Each of us has cherished wish. It would be strange if there was at least one person who did not want his dreams to come true and his wishes to be fulfilled.

For those who feel that their life is unsuccessful, the days pass gloomily and grey, and all the usual methods for solving this problem have long been exhausted, spells can come to the rescue.

Today you will learn about which ones to use spells to make wishes come true, and what rules should be followed when applying them.


  1. Use meditation, it will allow you to disconnect from extraneous thoughts and the burden of pressing problems.
  2. While reading the spell, visualize everything that you wish for, thinking about every word you read.
  3. The main condition is silence and that no one disturbs you. Lock yourself in the room, turn off all household appliances.
  4. Wish only the best, otherwise you can attract trouble to yourself.

Spell to make wishes come true with water

You will need to wait until midnight and head to the river. One foot must enter the water, the other must remain on the shore. You need to make circular movements with your foot, which is in the water, so that the water begins to mix with the sand and become cloudy. While performing these actions, at the same time read a spell to grant a wish:

“Sand and water mixed, mfraternized with each other.

I know the secret word, sI summon strong force.

From the deepest depths, andfrom high height.

Secret power, come, mdon't (name) help,

Do me a favor, nnot for self-interest, but for friendship.

From now on and forever,May my words come true!

May my wish come true, withthis time, from this hour.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Remember that your desire should not harm others, and pronounce the text itself clearly and distinctly, thinking about every word spoken. Don't be distracted by extraneous sounds.

Spell to make wishes come true with a scarf

This spell is quite easy and is recommended to be performed at home.

To do this, take a handkerchief that belongs specifically to you. Go into a quiet and empty room, close the door behind you. Concentrate your attention on your desire, while moving away from extraneous thoughts and accumulated problems. Lay the scarf in front of you and say out loud what you want to receive. Then you need to say the following:

“My wish will be fulfilled with God's help. God helps those who ask Him for it. Help will arrive in ways unknown to me, My desire will turn into Reality. By God's Spirit I will be given what I ask of Him. Amen".

This spell is pronounced three times, while pronouncing all the words clearly, visualizing everything you ask for. After reading, you should tie a knot on a scarf and carry it with you until your wish comes true. Once you receive what you asked for, burn the handkerchief.

Spell to make a wish come true with icons

In order to carry out this powerful ritual, you need to purchase four icons:

  • Savior.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Holy Mother of God.
  • Your name.

You need to perform the ritual alone. Light the candles and cover the table with a white tablecloth or blanket. Three icons (except for the nominal one) need to be arranged in the form of a pyramid. First write your wish on a blank piece of paper and place it at the very top of the pyramid. Place your name icon on the piece of paper with the image facing up. Before each icon you need to light a candle and read the following words:

“Good God! All the holy miracle workers and Holy Mother of God, hear my prayers and help me, servant of God (name), to fulfill my cherished desire. I (name) desire (what you ask for).”

The candles should be lit the entire time you are casting the spell. Read the Lord's Prayer and ask the saints to help you fulfill your desire. This must be done until the candles burn out, so it is better to choose thinner ones. For 40 days you need to place a piece of paper with a written wish in the Bible.

This wish fulfillment spell It is considered very powerful and if you do everything correctly, and most importantly sincerely, then your goal will certainly come true.

Spell for bread, salt and water

Our ancestors have been using this for a long time strong spell. It is best to carry out this ritual on weekends, on Saturday or Sunday.

You will need salt, pure water and bread. IN right hand put bread and salt on the left. Next, you need to light a candle and sprinkle the bread generously with salt. At the same time read these words:

“Salt and bread are made for the deities, intended for desire. I wish that my wish (what you ask for) comes true. I’ll eat bread and salt, my wish will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

After this, you need to eat the bread, chewing it thoroughly and visualizing how what you have in mind is being fulfilled. When you eat the bread, wash it down with three sips of water, pre-spoken with the following words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so my desire is born from it. Water - water, help me."

Spell to make wishes come true with paper

Spells on plain paper are very popular. They have been used everywhere since time immemorial. The most important condition is a firm belief that your desire will definitely come true after your actions.

