If you want to make someone laugh, you use a meme. If you need a decisive argument in an argument, you use a meme. If you need to quickly express emotions, you use a meme. And to make it easier for you, we’ll tell you which meme is yours. Horoscope.

Capricorn - Witness from Fryazino

Capricorn has two important qualities: the ability to fit perfectly into any situation and the ability to save face in any situation. I mean, a poker face. Yes, even if Capricorn in white sweatpants ends up at a reception with the Queen of England. Learn.

Aquarius - “Who are we? Women!"

We really hope that someday some Aquarius will fall into the clutches of mad scientists, and we will finally find out exactly how Aquarians differ from normal people. Maybe they have some kind of extra mini-brain that constantly generates happiness and optimism? We need this too!

Pisces - Grumpy Cat

All. Very. Badly. And everything will be even worse if you don’t immediately explain to Rybka that you love and appreciate her very much. Yes, love devotedly, like a dog. Yes, you really appreciate it, and to prove it, you bought her a diamond ring for absolutely no reason just an hour ago. What? Didn't buy it? All. Very. Badly.

Aries - Trollface

The most important meme of the entire Internet, an ageless classic. Pure, unclouded gloating. Sincere, undisguised self-satisfaction. Natural Aries, what can I say.

Taurus - Stoned Fox

Taurus always remembers that everything is decay and we will all die. And with tenacity worthy of better use, he reminds others of this. Stopping at nothing. That is, Taurus, in principle, is able to resurrect in order to say: “Did you see? And I told you!”

Gemini - Gangnam Style

If you are not confident in yourself, never mess with a Gemini, it is very dangerous! It's not so much that Geminis do stupid things all the time, it's that they make other people do stupid things. And not just do it, but film the process and then post it on YouTube. And what ends up on the Internet cannot be cut out with an axe, that’s a fact.

Cancer - Puss in Boots

Cancer is actually not Cancer at all, but not even a cat. He has such little eyes! He has such little paws! Darling, darling. A cute little tyrant who masterfully shits in the slippers of naughty little people. And into the soul.

Lion - Tony Stark

“Who’s great? I'm done!"

Virgo - "Carl!"

Yes, only Virgo knows how to live correctly, and she will teach you all now. And we sincerely do not recommend objecting to her or, heaven forbid, entering into controversy. Get hit in the face with a shovel. Shovel, Karl!

Libra - Confused Travolta

In any incomprehensible situation, pretend that you don’t understand anything. Well, if you're a Libra, of course. If you are not a Libra, then don’t do it: only Libras have a colossal reserve of charm, which allows them to look around in confusion in any incomprehensible situation, thereby causing universal affection.

Capricorn has two important qualities: the ability to fit perfectly into any situation and the ability to save face in any situation. I mean, a poker face. Yes, even if Capricorn in white sweatpants ends up at a reception with the Queen of England. Learn.

Aquarius - “Who are we? Women!"

We really hope that someday some Aquarius will fall into the clutches of mad scientists, and we will finally find out exactly how Aquarians differ from normal people. Maybe they have some kind of extra mini-brain that constantly generates happiness and optimism? We need this too!


Pisces – Grumpy Cat

All. Very. Badly. And everything will be even worse if you don’t immediately explain to Rybka that you love and appreciate her very much. Yes, love devotedly, like a dog. Yes, you really appreciate it, and to prove it, you bought her a diamond ring for absolutely no reason just an hour ago. What? Didn't buy it? All. Very. Badly.

Aries - Trollface

The most important meme of the entire Internet, an ageless classic. Pure, unclouded gloating. Sincere, undisguised self-satisfaction. Natural Aries, what can I say.

Taurus - Stoned Fox

Taurus always remembers that everything is decay and we will all die. And with tenacity worthy of better use, he reminds others of this. Stopping at nothing. That is, Taurus, in principle, is able to resurrect in order to say: “Did you see? And I told you!”

Gemini - Gangnam Style

If you are not confident in yourself, never mess with a Gemini, it is very dangerous! It's not so much that Geminis do stupid things all the time, it's that they make other people do stupid things. And not just do it, but film the process and then post it on YouTube. And what ends up on the Internet cannot be cut out with an axe, that’s a fact.

Cancer - Puss in Boots

Cancer is actually not Cancer at all, but not even a cat. He has such little eyes! He has such little paws! Darling, darling. A cute little tyrant who masterfully shits in the slippers of naughty little people. And into the soul.

