122. The main theme of Confucius' philosophy is...

a. theme of man, family and state

123. Ancient Indian and ancient Chinese philosophy is characterized by...

a. practical orientation

124. The first principle, the impersonal world law in ancient Chinese philosophy was called...

125. Buddhism considers man a being...

a. those suffering

126. Outstanding thinker and scientist of Antiquity, creator of the Lyceum -...

a. Aristotle

127. Greek thought originated in the cities of Ionia (the coast of Asia Minor) and southern Italy, and reached its peak in...

128. The question of the beginning of the world was central in Ancient philosophy at the stage...

a. early classics

129. The reincarnation of a soul or personality in a chain of new births according to the law of karma in Indian philosophy is called...

a. samsara

130. The principle of retribution in Indian philosophy is called...

131. The doctrine of the “noble husband” was developed...

a. in Confucianism

132. The basis of ancient Chinese philosophy was:

a. Book of Changes

133. Vedic literature, along with the Upanishads and Aranyakas, includes:

a. Brahmins

134. The basis of Confucian ethics is the principle...

a. philanthropy

135. The individual spiritual principle in Indian philosophy is called...

136. One of the schools of Hinduism that practices control of consciousness through breathing and exercises is called...

137. Karma is...

a. principle of retribution

138. The heyday of ancient Chinese philosophy occurred during the period:

a. "one hundred schools"

139. Representatives of... were called nastikas or deniers in Ancient India...

a. materialism

140. The founder of Taoism is:

a. Lao Tzu

141. According to Buddhism, life is...

a. suffering

142. Lao Tzu is the founder of...

a. Taoism

143. The philosophy of Confucianism is related to problem solving...

a. person and society

144. The “Four Noble Truths” are the basis of...

a. Buddhism

145. The reorientation of ancient philosophy from the theme of nature to the theme of man is associated with the name...

a. Socrates

146. The Sophists and Socrates entered the history of Ancient philosophy with their focus on the problem...

a. person

147. Number is recognized as the basis of being in school:

a. Pythagoras

148. Philosopher who believed that the basis of existence is matter and form:

a. Aristotle

149. Ancient philosopher who created logic:

a. Aristotle

150. The school belongs to the Hellenistic period of ancient Greek philosophy:

a. epicureans

151. Philosopher who believed that the basis of being is the transcendental idea of ​​the Good:

152. The classical period in ancient philosophy is associated with names...

a. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

153. The statement “Plato is my friend, but the truth is more precious” belongs to...

a. Aristotle

154. “Know yourself,” urged...

155. Ancient Greek philosopher who became a symbol of brutal frankness -

156. The development of “mayeutics” as a way of achieving truth is associated with the name...

a. Socrates

157. In the Hellenistic period of ancient Greek philosophy, the central place was occupied by the problem ...

a. person

158. The creator of the first philosophical system of Antiquity is...

6.Philosophy of the Middle Ages

159. A problem that was not given importance in ancient Greek philosophy and that Augustine raised in his Confessions is the problem...

a. human self

160. According to F. Aquinas, being and essence...

a. coincide in God

161. “Occam’s Razor” reflects the content of the principle:

a. “entities should not be multiplied beyond what is necessary”

162. An outstanding representative of the patristic stage is...

a. Augustine Aurelius

163. The most important feature philosophical worldview in the Middle Ages it is recognized...

a. theocentrism

164. The doctrine of the creation of the world by God from Nothing is called...

a. creationism

165. “Everything in history and the destinies of people is predetermined by the will of God,” states...

a. providentialism

166. The age-old dispute of medieval thinkers about “universals”, i.e. general concepts, divided them into two main camps...

a. realists and nominalists

167. Philosophy in the Middle Ages occupied a subordinate position in relation to...

a. religion

168. The most important theme for medieval philosophy was...

a. faith and knowledge

169. The main provisions of the Christian religion were formulated by thinkers of the era of the “Church Fathers”, i.e. -...

a. patristics

170. IX - XIV centuries in medieval European philosophy are called the stage ...

a. scholastics

171. Five rational proofs of the existence of God were given...

a. Thomas Aquinas

172. Christian philosophy is inextricably linked with __________, according to which everything in history and the destinies of people is predetermined by the will of God

a. Aurelius Augustine

174. Medieval scholasticism is focused on teaching...

a. Aristotle

175. The justification for the dogma of the trinity of God is Christian...

a. ontology

176. According to __________, individual things have true existence, and general concepts are “names” to designate them

a. nominalism

177. The emergence of the movements of nominalism and realism is associated with the solution of the problem...

a. universals

178. The value of knowledge as a means of strengthening faith in the Middle Ages was justified...

a. F. Aquinas

179. The opposition of knowledge and faith, the assertion of their incompatibility in the Middle Ages is associated with the name...

a. Tertullian

7.Philosophy of the Renaissance (Renaissance)

180. Giordano Bruno’s thesis “...nature...is nothing other than God in things” expresses the position...

a. pantheism

181. Speculative interpretation of nature without reliance on experimental natural science is called...

a. natural philosophy

182. Speculative comprehension of nature is called:

a. natural philosophy

183. The creator of the famous “Utopia”, which describes an ideal society of the future, is...

184. The creator of “Utopia,” which describes a picture of an ideal society without private property, is ...

a. Thomas More

185. The main goal Reformations of the 16th century was...

a. transformation of the catholic church

186. The Renaissance is characterized by...

a. anthropocentrism

187. Questions of the philosophy of politics during the Renaissance were developed...

a. Nicolo Machiavelli

188. The basis of the natural philosophy of the Renaissance is...

a. pantheism

189. Renaissance as a movement in European culture arises in (o)…

190. The ideological movement that appeared during the Renaissance is called...

a. humanism

191. The attention of Renaissance thinkers is directed primarily to...

a. person

192. Renaissance thinker who developed the doctrine of fortune:

a. N. Machiavelli

193. German cardinal, whose doctrine of the coincidence of opposites contributed to the rejection of the geocentric model of the world:

a. E. Rotterdamsky

196. The Renaissance became a negation of the medieval...

a. scholastics

197. The philosophy of J. Bruno is based on...

a. N. Machiavelli

a. E Rotterdam

200. The skepticism of Renaissance thinkers was directed against...

a. scholastics

8.Philosophy of the New Age

201. Hegel developed the basic laws...

a. dialectics

202. The consciousness of a newborn is a “blank slate”, which is gradually “covered with the writings of the mind,” believed...

a. J. Locke

203. J.-J. Rousseau saw the reason for the inequality of people in...

a. existence of private property

204. The shift of the center of gravity to the study of the subject and his activities occurs in...

a. German classical philosophy

205. “Sensations without concepts are blind, and concepts without sensations are empty,” he believed...

206. The basis of the philosophical systems of the French enlighteners was...

a. mechanistic picture of the world

207. The central problem of I. Kant’s philosophy is...

a. finding universal and necessary foundations of knowledge and humanistic values

208. The judgment in which the meaning of I. Kant’s categorical imperative is expressed is...

a. “a person should not be a means for realizing anyone’s goals”

209. By applying materialist philosophy to the field of history, Marx and Engels were the creators of _________________ materialism.

a. historical

210. The division of philosophers into empiricists and rationalists is typical of the era...

a. New times

211. Problems of the theory of knowledge, search scientific method become central to European philosophy...

212. Representatives of rationalism in the philosophy of the 17th century were...

a. R. Descartes, B. Spinoza, G. Leibniz

213. Representatives of empiricism in the philosophy of the 17th century were...

a. F. Bacon, T. Hobbes, D. Locke

214. The ideas of Enlightenment philosophy are clearly embodied in the world's first “Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts,” written in (in) ...

a. France

215. The turn from classical philosophy to non-classical philosophy is associated with such names as...

a. Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche

216. The founder of German classical philosophy is...

217. A new type of dialectic, based not on idealism, but on materialism, was created in the middle of the 19th century...

a. Marxism

218. Sensualism is a doctrine directly related to:

a. empiricism

219. Creation of the “Encyclopedia, or Explanatory dictionary Sciences, Arts and Crafts" is associated with the names:

a. D. Diderot and D'Alembert

220. The greatest merit of German classical philosophy is associated with the development of:

a. dialectics

221. The teaching of K. Marx and F. Engels is characterized as:

a. dialectical and historical materialism

222. The philosophical position of J. Berkeley and D. Hume is characterized as:

a. subjective idealism

223. French materialism and Hegel’s dialectics became ideological sources...

a. Marxism

224. The teaching of L. Feuerbach is characterized as...

a. anthropological materialism

225. The justification for the boundaries of the human mind in the knowledge of the world was given....

a. I. Kantom

226. The central concept of Hegel’s philosophy...

a. Absolute idea

9.Modern Western philosophy

227. One of the sections of analytical philosophy is...

a. postpositivism

228. The direction of modern Western philosophy, which substantiates understanding as a method of cognition, is called...

a. hermeneutics

229. Problems of the development of science are central to philosophy...

a. post-positivism

230. “The will to power, the attraction of all living things to self-affirmation is the basis of life,” asserted...

a. F. Nietzsche

231. A representative of the philosophy of life is...

a. S. Kierkegaard

232. E. Husserl is the creator...

a. phenomenology

233. A characteristic feature of the philosophy of postmodernism is...

a. replacement of objective reality with sign-symbolic pictures of the world

234. Will is identified with the “mysterious forces” of the cosmic fundamental principle of the world in philosophy...

a. A. Schopenhauer

235. A person finds his essence by already existing, say representatives...

a. existentialism

236. “Philosophy must come down from “heaven to earth” and solve the practical, life problems of man,” say representatives...

a. pragmatism

237. The disappearance of the “I”, as a result of communicative interactions, is proclaimed in...

a. postmodernism

238. “The incorrect use of language gives rise to pseudo-problems, including philosophical ones,” say representatives...

