To a certain extent, this stereotypical image corresponds to reality. Both professor and academician are scientific titles, the path to which is difficult and long, and therefore they achieve such a position, as a rule, at an advanced age. But you can be a professor at any university or research institute, and an academician only at the Academy of Sciences.


Professor is both an academic title and a position, the path to which lies along a certain “career ladder”. The title is inseparable from the person; they are appointed to the position. A candidate of sciences can take the position of associate professor of the department, but can remain an assistant - or become one if he moves to work at another university. In a few years, he will receive the title of associate professor, and then he will be able to apply for an assistant professor position at any university.

The next career step is the position of professor of the department. There is no direct prohibition on appointing candidates of science to this position, but it is usually occupied by doctors of science. Just as in the case of an associate professor, after a few years of work in this position, a scientist can receive the title of professor, and for this a doctorate degree is already required. The professorial title gives the right to head the department.


Before October revolution In 1917, an academician in Russia was any student of an academic educational institution - for example, a university. IN Soviet era this title was officially introduced in a different meaning, in which it is still used in Russian Federation.

An academician is a full member of the Academy of Sciences, an organization that unites scientists and organizes the activities of the scientific community. Such an academy should not be confused with a higher educational institution that bears a similar name - for example, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

Theoretically, in order to become an academician, it is not necessary to be a professor, but in reality, such an honor is most often awarded to scientists who already have a professorship.

The first step to the title of academician is election as a corresponding member. For outstanding scientific achievements, a scientist is elected as a corresponding member by secret ballot, which takes place in the relevant department of the Academy, and then the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences approves his election. Academicians are elected from among the corresponding members general meeting Academy of Sciences, and this title is awarded for life.

Currently, there are many organizations calling themselves academies. Some of them - for example, the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences - have nothing to do with real science. Their members also call themselves “academics,” but they have no rights to this.

Only members can bear the title of academician state academies. There are six of them in Russia: the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), the Russian Academy of Arts (RAA), the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN) and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAASH). ).


At the academy arts There are 4 educational institutions: the Surikov Institute, the Repin Institute and the Moscow and St. Petersburg Lyceums. Lyceums provide secondary education and accept only schoolchildren. But the institutes are aimed at a more adult category and provide higher education.

You will need

  • Own work, certificate from an ophthalmologist.


To the Moscow Academic arts registered Russian arts Schoolchildren are admitted to . The Lyceum selects children who have demonstrated special abilities in fine arts. To get in, bring your homework: drawing from life, painting from life, or sculpture. If you liked the work, it’s up to the latter: bring an application and a number of documents.

And here sample list requirements that Moscow State Academic University named after Surikov imposes on its applicants. To enter academy arts, pass the Unified State Exam. Which subjects to take depends on the faculty. If you enroll in architecture - and Russian, in graphics, painting and sculpture - Russian and literature, and in art criticism - literature, Russian and history.

Creative (profile) tests. The most numerous department of the institute is painting. It requires its applicants to provide works in drawing, painting and composition. A drawing is a head, a nude model, sketches from life; painting - still life from life, landscape, portrait from; composition - work theme.

If you see yourself, then you are required to work in the same categories. Only in drawing - the head should be plaster, in painting - work in watercolors, and in composition - drawings from life of architectural objects.

After passing all tests, applicants are assessed on a 100-point scale. Those who score the most points successfully enter the institute. To be enrolled, write an application addressed to the rector and submit a document on secondary education, Unified State Exam results. In the application, indicate your full name, date and place of birth, place of residence, passport details, specialties for which you are applying, indicating the form and conditions of training. Write about the availability of Olympiad winner diplomas (if any) and the need for accommodation in a dormitory.

Helpful advice

You will need a certificate from an ophthalmologist with the conclusion “Color perception is normal.”


  • Russian Academy of Arts

The emergence of a new education system has confused many. It's not easy to understand the steps higher education(bachelor's, master's, specialist's degrees), it is even more difficult to understand the peculiarity of a university by its name and status. For example, it is unlikely that anyone will confidently say how a university differs from an academy and why institutions are disappearing.


