school. Many preschoolers look forward to the day they first step into school. Someone likes a school uniform, and someone likes to wear a satchel. Days pass, and for some schoolchildren, emotional elation disappears, because they are faced with the first difficulties.

I believe that the school brings something different, incredibly significant, necessary for children. It's good if a little person runs to school to communicate - with new acquaintances, with a teacher. Only then does interest in learning gradually come, but only if the teacher, together with the parents, can help the child fall in love with learning. Great importance play the relationship that develops in the child with the team and the teacher. It is not in vain that they say that a child loves not mathematics, but a teacher who teaches mathematics. Therefore, communication and the opportunity to establish relationships are important for the child. This makes the school attractive and necessary today, and important for the future life of children. “We love going to school! - the guys say when they feel good. - We always learn something new, communicate with friends, participate in competitions, have fun at the holidays.

"Wonderful life!" - parents and teachers say when they are pleased to meet each other and communicate together, it is interesting to communicate with children and come up with something together. And, really, what a miracle is our daily communication.

Today I would like to invite you to talk to the parents of 1st grade students. The main result should be the identification of the problems of the child's adaptation to the new learning environment.

It's been two weeks of school for your kids. You with dignity withstood the onslaught of childhood whims about getting up early for school and the first difficulties in learning. Do you know how your child has changed and how he has adapted to new conditions? I suggest you look into this. But first, about the concept of "school adaptation".

Adaptation is habituation, “infusion” of a person into some kind of environment. The opposite of this concept is dedoptation. This concept has been used relatively recently to describe the various problems and difficulties that people have with schooling. These problems may be related to learning difficulties, conflicts with classmates, physical discomfort or malaise, anxiety, and fears.

The main reason for school maladaptation in the lower grades is related to family education. If a child comes to school from a family where he did not feel the experience of "we", he enters a new social community - it is difficult to enter the school. He unconsciously seeks alienation.

Specialists of the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the APN identify three main stage of physiological adaptation.

The first stage is indicative, when in response to the whole complex of influences associated with the beginning of systematic learning, almost all body systems respond with a violent reaction and significant stress. This "physiological storm" lasts quite a long time (2-3 weeks). The discrepancy between the requirements for the child and his capabilities leads to adverse changes in the state nervous system, to a sharp drop in learning activity. There is a "school stress", which is understood as a mental disorder that knocks students out of normal life, leads to a sharp deterioration in health and does not allow the child to successfully cope with the academic load.

The second stage is an unstable adaptation, when the body looks for and finds some optimal variants of reactions to these influences.

At the first stage, there is no need to count on any economy of the body's resources: the body spends everything it has, and sometimes "borrows"; therefore, it is so important for all of us to remember what a high “price” the body of each child pays during this period. At the second stage, this “price” decreases, the “storm” begins to subside.

The third stage is a period of relatively stable adaptation, when the body finds the most suitable options for responding to the load, requiring less stress of all forces. Whatever work the student does, whether it is mental work on the assimilation of new knowledge, a static load that the body experiences in a forced "sitting" position, or the psychological burden of communication in a team.

The duration of all three phases of adaptation is approximately 5-6 weeks. This period lasts until October 10-15, and the most difficult are the first and fourth weeks.

With easy adaptation, the state of tension of the functional systems of the child's body is compensated during the first quarter.

In case of violation of adaptation of moderate severity, disturbances in well-being and health are more pronounced and can be observed during the first half of the year. Some children have a hard time adjusting to school. At the same time, significant violations in the state of health increase from the beginning to the end of the school year.

There is no doubt that the success of schooling is determined mainly by the level of health with which the baby went to first grade. Any health problems and especially chronic diseases, affecting the health of the central nervous system, are among the main causes of high fatigue and, as a result, low academic performance.

For the successful adaptation of first-graders, motivation for learning is very important. In the first year, it is mainly provided by adults. How they react to the attempts of kids to master or learn something new largely depends on whether first-graders want to learn. For the development of learning motivation, it is important that the first steps of the child in school meet with interest and understanding from adults. Parents, together with the teacher, can help the child quickly master the following rules, if they discuss with the child, showing how important it is for him and other children their impeccable performance.

Rules that will help parents develop interest and desire to learn.

    In families where they believe in the success of the child, as a rule, he confidently takes his first steps. “I believe in you”, “Your work is so good”, “These are some skillful fingers you need to have ...”, these are the words with which you can turn to a child.

