1. Pentagram “POWER OF LIGHT”, also called the white pentagram, is the main protective sign. A shield that reflects evil spells and magic, turning them to the source. Protects during magical practices, not allowing dangerous limits to be exceeded. With the help of a pentagram, you can divert evil forces to their place and close them in a trap. The Pentagram allows you to master and control supernatural forces.

2. Korean coin of HAPPINESS(second half of the Li dynasty, XVII - XIX centuries AD). Initiates the flow of happiness from the four corners of the world and finding all the happy waves scattered nearby in time. The basis is: SU longevity, PU wealth, KONGNJONG health and peace, JU HODOK chastity, NO DZONGMJONG natural death. The coin produces so-called successful thinking fluids that attract happiness, luck and success.

3. Egyptian CROSS OF LIFE "ANCH"- a symbol and attribute of all eternally living deities. The combination of a circle and a cross is a symbol of initiation, second birth. In the letter, ANKH is a hieroglyph meaning life. In the symbolism and beliefs of ancient Egypt, it gives longevity, eternal health, and thereby a long and happy life. It is the key to opening the gates of heaven in the other worlds and to unity with God. Gives energy balance, eliminates the causes of illness and fatigue.

4. Magic PENTACLE OF SOLOMON WEALTH created to increase wealth and obtain material benefits. Gives an honest increase in profits and constant improvement of material conditions. The structure of the talisman is based on a magical shield, thanks to which it protects against financial risks, protects against unsuccessful investments and unwise spending of money.

5. ASTROLAGICAL NAVIGATION Talisman from the vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea (XVIII century AD). It was used by travelers on long sea voyages to achieve the goal of the journey and follow the appropriate course, bypassing unforeseen obstacles and protecting against disasters. The sign helps not only in achieving the desired goal, but also in finding valuable trophies, treasures, wealth, valuable lost things and objects, and facilitates meeting with interesting people. It's a good idea to take it with you on vacation to have a good time and return home happily.

6. YIN YANG(Chinese "Taiji") a symbol of the Great Limit in Chinese philosophy. This is one of the oldest symbols. Continuous existence and harmony with the entire universe, existing through the balancing of the two opposing elements Yin and Yang. Yang is a white male sign; active; day; symbol of the sky; the power of creation; dominant. Yin is a black feminine sign; contemplative; night; the emergence of life; mystery. On the reverse side of the taiji amulet, surrounded by eight trigrams, is a magical amulet against evil spirits.

7. MAGICAL PENTACLE OF SOLOMON, associated with a person's intelligence and abilities. Develops logical thinking and the ability to easily assimilate knowledge. Helps while studying, gives clarity of mind, ease of memorization and consolidation of acquired knowledge. Applicable in all areas of education.

8. Chinese FENG SHUI LUCKY COIN. An ancient example of a payment coin, which, even before the introduction of the monetary system, was a distinctive sign of noble origin and outstanding services to the country and society. Receiving such a distinctive sign was associated with recognition and social advancement, as well as improvement of life and the receipt of privileges. After the introduction of printed money (c. 16th century), such coins became unique and were kept for good luck. Currently, they are widely used in the practice of FEN SHUI.

9. VENUS Talisman(talisman of love). An astrological sign that ensures the acquisition of love, happiness in love, and in marriage it gives harmony and mutual understanding. Patronizes women. The planet and goddess Venus protects the fair sex from intrigues and intrigues, illnesses, and also gives beauty and attractiveness to conquer a lover. The talisman, immersed in the enemy’s drink, changes it in a short time into a friend “to the grave.” Thrown (given) to the desired person arouses reciprocal feelings.

10. SHOU(Chinese “Chow”) is an ancient Chinese symbol of longevity, the basis of a happy life. The amulet awakens mental strength and internal energy, promotes good performance of the body and mind, gives health and strength throughout life, regardless of age. Reminds us of the need for constant movement and development on the physical and spiritual planes. Supports during intense work.

11. ABRACADABRA. Magical Gnostic formula (c. 1st century AD). Originating from the “Alikwot” tradition, the chanting of sounds, which with their vibrations carry you into appropriate states of spirit (trances) and give strong results. Abracadabra, written and pronounced in the system of disappearance from the full name to one letter, should entail the disappearance (throwing away) of illness, evil fate, poverty and all evil energies tormenting the body and soul. When wearing an amulet, this work is performed by the shape of the pendulum and the engraving on it.

12. Aztec Calendar STONE OF THE SUN- a great altar in honor of life with astrological symbols and directions of space. Grants the ability to foresight, the ability to effectively manage your time and extract maximum profit for short term. In ancient times, it allowed dedicated deputies of God to read the times of planetary revolutions, the onset of eclipses and other astrological phenomena, which helped to correctly manage their subjects.

13. Pentagram of AGRIPPA- the main amulet in ceremonial magic, protecting a person (a universal figure located in microcosm) from the bad influence of supernatural forces, unclean spirits and their intentions. Provides the magician with comprehensive protection and return to the “world of the living” at any time. Worn as a talisman, it protects against the effects of superstitions and bad predictions, protects against spells and curses.

14. CELTIC CROSS(9th - 11th centuries). The combination of the archaic circle of the mandala with the Christian cross, that is, ancient pagan rituals with the new faith that came to the Celts. Crosses placed as markers identified areas to which Christianity had already arrived. The cross became a symbol of a new higher, privileged civilization. Magical practices never stopped, but they always believed that the cross, like an axis connecting the real and unreal worlds, being close, would protect, and if necessary, save in a difficult situation.

15. "PREDICTOR"- An ancient Greek magic circle (Pergamon, c. 3rd century AD), helping to exchange information with parallel worlds and foresee the future. The talisman serves to develop the subconscious and intuition, helps to release supernatural capabilities within oneself and thereby avoid many fatal events. Answers many questions and can be used in discovering the false thoughts of other people.

16. AMULET OF THE SUN- an astrological amulet against diseases. Gives mental strength and vital energy coming from space, thanks to the influence of all planets, and especially the Sun itself. Focuses, like a lens, positive cosmic energy, while throwing out all the bad things from the body. Protects against weakening of the will, spirit and body in the face of weakness, lack of desires, apathy and pessimism. As a solar talisman, it improves mood and stimulates creative activity.

17. Kabbalistic talisman of MERCURY ensures safety on the road and at work, protects against sudden incidents. The harmony of the solar system under the influence of this planet protects driving cars traveling by train or flying by plane, and ensures the normal operation of mechanical components and devices on the road. The radial, symmetrical arrangement of lines ensures harmony and protection always and everywhere, eliminating human errors.

18. SIGN OF THE ATLANTS- an amulet discovered during excavations in the Valley of the Kings around 1860. French Egyptologist Pierre d'Agrain. The sign, thanks to a special radiation system, provides very strong protection and immunity from aggression and evil from the outside. Protects against damage, the evil eye, accidents and theft. Heals, eliminates pain and restores psychophysical balance. Enhances intuition and paranormal abilities such as telepathy and precognition.

