In this article we would like to talk about the nuances of applying tattoos to men's hands. Such decoration will not only attract attention to the hands - it will be able to tell a lot about its owner, and will also help in the implementation of plans.

Since time immemorial, men have decorated their hands with images designed to tell others about their status and occupation. And this is not surprising, because the hand is almost always visible, mobile and attracts attention.

Especially the hand of a man who does not disdain physical activity, and representatives of the stronger sex know this very well. However, it is not enough to simply apply a beautiful picture - it is important to pay due attention to its content.

Places for tattoos on men's hands and their meaning

Shoulder- the most common option both in ancient times and today. Explain given choice maybe because this tattoo looks very good courageously. Moreover, such a solution practical, after all, a tattoo on the shoulder can be hidden under clothes - this will come in handy with the dress code, and there will be no reason to fear burnout. The pronounced contours of the body will allow you to create truly expressive and voluminous masterpieces.

Looks especially good on the shoulder Medium sized paintings. However, they can be successfully combined with forearm tattoos.

Forearm- often in this place those images are applied that are intended specifically decorate, not carry sacred meaning. However, such a noticeable part of the body is great for conveying some idea. The elongated shape of the forearm allows implement as many details as possible.

As for feelings, then It is not necessary to have a high pain threshold- you are unlikely to feel pain. But there will be an opportunity to show your originality, since not so many people choose the forearm.

Johnny Depp forearm tattoos

Biceps- another option for painless application tattoos The images will look great on pumped up hands, and if you want to show them off from time to time you can select the inner part of the biceps. From here you can start creating the sleeve.

IMPORTANT: The muscles on the biceps sometimes hurt after the work of a tattoo artist, but not much. For the most part, this procedure is also painless.

Elbowsgood ideafor lovers of everything original. Is it true, with a high pain threshold, since the skin on the elbow is thin, and the bone is located in close proximity to it. Please note that the procedure will also be lengthy.

As for the plot, then we recommend one that implies mobility - the picture will constantly change. Accordingly, the craftsman for such an idea should be selected exclusively highly qualified. A simple and geometrically correct drawing is what you need.

Wrist- This is predominantly a female choice, but men can also decorate themselves well in this way. It is advisable to choose black or dark blue. In winter, such a tattoo can be easily covered with a sleeve, and in summer - with a bracelet or watch. True, the sun's rays and detergents affect the picture, so be prepared for the fact that it I'll probably have to update it.

IMPORTANT: Do not be afraid that the master will touch the vessel - with good skills this is impossible. True, if the veins are bulging, it is worth taking this into account when selecting a subject.

Tattoo on male wrist in the form of a tree - an excellent option in the case of bulging veins

Brush- due to the lack of fat layer, large quantity nerve endings and thin skin, applying a tattoo to this place can be a real challenge. The image quickly loses its original appearance due to frequent contact with external environment. All this makes a tattoo on the wrist impractical idea.

However, creative, original individuals can easily afford such a choice. As for the plots, there are no restrictions. You just have to remember that hands should always be well-groomed.

Palm— the first to paint an image on this place were the people of India. And although their image was erased quite quickly, no one is stopping you from getting a full-fledged small tattoo on your palm. This process, oddly enough, is painless due to the density of the skin. It is recommended to give preference to interlacing patterns, the image of the eye is often chosen.

Sometimes chosen as a place for a tattoo palm edge. For example, a flock of birds would look great there.

Fingers— some time ago, such tattoos represented the numbers of military units, female names. However, now images on this part of the body are applied not only by the military, largely due to practicality such a tattoo. If you apply it to the side of your finger, you can display the jewelry as you wish. Great option is the selection of an image that would complement the tattoo on the body.

IMPORTANT: If you want to get a minimum of discomfort, it is still better to lower the option with the side of the finger.

Ideas for men's arm tattoos: sketches, drawings

Men's tattoos on the wrist: inscriptions, inscriptions in Latin, bracelet, cross and their meaning

Watch— in addition to the fact that such a tattoo imitates an accessory, it symbolizes accuracy, fidelity, fairness. At the same time, drawing such a picture often indicates that a person strives for harmonious life, which is devoid of extremes. No arrows- a sign of lack of aspirations.

