There are many varieties of flowers, both harmful and beneficial to health. Every florist knows what not to put poisonous plants, but those that promote health and those that saturate you with oxygen and positive energy, please.

Plants that saturate the room with oxygen have a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep; this is naturally the best solution for the bedroom. But still, in the room where a person spends time to relax, there is no need to have a large number of plants, and they should be located as far as possible from the bed.

Popular plants for the rest room (bedroom, nursery):

  • Sansevieria to add design flair;
  • Spathiphyllum for sound sleep;
  • Laurel has a neutral effect;
  • Kalanchoe has the same qualities as aloe;
  • Geranium for decoration;
  • Begonia for a calming atmosphere;
  • Aloe for a general disinfecting effect;
  • The cactus accumulates dust;
  • Chlorophytum for calming.

Some of them purify the air, others neutralize bacteria. Kalanchoe releases oxygen at night. Promotes better sleep, absorbs harmful radiation. Makes the room more comfortable.

Favorable flowers for the bedroom

When choosing flowers for your home, you need to compare their properties with appearance, and don’t forget about energy, because houseplants alive and have their own character. Plus, focus on the house itself, whether it is dark or light, whether there is a lot of dust, whether electrical appliances are placed in each room.

Don’t forget about aesthetics; if you absolutely don’t like a flower, then it won’t take root in the house, no matter where you put it. The size of the room also influences; you shouldn’t put huge pots with palm trees in a small bedroom; a couple of hanging pots, or maybe another beautiful flower, will be enough.

Names of flowers for beauty:

  1. Callas - mutual understanding between relatives.
  2. Pink, orange and red flowering plants will help you find harmony in your sex life.
  3. Ficus – promotes childbirth.
  4. Geranium helps cure insomnia.
  5. Orchids will protect you from depression.

Also, in addition to beautiful ones, you can plant useful edible plants. They will strengthen the body during the season of vitamin deficiency. And children will like to see the fruits of their efforts.

Feng Shui flowers in the bedroom

If possible, flowers are arranged according to Feng Shui, this is a well-known teaching about the correct arrangement of objects for a favorable aura in the house.

Relying on the basics of teaching, we can distinguish the following plants:

  • Cyclamen - looks great in almost any combination;
  • Amaryllis will add a designer touch;
  • Bougainvillea goes with many plants;
  • Hippeastrum will add romance;
  • Camellia will add point contrast to the overall design;
  • Geranium will create a favorable background for the composition;
  • Ficus will add unusualness;
  • Blooming begonias are beautiful alone;
  • Crassula tree will allow you to compose a unique bouquet;
  • Alpine violet diversifies the background of the interior;
  • When blooming, it is better to rearrange the Chinese rose with other flowers, which will create a contrast in mood;
  • Arrowroot will have a calming effect before bedtime;
  • The lemon tree is also optimally used as a single plant;
  • Cissus will add brightness to the room;
  • Chrysanthemum is relevant at all times;
  • Peonies and dracaena are planted to create a design that is comfortable for the eyes;
  • Roses, Dieffenbachia and lilacs are placed away from the bed;
  • It is better to place violets and poppies in the living room or kitchen;
  • A dollar tree will bring success to any room.

You need to know what kind of energy each plant emits and where they will stand. There are energy-heavy plants, for example, cacti. Ficus trees help cope with aggression. Geranium is a highly energetic plant - it blooms very beautifully and releases aromatic oils, it relaxes, but it should not be placed at the head of the bed, as there is a risk of allergies, and constant inhalation of aromatic oils causes headache attacks. Myrtle will refresh marriage relationships.

The cactus, although it is a carrier of heavy energy, is located in the zone of wealth. Maranta helps to find consensus, be it communication, new skills, or your own path. The money tree has a telling name; to improve material well-being, it is located in the wealth zone. Bamboo absorbs negative energy and transforms it. The lemon tree increases activity and will be useful for everyone, but especially for children, their curiosity increases.

There are some recommendations for placement and care. Proper care of flowers guarantees their good development and positive energy. You need to love flowers, and they will respond with good energy, you don’t need to have plants that you don’t like, especially artificial ones.