The concept of “academy” arose during the time of the philosopher Plato. According to legend, the ancient thinker loved to stroll through the garden called Academ. Later, having established a school, Plato gave it the name “Academy”. It was something like a circle of interests. Its purpose - to teach sciences that fall within one narrow specialization - has survived to this day. The direction of the area in which knowledge is taught is reflected in the name of the institution, for example: “Ural Art Academy”.


The university ranks slightly higher. Its main difference from the academy is that this university trains generalist specialists, uniting several faculties in different specialties. Within the walls of one educational institution you can meet both future physicists or test pilots, and teachers of singing or mathematics. This does not mean that the level of knowledge presented by the university is an order of magnitude higher than the academies’ program.

Academies, like universities, have the right to research activities, as well as methodological developments and their implementation according to their profile.


Life flows and changes, but at the same time it makes its own adjustments. There are cases when a person goes to study at an academy and graduates from a university. Renaming and changing statuses is not such a rare phenomenon, associated with the introduced obligation of universities to undergo periodic re-certification and confirm the number of specialties (departments) for which recruitment and training is ongoing, as well as the status teaching staff, which claims the right to train specialists with higher education.

Every year, a couple of universities go from university to academies, having failed to recruit required quantity students or confirm the fulfillment of the educational standard in the declared specialties.

Does the rank of the university that graduated the specialist influence the preferences of employers? In the overwhelming majority, the answer is clear - it has no effect. Therefore, when choosing your path after school, you should not get hung up on the status of the institution; in fact, the academy program will be no different from the university program. It is much more important to correctly determine the direction of specialization.

A university has the right to be called any higher educational institution in which specialists are trained in different areas, in at least seven industries scientific knowledge. This differs from an institute where training takes place in one professional field.

What is an institute?

An institute (institutio translated from “institution”) is a higher educational and scientific institution in which training and scientific work are conducted in one professional field.
An example is the MAI (Moscow Aviation Institute), which trains specialists of a wide range of profiles, but only in one professional field of aircraft construction.

Over 55% of the institute's teachers must have academic degrees. The volume of scientific research and the amount allocated for it is also regulated. Institute - basic unit in the higher education system, is the most common type of higher education institution (university). Military and security educational institutions are often called institutes. The institute is led by the director or head of the institute. With the exception of some art or military universities, its graduates become graduates.

What is a university?

In the Middle Ages, a university (Latin universitas - “totality”, “community”) was a corporation of teachers and students who lived in one place, mastering the sciences in direct communication with each other. IN modern world A university is a university that conducts scientific and educational work in at least seven areas of knowledge. This is its main difference from the institute. Modern requirements for universities are quite high: teaching staff must apply innovative teaching methods and conduct extensive scientific research in mandatory.
Scientific research at the university must be carried out in five scientific fields. The amount of research funding is regulated at ten million rubles for five research years.

A university is usually divided into faculties, and faculties into departments. Accordingly, the administrative structure of the university consists of the rector, vice-rectors and deans, who head the faculties. Next come the heads of departments. The requirements for a scientific university are higher than those of an institute: at least 60% of the teaching staff must have a scientific degree. There must also be at least four graduate students per hundred students.

Many universities operate as huge educational, scientific and practical complexes, which include entire institutes and laboratories. There are several types in Russia state universities: federal universities, national research universities and two universities with special status - Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University.

Due to the historical characteristics of the development of science and the education system in different countries The concepts of “academic title” and “academic degree” are defined differently, hence the understanding of their place and role in science and education can differ significantly. Wide development international education and scientific cooperation forces us to look for common points and develop at least an approximate scale for comparing these concepts. In our material today, we consider the main differences between the Russian and Western systems of academic degrees and titles.

Academic degree: award

Academic degrees in many countries– this is the qualification of a researcher, which reflects the achieved scientific level.