a. neopositivism

239. The ideas of freedom, the priority of individual existence over the social are characteristic of...

a. existentialism

240. Problems of language, science, logic occupy a central place in...

a. analytical philosophy

241. The direction of modern Western philosophy, which substantiates understanding as a method of cognition is...

a. hermeneutics

242. An influential trend in modern philosophy associated with the name of Edmund Husserl is ...

a. phenomenology

243. Analytical philosophy includes...

a. positivism

244. According to the theorists of _________, a popular movement in the USA, philosophy is called upon to descend from “heaven to earth” to solve life problems person

a. pragmatism

245. A direction in philosophy, the founder of which is E. Husserl and which considers consciousness from the point of view of its semantic reality:

a. phenomenology

246. The transition from classical to non-classical philosophy is associated with names...

a. A. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche

247. A current in Western philosophy and culture, the justification for which was given in the works of J. F. Lyotard - ...

a. postmodernism

248. The ideological source of existentialism, along with hermeneutics and philosophy of life, is...

a. phenomenology

a. postmodernism

250. The founder of philosophical anthropology of the twentieth century is considered to be:

a. M. Scheler

251. Positivism is...

a. philosophy of science

252. Religious directions of modern foreign philosophical thought include...

a. neo-Thomism and personalism

253. The emergence of psychoanalysis is associated with the name….

a. Z. Freud

10. Domestic philosophy

254. A characteristic feature of Russian idealistic philosophy is...

a. anthropocentrism

255. The representative of the natural science direction in “Russian cosmism” is...

a. V.I.Vernadsky

256. Representative of Russian cosmism, teachings of Russian philosophy late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century about the inextricable unity of man, Earth and space, ...

a. Vernadsky V.I.

257. He called himself a “Knight of the Free Spirit”...

a. N.A. Berdyaev

258. Russian philosopher, the central themes of whose work were the problems of freedom, personality and creativity:

a. N. Berdyaev

259. “Integral knowledge” according to V. Solovyov is unity...

a. empirical, rational and mystical

260. The first theorist of dialectical materialism in Russia was...

a. G.V. Plekhanov

261. One of the first representatives of Marxism in Russian philosophy is...

a. N.F. Fedorov

263. Materialistic position in Russian philosophy of the 19th - 20th centuries. present...

a. A. Herzen, V. Belinsky, D. Pisarev

264. The first ideas about philosophy in Rus' developed after...

a. adoption of Christianity

265. The beginning of the materialist tradition in Russian philosophy was laid...

a. Lomonosov M.V.

266. The idealization of Russian original principles is characteristic of...

a. Hilarion

268. The emergence of a secular type of philosophizing in Russia occurs in...

269. The creator of the religious and philosophical doctrine of unity in Russian philosophy was...

a. Soloviev V.S.

270. The creation of the first philosophical system in Russia is associated with the name...

a. V. Solovyova

a. Ilyin I.A.

272. In Russian philosophy, traditionally increased attention was paid to values...

a. spiritual

273. The ideological movement that substantiated the uniqueness of the historical development of Russia:

a. Slavophilism

274. The basis of V. Solovyov’s philosophy is the idea….

a. unity

275. In contrast to Western individualism, the Slavophiles associated the basis of the identity of Russian civilization with ...

a. conciliarity

276. The question of the historical fate of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century was raised..

a. P. Chaadaev

277. The spread of Marxism in Russia is associated with names...

a. G. Plekhanov and V. Lenin

278. The development of the problem of the ideal in Soviet philosophical thought is connected with names...

a. E. V. Ilyenkova and D.I. Dubrovsky

11. Basic types and forms of being

279. The concepts of “being” and “non-being” were introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher...

a. Parmenides

280. True being according to Plato is...

a. world of eidos

281. A model of reality in which the effect of a person’s presence in it is created is called...

a. virtual

282. According to Parmenides, being is...

a. that which is motionless, unchanging and intelligible

283. The philosophical direction that considers the spiritual to be the highest kind of being is called...

a. idealism

284. Christianity defines being as...

a. free gift of God

285. The philosophical position of dualism is expressed in the recognition...

a. thought and matter as independent substances

286. Arguing that the world is a projection of a complex of human sensations, the philosopher acts from the position...

a. subjective idealism

a. G. Leibniz

288. The discovery of two types of being – the “world of ideas” and the “world of things” – belongs to...

a. Plato

289. The problem of existence in its general view expresses a philosophical category...

a. "being"

290. The philosophical concept according to which the world has a single basis for everything that exists is called...

a. monism

291. A philosophical doctrine that asserts the equality of two principles - material and spiritual - is called...

a. dualism

292. A philosophical position that presupposes a multitude of initial foundations and principles of being is called...

a. pluralism

293. Depending on which sphere of existence is attributed primacy - nature or spirit, all philosophers are divided into...

a. materialists and idealists


294. Substrate-material ideas about matter are characteristic of philosophy...

a. XVII–XVIII centuries

295. The origin, the first cause and the bearer of everything that exists is...

a. substance

296. An internally ordered set of interconnected elements is called...

a. system

297. Recognition of the universal nature of the conditionality of any phenomenon by other phenomena is an expression of the principle...

a. determinism

298. The presentation of cause-and-effect relationships as a linear and unambiguous process, the denial of randomness - these are the characteristic features...

a. hard determinism

299. Ancient Greek natural philosophers of the VI-V centuries. BC. identified matter (substance) with...

a. various natural elements

a. expresses the idea of ​​the unity of being

301. Unconditional identification of matter and substance is characteristic of...

a. materialism

302. The idea of ​​the inexhaustibility of matter in depth has been expressed...

a. Lenin

303. Being as an objective reality is designated by the term...

a. matter

304. Objective reality, given to us in sensations, according to V.I. Lenin, is called...

a. matter

305. The concept of ____________ denotes the source of unity and diversity of existence, the basis of the universe.

a. substance

306. “Matter did not always exist, and there was a moment when it did not exist at all,” they say...

a. creationists

307. According to theism, matter is created, and therefore is not...

a. substance

308. The traditional statement of supporters of the theory of creation about the inability of matter, substance, energy for self-development in our days is refuted by the doctrine of self-organization of systems, called...

a. synergetics

13.Movement and space

309. Development is...

a. irreversible qualitative change in objects

310. The loss of the ability of an object or subject system to perform certain necessary functions is called...

a. regression

311. Reducing any phenomena to simpler, initial principles is called...

a. reduction

312. Arguing that space and time are forms of human contemplation, the philosopher takes the position...

a. subjective idealism

313. Space and time are called properties of individual consciousness, and not of material objects...

a. subjective idealists

314. The idea of ​​time and space as absolute, universal, homogeneous forms of existence was expressed...

a. I. Newton

315. The understanding of time as fluidity, regardless of anything, and uniform duration, is characteristic of the ___________ concept.

a. substantial

316. The relational concept of space and time is confirmed in...

a. A. Einstein's theory of relativity

317. Natural scientific justification for the unity of matter, motion, space and time is given...

a. theory of relativity

318. The following judgment is a correct judgment in philosophy:

a. “rest is the moment of all movement”

319. According to the materialist position, a characteristic feature of time is...

a. irreversibility

320. Extension, three-dimensionality, isotropy, reversibility are considered properties...

a. space

321. The form of being, characterizing the extension, structure of any material systems, is denoted by the concept ...

a. space

322. The interdependence of space and time is affirmed in the _______ concept.

a. relational

324. Any process of change and transition from one state to another is...

a. movement

325. The ability of objects, systems to change, to transition to a different state is called...

a. movement

326. The understanding of movement as a mechanical, spatial movement of an object without its qualitative transformation was characteristic of philosophy and natural science...

a. XVII – XVIII centuries

327. Changes in the system towards increasing the level of its orderliness, organization, complexity are characterized as...

a. progress

328. Space and time are considered as independent entities that do not depend on anything in the __________ concept

a. substantial

329. The idea that space is emptiness, containing all bodies and independent of them, was first expressed by thinkers...

a. Antiquity

330. Space and time are called the most important forms of existence, depending on the movement and interaction of bodies, representatives of __________ materialism

a. dialectical

331. Space and time are ______ of existence

332. In understanding space and time, there are _____________ concepts

a. substantial and relational

333. From the point of view of the relational concept of space and time:

a. form a four-dimensional continuum

334. The justification for the substantial concept of space and time is associated with the name:

a. I. Newton

335. Social time, having a physical basis, is associated with:

a. the most important historical events

14.Basic laws and principles of dialectics

336. A method of thinking characterized by one-sidedness, abstractness, and the desire to absolutize individual moments within the whole is called...