    Do not allow any negative attitudes in relation to the child, “When you go to school, they will take care of you.” Approximate expressions that help the child hope for the best: “Don’t be afraid, you will succeed”, “I also didn’t immediately learn how to do well”, “I know you are trying, and very soon you will succeed as it should.”

    The love of parents the child must feel constantly. Manifestations of love: touches, hugs, smiles, glances, words: "It's good that I have you." This is especially important when the child does not succeed. Rudeness, harshness, violence can give rise to a lot of negative consequences.

    It is at the beginning of the teaching that it is important to clearly and unambiguously show the child what is included in the circle of his new duties. To achieve their implementation means to organize the life of the child, which will help in educational work.

    These are well-known rules: don't make noise in class, don't talk to your neighbor, don't engage in extraneous activities, raise your hand, sit up straight, don't lean low while writing. Parents, together with the teacher, can help the child quickly master these rules if they discuss them with the child, showing how important it is for him and other children to follow them perfectly.

    Calm quiet conversation - how important it is both in the family and at school! Unfortunately, how often this is violated! For some reason, we adults want to get everything at once, and if the child doesn’t do it right away, then we need to shout. Yelling starts in the family - and how hard it is with such children who are used to shouting at school.

Overcome difficulties with your child and do not let everything take its course. This is how you show your sincere interest.

his life, successes and failures, and therefore his love.

The adaptation period is favorable and comfortable for first graders.

The first results of the introduction of GEF:

The experience of the first two months of the implementation of the GEF led to the conclusion that this kind of reform of the system of work educational institution long overdue (for prepared children). Our first-graders smoothly and painlessly adapt to the new educational environment. At the forefront, we have set the task of strengthening the health of children, the development of their physical, moral and intellectual potential. Lessons are 35 minutes long with a dynamic pause. Every minute spent at school gives the child a positive experience of communication, allows him to show himself as an active, creative person, expands his ideas about the world around him. While walking, children collect natural material for crafts, conduct observations, talk about the protection of nature and ways to preserve it. I learn with them poems that correspond to the current season, weather conditions, solve riddles, and conduct phenological observations. Children lively communicate with teachers and with each other - friendly relationships have developed in the class, which is also one of the conditions for the formation of a health-saving educational environment. They are willingly involved in the search for new information, learn to reason, set educational tasks for themselves, draw conclusions, and justify their opinion. During the school hours, a number of parent-teacher meetings were held, where the successes and problems of children were discussed. The experience of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard shows that, in general, the conceptual ideas spelled out in the materials “Ways to Implement the Federal State Standard of the Second Generation” are relevant and in demand by the modern educational system.

Our - Friendly family

Tip one:

The most important thing you can give your child is your attention.
Listen to his stories about the school, ask clarifying questions. And remember: what seems unimportant to you may turn out to be the most exciting event of the whole day for your son or daughter! If the child sees your interest in his affairs and concerns, he will definitely feel your support. Listening to him carefully, you will be able to understand what the kid needs your help in, what you should talk about with the teacher, what really happens to the child after you say goodbye to him at the school door.

Tip two:
your positive attitude towards school and teachers will make the adjustment period easier for your child.
Ask any first grader you know what kind of teacher he has. In response, you will most likely hear that she is the best, the most beautiful, the kindest, the most ... For a first grader, a teacher becomes one of the most important adults in life.

We love crafting...

In the first months at school, the teacher outshines both mom and dad. It is a wise act to support this "love" of the child and not be jealous. Collaborate with your child's teachers, offer help, be active. In a class with active parents, as noted, more and more better relationship between children more interesting life, more holidays and hikes.
Even if you personally, as parents, have some questions for teachers, it seems to you that something needs to be done differently, all friction should remain between adults. Otherwise, the child will be forced to be torn between the love of parents and the authority of the teacher. Negative or disrespectful statements about the school and teachers “in family circle", this will significantly complicate the child's adaptation period, undermine the child's calmness and confidence in the care and harmony between important adults for him.

