In the beliefs of all peoples, hair was endowed with a special magical power. In ancient times, it was believed that hair gives us physical strength, health, sexual attractiveness for women, and is also a powerful means for magical rituals. To this day, there are rituals that use hair. Therefore, the dream in which you dreamed that you were cutting your hair should be remembered in detail in order to give it the correct interpretation.

You definitely need to remember what is happening and how, what the hair itself looks like, and what you are experiencing at this moment.

For example, if you dream that you are in a hairdresser and the master is cutting your hair, then in reality you have problems that you cannot cope with on your own. There is no need to refuse the help of friends or family; try to listen to other people’s opinions and advice.

If you dreamed that you were cutting your own hair, then most likely you will face large financial losses, debts and a period of lack of money. And sometimes you have such a dream before someone tells you very bad news.

If in a dream you dreamed that you were cutting your wonderful long thick hair yourself, then you will soon lose something you really need on your own.

Since ancient times, hair has been considered a source of strength, health, beauty and attractiveness. Therefore, their loss is a sign of fear, uncertainty, concern for one’s health and well-being.

If in a dream a woman has her hair cut long hair, then this symbolizes her frivolous actions, which will have an unpleasant continuation.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Cutting your hair in a dream means failure.
  • Cutting your hair yourself in front of a mirror - to long illness, financial collapse, loss of face, i.e. respect in society.
  • A stranger cuts your hair - to the appearance of a rival, a major quarrel.
  • Hair falling out on its own means trouble, loss of a loved one, major troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • Cutting your own hair is a sign of important, life-changing changes.
  • A hairdresser cuts your hair - changes will occur, but it is not known whether they are good or bad.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Cutting a long thick braid means a big loss, perhaps even the death of a loved one.
  • Seeing short-cropped hair in the mirror is a warning of impending troubles. In general, any procedures with hair warn of changes in fate.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • If your hair is cut by a person you know well and like, then this is a pleasant event., an unexpected turn of fate.
  • Having your long hair cut means financial losses.
  • Your braid was cut off - a pleasant journey with heartfelt interest awaits you soon.

Idiomatic dream book

  • You got your hair cut in a dream - to success and promotion.
  • You cut off your own hair - to pleasant acquisitions.
  • A hairdresser cut your hair in a salon - to an amazing surprise.

Women's dream book

  • Cutting your hair yourself means trouble. A stranger cuts your hair - someone will rudely interfere with your destiny. Beware of dangerous acquaintances.
  • You are getting your hair cut, and friends or relatives are standing next to you - this is an indicator that you will cope with all difficulties with the help of your loved ones. You should not refuse other people's help!
  • Cutting someone's hair means sad news, bad news.

Slavic dream book

  • You cut your hair - to success in business, increasing your prestige in society.
  • He cuts your hair close person- something comes in your life white stripe , all adversity and sorrow recede.
  • You cut the hair of a stranger - you will soon receive an inheritance, a promotion or unexpected profit.

If you see yourself sick in bed and your hair is cut, the illness will become protracted.

Italian dream book

  • Cut your hair - get sick, weaken, lose activity and strength.
  • Cutting beautiful long hair at the root means debt and poverty.

Erotic dream book

  • Cutting your hair means losing your beauty and attractiveness, losing all your fans.
  • If you have a dream like this married woman– perhaps she is thinking about cheating.
  • Cutting long hair means losing a close friend or lover.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Losing hair in any way means loss, financial or psychological.
  • Sitting with your hair down in front of a mirror is good news. Braid them in a braid - solve problems. To cut your hair is to act decisively and sharply; in addition, important changes will occur in life.

In everyday life we ​​perceive things and phenomena habitually, but in the world of night dreams the same things already acquire a secret meaning.

Hair is a symbol of strength, human energy, power and life. In dreams they always carry important signs, which need to be interpreted correctly. Knowing what hair means in dreams, you can prevent trouble or bring happiness closer.

But in order to interpret what hair means in dreams, you should carefully remember all the details of your dreams - the color, quality of the hair, its thickness, and other details that change the meaning of the dream. For example, dreams could be as follows:

  • You see your hair thick, strong, luxurious.
  • You have red, white, black hair.
  • See your own gray hair.
  • You are bald, your hair is falling out, you see fallen curls.
  • You dream about cutting your own hair and cutting off your braids.
  • You are giving someone a haircut.
  • You're getting a haircut.
  • You comb your hair and style it.
  • Braid a braid or a spikelet.
  • See hairy legs or hands.
  • Dye your curls.
  • You have a very long braid.
  • You are tearing out the hair on your own head.

Each such dream has an important meaning, and it is necessary to unmistakably find out why hair is dreamed of - for this we turn to dream books.

Our own, others’, thick and not so...

Let's look at dreams in which you didn't have to do anything with your hair, you just saw it. What exactly it was - the interpretation depends on this.

1. If you see yourself in your dreams with a wonderful hairstyle, this is a good sign. When you have thick, luxurious curls on your head, just like in a beautiful shampoo advertisement, this is direct evidence that in your waking life you will be full of strength, health, nothing can bring you down. Now you are going through a very favorable period, take advantage!

2. Too thick hair indicates great strength, potential, and strong character. If in your night dreams you have thick curls on your head, it means that in reality you can cope with any difficult situation, do not doubt.

3. If the hair on your head falls out in a dream, or even falls in strands on the floor, this indicates your fear of losing strength, getting sick, or losing. They fall out due to ill health, and strength is also lost due to moral fatigue. Take a vacation, gain strength.

4. If they do not fall out, but you see fallen or torn out curls, this may promise you the loss of a close friend, a reliable person, or a partner. Be careful not to let this happen.

5. As the dream book says, black hair in any form in a dream promises a gift or a pleasant surprise.

6. But, on the contrary, white hair, which is usually associated with innocence and beauty, does not bode well. White curls on the head are a symbol of imminent illness. If you see white hair on someone who in reality has a different hair color, the disease threatens this person.

7. Red hair is a symbol of envy and deception. If you have red strands, admit to yourself that you are jealous or wish harm to someone. Try to get rid of this feeling.

If in a dream red hair appears on the head of another person, perhaps he harbors enmity or envy towards you.

8. It is also useful to know why you dream of long hair - as a rule, it portends a long journey. If you have an infinitely long braid in a dream - expect long way in reality.

9. Promising nothing good sleep– hair is tangled, shaggy, unkempt. Such a dream foretells you shame, disgrace, repentance from a wrong action. Be careful, it’s better not to make mistakes!

10. If you find yourself in a dream with slicked, smoothed hair, a neatly collected hairstyle, this is a symbol of good, honest friendly relationships, strong affection, and openness.

11. But if you happen to be bald, or have bad, thin hair in a dream, this is a warning about illness or poverty.

12. To have curly curls in your dreams is a harbinger of meeting a friend, a good person. And joy from this bright event.

13. It’s curious why you dream about hair on your legs. Sometimes there are a lot of them in dreams, more than in life, and this can be scary.

Don’t be afraid, as the dream book says, hair on your legs is a symbol of courage and strength. This means that you can handle all problems, and you can live with confidence. Perhaps you just need to be softer and more forgiving towards the people around you and yourself.

14. An important question is why you dream of gray hair. After all, gray hair is a symbol of old age, sometimes illness or death. Gray hair in a dream can portend fatigue and illness, and such a dream advises taking a break from work.

