You swore to the grave...

Poems by Nikolai Zabolotsky

You swore to the grave
To be my sweetheart.
Having come to their senses, both
We have become smarter.
Having come to their senses, both
We suddenly realized
What happiness to the grave
It won't, my friend.

The swan hesitates
On the flame of water.
However, to the ground
And he will float away.
And lonely again
The water will glisten
And looks into her eye
Night star.

Read by V. Maratov

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky was born (April 24) May 7, 1903 in Kazan into the family of an agronomist. Nikolai's childhood years were spent in the village of Sernur, Vyatka province, not far from the city of Urzhum. After graduating from a real school in Urzhum in 1920, Zabolotsky entered Moscow University to study two faculties at once - philological and medical. The literary life of Moscow captivates the poet. He is keen on imitating either Blok or Yesenin. From 1921 to 1925, Zabolotsky studied at the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen in Leningrad. Over the years of study, he became close to a group of young authors, the “Oberiuts” (“Union of Real Art”). All members of this association were characterized by elements of illogicality, absurdity, and grotesqueness; these moments were not purely formal devices, but expressed, in a unique way, the conflicting nature of the world order. Participation in this group helps the poet find his path. His first book of poems, Columns, was published in 1926. This book was a resounding and even scandalous success. Readers were literally stunned by the poetics of the grotesque and tongue-tiedness, violations of rhythm and meter, shocking prosaism, and outright non-literary stylistics. In 1938, he was repressed on false charges and sent to work as a builder on Far East, V Altai region, Karaganda. In the 1930-1940s, Zabolotsky wrote “Metamorphoses,” “Forest Lake,” “Morning,” etc. In 1946, Zabolotsky returned to Moscow. Works on translations of Georgian poets, visits Georgia. In the 1950s, the poems “Ugly Girl”, “Old Actress”, etc. were published, which made his name widely known. In 1957 he visited Italy. Zabolotsky was fond of painting by Filonov, Chagall, Bruegel. The ability to see the world through the eyes of an artist remained with the poet throughout his life. In 1955, Zabolotsky had his first heart attack, and on October 14, 1958, his diseased heart stopped forever.

You swore to the grave...

Poems by Nikolai Zabolotsky

You swore to the grave
To be my sweetheart.
Having come to their senses, both
We have become smarter.
Having come to their senses, both
We suddenly realized
What happiness to the grave
It won't, my friend.

The swan hesitates
On the flame of water.
However, to the ground
And he will float away.
And lonely again
The water will glisten
And looks into her eye
Night star.

Read by V. Maratov

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky was born (April 24) May 7, 1903 in Kazan into the family of an agronomist. Nikolai's childhood years were spent in the village of Sernur, Vyatka province, not far from the city of Urzhum. After graduating from a real school in Urzhum in 1920, Zabolotsky entered Moscow University to study two faculties at once - philological and medical. The literary life of Moscow captivates the poet. He is keen on imitating either Blok or Yesenin. From 1921 to 1925, Zabolotsky studied at the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen in Leningrad. Over the years of study, he became close to a group of young authors, the “Oberiuts” (“Union of Real Art”). All members of this association were characterized by elements of illogicality, absurdity, and grotesqueness; these moments were not purely formal devices, but expressed, in a unique way, the conflicting nature of the world order. Participation in this group helps the poet find his path. His first book of poems, Columns, was published in 1926. This book was a resounding and even scandalous success. Readers were literally stunned by the poetics of the grotesque and tongue-tiedness, violations of rhythm and meter, shocking prosaism, and outright non-literary stylistics. In 1938, he was repressed on false charges and sent to work as a builder in the Far East, in the Altai Territory, Karaganda. In the 1930-1940s, Zabolotsky wrote “Metamorphoses,” “Forest Lake,” “Morning,” etc. In 1946, Zabolotsky returned to Moscow. Works on translations of Georgian poets, visits Georgia. In the 1950s, the poems “Ugly Girl”, “Old Actress”, etc. were published, which made his name widely known. In 1957 he visited Italy. Zabolotsky was fond of painting by Filonov, Chagall, Bruegel. The ability to see the world through the eyes of an artist remained with the poet throughout his life. In 1955, Zabolotsky had his first heart attack, and on October 14, 1958, his diseased heart stopped forever.

“You swore to the grave...” Nikolai Zabolotsky

You swore to the grave
To be my sweetheart.
Having come to their senses, both
We have become smarter.

Having come to their senses, both
We suddenly realized
What happiness to the grave
It won't, my friend.

The swan hesitates
On the flame of water.
However, to the ground
And he will float away.

And lonely again
The water will glisten
And looks into her eye
Night star.

Analysis of Zabolotsky’s poem “You swore to the grave...”

The autumn of 1956 was a tragic time for Zabolotsky. His beloved wife Ekaterina Klykova left the poet. Moreover, she chose Vasily Grossman, a famous Russian writer, author of the novel “Life and Fate,” as her new husband. Nikolai Alexandrovich took the collapse extremely hard family relations. However, the official divorce had not yet been formalized, and Zabolotsky had already begun dating 28-year-old Natalia Roskina, who worked in the editorial office of the non-periodical scientific publication Literary Heritage and was his longtime fan. He even managed to marry her, although the marriage did not last long. The short-term romance with Roskina was partly inspired by the cycle “Last Love”, which included ten poems. One of them is “You swore to the grave...”.

For the first time in this series, Zabolotsky wrote not about love as such, not about some abstract feeling, but about what he had to endure, to let through himself. The works in the cycle are placed by the author without relying on the chronology of actual events. In all poems, the love drama is revealed through landscapes. The poet projects deeply personal emotions, memories, and impressions onto the life of nature. In “You swore to the grave...” the last two stanzas are devoted precisely to the depiction of the landscape. Zabolotsky introduces the figure of a swan swaying on the flames of the waters. Sooner or later the bird is destined to swim to the ground. Then “the water will sparkle lonely, and a night star will look into its window.” Naturally, this natural sketch intersects with the main motive of the poem - there is no happiness until the grave. All in human life Even love passes.

The work “You swore to the grave...” is mentioned in the memoirs written by Natalia Roskina and relating to her short-lived romance with Zabolotsky. In her memoirs, she said that Nikolai Alexandrovich often demanded various oaths from her. You couldn't just promise anything. Under any circumstances, the poet asked his beloved to swear.

The cycle “Last Love” is a masterpiece of Soviet lyric poetry, which is still not fully appreciated by a wide range of readers. Often people are only familiar with the poem ““, and even then thanks to the famous song “Enchanted, Bewitched.” Of course, Zabolotsky’s intimate lyrics deserve much more attention, because in “ Last love” tells with amazing depth the dramatic story of a relationship that brought enormous emotional pain.

You swore to the grave
To be my sweetheart.
Having come to their senses, both
We have become smarter.

Having come to their senses, both
We suddenly realized
What happiness to the grave
It won't, my friend.

The swan hesitates
On the flame of water.
However, to the ground
And he will float away.

And lonely again
The water will glisten
And looks into her eye
Night star.

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You are now reading the poem You swore - to the grave, poet Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich