solar system- these are 8 planets and more than 63 of their satellites, which are being discovered more and more often, several dozen comets and a large number of asteroids. All cosmic bodies move along their own clearly directed trajectories around the Sun, which is 1000 times heavier than all the bodies in the solar system combined. The center of the solar system is the Sun, a star around which the planets orbit. They do not emit heat and do not glow, but only reflect the light of the Sun. There are now 8 officially recognized planets in the solar system. Let us briefly list them all in order of distance from the sun. And now a few definitions.

Planet is a celestial body that must satisfy four conditions:
1. the body must revolve around a star (for example, around the Sun);
2. the body must have sufficient gravity to have a spherical or close to it shape;
3. the body should not have other large bodies near its orbit;
4. the body should not be a star

Star- This cosmic body, which emits light and is a powerful source of energy. This is explained, firstly, by the thermonuclear reactions occurring in it, and secondly, by the processes of gravitational compression, as a result of which a huge amount of energy is released.

Satellites of the planets. The solar system also includes the Moon and the natural satellites of other planets, which they all have except Mercury and Venus. Over 60 satellites are known. Most of the satellites of the outer planets were discovered when they received photographs taken by robotic spacecraft. Jupiter's smallest satellite, Leda, is only 10 km across.

is a star without which life on Earth could not exist. It gives us energy and warmth. According to the classification of stars, the Sun is a yellow dwarf. Age about 5 billion years. It has a diameter at the equator of 1,392,000 km, 109 times larger than that of Earth. The rotation period at the equator is 25.4 days and 34 days at the poles. The mass of the Sun is 2x10 to the 27th power of tons, approximately 332,950 times the mass of the Earth. The temperature inside the core is approximately 15 million degrees Celsius. The surface temperature is about 5500 degrees Celsius. By chemical composition The sun is made up of 75% hydrogen, and the other 25% elements are mostly helium. Now let’s figure out in order how many planets revolve around the sun, in the solar system and the characteristics of the planets.
The four inner planets (closest to the Sun) - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars - have a solid surface. They are smaller than the four giant planets. Mercury moves faster than other planets, being burned by the sun's rays during the day and freezing at night. Period of revolution around the Sun: 87.97 days.
Diameter at the equator: 4878 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 58 days.
Surface temperature: 350 during the day and -170 at night.
Atmosphere: very rarefied, helium.
How many satellites: 0.
The main satellites of the planet: 0.

More similar to Earth in size and brightness. Observing it is difficult due to the clouds enveloping it. The surface is a hot rocky desert. Period of revolution around the Sun: 224.7 days.
Diameter at the equator: 12104 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 243 days.
Surface temperature: 480 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: dense, mostly carbon dioxide.
How many satellites: 0.
The main satellites of the planet: 0.

Apparently, the Earth was formed from a gas and dust cloud, like other planets. Particles of gas and dust collided and gradually “grew” the planet. The temperature on the surface reached 5000 degrees Celsius. Then the Earth cooled and became covered with a hard rock crust. But the temperature in the depths is still quite high - 4500 degrees. Rocks in the depths are molten and during volcanic eruptions they flow to the surface. Only on earth there is water. That's why life exists here. It is located relatively close to the Sun in order to receive the necessary heat and light, but far enough so as not to burn out. Period of revolution around the Sun: 365.3 days.
Diameter at the equator: 12756 km.
Period of rotation of the planet (rotation around its axis): 23 hours 56 minutes.
Surface temperature: 22 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: Mainly nitrogen and oxygen.
Number of satellites: 1.
The main satellites of the planet: the Moon.

Because of its resemblance to Earth, it was believed that life existed here. But descended to the surface of Mars spacecraft I found no signs of life. This is the fourth planet in order. Period of revolution around the Sun: 687 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 6794 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 24 hours 37 minutes.
Surface temperature: –23 degrees (average).
The planet's atmosphere: thin, mostly carbon dioxide.
How many satellites: 2.
The main satellites in order: Phobos, Deimos.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are made of hydrogen and other gases. Jupiter exceeds Earth by more than 10 times in diameter, 300 times in mass and 1300 times in volume. It is more than twice as massive as all the planets solar system combined. How long does it take for planet Jupiter to become a star? We need to increase its mass by 75 times! Period of revolution around the Sun: 11 years 314 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 143884 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 9 hours 55 minutes.
Planet surface temperature: –150 degrees (average).
Number of satellites: 16 (+ rings).
The main satellites of the planets in order: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto.

It is number 2, the largest of the planets in the solar system. Saturn attracts attention thanks to its ring system formed of ice, rocks and dust that orbit the planet. There are three main rings with an outer diameter of 270,000 km, but their thickness is about 30 meters. Period of revolution around the Sun: 29 years 168 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 120536 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 10 hours 14 minutes.
Surface temperature: –180 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: Mainly hydrogen and helium.
Number of satellites: 18 (+ rings).
Main satellites: Titan.