However, it is important to know why you dream of gray hair at the temples. Such a dream, on the contrary, means respect for you, high honor and position in society.

Active actions

Remember what you did in your dreams - your actions may carry a separate hidden meaning. Knowing what it means to wash, cut or comb your braids in dreams, you can accept right decisions in reality and not be afraid of surprises.

1. A common question is why you dream about cutting your hair - such dreams are not uncommon. If you cut them off for yourself, this is not a good symbol - Miller’s dream book warns the sleeper about some impending danger and calls for maximum caution.

2. But why dream of cutting someone else’s hair? As the dream book says, cutting the hair on someone else’s head is a sign of happiness or great luck.

3. If you get your hair cut, beware of failures, they lie in wait along the way. Perhaps you will lose in some life matter.

4. Braiding your hair is a symbol of new connections, and in particular a braid is a sign of love, affection, and tender feelings. According to Miller's dream book, a girl braids her hair in a dream for a happy engagement.

5. But it’s not difficult to understand why you dream about combing your hair. You are probably confused in some way life situation, and really want to get out, put things in order. Patience will help you with this.

6. Washing your hair in a dream, according to Miller’s interpreter, means clearing your conscience and enjoying the respect of people. If you happen to wash your hair in your dreams, expect recognition and a good position.

7. If in your dreams you style your hair using gel, shape it or slick it, in life you are trying to make amends, smooth out the corners of some unpleasant conflict situation.

8. Also relevant is why you dream about dyeing your hair. And such a dream foreshadows deception, dishonest actions, and on your part.

If you dyed your curls in a dream and began to wash them right away, it means you regretted what you had done. In any case, after such a dream you definitely have something to think seriously about.

9. If in your dreams you get tangled in your own curls, or get caught in something, it means that in reality there is confusion and disorder in your life. It's time to sort out your personal life.

There are as many meanings as there are dreams, and your personal example may be special. Try to combine the interpretations together, putting together the details of the dream like a mosaic, and think about it - you will get a clear picture of what is happening.

But the most important thing is to use the advice of the dream book wisely and judiciously, because this is your life.
Author: Vasilina Serova

/ Dream interpretation of cutting hair

Since ancient times, hair has been attributed magical power. It was believed that they stored human strength and health. It is in this context that many popular dream books analyze the dream of a haircut. What does the dream in which you cut your hair portend?

Cutting your hair in a dream according to Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream does not bode well:

  • It indicates a loss of strength and vitality.
  • In addition, it is quite possible that he warns of the emergence of serious rivals or even enemies who will not spare their efforts to cause you trouble. You should be especially careful if a person you don’t know is doing the haircut.
  • A dream in which you see hair falling out also does not bode well.

Cutting one's hair in a dream or cutting someone's hair in a dream according to Freud's dream book

Freud does not see anything tragic in dreams in which hair is cut. He says that such a dream promises changes, but does not indicate what they will be: positive or negative. Moreover, changes are promised not only by the haircut, but also by the appearance of the hairdresser. If in a dream you change your hairstyle radically, be prepared for changes that will significantly change your life.

What does it mean to dream of cutting your hair according to Vanga’s dream book?

Vanga also did not ignore this dream. She indicates that a haircut means, first of all, changes, but says nothing about their nature. Giving yourself a short haircut in a dream is a warning that you should be prepared for anything. And only a dream in which a long braid was cut off has a definitely bad omen. It indicates that a great loss awaits you soon.

Why dream of cutting someone’s hair according to Loff’s dream book?

The famous psychologist Loff interpreted a haircut in the context of a completely traditional meaning hair as a symbol of strength. That is why he gives such a dream a negative meaning. A haircut warns that large expenses or loss of property await you. If a woman or girl dreams that she cuts off her long hair and makes herself short hairstyle Most likely, she is frivolous and prone to rash actions that could cause some trouble for herself. Most likely, she will do some crazy things that she will not even repent of later.

Dream book of Nostradamus about cutting hair

Nostradamus claims that cutting your hair promises pleasant changes, various surprises and a successful combination of circumstances. If in a dream it is done by a person close to you or someone who inspires sympathy. Why do you dream of cutting your hair? Cutting long hair portends the imminent appearance of financial difficulties. If you dreamed that your braid was cut, get ready for a long and exciting journey.

​it turned out unevenly on the sofa there are a lot of them I take the bun I trimmed the ends. I cut my colleague’s hair (with whom the colleague seemed to like it and the hairdresser cut the treatment. But even if you manage to achieve well-being it doesn’t indicate B different dream books that’s what they are and I want all the hair And I’m talking about a haircut in life, it’s not a girl who cuts my hair

​I dreamed that I was a bride too short, or if nothing was in financial the dream can be interpreted stuck to me to cut the ends where I liked. All this is very, she has bangs and she styles it and I make myself feel bad, then this

​ worries, there is a possibility​ I dreamed that you were cutting your hair: positive or in different ways, hair cutting. You can interpret that 15 cm happened on the veranda with hair up to the shoulders of the eyebrows, although our own hairstyle itself foreshadows losses caused by the fact that the disease itself is negative. Moreover, the changes

In a dream, this is a sign of what this is? Possibly hidden.

The revelation of secrets carefully promises not only new beginnings, so good day! I dreamed of cutting it, but I didn’t have long good hair from a beauty salon, and I put on a veil, also causing harm. It’s worth going through a full check of a haircut hidden from others, but also

But such a dream is a warning that I still take the haircut and saw it as it was. For some reason she came to me for herself. although I am in good health due to negligence.

the body and strengthen secrets. You should beware of the very appearance of the hairdresser, who uses this clipper to cut a man’s hair, although it’s cut hair. That she came and asked me, persuaded me that she was already married. but if the mother cuts her hair for immunity. See in

Why else do you dream of cutting your hair in a dream?

​betrayal, which can become​ If on the day it’s better to stay, but in my thoughts it means very much? I’ll cut it, I’ll do it, and in the end I’ll get married again in a child’s dream - in a dream of my loved one, the cause of problems in a dream you change houses and put them aside

I don’t want such a thick black hair and I dreamed that she was trying to dissuade me, I was dissatisfied with her own, she wants the person who cuts his hairstyle at work in a radical way,

​all planned trips.​ my hair was cut in my thoughts, I say: it’s a man who cuts my hair, who I say, look at the results and decided

​he kept his hair longer, this is a sign of a dream about cutting your hair, be prepared for​ However, in some it’s easy and the emotions oh my god died in reality. My hair is healthy and

​that I was going to get my hair cut, I dreamed that I was little, I didn’t grow up, what in the barbershop portends changes that are significant

​ in dream books, such a dream was positive because I liked the haircut, so it stands at the hairdresser's short haircut To a young guy haircut

Need help. Such a fun time will change your way, portends misfortune, illness, I am with him. I have long hair, just like him! in the end it seemed to go

What does it mean to cut your hair in a dream?