To begin, take a blank sheet of paper and write down your desire on it. Roll the sheet into a tube and tie it with a red ribbon or thread. Sit at the table and light the candle you bought at church on Friday. When thinking about a desire, concentrate on its fulfillment and look at the burning candle. After it burns down to half, set fire to the piece of paper with the wish and read the following words three times:

“As a candle melts, so does my dream grow; as paper burns, so does my dream begin to come true. When the candle burns out, my wish will turn into reality.".

Many people believe in magic and resort to it when there is no longer a chance for traditional ways of making their desires come true. And they do it right!

Sincerely believe that your goal will definitely come true, strive and go towards it, and you will certainly get what you want.

May all your Dreams come true!

Alena Golovina


To achieve the fulfillment of your desires, you must believe 100% that your dream will come true. During the visualization process, you must clearly imagine that what you want has already come true. Regardless of the chosen ritual, the person conducting it should be filled with positive experiences, gratitude to God or the Universe for making a dream come true. It is equally important after the ceremony to mentally “let go” of what you want.

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      Vadim Zeland technique

      Alternative title this method- "Glass of water". This is done as follows:

    1. 1. On a piece of paper in affirmative form a cherished desire or positive statement is written.
    2. 2. The leaf is placed under a glass of water.
    3. 3. Next, you need to rub your palms so that they warm up - there should be a warm ball of energy between them.
    4. 4. By holding your hands near the glass, but without touching it, the water is “charged” with energy from your hands.
    5. 5. Mentally imagine the fulfillment of a wish.
    6. 6. Water is drunk in slow sips.
    • The ritual is performed twice a day. Preferably in the morning, after getting up, and in the evening, before going to bed.

      Advice! Tap water is not suitable for this ritual due to its contamination. It is recommended to use spring water. If this is not possible, you can infuse ordinary water with shungite. The mineral purifies the liquid within 24 hours.

      Dream flower

      This ritual belongs to white magic. To make your wish come true, you need to make the Tsvetik-Semitsvetik yourself. The ritual is performed on the waxing moon. It will require:

      • Paper.
      • Pencil.
      • Red marker or felt-tip pen.
      • Set of colored pencils.

      The ritual is performed like this:

    1. 1. A list of seven basic desires is written on a white sheet of paper. It is important to carefully and slowly think through your dreams and formulate them briefly and clearly. Next to the dream, the deadline for its fulfillment is indicated.
    2. 2. Next, you need to close your eyes and imagine each of them in a certain color. For example, receiving money may be associated with green, while romantic love may be associated with pink or red.
    3. 3. On another sheet of paper, draw Tsvetik-Semitsvetik. Inside each of the petals, painted in the colors of desires, one dream is written. The petals are painted over with the selected colors. In the central part you should write your name or paste a photograph. After this they say magic words: “Fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back after making a circle! “Then the cherished desire is spoken out.
    4. 4. One of the petals comes off the flower. Then you need to imagine the fulfillment of your wish and burn it with a feeling of gratitude for the help of the Universe.

    Ritual with bay leaf

    To carry out this ritual to fulfill desires you will need Bay leaf, candle white, gold coin(or any gold jewelry), fireproof jar. The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. You should light a candle and speak your dream into its light. Ask for blessings from the Lord or Higher powers.
    2. 2. Then put a bay leaf and a coin into the prepared container.
    3. 3. Take the candle in your hands and tilt it so that its melted wax drips to the bottom of the jar.
    4. 4. While it is melting, a spell is pronounced: “By the strength of angels and the power of heaven, gold brings me many miracles. The green laurel, warmed under the sun, imbued with power, lies above the coin. The gold of the ancestors and the power of the earth, commanded my will to be realized! »
    5. 5. When the candle burns out completely, the container is buried in the ground.
    6. 6. Having done this, you should return home without looking back. The dream comes true in short term.

    Lenormand method

    This technique was developed by M. Lenormand, a famous fortune teller from France. Her method allows you to fulfill any desire 100 percent. To carry out the ritual, you will need any deck of cards - playing cards, souvenir cards, or even Tarot. The main criterion is that the cards must show people and numbers.