A unique planet in the solar system. Its peculiarity is that it rotates around the Sun not like everyone else, but “lying on its side.” Uranus also has rings, although they are harder to see. In 1986, Voyager 2 flew at a distance of 64,000 km, he had six hours to take photographs, which he successfully implemented. Orbital period: 84 years 4 days.
Diameter at the equator: 51118 km.
Period of rotation of the planet (rotation around its axis): 17 hours 14 minutes.
Surface temperature: -214 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: Mainly hydrogen and helium.
How many satellites: 15 (+ rings).
Main satellites: Titania, Oberon.

On this moment, Neptune is considered the last planet of the solar system. Its discovery took place through mathematical calculations, and then it was seen through a telescope. In 1989, Voyager 2 flew past. He took stunning photographs of the blue surface of Neptune and its largest moon, Triton. Period of revolution around the Sun: 164 years 292 days.
Diameter at the equator: 50538 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 16 hours 7 minutes.
Surface temperature: –220 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: Mainly hydrogen and helium.
Number of satellites: 8.
Main satellites: Triton.

On August 24, 2006, Pluto lost its planetary status. The International Astronomical Union has decided which celestial body should be considered a planet. Pluto does not meet the requirements of the new formulation and loses its “planetary status”, at the same time Pluto takes on a new quality and becomes the prototype of a separate class of dwarf planets.

How did the planets appear? Approximately 5–6 billion years ago, one of the disk-shaped gas and dust clouds of our large Galaxy (Milky Way) began to shrink toward the center, gradually forming the present Sun. Further, according to one theory, under the influence powerful forces attraction, a large number of dust and gas particles revolving around the Sun began to stick together into balls - forming future planets. As another theory says, the gas and dust cloud immediately broke up into separate clusters of particles, which compressed and became denser, forming the current planets. Now 8 planets revolve around the Sun constantly.

> Planets

Explore everything planets of the solar system in order and study the names, new scientific facts and interesting features surrounding worlds with photos and videos.

The solar system is home to 8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The first 4 belong to the inner solar system and are considered terrestrial planets. Jupiter and Saturn - major planets Solar system and representatives of gas giants (huge and filled with hydrogen and helium), and Uranus and Neptune are ice giants (large and represented by heavier elements).

Previously, Pluto was considered the ninth planet, but since 2006 it has become a dwarf planet. This dwarf planet was first discovered by Clyde Tomb. It is now one of the largest objects in the Kuiper Belt, a collection of icy bodies on the outer edge of our system. Pluto lost its planetary status after the IAU (International Astronomical Union) revised the concept itself.

According to the IAU decision, a solar system planet is a body that performs an orbital passage around the Sun, endowed with sufficient mass to form into a sphere and clear the area around it of foreign objects. Pluto failed to meet the latter requirement, which is why it became a dwarf planet. Other similar objects include Ceres, Makemake, Haumea and Eris.

With a small atmosphere, harsh surface features and 5 moons, Pluto is considered the most complex dwarf planet and one of the most amazing planets in our Solar System.

But scientists have not given up hope of finding the mysterious Planet Nine, after they announced in 2016 a hypothetical object that exerts its gravity on bodies in the Kuiper Belt. In terms of parameters, it is 10 times the mass of the Earth and 5000 times more massive than Pluto. Below is a list of planets of the solar system with photos, names, descriptions, detailed characteristics and interesting facts for children and adults.

Variety of planets

Astrophysicist Sergei Popov about gas and ice giants, double star systems and single planets:

Hot planetary coronas

Astronomer Valery Shematovich about the study gas shells planets, hot particles in the atmosphere and discoveries on Titan:

Planet Diameter relative to the Earth Mass, relative to Earth Orbital radius, a. e. Orbital period, Earth years Day,
relative to Earth
Density, kg/m³ Satellites
0,382 0,06 0,38 0,241 58,6 5427 No
0,949 0,82 0,72 0,615 243 5243 No
1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 5515 1
0,53 0,11 1,52 1,88 1,03 3933 2
0,074 0,000013 2,76 4,6 0,46 ~2000 No
11,2 318 5,20 11,86 0,414 1326 67
9,41 95 9,54 29,46 0,426 687 62
3,98 14,6 19,22 84,01 0,718 1270 27
3,81 17,2 30,06 164,79 0,671 1638 14
0,098 0,0017 39,2 248,09 6,3 2203 5
0,032 0,00066 42,1 281,1 0,03 ~1900 2
0,033 0,00065 45,2 306,28 1,9 ~1700 No
0,1 0,0019 68,03 561,34 1,1 ~2400 1

Terrestrial planets of the solar system

The first 4 planets from the Sun are called terrestrial planets because their surface is rocky. Pluto also has a solid surface layer (frozen), but it is classified as a dwarf planet.