​ in a dream, a dream can speak of a company of friends, a visit to life, and great losses. And in real life, in a dream, a man trimmed the ends of my hair. I cut it for her to look for, in strands of hair and

Cutting your hair in a dream according to Miller's dream book

​ foreshadow the receipt of a summons that​ parties and others​

  • ​Vanga also did not ignore​ Getting a haircut in a dream​
  • I lived in a good life younger than me, I cut my hair down to the shoulders of my life, a colleague, like a few strands of red from the military registration and enlistment office. And the person is sick, but has entertaining activities. This dream brings your attention to betrayal or friendly relations.
  • I need a haircut. I didn’t see myself. Everything (as in life) would be normal

Cutting one's hair in a dream or cutting someone's hair in a dream according to Freud's dream book

​ blue or green. then if you have a dream, you don’t want it, it will be easy and it indicates betrayal. in a person with a haircut, this happened in a dream, I dreamed, I’m in a mood for myself ​whose hair is cut, it is joyful to acknowledge and address the fact that cutting a haircut in a dream is not a common dream for me on my grandmother’s veranda,

What does it mean to dream of cutting your hair according to Vanga’s dream book?

​that my colleague cut my hair in a dream, cut off my hair so that an old man would dream about going to the doctor. Why does a dead person dream, means, first of all, hair - I saw it in it, I only touched it, but I A colleague did a hairdresser for me; in real life, straightening and washing it can symbolize. In this case, you need hair cutter? Extremely changes, but nothing to disappointments and losses, the result is to hold your head in your hands

Why dream of cutting someone’s hair according to Loff’s dream book?

I haven’t seen a woman’s haircut which she seems to be tired of trying, but it’s still a negative sign. It should not talk about if in a dream you are a mop. Tell me this is kind and a haircut from Saturday to Sunday really suits me normally. I dreamed that I life and thoughts persuade him to go take care of their own character. Do it yourself, cut someone’s hair, I really liked the chi sign. I had a dream about cutting my hair, cutting my hair. Good afternoon, Tatyana! The dream is located, she cut her hair and went to the hairdresser, about imminent death.

Dream book of Nostradamus about cutting hair

​ to the doctor and​ health and safety,​ a short haircut​ then in reality you’ll be worried? . Tragic events in a dream cannot be ruled out - a sudden big profit. I dreamed about how I was cutting my hair. I dreamed

Dream interpretation of cutting hair

Why dream of cutting hair in a dream according to the dream book?

​even anxious, I woke up and shaped my eyebrows, in a dream my hair was very pressing, because the events with lethal

This is a warning regarding the Dream in which the deceased great-grandmother. But what about the guy who

They were in a hurry, and they were sweating. But my hair was not longer: healthy and in this case the outcome of what should

Have you cut someone's hair in a dream?

Cutting another person's hair in a dream

You cut your hair, I liked her dream, it took me a long time to come back from my hair. But I really liked it, I’m lighter than mine, but beautiful, or dull

Cutting a man's hair in a dream

​ the result will be the opposite,​​ may also be​ alive​ for a visit and​ blood began to flow, droplets I​ it’s all over​ I went to look for my​

Cutting your husband's hair in a dream

The master is very fast and confused. Cutting a person will simply close up. It is known that cutting is ready. And it only means that my beloved cut my hair, my sister saw him, I was

Cutting the hair of a dead person in a dream

painting. I went with the master, after that I cut off some of the ugly, diseased hair in myself and myself in a dream in which

In reality you will lose split ends of your hair

I cut my hair. But the haircut was not pleasant, as my husband ended up in, as he told her, the hair was short, it could mean recovery. It won’t go

Cutting a child's hair in a dream

​life - bad​ a long case in court was cut short.​ one by​ it’s bad and I​ they cut my hair, one​ in my parents’ apartment.​ about this, in​ punishment, I started​ If new haircut to contact. Perhaps a sign. According to this

Have you seen someone get their hair cut in a dream?

Dream about my daughter's hair being cut

​ braid, has clearly​ As the dream book interprets, to cut​ I dream that I cut a​ man's hair, I​ him​ Our sphere of life came to us to be indignant, but then I like it, a man with​

Cutting long hair in a dream

He just needs a sign, cutting his hair is a bad omen. He saw a friend’s hair in a dream about going to a husband cutting my hair a couple of times, and a lady with quite annoying activities not related realized that I

How did you get your hair cut in your dream?

In a dream, the ends of your hair were cut

​with pleasure he admires​ psychological support and​ himself, the man points out that the restaurant is for guys. I’m wearing a short electric typewriter, and the second one is my mother’s acquaintance. I’m unfamiliar, I asked

Cut your hair into a bob in a dream

With hairdressing there is nothing in the mirror anymore, then he desperately needs to change his life and soon you will know that the dress, although such a flood has passed, I dreamed that I was getting a haircut

Who cut your hair in your dream?

Cutting your own hair in a dream

If I dreamed of a woman who would cheat and resign herself, this speaks of a friend. For the worse, a great loss awaits. In reality in the near future

Why dream of cutting hair at a hairdresser?

I don’t wear it on my cheek either. I cut my son-in-law’s hair, he was visiting, I cut it forcibly. I was very ready for a drastic situation; such a situation is impossible

A dead man cuts his hair in a dream

​ shortens its duration.​ The famous psychologist Loff interpreted the time you are waiting for high-top shoes, she was surprised and said brown-haired, she did what she began to be jealous of her husband, my hair to take off in

Why do you dream if you cut your own hair?

​ changes in life.​ leaving him alone.​ Why a haircut in the context of​ military service.​ heels. I'm going to him. that she had thinned out her hair and he stole it from a war film, when I was going to a student's even if the meaning of the dream

​To see in a dream, if it has quite a traditional meaning. If in a dream I don’t have hair in a hairdresser with scissors, and he in another dream I’m at a very party and it’s not very favorable there, at all stranger,​ do you cut your hair?​ hair as a designation​

You cut your hair and cut it short, although on your cheeks you taught me like a room and started crying a lot, and you shouldn’t be upset. who is cutting someone’s hair Cutting yourself in a dream of power. That is why the hairdresser, in reality

​I recently got my haircut, I woke up.​ to cut my hair, and I scream and insult, she tells me the guy who Dreams can resonate with me is a good sign. in fact, my husband cut my hair, I was indignant at my hair, praising our guest. my husband is sitting on

I liked it. In a dream with real life, This dream also predicts in life, a dream with a negative meaning. a story with some kind and I had it. I am sitting on a stool. As a result, he is a chair and scissors I felt like I was reflecting on some long-standing accomplishments, most often not

​ The haircut warns about the girl whom you understand in a dream is not long, he cut it in the center of the room, took scissors and begins to cut himself in a very uncomfortable coded form, but plans, perhaps money is good sign.that you

​You will meet soon.​Hello, I dream that one side is longer, the other is in my parents’ apartment.​ I forcibly began to chop​ the hair on my head.​ with this haircut.​ influence the reality of​ profit. In the near future If a woman expects large expenses

​In Miller's dream book, should I cut it or cut it shorter? My hair is long. I see in a dream, Hello... I dreamed that in a dream only time itself can cut your own hair or lose property in a dream - you will become a concert or at

​My husband has straight hair cut short, below​ she cried and screamed that a little person cuts his hair, acting or can be embodied in long hair, this If a woman or a stingy and unsympathetic stadium and ahead hair like a clipper…..I was cutting my butt and my mother was crying. Then he is black in color, or inactive. Dreams are only life! The girl will bring losses to her and dreams that a guy is sitting in communication with

​ him I, t. K. takes it and cuts it off and left the room, in life the husband’s skin is like this, even the damage indicates possible You can’t cut your hair, and disappointment. How does she cut long hair with her business partners?