19. Amulet FAITH - HOPE - LOVE. The outer circle expresses the halo, an attribute of the unity of Christ and Mary, strong Faith and Truth. The circle of luminous rays symbolizes the Light of God, which gives hope, sanctifies, provides a path, leads through obstacles (a series of stars) to Paradise. The heart is a symbol of God's mercy, awakening in human hearts love for everything that God has created. Returns and strengthens faith, connects with God, and prevents “breaking” in difficult life situations.

20. BABYLON TREE OF WISDOM- a symbol common in many ancient cultures, symbolizing rebirth and deep knowledge. The tree gives balance, gives new vitality, helps to develop spiritually and promotes intellectual growth. Makes the mind clear in acquiring comprehensive knowledge, develops logical thinking, and helps in learning. The eternal attribute of the Gods, as a symbol of higher knowledge and enlightenment.

21. "OM"- an ancient and Tibetan sign, common in different religions and faiths originating from Buddhism and Hinduism. It is a visual form of magical sound (mantra), which opens a state of insight, purification of the mind and detachment from earthly affairs so as to be worthy of knowledge and comprehension of the highest truths, to achieve unity with the highest Spirituality (in Buddhism, the achievement of Liberation and Enlightenment).

22. "QI" sign(read: CHI) contains a hieroglyph indicating QI energy. According to Chinese philosophy, this energy originates from space and passes through the body of every living organism, giving it strength, the will to survive and great achievements. This symbol reminds those who doubt and are weakened how much energy a person can extract from within himself and do what until now seemed impossible. The talisman gives energy and faith in own strength to overcome all obstacles.

23. Symbol of the FIVE GOOD: happiness - health - peace - virtue - long life. Originating from culture ancient China this sign, placed on clothing, military shields, and jewelry, symbolically represents five bats around the sign “Universum of Eternity.” An extremely auspicious sign, it has been known in the thousand-year-old Chinese culture since ancient times. According to tradition, it is an ideal gift in cases where they want to wish a long, happy life, as well as prosperity and mutual understanding to loved ones. Suitable for both wearing and indoors.

24. SAINT CHRISTOPHER- patron of drivers, as well as travelers, guides and sailors. Designed specifically for DRIVERS of cars and other vehicles, protecting against accidents, injuries and unforeseen situations on the roads. Good to wear on a keychain or simply place inside the vehicle.

25. WHEEL OF FORTUNE, attracting good luck in winning lotteries, casinos, gambling and simply life situations when everything depends on luck. It can even help you win when “everyone is against you.” It does not replace luck, but contributes to it, attracting happy occasions. On the reverse side, the wheel is crowned with the sign of Jupiter - the planet of wealth, prosperity and optimism.

26. The Secret Magic Code of Alessandro Cagliostro(1743 - 1795), with the help of which a magician and alchemist, using random combinations of letters from three separate keys, created spells that fulfilled the most secret wishes. Concentration over the key evokes spiritual abilities, fulfills cherished wishes, and gives the ability to foresee the future.

27. ALPHA AND OMEGA with the personal monogram of CHRIST (approx. 1st century). God's highest wisdom and knowledge, contained between the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, knowledge that embraces everything. An amulet with this image gives peace of mind, balance and wisdom in making decisions in life or logical tasks. Equipped with the inscription “In hoc signo vinces” “Under this sign you will conquer”, the formula for victory over all human weaknesses arising from ignorance. Capable of giving strong faith and will in overcoming illnesses and one’s own physical disabilities. Success in intellectual competition.

28. MAGICAL LOVE ANAGRAMS used as a talisman of love. They are cut out on different materials and displayed on different forms. Planted or given to a chosen person, they awaken reciprocal feelings in him. They serve to awaken the sleeping heart, as well as the strength of once open feelings and their constancy in later life. Wearing two hearts on ourselves contributes to the search for the desired one to whom we would like to give a heart. A powerful love spell talisman.

29. Celtic amulet "WINNING LOVERS"- an amulet for a couple who has found each other. Weaving and many “threads” - connections that have neither beginning nor end, show the strength of the connection, make the connection permanent and inextricable. Such a sign is associated not only with the strengthening of joint ties, but also with the repayment of mutual conflicts, which will be “eroded” in many directions. Favorable both for wearing and for placing in the Kun Love Corner (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui) in the house.

30. GANESHA son of Shiva and Parvati. An unbending guard, whom even the gods trusted to protect their loved ones. His supernatural power has made him the “Mr. Obstacles”, whom you just need to ask and he will eliminate everything that stands in your way. A talisman that ensures success and overcoming barriers and uncertainty when making decisions and doing business. Provides material success and protects against loss of property, thieves and aggression of others. It can be placed in a prominent place at the house, at the entrance.

31. Mythical AZTEC EAGLE from the Nutal Codex. Brings strong energy that gives rise to all favorable changes. A messenger indicating what is good and necessary in this moment, bringing good news, hope for an improvement in life and strong motivation for action. To eliminate indecision and make the right choice.

32. Magical "Pentacle of the Father", rests on the hexagram - a symbol of balance and the strength of life. Its purpose is to overcome all the difficulties associated with daily life, to provide support and strength to overcome the problems encountered every day. Protects against insomnia, nightmares, bad dreams, fears and unpleasant premonitions. Gives strength and determination. Strengthens self-confidence and luck.

33. SERAPHIM(lit. - Flame) - in Christianity, a creature from the inner circle of God with three pairs of wings. The Messenger of God, the embodiment of fortitude, nearby, supportive and vigilant. Directly connected with the thoughts and good wishes of the people closest to you. They carry it with them for protective purposes and to strengthen the spirit in important and difficult moments of life.

34. KEY OF SOLOMON- a magic circle against surprises, for example, people who have magic or are possessed. Pentagrams in the corners guard all directions of the world, since it is unknown where danger may arise. Strengthens self-confidence and gives strength to withstand any attack. The circle, by always remaining alert, allows you to pay less attention to the negative influences of others.

35. UDJAT - Holy Eye of Horus(god of Heaven) symbolizes foresight and omniscience acquired through sensory perception of the world. It means omnipresence, the constant presence of gods who see always and everywhere - the eye reminds of this. Worn as an amulet, it protects from the unkind views of superiors in any hierarchy, from envy and jealousy, which could complicate fate or hinder one’s career.

36. Ancient Chinese symbol of happiness "FU". Magic syllables - signs of good wishes bring the type of happiness that you wish for yourself or the person for whom this amulet is intended. In China, this sign is often given in an arrangement of flowers, or placed in the Zhen Family Corner (Feng Shui Geomancy) in the house in order to strengthen relationships and their auspiciousness. Gifted to a loved one, is proof of close friendship or love.

37. HAPPY PALM OF DESTINATION. Activity and power, the fate of a person, written out with persistent lines on the hand of every person. Means friendly help, forgiveness, sincerity and openness. A talisman indicating the ideal location of the line allows you to choose the “cards” of your own destiny with your lucky hand, that is, accept right decisions at the right time. Develops sensitivity to the choice of friends and connections. Often this is a “lucky ticket” or a win.

38. Yantra Shambhala(English: "Shambala") - a sign found in old manuscripts in the foothills of the Himalayas. Shambhala is a mysterious place, a door to other worlds and the underground kingdom, from where the next Buddha Maitreya, Jesus of Christians and the Tenth Avatar of Vishnu of Hindus should appear before the destruction of the world. Communication with Shambhala is possible through meditation. Wearing an amulet opens the door to parallel worlds, new thresholds of knowledge.

39. FLOWER OF ARABIA- a couple in a love union, the most intimate and sensual symbol in the culture of the Oceanian islands. Worn as a talisman, it serves as good luck in finding your “half”, promotes good partnerships and overcoming stiffness. Promotes sincere confessions, especially for reserved people. If you want to have an amulet at home, place it in the Partnership Corner “Kun” (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

40. "Mijollnir" THOR'S HAMMER. Thor's Hammer develops obstacles, evil intentions of enemies and difficulties. According to German and Scandinavian beliefs, the hammer of the Thunder God, who rides in a chariot across the sky. Friendly towards people, he uses a magic hammer to break obstacles, barriers and obstacles that stand in the way. Thrown like lightning, the hammer always returns to the wielder's hand and is used to destroy large obstacles.

41. Kabbalistic Pentacle of the QUEEN- a messenger of finding a groom (bride), betrothals and marriages. Makes marriage happy, helps maintain happiness and harmony in the home. When placed on the desired person, it draws his attention to you and interests him. Gives happiness, becomes the reason for the renewal of extinguished feelings. The glass, a vessel of pleasure drawn from love, is “warmed up” by the flame of feeling. From the glass rises the sign of Venus - the patroness and guardian of love feelings.

42. DIVINE SWORD with shield TETRAMORPH- a symbol of unbending principles of faith and character. The shield is a sign of 4 elements (fire, water, air, earth) - powerfully protects in any place and time. The divine sword stands guard over once accepted principles, given words, marriages and fidelity. This sign protects, preserves purity of thoughts and an unshakable spirit, ready to repel high evil and temptations.

43. Celtic "TRISKEL"(read: “Triskel”) - an amulet of balance with nature. The ring system of the sign contains the interweaving of the Three Elements (Fire, Water and Air) and Infinity. Their balance in nature gives peace, protection and energy in life, and their symmetrical arrangement in the amulet gives self-sufficiency and independence from changing circumstances.

44. CRANE WITH PEACH FRUIT(ancient Chinese amulet), similar to the Slavic stork, bringing new life. A guardian and talisman of a new life, the only amulet for small children or a couple dreaming of a child. Giver of creative abilities, talents and a penchant for easy and successful study of science. Those waiting for a “replenishment” are recommended to carry with them and, when everything has already been safely resolved, they are placed in the Corner of Children or Creativity “Dui” (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

45. Chinese MAGIC SEAL with the inscription “Time passed irrevocably.” The magic seal has great power. Time cannot be returned, but the Seal helps you quickly forget about everything bad and depressing that has ever happened. Recommended for those who have experienced severe shocks, such as the loss of loved ones or friends, separation from loved ones or bereavement.

46. Indian SPIRIT OF THE SUN GOD. The warmest amulet. Warms the soul, strengthens the spirit, motivates to action great power and courage. The Indians worshiped this ancient symbol as the giver of food, the root cause of life and an amulet of good luck. The spread of rays in four directions indicated readiness, the ability to repel any attacks and life's adversities.

47. SQUARES OF THE CIRCLE. The Pythagorean sign of solving impossible or extremely difficult things, which were previously considered geometric problems that were impossible to reduce to logical examples and formulas. Circles, squares and triangles that fit into each other are a powerful help for solving difficult everyday and psychological problems, an assistant in ending them and not reappearing.

48. Medieval Spanish protective CROSS OF THE MONTH(original - Museo Del Pueblo Espanol, Madrid) with an enlarged hand at the bottom. A sign facing down to the ground, a watchful observer who sees at night. An amulet that protects sleeping children from illness, fear of the dark and nightmares, when placed in a place in the bedroom that is not visible to the child. When located near the front door, it protects property from thieves and the house from filth and intrigue.

49. Chinese COINS OF HAPPINESS- mirror reflections of ancient Chinese coins, one of the most important tools in the formation of the interior of FEN SHUI. Tied in threes (or a multiple of three) with a red ribbon, they create a space of prosperity and wealth in the places where they are placed. It is recommended to carry them in your wallet and place them in all places that are somehow related to generating income ( cash registers, accounting premises or books, shop premises, etc.). The best placement for the premises is the Welfare Corner “Shun” (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

50. HSI-HSI - DOUBLE HAPPINESS. Fulfillment of dreams and harmony in marriage. Spread over everything Far East, “one of the strongest” signs of the union since the reign of the first emperors of the Celestial Empire. The purpose of HSI-HSI is to help fulfill various aspirations and wishes, both of the owner of the amulet and those associated with his “half”. Everything done is doubled, success becomes the success of both! Giving it is an expression of deep friendship and truly sincere wishes for happiness and the fulfillment of your most cherished plans.

51. LONGEVITY KNOT without end or beginning, originating from the ancient teachings of Tibetan Buddhism (ca. 580 BC). Infinity and subtle magic, preserving what is most valuable. The node represents a diagram and energy balance, what a person needs for a healthy and happy life. Philosophically means a person’s desire to understand the secrets of immortality, eternal youth and beauty.

52. HORSESHOE OF LUCK. An item associated with well-being and a high level of well-being since the times when owning a thoroughbred horse was the privilege of only knights and nobles. Finding a horseshoe lost on the road brought happiness, and sometimes good wealth if it was in good condition. In later times, found horseshoes were hung on doors: a horseshoe directed upward with the open part catches and hides happiness, while one turned downward misses and cannot hold. You can either wear it on yourself or place it at home, a possible place is the front door or the Angle (Chinese Geomania Feng Shui) that you would like to strengthen.

53. SWORD OF THEMIS- goddess of justice, allowing to cut off human suspicions, gossip and gossip. The purpose of the sword is to open the way for its owner on the path to a career or professional growth in an honest way, stopping ill-wishers, intrigues and unfair claims from superiors. A secret weapon for winning a fair fight. Possible placement of the house - Career and Development Corner “Kan” (Chinese geomania Feng Shui).

54. ANCHOR- reliable protection of the ship (the life of one’s own and loved ones) from the elements (difficulties), achieving a goal or a temporary stop (a break to gain strength before the next adventure). Currently, a sign of strong self-confidence, finding your own path and place in life, strong principles and characters. Male sign.