Tip three:
your calm attitude to school worries and school life is very help the child.
Seeing parents calm and confident, the child will feel that there is simply no need to be afraid of school. One grandmother cried, collecting her grandson to school in the morning. She stroked his head, ran between the briefcase and clothes and lamented: “Where are we letting you go! They won't feed you there all day! How are you going to be alone without me!” And so every morning for a month. They greeted the boy from school as if he had just returned alive from the war.
The boy's parents noticed that the child began to "be afraid of school." Most of the work was done with my grandmother. She was invited to the whole day of school classes, she attended all the lessons, had breakfast with the whole class, went to the school locker room, medical office, gym ...
By the way, the boy's pride was not hurt by the presence of his grandmother in the class. He was promised that he would tell his classmates that this was his grandmother, only if he wanted to. After that day, the grandmother realized that her grandson was growing up and now he could handle school. The child's fears quickly disappeared.

Tip four:
help your child establish relationships with peers and feel confident.
Your help will be especially needed if the child did not go to school in Kindergarten. In this case, he is not used to the fact that the attention of adults is distributed among several children at once. Praise the child for sociability, rejoice out loud at his new school acquaintances. Talk to him about the rules of communication with your peers, help your child become interesting to others. Teach him new games so he can show them to his friends. Invite your child's classmates to your house - a simple tea party, and the little owner will learn to receive guests.
Do not "bribe" the attention of your child's schoolmates with expensive toys and clothes. So your child will not learn to be needed by others on his own. Your son or daughter may face the envy and disapproval of classmates.
A self-confident, sociable baby adapts to any situation faster and calmer.
Tip five:
Help your child get used to the new routine. The child gets used to school not only psychologically, but also physically. Many children in first grade for the first time face the need to get up at the same time in the morning. During 3-6 hours of the school day, the child is actively learning. At six or seven years old, such a load is equal to a busy working day for an adult. With the beginning of schooling, the load on the nervous system, spine, vision, and hearing of the child increases dramatically.
If before that you did not adhere to the regime of the day, then try to gently introduce it. Your daughter or son needs regular, long sleep. Help the student learn to fall asleep at the same time. Do not force your child to immediately sit down for lessons. The child needs time to rest. It is also useful for the learning process itself. The brain uses rest time to "put new knowledge on the right shelves." A child, like us, needs a piece of peace and relaxation after a working day. Take care of the health of your child, as in the first months of schooling, flaws in the daily routine will affect more seriously than before.
Tip six:
the wise attitude of parents to school success will exclude a third of the possible troubles of the child.
Many moms and dads want to be proud of their children so much and worry so much about their grades that they turn the child into an appendix to the school diary. School success is certainly important. But this is not the whole life of your child.
A school mark is an indicator of a child's knowledge on a given topic of a given subject at the moment. It has nothing to do with the personality of the child. Praise your child for his school success. And remember, no number of "fives" can be more important than the happiness of your child.
Let's try to make the very first steps taken by every kid in the school world be joyful and confident for the child and his family members.

The main task of the federal state educational standard for elementary school (FSES) is to educate a child capable of changing social roles and adapt to changes in the world. Therefore, new requirements have been put forward not only for subject, but also for personal and meta-subject results.

First-graders are looking forward to their first school day and are very excited, because they are starting a new, “adult” life. For parents, the beginning of school life is also a serious test and cause for concern: will their child be able to cope with his new responsibilities? How quickly does he adapt to school? Parents are not worried in vain: not only the further progress of the child, but also his whole future life depends on how the adaptation to school goes.

How to help the baby smoothly and painlessly move from a carefree childhood life to a new educational activity for him? This is discussed in this article.

What can parents do to ensure a successful transition to school?

During this difficult period, parents should support their child in everything. Almost all preschool children really want to go to school, they want to grow up, they want to be like their elders. In other words, initially all first-graders have a very high level of learning. But when the daily classes at school begin, the child faces the first difficulties: instead of carefree entertainment, results-oriented study, instead of dynamic games, there are long lessons during which you need to sit still. Due to such difficulties, the motivation to study is significantly reduced, and the main thing for parents is to help the child maintain interest in learning from the very first days at school. The most difficult problem for all first-graders is to sit still. This is due to the age characteristics of the child's body: in a child of 6-7 years old, the brain is still being formed, and it is still very difficult for a child to keep attention for a long time. It is especially difficult for 6-year-olds to concentrate on their studies - that is why it is recommended to send children to school at 7 years old.

How can you help your child deal with this problem?