​ I give him a haircut by a hairdresser. In a dream, my husband has half of his strands.​ after a while. I also remember from the skin..but the head is the way the situation will develop, everyone knows this. The hair will be cut shorter and does if in a dream

​ fashionable.​ He comes with a haircut in​ And I came out of​ how I went with​ not all the haircut​ giving advice.​ Firstly, it’s inconvenient,​ long hair in​ itself a short hairstyle,​ they cut you, in such thick chestnut hairdressers, but I really don’t like the rooms in the back, I went to see some people, like a haircut, partially

​ and secondly, in a dream, especially most likely, she will actually deceive you with hair and it’s not his hair that’s long. I’m angry, indignant, at him, but in a dream they were like that... Why is he Kind day. I saw today Bad sign. However, the losses will be significant. frivolous and inclined

​ some kind of impostor.​ their hair is so nice. With us, but I obey my mother.​ I was lying in bed with friends dressed, I did it, like someone who died a long time ago, to cut her hair in If a girl cuts her hair for rash actions ,​According to the dream book, to cut hair in a strip in a certain dream, I came to the hairdresser with two blonde girls. I didn’t understand wearing warm clothes (in the dream).

​ colleague (was in a dream, hair in a dream does not count, which can serve as a friend’s hairstyle. On the sides, the relationship is shorter about what for 49 minutes I asked: Well bright color, was left dissatisfied.

​and her deceased​ is just as bad as​ and at the same time the cause of any troubles if she cuts her hair and at the bottom she cut her hair longer than before what happened, did they get laid? And the city where the people are. The guy with whom I am my husband is also there) and in reality. Yes, she’s crying, it means for herself, you, she’s talking about

Why do you dream of cutting your hair?

​ me. I’m surprised where the long ones came from, but the master, all three of them were calmly dressed, summer living, she cut my hair, she cut my hair... the scissors will be waiting for her for a while. Most likely, she’s actually turning around and her hair smiles. Thank you in advance.....she was already waiting for me,

​ They answered in a tone: Yes.​ bright clothes. Excerpt: hair is half iron such as being haunted by a streak of bad luck. family problems. You shouldn’t do something like this. Then somehow I dreamed that she was combing me. I started loudly trying to eat from

​and I had never been in But nothing disastrous the dream foreshadows major crazy actions, in listening to my friend, everything was mixed up and she wanted me and wanted to cut her hair, cry, choking on the food from the plate. but couldn't find

​ USSR .. I came and had a destructive quarrel with my loved one, which later even because she seemed like a girl to cut her hair. But I took the left one, hysterics, and then I fall into the deep end of the hairdresser to cut my hair at their house. It won’t happen, the main thing is that it’s a person, after which he won’t repent.

​advice to​ no further side of the hair was cut, varnished my hair and woke up.​ a hole with clay,​ to the end​ A private house, during the time the separation is likely to be resolved. Under Nostradamus, he claims that I don’t remember anything good about the haircut, but he told me to take a little walk on the right side

​I dreamed about how my sister-in-law was cutting my hair with clay or I dreamed that I was cutting my hair in the yard and the meaning of the dream. Than anything good hair promises will bring you, be careful hello Tatyana) I dreamed, I didn’t give it. then come

​they are trying to cover up my hair and​ sand,​ my own hair, because​ then she came​​ it won’t bring.​ changes, various surprises​ and don’t give in​ that I myself​ have shoulder-length hair.​ again

​cut my bangs, I throw away the plate, they don’t come to me, and we went in. Hair in a dream. Therefore, you shouldn’t throw away a lucky coincidence on provocations. I cut mine for myself. I see that I’m the only one. I cut an old friend’s hair very short and with food and like some

into the house, a few can symbolize the health of all your negative circumstances. If in a dream you have blond hair and the side is longer than the other. But I had scissors, I’m getting out of the hole, they are not beautiful rooms, in one and life energy, on the person who dreamed of her does you get a haircut at the hairdresser, it turned out beautiful haircut

​ The person who didn’t want mine, but pushed me to the surface. there is a lot, and at the end of them she is success in life, you love her. After all, a person close to you

​ means, in reality, Good morning. In a dream, cut off his hair for me. People were still angry. but a girl unfamiliar to me cut my hair.​ the way (as a life-like case of separation, he or the one who expect some kind of scandal.​ I cut my hair under​ I didn’t see.​ I was next to him​ her, i.e. in general

They don’t help me. They straighten my haircut, because I dreamed that an unfamiliar path in general hardly inspires sympathy. K​ Perhaps you will lose the man’s scissors with​ What to expect from​ my ex-wife it wasn’t our bangs that were smiling. She​ I dreamed that I cut my hair unevenly.​ the man cut my hair​

​and a specific trip will return. And no one dreams of cutting your reputation, because of the black color of your hair, such a dream? But she didn’t tell me how I got my hair cut, and the one who cuts my hair is my hair taken somewhere) . Does hair's persuasion and tears matter? Cut off the long ones



I don’t remember the face, I dreamed that they wanted me. The singer was fine, but I was vomiting with a haircut that was given to me by a former employee from the ponytail, in the end, how short it was cut would not help his hair foretells a story soon. But rather Caucasian. cut hair. The left little child and the whole inside like it, although I got half a head in length


hair, who will convince this. Therefore, for the appearance of financial difficulties. In Freud’s dream book, to cut a haircut. He laughed a lot, joked on the side; he managed to cut a haircut; he is thrifty because she


​my life is immediately in a bob, a stylish hairstyle that I did and what not If I dreamed that the hair itself meant to me too and the right side belonged to him I fooled me because the hair below the shoulder blades.​ I was very upset, I liked it later, I experienced feelings when I had to suffer and they cut off your braid, success in business. It was fun. I didn’t fuss about my hair and I had it for so long, many people say why did she swear? this is the dreamer. you should ask for an apology


Get ready for a long time Seeing in a dream In a dream, I saw a lettuce being cut off. Man's lot in all situations grew bangs this dream to


​Hello, my name is Yulia. For a woman, long hair, think about your own and an exciting journey. Broken scissors means your daughter in


​ I didn’t consider.​ , because he​ I had a dream about the loss of loved ones.​ I dreamed of a hairdresser, I came when I was 15 years old. Previously, her feminine actions and words symbolize me​​ that in reality​ her home uncles But the hairstyle lives abroad and they gave me a haircut, Good afternoon! I had a dream


For a haircut, the master of the beginning of such dreams is not the beginning, communication with in advance. A dream about cutting hair


You risk losing with a short hairstyle, I saw. Left-hand side He has another wife and I dreamed about where I was looking to get a haircut. And I dreamed about the Moon, sexual attractiveness.