Leo - Tony Stark

"Who's great? I’m great!” (c)

Virgo - “Carl!”

Yes, only Virgo knows how to live correctly, and she will teach you all now. And we sincerely do not recommend objecting to her or, heaven forbid, entering into controversy. Get hit in the face with a shovel. Shovel, Karl!

Libra - Confused Travolta

In any incomprehensible situation, pretend that you don’t understand anything. Well, if you're a Libra, of course. If you are not a Libra, then don’t do it: only Libras have a colossal reserve of charm, which allows them to look around in confusion in any incomprehensible situation, thereby causing universal affection.

A miracle horoscope has appeared on the Internet that plays on 12 of the most famous Internet memes. Now they are associated with the signs of the zodiac, each in accordance with its own character. For example, Aries is a temperamental, interesting person there, and Pisces is a silent witness from Fryazino. ( Login to clear the page.)
Aries. You, Aries, are an interesting person. Each Aries has his own little world where he lives and, to the best of his ability, tries not to disturb anyone. Aries feels good in his small apartment. But if someone brazenly breaks into an Aries’s soul, and even breaks down the door, then the Aries turns into a staunch defender. Then the visitors will be in trouble - especially if they insist on seeing him.

Calf. Taurus is a real smiling dog. Taurus is open to people. He is always ready to help his neighbor. A cheerful and good-natured smile always plays on the face of a real Taurus. Any person can simply come to Taurus and talk about their problems. And a good-natured dog’s smile will immediately make your soul more cheerful.

Twins. This is... King Leonidas. Each twin is a powerful and self-sufficient person. As children, the twins suffered many hardships and endured many trials. But now - the twin can kick any offender - and throw him into the abyss of universal condemnation. With a truly spartan character, the twins face all life's obstacles.

Cancer. Tough guy, damn it. Cancer is persistent, stubborn and always expresses his opinion - on any issue. He leads other men and women, he encourages them to do what is right. And the rest listen to him. Cancer is always elegant in clothes and no one will force him to change his mind. A real severe cancer can do anything, bleat.

A lion. Leo is a manul. Leo demands attention to his person. Sometimes too persistent, as it seems to others. When you meet a lion, you may be frightened by his appearance and his round pupils, which are not like a cat. But as soon as you pet him, the scary manul turns into a cute kitten - which can play for hours.

Virgo. Lady with candybobber. A real maiden is a mysterious and at the same time alluring lady. Virgo may look slightly extravagant and wear strange clothes. Virgos especially love red hats. But this does not mean that they are ballerinas! Under no circumstances should you behave recklessly with a girl. Otherwise, she will instantly remember her military past and give a worthy NLP rebuff.

Scales. Cute and calm Libra is a pedobear. Energetic, with a constant smile on their face. Libras are always in a hurry to get somewhere. When it comes to sports, Libra prefers winter sports. And of course, they love children with all passion. Libra-pedobears are ready to spend the whole day with a little person, give him all their attention... And something else.

Scorpion. Without a doubt, the representative of this sign is a typical hare of bad luck. Scorpio often looks unpresentable. But you shouldn’t meet such a bunny based on his clothes. After all, a Scorpio can ruin any plans with its mere presence. This is also his favorite thing. Children are especially afraid of Scorpio when it acts together with Libra.

Sagittarius. This is a dangerous bitch. Sagittarians are always scrupulous about their property and their territory. No one can enter the Sagittarius point without fear. And if you sit on his stump, I advise you to prepare a cash ransom for violating the boundaries of private property. Sagittarius can cause irreparable material and moral damage to any zodiac sign.

Capricorn. Capricorn is a cook. Cheerful and cheerful, Capricorns are ready to spend hours telling funny stories about serious people. Capricorn is curious and always strives to learn more about his interlocutor. In particular, Capricorns are interested in profession. It is always pleasant and fun to communicate with a real Capricorn chef.

Aquarius, yeah! It's an airship, yeah! Aquarians love communication. They love to be the center of attention - and attract it in every possible way. More than anything else, Aquarians love television and filming. In front of the lens, Aquarius loosens up and is ready for all sorts of crazy things - as long as his audience feels good.

Fish. Always in the background, fish are like a witness from Fryazino. Pisces never stick out forward. But their inner world huge. Pisces understand a lot and have a good understanding of people - which can be seen in their eyes. And fish are ubiquitous. Not a single event, be it a wedding or a funeral, is complete without the presence of fish - with their invariably calm expression.