The most important thing is in no case to scold the baby for restlessness, or rather, not to scold him for anything related to the school so that he does not lose interest in learning. The task of adults is to help the child establish the educational process, learn to follow the teacher's instructions correctly and in a certain sequence: sit straight, open notebooks, take pens, write a number ... Do not forget that even these simple actions are new, unfamiliar to the child.

Should parents help their child with homework?

While doing homework, you must definitely sit next to the child, especially at first. But at the same time, the task of adults is to help the baby sit still, and not do homework for him. Sitting next to him, try to keep his interest in learning: praise for achievements and in no case scold him if he made a mistake. If the educational process is given to the child with difficulty or something does not work out, while doing homework, you can put something tasty nearby as an encouragement - an apple, a tangerine. Spoiling your child with their favorite treats while studying will help them enjoy cooking more. Just make sure that the sweets do not leave stains on textbooks and notebooks.

Adaptation of first-graders in school.

However, reward should not be confused with punishment. You can’t tell children something like “until you do your homework, you won’t go for a walk” or “make a mistake in your homework - you won’t get a chocolate”. Such statements can discourage interest in learning, and the school and everything related to it should not cause negative feelings in the child.

Now many children do not attend kindergarten, but are brought up at home. Does home education help to adapt to school life faster or, on the contrary, hinder?

Problems at school can occur both in "home" children and in "kindergarten", but, as a rule, they are different. According to statistics, problems with adaptation to school in children who did not attend preschool institutions are much more common than those who went to kindergarten. The main problem for all first graders is entry into new team and a change in the usual way of life, and for "home" children, this problem is especially acute. Due to the lack of experience in communicating with peers, children who have not attended preschool children's institutions often lack communicative readiness for school: they lack the skills of joint action with other children, the ability to communicate in a team, to yield, to obey. But besides the communicative one, “home” children also have a motivational problem. Due to the fact that such children did not communicate much with their peers in the preschool period, at school they are often more interested in socializing than learning. In this case, the task of parents is to orient the child to study. If the “home” child is the only child in the family, this means that in preschool age he communicated more with adults than with peers, so at school he tends to communicate more with the teacher than with classmates. Such behavior hinders the entry into the team and complicates the process of adaptation.

What to do if first graders have difficulty communicating with the teacher?

The figure of a teacher for a first grader is very important, especially at the beginning of their studies, so it is very important that the kid likes the teacher from the very beginning. The authority of the teacher in the eyes of the first grader is very high, and the child trusts his words even more than the words of his parents. This attitude is quite normal: it maintains interest in the school. If children are afraid of the teacher, then the origins of this fear should be sought not in the school, but in the family. This means that at preschool age, the child was instilled with an excessive fear of adults. You can’t scold the child for this fear: support the baby, explain that the teacher does not wish him harm.

What else will help the child quickly adapt to school life?

First graders need good nutrition and a strict daily routine, then the child will not only be less tired, but also less sick, which means less time to miss school. The kid must go to bed no later than 21.00, only then the night's rest will be really complete. It is very important that the child walks on the street every day, because. children of this age are characterized by a great need for physical activity. Another very important point: first-graders are still small children, so it is imperative to leave them time for games every day.

You should not expect incredible progress from a first-grader or any super-achievements from the first days of school. The main task of the entire elementary school is to teach the child to learn, in other words, to teach him directly the learning process: how to better understand and memorize new material, how to repeat what has been learned, how to sit at a desk correctly, how to use a book, how to complete assignments. Primary school should support the child's desire to learn, with which he came to the first grade, and instill an interest in acquiring new knowledge in the future. The task of parents is to be patient and attentive, to support the baby in this difficult period and show their love for him. Then in the future he will definitely please you with his academic achievements.

How to help a first grader adjust to school.

For parents, this is also a challenge:

  • firstly, it is during this period that maximum participation in the life of the child is required;
  • secondly, with the beginning of the child's education at school, they become visible;
  • thirdly, in the presence of good intentions, but the absence of a psychologically competent approach, parents themselves often become the culprits of school stress in children.

Adaptation to school is a process of getting used to new school conditions, which every first grader experiences and realizes in his own way. Its components are physiological adaptation and socio-psychological adaptation (to teachers and their requirements, to classmates).