Gas giant planets of the solar system

There are 4 gas giants living in the outer solar system, as they are quite huge and gaseous. But Uranus and Neptune are different, because in them more ice. That's why they are also called ice giants. However, all gas giants have one thing in common: they are all made of hydrogen and helium.

The IAU has put forward a definition of a planet:

  • The object must be orbiting the Sun;
  • Have sufficient mass to take the shape of a ball;
  • Clear your orbital path of foreign objects;

Pluto could not meet the latter requirement, since it shares its orbital path with a huge number of Kuiper Belt bodies. But not everyone agreed with the definition. However, dwarf planets such as Eris, Haumea and Makemake appeared on the scene.

Ceres also lives between Mars and Jupiter. It was noticed in 1801 and considered a planet. Some still consider it the 10th planet of the solar system.

Dwarf planets of the solar system

Formation of planetary systems

Astronomer Dmitry Vibe about rocky planets and giant planets, the diversity of planetary systems and hot Jupiters:

Planets of the Solar System in order

The following describes the characteristics of the 8 main planets of the Solar System in order from the Sun:

The first planet from the Sun is Mercury

Mercury is the first planet from the Sun. Rotates in an elliptical orbit at a distance of 46-70 million km from the Sun. It takes 88 days for one orbital flight, and 59 days for an axial flight. Due to its slow rotation, a day spans 176 days. The axial tilt is extremely small.

With a diameter of 4887 km, the first planet from the Sun reaches 5% of the Earth's mass. Surface gravity is 1/3 of Earth's. The planet is practically devoid of an atmospheric layer, so it is hot during the day and freezes at night. The temperature ranges between +430°C and -180°C.

There is a crater surface and an iron core. But its magnetic field is inferior to that of the earth. Initially, radar indicated the presence of water ice at the poles. The Messenger apparatus confirmed the assumptions and found deposits at the bottom of craters, which are always immersed in shadow.

The first planet from the Sun is located close to the star, so it can be seen before dawn and just after sunset.

  • Title: Messenger of the gods in the Roman pantheon.
  • Diameter: 4878 km.
  • Orbit: 88 days.
  • Length of day: 58.6 days.

The second planet from the Sun is Venus

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Travels in an almost circular orbit at a distance of 108 million km. It comes closest to Earth and can reduce the distance to 40 million km.

The orbital path takes 225 days, and the axial rotation (clockwise) lasts 243 days. A day spans 117 Earth days. The axial tilt is 3 degrees.

In diameter (12,100 km), the second planet from the Sun is almost identical to the Earth’s and reaches 80% of the Earth’s mass. The gravity indicator is 90% of Earth's. The planet has a dense atmospheric layer, where the pressure is 90 times higher than on Earth. The atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide with thick sulfur clouds, creating a powerful Greenhouse effect. It is because of this that the surface warms up by 460°C (the hottest planet in the system).

The surface of the second planet from the Sun is hidden from direct observation, but scientists were able to create a map using radar. Covered by large volcanic plains with two huge continents, mountains and valleys. There are also impact craters. A weak magnetic field is observed.

  • Discovery: The ancients saw without the use of tools.
  • Name: Roman goddess responsible for love and beauty.
  • Diameter: 12104 km.
  • Orbit: 225 days.
  • Day length: 241 days.

The third planet from the Sun is Earth

Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is the largest and densest of inner planets. The orbital path is 150 million km away from the Sun. It has a single companion and developed life.

The orbital flyby takes 365.25 days, and the axial rotation takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. The length of the day is 24 hours. The axial tilt is 23.4 degrees, and the diameter is 12742 km.

The third planet from the Sun was formed 4.54 billion years ago and for most of its existence the Moon was nearby. It is believed that the satellite appeared after a huge object crashed into the Earth and tore material into orbit. It is the Moon that stabilizes the Earth's axial tilt and acts as the source of the formation of tides.

The satellite's diameter covers 3,747 km (27% of Earth's) and is located at a distance of 362,000-405,000 km. Experiencing planetary gravitational influence, due to which it slowed down its axial rotation and fell into a gravitational block (therefore, one side is turned towards the Earth).

The planet is protected from stellar radiation by a powerful magnetic field formed by the active core (molten iron).

  • Diameter: 12760 km.
  • Orbit: 365.24 days.
  • Day length: 23 hours and 56 minutes.

The fourth planet from the Sun is Mars

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. The Red Planet moves along an eccentric orbital path - 230 million km. One flight around the Sun takes 686 days, and an axial revolution takes 24 hours and 37 minutes. It is located at an inclination of 25.1 degrees, and the day lasts 24 hours and 39 minutes. Its inclination resembles that of the Earth, which is why it has seasons.