IMPORTANT: Most often, watches embody time that should not be missed; they speak of the transience of life. An ideal option for those people who want to immortalize both positive and negative important events.

Inscriptions- a short and sonorous motto will look great. For example, the Latin word "Fecit"("Did"). It will present a man from the most advantageous side, because it is not for nothing that they say that actions speak about the representatives of the stronger sex.

Cross- One of ancient symbols, and universal for all countries and religions. Even before writing appeared, the cross embodied reunion of opposites, change of day and night, seasons. Often such a tattoo reminds that each of us bears his own cross.

Bracelet- this motif is most often found among women, but men also consider it quite stylish. Perfect for this purpose Celtic patterns, floral patterns, imitation chains.

The so-called polynesian bracelet. It may start at the wrist, but also extend to part of the forearm. A similar method of decoration was invented by the Maori tribe, which thus maintained contact with the gods.

Anchor— embodies stability, hope, the desire to return somewhere. It is not difficult to guess that such an image often served amulet for sailors. However, desire to perpetuate a beloved home, where people are always welcome, is characteristic not only of representatives of this profession.

IMPORTANT: It is worth paying attention to such a tattoo for those people who are afraid of going astray or giving up under the influence of life circumstances.

Spider- associated with practicality and accuracy, because he knows how to create the finest and most beautiful webs. Since these insects are also resourceful, their image can serve as an excellent emblem creative personalities . The eight paws symbolized infinity, continuity of existence. Oddly enough, our ancestors perceived spiders very positively.

Tattoos for men on the shoulder and forearm: dragon, patterns, wolf, abstractions, inscriptions, skulls, lion and their meaning

Inscriptions- an ideal option for tattoos on the shoulder and forearm due to the large surface for creativity and minimal discomfort. For example, you can place the inscription "Errare humanum est" that everyone makes mistakes. Good options are the following inscriptions: “Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living”, “ODERO SI POTERO; SI NON, INVITUS AMABO"(“I will hate if I can; if I can’t, I will love against my will”), "MOBILITATE VIGET VIRESQUE ACQUIRIT EUNDO"(“In movement, everything grows and gains strength”).

Abstraction- a fairly popular option due to its simultaneous simplicity and complexity. Previously, even such an image could contain information about the tribe or the qualities of the tattoo owner as a warrior. At present, abstraction is decorative image element.

IMPORTANT: When choosing a tattoo in the abstract style, it is especially important to listen to your feelings and intuition.

Celtic patterns - are extremely popular, because there are many varieties of them, and they look gorgeous. Often Celtic images are amulets. Particularly popular Celtic knot, having no beginning and end - it symbolizes universe. It is possible to weave various motifs into the knot.

Polynesian masks- another common pattern that fits perfectly into the decor of a man’s hand. They were called tics, and were previously allowed to be worn exclusively by soldiers.

However, it was believed that tics not only protect from enemies on the battlefield, but also from evil spirits, the evil eye. Now the Polynesian mask is predominantly chosen by brave men with great ambitions who are always ready to defend what is close.

The Dragon- has always been considered one of the most respected creatures of mythology. He embodies mystery, nobility, indestructible strength, perseverance, devotion, beauty and the ability to overcome unimaginable obstacles.

Previously, the dragon was also painted as a symbol of imperial power, but now it may well indicate leadership skills person. This creature is neither a positive nor a negative character - rather, it skillfully balances on the edge.

Scull- it can also be found quite often. Also, such a tattoo often causes mixed feelings. And it’s not surprising, because it tells us about risk, danger, death. Most often the skull is applied as a reminder that life is fleeting, that time changes everything.

IMPORTANT: This image can also be turned into a more positive symbol - wisdom. It is enough just to draw a snake crawling out of the eye socket. Such a picture also embodies immortality.

Shoulder Tattoo Skull

Wolf- a rather ambiguous symbol. With the advent of Christianity, the wolf began to be perceived as the embodiment of aggression, anger, ruthlessness, dark forces, loneliness.

But more often than not, men inflict this animal as symbol of steadfastness, power, loyalty, fearlessness, endurance and wisdom. The Celts respected wolves for audacity and cunning, and the Indians even learned to hunt from them, revering them boundlessly unity and intelligence animals.

a lion- since ancient times it was customary that the image of a lion was applied to oneself domineering and strong people . Our ancestors have always admired a unique combination of strength and majesty with grace, for which lions are famous.