In universities in Western countries there is the following system of academic and scientific degrees:

  • Academic degrees or qualifications– these are bachelor and master (in some countries a master is considered as an academic degree).
    • According to the rules adopted in the countries of the Bologna Process, a bachelor's degree is considered an academic degree indicating higher education. Sometimes defined as a qualification in a particular specialty.
    • A master's degree is an academic degree following a bachelor's degree, aimed at deepening the specialization of higher professional education.
  • Academic degree (one single): Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). What is meant here is not philosophy itself, but science in general. All listed degrees are awarded by universities and scientific institutions.

In Russia today there is two specialist training systems with academic degrees and qualifications.

  • The first consists of training bachelors (4 years of study) and masters (6 years of study). Bachelors and masters were initially considered in our country as graduates of higher professional educational institutions. Moreover, a bachelor's degree corresponded to higher education of the first level, which was lower than a master's degree and the qualifications of a certified specialist.
  • The second system has been producing certified specialists with a 5-year training period since Soviet times.

There are also two academic degrees in Russia: Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences. An academic degree is awarded on the basis of the defense of a candidate or doctoral dissertation by the Academic Councils of universities and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in a specific scientific specialty, reflected in the code and name of the field of knowledge. For example, a candidate of historical sciences or a doctor of biological sciences.

Academic title: assign

Academic title– this is the qualification level of scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees, reflecting different levels and volumes of academic and scientific-pedagogical work. Holders of an academic title can not only conduct individual scientific research and train students, but also organize these processes at a high qualification level.

In Russia, there are officially two academic titles: associate professor and professor. In this case, the academic title should be distinguished from the position. For example, Associate Professor is an academic title or position? It’s both at the same time: there is the title of associate professor, and there is the position of associate professor. Ideally, they should coincide, that is, the position of associate professor is intended for a scientist who has the title of associate professor. But sometimes the position of associate professor can be occupied by a person who does not have this scientific title.

Who confers the academic title?

Academic titles are awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science upon proposal educational organizations higher education.

Academic title of associate professor can be assigned to a scientific and pedagogical worker who holds the position of associate professor, whose teaching experience is at least 3 years, and the number of published scientific works is at least 20.

Academic title of professor can be assigned to a scientific and pedagogical worker who holds the position of professor, head of department, dean of the faculty and has the rank of associate professor. The teaching experience of a candidate for professor must be at least 10 years, and the number of published scientific works- at least 50.

As a rule, the title of associate professor corresponds to the academic degree of a candidate of sciences, and the title of professor corresponds to a doctor of sciences. In the field of art, physical culture and sports, the scientific titles of professor and associate professor are also awarded, but according to other approved criteria. To be awarded them, it is not necessary to have an academic degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences.

Awarded scientific titles are of an indefinite “lifetime” nature. At the same time, persons holding scientific titles may be deprived of them in case of non-compliance or violation of the requirements of the Regulations on the conferment of scientific titles.

Abroad, scientific titles coincide with positions held. If an employee receives the position of professor, then from that moment he is called a professor until he holds this position. A number of leading universities have a lifetime title of professor along with an assigned position. Thus, the work of a scientist in the West is paid according to his position, but no money is paid for his title.

Honorary titles and degrees

In addition to official academic degrees and titles in the scientific world, there are also honorary titles and degrees. For example, title Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation worn by the famous designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences (according to the totality of discoveries and inventions) M.T. Kalashnikov. Approved in 2015 honorary academic title "Professor" Russian Academy Sciences (RAS)", which is awarded for merits in scientific activity.

IN Western countries awarded for great services to science and culture Honorary doctorate (honoris causa), which translated means “for the sake of honor,” that is, without defending a dissertation. Usually, we're talking about about people who, as a result of their social and practical activities made a great contribution to the development of society, scientific thought and culture.