The diameter of the fourth planet from the Sun (6792 km) is half that of Earth, and its mass reaches 1/10 of Earth’s. Gravity indicator – 37%.

Mars has no protection as a magnetic field, so the original atmosphere was destroyed by the solar wind. The devices recorded the outflow of atoms into space. As a result, the pressure reaches 1% of the earth's, and the thin atmospheric layer is represented by 95% carbon dioxide.

The fourth planet from the Sun is extremely frosty, with temperatures dropping to -87°C in winter and rising to -5°C in summer. This is a dusty place with giant storms that can cover the entire surface.

  • Discovery: The ancients saw without the use of tools.
  • Name: Roman god of war.
  • Diameter: 6787 km.
  • Orbit: 687 days.
  • Day length: 24 hours and 37 minutes.

The fifth planet from the Sun is Jupiter

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. Moreover, in front of you largest planet in a system that is 2.5 times more massive than all the planets and covers 1/1000 of the solar mass.

It is distant from the Sun by 780 million km and spends 12 years on its orbital path. Filled with hydrogen (75%) and helium (24%) and may have a rocky core immersed in liquid metallic hydrogen with a diameter of 110,000 km. The total planetary diameter is 142984 km.

IN top layer The atmosphere contains 50-kilometer clouds consisting of ammonia crystals. They are in stripes moving on different speeds and latitudes. The Great Red Spot, a large-scale storm, seems remarkable.

The fifth planet from the Sun spends 10 hours on its axial rotation. This is a rapid speed, which means the equatorial diameter is 9000 km larger than the polar one.

  • Discovery: The ancients saw without the use of tools.
  • Name: main god in the Roman pantheon.
  • Diameter: 139822 km.
  • Orbit: 11.9 years.
  • Length of day: 9.8 hours.

The sixth planet from the Sun is Saturn

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. Saturn is in 2nd position in terms of scale in the system, exceeding the Earth's radius by 9 times (57,000 km) and 95 times more massive.

It is distant from the Sun by 1400 million km and spends 29 years on its orbital flight. Filled with hydrogen (96%) and helium (3%). May have a rocky core in liquid metallic hydrogen with a diameter of 56,000 km. The upper layers are represented by liquid water, hydrogen, ammonium hydrosulfide and helium.

The core is heated to 11,700°C and produces more heat than the planet receives from the Sun. The higher we rise, the lower the degree drops. At the top, the temperature is maintained at -180°C and 0°C at a depth of 350 km.

The cloud layers of the sixth planet from the Sun resemble the picture of Jupiter, but they are fainter and wider. There is also a Big White spot– a short periodic storm. It spends 10 hours and 39 minutes on an axial rotation, but it is difficult to give an exact figure, since there are no fixed surface features.

  • Discovery: The ancients saw without the use of tools.
  • Name: god of the economy in the Roman pantheon.
  • Diameter: 120500 km.
  • Orbit: 29.45 days.
  • Length of day: 10.5 hours.

The seventh planet from the Sun is Uranus

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus is a representative of the ice giants and is the 3rd largest in the system. Its diameter (50,000 km) is 4 times greater than that of Earth and 14 times more massive.

It is distant by 2900 million km and spends 84 years on its orbital path. What’s surprising is that the planet’s axial tilt (97 degrees) literally rotates on its side.

It is believed that there is a small rocky core around which a mantle of water, ammonia and methane is concentrated. This is followed by a hydrogen, helium and methane atmosphere. The seventh planet from the Sun also stands out in that it does not radiate more internal heat, so the temperature mark drops to -224°C (the coldest planet).

  • Discovery: In 1781, noticed by William Herschel.
  • Name: personification of the sky.
  • Diameter: 51120 km.
  • Orbit: 84 years.
  • Duration of the day: 18 hours.

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. Neptune has been considered the official last planet in the solar system since 2006. The diameter is 49,000 km, and its massiveness is 17 times greater than that of Earth.

It is distant by 4500 million km and spends 165 years on an orbital flight. Due to its remoteness, the planet receives only 1% of solar radiation (compared to Earth). The axial tilt is 28 degrees, and the rotation takes 16 hours.

The meteorology of the eighth planet from the Sun is more pronounced than that of Uranus, so powerful storm activity can be seen at the poles in the form of dark spots. The wind accelerates to 600 m/s, and the temperature drops to -220°C. The core heats up to 5200°C.

  • Discovery: 1846
  • Name: Roman god of water.
  • Diameter: 49530 km.
  • Orbit: 165 years.
  • Duration of the day: 19 hours.

This is a small world, smaller in size than Earth's satellite. The orbit intersects with Neptune in 1979-1999. it could be considered the 8th planet in terms of distance from the Sun. Pluto will remain beyond Neptune's orbit for more than two hundred years. The orbital path is inclined to the system plane at 17.1 degrees. Frosty World visited New Horizons in 2015.