a. metaphysical

337. The principles of dialectics do not include the principle...

a. denial of continuity in development

338. The unity of quality and quantity is...

339. A significant difference between phenomena within the framework of their common identity is called...

a. contradiction

340. The idea of ​​contradiction as a unity of opposites was formed in...

a. antiquities

341. The law of dialectical synthesis underlies the representation of the development process...

a. in the form of a spiral

342. The quality of an object from the point of view of dialectics is...

a. system of necessary properties of an object

343. For the first time the term “dialectics” was used...

It is a set of theoretically meaningful views on man, the world and the relationship between man and the world
__________ function of philosophy is based on its ability, in alliance with science, to predict the general course of development of the world
“Occam’s Razor” reflects the content of the principle: “___”
“There is nothing outside of nature and man, and higher beings are only fantastic reflections of our own essence,” they said
“The will to power, the attraction of all living things to self-affirmation is the basis of life,” asserted
“Everything in history and the destinies of people is predetermined by the will of God,” states
“The state of nature,” according to T. Hobbes, is
“The incorrect use of language gives rise to pseudo-problems, including philosophical ones,” representatives say
“Sensations without concepts are blind, and concepts without sensations are empty,” believed
Called himself a “Knight of the Free Spirit”
"Freedom is perceived need"- thought
“Philosophy must come down from “heaven to earth” and solve practical, vital problems of man,” representatives believe
The author of the famous aporias “Achilles and the Tortoise”, “Arrow” and others is
The author of the work “The Word of Law and Grace” is
The author of the philosophy of “common cause” is
The axiological function of philosophy is that philosophy
Axiology is the study of
The English scholastic William of Ockham put forward a logical principle called "Occam's ___________"
Ancient philosophy includes ____________ philosophy
The ancient philosopher ____________ linked virtue with knowledge, creating the concept of ethical intellectualism
Buddhism considers man to be a being
Rebellion as an affirmation of the freedom of a person who chooses his own essence substantiated
In Plato’s statement, “Under the influence of philosophy, the soul of man is purified and man becomes truly perfect” we're talking about about ___________ functions of philosophy
In Taoism, the Tao is concretized and materialized in ______
In Jainism, the cessation of the influence of karma is called
In ancient Indian philosophy, Brahma is
In ancient Indian philosophy, the all-pervading subjective reality is
In ancient Indian philosophy, predestination human life denoted by the concept “___”
Ancient Indian philosophy combined principles
In Ancient India, contemplation resulting in tranquility was referred to as "_____"
In ancient India, systematic effort aimed at achieving perfection by exercising control over the active will, cognitive mind and body of man is
In ancient Chinese philosophy, the development of questions of logic was mainly carried out by supporters
In ancient China, the school of service people is otherwise called the school of ________
Depending on which sphere of existence is attributed primacy - nature or spirit, philosophers are divided into
In Western European philosophy, the first philosopher to place man at the center of his thoughts was
In Confucianism, respect for parents and respect for elder brothers, i.e. the basis of philanthropy is indicated by the concept
In Confucianism, ceremonial, ritual, decency, respect, norm, rule are denoted by the concept
At the heart of all the philosophical constructions of Slavophilism was the idea
The philosophy of the history of Eurasianism is based on the assertion that
The philosophy is based on
The philosophical systems of the French Enlightenment are based on ___________
In Russian philosophy, the creator of the religious and philosophical doctrine of unity was
In Russian philosophy, traditionally increased attention has been paid
In its interpretation of the essence of man, existentialism proceeds from the fact that:
In the work of I. Kant, periods are distinguished
In philosophy, indivisibility, which characterizes the undeveloped state of any phenomenon, is designated by the term “______________”
The most important feature of the philosophical worldview in the Middle Ages is
An important function of myth was
Vaisesika is
The age-old dispute between medieval thinkers about “universals,” that is, general concepts, was divided into two main camps
The pinnacle of achievements of Chinese philosophical thought in the field of epistemology and logic until the twentieth century. had ideas
The view, which is based on the principle of ordering the integrity of the Universe and man, is called __________
Renaissance as a movement in European culture arises in (in)
Will is identified with the “mysterious forces” of the cosmic fundamental principle of the world in philosophy
The question of the beginning of the world was central in ancient philosophy of the _________ period
Issues of philosophy of politics during the Renaissance were developed
Questions: “Does the world exist by itself or does it exist from God? What lies behind the changes taking place in the world? What are the basic laws and driving forces of its development? refer to
An outstanding thinker and scientist of antiquity, the creator of the Lyceum, is
An outstanding representative of the patristic stage is
It's called hermeneutics
The main goal of the Reformation of the 16th century. was
The Greek words phileo – “love” and sophia – “wisdom” gave rise to the term “____”
The division of philosophers into empiricists and rationalists is typical of the era
Jainism as an ethical concept of worldview operated with the following concepts: jiva and ___________
Natural philosophy of the Renaissance is characterized by
The theory of psychoanalysis of S. Freud is characterized by:
Modern philosophy is characterized by a division into
Characteristic of the Renaissance
Before mid-19th century, there was a general belief that philosophy is
The contractual theory of the origin of the state from the mind and experience of people, and not from theology, was developed by such thinkers as
Ancient Indian and ancient Chinese philosophy is characterized by
The Ancient Chinese Book of Changes reflects mythological ideas about (about)
Dualism is a philosophical doctrine that
The dualistic direction in the philosophy of Hinduism, according to which there are two principles: material and spiritual, is ________
The soul of the world, the connecting link between God and his creation, according to Vl. Solovyov, there is
J.J. Rousseau saw the reason for the inequality of people in
The merit of the sophists is that they
The idealization of Russian original principles is characteristic of
The ideas of freedom, the priority of individual existence over the social are characteristic of
The ideas of Enlightenment philosophy are clearly embodied in the world's first "Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts", written in (in)
True being, according to Plato, is
The interpretation of consciousness as a property of highly organized matter, the highest form of reflection of the world, a product of the evolution of nature, man and society is characteristic of __________ materialism
The source of all alienation, according to K. Marx, is
The law does not belong to the dialectical laws of G. Hegel
K. Marx and F. Engels created a _______________ understanding of history
Philosophy arose as an independent spiritual and cultural education
Confucius formulated the doctrine of
The logical-gnoseological function of philosophy is:
Materialistic position in Russian philosophy of the 19th–20th centuries. present
The worldview dualism of the New Age affirms separation
Worldview, worldview, attitude in their totality form
N. Machiavelli gave a rationale for the secular state in
The direction of Russian social thought of the 19th century, whose adherents defended the idea of ​​​​the original development of Russia, its religious-historical and cultural-national identity, was called
The direction of modern Western philosophy, which substantiates understanding as a method of cognition, is called
Scientific and technological progress contributes to the growth of ethical nihilism, he believes
The beginning of the secularization of Russian philosophical thought based on the unification of the principles of religion and science is associated with the name
Beginning with al-Farabi, Eastern thinkers developed the Neoplatonic doctrine of ___________
The unorthodox philosophical direction of Ancient India, which does not recognize the authority of the Vedas, is
Nyaya is
Connects social progress with scientific achievements
The object of philosophy is
One of the most influential schools Ancient China, which Special attention pays attention to people management issues - this is __________
One of the areas of philosophy that emerged in the 20th century is
One of the characteristic features of modern philosophy is
One of the schools of ancient Chinese philosophy is
Ontology in philosophy is the doctrine of
Plato’s ontology, which asserts that the idea of ​​good lies at the heart of existence, is characterized as
The orthodox ancient Indian philosophical movement that recognizes the authority of the Vedas is
The founder of Buddhism is
The founder of Taoism was
The basic principle of the socio-ethical concept of Taoism is
The main representatives of the classical period of ancient philosophy were
The basis of Confucius' philosophy is(are) problem(s)
A feature of ancient Eastern philosophy is
A feature of the medieval style of thinking is
The difference between philosophy and religion is that
The branch of Christian theology devoted to defending the doctrine of Christianity is called _______________
The first historical form of a holistic and imaginative perception of the world is
The beginning, the impersonal world law in ancient Chinese philosophy was called
The first ideas about philosophy in Rus' developed after
The first Greek and at the same time the first European philosopher is
He was the first in ancient Chinese philosophy to raise the question of human nature in connection with his concept of education and training
The first Russian philosopher was
The first materialists in the history of European philosophy are considered
According to ________, matter has the attributes of both extension and thinking
According to _________, the “mass man” is opposed to the “superman”
According to ___________, the consciousness of a newborn is a “blank slate”, which is gradually “covered with the writings of the mind”
According to ___________, number as the first existing thing allows us to distinguish and bring certainty to being
According to supporters of ___________, everything that is inaccessible to the senses is also inaccessible to the mind
The turn from classical philosophy to non-classical philosophy is associated with such names as
Philosophy is understood as
By helping a person understand his place in nature and society, philosophy performs a ________ function
Understanding nature as a field for the application of human physical and intellectual forces is characteristic of philosophy
Deals with understanding the process of social life
The emergence of a secular type of philosophizing in Russia occurs in the _______ century
The practical development of methods and means of orderly activity in the name of spiritual freedom was carried out in the orthodox school of Ancient India - _______
The subject of philosophy is
The representative of the natural scientific direction in Russian cosmism is
The representative of the philosophy of life is
Representatives of vulgar materialism believe that consciousness
Representatives of existentialism believed that the meaning of life is determined by
Representatives of _________ believe that a person acquires his essence in the process of his existence
Representatives of the humanistic line in philosophy are:
Representatives of rationalism in the philosophy of the 17th century were
Representatives of empiricism in the philosophy of the 17th century were
Having applied materialist philosophy to the field of history, K. Marx and F. Engels were the creators of _________________ materialism
The principle according to which the “perishable” world was created by God from nothing and turns into nothing is called ____________
The principle that justifies such an understanding of the world, in which God is the source and cause of everything that exists, is called _____________
The principle that states that all world events, including history and the fate of individual people, are controlled by Divine Providence is called ___________
The problem of the meaning and meaning of life and death was one of the central ones in philosophy
The problem of existence in its general form is expressed by the philosophical category “___”
Problems of cognition and the search for a scientific method become central in European philosophy of the __________ century
Problems of language, science, logic occupy a central place in
Developing new strategies for the relationship between man and nature in modern conditions, philosophy performs ______________ function
The development of the problem of intentionality of consciousness is a merit
The rational component of any type of worldview is called
The religious and philosophical teaching of the Western European Middle Ages, which, in contrast to mysticism, saw the path to comprehending God in the logic of reasoning, and not in super-rational contemplation and feeling, is called _____________
The founder of irrationalism in philosophy is considered
The founder of liberalism in the philosophy of modern times is
The role of philosophy in scientific knowledge is associated with
The Russian philosopher, creator of the philosophy of unity, is:
The earliest world religion is
Sankhya is
A systemically rationalized worldview is called
The word “dialectics” was first used to denote the art of arguing
The meaning of I. Kant’s categorical imperative is expressed in the judgment: “____”
The set of views, assessments, principles that determine the most general vision, understanding of the world, a person’s place in it, as well as life positions, programs of behavior, and actions of people is _______________
Modern philosophy is most closely associated with
According to legend, the first who refused to call himself a sage, but only a wise man, that is, a philosopher, was
According to Parmenides, being is
According to the teachings of I. Kant, time is
According to Thomas Aquinas, being and essence
The content of the ____________ function of philosophy is the formation of a person and society value orientations and ideals
The creator of the famous “Utopia”, which describes an ideal society of the future, is
The creator of the doctrine of " ideal state" was
Compare the name of the thinker and the concept that underlies his philosophical concept:
Match the name of the thinker and the concept characteristic of his concept:
Supporters of _____________ consider consciousness to be the embodiment of the world mind
The structure of the psyche, according to Sigmund Freud, consists of
The essence of Vedanta is the basic ideas
The essence of the heuristic function of philosophy is:
Giordano Bruno's thesis “...nature...is nothing other than God in things” expresses the position
The theoretical nature of the analysis of universal connections in the “man - world” system is distinctive feature
The theoretical core, the core of the spiritual culture of man and society is called
A type of worldview based on common sense, spontaneous, unsystematized, traditional human ideas about the world, is called ____________ worldview
A type of worldview that recognizes the supernatural world beginning expressed in irrational and emotional-figurative forms is called _____________ worldview
The type of thinking in which the analysis and assessment of theoretical and practical problems is carried out without taking into account specific reality, conditions of place and time is called
Aurelius Augustine first raised the question of
The speculative interpretation of nature without reliance on experimental natural science is called
Establish the correct sequence of life and work of the following ancient Greek philosophers:
Establish the correct sequence of periods of ancient Indian philosophy:
Establish the correct sequence of changes in the dominant principles of Western European philosophy:
Arguing that the world is a complex of human sensations, the philosopher comes out from the position
The affirmation of the existence of two types of being - the “world of ideas” and the “world of things” - belongs to
The doctrine of the creation of the world by God out of nothing is called
The doctrine of relativity, conditionality and subjectivity of human cognition is called _________________
The doctrine according to which the essence of man in its reality is an ensemble of social relations is
Philosopher of the Russian diaspora, author of the study “On Resistance to Evil by Force”, is
The philosopher, the author of the doctrine of the plurality of substances, is
Philosophy in its world-historical meaning should, according to I. Kant, answer the questions: “______”:
Philosophy and worldview are related as follows:
Philosophy as an independent spiritual formation arose in the period of ___ centuries. BC.
Philosophy differs from science in that
Philosophy differs from religion in that
Philosophy solves problems that
Philosophy, helping an individual to find a positive and deep meaning in life, to navigate crisis situations, realizes its _________ function
The philosophical concept according to which the world has a single basis for everything that exists is called
The philosophical position of dualism is expressed in the recognition
A philosophical position that presupposes a plurality of initial foundations and principles of being is called
The philosophical basis of Hinduism is
The philosophical and religious doctrine of the Middle Ages, according to which general concepts are names; which do not have any independent existence outside and apart from individual things are called __________
The philosophical and religious doctrine of the Middle Ages, according to which only general concepts (universals), and not individual things existing in the empirical world, have true reality, is called ____________
Philosophical knowledge used in science, politics, education, etc. as a guide in spiritual and practical transformative activities, acts as
The philosophical direction, according to which a person is doomed to loneliness and meaninglessness of existence, is
The philosophical movement that considers the spiritual principle to be the basis of being is called
Philosophical teaching about the nature of values ​​- this
A philosophical doctrine that asserts the equality of two principles - material and spiritual - is called
Idealist philosophers understand substance
The formation of philosophical views in Ancient India occurs on the basis of religious ideology
The formation of philosophical thinking is simultaneously the formation of such qualities of a cultural personality as:
By forming a holistic picture of the world and human existence in it, philosophy performs ________ function
The function of philosophy to question everything is called
The function of philosophy associated with clarifying the nature of problems that require changes in the cognitive apparatus of special sciences is called
Characteristic feature worldview of Antiquity is
A characteristic feature of the mythological picture of the world is
A characteristic feature of Russian idealistic philosophy is
A characteristic feature of the philosophy of postmodernism is
A characteristic feature of philosophical problems is their
The central problem of I. Kant’s philosophy is
The central concept in the philosophy of S.L. Frank had a concept
E. Husserl is the creator
The ethical ancient Indian concept of worldview, based on the doctrine of being, according to which being is not permanent, devoid of formation, change and end, is