55. CADUCEUS- originally an attribute of the Healer, the god of Ancient Mesopotamia (2600 BC), who cures all diseases. Then in ancient symbolism it becomes the rod of the god of trade - Mercury. Depicted at first entwined with vines, then began to be depicted with two snakes, because... trade was considered a wise matter and requiring vigilant protection. The rising serpentine energies generate a whirlwind of energy that transforms the entire person. Wings over the club are a symbol of air and the liberation of the soul from vices and bad habits.

56. CROSS OF TUAREG known since the times of the wanderings of African tribes in search of new living territories. The cross is a guard that protects from everything unknown, incomprehensible and life-threatening. It plays a significant role Magic force, which is a form of protective shield from various kinds of fears, damage and spells, as well as from the unknown influences of new places where you need to be. When carried with you, the cross gives security and prevents surprises.

57. INDIAN IDOL. The center of spiritual strength from which the warriors drew strength, and the same force guarded their homes during campaigns. The upper part of the figure is an eagle, vigilantly watching from above and seeing all the dangers. For risky ventures, magical journeys or transitions to other worlds and states of consciousness. Walking on the razor's edge...

58. Magic RUNIC CIRCLE “FUTHARK”(read: FUTHARK) a set of symbols of Northern European writing, used by the legendary Vikings for magical fortune telling and making important decisions. They used runes to tell fortunes, arranging them in the appropriate way, or “pulling” them blindly. A mentor amulet that allows your inner intuition to reveal itself more strongly and not “miss” in difficult situations.

59. Eye of Divine Wisdom, inscribed in a triangle, symbolizing victory over evil and the desire for good. Contains an inscription glorifying Allah (decorative Arabic writing on the reverse). Gives strength and confidence, helps to overcome one’s own weakness, indifference and laziness. The eye expresses the divine gaze into the soul and vice versa - the “gate” to the knowledge of wisdom and truth. The middle of the eye is the soul of a given person, protected from mistakes and evil.

60. EGYPTIAN ROYAL KITE, bearing the solar disk - the coat of arms of Upper Egypt and the sign of the goddess NechBet (read: Nachbet). The guardian of all privileges, a place in the social hierarchy and the souls entrusted to him for protection, which he guards with outstretched wings. Recognized as noble sacred bird, storing human soul, which only fleetingly “stays” in the body of every living person. Worn on the body as an amulet, it prevents “diseases” of the soul, guides it through life and after death so that in the end it goes to Paradise. Turns everything that happens into a “step” on the path of one’s own development.

Nowadays, tattoos on the body are very popular, I often wonder what they mean, because any tattoo carries information from time immemorial. Here's some list I found...

Tattoo- This is a personal symbol, understandable only to the one who wears it. A person who has marked himself with an “eternal” sign must understand why it appeared on his body and what he can expect from it in his immediate and future life. It is not at all necessary that the meaning of such a deeply personal tattoo is understood by everyone around. So, before decorating your body with a tattoo, you need, poetically speaking, to look into the soul of the design, find out its meaning in different traditions, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation when meeting knowledgeable people.

1. Yin-Yang can be called one of the most popular symbols used in tattoos. Meanwhile, it dates back more than one century. The first mentions of Yin-Yang can be found in ancient Chinese mythology.

This ancient symbol, which looks like two drops or two fish with eyes in a circle, can be found anywhere. But not everyone knows what exactly it means.

The Yin-Yang symbol carries a deep philosophical meaning. Firstly, it is the union of two opposites, one of which means the feminine (Yin), and the second means the masculine (Yang). Interestingly, the female part of the symbol is painted black and it symbolizes nothing more than death, darkness, cold, passivity and the moon. But the male part, on the contrary, has White color and, as you might guess, symbolizes light, sun, warmth, activity and life.

Secondly, it is a symbol of the eternal struggle between these two opposites. Why eternal? Yes, because Yin and Yang are enclosed in a circle, which is a symbol of infinity.

Thirdly, Yin-Yang can be called a symbol of the interpenetration of opposites: Earth - Sky, male - female, spirit - matter, Light - Darkness, consciousness - body, time - space. And since the line between black and white is curved and not straight, this clearly indicates movement and the constant change of Yang to Yin and so on ad infinitum. White at the limit turns into black, and black into white.

The dots located in the black and white fish did not appear there by chance. They also have important. This is proof that there is no absolute Yang or absolute Yin in the world. In every person and in every phenomenon there is at least a drop of the opposite. Take the human body, for example. There are very few female hormones in the body of any man, while in female body there is a certain part of men's.

Feng Shui experts believe that having such a sign on his body, a person easily solves all the problems that come his way, finds harmony and inner balance, which helps him out in all difficult life situations, and also allows him to strengthen his spirit and resolve everything. the contradictions existing in his soul.

Another meaning of the Yin-Yang tattoo means a person’s desire or desire to be happy, despite the presence or absence of failures and problems in his life. Black stripe or white - all this becomes completely unimportant if a person wants to be truly happy

2. Dragon tattoos in the world of modern tattoos are one of the most sought after and very popular among women and men. The mysterious and mystical image of a dragon evokes involuntary respect and interest in its owner.

An amazing combination of mysterious ancient history and mystical culture gave us this splendor - dragon tattoos. What does this symbol mean and why is it so popular?
The East gave this powerful creature four mystical powers at once: control of the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Wind. The dragon in the East is both a symbol of the above-ground and underground worlds. He can be both cruel and soft and gentle. The eastern dragon has a long, elongated body, reminiscent of a snake, and practically no wings.
China gave the mythological dragon the power of imperial power and a symbol of supernatural powers. Power and strength, combined into one, carry nobility, magic and superiority over the ordinary and boring world. The Chinese dragon was considered the god of rain and is often depicted with thunderclouds.
The West endowed the dragon with pride in its historical roots, patriotism and deep respect for its homeland. A striking example - national symbol Scotland has an image of a red, fiery dragon. And the Celtic dragon carries within itself the mystery of life itself, its magic and unsolved mysteries. The Western dragon has a powerful body with large wings and a long neck.

Nowadays, a dragon tattoo symbolizes the combination of magical and spiritual qualities. This symbol carries the power of transformation, imagination, nobility, and magic. All this is combined in one drawing - a drawing of the most famous and powerful mythological character - the dragon.

Having a dragon tattoo, you will inevitably have to become more confident in your abilities, persistent in achieving your goals, faithful to your ideas and decisions, noble and patient with the shortcomings of other people.

After all, the meaning of a dragon tattoo, in addition to power, also gives strength to the owner of such a symbol. Strength is not only physical, but also spiritual.

3. Lotus is an incredibly beautiful flower that captivates women all over the world with its appearance. It is not surprising that lotus tattoos are especially popular and when girls look at flower tattoos to decide on the final choice of tattoo, they often choose the lotus flower. The flower itself has been known since ancient times and carries the symbolism of the East with its unique colors and culture.

A lotus tattoo symbolizes the origin of life, beauty and purity. Born in muddy water, the lotus always appears clean, showing resistance to the world around it and the environment in which it is located.