  • Discovery: 1930 - Clyde Tombaugh.
  • Name: Roman god of the underworld.
  • Diameter: 2301 km.
  • Orbit: 248 years.
  • Length of day: 6.4 days.

Planet Nine is a hypothetical object residing in the outer system. Its gravity should explain the behavior of trans-Neptunian objects.

Its existence was first announced by Chad Trujillo and Scott Sheppard in 2014. In 2016, they were supported by Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown. The predicted object should reach 10 Earth masses, and the orbital period should be 15,000 years.

The planet has not yet been found and is difficult to detect due to its supposed remoteness. The theory has many supporters, but there are also desperate skeptics looking for other explanations. On our website you will find all the most interesting information about the planets of the solar system for children and adults. The upper table shows the distances from the Sun to the planets in order. You can find out not only how many planets are in the solar system, but also get their maximum characteristics from a photo of the surface.

Useful articles.

Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. The center of the solar system shines brightly hot star- Sun. Eight main planets revolve around it at different distances from the Sun. One of them, the third in a row, is our Earth.

Each planet has its own orbit in which it moves around the Sun. A complete revolution around the Sun is called a year. On Earth it lasts 365 days. On planets that are closer to the Sun, a year lasts less, and on those that are further away, a full revolution can take several Earth years. The planets also rotate around their axis. One such complete revolution is called a day. On Earth, a day (a revolution around its axis) is approximately 24 hours (more precisely 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds).

Presentation for children: Planets of the Solar System


A bright star located at the center of the solar system. The sun seems to be burning hot fire ball distributes heat to its nearby planets. True, those planets that are very close to the Sun (Mercury and Venus) are very hot, and those that are further than Mars are very cold, because the warm rays almost do not reach them. But on planet Earth, the temperature turned out to be neither low nor high, which was very convenient for the emergence and development of life on it.


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun with one side. Therefore, on one side of Mercury it is very hot, and on the other it is very cold.


Second planet from the Sun. On it, like on Earth, there is an atmosphere, it’s like this air envelope. Only, unlike our earthly one, it consists not of oxygen, but mostly of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is impossible to breathe on Venus, and it is very, very hot on its surface. So there are no plants, no animals, no bacteria there.


This blue planet, the third from the Sun, is ours common Home. Here we live, animals, people, fish, birds - all under one roof. And the roof of planet Earth consists of an atmosphere in which there is a huge amount of oxygen necessary for life. Here we build our world, write history and from here we observe other planets and stars. And planet Earth also has a little friend - the Moon, which is a satellite of the Earth.


Little red planet, the fourth in a row. There is very little oxygen on it, almost none. There is also almost no water, although scientists are constantly looking for it, because once upon a time there may have been a lot of it on Mars. Then, many, many years ago, there could have been rivers, seas and oceans on the planet, but then something happened and the water disappeared. This mystery has yet to be solved.


The largest, fifth planet in the solar system. Jupiter is made of gas and is called a gas giant. Storms and whirlwind winds constantly occur on its surface, and the planet itself, despite its size, rotates very quickly around its axis, like a top.


A beautiful and unusual planet, sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is the ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, only in reality it is not a solid disk, but thousands, thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.


A mysterious planet, the seventh in a row, which for unknown reasons lies on its side and rotates completely differently from other planets. Uranus has an unusual Blue colour and it looks like a round ball with a smooth surface.


The icy, very cold planet, the eighth in a row, is very far from the Sun, so Sun rays almost never reach the surface of this blue planet. Strong winds blow on Neptune and therefore the weather on it is not just winter, but by cosmic standards, completely cold, so that everything on it, even gas, turns into ice.


Once upon a time, this planet was the ninth in a row and was part of the solar system, but it turned out that it was too small to be called a planet and is now called a dwarf planet and is not allowed to be associated with adult planets from the name. Maybe Pluto is still just a baby and just needs to grow up)

The issues of development and upbringing of children are considered the most difficult; each parent goes through his own path of “trial and error”, trying not to harm his baby. And many are interested in how best to tell about space and the planets of the solar system. For children, as for many adults, this topic is extremely mysterious and interesting, but it is very important not to overload them with unnecessary information. But in no case should you deliberately reduce material that might be of interest to little ones.


So, what needs to be told to preschoolers, what basic astronomical knowledge is important to convey to them?

  • What is the Sun, what is its role, why is the system called Solar?
  • The location of the planets.
  • Brief information about the planets themselves. So, a preschooler is already quite able to understand why Mars is red.
  • Information about how the Universe began.

Particularly inquisitive kids can also be told:

  • how planets differ from stars;
  • what is a satellite (for example, why is the Moon called a satellite of the Earth);
  • what famous constellations exist, how they look on the star chart and in the sky.