those suffering

Buddhism considers man to be a being

those suffering

In Augustine's Confessions the question of

human free will

In Plato’s statement “Under the influence of philosophy, the soul of a person is purified and a person becomes truly perfect” we are talking about the ___________ function of philosophy


Depending on which sphere of existence is attributed primacy - nature or spirit, philosophers are divided into

materialists and idealists

In Western European philosophy, the first philosopher to place man at the center of his thoughts was

In art, unlike philosophy, experience is translated into

The natural philosophy of the Renaissance is based on


The philosophy of V. Solovyov is based on the idea


The philosophy of J. Bruno is based on


The philosophy is based on

question of being

The basis of the philosophical systems of the French enlighteners was

mechanistic picture of the world

The philosophical systems of the French Enlightenment are based on a ____________ picture of the world


In contrast to Western individualism, the Slavophiles associated the basis of the identity of Russian civilization with


In Russian philosophy, the creator of the religious and philosophical doctrine of unity was

V. Soloviev

In Russian philosophy, traditionally increased attention has been paid

moral values

In modern philosophy, the doctrine of scientific knowledge is called


The structure of consciousness includes

will and emotions

In Kant's work there are periods

subcritical and critical

The most important feature of the philosophical worldview in the Middle Ages is


An important function of myth was

consolidation of established traditions and norms in society

The age-old dispute between medieval thinkers about “universals,” that is, general concepts, was divided into two main camps

realists and nominalists

The attention of Renaissance thinkers was directed primarily to


The emergence of psychoanalysis is associated with the name

Z. Freud

Renaissance as a movement in European culture arises in (o)

A. Schopenhauer

Will is identified with the “mysterious forces” of the cosmic fundamental principle of the world in philosophy

A. Schopenhauer

The question of the beginning of the world was central in ancient philosophy of the _________ period


The question of the beginning of the world was central in Ancient philosophy at the stage

early classics

The question of what truth is and what its criteria are considered in


The question of the historical destinies of Russia in early XIX century was staged

P. Chaadaev

Issues of philosophy of politics during the Renaissance were developed

Nicolo Machiavelli

Questions: does the world exist on its own or does it exist from God; what underlies the changes taking place in the world; what are the basic laws and driving forces of its development, relate to


Everything that is inaccessible to the senses is also inaccessible to the mind, say supporters


An outstanding thinker and scientist of antiquity, the creator of the Lyceum, is


An outstanding representative of the patristic stage is

Augustine Aurelius

IX - XIV centuries in medieval European philosophy are called the stage
2. _________ is a philosopher of Russian diaspora, author of the study “On Resistance to Evil by Force”
I.A. Ilyin
3. __________ function of philosophy is based on its ability, in alliance with science, to predict the general course of development of existence
4. ___________ is an outstanding figure of the Renaissance, author of the essay “In Praise of Stupidity”
E Rotterdam
5. “The unconscious” according to S. Freud, functions on the basis
primary drives in order to obtain the greatest pleasure
6. “Occam’s Razor” reflects the content of the principle
“entities should not be multiplied beyond what is necessary”
7. “There is nothing outside of nature and man, and higher beings are only fantastic reflections of our own essence,” they said
8. “The will to power, the attraction of all living things to self-affirmation is the basis of life,” asserted
F. Nietzsche
9. “Everything in history and the destinies of people is predetermined by the will of God,” states
10. “Everything in history and the destinies of people is predetermined by the will of God,” states
11. “The state of nature,” according to T. Hobbes, is
war of all against all
12. “The incorrect use of language gives rise to pseudo-problems, including philosophical ones,” representatives say
13. “The main geological force creating the noosphere is the growth of scientific knowledge,” wrote
Vernadsky V.I.
14. “Sensations without concepts are blind, and concepts without sensations are empty,” believed
I. Kant
15. Called himself a “Knight of the Free Spirit”
ON THE. Berdyaev
16. “Freedom is a conscious necessity,” believed
B. Spinoza
17. “The meaning of an individual’s life is not to save the soul and serve God, but to serve society,” they argued
Plato, Hegel, Marxists
18. “Philosophy must come down from “heaven to earth” and solve practical, vital problems of man,” representatives believe
19. “The end justifies the means,” say representatives
20. “Man of the masses” is opposed by “superman,” he believed
F. Nietzsche
21. The Four Noble Truths are the basis
22. Author of “Experiments” and creator of a new one literary genre- essay
M. Montaigne
23. Author of the famous “Confession”, great Christian thinker
Aurelius Augustine
24. The author of the famous aporia “Achilles and the Tortoise”, “Arrow”, etc. is
Zeno of Elea
25. The author of the work “The Sovereign”, who substantiated the principles of political art is
N. Machiavelli
26. The author of the work “The Word of Law and Grace” is
27. The author of the philosophy of “common cause” is
N.F. Fedorov
28. The axiological function of philosophy is that it

