The singer has the sun printed on her back between her shoulder blades, on her left wrist is the inscription My life is my history (“My life is my story”), on her right is a mysterious inscription, the meaning of which Katie does not reveal to anyone, on her right foot is the phrase What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger (“What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger”) // Photo: Personal archive

1 place. Keti Topuria

What: Treble clef and sheet music behind the right ear.

“This is one of my last tattoos, I got it recently when I was in America,” the lead singer of the group “A-Studio” told StarHit. – From friends I learned about the wonderful artist Mark Mahoney from the Shamrock Social Club salon, he did tattoos for rapper Tupac Shakur, singers Rihanna and Katy Perry – and I also went to see him. She came out with notes and a treble clef around her neck. This is how I expressed my love for music."

There are already five tattoos on Katie’s body, but, according to the singer, she is not going to stop. “This is not just decoration,” admits Katie. “Tattoos mean a lot to me.”

2nd place. Lera Kudryavtseva

What: Latin inscription Et mente et anima on the back.

The TV presenter takes tattoos seriously: she believes that they carry some meaning and energy. When choosing symbols for her first tattoo, the star turned to special books and magazines. And in the end I decided to make an inscription in Latin Et mente et anima, which translated means “Both soul and body.” Later she liked the words Magna res est amor ("The great thing is love") and asked to have them put on her wrist. While vacationing in Miami, Lera decided to get a third tattoo, this time on her leg: XIV-IV-MCMXC - the date of birth of her son Jean (04/14/1990) - in Roman numerals. Lera prefers not to show this tattoo publicly.

3rd place. Diana Arbenina

What: inscription in Latin letters ARTISTRUTH - “Art is truth” on right hand around the shoulder

The leader of the rock band “Night Snipers” showed off her new tattoo at the beginning of September at a concert in the Green Theater at VDNKh. Last year, a large inscription in Hebrew appeared on my right hand, from wrist to elbow. Diana does not reveal the secret of the inscription; a possible translation is “Everything is still the same between us.” The singer denied talk that this was just a henna design: “Everything needs to be real. You know
if we fight, it’s not to the point of color, but to the point of blood...”

4th place. Nadezhda Granovskaya

What: in the lower part of the back there is a heart entwined with a crown of thorns, above which a flame curls, and a drop of blood flows down.

“I got the tattoo in 2002,” says the ex-soloist of the group “ VIA Gra" “I went into the salon, started looking at the samples, saw this heart and realized that the image corresponded to my inner state.” The crown of thorns goes down the left leg - the second tattoo. But this
All. “I don’t plan any more for now. Now I prefer naturalness.” Some experts believe that Nadezhda’s tattoos mean “power over a man.”

5th place. Glitch "OZ"

What: two tattoos on her hands – a heart and an asterisk.

The singer made them about a year ago as a birthday present for herself. “I have been looking for a long time for a pattern that would personify my inner ambitions and have a certain meaning,” Natasha tells StarHit. – I chose a heart and a star. After all, I live by my heart, it guides my actions. And the asterisk is a symbol lucky star, which illuminates my career." Natasha's tattoo was drawn by the famous French graffiti artist FUZI UVTPK.

6th place. Konstantin Kinchev

What: on the right shoulder there are eight dancing jesters, on the left there is one lighting a flame

This is one of the first tattoos of the leader of the rock group “Alice”. The jokes marked the release of the album “Black Mark” in 1994, which contained just nine songs. “Who is this buffoon? The one who shows others what they really are,” Konstantin tells StarHit. - At school I
they called me “a buffoon,” it was not offensive: I never thought that a buffoon should mock everyone. On the contrary, he always lets the pain and imperfection of the world pass through his heart and empathizes.” In addition to jesters, Kinchev has tattoos on fairy-tale themes: Baba Yaga's hut, Serpent Gorynych, thistle...

7th place. Leva Bi-2

What: lizard on left shoulder.