Men who prefer such a tattoo are most often not alien to straightforwardness, prudence, leadership qualities, courage, as well as nepotism.

Bear- Celtic warriors made it their emblem, appreciating massiveness, grandeur, courage and ferocity animal.

Despite the fact that they were afraid of the bear, the warriors really wanted to be like him, appreciating the amazing a combination of both physical and spiritual power. And the brown predator’s tendency to hibernate may serve the personification of rebirth.

Jesus Christ- oddly enough, can also be found quite often, despite the negative attitude of Christianity towards tattoos. It is simple to interpret such an image: its owner believes in higher powers, strives to help others, and realizes the sinfulness of his life.

Jesus Christ tattoo on forearm

Anubis is an extremely interesting and controversial figure. Many researchers believe that the image of the patron the afterlife can cause harm.

However, their opponents recall that Anubis guarded medicines and poisons, which can be interpreted as opening the way to something new. It should not be surprising that some anesthesiologists, psychologists and psychiatrists consider this image their emblem.

Tattoo on the forearm in the form of the god Anubis

Rhinoceros- embodies uncontrollable temper, power, strength. Since ancient times, people believed the horn of this animal a good amulet.

If you observe the habits of this mammal, you can conclude that it extremely contradictory nature- a calm and clumsy rhinoceros can instantly turn into the embodiment of swiftness and power.

Owl- patron smart, erudite and wise of people. Next to it, you can quite organically write a key as a symbol of knowledge. Despite the fact that some people previously considered this bird to be the embodiment of the night, it serves as an excellent talisman against evil. But what attracts an owl is money.

Tattoos on the hand for men: inscriptions and their meaning

Inscriptions— given the painfulness of the procedure, it is best to choose some a short phrase or even a word. For example, a great motivating phrase would be "Contra spent spero", saying that the one who hopes and confident man will always be lucky. Also suitable "DEI GRATIA"("By the grace of God"), " PRO DOMO SUA"("In defense of your home"), "TACEAMUS!"("We will be silent!").

Eagle- incarnation swiftness, power and strength. For purposeful people, such an image will be an excellent amulet. Representatives of ancient cultures considered this bird a creature that carries souls to heaven, that is, a messenger of the gods. Previously, painting the image of an eagle was considered the prerogative of rulers and other most revered families.

Tiger- ancient hunters sought to become like this predator, applying stripes to their bodies before hunting. A tattoo in the form of a tiger today can be considered a similar amulet - it gives masculinity, swiftness, strength, courage, observation. It is noteworthy that other representatives of the fauna respect this predator.

IMPORTANT: Despite the weight positive qualities, which the tiger personifies, it is better for irritable, hot-tempered and overly impulsive natures to refrain from painting its image.

Dog- symbolizes sincerity, loyalty, courage. From time immemorial, men have acted as guardians and protectors - is it any wonder that the symbol of the dog has always been close to them? Noble men considered these animals, like lions, to be their emblem.

Eye- embodies the so-called "third Eye". He helps protect against the machinations of ill-wishers, look into the souls of others. Some cultures even believed that the soul entered the body through the pupils. Eye can also show emotions that are usually inherent in a person: with a tear - sadness, next to a furrowed eyebrow - doubt or anger, a clear look - hope.

Tattoos on men's fingers and their meaning

Fire- this image of a natural element embodies passion and destruction. The fire shows that a person is full of internal energy. Our ancestors perceived such an image as sign of rebirth.

IMPORTANT: In some cases, flames symbolize mental anguish that is difficult to bear.

Scissors- of course, they can mean that in front of you is a hairdresser or fashion designer. However, it is likely that there is a psychological subtext in this picture. Scissors are often applied as a tattoo when tries to leave some episode in life in the past. By the way, in a similar way you can successfully disguise scars.

Hourglass- remind us of the transience of life and express the desire of the owner of the image not to live his life in vain. Every moment should be enjoyed- this is another thought that arises when looking at such a picture. Sometimes watches are immortalized on themselves in honor of some important event.