Is it possible to keep an orchid in the bedroom?

The orchid has a beautiful appearance and creates a favorable aura in the room, especially for sleeping. But she is whimsical emotional atmosphere in which it grows. Experienced flower growers advise not to show anger or heightened emotions in the presence of this plant.

For the bedroom, an orchid is very useful, both in terms of Feng Shui and aesthetic appearance. It is better to place it on the windowsill, a little away from the bed.

Ficus in the bedroom: is it possible?

Ficus is a peculiar plant. It gives the decor characteristic feature restraint, but only if the place for its location is well chosen. The fact is that a ficus can feel differently in the same room, but in a different location.

If you notice that, for example, near the bed on the bedside table the ficus leaves dry out or begin to darken, you should try moving it to the other side of the bed, thereby selecting the optimal place for its favorable growth.

What indoor plants are suitable for the bedroom (video)

Flowers should be placed in the bedroom only if they require special care and emotional treatment. There is no point in placing plants in the hope that their presence will solve any problems; mutual understanding is necessary.

A bedroom is a place where a person relaxes after an active day. Everything here should contribute to deep and restful sleep, including indoor flowers. Their choice should be taken seriously special attention, because the some types can cause poor health. Let's figure out what flowers you can keep in the bedroom.

When a person falls asleep, his breathing becomes deep, so the air in the room should be especially clean. In addition to saturating the air with oxygen some plants are able to increase humidity and also have disinfecting properties. These are the best ones to choose. Plants that purify the air are odorless or emit a faint soothing aroma, beautiful, but dim. They have a positive effect on health and emotions.

There should be no poisonous plants and flowers in the bedroom that have a heavy, cloying odor, as they cause headaches and insomnia.

Most indoor species emit carbon dioxide instead of oxygen at night, so where a person sleeps, there should be few of them. It is best to choose plants that do not take away oxygen at night, but give it away.

Usually, little sunlight gets into the recreation room, so you need to choose shade-tolerant plants that do not require special care.

Rules for choosing colors

When choosing indoor plants for the bedroom, you must follow the following rules::

  1. It is necessary to study all the information about the plant, namely releases or absorbs oxygen at night, whether it causes allergies, rules for caring for it.
  2. Exotic, unfamiliar and having a strong odor There should be no flowers in this room.
  3. You need to choose slow growing plants so that their energy does not destroy the calm atmosphere in the bedroom.
  4. Must not be dying, diseased and neglected plants. It is believed that exceptionally beautiful and healthy flowers enhance the positive energy of the home.
  5. According to Feng Shui, there should not be any in the bedroom plants with needles. The owners of the bedroom will be just as prickly and impregnable.
  6. Preference should be given to plants enhancing the feeling of love and mutual understanding. According to Feng Shui, these include flowers that are red in color.

Plants chosen according to these rules will create a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom.

The most popular flowers for the bedroom

Here are 10 types of indoor flowers that have a beneficial effect on the human body and are most often chosen for the bedroom:

Removes hazardous chemicals including formaldehyde, destroys harmful electromagnetic radiation, humidifies the air, kills germs and other microorganisms.

You can enhance the cleansing properties of chlorophytum. For this purpose in flower pots you need to add activated carbon.

Produces oxygen regardless of the time of day. Purifies the air from harmful substances entering the room through open window . is able to humidify the air, neutralizes allergens. It has a positive effect on the human psyche and ensures restful and healthy sleep.

Produces oxygen at night. Removes electricity from the room. Eliminates toxic substances such as formaldehyde. is a medicinal representative. The washed leaves can be applied to the wound. Aloe juice is used for colds and headaches.

At night it releases oxygen and has the ability to calm. helps to get out of depression.

Removes germs and harmful substances. The aroma helps get rid of depression. It will be useful for people of age, as well as for illnesses.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Has disinfecting properties, removes volatile substances from the air chemical substances and carbon monoxide. releases negative ions that have a positive effect on the body. Eliminates headache, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system. Removes nervous tension. Helps with insomnia. Repels insects.

Geranium can cause allergies.