Listening to mom or dad's explanation, the baby not only learns a lot of new things about the world around him. He will improve lexicon, enriched with special vocabulary; in addition, astronomy classes will help develop thinking, imagination, and memory.

How to start dating?

There are several options for conducting your first astronomy lesson.

  • The simplest is watching a movie with a preschooler with accompanying comments from the parent and answers to questions the child has. The BBC films are quite high-quality, they allow you to understand the enormous size of the Universe, and at the same time they are educational, although sometimes they contain unproven hypotheses.
  • The second option is independent work. Mom or dad themselves will tell the child about the galaxy, that our galaxy is called the Milky Way, and the Sun, the star to which we all owe our lives, is actually not that big.
  • Finally, another way is to play a game. WITH interesting scenario you can meet here.

You can combine the methods by first playing with the baby and then telling him the theory.

How to represent the planets?

Astronomy is a serious science, not everyone is interested in it, since the composition of planets, the properties of red dwarfs and black holes are sometimes fascinating only thanks to science fiction. And so it will be difficult for parents. On the one hand, you need to provide truthful information, for which you should be savvy yourself. On the other hand, do not be too serious and boring, otherwise the child will very quickly lose interest.

There are several tricks that will help you find the “golden mean”:

  • Make a presentation that contains text and photos. This will help not to miss important things and not to overload the child with unnecessary things.
  • Use pictures, posters, cards - all kinds of visual aids. This will allow the baby to visualize difficult realities. Indeed, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
  • Together with your child, you can create a model of the galaxy.

This could be a drawing. For example, mom draws the Sun in the center of the sheet and at the same time tells that this star is a source of heat and light, all the planets of our galaxy revolve around it. It is advisable to explain to the child that the Sun is not a yellow circle with rays, as it is usually depicted by younger preschoolers, but a celestial body consisting of two gases - helium and hydrogen. The child will be interested to know that humanity has still studied very little of this most important luminary for us, since due to the high temperature it is impossible to fly close to the Sun.

Mercury, which is much smaller than the main star, is drawn in a similar way. For clarity, it is worth depicting the orbit in which the planet revolves around the Sun. Then other celestial bodies are applied to the sheet.

If you don’t want to draw, you can make a planetary model from plasticine, lay it out from colored mosaic elements, and sew it together. The main thing is that the child is interested, that he asks questions and strives to learn more.

A situation may arise when mom or dad don’t know how to answer the “tricky” question of the baby. In this case, you need to take a break and say that “we will certainly talk about this topic tomorrow.” Having prepared, you should answer. We must not forget children’s questions or be happy that the child does not ask again and, apparently, forgot himself. This approach destroys healthy curiosity and the desire to explore the world.

What to tell?

Let's consider what description of the planets will be interesting for kids.

  • Mercury.

This is the closest planet to the Sun, so it is very hot here. Is different small in size, during the day the temperature here is +350°C, at night – below -160°C. The duration of one day on this planet is about 60 Earth days, a year lasts 88 days. Interestingly, Mercury can sometimes be seen from our planet. To reinforce the material, you can ask the child to come up with what living creatures could live here. A preschooler may assume that these are some creatures that are not afraid of cold, heat, or sudden temperature changes.

  • Venus.

It is very similar in size to Earth. The planet is also visible to the naked eye, has no water shell, and is covered with craters. Interestingly, the rotation occurs in a different direction than the others. To remember, you can draw Venus as a wayward, round young lady who acts in her own way.

  • Earth.

Our home planet is distinguished by the presence of oxygen necessary for life. This is where the optimal conditions are for us, people, to feel comfortable. In addition, only on Earth is there the required amount of water. The planet's satellite is the Moon.

  • Mars.

You can look at drawings of the planets, see the red surface, tell your child that research is being actively carried out in our time, that flights to Mars have become available. You can ask a question that will make sure whether the material is being absorbed correctly: where is more heat, on Mars or on Venus, and why? The child should answer that on Venus, since it is located closer to the Sun.

  • Jupiter.

This is a giant planet, composed of gas, and is the largest in the solar system. A year on Jupiter is equal to 12 Earth years. There is no oxygen or water here, the number of satellites is more than 60. One can also ask, is life as usual for us possible on Jupiter? Ideally, the child should guess that no, since there is no water or oxygen.

  • Saturn.

A beautiful planet with rings, the second largest in the solar system.

  • Uranus.

It is called an ice planet because the temperature here is below -220°C.

  • Neptune.

It has 6 rings, several satellites and its own atmosphere. Painted in a beautiful blue color.

Together with your child, you can draw the planets like this:

  • Mercury - wearing sunglasses;
  • Venus is a fashionable girl, for example, in a hat;
  • Earth is a blue-green planet on which there is life (flowers, trees, animals, people);
  • Mars – red;
  • Jupiter is a large planet;
  • Saturn - slightly smaller, with rings;
  • Uranus – icy, light blue;
  • Neptune is bright blue.