Elephant- it can be quite interestingly placed on the hand so that the legs and trunk rest on the fingers. This animal embodies loyalty, wisdom. He enjoys special honor in India as incarnation of Ganesha - the god of happiness. For men, such a tattoo is ideal, with combining physical strength and intelligence.

Men's palm tattoos and their meaning

Eye in a triangle- symbolizes insight, intelligence, alertness, intuition. In ancient times they illustrated this way eye of the gods, which monitors people. Also, the eye in the triangle symbolizes omnipresence.

IMPORTANT: Another meaning of such a symbol is not so positive - it speaks of the limitations of what is visible.

Shark- incarnation fearlessness, power, cunning. It is not for nothing that many books and films are dedicated to these creatures - sailors and residents of coastal settlements respect predators. Shark is a kind of amulet in professional affairs. It’s worth applying it and freedom-loving individuals having an inflexible character.

Dice - This risk, excitement, perception of life as a game process. Gambling fans believe that such a tattoo will become lucky mascot in their hobby. There is another interpretation: There are no single correct solutions; each of them is correct in its own way.

Tattoos on the biceps for men: bracelets and their meaning

Bracelets— they look gorgeous on a pumped-up arm. Most often used as an ornament Celtic motifs. They embody infinity of being.

Inscription— often the name of a beloved woman or child is applied to the biceps.

Tattoo text on the bicep with a woman's name

Samurai- most associate samurai simply with excellent warriors who are capable of masterfully defeating any enemy. But this is only partly true - let’s not forget about the Bushido samurai code.

According to him, a true warrior must adhere to following principles- independence, devotion without a hint of self-interest, respect for traditions, unshakable will, reckless adherence to the chosen path.

IMPORTANT: What to life path and ideals, Bushido especially emphasized that they should be light in color.

Dagger- symbolizes since the Middle Ages last line of defense. The warrior was ready for the dagger, that is, for close combat, last of all, when all other means had been exhausted.

If necessary, these weapons acted as a means to give up life in the name of ideals. Thus, such a tattoo will serve the embodiment of determination, freedom of choice, perseverance, precision in actions.

Men's elbow tattoos and their meaning

Web— if you ignore the use of such a tattoo in prison circles, you can get a rather interesting and stylish decoration. The Indians hung cobwebs over cradles to protect babies from evil spirits. It will also be useful for adults amulet from evil forces . The web is also a symbol of the fact that a man sticks to his principles.

Star- this simple and universal tattoo belongs to ancient symbols. She was considered a harbinger of good luck, the embodiment of heaven, a source of inspiration.

Snowflake- talking about the sublimity of man, his uniqueness. All snowflakes seem similar, but upon closer examination it becomes clear that no snowflakes are absolutely similar to each other. The same can be said about the owner of the tattoo: He doesn’t like to stick himself out, but at the same time he has a rather interesting inner world.

IMPORTANT: This image is a good and simple example of a rebirth symbol. Every time the snowflakes melt, but the snow continues to fall.

Men's sleeve tattoos and their meaning

Traditionally highlighted several types of sleeves:

  • Long- from shoulder to wrist
  • Half- from wrist to elbow or from elbow to shoulder joint
  • Quarter- half forearm or half shoulder

Armor- it is preferable to apply them tough men who are fond of edged weapons or martial arts. Such a tattoo will give even more courage and dexterity. Such decoration can be regarded as protection from various adversities.

Forestsearch for a life path. As a rule, such a tattoo is chosen by people who are constantly wandering, looking for themselves, and doubting the correctness of their choice. Such a talisman can help them find what they need.

Maple- another option from the field of flora. The maple tree is considered very resistant, which will be an excellent allegory of humanity perseverance, the ability to endure any adversity. The Celts put this design on various items, believing that he will give you strength.

IMPORTANT: If you want to perpetuate your feelings, then a maple tattoo is not the best solution. In Asia, this tree was indeed considered the patron saint of lovers, but the Slavs saw its leaves as a sign of separation from loved ones. In Poland, they generally symbolized the death of a loved one.

Previously it was believed that a good warrior should have many scars on his body. Later, warriors began to decorate their bodies with tattoos, simultaneously using them as amulets, a way to tell about themselves.