29. The axiological function of philosophy is that philosophy
contributes to the formation of a person’s ideas about basic values
30. Axiology is the study of
31. Ancient philosophy includes
ancient Greek and Roman philosophy
32. Ancient philosophy includes __________ philosophy
ancient Greek and ancient Roman
33. Ancient philosophy originated in the cities of Ionia (the coast of Asia Minor) and Southern Italy, and reached its peak in
34. The ancient philosopher ____________ linked virtue with knowledge, creating the concept of ethical intellectualism
35. Ancient philosopher who created logic
36. Buddhism considers man to be a being
those suffering
37. In Augustine's Confessions the question is first raised
about human free will
38. In Augustine's Confessions, the question of
human free will
39. In Plato’s statement “Under the influence of philosophy, a person’s soul is purified and a person becomes truly perfect” we are talking about the ___________ function of philosophy
40. Depending on which sphere of existence is attributed primacy - nature or spirit, philosophers are divided into
materialists and idealists
41. In Western European philosophy, the first philosopher to place man at the center of his thoughts was
42. In art, unlike philosophy, experience is translated into
43. The basis of the natural philosophy of the Renaissance is
44. The philosophy of V. Solovyov is based on the idea
45. The philosophy of J. Bruno is based on
46. ​​Philosophy is based on
question of being
47. The basis of the philosophical systems of the French enlighteners was
mechanistic picture of the world
48. The basis of the philosophical systems of the French enlighteners is the ____________ picture of the world
49. In contrast to Western individualism, the Slavophiles associated the basis of the identity of Russian civilization with
50. In Russian philosophy, the creator of the religious and philosophical doctrine of unity was
V. Soloviev
51. In Russian philosophy, traditionally increased attention was paid
moral values
52. In modern philosophy, the doctrine of scientific knowledge is called
53. Included in the structure of consciousness
will and emotions
54. In Kant’s work, periods are distinguished
subcritical and critical
55. The most important feature of the philosophical worldview in the Middle Ages is
56. An important function of myth was
consolidation of established traditions and norms in society
57. The centuries-old dispute between medieval thinkers about “universals,” that is, general concepts, was divided into two main camps
realists and nominalists
58. The attention of Renaissance thinkers is directed primarily to
59. The emergence of psychoanalysis is associated with the name
Z. Freud
60. Renaissance as a movement in European culture arises in(o)
61. Will is identified with the “mysterious forces” of the cosmic fundamental principle of the world in philosophy
A. Schopenhauer
62. The question of the beginning of the world was central in Ancient philosophy at the stage
early classics
63. The question of the beginning of the world was central in ancient philosophy of the _________ period
64. The question of what truth is and what its criteria are considered in
65. The question of the historical fate of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century was raised
P. Chaadaev
66. Questions of the philosophy of politics during the Renaissance were developed
Nicolo Machiavelli
67. Questions: does the world exist by itself or does it exist from God; what underlies the changes taking place in the world; what are the basic laws and driving forces of its development, relate to
68. Everything that is inaccessible to the senses is also inaccessible to the mind, say supporters
69. An outstanding thinker and scientist of antiquity, the creator of the Lyceum, is
70. An outstanding representative of the patristic stage is
Augustine Aurelius
71. Hegel developed the basic laws
72. Hermeneutics is called
the art of understanding someone else's personality as expressed in text
73. The main feature of modernity is that in order to continue its history, Man needs to learn to coordinate his global activities with the needs
74. The main goal of the Reformation of the 16th century. was

75. The main goal of the Reformation of the 16th century. was
conversion of the Catholic Church
76. The main condition for the existence and development of society is
material production
77. The epistemological function of philosophy is that philosophy
accumulates, generalizes and transmits new knowledge
78. Epistemology is the philosophical doctrine of
79. Greek thought originated in the cities of Ionia (the coast of Asia Minor) and southern Italy, and reached its peak in
80. The Greek words phileo – “love” and sophia – “wisdom” gave rise to the term
81. Deconstruction as a research strategy is justified in
82. The division of society into a “chosen minority” and “the masses” is fundamental in creativity
H. Ortega y Gasseta
83. The division of philosophers into empiricists and rationalists is typical of the era
New times
84. Modern philosophy is characterized by a division into
soul and body
85. Characteristic of the Renaissance
86. Until the middle of the 19th century. There was a general belief that philosophy
queen of sciences
87. Until the middle of the 19th century, there was a general belief that philosophy
queen of sciences
88. The contractual theory of the origin of the state from the mind and experience of people, and not from theology, was developed by such thinkers of the New Age as
T. Hobbes, J. Locke, J.-J. Rousseau
89. Ancient Greek philosophy originates as
90. Ancient Greek philosopher who became a symbol of brutal frankness
91. Ancient Indian and ancient Chinese philosophy is characterized by
practical orientation
92. Dualism is a philosophical doctrine
proceeding from the recognition of equal rights, not reducible to each other, of two principles
93. Human spiritual activity associated with the desire for wisdom is realized in
94. The soul of the world, the connecting link between God and his creation, according to Vl. Solovyov, there is
95. If Eastern philosophy is characterized as mystical, then European philosophy is characterized as
96. J.-J. Rousseau saw the reason for the inequality of people in
existence of private property
97. The merit of the sophists is that they
highlighted the human problem
98. The idealization of Russian original principles is characteristic of
99. Identified the ideational, idealistic and sensory stages in the development of culture
P. Sorokin
100. The ideas of freedom, the priority of individual existence over the social are characteristic of
101. The ideas of the philosophy of the Enlightenment are clearly embodied in the world's first "Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts", written in (in)
102. The ideas of the philosophy of the Enlightenment are clearly embodied in the world’s first “Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts”, created by thinkers
103. The ideological source of existentialism, along with hermeneutics and philosophy of life, is
104. The idea of ​​spontaneous and spontaneous origin of life is characteristic of
105. The idea of ​​freedom, the priority of individual existence over the social is characteristic of
106. A person’s intuitive abilities belong to the sphere
107. Art is aimed at comprehension
108. Researches the essence and origin of morality, the meaning of moral standards in human life
109. True being, according to Plato, is
world of eidos
110. The interpretation of consciousness as a property of highly organized matter, the highest form of reflection of the world, a product of the evolution of nature, man and society is characteristic of __________ materialism
111. Historically, the first attempt to comprehend the quantitative side of the universe is the teaching
112. The source of all alienation, according to Marx, is
private ownership of the means of production
113. The law does not belong to the dialectical laws of G. Hegel
excluded third
114. Philosophy arose as an independent spiritual and cultural education
in Ancient Greece
115. Philosophy arose as an independent spiritual and cultural education
in Ancient Greece
116. As a system of views on the world and the place of man in it, philosophy acts as
117. I. Kant’s book “Critique of Practical Reason” is dedicated to
118. When philosophy teaches not to immediately take anything for granted and not to reject anything without deep and independent reflection and analysis, then its activity is associated with the _____________ function
119. The concept of "man playing" was developed
J. Huizinga
120. The concept in which man is understood as an element of nature, similar to animals and subject to the same laws of functioning as them, is called
121. The concept that history is made by a privileged minority is called
elite theory
122. The culture of the twentieth century is characterized as a culture
123. Lao Tzu is the founder
124. Materialistic position in Russian philosophy of the 19th - 20th centuries. present
A. Herzen, V. Belinsky, D. Pisarev
125. Materialistic position in Russian philosophy of the 19th – 20th centuries. present
A. Herzen, V. Belinsky, D. Pisarev
126. Matter has attributes of both extension and thinking, he believed
127. International public organization, created in 1968 to analyze the most pressing problems of our time, was called
Roman Club
128. A worldview that absolutizes the freedom of human goal-setting, will and action is characterized as
129. Worldview that denies the rationality of the world, the possibility of its knowledge and improvement
130. Worldview dualism of the New Age affirms division
being and consciousness
131. Worldview, worldview, attitude in their totality form
132. Is not a monotheistic religion
133. The mental unification of parts into a single whole is
134. Thinking and being are substances independent of each other, asserts
135. N. Machiavelli gave a rationale for the secular state in
treatise "Sovereign"
136. N. Machiavelli gave a rationale for a secular state in
treatise "Sovereign"
137. To the question: “Does the world have unity in its existence and what is the basis of this unity?” answers the section of philosophical knowledge
138. The direction of modern Western philosophy, which substantiates understanding as a method of cognition, is
139. The direction of modern Western philosophy, which substantiates understanding as a method of cognition, is called
140. Science acts as
spiritual and practical activity aimed at understanding the essence and laws of the objective world
141. Scientific and technological progress contributes to the growth of ethical nihilism, believes
142. The beginning of the materialistic tradition in Russian philosophy was laid
Lomonosov M.V.
143. German cardinal, whose doctrine of the coincidence of opposites contributed to the rejection of the geocentric model of the world
N. Kuzansky
144. Justification for the boundaries of the human mind in knowledge of the world was given
I. Kantom
145. The justification for the dogma of the trinity of God is Christian
146. Deals with the justification of the independence of science from philosophy
147. Social progress connects with the achievements of science
148. Common to philosophy, along with other forms of worldview, is(are)
149. By combining the achievements of science into a single whole, philosophy implements the ____________ function
150. The object of philosophy is
being in general
151. One of the schools of Hinduism that practices control of consciousness through breathing and exercises is called
152. One of the areas of philosophy that emerged in the 20th century is
153. One of the first representatives of Marxism in Russian philosophy is
Plekhanov G.V.
154. One of the characteristic features of modern philosophy is
active research into language problems
155. One of the schools of ancient Chinese philosophy is
156. Ontology in philosophy is the doctrine of
157. Plato’s ontology, which asserts that the idea of ​​Good lies at the heart of being, is characterized as
objective idealism
158. Understanding the contradictions of reality, searching for ways to resolve them, is associated with the __________ function of philosophy
159. The main content of the dialectical concept of development is described by three universal laws, first formulated
160. The main stages of the historical development of European philosophy
Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern times, Contemporary times
161. The main representatives of the classical period of Ancient philosophy were
Plato and Aristotle
162. The main representatives of the classical period of ancient philosophy were
Plato and Aristotle
163. The founders of synergetics are
G. Haken and I. Prigogine
164. The founder of philosophical anthropology of the twentieth century is considered to be
M. Scheler
165. The basis of Confucius's philosophy is(are)
problems of man, family and state
166. A feature of ancient Eastern philosophy is
reliance on mythological ideas about the world and man
167. A feature of the medieval style of thinking is
168. The difference between philosophy and religion is that
cognitive function for philosophy is leading
169. The first historical form of a holistic and imaginative perception of the world is
170. The first principle, the impersonal world law in ancient Chinese philosophy was called
171. The first ideas about philosophy in Rus' developed after
adoption of Christianity
172. The first Greek and at the same time the first European philosopher is
173. The first European philosopher to raise the question of the origin of the world is
174. The first materialists in the history of European philosophy are considered
Democritus, Leucippus, Epicurus
175. According to ________, matter has attributes of both extension and thinking
176. According to _________, the “mass man” is opposed to the “superman”
F. Nietzsche
177. According to ___________, the consciousness of a newborn is a “blank slate”, which is gradually “covered with the writings of the mind”
J. Locke
178. According to ___________, number, as the first existing thing, makes it possible to distinguish, to bring certainty to being
179. According to supporters of ____, everything that is inaccessible to the senses is also inaccessible to the mind
180. According to the theorists of _________, a popular movement in the USA, philosophy is called upon to descend from “heaven to earth” to solve human life problems
181. The turn from classical philosophy to non-classical philosophy is associated with such names as
Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche
182. Like philosophy, art
has a personal character
183. Cognition of an object from the point of view of its essential properties, connections and development trends gives ______ truth
184. By helping a person understand his place in nature and society, philosophy performs ________ function
185. The understanding of dialectics as the art of arguing is associated with the name
186. Understanding nature as a field for the application of human physical and intellectual forces is characteristic of philosophy
New times
187. The concept of a passionate personality is associated with creativity
L. Gumileva
188. The emergence of a secular type of philosophizing in Russia occurs in the _______ century
189. The subject of philosophy is(are)
universal in the “world – man” system
190. The representative of the natural science direction in “Russian cosmism” is
IN AND. Vernadsky
191. The representative of the philosophy of life is
F. Nietzsche
192. Representatives of vulgar materialism believe that consciousness
has a material nature
193. Representatives of existentialism believed that the meaning of life is primarily determined
by the man himself
194. Representatives of _________ believe that a person acquires his essence in the process of his existence
195. Representatives of rationalism in the philosophy of the 17th century were