    First you should wait for the right time. The deck is placed under the pillow. Every morning you need to take out three cards from it. If they depict numbers or objects, the day is not suitable. As soon as there are images of people on the three cards pulled out (for example, queens, kings, jacks), you can safely begin the ritual.

    You should sit down on the sofa, pick up these cards and in a confident voice pronounce the order to them: “From now on, you are my servants. I order you...(the wish is pronounced).” Then the cards need to be tossed somewhere - it doesn't matter whether it's a private house or commercial establishment. You can drop one in a hypermarket, and leave the second under the table in a cafe. The third - at a friend’s house or in a beauty salon.

    The remaining cards cannot be disturbed. The deck is folded into a bag and placed in a secluded place where no one will find it. Once the dream becomes a reality, the cards are immediately thrown out the window. This will consolidate its performance on the physical level.

    Making wishes come true with the help of fire spirits

    To make your most incredible dreams come true, you can turn to the spirits of fire. You are only allowed to use this method once in a lifetime.

    During the ritual, the powers of the salamander, a mysterious lizard that lives in a fiery environment, are used.

    In a dark room with closed windows and doors, a regular triangle is drawn on the floor. One of its peaks must certainly point to the South (this is where, according to myths, salamanders live). A glass sphere is placed in the central part of the triangle. A cherished wish is written on a piece of paper.

    During the ritual, the note is burned. The words are read at the same time:

    • “Father of all things created and uncreated, You are indescribable from century to century, in a chariot of fire you rush through heavenly path! You are the Ruler of the endless world. You sit on a fiery throne, and your eyes can see your secret thoughts and open deeds. Direct Your fiery children to fulfill my desire (called a dream). Let it be so! »

    This is a proven and powerful method - elemental fiery creatures will respond to the call and begin to help within the first three days after the ceremony.

    Letter to fulfill a financial wish

    The ceremony takes place on the 27th of any month. The number 27 is magical for the fulfillment of desires, since three times 9 equals 27. To carry out the ritual, a list of desired things is compiled for which money is needed. The ritual is not suitable for cases where only financial resources are needed. The Universe needs confirmation that the money will be spent on certain purposes.

    A message to the Heavenly Office is written on a colored sheet of paper. It starts like this: “I need money in order to... (further describes desires). The approximate price of the item is indicated next to each item, and the total amount is indicated at the end.

    The piece of paper is placed in an envelope and lowered into Mailbox. Regardless of whether the address is written on it or not, the ritual begins to take effect immediately. After all, the message is “sent” to the Heavenly Office. The money for your wishes will come in a short time.

    Fulfilling your plans with the power of thought

    You can bring your dream to life with the help of the power of thought. To do this you need to bright colors imagine that the wish has already come true. In this visualization, the performer of the ritual should be the main character. You need to relax and imagine in detail that what you want has become a reality. To do this, you need to “see” this picture on your mental screen, “touch” it, “feel” the smells. It is also useful to “hear” the sounds around you at the moment when the wish comes true.

    For example, if a woman wants to start a family, she should imagine the details of her home environment: children, future spouse, cat or dog. If a student wants to take an exam, he can imagine a grade book with notes written down. He may also mentally picture himself enjoying himself in the hallway with his friends after a difficult exam. Or “raise” the record book to your nose and smell the smell of fresh ink emanating from the “Excellent” note.

    Prayer to the Mother of God

    You can fulfill your cherished desire with the kind help of the Most Holy Theotokos. To do this, you need to pray with a lit candle. The words are spoken strictly alone:

    • “The Most Holy Theotokos, blessed by the Great Lord, grieving for our sins at the throne of the Most High and praying for our souls in Heaven! Help me do a good deed and, as a reward, fulfill the innermost desire of my soul (the exact desire is formulated). Hail, Holy Mary, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages! Amen".

    After this, a good deed is accomplished that requires effort. For example, you can sign up for one day at charitable organization volunteer and feed the homeless.

    None of your relatives or friends should know about this matter.. When your wish is fulfilled, you need to go to the temple and light a candle in the temple near the icon of the Mother of God.

