

A little history. Dynamite was invented by the Belgian engineer and successful entrepreneur Alfred Nobel in 1867, a few months after the invention of a very powerful explosive - nitroglycerin (the same nitroglycerin that is used as a heart medicine). The use of nitroglycerin as an explosive was impossible due to its extreme sensitivity to external influences (shock, shock, friction, shaking, temperature changes). Highly concentrated nitroglycerin sometimes exploded spontaneously without any visible external influences. Nobel developed a method of mixing nitroglycerin with ordinary clay during its synthesis. The result was an explosive with satisfactory sensitivity and high explosive characteristics; a substance that can be produced on an industrial scale. For that time in the area explosives it was truly a revolution.

Dynamite turned out to be not a very suitable explosive for equipping projectiles due to the fact that at low temperatures its sensitivity increased sharply. This sometimes led to shells bursting in the gun barrel, and at high temperatures and with insufficient tightness of the shell casings, nitroglycerin began to separate from the clay and flow out, which led to explosions of shells in storage areas. However, this more often happened due to violations of dynamite production technology at factories. Therefore, dynamite, albeit on a limited scale, was used to load shells in the period before and during the First World War. Dynamite was used to a greater extent in demolition during the First World War. In a number of countries (USA, England, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Finland) dynamite was widely used during the Second World War. Dynamite was not used in the Red Army. In the post-war period, dynamite in the USSR was used in the national economy in mines and quarries, but as industry developed safer explosives, its production was discontinued by the sixties. In the USA and England, dynamite was found back in the seventies. By now, dynamite has generally become a thing of history. In any case, it is not produced in Russia and there are no reserves of it

Dynamite is a high-power explosive.

Main characteristics:

1.Sensitivity: It can explode when hit by a bullet. Sensitivity to the impact of a 10kg weight dropped from a height of 25cm is 100%. Combustion turns into detonation. At temperatures below +8 degrees. sensitivity increases sharply to dangerous levels.

2. Energy of explosive transformation- 1274 kcal/kg (versus 1010 for TNT).

3.Detonation speed: 6500 m/sec. (versus 6900 for TNT)

4.Brassance: 15-18mm. (versus 13 for TNT).

5. High explosiveness: 360-400 cc (versus 300 for TNT).

6.Chemical resistance: Slightly soluble in cold water. does not react with metals. Burns with a highly smoky flame. Combustion turns into detonation. Has a harmful effect on human cardiovascular activity.

7. Duration and conditions of working condition: The duration is limited by storage conditions (Store at a temperature not lower than +10 and not higher than +22 degrees, protected from sunlight, in a well-ventilated area, and only natural ventilation is allowed). But in all cases no more than 1 year. After this period, nitroglycerin begins to be released from the dynamite, which is extremely dangerous. At temperatures below +8 degrees. freezes with increased sensitivity to explosion. At temperatures above +30 degrees, nitroglycerin is released from dynamite and its use becomes dangerous.

8.Normal state of aggregation: A dense, hard, clay-like substance. It is used in cartridge form (cardboard cartridge with a diameter of 30-32mm and a weight of 150-200g).

9.Density: 1.4 -1.5 g/cm.

The percentage of nitroglycerin in dynamite can range from 35 to 62%. With a high nitroglycerin content, dynamite is more frost-resistant. Thus, special hard-to-freeze dynamite contains 62% nitroglycerin and freezes at -20 degrees, and ordinary dynamite 35 percent at +8 degrees.

Afterword. A. Nobel made a huge fortune from the dynamite trade. And to this day, fees for licenses for the production of dynamite flow into his fund. Before his death, he put all his fortune in the bank and bequeathed to give out interest from it as prizes for outstanding discoveries and achievements in various fields of science and art. This death dealer knew what he was doing. Knew that intellectuals different countries greedy for money and fame, will try not to notice that this money smells of blood and death. He knew that they would try to forget the source of the money, and therefore they would try to wash his name clean of the dynamite soot. And at the same time the name of his daddy Emmanuel Nobel - the inventor of the sea anchor mine.

However, for the Russian intelligentsia this has become fashionable. Thus, one of the creators of the most deadly weapons, the father of the thermonuclear bomb, an associate of Lavrentiy Beria and Joseph Stalin, Academician Sakharov miraculously turned into “the greatest humanist and human rights activist, the conscience of the people.” It's mind boggling! Or will you say that he did not know what he was doing, but when he received his sight, he repented? It would be better if he did not do this and did not repent. However, judging by his writings and speeches, it does not seem that he was tormented by conscience for what he had done.