Despite all the differences in academic degrees and titles, international practice has shown that there are real opportunities for practical comparison of qualification systems of different countries in science and education. This issue is partly resolved by international treaties and agreements, partly by the accession of countries to the Bologna process. For example, the scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of science are equated to Ph.D., and the scientific titles of associate professor and professor are equal to the Western title of professor in each specific case, depending on the field of knowledge (humanities, natural sciences, technical sciences).

A bad graduate student is one who does not dream of becoming an associate professor, and an associate professor who does not strive to become a professor is bad. Therefore, the question often arises of how to do this. The concepts “associate professor” and “professor” have multiple meanings: they can mean both a position and an academic title. The publishing house “Young Scientist” finds out what the differences are between positions and academic titles, how you can get an associate professor and a professor, and what requirements are imposed on them.

What is the difference between the position of associate professor/professor and the academic title of associate professor/professor?

If with academic degrees everything is more or less clear (defended a candidate's or doctoral dissertation - received the corresponding academic degree confirmed by a diploma), then the system of scientific titles is much less clear at first, uninitiated glance. What is the difference between an associate professor by position and an associate professor by title, a professor by position and a professor by title?

Formally, the position and academic title do not have a direct connection with each other. Thus, it is quite possible to hold the position of associate professor or professor without having a certificate confirming the presence of the same academic title. And vice versa - having the required certificate is not a guarantee of obtaining the appropriate position.

However, in fact, the overwhelming majority of those holding the position of associate professor in universities have the title of associate professor and the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, and those holding the position of professor have the academic title of professor and the scientific degree of Doctor of Science. Thus, the path of a university teacher followed by this majority is as follows: defended a candidate’s dissertation → received the position of associate professor → received the title of associate professor → defended a doctoral dissertation → received the position of professor → received the title of professor.

Since the title of professor requires an extensive store of knowledge and scientific and pedagogical experience, as a rule, professors become professors after forty years. However, history also knows unique cases. For example, mathematician Sergei Mergelyan defended his doctoral dissertation at the age of 20, became a professor at 22, and a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences at 25.

Confusion in the perception of positions and titles is also added by the fact that the person holding the position begins to unreasonably call himself an associate professor or professor. To obtain the full right to be called an associate professor or professor, you must obtain the appropriate certificate, which is given for certain merits in scientific- pedagogical activity.

We will look at the criteria for awarding academic titles a little later. In the meantime, let’s figure out how a position differs from a title.

A person is appointed to the position of associate professor/professor by the academic council of a university or scientific institution. As a rule, this is preceded by a competition. A position, unlike a title, is given for a certain period.

The list of positions of the university teaching staff is as follows:

  1. Assistant
  2. Teacher
  3. Senior Lecturer
  4. Assistant professor
  5. Professor

The academic title is awarded for life, and its presence is confirmed by “crests”, or a certificate of associate professor/professor, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In 2002 it was approved in Russia single register academic degrees and titles. It lists the following academic titles:

  1. Associate professor in a specialty or associate professor in a department.
  2. Professor by specialty or professor by department.
  3. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences.
  4. Full member of the Academy of Sciences.

How to get the position of associate professor and professor

To obtain the position of associate professor or professor, only higher education and teaching experience at a university are required (for an associate professor - 3 years, for a professor - 5 years). It should be noted that if you have the academic title of associate professor or professor, length of service does not matter.

The position of associate professor or professor is assigned to university teachers, usually with a candidate or doctorate degree, respectively. However, the lack of an academic degree cannot be an insurmountable obstacle. This is directly indicated by paragraph 11 of Chapter. I of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 No. 1n: “Persons who do not have an academic degree of a candidate (doctor) of science and an academic title may be accepted for the position of associate professor or professor. but having experience in scientific and pedagogical work or work in organizations in the field professional activity, corresponding activity educational institution higher professional and additional professional education.”

Associate professors who do not have an academic degree and full professors who have not completed their doctorate are called “cold.”