    Prayer to Saint Nicholas

    Proven advice for fulfilling desires is to turn to the Patron Saint Nicholas. The Good Wonderworker loves to help people and make their dreams come true. A prayer is read to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker on the night of December 18-19. You must first purchase 40 church candles and light them. While the candles are burning, you can ask St. Nicholas to fulfill your desire.

    Important! To conduct prayer, it is important to have pure thoughts. The fulfillment of a desire should bring benefit to people. Otherwise, the prayer will not be heard.

Hopes and dreams exist in the heart of every person. We live our dreams, they fill us with joy and happiness. You just need to make wishes correctly and choose for this right time. And, of course, our dreams should not be fiction or something obviously unrealizable (I want to become a princess!). Conspiracies for desire should be read only on the days when the moon is waxing or on full moon- this is a mandatory magical rule!

This ritual is performed in the traditions of Feng Shui. For your wish to come true, you must first lunar day buy a horse figurine. Write your wish on a red piece of paper in the present tense. For example:

“I have a mink coat!”
“I have a great job!”

Place this leaf under the figurine and place everything in the southeast side of your house. Usually, the plan is fulfilled within three weeks! Burn the piece of paper with your wish.

Ritual with a candle

For this ritual you will need a wax candle: long and soft. We will need to twist it seven times. And before that, the desire itself should be written on a piece of paper. Place the leaf under the candle and light it. You will need to look at the flame for at least ten minutes and dream about your desire, without being distracted by anything.

Then you can leave the candle burning and leave the room. But it’s important not to miss the moment when the candle burns out before the seventh (luckiest) scroll! You need to take the leaf out from under the candle and burn it in the flame. Your dreams will come true soon, if they are not fantastic.

The Power of Emotions

To implement your plans, you don’t have to read a special conspiracy - you can use the power of emotions! But to do this, you need to choose one of your most cherished desires and strive for its realization. How to do it? At the moment of emotional upsurge (it doesn’t matter whether negative emotions or positive ones), you raise your index finger up and shout out your goal. You don’t have to shout out, but think to yourself. The most important thing here is to imagine that all the power of emotion is gathered at the tip of your finger.

When you raise your finger up, imagine that the energy of emotions, along with desire, rushed upward, then spun in a spiral and created some kind of ball. This is a haven for your dreams to come true. Whenever you are in an excited state, perform this little ritual. But only when sober. Good luck!

Summoning the Spirit of Desires

This magical ritual must be performed completely alone. To summon the Spirit of Desires, you will need a magic pendulum. It is very simple to make: thread a needle or tie a thread on a ring. Now you can start summoning the spirit. Extend your hand with the pendulum a little forward, concentrate on what you have in mind and say the spell:

“Come, O Spirit of Desires!
I call you to fulfill my request!
If you are here, let the pendulum swing forward.
If you don’t want to talk to me, let the pendulum swing to the side (left-right).”

If the spirit has come and is ready to help you, then it is not recommended to ask too many questions and desires: 5 questions and 3 of your innermost dreams. It would be enough. After the ceremony, do not forget to say goodbye to your assistant and let him go, thanking him! Do not persist in calling: if the pendulum does not respond, it means that it is not a favorable day for the ritual!

The fulfillment of a cherished dream on April 8

On this day you can read conspiracies to wish the Archangel Gabriel. After the feast of the Annunciation, all Orthodox world He prays to the archangel and sends his requests, so the energy of the day is very strong. You will need to get up early and go outside at the first rays of the sun, not forgetting to wear a cross! Turn to the east and read this plot. You need to read it three times out loud, but not loudly:

“Oh Archangel Gabriel!
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Hear my prayer and fulfill my request (name your desire).
In the name of father and son and the holy spirit (cross yourself).

Dream basket

To perform these wish spells we will need the following components:

  • small wicker basket;
  • red ribbons;
  • bells;
  • a piece of paper and a pen;
  • pink candle.

This is an ancient witchcraft ritual to make a cherished dream come true. Decorate the decorative basket with red ribbons. Write your deepest wish on a piece of paper and put it in the basket. Place a candle on top and light it. Now say (better sing) the spell:

“Abelare caselare,
Atrum Frasco
Ligaro adna

After this, shake the basket lightly so that the bell rings and continue the plot:

“Kala afanas ide nabe las.”