Physiological adaptation

Getting used to new conditions and requirements, the child's body goes through several stages:

  • For the first 2-3 weeks of training, the child's body responds to all new influences with a significant strain on almost all of its systems, that is, children spend a significant part of their body's resources. This explains the fact that in September many first graders get sick.
  • Next is the unstable device. The child's body finds acceptable, close to the best options reactions to new conditions.
  • This is followed by a period of relatively stable adaptation. The body responds to loads with less stress.

The duration of the entire period varies from 2 to 6 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the student.

The manifestations of the difficulties of addiction and overstrain of the body can also be the capriciousness of children at home, a decrease in the ability to self-regulate behavior,.

It will not be superfluous to recall all this before reproaching the child for laziness and shirking his new duties, and also remembering what health problems he has.

Socio-psychological adaptation

Observation of first-graders showed that their socio-psychological adaptation to school takes place in different ways.

Conventionally, according to the degree of adaptation, all children can be divided into three groups.

First group children adapt to school during the first two months of training. These children get used to the new team relatively quickly, find friends, they almost always good mood, they are calm, friendly, affable, communicate well with their peers, perform school duties with desire and without apparent tension.

The main indicators of a favorable socio-psychological adaptation of the child:

  • formation of adequate behavior;
  • establishing contacts with students and the teacher;
  • mastering the skills of educational activity.

Second group children undergo a longer adaptation, the period of non-compliance of their behavior with the requirements of the school is delayed: children cannot accept the situation of learning, communication with the teacher, classmates - they can play in the classroom or sort things out with a friend, do not respond to the teacher's remarks or their reaction - tears, resentment . As a rule, these children also experience difficulties in mastering the curriculum. Only by the end of the first half of the year, the reactions of these students become adequate to the requirements of the school and the teacher.

The third group - children whose socio-psychological adaptation is associated with significant difficulties: negative forms of behavior, a sharp manifestation of negative emotions are noted. Often they do not master the curriculum, they are characterized by difficulties in learning to write, read, etc. It is precisely these children that teachers, classmates, and parents complain about: they often "treat children", "interfere with work in the classroom", their reactions are unpredictable. Problems accumulate and become complex.

The reason for the violation of socio-psychological adaptation can be educational problems, a situation of constant failure, inadequate requirements of the teacher and parents. Moreover, the dissatisfaction of adults, reproaches, punishments only worsen the situation.

Violations of socio-psychological adaptation are also noted in children who cannot cope with additional loads, and they are associated with the constant effect of stress, time constraints. "Overloaded" children not only work at a very fast pace unusual for them, but also constantly experience the fear of "not being on time" and, as a result, "sacrifice" the quality of any work.

One way or another, bad behavior is an alarm signal, a reason to carefully observe the student and, together with parents, to understand the reasons for the difficulties of adapting to school.

Such students often become "outcasts". This, in turn, gives rise to a reaction of protest: they “bully” children at breaks, scream, behave badly in class, trying to stand out. If you do not understand the reasons for such behavior in time, do not correct the difficulties of adaptation, this can lead to a breakdown in adaptation and a violation of mental health.

As never before, the question arises of how to help a child learn to follow the new rules and requirements of the teacher without compromising health, how to smoothly and painlessly move from play to a new, very complex learning activity.

The famous teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveichik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, published in one of his books regulations which can help parents prepare their child for an independent life among their classmates at school during the adaptation period. Parents need to explain these rules to the child, and, with their help, prepare the child for adulthood.

Simon Soloveichik's Rules for First Graders

  1. Don't take someone else's, but don't give yours either.
  2. They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself.
  3. Don't fight for no reason.
  4. They call to play - go, they don’t call - ask permission to play together, it’s not a shame.
  5. Play fair, don't let your comrades down.
  6. Don't tease anyone, don't beg, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.
  7. Be careful wherever you need to be careful.
  8. Don't cry over grades, be proud. Do not argue with the teacher because of marks, and do not be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.
  9. Try to be careful.
  10. Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.
  11. Remember! You are not the best, you are not the worst! You are unique for yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

plays an important role in the child's adaptation daily regime. Of course, without the help of parents, this cannot be done. To make it easier for the child, you can make a plan for the week with him and hang it in a conspicuous place.

A child starting school needs moral and emotional support. He should not just be praised (and scolded less, but it’s better not to scold at all), but.