And these days, many men prefer to decorate their bodies, giving preference to images on their hands. The purpose of tattoos has remained virtually unchanged - they can still tell a lot about the owner.

Before getting a tattoo, every person decides for himself two questions:

Which part of the body should the tattoo be applied to?

What image to transfer to your body.

The correct solution to this issue will ensure that your tattoo will delight you for many years and will not cause any inconvenience or discomfort. Only you yourself can answer the second question, because a tattoo is in many ways a manifestation of the essence of a person, his inner world, worldview. Some recommendations from our Pro Tattoo salon will help you with your first question.

Shoulder is a good place for a tattoo

Since ancient times, people have made tattoos on their shoulders - in ancient times, these images had a deep, even sacred meaning. The drawings could talk about a person’s certain social status, his membership in a group or belief. Now tattoos on the shoulder do not carry a load distinctive feature in a social sense, but it can make you stand out from the crowd, especially if the image is chosen with taste and skill.

Most often, tattoos on the shoulder are done by men. Despite the fact that a woman’s shoulder is a very attractive part of the body, it is rarely chosen for painting; two-pieces are preferred to decorate other places. According to experts, there are at least three reasons to get men’s shoulder tattoos.

1. The pattern can be easily covered with clothing. Even a short sleeve T-shirt can be enough to hide your tattoo from unwanted eyes. Besides, it is useful not only for moral reasons. A tattoo that is constantly exposed sun rays, over time may lose its brightness, its colors gradually fade. Beautiful tattoo on the shoulder, hidden from time to time under clothing, will remain longer in its original clear and bright state.

2. The shoulder, especially the male shoulder, has a large surface, so it becomes possible to create large tattoos with complex plots and color schemes.

3. Another advantage of a tattoo for men on the shoulder is the relief of this part of the body. As a rule, for most men, the shoulders are a fairly trained area of ​​the body with developed muscles. Thanks to this, a very significant surface relief is created, which can be used to create 3D tattoos with a volume effect.

Shoulder tattoos at Pro Tattoo

In our salon, masters are ready to perform any type of shoulder tattoo - from the simplest monochrome designs to complex multi-figure images. All work is carried out by professional employees using modern equipment - you are guaranteed sterility and safety. If necessary, anesthesia is performed. In the future, you can contact us for services to update or change the tattoo at your request.

Tattoos on the shoulder, the designs and variations of which are limitless, are the most optimal, win-win, timeless and successful option for placing a design on the body.

Pattern on a guy's shoulder

From the history of tattoos

It was the images on the shoulder that in ancient times were in an effective way convey information to others. Position in society social status, profession and elements of biography were applied here as if on a canvas, because the shoulder is one of the most convenient areas of the body for painting.

Decorating a man's shoulder with tattoos is a tradition directly associated with Indian tribes. With such identification marks the Indians showed belonging to their tribe. This is probably why sketches of Indian motifs on this part of the body are still in great demand.

Large pattern on the guy's shoulder

There are beliefs that the image on the left shoulder necessarily grants the wearer protection and good luck, and attracts profit. The composition is with right side will bring life wisdom and family well-being, and fulfill your deepest desires.

In our country, convicts in prisons, and later, employees of various army units, were among the first to have images tattooed on their shoulders.

Did you know? There is a set of images that you should be careful about putting on your shoulder, since in the world of thieves they have their own symbolism. Often on the shoulders of condemned people you can see the face of Jesus, himself crucified on the cross, or an image of the Bible. Sometimes the listed elements are engulfed in flames, which means the collapse of faith in something. A skull with crossbones indicates an aggressive person. The same meaning is attributed to the head of a pirate with a dagger clenched in his teeth. A rose with a dagger behind bars means that the person was tried for hooliganism, and he celebrated his eighteenth birthday in the zone. Therefore, when choosing tattoos on the shoulder, the meaning of the design must be carefully considered.

Restoration of a lily tattoo on a girl’s shoulder

Today, the art of decorating this area of ​​the body has not lost any of its relevance, but, on the contrary, is acquiring ever new bright facets. In addition, this is where in most cases people get their first tattoos.