In the east, the lotus flower represents the womb of a woman giving life to her offspring, symbolizing the divine source of life force, spiritual good and aspirations upward to the deity. It is for this reason that lotus tattoos are purely feminine tattoos and it is unlikely that a man will be able to see it.

In mythology, it was the lotus that helped to conjure the sun god and even knew how to control the source of life in Egypt - the Nile. The color blue was associated with modesty and divine purity. During the funeral ceremony, people laid wreaths with lotuses as a symbol of resurrection and the soul finding another life.

In India, there is a belief that a lotus flower grew from the navel of Vishnu while taking a bath, thereby giving birth to Brahma, who bestowed spiritual enlightenment on humanity. The flower has become a symbol of beginning and perfection.

IN ancient Rome and Greece, the lotus was a symbol of the goddess of love. It was customary to give his flower to young couples as a symbol of eternal love and blessing.

Chinese Buddhism attributes to the lotus such qualities as: determination, firmness and perseverance, chastity.

In all cultures, a lotus tattoo carries only positive associations, the stem means the masculine principle, the flower itself symbolizes the feminine principle, the entire image shows harmony and unity.

4. Scorpio is one of the popular tattoo symbols in cultures that encounter this otherworldly animal in natural conditions. The peoples of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia use the image of a scorpion in body designs, amulets and talismans intended for protection both from the animal itself and from evil spirits. The strength of Scorpio lies in its duality: a small but very dangerous creature can be quiet and unnoticeable, but at the decisive moment, attacking or defending itself, demonstrate its formidable weapon.

The sting of a scorpion is the object of many legends on all continents of the world. Even in ancient Egypt, these animals were bodyguards of the goddess Isis. Some African tribes believe that they guard the entrance to graves and the gates of the afterlife. The legend of the constellation Orion tells that the Greek hero and giant was defeated by the deadly weapon of a scorpion, which hit him in the leg. It is no coincidence that in many cultures the scorpion is a symbol of death, danger, pain and hatred.

In the post-Soviet space, the image of a scorpion was considered army tattoo, it was applied by military personnel who served in hot spots. The open claws and raised sting symbolized the fight until the last breath.

The religious overtones of references to Scorpio are also very diverse. The Bible draws allegories between this animal and poisonous devilish forces. In Tibet it was depicted on sword handles and on personal seals as a protective amulet. In Buddhism, the scorpion symbolizes reconciliation.

The positive meaning of a scorpion tattoo is hidden in the benefits of the poisonous substance of this animal for humans. Egyptian goddess scorpions Selket, patronized doctors. Among the Mayan tribes, the dangerous animal was associated with surgery, thanks to its ability to put its victim into a state of stupor. In northern and western Africa, the venom from the sting was used as medicine.

Often tattoos with the image of Scorpio are made by people born under this zodiac constellation. The dance of the scorpion is considered exotic and erotic. Those born during this period have precisely these characteristics and a huge sexual appetite.

Thus, a scorpion tattoo symbolizes:
pain and death
hatred and envy
devilish powers
battles and victory over enemies
salvation or origin of life
eroticism and sexuality
exotic preferences

The meaning of a tattoo can also be judged by the color and style of the tattoo. Usually it is done in black and gray, and the animal is depicted in its natural form or, as if hidden, in a rosebud, water, or on a stone. Even such a simple tattoo in style attracts the eye, fascinates and frightens a little, subconsciously creating a feeling of something dangerous, exotic and forbidden. By using brighter colors and unusual tattoo designs, you can achieve an otherworldly and unreal effect, giving it a meaning associated with numerous legends.

5. The image of a bird in art means the indomitable flight of the spirit, the internal and external freedom that a person strives for. The bird is a mediator between earth and sky, a messenger of thoughts and aspirations, personification vitality, an assistant in finding the true path.

The art of tattooing is very rich in images of fantastic birds. These are images that combine the reality of flight and fantastic supernatural qualities that inspire respect in a person.

Among the natural elements that created Space, the Universe and the Earth, the Phoenix symbolizes the elements of fire and sun. Its golden-purple-crimson plumage drives away secret dark forces, illuminates the most hidden corners where the darkness of the night hides. This is a talisman that gives a person courage and desperate determination to achieve goals.

Phoenix is ​​the personification of humanity's eternal desire for immortality. He is a symbol of the possibility of resurrection in another life. The legendary bird, according to legend, burned itself and was reborn again every 500 years. In the texts of ancient Greek myths, the Phoenix is ​​born daily in the rays of the rising sun and dies with the arrival of the evening dawn.

For men, a tattoo with the image of a Phoenix means masculinity and tirelessness, the desire to prolong one’s family line, to preserve the youth of soul and body for a long time.

In Chinese symbolism, the Phoenix represents a powerful force, a will that protects from danger, and awakens intuition. The drawing has incredible energy; only people who are able to resist the attractions and temptations of the earthly world can cope with its power. The Phoenix should be depicted with widely spread wings, so it does not tolerate any other drawings nearby.

A tattoo with the image of a phoenix is ​​characteristic of strong natures, since it means the end of a difficult period in life, from which a person emerged victorious. But he understands that life is an eternal struggle associated with improving the body and spirit, overcoming obstacles, and realizing the difficulty of choosing one’s own path.

6. Images of insects on the human body always attract the attention of others. Some people admire the beauty of the work done, while others attribute certain symbolism to the tattoo. Moreover, in different countries the attitude towards the same drawing can be completely opposite. A striking example of this is the butterfly tattoo. For residents of China, it is a symbol of immortality and abundance, but in the CIS, butterflies on the body are viewed, to put it mildly, negatively.

Tattoos in the form of a dragonfly are also perceived in two ways. Among Europeans, it is considered an ominous symbol. In the old world, the insect was called the “damn darning needle” and was feared as a witch. The Slavs also did not favor dragonflies and were even afraid of them.

But in Eastern cultures, the dragonfly is considered a symbol of joy, happiness and strength. In Japan, one of the islands was even called Dragonfly Island. For Americans, a dragonfly tattoo on the body is a sign of rebirth after overcoming difficult trials. It was also endowed with such symbolism by the American Indian tribes.

Dragonflies are often associated with rapid growth and maturity. Therefore, you should not perceive dragonfly tattoos as typically “female tattoos.”

Today, dragonfly tattoos are quite popular and are perceived as a symbol of lightness, frivolity and change. This tattoo is for people who want to emphasize their combination of external fragility and internal strength.

7. The tiger in Asian culture is a multifaceted symbol that reflects the totemic beliefs of the Indians, Chinese, Japanese, South-East Asia. In these countries, the tiger tattoo is very common, characterizing its owner as a powerful, passionate, even furious and cruel person. Asian monarchs even before our era chose this animal as a symbol of their power. He, like the lion in European and Arab cultures, is called upon to demonstrate the strength, greatness and indestructibility of empires, cities and noble families. For Koreans, the tiger is the king of beasts, and Indians imagine the god Shiva wearing a tiger skin and riding this beast.