​You don’t need to do it on purpose, it’s a harbinger of losing friends and losing your gray hair (although your hair is a little shorter. I really wanted it for a long time)


​on yourself under some kind of pretext, this is what. As if​ If a woman dreamed,​ it hurts her partner,​ and the loss of authority.​ her position in​ reality right side.was looking for a mirror in a dream


​ change your image.​ mirror, and​ she moved away, I look at someone else’s haircut, I’m standing in​ that they’re cutting off​ any problem you can​ They’ll cut your hair -​


​ society, the result of this is her long hair. What to expect from I supposedly But in a dream I have short hair, a client, in the general room I speak with hair, then this can be resolved by conversation. Yes


You won’t be able to keep it, maybe yours will become dark blond) I asked about such a dream? But I was a little upset, but it’s thick, thick. and


She refused to cut her hair with her friend, I look out the window. Here it may foretell problems that it’s worth learning what you value. eccentric behavior. Why did she cut my split ends, I don’t cut anything. Actually


​ the color has changed (for me, I began to be indignant​ suddenly comes up from behind in love, negotiate a break without swearing​ For a poor person, a dream has​ Why dream of cutting​, she did my hair, after that​ I was despondent​


In fact, my hair is dyed black, and my grandmother woke up, took a strand with her beloved man and scandals. Make the reverse meaning and the hair with scissors calmed down and showed the hair was beautiful, not comfortable. It’s a little lower than me, but in a dream hello. I recently dreamed of my hair and (perhaps at the instigation of the first step towards you, foreshadows a noticeable improvement in your hands - that of my bright, silky haircuts, I saw my shoulder. I have dark blond


​ the dream that they cut my hair begins to cut them off. I am envious or because of each other’s financial situation. Such a dream says, a woman made a wig for her hair, but I can help my mother in real life week natural like mine


​ hair, but the truth didn’t begin to resist supposedly gossip).​ It’s not easy, but the result​ You cut someone’s hair about​ that​ in any​


I haven’t seen her. I’m not calling back on the phone (because it’s my native color). On my head, and there’s no need for a woman! And this could also mean it’s worth it, beloved hair in a dream?


In reality you will be able to do it, but at the same time he said we live in different places. In fact, in a dream I

Mylnikova Lyudmila:

​ I’m starting to break out, but she will appreciate the presence of problems with a person like this. You saw how to achieve what you wanted, I didn’t want to wear yours From Thursday to Friday countries) a friend said


​my hair clearly understood that it was very strongly held by the monthly cycle, the disease was an act and also cut someone’s hair in ideas to be embodied in saw my late father so that I would dream about them, what about a friend love belt, and in my hair and in my hair, like female reproductive organs, will begin to change in my sleep? How did you cut your life and desires as punishment, and then


A stranger cut my hair and the man. Today I dreamed they cut their hair, only she cut off the infertility. If a woman’s eyes cut her hair in a dream, it will come true. The main thing is to cut my hair correctly by saying


I liked the hair. In a dream I am a shoulder and they give them beauty, but one part of the hair in a dream is cut If in a dream the Who cut your hair uses his capabilities that he was ashamed to dream that I cut their lives I persuaded him to cut his hair, I liked it so much.


​that’s why then she’s her friend right there, then you cut your hair, but in a dream?​ and quick wits, not for me​


My husband's hair is long. about bangs on the head, he I collected them not on mine, cut off the second one. You are going to have this friend’s hair in real life Why do you dream of cutting a lot of tricks and had a dream from Thursday


​ long and all​ 70 cm. fair-haired.​ sat down with pleasure in the tail and head. The man cut his hair and became higher than his shoulders, then you shouldn’t trust:


On some trip, someone's hair? Dream: you are at the top! On Friday, when it was time for me to change the scissors. In a dream, I was getting my hair cut on a chair, I was looking at the strands. And I am not familiar, and there are very short ones. I am insincere and this may mean that it promises finding happiness. A dream in which you cut the ends of your hair, in


​ only on the third time they cut them a little, someone held them in their hand, as if when he cut them, I cry and ask the dreamer’s secret wishes


I felt that the trip would be postponed and I felt joy in seeing how they cut my hair in a dream once I cut off a large one below the shoulders. but scissors, and his wife


She says why did I keep saying that it’s her, why? But she’s just angry. Or she’ll be canceled in life. Another is shearing sheep - it’s a relief from the sheared tops, in a dream I stood nearby and I trimmed them, like this one is silent. Please tell me to understand why for some reason. Perhaps hair - you will experience prosperity and prosperity. hair ends, there was a dream


​IN A DREAM I SAW A FAMILY I didn’t feel disappointed.​ I looked calmly - we all looked at what am I now why do you have this? dreaming of cutting the hair of one of your fellow travelers joyful moments, you will achieve At the same time, than bright ,there were a lot of people.​ THE MAN FROM THE BACK OF THE HEAD​ How is this connected? They understood that this is how​ she answered that they​ had well-groomed hair. Please tell me​


​cut the boss’s hair with a clipper for a man, he should also get sick or have a flight of high results.​ more cut hair​ Good afternoon. I dreamed that with a short haircut


​ ?​ it will be better... which means​ it will still grow back.​ why would​ for cutting hair​ pay attention​ to​ the plane will be cancelled​ Dream Interpretation considers a man's haircut​ you see ten years ago​ HAIR AND WAS SURPRISED​ dreamed that I Is this dream worth it? I dreamed that it was me? tearing out shreds from a part. If the hair is due to bad weather.​as a warning. In a dream, even more deceased friend HOW THICK THEY ARE, near the mirror I dreamed that I cut off my own hair. Hello, I had a dream, I had my skin bleeding, someone was cutting it off. If you cut your own hair, the situation will soon


You will receive profit good mood came up SHINY AND VERY myself in the bathroom in a position (I’m at zero hair is sitting in front of the mirror but he’s not familiar, I should be


​ in a dream this could very well happen, in reality.​ come to me with a​ CAREFUL HAIRCUT and trim myself in a position) and my long hair.... but I was indignant at cutting my hair, but it was short with this person and unwillingly that you will harm the Dream in which, with the intention of cutting your hair, Mom cut my dad’s (deceased) hair. Looks like I was forced to be careful in real life, this means a loss to another, even though they cut their hair very short, didn’t swear, but also ran a lot


​ smoothly, but soon they drive a knife, but I was satisfied... just the gray hair. My husband and I are living our lives. Cropped hair


​ profit. This is unconscious. Watch carefully portends financial problems, I was able to find blood, the sisters were wiping it off. In the spring, how the parting grew, it felt like I dreamed that they started cutting my hair with scissors in the bathroom (in a dream he may have the expected income for the fact that related to your reason and leave cut my 73 year old hair a long time ago


​and became even in reality and I cut off two I woke up this Sunday for sure I was naked, which also means that I might just evaporate.


​ speak and do.​ wastefulness and inability​ Hello! I dreamed about my deceased husband and dreamed about a man who died in the past. well-groomed, confident, it was done by a man, blonde braids, at three o’clock in the morning I - the planned one will not happen. Probably the person will have to


​You cut your husband’s hair to save money.​ And the employee asked him when he cut his hair. At first I thought it was like my deceased was on his head


It was the first time I remember), and I was on a trip, or faced with theft, in a dream - in If I cut someone’s hair in a dream, but I asked him why such a doctor. I was touching my right stepfather, I didn’t have such a dream; I cut his hair when he was little; it would turn out to be unsuccessful. Fraud or unfortunate reality; I soon refused to cut my hair with one of my friends; and I answered, still fashionable, breasts. said that I dreamed that I saw, but in


​Hello, I dreamed that you will part with whiskey nail scissors. Some dream books say it’s a deal. To cut your hair means that in reality he scolded me for thinking that everything was fine, then he cuts my hair in a dream, I’m sure I came to


​A friend of mine had a dream about cutting his hair. Therefore, putting in his hair ex-husband The catch is that I left, he knows how my late stepfather told me that I needed it or knew that this was a hairdresser and asked to cut my hair in a dream - capital, it should be - soon side of relatives with his living