196. Representatives of rationalism in the philosophy of the 17th century are
R. Descartes, B. Spinoza, G. Leibniz
197. Representatives of empiricism in the philosophy of the 17th century were
F. Bacon, T. Hobbes, D. Locke
198. Applying materialist philosophy to the field of history, K. Marx and F. Engels were the creators of _________________ materialism
199. Applying materialist philosophy to the field of history, Marx and Engels were the creators of ____________ materialism
200. By applying materialist philosophy to the field of history, Marx and Engels were the creators of _____________ materialism
201. The problem of the meaning and significance of life and death was one of the central ones in philosophy
A. Schopenhauer
202. The problem of the relationship between faith and knowledge was central to philosophy
Middle Ages
203. The problem of existence in its general form is expressed by the philosophical category
204. Problems of knowledge, the search for a scientific method become central in European philosophy of the ______ century
205. Problems of the theory of knowledge, the search for a scientific method, become central in European philosophy
XVII century
206. Problems of language, science, logic occupy a central place in
analytical philosophy
207. Problems solved by philosophy
have a universal, ultimate character
208. The process of social life from the point of view of its main stages, goals and meanings is the subject
philosophy of history
209. The process of transformation of the biological principle into the social is called in psychoanalysis
210. The section of philosophy that studies the nature and general prerequisites of knowledge, the relationship of knowledge to reality and the conditions of its truth is called
211. Various studies of the future states of society are called
212. By developing new strategies for the relationship between man and nature in modern conditions, philosophy performs ______________ function
213. By developing certain ideas about values, forming a social ideal, philosophy performs _________ function
214. The development of the problem of intentionality of consciousness is a merit
E. Husserl
215. The heyday of ancient Chinese philosophy occurred during the period
"one hundred schools"
216. The rational component of any type of worldview is called
picture of the world
217. The religious picture of the world is being developed
218. The solution to the question of the meaning of life is connected with the ___________function of philosophy
219. The founder of irrational philosophy and philosophy of life in the 19th century is considered
A. Schopenhauer
220. The founder of liberalism in the philosophy of modern times is
J. Locke
221. The founder of German classical philosophy is
I. Kant
222. The role of philosophy in scientific knowledge is associated with
development of a methodology of cognition
223. The Russian idea, from the point of view of V. Solovyov, is an idea
national destiny determined by God
224. The earliest world religion is
225. A systemically rationalized worldview is called
226. A systemically rationalized worldview, which has a national and personal character, is
227. The word “dialectics” was first used to denote the art of arguing

The meaning of human life in the Russian religious philosophy is interpreted as

life for the benefit of other people, humanity
229. The meaning of I. Kant’s categorical imperative is expressed in a judgment
“a person should not be a means for realizing anyone’s goals”
230. Modern philosophy is most closely related
with science
231. Modern philosophy is most closely associated with
232. Modern philosophy, which denies the rationality of the world, its natural character, is characterized as
233. According to __________, individual things have true existence, and general concepts are “names” to designate them
234. According to Parmenides, being is

235. According to Parmenides, being is
that which is motionless, unchanging and intelligible
236. According to F. Aquinas, being and essence
coincide in God
237. According to F. Aquinas, being and essence
coincide in God
238. According to legend, the first who refused to call himself a sage, but only a wise man, that is, a philosopher, was
239. According to modern scientific ideas, the ancestral home of man is
240. According to Kant’s teaching, time is
a priori form of sensibility
241. The content of the ____________ function of philosophy is the formation of value orientations and ideals in a person and society
242. The creation of the “Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts” is associated with names
D. Diderot and D¢Alembert
243. The creation of the first philosophical system in Russia is associated with the name
V. Solovyova
244. Creating prerequisites for scientific discoveries and the growth of scientific knowledge is associated with the _____________ function of philosophy
245. The creator of the famous “Utopia”, which describes an ideal society of the future, is
T. More
246. The creator of the first philosophical system of Antiquity is
247. The creator of the religious and philosophical doctrine of unity in Russian philosophy was
Soloviev V.S.
248. The creator of the doctrine of the “ideal state” was
249. The consciousness of a newborn is a “blank slate”, which is gradually “covered with the writings of the mind,” he believed
J. Locke
250. Medieval scholasticism is focused on teaching
251. Supporters of _____________ consider consciousness to be the embodiment of the world mind
objective idealism
252. The structure of the psyche, according to Sigmund Freud, consists of
Super-ego, I, It
253. Subjective reality, presented in the consciousness of individuals, is
254. Giordano Bruno’s thesis “...nature...is nothing other than God in things” expresses the position
255. Giordano Bruno’s thesis “nature is nothing other than God in things” expresses the position
256. The theoretical nature of the analysis of universal connections in the “man - world” system is a distinctive feature
257. The theoretical core, the core of the spiritual culture of man and society is called
258. Current in Western philosophy and culture, the justification of which was given in the works of J.F. Lyotara is
259. The traditional statement of supporters of the theory of creation about the inability of matter, substance, energy to self-development in our days is refuted by the doctrine of self-organization of systems, called
260. The labor theory of human origins has been developed
F. Engels
261. Speculative interpretation of nature without relying on experimental natural science is called
natural philosophy
262. Speculative interpretation of nature without reliance on experimental natural science is called
natural philosophy
263. Speculative comprehension of nature is called
natural philosophy
264. Arguing that the world is a projection of a complex of human sensations, the philosopher acts from the position
subjective idealism
265. The affirmation of the freedom of human existence, which presupposes a person’s choice of his own essence, is characteristic of
266. The affirmation of the existence of two types of being - the “world of ideas” and the “world of things” - belongs to
267. The teaching of K. Marx and F. Engels is characterized as
dialectical and historical materialism
268. The teaching of L. Feuerbach is characterized as
anthropological materialism
269. The doctrine of the plurality of substances - monads developed
270. The doctrine of the creation of the world by God from Nothing is called
271. The doctrine according to which the essence of man in its reality is an ensemble of social relations is
272. The doctrine according to which the basis of our knowledge is sensory experience is called
273. The doctrine of the forms and methods of value projection by a person of his life aspirations is
274. The philosopher, the author of the doctrine of the plurality of substances, is
G. Leibniz
275. Philosopher who believed that the basis of existence lies in matter and form
276. Philosopher who believed that the basis of existence is the transcendental idea of ​​​​the Good
277. Philosophy is
a system of theoretical views on the world and the place of man in it
278. Philosophy is born
in the ancient world
279. Philosophy and worldview are related as follows
philosophy theoretically substantiates the main principles of the worldview, develops its general theoretical foundations
280. Philosophy as an independent spiritual formation arises during the period
VII – VI centuries BC.
281. Confucian philosophy is about problem solving
person and society
282. Philosophy differs from science in that
most philosophical statements are not empirically provable
283. Philosophy, helping an individual to find a positive and deep meaning in life, to navigate crisis situations, realizes its _________ function
284. The philosophical concept, according to which the world has a single basis for everything that exists, is called
285. The philosophical position of dualism is expressed in the recognition
thought and matter as independent substances
286. A philosophical position that presupposes a multitude of initial foundations and principles of being is called
287. Philosophical knowledge used in science, politics, education, etc. as a guide in spiritual and practically transformative activities, acts as
288. Philosophical knowledge used in science, politics, education, etc. as a guide in spiritual and practical transformative activities, acts as
289. The philosophical direction, according to which a person is doomed to loneliness and meaninglessness of existence, is
290. The philosophical direction that considers the spiritual principle to be the basis of being is called
291. The philosophical doctrine of values ​​and their nature is called
292. A philosophical doctrine that asserts the equality of two principles - material and spiritual - is called
293. The formation of a modern scientific picture of the world is associated with discoveries in
quantum physics
294. The formation of a holistic picture of the world and human existence in it is associated with the ________ function of philosophy
295. By forming a worldview in accordance with the achievements of science and existing social reality, philosophy implements the __________ function
explanatory and informational
296. By forming a holistic picture of the world and human existence in it, philosophy performs________ function
297. French materialism and Hegel’s dialectics became ideological sources
298. The function of culture in developing and transmitting values, ideals and norms is called
299. The function of philosophy to “question everything” is called
300. The function of philosophy to “question everything” is called
301. The function of philosophy associated with clarifying the nature of problems that require changes in the cognitive apparatus of particular sciences is called
302. A characteristic feature of the worldview of antiquity is
303. A characteristic feature of the mythological picture of the world is