This funny picture will help you remember the distinctive characteristics of celestial bodies.

How to learn order?

A preschooler needs to know the order of the planets from the Sun. There is such a trick:

  1. For each planet, use the first letter: M - Mercury, V - Venus.
  2. Next, come up with a phrase, a memorable phrase, the words in which begin with the first letters of the names of the planets.

For example: We Call Everyone to Wash Yula with a Universal Purpose Product.

You can also simply reduce the planets to the first letters and place the hint on the picture that the baby will have in front of his eyes: MVZMYUSUN.

Expand the boundaries

It is very important that the parent’s story about astronomy is not boring and superficial and does not limit the child’s curiosity. You can tell your child the following:

  1. About Pluto, a small celestial body that was previously considered the ninth planet of the solar system, but later it was decided to exclude it from this list. Some researchers do not classify Pluto as a planet at all.
  2. What is an asteroid? This is not a planet, not a satellite, but a completely unique celestial body, which is a fragment of a lost planet. This idea will show that the Universe is changing, some celestial bodies disappear, others, on the contrary, are born. Individual asteroids form a belt that protects our planet from external influences.
  3. Comets. These are beautiful celestial bodies with a tail of gas that periodically fly in close proximity to the Earth.
  4. Possibility of life on other planets. An inquisitive child should be told that while the presence or absence of intelligent life has not yet been proven, there are several theories on this matter.
  5. Structure of the Earth. The planet consists of a core, mantle and shell, that is, in fact, it is very similar to a peach: the pit is the core, the hot part. The mantle is the pulp, and the thin skin is the shell. People, like all living things, are located precisely on the shell. Only here the conditions are acceptable.
  6. The Big Bang Theory. Without going into details, we can explain that, according to the most common hypothesis, our Universe arose due to a gas explosion that occurred billions of years ago. As a result of this process, the celestial bodies familiar to us emerged.
  7. Stars. What is it, what are the most famous ones we know, how constellations are formed.

It is very important not to force a child to memorize the names and properties of celestial bodies, but to introduce him to them in a fun way, to arouse sincere interest and a desire to learn more.

Forms of classes

For preschoolers the best way exploring the world of astrology is a game. Therefore, we can offer to play a homemade game board game, which is a field on which planets and cells for moving chips are drawn. After throwing the dice, players make a certain number of moves. If they come to a stop-planet, they must tell something about it. The winner is the one who reaches the Sun first.

Other training options:

  • Parents offer their child a model of the solar system - several pre-prepared schematic planets (you can draw them on thick cardboard) and orbital ropes. The baby’s task is to fold the model.
  • When getting to know the stars, you can invite your child to draw famous constellations (first from a model, then from memory).
  • Role-playing games. If there are several children, each of them tries on the role of one of the planets of their choice (you can even prepare a costume for the greatest interest), after which they talk “about themselves.” If the baby is alone, toys become “planets”.
  • Make up a fairy tale. The child, together with his mother, composes a fascinating fairy tale about celestial bodies or the history of the Universe. Fictional events are intertwined with scientific facts, creating unique text.

Studying astronomy with a preschooler and getting to know the planets of the solar system is the most important stage in the development of a child’s horizons and cognitive interest. Parents are required to talk about space briefly, but competently and interestingly, so that the baby wants to learn more.

Our solar system itself is amazing, beautiful and hidden for scientists Interesting Facts about the planets. Each planet is unique in its own way, it seems that we know everything about them. But every year technology is becoming more advanced and astronomers are still making discoveries, providing new interesting facts about the planets of the solar system. IN school curriculum In addition to information about the planets, interesting facts about the planets of the solar system were included. At that time there were still 9 planets, but since 2006 the Astronomical Union has excluded Pluto from this list. Explained by the fact that this planet was too small size and was very far from the sun. Now in its place is the planet Neptune. Oddly enough, the lightest planet is one of the giants - Saturn. There is a theory: if Saturn is placed in water, it will not drown. Of course, there is no way to confirm this statement due to the impossibility of the experiment. There is a very interesting fact about the Earth: the planet’s movement is slowing down every day, because of this, the Moon moves away from the Earth by 4 centimeters every year.

Let's look at each planet separately and interesting facts about them.

1. If we call the Earth a huge living organism, we will not be mistaken. Our planet can independently regulate temperature, consume energy, renew itself and breathe.
2. The speed of our planet, although imperceptibly, is 107 km per hour.
3. The earth is compared to a metal ball, which is in a stone shell. The moon plays a key role in everything that concerns our planet. It is thanks to her that there are suitable climatic conditions, which allows us all to exist.
4. It is very interesting that gravity in some parts of the planet is lower or higher than in others. This can make you feel heavier or lighter in certain parts of the world. For example, in India the gravity is lower than in the southern part of the ocean. Scientists still cannot explain why this happens. This fact became known when in 2002 NASA launched the GRACE satellite, which measures the gravitational field. It seems that in the future the Earth will open its secret veils even more.
5. Some researchers claim that the earth once had two satellites, that is, two moons.