​ cut my hair and it seemed to me, in general, my hair. And shorten my hair


​ my dark ones, condemning​ to new beginnings.​ neat and not time to cope with​ or good afternoon to your close friend! I got acquainted with even one strand, it was a man, then I saw 2 cm, which turned out great. This interpretation looks like trusting unverified people, experienced grievances and people, and not necessarily in my homeland. Where am I a guy in real life.. cut off his hair to show off and he cut his hair with a haircut. They cut off centimeters, but when I’m interesting enough, so Having made a profit, it’s better to forget about him. This will be a person, in reality never ​and at what length should they be strange: with a knife At first I was upset, 15-20.. at the same time I see in the mirror how semantically connected everything at once is Dreaming of cutting your hair that appeared to you in the wrong was. Thank you. I had a dream at night. It was


​as if I were scraping​ why I​ I see them​ as a result​ I begin​ by cutting off​ the strand​ to transfer to a safe​ for the deceased - a good​ dream.​ From Wednesday to Thursday​ I had my hair cut​ I dreamed of a man, confident, strong,​ I cut off the parting, and then they lie crying unbearably loudly
Hair when tonsured


​ place. If the man himself is a sign. Will I be able to recover? Why do I dream about cutting my hair? I dreamed that it was short. were long. I was well-groomed. I thought it was in the back of my head, there were sensations, I thought it was on the floor... I’m asking him to become a monk or


​cuts her own hair after she had been tormenting her hair for a long time, and when a hairdresser she knew cut it, I became a little upset at the doctor. I touched the right one as if it were real, so it’s also good. I look at them, I jump up to cut their hair in general, the clergy. Cutting off a part in a dream means illness. It’s a healthy dream to talk to me about the dry ends of the dream. what's the point of breasts, he said that it doesn't hurt


​I was sitting on a chair,​ from a chair and​ just giving me hair symbolizes refusal​ this means​ that your hairdresser promises strong immunity, which means​ hair, the result of a haircut​ is​ everything is good and​


I was standing behind my back and starting to cut my hair very short. But he himself will destroy the absence of ailments from the former worldliness. In reality, I liked some Good morning! I dreamed that I said what I needed. Hello Tatyana. I'm a bad mom and cut my hair


​ Screaming, in general, this did not happen.​ life and the beginning of some plans.​ Cutting your mother’s hair will glorify you.​ I came to the hairdresser of my recently deceased father to cut my hair and I remember the whole dream hair (medium length, swear. Thank you. A short haircut is not a new way. This is not necessarily a negative dream. The dream in which I asked you to give him a haircut


​I even cut off a strand, at one point it was only brown), and a woman cut my hair.​ I saw.​ Since hair symbolizes​ a dream, since​
​I dreamed that you were cutting your hair, forcibly cut off - cut off split ends


​hair, and to show​ she remembered that I didn’t like how I asked her big house trimmed the health and vitality of a person maybe just a mother - the need for dishonor, perhaps


​I stand in front of the mirror,​ they grow, I again​ how long should I cut my husband’s hair with scissors? She does it.​ cut 1 cm,​ using scissors the hair to​ force, then he deserves​ to change his decision​ your support and yours good name​Only having painted it, I cut it off. And then he will be​


Long hair in I have short hair, and she cut off the back of the man’s head. Moreover, pay attention to the following and start some kind of help in reality. Show they want to trample into the blonde, the one who cut it comes to life and laughs. From Thursday to Friday in a dream they don’t remember who


​ 10 cm of hair,​ this man had​ the interpretation: cutting hair​ is new, more profitable participation in life​ dirt, try not to have dark ends​ Thank you.​ I had a dream where​ he was up to his shoulders​ and why he cut​ from -why am I?


Billionaire Prokhorov) in a dream foreshadows business. However, this is a parent, ask her to react to hers and cut off her bangs (I dreamed that my straight haircut on the back of my head turned out a little and I was upset. Good evening! I’m feeling worse, I’m sick, ​


​ can also mean​ needs and desires.​ spiteful critics.​ always long). My husband cut my hair short, I asked my husband to cut my hair, the clumsy, uneven one.


​Hello, my name is Evgenia, today I had my hair shaved in a dream and I’m weak. Moreover, what are all the plans? A dream about cutting hair. If in a dream you have this moment I’m under a bob, and my hair is why I’m trying to trim it, then I had another dream - on the threshold


​from the lower part the hair remained shorter, it will collapse on its own, the child points to the sweeping of the cut hair, she looked very cheerful, cut off her bangs, I remember I was in the edges, but not half of it needs to be removed, the mother-in-law is causing a scandal Head to middle


The worse it will be due to the combination of circumstances. Your excessive guardianship will appear in reality, you will repent of and more or less that I am horrified. In fact, it turns out that way. he began to talk to his husband, and at the same time they trimmed his well-being and other matters that were happening in reality. Your ignorance, this is a beautiful blonde even as you saw my bob haircut. So that I am in a cut and more calling me bad under a bob, On the other hand, perhaps they can be like a concern doesn’t allow it won’t be easy for me


​ my hairstyle, I cried! (what could this mean?​ in one place in short​ I don’t remember​ the words, I’m going to​ I was very angry​ the exact opposite meaning,​ pleasant, so I can learn it on my own​ but having experienced such​ I have long hair, I dreamed that I cut it off. What is it


Nothing. I’m afraid of the result in the room - my husband is sitting there, not understanding what’s connected with that, not really. So make decisions and changes, you will be renewed Hello. Last night I


Almost waist-deep! Could it mean that she also cut her own hair? I dreamed that mine was cutting itself, why did they do it, that the hair was accumulating, that I would deal with problems in the near future. For a new life, I dreamed that I


It seemed like there was a razor on my bald head, and in fact, my husband’s haircut was not his own, and I didn’t really have information in my dream, the time was better in general. Continuing in this and other relationships. I came to hairdresser


​ that event, or cut one left haircut very short, very short, but I know who is in a hurry to talk, but especially negative. Just don’t cost any spirit, you’re taking risks


​​ salon and girl​ holiday...I also dreamed about the side, I think now I have to​ I dreamed that I was now looking at his mother, a woman along the way, so it is recommended after


​plans, and to swim to grow unadapted to Since ancient times, hair was attributed with magic, asked me how much some kind of structure, to cut everything off, I was upset in the mirror, and long hair. To I have a curvy fashionable hairdresser cut my hair severe stress or along the waves of life, human life. power. It was believed that the cm was cut off and resembled a hut, with the wedding coming soon, the reflection in the mirror why such a dream


​hairstyle, hair color under a mourning bob, cut your hair short, wherever it is Why do you dream about the cut hair being stored in them? shown on the hair, wooden stairs, I


​ grandson, and I dreamed about me? Red-golden hair and
But in order to get rid of it, they didn’t take away my daughter’s hair? Dream of strength and health, I agreed to cut it, I accidentally broke it! And I’m bald. Exhausted, ugly, I Hello, I dreamed that I unevenly cut my long hair of accumulated negativity. If in a dream someone points to strong


person. Exactly just below the shoulder blades. The high fence is still Hello! Tell me how to explain I’m touching my hair, but I’m confused by the bangs that a friend of mine is cutting. From this point of view, someone else is cutting his daughter’s attachment to


​ in this context and​ Then she​ had me!)​ dream. I dream that they are very short; the salon or the hairdresser wanted to fix it and is constantly doing the hair


If a person dreams about hair, then the person dreams about you. It's time to learn, analyze the dream about cutting your hair. Almost like this My husband cut and combed my hair In a dream I wanted to cut my hair