Always releases oxygen. Stabilizes blood pressure, improves immunity, relieves headaches, and helps eliminate breathing problems. neutralizes formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene.

Has bactericidal properties. Removes diphtheria and tuberculosis bacilli, strepto- and staphylococci. Its aroma has a positive effect on the psyche, relieves fatigue and tension, improves sleep.


Has a pleasant aroma. Reduces anxiety, slows heart rate, promotes restful sleep, especially for babies.


The small white flowers emit a sweet scent that has a relaxing effect. ensures restful sleep.

Plants that should not be kept in the bedroom

Not all indoor flowers are suitable for placement in the bedroom. Among them:

  1. . At night it takes up a lot of oxygen. Sucks energy out of a person.
  2. . At night it releases carbon dioxide. The aroma causes headaches and insomnia.
  3. . It takes away strength and causes insomnia.

How to correctly place the faces of saints in a home and, in particular, is it possible to place icons in the bedroom? What images to choose for your home?

Each person's home iconostasis is individual. A believer himself chooses icons for his home, listening to the voice of his heart, because only he can decide to which Saint his daily prayers will be directed.

However, when choosing icons for your home, you need to ensure that they are all similar in execution and style. Let's try to figure it out.

Images in the house

Church ministers recommend having icons of the Savior and the Mother of God in your home. The iconographic tradition contains many variants of images of the Savior, but for prayer within the walls of the house, the image of the Lord Almighty () is most often chosen.

And the most suitable image of the Mother of God is the following:

  1. Eleusa (Tenderness):
  • Zhirovitskaya;
  • Yaroslavskaya;
  • Vladimirskaya;
  • Pochaevskaya;
  1. Hodegetria (Guidebook):
  • Smolenskaya;
  • Tikhvinskaya;
  • Kazanskaya.

In addition to these images, it is customary to place them in the bedroom and in the house. personalized icons its residents or images of those saints who are especially revered by family members.

The most popular icons are:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • St. George the Victorious;
  • healer Panteleimon.

The face of a saint in the bedroom

Many people think that it is impossible to place icons in the bedchamber, because this is the most intimate room in the house. But this is absolutely not true. Intimacy between spouses is not considered a sin, and therefore you can safely place holy scriptures in the bedroom. But you need to know that the images should be exclusively at the head of the bed.

And when is it the bedroom of an unmarried couple? It is impossible to hide sin from God without placing icons in the room. God is omnipresent and he sees everything, always, and in no case through images. So feel free to place pictures of saints in your bedroom and pray!

An icon must certainly be present in a child's bedroom.

The price of this image is small, but the result is the spiritual education of the child

Correct placement of holy scripture

Images of saints can be placed in different ways, where there is free place and where you can safely take evening and morning prayers so that you are less bothered.

The place with the images is called:

  • red corner;
  • front corner;
  • holy corner;
  • icon case;
  • goddess;
  • kivot.

Icons can be in any room in the house, and the bedroom is no exception. In the nursery, it is advisable to place a measured icon (measured - personalized custom holy scripture, the height of which corresponds to the height of the child at birth), personal, the image of a Guardian Angel or Savior.

How to choose a place

  1. Icons must be placed on the eastern side of the room: in a corner or on the wall, because when you pray, it is customary to face east (even Orthodox church built with the altar facing east).
  2. Also, the faces of saints can be placed opposite the entrance to the room on the right.
  3. If this is a children's bedroom, then the icons would be appropriate in front of the eyes of a child waking up or falling asleep in front of the bed. This will be a call or reminder to pray, turn to the depicted prototype, and give thanks.
  4. In the corridor, if you decide to hang an image, then you need to do this from front door to the right or above it.

The following images would be appropriate:

  • Pokrova (with cover);
  • Seven-shot (with seven arrows);
  • Oranta (with raised hands or also called the Unbreakable Wall).