The applicant for the position undergoes a competitive selection or is accepted without competition as a part-time worker. Such a competition must be held at least once every five years.

The job responsibilities of an associate professor and a professor are similar. They conduct educational and methodological work, give lectures to students, conduct scientific research, develop textbooks and teaching aids, prepare graduate students and applicants at the department. In addition, the professor supervises the advanced training of department employees.

How to obtain the academic title of associate professor

If having an academic degree is not critical for obtaining the position of associate professor, then it is impossible to obtain the same academic title without defending a candidate’s dissertation in the specialty. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2013 No. 1139 approved the current Regulations on the conferment of academic titles, which regulates the procedure for conferring academic titles. So, what is required to obtain the academic title of associate professor, according to this provision?

  1. Academic degree of Candidate of Sciences.
  2. Total experience scientific and pedagogical work for at least five years, including at least three years in universities and institutes for advanced training in an amount of at least ¼ of the rate.
  3. Continuous teaching experience at a given university as an assistant professor for at least two years.
  4. Availability of scientific works published over the last three years (monograph or textbook, or two scientific or educational works, as well as three scientific works in the specialty).
  5. Availability of at least 20 educational and scientific works published in peer-reviewed publications.
  6. For creative and sports specialties, there are additional requirements: having an honorary title (for example, People's or Honored Artist/Master of Sports); the title of laureate, champion of a competition, festival, championship not lower than the all-Russian level; at least two students who have received honorary title or who have become laureates/champions of all-Russian competitions.

If all the requirements are met, the applicant submits an application, and the Department or Faculty Council or the scientific division of the research institute prepares a package of documents confirming compliance with the requirements and submits them to the Academic Council. It also includes a recommendation from the Council of the department or scientific unit.

The Academic Council makes a decision on conferring an academic title, and the Ministry of Education and Science approves this decision or denies it. The period for consideration of the certification case by the Ministry of Education and Science is limited to 6 months.

How to obtain the academic title of professor

The academic title of professor is awarded in a similar way, only the requirements for it are more serious:

  1. Possession of a Doctor of Science degree.
  2. At least 10 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work, including at least 5 years in a scientific specialty.
  3. Continuous work experience as a professor at a given university for at least 2 years at no less than ¼ of the rate.
  4. Holding the academic title of associate professor for at least three years.
  5. Availability of at least 50 educational and scientific works published in peer-reviewed publications.
  6. Availability of scientific works published over the last five years (at least three scientific or educational and methodological works, as well as five scientific works in the specialty), published in peer-reviewed publications.
  7. Availability of one textbook (if the applicant is listed as the author) or three textbooks (co-authored), published over the last 10 years in the specialty.
  8. Preparation for the defense of a dissertation and successful defense as a supervisor or consultant of at least three persons, while at least one of the dissertation topics must correspond to the scientific specialty of the applicant.
  9. Also, additional requirements in terms of having the title of champion or prize-winner, honorary title and training of champions and prize-winners are imposed on applicants for the academic title of professor in the field of sports and art.

Since the entry into force of the new Regulations on the awarding of scientific titles, that is, from January 1, 2014, it has become more difficult to obtain an academic title: the required continuous work experience and the number of scientific publications have increased, and it is now impossible to become a professor without passing the title of associate professor. The purpose of these innovations is to increase the professional level of higher education teaching staff and thereby the quality of education in universities.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 1994 approved the Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees to scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers and assigning academic titles to scientific workers.

In Russia the system is this moment mixed: partially applicable new system with the graduation of bachelors (4 years) and masters (6 years), partly old with the graduation of certified specialists (5 years). The German-style system inherited from the Soviet Union is used, in which there are two degrees:



Currently, the academic degree of both candidate and doctor of sciences is awarded by the dissertation council. However, if to obtain a Candidate of Sciences diploma a positive decision of the council is sufficient, then to obtain a Doctor of Sciences diploma it is also necessary to have a positive conclusion of an expert council in the relevant field by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Persons to whom academic degrees were awarded in violation of the established procedure may be deprived of these degrees by the Higher Attestation Commission, as a rule, on the basis of petitions from dissertation councils, at whose meeting the dissertation defense took place.