  1. Wake up the child calmly. Waking up, he should see your smile and hear your voice.
  2. Do not hurry. The ability to calculate the time is your task. If you don't succeed, it's not the child's fault.
  3. Do not say goodbye, warning and guiding: "Look, do not indulge!", "So that today there are no bad marks!". Wish me luck, find some kind words.
  4. Forget the phrase: "What did you get today?". When meeting a child after school, do not bring down a thousand questions on him, let him relax a little, remember how you yourself feel after a working day.
  5. If you see that the child is upset, silent - do not inquire; let him calm down and then he will tell everything himself.
  6. After listening to the teacher's remarks, do not rush to arrange a thrashing. Try to keep your conversation with the teacher without the child.
  7. After school, do not rush to sit down for lessons. The child needs two hours of rest. Classes in the evenings are useless.
  8. Do not force to do all the exercises at once: 20 minutes of classes - 10 minutes break.
  9. During the preparation of lessons, do not sit "over the soul." Let the child work on his own. If you need your help, be patient: a calm tone, support are needed.
  10. When communicating with a child, try to avoid the conditions: "If you do, then ...".
  11. Find at least half an hour during the day when you belong only to the child.
  12. Choose a single tactic for communicating with the child of all adults in the family. Solve all disagreements about tactics without him.
  13. Be attentive to the child's complaints about headache, fatigue, feeling unwell. Most often these are objective indicators.
  14. Keep in mind that even "big children" are very fond of a bedtime story, a song, and gentle stroking. All this will calm the child and help relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day.

From the author: I hope that the information about the peculiarities of the course of adaptation to schooling in children turned out to be interesting and useful for you, and you can, given this information, make it easier for your child to get used to school and help him in difficult times.


  1. E.N. Korneev. Oh, those first-graders!.. Yaroslavl. "Academy of Development", 2000.
  2. A. Barkan. Practical psychology for parents, or how to learn to understand your child. Moscow. "Ast-Press", 2000.
  3. M.A. Aloev. The best parent meetings in elementary school. Rostov-on-Don. Phoenix, 2007
  4. V. Zaitseva 7 years is not only the beginning of school life. Moscow. "First of September", 2008.

Children grow up very quickly - this is not a secret for any parent. And now from the first steps you move on to the first lessons. Adapting to school is a long and laborious process. It would seem that the first months of school life are already behind, but everything is just beginning.

Difficulties in adapting first-graders are caused by the importance of school in a child's life. After all, it is there that the formation of the child's personality takes place, cognitive skills are laid and developed, and if the child did not go to kindergarten, the first socialization takes place. For the most part, the child's attitude and self-awareness largely depends on the first school years, and the period of adaptation to school usually takes the entire 1st grade.

Difficulties in adapting first-graders: risk groups

Problems in the first school year occur in almost all children. Adaptation to school causes particular difficulties in children with individual characteristics of the nervous system. First of all, hyperactive children are at risk. It is difficult for them to be in one position, the child is used to moving freely, and he cannot calmly listen to the teacher. These children are often distracted and may regularly break school rules. Scolding and punishing such a child is useless, it is best to try to calmly explain the importance of school in his life and try to interest him in learning. If a child's hyperactivity is not only the opinion of the parents, but also a diagnosis made by a specialist, adaptation to school will require additional help from specialists.

The second risk group during adaptation to school is children with high fatigue. Such children quickly get tired of the high concentration that is required when completing the tasks of the teacher, it is difficult for them to do all the homework at once. In this case, the ideal solution for the first year of study would be an individual work schedule with a gradual increase in study time and a reduction in breaks. It is very important that the child's schedule is the same both at home and at school.

Adaptation to school causes difficulties for gifted children. Often, even before the start of the first school year, they have highly developed cognitive abilities and a good level of knowledge. The main problem of such children at school is boredom. The material that the teacher explains is already known to them or becomes clear faster than other children. It is difficult to adapt a gifted child to the conditions of a regular class; in most cases, the best solution would be to transfer the baby to special program education or even to another school.

Psychological adaptation of a first grader: signs of problems

Far from immediately, a parent can realize not only the scale of the problem with adaptation, but also its very existence. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the child's complaints, which are usually expressed by first-graders: the high complexity of tasks, the teacher's requirements, bored in the classroom, relations with classmates do not go well. Solving specific situations and talking with the child will help to cope with the difficulties of adaptation, and usually by the end of the first half of the year your student is already fully involved in the learning process.