1. Guide to demolition work. Approved beginning Eng. USSR Ministry of Defense troops 07/27/67 Military publishing house. Moscow. 1969
2. Manual on military engineering for Soviet army. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1984
3. Engineering ammunition. Book one. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1976
4. B.V. Varenyshev and others. Textbook. Military engineering training. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1982
5. B.S.Kolibernov and others. Directory of an officer of engineering troops. Military publishing house. Moscow. 1989

Dynamite instantly removes 100, 250, 500 units in total from all trees and stones within its radius. Can only be used on expedition.

dynamite for 100 energy

Can instantly remove 100 units in total from all trees and stones within its radius. Can only be used on expeditions. Can be bought on the market for 13
You can win at roulette: Crazy roller coaster, Golden year, Emerald year, Diamond year, Catch your luck.

5 dynamites for 100 energy

Can instantly remove 100 units in total from all trees and stones within its radius. Can only be used on expeditions. Can be bought on the market for 65

5 bundles of dynamite for 250 energy

Can instantly remove 250 units in total from all trees and stones within its radius. Can only be used on expeditions. Can be bought on the market for 165

5 barrels of gunpowder, 500 energy each

Can instantly remove 500 units in total from all trees and stones within its radius. Can only be used on expeditions. Can be bought on the market for 300

You can use dynamite to get rid of rocks on

Vladimir Turchinsky is a talented showman who, through his personal example, proved that strength and intelligence can organically coexist in one person. At first he became famous as an athlete, and then managed to try himself as a translator, actor, businessman, as well as the host of a huge variety of different entertainment programs. His life was bright and fast-paced.

Perhaps that is why, already at the age of forty-six, it suddenly ended in full swing. The talented showman has not been with us for several years now, but his memory continues to live on. This means that a piece of his soul will forever live in his works and the creative legacy that “Dynamite” left behind.

Early years, childhood and family of Vladimir Turchinsky

The famous athlete and TV presenter was born on September 28, 1963 in Moscow. His father left the family when he was still a child, and therefore early years Vladimir was raised by his stepfather.

By profession, Vyacheslav Silaev was a military officer (he held a senior position in the main directorate of the USSR Border Troops). The mother of our today’s hero, Nina Turchinskaya, also held a high position. However, the woman worked in a completely different area, namely at the Cherkizovsky meat plant, where she worked as a deputy director.

From a very early age, my mother and stepfather paid great attention to health and physical development son. At their insistence, already in the fourth grade, Vladimir Turchinsky began playing sports, and a year later he became a silver medalist at the Moscow wrestling championship. Some time later, our today's hero began to train in sambo at the same time. At the age of sixteen, he received the title of master of sports and joined the Moscow team in this sports discipline.

Thus, sport has always remained an important part of the life of the future showman. However, Vladimir did not intend to engage in it professionally then. After graduating from school, he applied to the Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers and began studying to become a programmer.

But his studies lasted only three years, after which Vladimir Turchinsky at will left the university and went to the army. Conscript service Our today's hero served as a signalman. After being transferred to the reserve, Turchinsky transferred to the Russian state academy physical culture, from which he subsequently graduated with a diploma as a trainer-teacher.

Vladimir Turchinsky about sports nutrition

During the years of perestroika, Vladimir Turchinsky tried a huge variety of different professions. He translated English-language articles for various sports publications, worked as a photographer, and also served as a security guard for some businessmen and stars. Russian pop. Some time later, he also headed the security department at the computer company that his family owned, and also began working as a teacher in a primary school.

During this period, he also began to professionally engage in some new sports. So, in particular, Vladimir Turchinsky began to get seriously involved in American football, as well as classical wrestling. In addition, he also continued to improve his skills in the field of judo and sambo (in these disciplines, the future famous showman even received the title of candidate master of sports).

Vladimir Turchinsky's path in the world of show business: from gladiatorism to acting

In the mid-nineties, our today's hero became a participant in the famous Russian TV show “Gladiator Fights”. Participation in this project brought him great success and also opened the way to the world of big-time sports. Some time later, the gladiator "Dynamite" took part in the competition of the strongest athletes in the world, and was also recognized as the most strong man Russia.

Vladimir Turchinsky in "Jumble"

From that moment on, his life began to rush forward at some fantastic rhythm. In 1999, Vladimir Turchinsky began hosting the sports and entertainment program “Star-Start”, and then also family program“Mom, Dad, I am a sports family” on the RTR channel. It was here that he met producer Yuri Sapronov, who soon invited him to participate in the filming of the series “Cobra. Anti-terror." Dynamite agreed, and very soon his acting career began to rapidly gain momentum. Back in the early 2000s, the actor starred in more than ten films. His complete filmography includes about thirty roles. One of the most famous was “The Best Film.” Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Garik Kharlamov, Mikhail Galustyan and others also played in it.

In parallel with his television and film career, Vladimir Turchinsky was also actively involved in musical creativity and worked as a soloist in the group “Guarana”.

In the second half of the 2000s, already as a full-fledged star, our today's hero also took part in several new television projects. Among these, the most popular were the programs “Fear Factor”, “Laughter Without Rules”, “Slaughter League” and some others. In parallel with this, Dynamite worked as a voice actor on a series of American cartoons.