However, the tiger is not only a symbol of strength and power. It can bring life, act as a talisman against evil spirits, and protect against enemies. The history and traditions of China are closely connected with this beast, statues of which can be seen in front of the gates of many buildings, not only in large cities, but also in front of houses in the provinces. It scares away all misfortunes from the home. Also, the image of a tiger in China accompanied pregnant women, protecting the baby from the machinations of evil spirits.

In Yunnan province, there are legends about people who could turn into tigers, like the legendary werewolves. From such people, according to the indigenous people, the peoples of this province and Tibet descended. There, children upon reaching adulthood and newlyweds are given figurines of these animals. In some provinces it is believed that these beasts carry out the will of the gods by attacking sinners.

Indian mythology awarded this animal with the qualities inherent in a warrior - valor and honor. In Japan, the tiger symbolizes masculinity and helps warrior heroes accomplish their feats. In Korea, he is the link between the Earthly World and the Heavenly Palace, and on tattoos he is often depicted together with a dragon in the form of the “Ying-Yang” symbol. Some peoples in Siberia and Sumatra considered these animals to be another race, possessing intelligence and social organization.

In prison practice, a tiger tattoo means cruelty, rage, strength and dignity.

Thus, the meaning of a tattoo depicting a tiger can be different:
power and authority
power and bloodthirstiness
honor and valor
cruelty, mercilessness, anger and destruction
beauty and health
life and fertility
sensuality and passion
speed and fury

8. The dolphin is one of the most popular mammals among most people. Some people get dolphin tattoos just out of love for him and as a sign of respect for his intelligence and compassion. This is easy to explain if we recall the numerous stories where dolphins came to the aid of a drowning man and saved him.

They have won the love of people all over the world, regardless of their nationality. Even people who have never seen dolphins have warm feelings for these creatures. Well, those who were lucky enough to swim with them remembered this moment for the rest of their lives and were charged with the positive mood of these friendly creatures.

A dolphin tattoo means wealth and a friendly attitude of its owner, and the image of a dolphin on a wave or jumping out of the water symbolizes abundance. Since ancient times, these mammals have helped fishermen in determining the location of the fish and accompanied people throughout their fishing trips. Thanks to this, dolphins have been given the title “Messenger of Fortune,” and tattoos with its symbolism act as a talisman, protecting the tattoo owner from troubles.

For residents living near the seas and oceans, tattoos with dolphins signify the owner’s connection with water, granting the owner his protection and safety.

9. Kokopelli - the spirit of fun and mischief, a symbol of creative and sexual energy, which is one of the gods of fertility. Depicted as a bent man playing a flute, and on his head there are semblances of tentacles. He always has fun and enjoys life, not paying attention to others, while breaking all established laws and rules, but does not regret it. You can find kokopelli tattoos on the bodies of creative people, such as musicians or artists.

10. Often decorating their body with the image of any representative of the animal world, people strive to adopt the qualities and virtues that characterize it. However, in the case of a lizard the situation is somewhat different.

According to one interpretation, thanks to its resourcefulness and ability to cast off its tail, which subsequently grows back, it is often believed that the lizard is a symbol of renewal or rebirth. Therefore, a tattoo with the image of this reptile is applied by those who find themselves in an unpleasant situation and hope for God’s providence, or by those who want to protect themselves from this, relying on its agility and resourcefulness.

According to another interpretation, the lizard tattoo carries a dual meaning. In the culture of some peoples, for example, the Egyptians or Greeks, she is credited with divine wisdom and good luck. Others, like the indigenous Maori, find in it a reflection of demonic forces. Which, however, being present in the form of a pattern on the body, are capable of scaring away evil spirits, a kind of patron monster.

However, attributing it to either a good or an evil principle, each nation, nevertheless, endowed the lizard with its own unique features. So for the Indian tribes of South America, she personified sexual attractiveness and fertility. And for their North American counterparts, the presence of a lizard with its inherent dexterity and cunning served as a symbol of heavenly water (rain) and, as a result, increased fertility.

According to the folklore of African and Melanesian peoples, as well as Australian aborigines, this reptile is one of their ancestral ancestors and serves as a symbol of compromise and a talisman against strife and war. And in Japanese culture, where the tattoo covers a significant part of the owner’s body, the lizard can tell you about its owner’s involvement in one of the Yakuza clans, as well as his position in it, the number and seriousness of crimes committed, and much more.

Since ancient times, the Russian people considered this small, nimble creature a harbinger of impending trouble, designed to warn and protect from it. And in the Urals, the lizard is revered as the mistress of the mountain with copper ore.

As a rule, a tattoo in the shape of a lizard is applied in the form of the Latin letter “S”, using all kinds of stylizations, color solutions and additional elements, so no matter what meaning you put into it, it will serve as an excellent talisman against evil.

11. Interesting information regarding many symbolic images is contained in the “Dictionary of Symbols” by H. E. Kerlot:

star is a symbol of spirit. She is associated with light shining in the darkness. This sign has many meanings, but its main purpose is to support a person in the fight against the forces of evil. The most popular is the image of a five-pointed star, which in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs meant the beginning of the ascent to the beginning;

knife associated with revenge, death and sacrifice. The short edge of the knife personifies the instinct of self-preservation of the owner of the tattoo, and the long edge speaks of the spiritual power of the tattooed person;

- Chinese or Japanese characters on the body are deciphered in different ways, but for the most part they mean either fire or strength;

- Celtic ornaments and symbolism with a certain meaning prefer serious people. However, nowadays such images are rarely accompanied by any interpretations or explanations and serve only as a spectacular decoration.

Animal images designed to help owners develop personal qualities, however, we must not forget that much depends on a person’s lifestyle and behavior. The “Dictionary of Symbols” contains comparisons of images of some animals with concepts inherent in human life:

- crane personifies justice, a righteous and merciful soul, and is also an allegory of longevity;

- eagle is a symbol of pride, heights of spirit, heroic nobility, the personification of the elements of Air and Fire. He is considered the king of birds, just as the lion is the king of beasts, so in some cases, to emphasize this equality, the eagle is depicted with the head of a lion. As a rule, the warlike aspirations of the tattoo owner are associated with an eagle;

- owl among most peoples it symbolizes wisdom, but can mean such far from positive concepts as darkness and death. A person who has this bird tattooed on his body is most likely not a sage, but a pessimist, thinking about imminent death or the end of the world;

wolf means valor. The image of this beast speaks of dexterity, courage and strength. A person with such a pattern on his body is probably a lone warrior. It should be noted that in Scandinavian mythology, unlike Roman and Egyptian, the wolf is considered the personification of the evil principle;

- leopard as a symbol of courage, valor and ferocity, it expresses the aggressiveness and power of the owner of the tattoo;

- horse is a symbolic image of an assistant to a deity, and in some mythological systems, the deity itself. The image of a horse on the body should help the owner of the tattoo to overcome difficulties in life.