To obtain a candidate or doctorate degree, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council created at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To defend a dissertation for a doctorate degree, it is currently necessary to have a candidate of science degree; defense of a dissertation for a doctorate degree is not provided for by persons who do not have a candidate degree, in accordance with the current “Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees”. It should be noted that the correspondence or relatedness of branches of science and specialties previously received (sequentially) of higher education, the degree of Candidate of Sciences and the degree of Doctor of Science being sought is in fact not regulated in any way, except in cases of seeking academic degrees in medical, veterinary and legal sciences, which are possible only if the applicant has a higher medical, veterinary or legal education, respectively. In fact, in practice, cases of obtaining a higher degree in a branch of science and a specialty unrelated to the existing one are recognized as quite acceptable and are not in any way limited by the Higher Attestation Commission: for example, a candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists), a doctorate of economic sciences by candidates, for example, of technical and physical sciences. mathematical sciences, etc.

Until the end of 2013, in the Russian Federation, the academic titles of associate professor in the department and professor in the department were awarded in higher education. educational institutions, associate professor in the specialty and professor in the specialty at research institutions. The academic titles of associate professor and professor in a specialty were also awarded to persons holding positions as research assistants in higher educational institutions (that is, those engaged mainly in scientific, rather than scientific and pedagogical activities). The academic title of associate professor is awarded, as a rule, to candidates of science, and the academic title of professor - as a rule, to doctors of science.

Since December 2013, the academic titles of professor and associate professor have been introduced without indicating “by department” or “by specialty”; previously existing titles are equated to them. At the same time, the procedure for obtaining academic titles is becoming more complicated. Yes, one of mandatory conditions To be awarded the academic title of professor, one must now have held the academic title of associate professor for at least three years. Previously, the academic title of professor could be assigned to persons who previously did not have an academic title at all.

Academic titles both in the department and in the specialty were awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, based on the conclusion of the Higher certification commission. The academic title of senior researcher is currently not awarded in the Russian Federation; it is equivalent to the title of associate professor in the specialty. Until 2006, in the Russian Federation (and also currently in Ukraine and some other post-Soviet states), the title of senior researcher was awarded to employees of research institutes, and qualification requirements Applicants for this title did not include teaching work in universities, unlike the title of associate professor.

The academic titles of associate professor and professor (as well as senior researcher and others listed below) should not be confused with positions in universities and research institutes that have similar names. As a rule, an academic title is awarded after a certain time of work in the corresponding position (if a number of other necessary conditions are met), however, the title is assigned for life and is retained by its holder even when changing position, place of work, or after retirement. For example, a teacher who has the academic title of associate professor can hold the position of professor, a professor by title can work as a dean or senior research fellow and so on.

The presence of an academic title (as well as an academic degree) gives the right to a statutory increase in official salaries (rates) for employees of a number of federal law enforcement agencies and for contract military personnel (10% for the title of associate professor, 25% for the title of professor), for employees of the prosecutor's office ( 5% and 10%, respectively).

If you decide to work as a teacher, then you need to be familiar with the positions in university departments: assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, know what the difference is between them, and what requirements a candidate for each position must meet in order to have an idea of ​​what you need to be prepared.

If you already have experience in scientific and pedagogical activities, perhaps you have defended your PhD thesis, but you doubt the correct understanding of what a position, academic degree, academic title is, you will also find explanations in this article.

If you are just being idlely curious, who is superior: a professor or a doctor of science? Also look for the answer in the article.

How to get a job as a teacher at a university?

+ Improve your diploma

If you want to work as a teacher in the future, and there is still enough time before graduating from a specialized university, then do not waste it and work on your grades. This sounds trivial, but in practice it turns out to be true: employers really look at the grades in your diploma, and the higher they are, the more job opportunities open up for you, and no one needs C students.