Leave the basket with the candle and let it burn. After that, place everything in the far corner of the room and wait for your dream to come true!

Fire Ritual

This ritual requires an open fire: a fire, a fireplace or just a candle. Never use gas burners in rituals! Take 9 grains of wheat (or bread crumbs) and throw them into the fire, repeating your goal. Throw in the grains one at a time.

Do not doubt that your dream will come true: you have made a good sacrifice to the spirit of fire!

Get rid of the problem

Sometimes our dream may be to get rid of troubles or problems. An apple will help us with this. Write your problem on a piece of paper, cut the apple in half and put the piece of paper between the two halves. Connect the apple and pierce it with a wooden stick so that the halves are firmly fixed.

Now bury this apple in the ground. When it rots, your problem will disappear! The ritual is performed on the waning moon.

Witch bottle

  • glass bottle;
  • red candle;
  • sheet of paper and pen.

If you need luck in a certain place, then prepare a small glass bottle with a lid. Write your goal on clean slate paper (without cells and rulers) with a new pen. Roll the sheet into a roll and light one end with a candle flame. When the leaf is half burned, place it in the bottle and immediately cap it. Take this bottle with you to the place where your fate will be decided. Just don't forget to open it!

Conspiracies for desire are read or written on a piece of paper and burned in a candle flame.

Ritual to make wishes come true - video

Each person has his own cherished desires. These are the things he craves above all else. Someone, for example, wants to buy a house, someone wants to have children, someone wants to fly into space, and someone dreams of becoming a star. In order to bring the moment of cherished happiness closer, you can try a wish fulfillment spell. As you know, words and thoughts are material. And a conspiracy is words highly charged with energy, their power is much greater, and their influence on the state of affairs is much more significant.

When you decide to use conspiracies to make a wish come true, read the text of the chosen conspiracy well and carefully. It should evoke only positive emotions. If you feel something is wrong, give it up, since evil only begets evil. Even if a wish comes true, it can cause a negative situation or bring unexpected consequences. The desire itself is also important. It must be harmless to other people. You cannot desire, for example, revenge and punishment.

Light up, clear star, across the sky.
To the joy of the whole baptized world,
Light up with a bright and unquenchable fire.
For the joy of all Orthodox Christians.
Look, clear star, into the house of God's servant (name).
Sanctify, clear star,
My home is a bright and unquenchable fire.
Desire to hear my cherished desire (express a desire)

2. On the water

Pour water into a glass (water generally perceives any information very well), say your desire three times over this water and read the spell:

Water, water, you let me drink, you let me wash.
So give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​happiness!
I close it with a key, wash it with water, and let everything come true according to my word. Amen.

Then you need to drink the water slowly, in small sips.

3. Strong conspiracy

To carry out the ceremony you will need a candle (the color is chosen in accordance with the nature of the desire: money - green, love - red, friendship - pink, etc.), a piece of bread and salt. Light a candle. Take the bread in your right hand, salt it with your left hand, while quietly repeating the following words three times: “You, bread and salt, be my support in everything! Make sure that my wish... (state it in your own words) comes true as soon as its time comes!”

Then slowly bite off small pieces and chew them thoroughly, imagining how your intended wish will come true.
After this, rubbing your palm against your palm, you need to drink three sips of water, saying to it 3 times: “You, water, are the basis of life. Give me your support again. May my wish be fulfilled without causing suffering to anyone.”

Finishing the ritual, extinguish the candle by dipping it in water and pronounce the spell: “Bread, salt and water never failed! So it was, so it is and so it will always be!”

After this, drink the remaining water to the end, silently pronouncing the last words of the conspiracy to make your wish come true.
This ritual is performed only at sunrise on Saturday or Sunday. Another day is not suitable.

4. On a scarf

Think of a wish, take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times: “My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will become reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and the Spirit of the Lord will give me what I ask of Him. I'll tie a scarf and wait. Amen".

Tie the scarf in a knot and carry it with you until your wish is fulfilled, and then burn it without untying it.