As for a person who has any connection with horses, here it can contribute to their friendship;

bear personifies strength, courage, endurance and at the same time cruelty. He
it often serves as a symbol of rage and laziness. In many mythological systems, this animal acts as a deity, the ancestor of traditions, a kind of totem,
guardian spirit and healer;

fish associated with abundance, fertility, sexual energy, wisdom, but at the same time with greed, indifference, stupidity. The image of a fish can serve as a symbol of faith, purity, baptism and communion. In particular, salmon symbolizes knowledge, inspiration and abundance, carp - strength, courage and perseverance in achieving a goal, dolphin (in symbolism also classified as a fish) - freedom, nobility, pleasure, love, shark - danger, evil, death. IN Japanese mythology the shark is a messenger of the deity, providing assistance to the people who worship it.

Sometimes the client asks the artist to make a tattoo with the image of a flower or plant corresponding to his zodiac sign. In this case it will also help "Dictionary of symbols" where it says that

Aries it will be useful to have an image of a violet on your body, Taurus- daisies, Gemini- hawthorn, Cancer- oak leaves, Leos- holly, Virgos- hazel branches, Libra- bindweed, Scorpios- hop flowers, Sagittarius- chrysanthemums, Capricorns- holly, Aquarius- snowdrop, and Pisces- primrose.

Lucky and unlucky numbers, horseshoes, black cats with glowing eyes, women on a ship or with empty buckets, old women in black, sidelong glances, gypsy skirts - the set of superstitions of a suspicious person is large and varied. For those who are prone to mysticism and do not want to get rid of misfortunes in real ways, we can recommend a tattoo “for good luck.”

If you seriously approach the issue of all kinds of symbols, you should take into account a huge number of various factors. When comparing your destiny with the signs of the zodiac, you should remember their projection onto human aura(from Latin aura - “breath”). Each tattooed sign affects her more or less depending on what part of the body it is located on. If located in the “right” place, it will have a positive effect, but in other cases its effect is unpredictable.

For example, the sign Aries protects the head and its coverings without the lower jaw, skull bones and face, without the areas of the nose, “third eye” and upper lip.

Taurus It will be a favorable sign if it is placed on the neck in the form of a tattoo. The favorite parts of the body of this sign are also the throat, cervical vertebrae, palate, larynx and esophagus, where you should not get a tattoo.

Twins are responsible for the area of ​​the shoulders, shoulder blades and collarbones, forearms, hands, upper ribs (to the level of the nipples), lungs, trachea, bronchi, larynx.

Cancer has a beneficial effect on the chest and part of the ribs below the nipples, mammary glands, sternum, filiform process, esophagus, stomach.

Sagittarius Compatible with hips, thigh bones, lower pelvis, tailbone, sacrum, buttocks, perineal area.

Capricorn considered the patron saint of the knees, the lower third of the thighs, and the upper third of the legs.

a lion can contribute to the good condition of organs such as the spinal column and upper back, sides, and muscles along the spine.

Virgo“loves” the abdominal cavity, belly, navel, lower part of the liver, spleen.

Scales reign in the liver, lower back, upper body, bladder, and are generally responsible for the genitourinary system.

Scorpion best affects the area from the navel to the tailbone, the lower body, genitals, rectum, perineum, nose, upper lip and third eye. Aquarius patronizes circulatory system, as well as knees, calves, ankles and ankles. And finally, Pisces is responsible for the feet and soles of the feet. Following the example of the ancients, some of our contemporaries decide to get tattoos on bones and internal organs. This happens, but extremely rarely, because most of the world's population, fortunately, is reasonable, and it is unlikely that tattoo parlors experience an influx of clients who want to be ripped open like a stunned fish and have a picture tattooed where no one will see it except masters Not everyone will risk painting their face or any part of their head, although this type of extreme practice occurs quite often. All that remains is to get a tattoo where you can - the effect on the aura will be in any case, although not so strong.

There is an opinion It is believed that a tattoo depicting objects related to a game (for example, tires) promotes good luck in it. It is impossible to refute this, nor, indeed, to agree - statistics on this matter are not kept. Meanwhile, such tattoos do exist, and those with maps are even obligatory, of course, in specific circles. These tattoos most often feature three types of games: dice, cards and billiards. When it comes to bones, experts are experienced in this matter. It is recommended to choose drawings with a lucky, or winning, combination of numbers. It is best to place them on the hand or forearm of the hand - right or left, which is usually involved in throwing the dice. For gamblers, we can also recommend a combination of cards that can ensure a win. It should be depicted on the hand with which a person usually throws cards on the table.

Billiard players As a rule, they draw on their hand, the one that holds the cue, a black ball with a lucky number. Template sketches are enlivened by auxiliary figures: jokers, flames, skulls. Athletes are moderately superstitious people, so their tattoo designs are simple and clear. For example, basketball players pin themselves an image of a ball in a basket, hockey players – pucks in the goal or pucks with the word “goal”. Some people add a personal dimension to the drawing; it is believed that this is the only way the image will bring good luck.

12. Designation of tattoos

Below are the designations of some tattoos. The given tattoos mainly depict representatives of the fauna.

Shark is a tribal tattoo that signifies cunning and cruelty. Persistence in achieving a goal is characteristic.

The wolf is a symbol of valor, courage and endurance.

Crow - symbolizes wisdom, reserve.

The dove is a symbol of softness, tenderness, purity and love.

Tribal tattoo (eagle head, lion arch) - fortitude, patience. Dolphin - loyalty, ease of thinking and wisdom. Dolphins serve as a symbol of travel and adventure lovers.

Dragon - symbolizes strength and wisdom. It is also a symbol of hatred and evil, and also the keeper of the hidden treasure, wisdom.

The snake is the mistress of vitality, as well as the goddess of despondency. A symbol of wisdom and strength.

Snake with a lion's head - dexterity, strength, luck.

A snake swallowing its tail - ancient symbol sun.

Snake twisting neck - evil tribal tattoos.

Cat - depending on the circumstances, embodies harmful or good qualities.

The cat's head is a symbol of good luck and care.

Crocodile - fearlessness, strength, cunning and hidden aggression.

Leo is a symbol of people who are distinguished by special strength, power and authority.

The leopard is a symbol of valor and cruelty. Similar to the tiger and panther in aggression and power.

The bear is the embodiment of strength and independence. External kindness.

The eagle is a symbol of heights of spirit, the sun is the warmth of life, the day, the beginning.

Deer is a symbol of strength.

Peacock is a symbol of immortality and pride.

The spider is the master of fate. Symbol of discretion.

Rose is a symbol of the hidden potential of the individual. Includes qualities such as tenderness, pride, love and power.

Scorpio - violence, hatred, revenge. Wisdom.

Owl - tribal tattoos all secret and dark, wisdom and reserve.

The flower is a symbol of tenderness. Calmness and rationality of the present time.

Turtles are a symbol of longevity and tranquility.

Lizard - cunning, self-sacrifice, speed.

Designations of some tattoos
Anchor - endless love for sailing and seas.

Angels are hope.

Cats are the extremity of man.