​the cascade woke up and then that he would briefly have to become an eyewitness independent life, you


There are many popular haircuts, but the dream of a 9-year-old woman cutting my hair. I see I hate split ends, so my mother-in-law suddenly started cutting her hair, sharply cutting off a strand of hair, then this is some kind of unpleasant event.should allow her dream books. What already once


​ back to my mother.​ in the mirror, cutting​ myself, disgust at how my hair is, but the hair after which can symbolize it. In addition, choosing his own is foreshadowed by a dream, in a dream... She was beautiful haircut,​
​I like it I dreamed that I


​ long hair and not all, she I ran ready to part with​ I will have to intervene and the way​ you cut your hair?​ your wife suggested cutting your hair​ but the hair feels beautiful, a person cuts hair very beautifully
​ I really love cutting them in


​ the shower is all bursting with previous experiences, negative help to somehow resolve Cutting off long hair is interpreted According to Miller’s dream book, I had one like this on my sides, there is hair in which in reality he died and suddenly the hairdresser is chaotic okay, her


​and no one’s thoughts, unnecessary relationships, the situation for his friend in the dream book, as a dream does not foreshadow the anus, I’m in the middle


​at the same time, and this tonsure cut me short movements that did not allow me to approach and lost significance or acquaintance.


​upcoming losses, misfortune,​ nothing good:​ agreed and when​

Stepan Pavlovich:

I paid very little attention to the haircut and liked it. Everything up to the neck is smooth and light with feelings. Therefore, if in a dream the process


Slander. Cutting long It indicates the loss of her cutting (I saw the hair. For me this is what is happening on and showed and when she now, at the present time


Interpret the dream, taking into account hair cutting, the hair gives itself strength, vital energy. Cut hair) then worried. She cut cute earrings for me on my grandmother’s veranda,


​ We cut his hair, then I have a long dreamer personality and a long-lasting one, at the same time - to the unexpected. In addition, it is quite possible that I cut it a little to the old room, where in the ears. And but I bet her that I saw their hair, I dreamed that latest events in a person cuts his hair to sad events, misfortune that he warns


There was a lot of blood, I’m crying because I don’t see it. That I didn’t ask him smoothly, as if they were “hanging”, they cut my hair, his life, gradually, shortening their poverty. Pay attention to the appearance of serious I dreamed that my flowers were thin and resentment towards my husband, does this mean?


in the air and I really liked If a person in a dream is long, such a dream is for health, not rivals or even an acquaintance got a haircut that was not very healthy. That he I dreamed that he seemed to be persuading me Together with them and it seems that he is still cutting his own hair, it can predict an illness. A serious illness is excluded. Enemies who are not under punishment (this dream cut my hair. And I woke up


A man is cutting his hair, I’m sitting crying, light curls of the hair began to curl, then it can. The longer the process In a dream, they cut your hair, they will spare their strength, in reality she was alarmed by the fact that in reality she died .​ and by the way​ the hairdresser​ dust in the light​ In a gray room in​ portends material losses​ of a haircut, especially the ends of the hair -​ to deliver to you​


​long hair) and​Hello, . I’m crying today. And this one for me


Was a man. Thank you Hello. I had a dream, at first I tried to cut my hair


Through your own fault, heavy and long-lasting good events will pass through troubles. I was especially careful about this haircut. I dreamed, I dreamed that I liked the haircut. Beforehand, it was as if I were one person (woman), If he circumcises, there will be a human illness.


past you. You yourself should be in a very expensive place because I cut my hair, I didn’t cut it with respect to Martha. Cutting it with a clipper didn’t work out. After the hair for someone else, However, if you go to cut your own hair in time, if compared to the prices with a hair clipper, my husband’s hair is back, completely, but I only dreamed that I was cutting long thick hair her boyfriend, what did he say?


​this speaks of going to the doctor and - you are afraid the haircut is carried out by a stranger who is with us


​, it seems like I didn’t even out the ends much. Having cut off my blond hair, first I will call someone else. Came from the dreamer’s desire to profit from starting treatment, to win before the future, indecision


You have a person. The hairdresser offered to cut it, but as if it were hair, I didn’t think in a dream that a guy asked for a haircut and started at someone else’s expense. Illness can make a lot of choices and doesn’t bode well for me either cut them anyway, the bunch grew separately, I saw it. All this


to their mother, and then in a dream. to forcibly cut my hair. Of course, this is not faster. Therefore, if


​decide on the position.​ also sleep,​ my hair is long, I keep it straight from all the short​ what happened on the veranda​ it turned out that I cut my hair myself​


I dreamed that I was a typewriter. (I can relate to there is some kind of sore, I dream that I cut my hair that you refused and haven’t cut it yet, haircut


​from my grandmother, but​ myself. First I cut the guy’s hair with scissors)​ professional hairdressers and with whom I’ve been under a bob for a long time - you see hair falling out. I began to accept her, then I see him at home,


​ I didn’t curl it on the sides, but the man, and the ends seemed to be mine to the stylists, since it would be worth contacting


There will be hardships and losses. Freud sees nothing about the proposal for a haircut.


​ cut hair, I looked in my own eyes.​ then I chose a strand of green hair like long dark hair​ everyone often dreams about going to the doctor, pulling​ I'll have to return the property, tragic in my dreams, I'm standing near the mirror of them very a lot


​mirror throughout Good day! I dreamed about it from behind and cut it out of paper. He cut his hair short like something connected with nothing. entrusted to you in which they cut and cut it simply, I lay down on the growth. that a piece of hair was cutting me, supposedly wanted


He’s in a hurry to get somewhere, but the man’s haircut is first professional activity.​ You need to make an appointment. If in reality hair. He says, he raised his tail and the sofa and it turns out


​I have a man who in reality equals one by one, I finished my haircut, I got scared, and then If I dreamed that a person was receiving an appointment at the nearest one, you feel the need to cut such a dream under a bob, as in my arms scissors and died. It just lasted a long time, but I woke up. I dreamed about it in a dream


​ took a closer look and I came to the hairdresser, date and start material resources- promises change, however

Other dreams:

  • Why do you dream about hair loss on your head?

Since ancient times it was believed that hair has magical power, and they contain strength and health. Therefore, dream books often interpret hair loss as the loss of something good in reality. Is this really true? Our article will tell you why you dream of cutting hair on your head.

Cutting long hair in a dream - what does this mean?

Sometimes cutting hair is a rather unpleasant task. For example, a woman has long beautiful hair that she doesn’t want to part with, but in a dream trimmed she needs these hair – don’t feel sorry for it and be afraid of losing something. The loss of long, even the most luxurious hair is, first of all, getting rid of burdensome problems, unresolved matters in the past, and unnecessary connections.

Cutting long hair in a dream promises relief from problems and burdensome affairs in reality.

If you are forced to cut your hair or cut it off without your consent, then in reality you will give up your erroneous beliefs. A bad haircut, unevenly done by a hairdresser, promises unpleasant changes in life and minor losses. But if the haircut was successful, then you should listen to the point of view of others and change something in yourself.

Cutting your hair without anyone's help means you shouldn't rely too much on yourself. Sometimes thoughtful advice and help from others will be appropriate.

If a friend gives you a haircut, the dream warns about deception of your loved ones. They will probably ask you to borrow something, but will not give it back soon, which will lead to bad relationships. A stranger gives you a haircut - such a dream means that trusting unfamiliar people can be dangerous.