5. On a broom

This ritual is very simple and accessible to almost everyone. You need one twig from three different brooms, one twig from three different trees, one twig from three different brooms. Take everything in your hands and say:

“As Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine.
The morning dawn is with the sun, the sun is with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn is with God's moon, and God's moon is with the first star.
And I, the servant of God (name), am fulfilling my desire. Amen."

And they immediately take this composition to the crossroads. They leave without looking back. While they walk back and forth, they don’t look back, don’t turn their heads, don’t talk to anyone. Do it on Sunday from the waxing moon to the full moon. But not after sunset.

6. On your birthday

The ceremony is also carried out once a year, on your birthday. Having formulated a wish, light three candles and read the spell twelve times in a row, do not extinguish the candles, they must burn out completely.

God, My God,
Bless and have mercy.
Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself,
Go through the gate, through the window,
Through the chimney
To my oak table.
Bring me gilded dust
And three bones from a heifer.
As the moon moves across the sky in its hour,
So for me, God’s servant (name),
From now on you'll be lucky.
Sand in the sea, the word, the matter is constipated.
Key. Lock. Language.

7. Christmas plot

Knead the dough for blessed water and 3 handfuls rye flour. When we knead the dough, we read a conspiracy to fulfill a cherished desire:

"In them are the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Lord was born, the Cross was erected, the heavenly angel shed tears. She said Mother of God:—I promise to give every person any grace. Whoever takes a holy cake into his mouth two days before the birth of Christ, the Lord will send His Divine Grace to him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

From this spoken dough we make a cake of happiness and bake it

8. On red threads

On one of the full moon days, buy a skein of red woolen thread. At home, light a red candle and write your wishes on a piece of paper. Cut about 20 centimeters of thread and start tying 9 knots at different distances, saying:

“The first knot begins the spell (tie the first knot). With the second knot the truth arrives (tie the second knot). The third knot resolves the matter (tie the tritium knot, and then follow the analogy). The fourth knot adds strength. With the fifth node everything flourishes. The sixth word node anchors. The seventh node of desire embodies. The eighth node is the hands of fate. And with the ninth knot - all this will be mine. May everything I have in mind come true!”

9. On knots

Take nine pieces of rope, each about the length of a shoelace. Express your desire loudly. Place them on the table and slowly tie a loose knot on each rope so that all nine form a circle, while saying louder and louder:

"With one knot we will begin the spell,
The second node is for the dream to come true,
Knot three - this strength is in me,
Node four - I will do even more,
The fifth knot - and my spell will come to life,
Knot six - my fate is not unchanged,
Knot seven - my case is decided,
Knot eight, my goal is clear,
The ninth knot is my desire."

Throw knotted ropes into the air and twist them into a spiral, waving them and chanting: " My strength will be renewed, my dream will come true, my desire will be freed, so everything will work out."

Gradually slow down your movements and lower your voice to a whisper until you are completely silent.
Sit down and make a nine-day plan to fulfill your desire, and every morning untie a knot, repeating this spell.

10. For Maslenitsa

On the first day of Maslenitsa, you ask for what you most desire. There is no need to roll out a list of five hundred wishes, you only need the one that is most desired.

On Monday morning (the first day of Maslenitsa) you need to wash your face cold water and stand facing the sun. Read the following plot:
“Just as the red sun rises early in the morning and illuminates all honest people with a clear light, so my house will be filled with joy, and my wish (to say what you wish) will be fulfilled. Amen.”

Cross yourself and bow to the sun three times.

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In this article:

Today, a conspiracy to fulfill a wish interests many people. Its popularity is explained by the versatility of such magic, because with the help of one ritual you can solve a variety of problems.

Along with the growing interest in magic, the number of sources from which a person can get more information about the rituals that interest him also grows. On the Internet alone you can find hundreds of thousands of sites, each of which offers effective and effective method solving any problem with the help of magical practices. But not every resource on the network contains truthful and full information. In most cases, the site provides only the spell itself, without explanations or recommendations, without information on how to read the magic words, where, when, under what conditions. And this is very important, even with just one conspiracy effective ritual it will not be possible to achieve what you want.

What you need to know about wish conspiracies

First of all, it is important to remember that before performing any ritual you need to properly tune in. The performer must spend some time meditating, he needs to concentrate on what he wants to get as a result of the magical ritual, what he must do for this.