Errors when placing images of saints

  1. It is necessary to avoid the proximity in general, or at least the close proximity of icons to a tape recorder, TV and other home appliances.
  2. You cannot mix an icon with any decorative item:
  • figurines;
  • panel;
  • figurines;
  • pictures, etc.
  1. You should not allow holy scripture to be placed on a bookshelf where books are stored that contradict Christianity and have nothing in common with Orthodox truths. There is no place for images in a bookcase with secular literature, and especially on shelves with cosmetics.
  2. It is forbidden to place photographs near icons, especially of deceased people..
  3. The proximity of images to a wall calendar, a poster of some stars or another idol is unacceptable. There should be no paintings or reproductions between the images of saints.
  4. It is best to place images on a shelf rather than hang them (to avoid associations with hanged people).

Placement of holy scriptures

  1. When you have decided on a place, you need to put a shelf-case there (you can buy one in a church store). An icon case is a special cabinet or glass shelf that is designed to protect icons from mechanical damage, dirt and dust. The icon case ensures that the face of the saint is stored in more gentle conditions and is less susceptible to the negative consequences of changes in temperature and air humidity.
  2. It is better to place the shelf slightly above eye level or level.
  3. Images of saints can be placed on a shelf or hung on the wall if there are many of them.
  4. The bottom of the shelf can be covered with embroidery or a beautiful white canvas (veil).
  5. Icon Mother of God should be on the left, and the image of the Savior should be on the right (this is provided for by the classical iconostasis).
  6. This option is possible: place the image of the Savior above the others in the center. By left side place an icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker or John the Baptist, on the right - the face of the Mother of God. Or you can combine all these icons in one - it is called Jesus Christ the King of Glory.

  1. Only the icon of the Holy Trinity or the Crucifixion can be installed above the composition of images.
  2. Next to the face of John the Baptist there is an icon of the Archangel Gabriel. Next to the image of the Mother of God is an image of the Archangel Michael.
  3. There may be other saints in the iconostasis:
  • Panteleimon;
  • Peter Pavel;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker, etc.

But we must always remember the principle of hierarchy: no saint can be placed above the image of the Virgin Mary, the Savior, the Holy Trinity and the Apostles.

  1. Further on the sides and a little lower you can place images that relate to personal, family, hereditary.
  2. It is advisable to crown the home iconostasis with a cross.
  3. Before prayer, you can light a candle or lamp and place it in front of the faces of the saints or hang it. A burning candle is a symbol of your burning towards God, your prayer.
  4. It is customary to decorate the holy corner with embroidery or fresh flowers. You can do embroidery for decoration yourself.


Note! The number of images in the bedroom or in the house plays absolutely no role. There may be only one icon. When simply beautiful images of saints are haphazardly chosen, this can have a negative impact on the spiritual state of the family.

The most important thing is that the faces of the saints should be revered relics of all residents of the house. After all, images are not a simple amulet that can protect against all life’s adversities and troubles.

Therefore, the most correct place to place the holy image will be the place in which it will be convenient for you to perform your daily prayers. This should be the place of your home altar, the place where you will communicate with God.

The video in this article will help you find more detailed information on this topic.

Most women love indoor plants and wonder what kind of indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom. Slow growing plants are best. To prevent growth energy from disturbing your sleep, place indoor plants no closer than one and a half meters from the head of the bed, and regularly wipe the leaves from dust.


Neutralizes formaldehyde and other toxic substances, has bactericidal properties. Humidifies the air.


Clears the air of harmful substances and balances energy fluctuations. 2-3 mature plants are recommended for a healthy, restful sleep.


Perhaps the best answer to the question of what indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom. Releases oxygen at night and absorbs formaldehyde and carbon dioxide. Neutralizes microorganisms. With the windows closed, 4-5 plants 70 cm high are enough to maintain optimal oxygen levels in the bedroom.


Neutralizes up to 90% of formaldehyde released from chipboard, absorbs carbon dioxide at night and releases oxygen.


Calms nervous system, neutralizes depression. Releases oxygen at night.


Neutralizes harmful substances and microorganisms. The aroma has a good effect on the nervous system and relieves depression. This houseplant is especially useful for the bedroom, the Royal Begonia species. Recommended for elderly people's bedrooms. Begonia is a symbol of well-being and prosperity.


Normalizes female hormonal levels. Ozonizes the air, relieves mental stress, promotes healthy sleep. Does not cause allergies. Recommended 3-4 plants for the bedroom.