304. A characteristic feature of the mythological picture of the world is(are)
transfer of the basic features of the human race to the universe
305. A characteristic feature of Russian idealistic philosophy is
306. A characteristic feature of the philosophy of postmodernism is
replacement of objective reality with sign-symbolic pictures of the world
307. A characteristic feature of philosophical problems is their
principled openness
308. Christianity defines being as
free gift of God
309. Purposeful human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual benefits is called
310. The value of knowledge as a means of strengthening faith in the Middle Ages was substantiated by
F. Aquinas
311. The central problem of I. Kant’s philosophy is

312. The central problem of I. Kant’s philosophy is
finding universal and necessary foundations of knowledge and humanistic values
313. The central concept of Hegel's philosophy
Absolute idea
314. The central concept in the philosophy of S.L. Frank had a concept
315. The civilizational approach to history involves
recognition of multiple crops of equal maturity
316. E. Husserl is the creator
317. Empirical research associated with
inductive reasoning
318. The Renaissance became a negation of the medieval

“Everything in history and the destinies of people is predetermined by the will of God,” states/providentialism/

“The soul must suppress in itself the vain thirst for knowledge, leading to the thought of the existence of only the bodily,” wrote the preachers of ______ knowledge / religious-Christian /

“The state of nature,” according to T. Hobbes, is / a war of all against all /

“To live means to enjoy,” believe supporters of / hedonism /

“Extreme degree of ugliness, extremely negative value” / Low /

“Matter did not always exist, and there was a moment when it did not exist at all,” claim /Creationists/

“If you don’t want to, don’t believe, but don’t blaspheme” - that’s the principle. /Toleration/

“There can be no objective truth” - this is the position of / agnosticism /

“The main geological force creating the noosphere is the growth of scientific knowledge,” wrote / V. I. Vernadsky /

“Father of modern hermeneutics”, founder of the general theory of understanding - / F. Schleiermacher /

“Religion exists insofar as God exists and his creation, man, who feels the presence of the Creator,” declare /Theists/

“The meaning of an individual’s life is not to save the soul and serve God, but to serve society,” argued / Plato, Hegel, Marxists /

The "Four Noble Truths" are the basis of /Buddhism/


IX - XIV centuries in medieval European philosophy are called the stage /Scholasticism/

Activity, selectivity are properties /Consciousness/

Dream analysis, as a way of penetrating a person’s unconscious, substantiated /3. Freud/

Analytical philosophy includes /Positivism/

Ancient philosophy includes _______ philosophy / ancient Greek and ancient Roman /


The basic mental structures common to all humanity were called by C. Jung /Archetypes/

Biological needs and instincts of a person underlie the basis of human life from the point of view of /Freudians/

Thanks to cybernetics and the creation of computers, the method of / modeling /

Rebellion as an affirmation of the freedom of a person who chooses his own essence, justified... /A. Camus/


In ancient philosophy, the movement of _______ arose, it expressed doubt about the reliability of knowledge /Skepticism/

In antiquity, the concept of “techne” included tools, technical knowledge, and /Art/

Hinduism is distinguished by its tolerance and compliance with other faiths.

Depending on which sphere of existence is attributed primacy - nature or spirit, all philosophers are divided into /Materialists and Idealists/

In classical science it was believed that only laws /Dynamic/ can be true laws.

There is nothing supernatural or opposed to matter as a substance in the world, say /materialists/

Confucian ethics is based on principle. /Humanity/

The basis of the natural philosophy of the Renaissance is /pantheism/

The philosophy of V. Solovyov is based on the idea /Unity/

The philosophy of J. Bruno is based on /Pantheism/

The basis of the philosophical picture of the world lies /The question of the relationship of thinking to being/

Unlike Ancient Greece, the formation of philosophy in the East took place under conditions of / despotism /

In the understanding of space and time there are concepts /Substantial and relational/

In contrast to Western individualism, the Slavophiles associated the basis of the identity of Russian civilization with /Sobornost/

Within the framework of an integral system of scientific knowledge, philosophy as the doctrine of the first principles of being is called /Metaphysics/

All knowledge is experiential, say supporters of /empiricism/

All philosophical schools recognize that the goal of knowledge is /truth/

There is more freedom in __________ than at school, but you have to learn how to use freedom/ at university/

In modern philosophy, the doctrine of scientific knowledge is called /Epistemology/

In the structure of the socio-economic formation, K. Marx singled out. /Base and superstructure/

The entire set of information about the external and internal world of a person, which is available to society or an individual, is / knowledge /

In formation theory the most important driving force history is announced /Class struggle/

The focus of the research of foreign futurologists is the prospects /Technological revolution/

The most important thing for medieval philosophy was the theme. /Faith and Knowledge/

The most important among global problems is: /The problem of war and peace/

The most important feature of the philosophical worldview in the Middle Ages is... / theocentrism /

The most important thing in the creative process is: /Promotion of ideas/

The most important role in the formation of society was played by the commandment /Thou shalt not kill!/

Vedic literature, along with the Upanishads and Aranyakas, includes: /Brahmanas/

The leading role of consciousness in human life is denied /Freudism/

The age-old debate of medieval thinkers about “universals”, i.e. general concepts, divided them into two main camps: /realists and nominalists/

A century of philosophy in history European culture called the era /Enlightenment/

The greatest merit of German classical philosophy is associated with the development of: /Dialectics/

It is distinguished by tolerance and compliance with other beliefs /Buddhism/

The pinnacle of European rationalist philosophy is. /German idealism/

A person’s view of something is /Opinion/

A type of spiritual production in the field of aesthetic exploration of the world is /Art/

In Augustine's Confessions, the question of / human free will / is raised for the first time.

An influential trend in modern philosophy associated with the name of E. Husserl is /Phenomenology/

In any upward process of development of an object - in addition to the progress that prevails in it - there is always such an accompanying side as / regression /

In neopositivism, truth is understood as / the consistency of the proposals of science with sensory experience /

The attention of Renaissance thinkers was directed primarily to /Man/

The possibility of a “nuclear winter” as a result of a military conflict using modern weapons was justified: /N. Moiseev /

The emergence of ancient philosophy was associated with the formulation of the problem / the origin of being /

The emergence of psychoanalysis is associated with the name.. /3. Freud/

The emergence of skepticism is associated with philosophical quests / Pyrrho /

The emergence of modern non-classical irrationalist philosophy is associated with names. /A. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche /

The undulating nature of the development of technology and its influence on society was justified. /ABOUT. Toffler/

The embodiment of the aesthetic ideal is called /Beautiful/

The question of the beginning of the world was central in ancient philosophy at the stage of / early classics /

The question of the beginning of the world was central in the philosophy of the _______ period / pre-Socratic /

The question of what truth is and what its criteria are is considered in /Epistemology/

The question of the meaning of life is largely generated by thinking about whether it is worth living if every person ... / is mortal /

F. Engels called the question of the relationship of thinking to being, spirit to nature the main question /Philosophy/

Issues of philosophy of politics during the Renaissance were developed /N. Machiavelli/

Unlike science, philosophy / comprehends the world in its universal integrity /

For the first time the term “value” in its proper philosophical sense was used by I. Kant/

In its interpretation of the essence of man, existentialism proceeds from the fact that / 2) a person is responsible not only for himself, but also for other people / 3) the existence of a person precedes the essence /

The article by F. Engels “The role of labor in the process of transformation of a monkey into man” sets out the so-called _________ theory of the origin of man, consciousness, language / labor /

The structure of modern productive forces of society does not include(s) /relations of distribution of production products/

The entire set of information about the external and internal world of a person that a society or an individual has at its disposal is /Knowledge/

Any process of change and transition from one state to another is /Movement/

The second half of the 20th century is the time of the unfolding of the _______ revolution / biotechnological /

In the philosophy of the Renaissance, a person is understood, first of all, as / 3) an artist 5) a creator /

The focus of the research of foreign futurologists is the prospects /of the social revolution/

Choose the correct relationship between the concepts of “philosophy” and “science” /Philosophy is the methodology of science/

An outstanding personality is a person who /influenced the course of history/

Outstanding thinker and scientist of Antiquity, creator of the Lyceum /Aristotle/

The development of hypotheses that overcome the limitations of theory is due to the emergence of /Problem situations/ in science

The development of new hypotheses in science is associated with /The emergence of problematic situations/

The development of new hypotheses in science is associated with /The need for a new vision of the problem/

The identification of “base” and “superstructure” as the main elements of society was proposed by: /K. Mars/

The saying “Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer” belongs to /Aristotle/

The highest degree of valuable, significant for a person /Happiness/

The highest good, as a complete, self-sufficient state of life is called /Happiness/

In the economic sphere, globalization processes are expressed in (in) / the economy going beyond national boundaries /

In the era of ________, a model of a developed personality is formed, who knows a lot and is able to

The idea of ​​social progress was explicitly formulated in /the philosophy of the Enlightenment/


The guarantor of the comprehensibility of the world and the objectivity of human knowledge in the philosophy of R. Descartes is / God /

The main feature of modernity is that in order to continue its history, Man needs to learn to coordinate his global activities with the needs of /Nature/

The main goal of scientific activity is the production of / knowledge /

The main goal of the Reformation of the 16th century was / the transformation of the Catholic Church /

The main cognitive ability of a person and his judge is reason - stated representatives of rationalism of the 17th century / R. Descartes, B. Spinoza, G. Leibniz /

I. A. Ilyin considered the main problem facing the individual to be the problem of / fighting evil /

The main feature of consciousness from the point of view of phenomenology is /Intentionality/

Global problems manifested themselves most clearly in (the) / second half of the 20th century /

Epistemology is a philosophical doctrine of /Cognition/

The state and political parties are institutions of society /Civil/

Greek thought originated in the cities of Ionni (the coast of Asia Minor) and Southern Italy, and reached its peak in /Athens/

The Greek words phileo - love and sopliia - wisdom gave rise to the term /Philosophy/

Humanities and natural scientists recognize the existence of a special doctrine of understanding called /hermeneutics/


The division of methods of scientific knowledge into empirical and theoretical lies at the basis of the opposition. /Induction and deduction/