Advice. Remember that applying a design to the shoulder is a very important step. Getting rid of it will be incredibly difficult, and the scar will likely remain with you for the rest of your life. Therefore, carefully prepare for developing the plot and finding a master.

Pros of shoulder tattoos

  • The rounded and regular shape of this part of the body gives the drawing the necessary realism, volume and convexity.
  • The skin here is quite dense, which makes drawing almost painless.
  • The image on the shoulder is very easy to continue in several directions (neck, armpit, arm, back and chest), which gives great freedom to implement many interesting ideas.
  • This arrangement greatly simplifies tattoo care.
  • The convenience of drawing a picture for the master is not the least positive aspect.
  • If necessary, the image can be easily hidden even under a short-sleeve T-shirt.
  • It is believed that designs on the shoulder last the longest attractive appearance, because the skin here is the most elastic and changes less over the years.

Three birds on a girl's shoulder

This is interesting. The most influential people in show business also did not fail to paint their shoulders. David Beckham has an angel tattooed on his shoulder. A guardian angel with a star also protects the peace of singer Pink. Angelina Jolie removing dragon design and name ex-husband, puts on this zone the coordinates of the birthplaces of their children (born and adopted).

Eminem covers given name, pinned in his youth with a masterfully executed realistic portrait of his daughter. His second shoulder is decorated with an unusual composition made of a mushroom and dedicated to the musician’s uncle who committed suicide. The inscription “Winona Forever”, tattooed by Johnny Depp during his relationship with Winona Ryder, turns after separation into the more life-like “Wine Forever.” The actor's other shoulder features an inverted triangle as a symbol of romantic love.

Japanese tattoo chrysanthemums on the shoulder

Popular sketches

The correct shape and sufficient space turn the shoulder into an ideal canvas for a tattoo artist: here you can depict absolutely any subject of any size. The most common sketch options for shoulder painting are the following:

  • Abstract stories that often develop into a full-fledged sleeve.
  • A wide variety of animals - butterflies, lizards, cats for girls; dragons, griffins, tigers, scorpions for men. This could be a sketch or a realistic drawing, a full-length animal or its grin.
  • Polynesian, Celtic, Slavic, tribal motifs in all variations.
  • Indian theme (feathers, dream catchers).
  • Biomechanics.
  • Japanese patterns.
  • Floral and plant ornaments.
  • Ethnic patterns.
  • Inscriptions. They are usually performed in this zone in the Gothic style.
  • Skulls. A very frequent image, found in a wide variety of designs.

Shoulder tattoo in the form of a fox with a pattern

Brutal men's tattoos, combined with good muscle relief, can revive the design, make it literally move and live. This is why animal images and biomechanics are so popular here. Another feature of men's tattoos is that they are often not limited to the shoulder, but smoothly move to other areas of the body.

Girls choose neat, not so catchy and bright designs, giving preference to a clear border of the images. However, some female representatives show even greater courage in choosing a design than men.

Tattoos are applied to various parts of the body. Some places are more sensitive, others are not so painful. Very often a person is eager to get a tattoo on his shoulder. I would like to note that the shoulder is probably the optimal place on the human body for tattooing.

From time immemorial, man has sought to somehow decorate himself, to emphasize his individuality. This can be done different ways, one of them is getting a tattoo. The history of tattoos goes back thousands of years. Even in ancient times, there were tribes who decorated themselves in honor of a wedding, funeral or birth of a child, and when ancient people went into battle, they covered both their bodies and faces with terrifying masks. Often the drawings were made indelible, namely tattooed on the skin, so they remained on their owner throughout his life.

Tattoos are popular and relevant in our time. Many people want to somehow stand out with a tattoo, maybe to attract attention to themselves, or maybe just to tattoo something that is very important for this person, some inscriptions or symbols that changed his life or seriously influenced it. Nowadays, tattooing has become a real art due to the large number of tattooing techniques and different types images.

Firstly, getting a tattoo here is not particularly difficult for the artist. There is quite a lot of space and you can let your imagination run wild and create a real masterpiece. In addition, the very shape of the shoulder, which is round, makes it possible to make three-dimensional images that are truly realistic and believable. Applying a tattoo in this place is convenient for the artist and does not cause much discomfort in a person, due to its almost complete painlessness. Thus, let's note the second reason for a tattoo on the shoulder - there is no pain when getting a tattoo; you may only be bothered by a slight tingling sensation.