If the diploma has already been received, and nothing can be changed, then, unfortunately, I do not know of any cases of teachers with C grades in specialized disciplines working at the university (Do you know such cases? Share them in the comments!).

+ Write a resume with a photo

The finished resume must have a photo, so it will be easier for the employer to combine and remember as one whole: you, your resume and the interview with you. Imagine, he/she may have a bunch of pieces of paper in his/her desk; when he/she takes out some kind of resume, it will be difficult for him/her to remember the person, the interview with him/her, and the impression made on him/her; if there is a photograph, the question is removed.

+ Contact the head of the department personally

If you are confident in your desire to find a job as a teacher and have ready-made resume, the next step is to find contacts of the head of the department of the university where you would like to work, because it is she/he and not some other executive university, is aware whether she/he has free rates, or when they will become available. Knowing the last name, first name, patronymic, work phone number of the department head, you need to contact her/him, and, in the event of a vacancy, you will be invited to an interview.

At the same time, talking with the department head by phone increases the chances of scheduling an interview compared to sending a resume by email.

Think about it, why should you sit around for a couple of weeks waiting for a possible response from an employer to your resume, and why should the employer go through the extra trouble of looking for a meeting with you? It’s better for you to immediately receive an answer: “yes, we have vacancies, come for an interview,” or: “no, and there are none in sight,” and move on, look for other options for solving the problem, how to get a job as a teacher at a university. The employer, in his position, usually does not have to “run around” for personnel; in the university, as a rule, there are few vacancies, and it is appropriate for the candidate who wants to get a job to show ABOUT greater initiative.

+ Choose a good time

A well-chosen job search time will help you successfully get a job as a university teacher.

Typically, the workload between teachers is distributed over the ACADEMIC year, and it starts on September 1. They begin to pre-distribute the load in the spring.

As you know, the academic year is divided into 2 semesters, and teachers most often quit, read: places become vacant, at the beginning of the semester.

From the above it follows that around May or June the head of the department will approximately know whether he/she will need new teachers for the next academic year. => it is better to contact the head of the department in May, June.

But in any case, things often don’t turn out as planned, and here too: some teacher found another job and decided to quit; he usually does this from the beginning of the 1st semester, less often - from the beginning of the 2nd semester. => you can monitor vacancies at the end of August, beginning of September, end of December, January.

It happens that in the middle of the year someone goes somewhere, then the head of the department has to be nervous to at least find someone, and in the middle of the year school year it is very difficult, everyone is arranged and working in their places. This is where he/she opens the folder with the accumulated resumes of candidates, and your photo in the resume can serve you well: he/she will vaguely remember one, barely another, but will remember you and invite you for an interview!

How is the competition to fill a vacant university teaching position held?

I will answer. On the first point: information about really free places university departments do not submit to labor exchanges or publish on the Internet; on the second point: posting announcements about a competition to fill vacant positions at a university is a formality, fulfilling the requirements of the competition procedure, and for each position there is already a real person who is now applying, and a little earlier held this position, his term of employment has simply expired agreement.

The fact is that this happens in accordance with the practice accepted at universities, in view of following the Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (at least in 2015):

" 1. Present Regulations<…>determines the procedure and conditions for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff in the organization carrying out educational activities on implementation educational programs higher education and additional professional programs, and concluding employment contracts with them for an indefinite period or for a certain period no more than five years.
3. The conclusion of an employment contract to fill the position of a teaching worker in the organization, as well as transfer to such a position, is preceded by election by competition to fill the relevant positions (hereinafter referred to as the competition). "


Practice shows that the agreement with the teacher is employment contract for a period of up to 5 years (this can be either 1 year or 3 years, or another figure up to 5), I am not aware of cases of approval of open-ended contracts, this happens, perhaps, with eminent professors (if you know the circumstances, examples when conclude unlimited contracts with teachers, tell us in the comments).