The division of society into a “selected minority” and “the masses” is fundamental in the work of X. Ortega y Gasseta/

Democratization presupposes /Formation of civil society and the rule of law/

A detailed development of the society of the future in the Renaissance is associated with the names / T. Mora and T. Campanella /

The activities of the scientific community in accordance with a certain paradigm are called /Normal science/

Dialectics as a doctrine of the development of the Absolute Idea is associated with the name /G. Hegel/

The dialectical law of negation expresses /Direction of development/

The contractual theory of the origin of the state from the mind and experience of people, and not from theology, was developed by such thinkers of the New Age as / T. Hobbes, J. Locke, J.-J. Rousseau/

Evidence-based, verifiable and systematized information about various phenomena being constitute the area of ​​_____ knowledge /Scientific/

Until the middle of the 19th century, there was a general belief that philosophy / the queen of sciences /

Ancient Greek philosophy originates as: /rationalistic/

The oldest principle - “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself” - is called the golden rule / Morals /

Ancient Chinese philosophy originates as: /Altruistic/


A unit of thought that captures the general and essential properties and relationships of objects and phenomena is called / concept /

The only forms of motion of matter that can exist “by themselves, in the complete absence of others” are /mechanical/

The unity of the properties and relationships of an object from the point of view of its internal content is expressed in the concept /Essence/

If Eastern philosophy is characterized as mystical, then European philosophy is characterized as /rationalistic/

If everything is clearly necessary, if there are no accidents, if a person acts like an automaton, then there is no room left for... /Freedom/

If scientific creativity is characterized by discoveries, then technical creativity is characterized by /Inventions/

If freedom is understood according to the principle “wherever I want, I’ll turn there,” then such a position may turn out to be in unacceptable contradiction, for example, with the norms /Morality/

The natural scientific justification for the unity of matter, motion, space and time is given /The Theory of Relativity/

There are people inclined to believe, and there are people inclined / to know /


The dependence of the perception of the duration and extent of events and systems on the state of the subject gives grounds to distinguish between _________ space and time / “psychological” /

(maybe “biological”, the question should be formulated more correctly) /

The laws of movement and development of nature and society constitute the essence of objective dialectics, the laws of movement and development of thinking, knowledge _____ dialectics /Subjective/

The laws do not provide unambiguous predictions of the “behavior” of individual objects, however, they turn out to be the only possible ones when describing mass phenomena of a random nature / Statistical /

Laws that describe large collections of objects and are of a probabilistic and ambiguous nature in relation to the state of each of them are usually called /statistical/ in science.

The Earth and the Sun are ordinary celestial bodies in an endless, animate, active Universe filled with intelligent life, asserted the titan of the Renaissance / G. Bruno /

Knowledge taken in its entirety, which cannot be refuted in the process of cognition, is - /Absolute truth/

Knowledge not confirmed by this moment practice or insufficiently justified logically, is called / hypothetical /

Knowledge based on common sense and everyday experience of people is called /Ordinary/

Knowledge of a subject within historically determined limits is /Relative truth/

Knowledge combined with faith in it is /Belief/

Knowledge, which is a prerequisite for the emergence of science, is characterized as... /Pre-scientific/

Knowledge about nature and reality obtained in Everyday life, relate to knowledge /everyday practical/

A person’s knowledge of himself is a vast area of ​​so-called / self-awareness /

The importance of reason as a principle of social life was substantiated in the philosophy of /Enlightenment/


Ideas and concepts that speak on behalf of science, imitate its features, but do not meet scientific standards belong to /Paranscience/

Ideas and concepts not recognized as scientific by individual scientists belong to /Paranscience/

The ideas of the philosophy of the Enlightenment are clearly embodied in the world's first "Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts", created by thinkers /France/

An ideological movement that arose in emigration, associated with understanding the uniqueness of Russian civilization: /Eurasianism/

The ideological movement that appeared during the Renaissance is called /Humanism/

The ideological source of existentialism, along with hermeneutics and philosophy of life, is /Phenomenology/

The idea of ​​law as a condition for the formation of civil society was given to the world /Ancient Romans/

The idea of ​​the “end of history” was put forward by F. Fukuyama/

The idea of ​​a linear orientation of social life arose in the /Middle Ages/

The idea of ​​the development of being is established in /XIX century/

The idea of ​​development was established in philosophy in / the end of the 18th - mid-19th centuries /

The idea of ​​the Superman as the goal of human evolution was put forward by /T.de Chardin/

The idea of ​​freedom, the priority of individual existence over the social are characteristic of /Existentialism/

The idea that space is an emptiness that contains all bodies and is independent of them was first expressed by thinkers /Antiquity/

The famous expression “Beauty will save the world” belongs to /F.M. Dostoevsky/

The famous German philosopher _______ "a formless material that needs a carver." /Nietzsche F./

Changes in the system towards increasing the level of its orderliness, organization, complexity are characterized as / progress /

Of the following characteristics, medieval philosophy was characterized by / 2) recognition of faith as a way of comprehending truth / 4) religious dogmatism /

The individual spiritual principle in Indian philosophy is called /Atman/

The intellectual component of any type of worldview, that is, worldview, is called /Picture of the World/

Human intuitive abilities belong to the sphere of the /Unconscious/

Information disseminated by astrology, parapsychology, ufology refers to the so-called knowledge. /Parascientific/

Irrationalists argue that neither experience nor reason is enough to know reality; This requires a special form of cognition - /Intuition/

Art in all kinds of production in Antiquity was designated by the concept / “technique”/

The use of methods is a characteristic feature of /Science/

The study of the phenomenon of technology as a whole is the task of /Philosophy of Technology/

The study of society as a special type of activity is engaged in /Social philosophy/

Deals with the study of the essence and origin of morality, the meaning of moral standards in human life /Ethics/

The study of the sphere of beauty and art is carried out by such a philosophical discipline as /aesthetics/

The history of society as the existence of local cultures passing into civilization is presented in the works of: /O. Spengpera/

The source of the content of consciousness for materialists is / the objective world /

The initial form of rational knowledge is: /Concept/

Both empirical and theoretical levels of scientific knowledge are possible only as a unity of rational and / sensual /


Each relative truth / contains a share of the absolute /

As an ideal of harmony and perfection, nature is understood by philosophers / of antiquity /

How the art of interpretation hermeneutics originated /In the Middle Ages/

As rational knowledge about reality, revealing its essence, philosophy acts as /Science/

Philosophy arose as an independent spiritual and cultural education /In Ancient Greece/

As a system of views on the world and the place of man in it, philosophy acts as a /Worldview/

Karma is /The principle of retribution/

Ancient Indian philosophy includes philosophical schools /4)Vedanta/5)Lokayata/

The classical definition of truth as a judgment corresponding to reality was first given by /Aristotle/

When philosophy teaches not to immediately accept or reject anything without deep and independent reflection and analysis, then its activity is connected with the /Critical/ function

The collective and individual carrier of cognitive activity is called ______ of cognition/subject/

Who owns the saying “Every nation deserves its own ruler”? /G. Hegel/

The specific historical type of society, distinguished by the method of material production, is called the term /Formation/

A specific type of society, located at a certain stage of historical progressive development, the basis of which is the method of material production, is called / formation /

The concept of scientific revolutions as a change of paradigms or research programs was developed by T. Kuhn and I. Lakatos.

The concept of “open society” was justified in the works /K. Popper/

The concept of a “playing person” was developed by I. Huizinga/

The concept according to which at all times, among all peoples, history is made by creative individuals or creative minorities, is called the theory /Elite/

The concept according to which truth is understood as the correspondence of knowledge to reality is called /Correspondence/

Radical changes in the nature and scale of human impact on nature are called _________ revolution / scientific /

Production relations do not include relations / distribution of production products /

The category of global problems includes / depletion of natural resources /

“The extreme degree of ugliness, an extremely negative value” is / base /

The shortest path to a global world order lies through the comprehensive hegemony of the United States, argues /3. Brzezinski/

Creativity of consciousness is expressed in / the ability to create something new /

Religious directions of modern foreign philosophical thought include /Neo-Thomism and personalism/

The critical attitude of philosophy towards the church and religion is distinctive feature era /Enlightenment/

Culture of the 20th century characterized as culture /Postmodernist/

The culture of individual groups, distinguished by peculiarities of speech, behavior and style of clothing, is called /Subculture/

Culture becomes the subject of philosophical study in /German classical philosophy/

Among the people who guessed at the turn of the 20th century. general trends in the development of nature and society should be attributed /V. Vernadsky/

Representatives of anarchism included / 3)P. A. Kropotkin/ 5)M. A. Bakunin/

Representatives of ancient atomism include / 3) Epicurus / 4) Democritus /

The traditional anthropological questions of medieval philosophy include the problem of /1) salvation 3) the relationship between soul and body/

The school of /Epicureans/ belongs to the Hellenistic period of ancient Greek philosophy


Lao Tzu is the founder. /Taoism/

Liberalism proclaims /Freedom/ as its main value.

Personality manifests itself in /Actions/

A person who has special qualities that distinguish him from most people is characterized as... /Original/

The logical-gnoseological model of dialectics was developed /by German classical philosophy/


Marxist doctrine of society – /Historical materialism/

Materialistic position in Russian philosophy of the 19th-20th centuries. represented by / A. Herzen, V. Belinsky, D. Pisarev /

A material, sensory object that acts as a representative of another object, property or relationship - / sign /

International public organization created in 1968. for the analysis of the most pressing problems of our time, was called... /Club of Rome/

A method of thinking characterized by one-sidedness, abstractness, and the desire to absolutize individual moments within the whole is called / metaphysical /

The method of scientific knowledge associated with identifying the essence of the object under study, bringing it under any law is /Understanding/

The method of cognition, meaning the mental decomposition of an object into its component elements, is called /Analysis/

A methodological procedure that establishes hypotheses or theories through inconsistency with empirical data is called. /Verification/

The mechanism of empathy, comprehension of the emotional state of another person, feeling into his experiences is called / empathy /