There are many ways that will allow you to relax before the ritual, remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head, everything that distracts and that you do not need in this case.

So, you can just lie down for a while in complete silence and try to hear some frequent sounds coming from the street, it could be birdsong, the hum of cars passing by, or knocking from a construction site nearby. Now you need to fully concentrate on the selected sounds, try not to think about anything, just listen. After some time, you will be cleared of everything that prevents you from concentrating and you can begin preparing for the ceremony.

One more important point is the visualization of the fulfillment of a desire, you must sincerely believe that with the help of magic you will get what you want, that your desires will come true. Moreover, you should feel as if you have already received what you wanted, all you have to do is wait a little and this something will be in your hands. Only after this can you proceed directly to the selection and execution of the ritual.

Strong spell with a scarf

You need to concentrate on your deepest desire, close your eyes and imagine it. Now we take a clean scarf in our hands (it should be yours and not new). We say our wish out loud three times, squeeze the handkerchief in our fist and say the words of the conspiracy:

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what I ask. I will tie a scarf for my wish, ask God for it and wait for it to come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Concentration on the result you want is the most important thing

After pronouncing last words You need to tie the scarf in a knot and put it in your pocket or bag. The enchanted item must be carried with you constantly until your wish comes true.

Six-day conspiracy

This is a universal magical ritual that can be used both to fulfill one cherished desire and to ensure that all your desires become a reality over time. In order for all your wishes to come true, you need to read the words of the conspiracy three times daily, for 6 days. Words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you. Help the servant of God (name) let it come true (name what you want). Amen. Amen. Amen".

After each reading, the performer must read the “Our Father” prayer three times.
This effective prayer desires, but neither she nor anyone else will help you if you yourself do not make any efforts to achieve what you want.

Prayer for the desired plot to come true

To carry out this magical ritual you will need seven small icons: Kazan Mother of God, Savior, Seraphim of Sarov, yours personalized icon(icon of a saint with your name), icon of all saints, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Virgin Mary “Consolation”.


When you have collected all the images, take seven small sheets of paper and write your wish on each of them (you can have one for everyone, or one for each).

After this, you need to use wax from church candles to attach the sheets with wishes to reverse side icons, place them on a table covered with a white tablecloth, light one church candle next to each icon and read the words of the conspiracy:

"Lord God, Holy Mother Mother of God, all Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, the servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Immediately after this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then, in your own words, sincerely ask God and the Saints for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. You need to speak in a whisper and until at least one light is on. church candle. When you are finished, you need to carefully place all the wish icons between the pages of the Bible and leave them there for the next forty days.

A powerful ritual to fulfill a wish

This ritual is performed with the help of one large candle. When choosing a candle, remember that you will have to light it for many evenings, so take the largest one.
You need to be very careful when choosing the color of a candle. Each color is associated with one direction, symbolizing certain deeds and desires:

  • white color symbolizes cleansing, healing and protection;
  • yellow - travel, trips, negotiations, communication skills, creativity, joy and friends;
  • orange - career, self-expression, success and luck;
  • red - passion, sexual pleasure, conquest, strength, victory;
  • pink - romantic relationship, love, reconciliation, wedding;
  • blue - health, peace, development;
  • green - new job, money and nature.

In addition to a new candle, to carry out this magical ritual, you will also need a candlestick that has not been used anywhere before, as well as a sheet of white paper, a steel vessel and a simple pencil.
On a piece of paper you need to write your deepest desire and sign below:

“Let my desire bring only good and do no harm.”

At night, you need to put a candle in a candlestick on a sheet of paper and light the wick. Look at the fire and imagine that your wish has already come true, that you got everything you wanted, concentrate on the positive emotions that the realization of your dream will bring you. Draw pictures as much as you can (if this is not your first experience with magic, you will feel when to stop). Now we put out the candle and go to bed. These steps must be repeated at least three nights in a row.

Then you need to set the paper on fire in a candle flame, throw it into a prepared steel vessel and let the sheet burn out completely. In the end, we throw all the ashes out the window and try to forget about our desire for a while, don’t think about it, don’t wait for it to happen, but live your normal life, and soon everything will come true.