There is one more point: the shoulder is hidden under clothing almost all the time, so if it is important for you not to show off your tattoo in some situations, then this is quite possible. In addition, an image that is constantly protected from sunlight is better preserved and the tattoo ink does not fade, and this is especially true for owners of tattoos in the form of a lion, tiger or dragon.

If we talk about the aesthetics of a tattoo on the shoulder, then we can rightfully recognize the special charm and style of such a tattoo. It’s not for nothing that even celebrities often have tattoos located on their shoulders. Angelina Jolie, David Beckham, Pink, Johnny Depp, Eminem, Timati and many others decorated themselves in this way. If men often get tattoos that are distinguished by a kind of brutality, demonstrating strength and power, then girls show their fragility or integrity of nature with a tattoo on their shoulder, applying some inscriptions or ornate subtle patterns.

Men's shoulder tattoos

Men's shoulder tattoos are images of both familiar animals (lion, bear, tiger, dog, etc.), and various strange animals like dragons, firebirds, etc. Considering that the male shoulder is usually muscular and large, it you can paint a whole plot. The drawing looks realistic and three-dimensional due to the shape of the shoulder itself.

Various three-dimensional abstractions, images of animals and birds, symbols representing the culture of distant countries, such as Polynesia, Indian feathers, curls, etc. look very beautiful and stylish. You can apply almost any image, as long as your imagination and the imagination of the master is enough, everything is quite real and feasible.

Women's shoulder tattoos

Women's shoulder tattoos are more like inscriptions, various ornaments, flowers, small tattoos in the form of thin bracelets encircling the arm, beetles, small snakes and other patterns. This could be the date of some significant event in life, marked with special symbols, birds or flowers of extraordinary beauty.

Not all girls welcome tattoos on their body, but those who want to decorate their body in this way are usually solid, strong natures, maybe even tough and strong-willed, with a core inside them, firmly standing on their feet in life, self-confident and successful in everything.

Video of tattoo on shoulder

Watch this video of a tattoo artist performing a shoulder tattoo to get a closer look at the process.

Below is a gallery of photos of shoulder tattoos in various variations.

Getting a tattoo on the shoulder is one of the most popular services in tattoo parlors, because with the help of a design located in this area, representatives of the stronger sex can emphasize their masculinity (men’s shoulder tattoos), and wonderful “fitness cuteness” - elasticity and sophistication shoulder muscles.

In addition, such tattoos are suitable for everyone without exception: people engaged in any type of activity who are forced to comply with a dress code, regardless of age and hobbies.

Thanks to the fact that even in hot weather It’s easy to hide such a body ornament under the sleeves of a Swede shirt or blouse; a tattoo on the shoulder will remain invisible to your boss. At the same time, wearing a fashionable beach outfit, you can show off your stylish shoulder tattoo to others.

Despite the fact that today drawings on this part of the body are most relevant, the love of painting on the shoulders has a centuries-old history. The first who began to decorate this part of the body were Indian tribes, who reflected their social status, Family status, profession, etc. Thus, for the Indians, a tattoo on the shoulder was a kind of body biography, with the help of which they could convey information about themselves to the people around them.

Choosing a drawing theme

The universal popularity of this part of the body for painting has existed at all times and has not escaped the “world of thieves.” Therefore, when choosing the theme of the image, you should be extremely careful so that you do not have problems in the future.

In addition, shoulder tattoos have acquired a lot of legends and beliefs over their long history of existence. Thus, it is believed that the pattern applied to the left shoulder gives its owner good luck and wealth, and the patterns on the right bring life wisdom and fulfill secret desires.

To enhance the beneficial effects of a tattoo on the shoulder, you can add the following signs of luck to the invented pattern:

  • goldfish;
  • seahorse;
  • scarab beetle;
  • bird feathers;
  • horseshoes;
  • coins;
  • infinity sign, etc.

Additional benefits of deciding to get a tattoo on the shoulder are the realism of the images (thanks to the rounded, convex shape of this part of the body), as well as the ability to harmoniously extend the pattern to adjacent areas: chest, neck, forearms, back.