This frantic pace of life made Turchinsky one of the most popular showmen on Russian television. However, it was he who caused the death of the famous artist.

Death of Vladimir Turchinsky, cause of death

On December 15, 2009, Vladimir took part in the filming of the program “Good Evening, Moscow,” and after that he went to his home in the village of Pashukovo, Moscow region. That evening, as usual, he had dinner and went to bed. However, he was no longer destined to wake up. At five o'clock in the morning the actor had a heart attack, which put an end to the showman's bright career.

Personal life of Vladimir Turchinsky

Traditionally, finishing the story with information from the character’s personal life, we note that the legendary athlete Dynamite was married three times. His first wife was arm wrestling champion Irina Aleksandrovna.

The second wife of our today’s hero, Larisa Nikitina, who became famous as an athlete, was also a famous athlete. The third wife of Vladimir Turchinsky was a fitness model named Irina. It was with her that the actor lived last years own life.

From his first marriage, Dynamite has a son, Ilya, who is also involved in weightlifting and other sports.

Dynamite is a special explosive mixture based on nitroglycerin. It is worth noting that in its pure form this substance is extremely dangerous. While the impregnation of solid absorbents with nitroglycerin makes it safe for storage and use, convenient to use. Dynamite may also contain other substances. As a rule, the resulting mass has the shape of a cylinder and is packaged in paper or plastic.

Invention of dynamite

An important event for the invention of dynamite was the discovery of nitroglycerin. This happened in 1846. The discoverer was a chemist from Italy, Ascaño Sobrero. For powerful explosives They immediately began to build factories all over the world. One of them opened in Russia. Domestic chemists Zinin and Petrushevsky were looking for a way to use it safely. One of their students was just

In 1863, Nobel discovered the detonator cap, which greatly simplified practical use nitroglycerin. This was achieved through activation with the help of Many people today consider this discovery of Nobel to be more important than the discovery of dynamite.

The Swedish chemist patented dynamite in 1867. Until the middle of the last century, it was used as the main explosive when working in the mountains and, of course, in military affairs.

Dynamite walks across the planet

Nobel himself first proposed the use of dynamite for military purposes in the year he patented it. However, then the idea was considered unsuccessful, since it was too unsafe.

Dynamite began to be produced on an industrial scale in 1869. Russian industrialists were among the first to use it. Already in 1871 it was used in the mining of coal and zinc ore.

Dynamite production volumes grew exponentially. If in 1867 11 tons were produced, then after 5 years - 1570 tons, and by 1875 up to 8 thousand tons were produced.

The Germans were the first to realize that dynamite is an excellent weapon. They began blowing up fortresses and bridges, prompting the French to use it as well. In 1871, this explosive appeared in the engineering forces of Austria-Hungary.

What is dynamite made of?

As soon as the industrialists and military of the world found out what was included in dynamite, they immediately began producing it. They continue to produce it today. Nowadays, it consists of cartridges weighing up to 200 grams, which can be used for six months. There are high-percentage and low-percentage substances.

Despite the fact that the composition of dynamite differed somewhat among different manufacturers, its main components naturally remained unchanged.

The main one is nitro mixture. It began to be used to increase frost resistance. It consisted of nitroglycerin and dinitrogycol. This is the main component that occupied up to 40% of the weight. The next largest component by volume is ammonium nitrate (up to 30%), almost 20% went to sodium nitrate. The remaining components were used to a much lesser extent - these are nitrocellulose, balsa and talc.

Dynamite in the service of criminals

Criminal organizations of all stripes and terrorist organizations were among the first to understand what dynamite was. One of the first crimes using this explosive occurred in the United States in 1875. American sailor William Kong-Thomassen tried to blow up the Moselle ship at sea in order to obtain insurance. However, a barrel of homemade dynamite exploded while still in the port during loading. The tragedy claimed the lives of 80 people.

However, the first failure did not stop the leaders underworld and terrorists. From 1883 to 1885, members of an extremist organization that advocated the separation of Ireland from Great Britain carried out a series of explosions using dynamite. Including an explosion at the headquarters of the British police Scotland Yard and an attempt to undermine

This substance was also used by fighters against autocracy in Russia. In particular, the party " People's will"In Europe, dynamite was widely used by anarchists.

Dynamite's popularity is declining

For many years, most industrialists believed that dynamite was the main explosive in mining and the discovery of new minerals. It withstood the competition of saltpeter until the middle of the 20th century. In some countries - until the mid-80s. For example, dynamite was very popular in South Africa. It was used here in gold mines. Already closer to the 90s, under pressure from trade union organizations, most factories were converted to safer explosives based on nitrate.

In Russia, dynamite was mass produced even after the Great Patriotic War. The hard-to-freeze composition was especially popular. The explosives left the domestic industry only in the 60s.

For many countries, dynamite is an affordable and easily produced explosive. This state of affairs continued for almost 100 years. Today, dynamite accounts for no more than 2% of the total turnover of all explosives in the world.