Children represent the innocence, the sincere cheerfulness of a person.

Pisces - a symbol of health, happiness
The fist is a symbol of the thirst for revenge.

Hands - a handshake symbolizes friendship, and a handshake combined with the sunrise signifies eternal love.

Japanese carps(pisces) - such tattoos were worn by firefighters, as they were most associated with water, red and orange flowers. Japanese carps symbolize strength, courage, and perseverance.

Leo - courage, human strength.

Palm tree - at first, such tattoos adorned the bodies of sailors who visited Tahiti; now such tattoos are a symbol of a trip to hot countries located on the shores of the southern seas.

Roses - rose tattoos are tattooed by people whose lives are full of thorns, troubles and all sorts of obstacles.

Skulls - fear of the future, of the unknown.

Snakes - Snake tattoos are based on the Bible, the snake is a symbol of sin. IN Japanese tattoo the snake is also negative in nature.

The sun means growth, development, justice, equality, that is, the sun shines equally for all people.

Tigers - Tiger tattoos symbolize courage and wildness. In Japan, along with goldfish and dragons, tigers are a symbol of strength.

Prison tattoos, tattoos..... The meaning of tattoos

* “Cat” is a symbol of good luck and caution; easily gains people's trust. A favorite symbol of those belonging to the thieves' elite. It is widely used by minors. Its owner is prone to robbery, robbery, and theft. It is applied to the forearm with the obligatory attributes - a bow, a hat. "Cat" - "Indigenous Dweller of the Prison."
* “Baklanka” is one of the favorite tattoos among minors. (Means: convicted under Article 206, Part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for malicious hooliganism.)

Symbols of the “zone” and symbols of freedom

* Five points - served a sentence of imprisonment. Explanation: “there are four towers on the sides, in the middle is me.”
* Barbed wire (twisting around a rose, a torch, a hand, a cross) - bondage.
* Oblique cross (“Andreevsky”) - “walking into the zone.” The number of crosses is based on the number of convictions. Apply from the back of the hand at the base of the fingers.
* Greek cross - designation of the term of imprisonment. Apply to the fingers near the base or to the back of the hand.
* The dots indicate the term of imprisonment. Each dot represents a year. Dots also indicate shoots. Each point is one escape.
* The bell is a symbol of serving the sentence in full.
* Prison bars - “Here is my youth.”
* Ring - “I have served my sentence and will soon be released.”
* The rising sun is a dream of freedom.
* Torch - to be free like fire.
* Break the circle - go free.
* A dove is a free bird.

All of them are found in various combinations, especially on “rings”. The main meaning is carried by color: black - zone, white - freedom.

P.S. Worked hard, Thank you everyone...)))

Symbols form an important basis of Feng Shui philosophy; they help to harmonize the surrounding space and enhance the positive energies of our surroundings.

Feng Shui is a well-known science in Eastern countries that provides an understanding of how our environment affects our physical and emotional health.
This is not an abstract philosophy, but a system of knowledge based on the study of Nature. It allows you to change and enhance the energy of your environment.

Symbols are very important in Feng Shui, they help to harmonize space, suppress negativity, attract the energy of abundance and success, fulfill desires...

AIST - Longevity, happy and peaceful old age

QUINCE - Symbol of fertility and happy marriage

BUTTERFLY - Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness

BAMBOO - Health, longevity, flexibility. Is a conductor of favorable energy

BULL - Reliability and strength. Symbol of a long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable

VASE - Calmness; a vase filled with something is a symbol of attracting wealth

FAN - Traditional symbol of protection. Protects not only the house, but also the person himself from harm

GRAPES - Abundance, fun

WATER - Health, well-being

WATERFALL - Attracting good luck to your home

CROW - Marriage, fidelity

DOVE - Meekness and purity. A pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity

MOUNTAIN - Support, protection and assistance

GARNET - Bursting pomegranate - numerous offspring

GOOSE (couple) - Faith and fidelity in marriage

DOLPHIN - Dignity, hope, safety

TREE - Longevity

DRAGON - The highest symbol of luck, creativity; brings success in business

THRUSH - Symbol of new favorable opportunities, joy, happiness

TOAD - Strength, strength

GIRAFFE - Symbol of wealth

CRANE - A symbol of good character, calmness and fidelity. Long life ability. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity

HARE - Sensitivity, abundance, longevity

STARS - Happiness and eternity

ZEBRA - Peace of mind in any situation

KINGFISHER - Grace, nobility, marital fidelity

SNAKE - Symbol of movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge

IRIS - Life that does not know old age, as well as a symbol of sophistication and sophistication

CARP - Symbol of good luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being. Two carp - a symbol of complete harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman

HUMMINGBRI - Symbol of the joy of life

HORSE - Sign of victory, courage, power

BOAT - Symbol of increasing good luck in business, security, hope

BASKET - Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity

RAT - Wealth, prosperity, well-being

LILY OF THE LILY - Submission and humility

SWALLOWS - Success and abundance

SWAN - Grace, beauty, purity, fidelity. A pair of swans - a symbol of tender love and fidelity

LEO - Energy and valor. Protector of Home and Public Spaces

LEOPARD - Bravery

BAT - Happiness. Five bats - "five blessings" - longevity, wealth, health, virtue, life to the end predetermined by fate

LOTUS - Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, feminine genius, summer, fertility

HORSE - Patron of children. Symbolizes speed and perseverance, bestows strength and endurance, and gives children rapid development

MAGNOLIA, ORCHID - Love, sophistication

BEAR - Symbol of strength and courage

MONKEY - Originality of thinking, cunning, quick wit

DEER - Career

EAGLE - Powerful symbol success. Power, courage, sharp mind

PEACOCK - Beauty and nobility. Flowing tail - titles and awards

PALMA - Victory

LANDSCAPE - Symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities

ROOSTER - A symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of male dignity. Image of a rooster in a home or office - fire protection

PEACH - Symbol of longevity

PEONY - Ardent passion, undying love, glory, dignity

PARROT - A symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, good memory

BIRDS - Symbol of joy, beauty, happiness

BEE - Hard work, success in science, art, trade

PISCES - Guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development

SAKURA - Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal

ELEPHANT - Power, strength, insight

OWL - Erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments

DOG - Reliable protection

SORA - Symbol of a happy meeting

SUN - Sign of providence, abundance, truth

PINE - Symbol of long life, fidelity and devotion


TIGER - Protector from evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power

DUCKS (couple) - Happiness in love

Persimmon - Joy


TURTLE - Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes steady movement forward

Symbols of happiness (talismans-amulets) [photo] Oleynikov Anton

43. A sign of the balance of the elements, calmness and independence from circumstances

Celtic TRISKEL (read: Triskel) - an amulet of balance with nature. Contains interweaving of the Three Elements (Fire, Water and Air) and Infinity. Their balance in nature gives peace, protection and energy of life, and their symmetrical arrangement in the amulet gives self-sufficiency and independence from changing circumstances.

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