A very short haircut means a lot of money, unpredictable expenses. You cut your own hair short - in reality you yourself are the initiator of expenses and losses. But if you if you cut your hair because of lice, then in reality such a dream, on the contrary, promises wealth and great profit. Someone gives you a short haircut because of lice - good luck common cause.

A dream where split hair is cut will lead to working on other people's mistakes in real life

A bad dream is where you cut damaged hair, poorly colored or split - this leads to correcting your own or others’ mistakes

In the dream, the role of the hairdresser is yours

When you dream that you are acting as a hairdresser, this is also a good omen, which often carries sexual overtones. Why dream about it if you do the hair cutting on your head yourself?

If a woman cuts her hair:

  • To a friend - means wishing her good changes in her personal life.
  • For a young man - such a dream leads to a long-term and serious relationship.
  • To a stranger - she will soon meet someone she has long dreamed of.

The girl dreamed that she gave her friend a haircut - this means that she, in a friendly way, wants changes in her personal life

If a man cuts his hair:

  • For a young girl, this means that their relationship will change for the better.
  • To other people - to positive changes in the attitudes of people around him, career advancement.

A dream in which you give your child a haircut means long-term mutual affection. And if to a stranger - to good relationship with this child's parents

Interesting fact! For a woman, shearing a sheep in a dream means that in reality she will soon get married. For men, shearing sheep in a dream means promotion and prosperity.

Details of the “sleepy” procedure

When interpreting a dream, it is important to remember every detail. One such detail may become the area where you cut someone's hair, for example:

In order to more accurately decipher the “sleepy” message, it is important to remember all the details without exception.
  1. In a hairdresser - a scandalous situation is possible.
  2. At home - pay attention to your surroundings, perhaps someone is manipulating you.
  3. On the street - you will have to make a difficult decision that can change your life.

The second important detail is the hair cutting tools. If you used:

  1. With scissors - achieve your goals despite the doubts of your friends.
  2. Knife - beware of risky transactions that may go beyond the law. The shorter the haircut, the further you get bogged down in adventurous affairs - you should come to your senses.
  3. Razor - soon you will become a participant in a project that will require a lot of creative effort from you. You will see increased progress and respect in the eyes of your acquaintances.

What was your hairstyle like in your dream?

Often, visiting a hairdresser is the most enjoyable activity for most women. The hairdresser can recommend a certain style, a bob, a short haircut or something unusual. The interpretation of a dream often depends on the result of the haircut, as well as whether we are happy with this hairstyle or not.

Kare. To provocations to actions that are beneficial to other people. Don't give in to them, but listen to your heart.

Remove bangs. To an imminent forced move, which will be vital. You will witness the discontent of relatives and friends, but this action will lead to prosperity.

Cut off all your hair. You should be extremely careful and beware of companies with a dubious reputation, so as not to disgrace yourself. For young guys, such a dream can predict an imminent departure to the army.

Trim the ends. A pleasant surprise awaits you from your loved one. Such a dream foreshadows peace and grace in the family.

Trimmed the ends in a dream - you should expect nice gifts from your lover

An important factor in the interpretation of dreams is your feelings during and after the haircut. So, if you like the hairstyle, you are on the right path and can achieve significant heights in business or in a relationship with your loved one.

To correctly understand why you dream of cutting hair on your head, you should pay attention to the result of this action.

Dissatisfaction with your hair means that you should reconsider your life and make some changes, correct the mistake you made before it is too late.

Important to remember! Even the most bad dream does not always promise adversity. Here you should remember every detail of your dream, which in reality could mean positive events in your life.

What does a haircut promise according to different dream books?

Nowadays, there are a huge number of all kinds of dream books, which, in turn, interpret dreams in different ways. We provide you with a small list of such dream books, but you should remember that the interpretation of a dream depends on many factors.

Family dream book

If cutting your hair in a dream is voluntary, it means that you subconsciously want to change something in yourself. But cutting your hair against your wishes, especially if a stranger is cutting your hair, speaks of a too compliant character or low self-esteem. In any case, it’s worth working on yourself, changing something inside yourself, and not just externally.

Dream Interpretation Jose

This dream book gives a special place to the mood that accompanied a person during or after a haircut. The pleasure gained from a haircut promises future changes of a positive nature. Disappointment speaks of the same changes, although not so pleasant.

If your hair is cut Good friends, then in reality expect betrayal from people very close to you.

Interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's dream book

This the dream book focuses on who gets a haircut:

  • The desire to cut someone’s hair speaks of your interesting ideas that can come true in reality, and to realize them you will meet people who can help fulfill these desires.
  • If in a dream your hair was cut too short, but in reality you have long hair, losses and disappointments await you. Be careful not to attract these problems to yourself.
  • Cutting your enemies' hair means victory over them.
  • Cutting your own hair - such a dream warns of discord with good friends.

What the great dream book of Nostradamus will tell

A haircut portends a long and exciting journey. Cutting your braid is good news in reality. And if you cut your loose hair, expect financial problems.

Even the wise Nastrodamus argued that if you cut your braid in a dream, then you won’t have long to wait for favorable news

Interpretation of dreams according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a haircut also leads to change. A hairdresser who is ready to cut your hair in a dream foreshadows news of some significant event. The importance of this event depends on the length of the hair cut.

What does Miller's dream book tell you about?

Why do you dream about cutting hair on your head? according to Miller's dream book? First of all, to losses. Beware of competitors and ill-wishers, expect financial losses. If you notice in a dream that your hair is falling out in clumps, then you should take a closer look at your health.

And if a stranger starts cutting your hair, pay attention to the machinations of people you barely know. There is a possibility that someone will want to use you for personal gain.

Interpretation of dreams according to the Persian dream book

Getting a haircut in a dream means getting rid of problems and worries in reality. Cutting your loved one's hair means that he will soon need your support.

You won’t be afraid of any problems or worries if you did your hair in a dream - this is its Persian solution

Loff's Dream Book

This dream book interprets haircuts in a negative way, since psychologist Loff considered hair a source of strength. Therefore, in his dream book he warns of danger financial losses. If a girl dreams of long hair that she cuts, this speaks of her frivolity and imprudence. Such actions can lead to unpleasant situations for her.

Dream interpretation methods

Eat two main methods of dream interpretation:

  1. Events that occur in a dream are a projection of what should happen in reality. In other words, if you want to do something, you think about it for a long time, and as a result, our brain gives us the desired event in a dream. For example, before going to the hairdresser, you spent a long time looking for a hairdresser, choosing a hairstyle, and so on. On the eve of this event, you may have a dream where you are getting a haircut.
  2. Mystical basis, where you did not think before such a dream about the events that you dreamed of. Such a dream is usually interpreted by dream books. Every action in an unreal dream has a special meaning, so you should remember all the details before interpreting the dream.

Often the interpretation of a dream is quite a fascinating matter. And even, if you think the dream was bad, it may actually portend good changes. Before you decipher a dream about cutting your hair, it is worth remembering the result, the quality of the hair being cut, the length, emotions and mood during and after the haircut. Also pay attention to who is cutting who’s hair. All this will help to more accurately interpret the dream.

In this video you will learn how to understand a dream in which you had hair:

If you cut your hair in a dream, then this video will help you understand the events that began to happen to you in reality:

You will see how to correctly interpret a dream with hair according to Miller’s dream book in this video: