A tattoo does not just decorate the body - it contains a deep meaning that a person strives to convey to others. Warrior tattoos are popular among both sexes. What does it mean body image brave fighter, what hidden idea does it contain?

Warrior tattoo meaning

Such a tattoo reflects such qualities as:

  • courage, ability to perform feats;
  • physical and moral strength;
  • strategic thinking;
  • lightning-fast reaction;
  • selflessness;
  • determination;
  • equanimity, high stress resistance.

Thus, the main meaning of a warrior tattoo can be defined as willpower, the ability to achieve goals.

Popular warrior tattoo designs

What warrior tattoo designs are most often requested in salons?

  • Viking tattoo. Old Norse sailors long hair and beards, dressed in armor with animal skins thrown on top and horned helmets. In battle they showed fearlessness, reaching the point of recklessness. These warriors wanted to go to heaven, and only those who died in battle could get there, so the Vikings never ran away from the battlefield.
  • Hero tattoo. Tribute to the traditions of the ancient Russians. One of the popular sketches is the great trinity. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich personify the unity of the Russian people. And for men, such a tattoo also serves as a symbol of power, remarkable strength. There is another famous trinity - Gorynya, Dubynya and Usynya. These are giants from Russian fairy tales with superhuman strength. According to legend, the heroes wanted to enter the princely service. So their image is also associated with honor and devotion.
  • Gladiator tattoo. IN Ancient Rome the image of this hero was associated not only with fearlessness, but also with frenzy and despair. After all, this fighter from slaves or prisoners of war had to compete in the circus arena with another warrior or wild animal.
  • Samurai tattoo. Representatives of the privileged military-feudal caste in the Land of the Rising Sun were not only soldiers, but also bodyguards of their masters, at the same time serving them in everyday life. Japanese samurai They embody courage, endurance, resilience and devotion to duty.
  • Indian tattoo. Red warriors represent unity with nature, wisdom, fearlessness, superconsciousness, shamanism and oppression. Some people combine the image of an Indian with the image of some animal, thereby demonstrating their connection with it.
  • Knight tattoo. These warriors serve as a symbol of valor, nobility, romance and selflessness. They are depicted in characteristic armor, with full military weapons.
  • Warrior angel tattoo. One of the favorite sketches of the fair sex. This tattoo reflects the girl’s fragility, without diminishing her ability to fight for good and justice, and to defend her rights. Similar masterpieces body painting not only possess sacred meaning, but also emphasize the sophistication of the female figure.

Choosing a place on the body for a tattoo.

Where are tattoos most often applied:

  • back;
  • breast;
  • caviar;
  • shoulders.

Despite the large size, the tattoo requires the elaboration of many small details, which is why they choose such areas on the body so that there is room to turn around.

IMPORTANT! The purpose of the tattoo should also be taken into account. If a person wants everyone to see it, he should apply the design to his neck, arms or legs.

If the picture is intended for a narrow circle of people, it is better to choose places covered with clothing. In what cases is this convenient:

  • work does not allow you to show off tattoos;
  • tattooing is contrary to religious beliefs;
  • a person is embarrassed by curious glances.

ATTENTION! Pain is also important. Since the warrior tattoo is large-scale, the process is difficult to endure even on those areas of the skin where there are few nerve endings. The patterns on the arms and legs will cause the least pain.

Those who intend to fill a pattern in the area of ​​the abdomen, spine, groin, neck, will have to stock up on remarkable patience. However, this is unlikely to become a serious stumbling block, since a person has decided to get a warrior tattoo.

Possible Image Styles

Due to the high detail, the tattoo is most often designed in color, although this condition is not mandatory. You can turn a black and white tattoo into a work of body art.

REFERENCE. Warriors are depicted both in full growth and in portrait form. Additional elements are not of key importance: a picturesque landscape, a faithful horse, a formidable lion, an inscription in Latin - everything that is enough for imagination.

And, of course, the main thing is to choose a good tattoo artist.

Tattoo on the shoulder of a hero, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bskx2M4Ay3b/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Bogatyr are ancient heroes of Slavic folklore. Such an image cannot be used simply to decorate the body. This type of drawing is individual and carries a specific meaning. Initially, before you start applying such a tattoo to your body, you must definitely determine its meaning. Today, the design on the body has a modern interpretation.

The meaning of the “Bogatyr” tattoo

Every person knows the characters: Ilya Muromets, Volga, Dobrynya and others from fairy tales and epics. The image of a Russian hero is a strong man, dressed in armor, with weapons and on a horse. The appearance of epic heroes comes from ancient Slavic folklore.

Currently, people's interest in studying the traditions of the Russian people is becoming more and more. Therefore, the use of the “Hero” design in tattoo art has gained popularity among different age groups.

The meaning of such a picture mainly determines the following qualities of a person’s character:

  • strong spirit;
  • self-confidence;
  • courage.

It is perfect for people who already have such qualities or who are striving to acquire them.

The very appearance of drawing heroes of epics in the art of body painting is of relatively recent origin. And there are not so many artists who can make such a tattoo in excellent quality. After all, there are many nuances in the drawing that are quite painstaking work to execute. Because the image of a hero is nothing more than a kind of portrait.

The image of a Russian knight on the body is the personification of strength and courage. Such a drawing conveys information to others that there are no obstacles in front of the wearer, and he will be able to bravely overcome any difficulties in life.

Continuous struggle as a life credo is a real perception of the life of the bearer of the “Bogatyr” picture.

Epic characters have always had many different enemies. The owner of such a drawing today can look for them where they are not there. But still, a person with this tattoo should help the weak and Everyday life to prove that he wears the image for a reason.

A tattoo determines the following qualities of a person:

  • valor;
  • courage;
  • courage;
  • honor;
  • love to motherland;
  • physical and spiritual strength;
  • courage;
  • bravery;
  • patriotism.

Typically, the image is a popular choice among people who are ready to wage a constant fight against evil, be defenders of the weak and have a heightened sense of justice. To wear a tattoo with a Russian knight, you must have not only physical strength, but also a strong spirit. The drawing is perfect for fair government officials and military personnel.

The choice of such a tattoo belongs to patriotic people who are ready to always and at any time defend their Motherland. The bearer of such an image will never refuse to help loved ones and others in any situation.

Meaning for men

The choice of such a tattoo for the stronger sex has become popular and widespread in tattoo painting. The consequence of popularity was due to the great attention to the history of their country and.

When selecting a man, you can use a specific character from Russian epics or a general collective image of a hero. Which will mean for a man fidelity in married life and a willingness to always stand up for his family and loved ones.

Meaning for girls

It is quite rare to meet a girl who wants to put a Russian knight tattoo on her body. With this image, the weaker sex denotes the qualities that their chosen one should have:

  • courage;
  • force;
  • courage.

Such a tattoo on a girl may mean the need for protection and reliable support from men.

Options, styles, compositions

There are a huge number of options for performing the “Bogatyr” tattoo. The image can be of an individual knight, or on horseback, in armor, or with the addition of thematic inscriptions.

Execution can be anything. It all depends only on the possibilities of your imagination. You can choose the composition “Three Heroes”. If in life there are friends who are as brave and strong in spirit as the person who wants to make such a drawing. The tattoo can be done in one color or using different colors.

Where to place the tattoo?

This pattern is usually performed on large areas of the body. The tattoo will look great on the following areas of the body:

  • breast;
  • back;
  • shoulder blade;
  • hip;
  • shin;
  • shoulder;
  • forearm.

You can be inspired by any image to create your own work. You can also use a ready-made drawing. This tattoo can easily hide scars on the body.

The main thing is to make a precise choice and find a real master. After all, such a work of art is beyond the power of every tattoo artist.

Hero tattoo photo gallery - video

Passion for the culture and history of your people is quite logical and very commendable. It is not surprising that images from folklore began to appear in tattoos. This is especially true for the three heroes tattoo, because everyone probably knows about these mighty knights, the heroes of epics, and, more recently, the popular series of cartoons.

Who are the heroes?

Although traditionally heroes are considered characters with purely Slavic roots, the word “hero” comes from the ancient Turkic language and means a brave man and a good rider. In addition, in the chronicles the first mention of heroes refers to the Horde governors. But, as often happens when mixing different cultures, the word migrated into the Russian language.

When they see the tattoo of Russian heroes, most will probably have an association with the three most famous heroes of epics - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. This trinity is indeed often found in folk tales describing great feats. The first mentions of them date back to approximately the 14th century. Some researchers believe that the prototypes of these heroes were real personalities who amazed their contemporaries with some qualities or actions, others argue that these three heroes simply replaced more ancient heroes. Both versions have the right to exist.

The first tales about heroes, who later began to be called heroes, date back to the pre-Christian period. The hero Volga is considered one of the oldest folklore characters. According to legend, he was not just a strongman, but a werewolf and sorcerer born from a snake. With the advent of Christianity, heroes were no longer given magical abilities, because witchcraft began to be considered an ungodly matter.

Variety of subjects

The meaning of a hero tattoo usually comes down to the fact that a person draws some kind of parallel between himself and the epic characters. He wants to declare to others about his strength, adherence to traditional principles of morality, and high morality. Also, such a tattoo can speak of patriotism and be a tribute to the culture of one’s people. Mostly men choose such works; it is extremely rare to see a girl with the image of a Slavic warrior.
Bogatyrs were considered not only guardians of the state, but also defenders of the faith. Therefore, tattoos of Russian heroes are often also of a religious nature. The work can be supplemented with images of saints or any church attributes, if we're talking about about characters who appeared after the 8th century, that is, after the baptism of Rus'. If you choose heroes whose legends are older than Christianity, the work may contain runes and Slavic ornaments.

The subjects of tattoos with heroes are completely different. Most often you can see a portrait of a hero, thoughtfully looking into the distance, furiously swinging a sword or an ax, riding on a horse. Large-scale works on the entire back are also popular, in which the hero is depicted at the head of an entire army or fighting an enemy. Sometimes there are even reproductions of Vasnetsov’s famous painting “Bogatyrs”. The characters of the cartoon series about the three heroes, who are very fond of the domestic audience, are also somewhat popular.

You can also see more original works, for example, heroes on motorcycles instead of horses, with modern firearms instead of swords. A hanged hero tattoo is much less common; what such work means is difficult to say, but one thing is clear: if most tattoos depicting heroes carry a positive meaning, then such work has a pronounced negative character, can speak of defeat and hopelessness.

Stylistic features

Since we are still talking about portraits, it is logical to choose realism. This style allows you to most accurately convey the features of appearance, facial expression, glare of light on armor, shadows of objects and all other details that make up the work. The image can be made either in black and white or using a whole palette of colors. Realism is difficult to execute, so you should approach the choice of the artist responsibly, because the tattoo will still accompany you throughout your life.

Tattoo depicting heroes is Slavic. Enthusiasm Slavic culture, the way of life and way of life of the ancient Slavs is becoming increasingly popular.
This is facilitated by numerous thematic festivals and holidays, as well as societies studying the culture, lifestyle and culture of the ancient Rus.

This tattoo is most common among boys and men. of different ages. The most common place for application is the shoulder or the surface of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow.
The hero is the hero of ancient epics. What distinguishes him from other knights is his extraordinary superhuman strength. Such a warrior is capable of confronting an entire army in order to protect his native land.
The main qualities of a hero are courage, kindness and honesty. The desire to help those who are weaker.
The tattoo can be accompanied by both Orthodox and Old Slavic symbols. Traditionally, heroes are depicted in full battle garb: sword, mace, banners, helmet.
The design of such a tattoo can only be limited by your imagination. An ancient Russian warrior can be depicted accompanied by a squad or in splendid isolation.
On foot or on horseback.
Against the backdrop of defeated enemies or in the midst of battle.
Often, such a tattoo is made to indicate one’s beliefs. Therefore, in photographs of such tattoos you can see the imperial flag or runes. The motive for the sketches is often the famous painting of the artist Vasnetsov “Three Bogatyrs”.

This tattoo would be fine person, ready to stand up for loved ones or their own beliefs.
A brave heart, pure thoughts, fearlessness and a willingness to fight evil to the death - this is what the hero tattoo means.

History and meaning of the symbol

Bogatyrs are characters from epics and legends, distinguished by great strength and performing feats of a religious or patriotic nature. Historical records and chronicles contain indications that some of the events that became epics actually took place in history.
The heroes stood guard over Rus', at the outpost.

For a long time, epics were transmitted orally, until scientists, philologists and folklorists became interested in them. wikipedia.org

In 1804, Andrei Yakubovich (writer) published “Collections of Ancient Russian Poems by Kirsha Danilov.” The common characteristics of heroes were outstanding strength and youth.
Bogatyrs are distinguished into older and younger ones. It was customary to call the inexplicable forces of nature the elders: thunderstorm, lightning, etc.

  • Senior heroes:
  • Svyatogor → a huge giant. So big that even the earth can’t support it;
  • Mikula Selyaninovich → Representative of agricultural life. He was distinguished by his endurance.
  • Volga Svyatoslavovich → werewolf and hunter;
  • Sukhan, or Sukhmantiy, or Sukhman Damantievich → Prince of the river, water;
  • Kolyvan → unknown;
  • Danube Ivanovich → personification of a cloud;

Younger heroes are supposedly people who actually existed. The main one is Ilya Muromets, to whom is dedicated greatest number literature from all the heroes.


The process of applying a tattoo with the image of a hero:

Heroes of epics and images from folklore are often found in the art of body painting. The hero tattoo is an exclusively masculine image that characterizes its owner primarily with positive side and promotes the manifestation best qualities character. What is the true symbolic meaning of this drawing, which sketches look most impressive?

Who are the heroes?

A hero is a collective image of a brave and courageous warrior, which is found in the culture of many nations. The word itself is translated from ancient Turkic into Russian as “brave” and “good rider.” The image was first mentioned in chronicles dedicated to Horde heroes. In Scandinavian folklore, heroes were called berserkers. They kept themselves apart from others and could defeat any enemy.

Before the advent of Christianity, in Slavic legends one can find tales of the hero Volga Svyatoslavovich. It was believed that he was born from a snake, so he was known as a sorcerer, a werewolf and possessed remarkable physical strength.

With the advent Orthodox religion In Rus', the image of Russian heroes was somewhat adjusted: they were no longer endowed with magical abilities. According to one version, the prototypes of epic characters were completely real people who went down in history thanks to their exploits or physical characteristics. For example, Svyatogor was a giant whose strength only mountains could withstand. As he walked, the mother earth shook.

The most famous among the people are 3 heroes - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Such colorful heroes of the Russian epic were so loved by people that they were immortalized in painting (the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”), music, films and cartoons. It is also impossible not to mention Mikul Selyaninovich, the legendary giant farmer who absorbed the strength and endurance of all peasants. By the way, according to legend, one of his daughters later became the wife of Dobrynya Nikitich.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

The main meaning of the hero tattoo is high morality, patriotism, bravery and courage. This image is relevant for men, but not for women. The owner of the tattoo identifies himself with the epic characters and wants to demonstrate his fighting spirit, courage and courage. He is ready to stand up for the weak, even ignoring his personal interests. A person with such a tattoo usually fights for justice, respects his roots, and is proud of his ancestors. He is good friend, husband and father, because he adheres to traditional moral values.

Bogatyr tattoo in combination with Orthodox symbols or church attributes means religiosity and high spirituality of its owner. His thoughts are pure, he strives for the victory of good over evil.

Execution technique

The hero tattoo looks impressive in the style of realism. Thanks to the detail and rich color palette, you can convey facial expressions and appearance features, making the image as close as possible to the original. It is best to choose large-scale sketches, since small tattoos will be indistinguishable and incomprehensible. It is worth paying attention to the tattoo sleeve, where the composition occupies all the free space from the neck to the fingers. Images on the back, shoulder, and chest would also be appropriate.

A tattoo in the trash polka style looks aggressive and brutal. The drawings are characterized by the presence of wide scarlet strokes that imitate blood, so this direction is most suitable for scenes with battles. Less expressive and more positive tattoos of three heroes are obtained in the new school style, where cartoon images can be taken as a basis. Photos of tattoos and original sketches are presented in the gallery below. Here you can choose the basis for your future tattoo.

Video about men's tattoos

Photo gallery

Selection of sketches