Closer to the Sun - planet Mercury

1. The planet is very fast compared to others, which is why it got its name in the name of the Roman fleet-footed god Mercury.
2. The size of the planet did not work out, it is no larger than the moon, the equator is only 4879 km.
3. Some scientists believe that it was once a satellite of Venus, but, as a result of some cosmic catastrophe, it “escaped” and acquired its own orbit.
4. 1 day on the planet is equal to 176 Earth days, and a year is only 88 days.
5. On Mercury you can observe an amazing phenomenon: two sunrises and two sunsets. In a certain place you can watch three sunrises and three sunsets.

Planet Venus – Evening Star

1. A day on this planet is longer than a year. One day lasts 243 days, and a year lasts 225 days.
2. During sunset you can see the shadow of Venus. It can only be seen for a few hours, which is why it received the name Evening Star.
3. It is so cloudy on this planet that you can’t see the sun through them. Rain consists of sulfuric acid.
4. is the hottest planet, the temperature reaches 475 degrees Celsius. For example, lead melts at 327 degrees.
5. Life is impossible on this planet, one by one main reason– The atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide.

Red Planet -

1. The planet received its name in honor of the Roman god of war, Mars, just like blood and the planet are the same color.
2. The most high mountain Olympus in the solar system is located on this planet. The height of the mountain reaches 27.4 km.
3. It is impossible to be on Mars without a spacesuit. Very strong pressure can turn blood into gas bubbles.
4. Lethal doses The radiation to which the planet is exposed also makes life on Mars impossible. Radiations occur due to the absence of the ozone layer.
5. Mars once had water. Scientists have discovered dry river beds and some minerals that cannot appear without water.

Gas giant Jupiter

1. If the earth is a cherry tomato, then Jupiter is a watermelon. This is how you can compare these two planets. Jupiter could fit 1,300 planets like our Earth.
2. Despite the fact that it is a giant planet, it is itself fast planet. Jupiter rotates around its axis every 20 hours. But it takes 12 years around the sun.
3. Jupiter has the largest number of satellites, there are only 60 of them, maybe more. All satellites rotate in the opposite direction of the planet.
4. There is a huge red spot on the planet, which is nothing more than an anticyclone. It appeared about 400 years ago, maybe more. It was discovered by astronomer J. Cassini in 1665, then its dimensions were determined by tens of thousands of kilometers in length and width. Now the spot has almost halved.
5. Jupiter can “talk”. The planet makes very strange sounds, similar to speech. They are called electromagnetic voices.

Amazing planet - Saturn

1. Telescopes are not needed to see the planet. Just look at the sky on a clear night; the brightest star is.
2. Saturn is the most beautiful planet Solar system. The surface of the planet has a blue tint, the rings are bright and truly beautiful.
3. Bad weather is a frequent visitor to Saturn. They are similar to earthly ones, only much stronger. During bad weather, huge craters form on the surface of the planet.
4. Spaceship, which was sent to study Saturn, was able to film a rare phenomenon - northern lights. Before this, the northern lights were observed on earth.
5. No matter how beautiful the planet is, it is not suitable for people. Since hydrogen is first in a liquid state, then it turns into a solid state, which means a terrible death for any person who gets there - to be flattened.


1. The planet was named after greek god sky, and 27 satellites of Uranus were named after the heroes of the works of W. Shakespeare and A. Pope.
2. 80% of the planet is ice, so permafrost-200 degrees is the faithful companion of the planet.
3. The planet is surrounded by 13 gloomy rings, there is an assumption that they originated from the remains of the satellite of Uranus.
4. Due to the small amount of methane in the air of the planet, it has a green tint.
5. Terrible storms are frequent guests on the planet. Their size is equal to our North America.

"Marine" planet Neptune

1. is a giant ball of ice and gas. Probably has a stone core.
2. Because of its bright blue color, the planet was named Neptune after the Roman god of the sea. Why is the planet this color? There is no clear answer to this question. Some believe this is due to high level methane, and some think that due to some extraterrestrial substance.
3. The atmosphere of the planet consists of hydrogen and helium.
4. The weather on the planet is terrible, sometimes the wind speed reaches 2 thousand km/h. Scientists still cannot explain why this is happening. But on this planet there is water, in all its manifestations.
5. Neptune is the least studied planet in the solar system. In 2016, another ship headed to Neptune, but it will reach the planet only after 14 years. Maybe then the planet will open its veils a little.

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way and there are about one hundred billion planets in it. People have studied only a tiny part. It seems that the main astronomical discoveries and more interesting facts about the planets of other systems and galaxies are still ahead.