However, there are other signs of difficulties with psychological adaptation that the child does not voice in words. Such models are no less a call for help than a shaved head of a teenager.

When such signs appear, the parent should be alert and find out the real reasons for what is happening.

1. Underachievement
Perhaps the most frequent indicator of problems with adaptation. Almost every first grader has problems with some subjects. However, if there is a general poor performance in most subjects or a decrease in the level of grades, the problems are most likely psychological. The child may experience insecurity in his abilities, problems with one subject may deprive him of motivation to learn, or there are difficulties with organizing time.

2. Withdrawal
The child "counts the crows" in the classroom, ignores the teacher's questions and is not active during the breaks. Such children often experience difficulties with psychological adaptation not only at school, but also outside it. Immersion of a child in his inner world often speaks of the need for additional attention. When punishing such children, they usually close even more, it is best to calmly discuss with the child the reasons for his behavior and consult with the school psychologist.

3. Constant violation of the rules of conduct
If a child, in general, studies well, but at the same time constantly violates school rules and is already known as a bully, then the root of all evil also lies in the difficulties of the child's adaptation. There may be several reasons for this behavior. First, a child may rebel against the school routine if any of the rules causes a feeling of infringement of his rights. Secondly, the rebellion can be provoked by a particular teacher or difficulties with the subject. Thirdly, such behavior may indicate a painful need for attention, which, in turn, already requires the help of qualified specialists. And, finally, the fourth reason for such behavior can be boredom if the child goes through the school curriculum faster than classmates and does not know what to do in class.

4. Verbose but empty speech
This phenomenon in psychology is called verbalism. Usually it manifests itself just during the period of adaptation to school and appears in those children whose speech development is ahead of intellectual development. Usually in schooling verbalism is manifested in incoherent oral answers and difficulties with completing assignments in the exact sciences. In most cases, either the child or the teacher is blamed for the situation. However, increasing the requirements for the first grader will not solve the problem, but will only aggravate it, and the actions of the teacher will not always be able to correct the current situation. Should be tested creative thinking child through modeling, drawing, mosaic and other types of creative non-verbal activities, most likely, the results will be worse than the weather. However, constant training in non-verbal productive activity will be able to level the difference between the development of speech and figurative thinking.

5. Laziness
Of course, anyone, even the most strong-willed person, is sometimes lazy. In this case, systematic ignoring of tasks and unwillingness to make efforts are implied. Laziness in this case is a rather complex phenomenon, most acutely manifested just during the psychological adaptation of a first-grader.

Main causes of laziness

Decreased curiosity

It often occurs in children who did not receive enough attention at the age of "why" and gradually lost interest in learning. It is also characteristic of children who are overly enthusiastic about cartoons and entertainment programs.

Fear of failure

The child is so afraid of making a mistake that he does nothing at all. Usually such children are also not active in the classroom, are afraid to answer in front of the class and are not active in extracurricular activities. It usually occurs if the student was reprimanded too sharply for a mistake, and a stereotype formed in his head that it is a shame to make a mistake.

Features of temperament

The pace of the child's activity may differ from the parent's, so it sometimes seems to adults from the outside that the child is not doing anything. In fact, the baby works at his own pace. In such cases, you only need to be patient and evaluate only the results of the activities of a small person, without limiting him in time.


It is similar to the fear of failure, but has deeper roots and consequences. Such a child does not believe in himself and therefore does not even begin to do something. Such uncertainty, if it is not overcome and the child is not filled with a sense of self-worth, can greatly affect all areas of the life of a small person and leave a significant imprint on the future life.

Laziness from being spoiled

Much less often, but still there is laziness from being spoiled, laziness in the original sense of the word. Smart children are especially susceptible to it, for whom learning is easy, since they do not have the habit of making efforts to achieve results.

Adaptation of first-graders is a complex and time-consuming process, it requires maximum attention and patience from the parent. There are several recommendations for adults that will help facilitate the period of psychological adaptation and create suitable conditions for the student.

Do not combine the beginning of school life with a sharp increase in extracurricular activities

Often, it is from the first grade that numerous sections and circles appear in the life of a child. For the first year of study, 2-3 additional lessons are quite enough - thus, the child does not get too tired and at the same time develops harmoniously. You should not enter all sections at once if the kid did not attend them before school. The child is already going through a difficult period of adaptation to school, it is better to add new circles gradually.