So, in order to occupy a certain position at the department, you need to go through a competition, which means confirming your suitability for this position. Competitions keep teachers on their toes and force them to develop, since a suitable candidate is usually a teacher who meets the following requirements: has undergone advanced training, published scientific articles, published teaching aids, has work experience, and more.

Among the stages of the competition, the following can be distinguished: the applicant fills out a package of documents, the candidate’s report to the members of the department in which he claims to continue working, the candidate’s approval at a meeting of the institute/university competition committee, the candidacy’s approval by the academic council of the institute/university - this is in brief.

Positions at the university in ascending order

The lowest position of a university teacher is assistant . He, just like other teachers, conducts practical or seminar classes, but Not may be allowed to give lectures. An assistant's salary is the lowest, but the requirements for a candidate for this position are minimal - work experience of at least 1 year, and after graduating from graduate school there is no requirement for work experience.

The following position in the university in ascending order is - Senior Lecturer . The teacher in this position is also Not allowed to give lectures. But the requirements for an employee applying for it are quite high: work experience of at least 3 years and, in the case of a candidate of science degree, work experience is also required. In addition, the candidate for the position must present the results of conducting research and methodological work: availability of published scientific articles, publication of teaching aids.

For the vast majority of teachers who have not defended their PhD thesis, and therefore do not have a PhD degree, the position of senior lecturer is the ceiling for development in a department at a university.

Job title associate professor at the department at the university is given in the presence of an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (that is, successful defense candidate's dissertation) and experience in scientific and pedagogical work, that is, work at a university as a teacher for at least 3 years or the academic title of associate professor.

Senior lecturer and associate professor, the difference, as we see, is as follows:

Senior Lecturer is a position below associate professor.

Having a PhD degree is the main condition for an applicant for the position of associate professor.

The necessary scientific and pedagogical work experience seems to be the main requirement for an applicant for the position of senior lecturer.

University teaching positions also include: Professor , only a teacher who has an academic degree of Doctor of Science (and therefore has defended his doctorate dissertation), or the academic title of professor, as well as work experience of at least 5 years.

The difference between an associate professor and a professor is as follows:

The position of associate professor is lower than that of professor.

Having an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (or the academic title of Associate Professor) is the main condition for those applying for the position of Associate Professor.

The academic degree of Doctor of Science (or the academic title of professor) seems to be a necessary requirement for an applicant for the position of professor.

Position and degree

Now you know what positions teachers can occupy in the department, but I also mentioned such a concept as an academic degree - it’s worth dwelling on it in more detail.

There are two academic degrees in Russia: Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences.

To obtain PhD degree , you need to enroll in graduate school, after which you must defend your thesis - Scientific research dedicated to a specific problem.

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Doctor of Science degree awarded after the successful defense of a doctoral dissertation written during doctoral studies. You can enroll in doctoral studies only if you already have a PhD degree.

Is assistant professor a position or an academic degree? Associate Professor and Candidate of Sciences, what is the difference?

Thus, answering the question: is an associate professor a position or an academic degree? We can say that an associate professor is a position held by a teacher in a department who usually has an academic degree of a candidate of sciences.

Associate Professor and Candidate of Sciences, what is the difference? The difference between an associate professor and a candidate of sciences is that, as you already know, an associate professor is a teaching position in a university department, and a candidate of sciences is an academic degree awarded to him as a result of the successful defense of a candidate's dissertation.

What is the difference between a doctor of science and a professor? Who is higher, professor or doctor of science?

Doctor of Science and Professor - the difference is that Doctor of Science is an academic degree awarded to a researcher who has defended a doctoral dissertation. And a professor is a teaching position in a university department, which can be held, in the vast majority of cases, by a teacher with a doctorate degree.

In my opinion, it is impossible to answer the question: who is higher than a professor or a doctor of sciences, because these concepts refer to different systems for ranking scientists.

Professor is the highest position in the department: assistant -> senior lecturer -> associate professor -> PROFESSOR.