This is one of three tattoos of the lead singer of the rock group “Bi-2” Leva; there is also a Celtic ornament around the right shoulder and wings on the back. “Tattoos shouldn’t be done just like that,” the singer tells StarHit. – All signs and drawings applied to the body are then, in one way or another, reflected in the fate of their owner. Here, for example, is my lizard. It means that in any situation you always need to move forward. I made it specifically so that it would remind me: sometimes you need to let go of your tail. We all make mistakes, but we have to move on somehow.”

8th place. Irina Khakamada

What: on the right shoulder Chinese characterancient symbol life

Irina got a tattoo in 2004. “It was a difficult time for me,” she admits to StarHit. – The presidential campaign ended, and I left politics. A lot of problems arose, and my daughter Masha was very sick... I was interested in Chinese calligraphy at that time. I found a hieroglyph with a very deep meaning: life is about overcoming, about growing through barriers. I decided to write this symbol, I feel it helps me a lot. Now I’m hatching the idea of ​​a tattoo with the image of blooming and non-blooming cherry blossoms.”

9th place. Valery Gai Germanika

What: on the right forearm there is a red heart entwined with roses with the word Love.

The girl got this tattoo when she was dating Gleb Samoilov (Agatha Christie group). “This heart is the memory of first love,” says the film director. “Before him, I never experienced such feelings. To no one. Never. I didn’t even think that love could be so powerful.” The girl began decorating herself with tattoos at the age of 15. First there was a cross on my stomach. Then an intricate hybrid of a cross and treble clef on the right shoulder. On her left shoulder is an image of Caligula; the girl stated that the Roman emperor is her spiritual brother. And she promised: if she receives a prize at the Cannes Film Festival, she will make a tattoo with a palm branch right under his profile. The left forearm is also covered with tattoos; a vine with a leaf has already “sprouted” on it.

10th place. Nargiz Zakirova

What: on the left hand there is a sugar skull.

Finalist of the Voice project Nargiz Zakirova became interested in tattoos in 1995, when she arrived in New York. For some time she even worked in a tattoo parlor herself. She made the “sugar skull” on her left hand in honor of her friend who died early. “On November 1 and 2, Spain and Mexico celebrate the Day of the Dead,” the singer told StarHit. – They decorate their houses with skulls made of fruits and sweets. And then they organize a colorful procession accompanied by music. The idea of ​​the holiday is that no one should grieve; the souls of the departed want to see us in good health.”

Her songs are extremely melodic. At the concert of “Svetlana Surganova and the Orchestra” there were a lot of girls and very few men who watched the action with peaceful bewilderment, like fish from an aquarium.

They love Surganova incredibly in Rostov. Especially women.

I think that her personal rating would have increased even more if she had not placed an embargo on the topic of ex-girlfriend Diana Arbenina during the interview.

If there are women's novels, then there should be exclusively women's rock music. But what she does is not rock, not chanson, but, most likely, a synthesis of urban Russian romance, with Spanish shades. A kind of lombadized PCB. Where does the boy's Spanish sadness come from?

Svetlana Surganova is a woman according to her passport, but sings on behalf of a man.

When millions of girls hold hands and sing “I'm crazy, I need her” - it's no longer funny.

Surganova: “Tattoo” is a well-grown pop clone, intended exclusively for speculation on a fashionable lesbian theme.”

With Surganova everything is fair. There is no smell of any speculation here. She’s just like that and isn’t afraid of her peculiarity. The title song of the album, “Isn’t it really me,” is written based on poems by Joseph Brodsky, a complex poet. This is not a modern truth teller a la Demyan Bedny.

Surganova: “I have songs based on poems by Gumilyov and Beranger, and I myself write the lyrics and sing on behalf of a man. And I’m not ashamed, because all these are prejudices. I do what I feel and it more honestly and more fully reflects my feelings towards the world around me.”

Young girls and mature ladies were indescribably delighted. Rare gentlemen smiled mysteriously. It’s not hard to guess what was going through their minds: “If this continues, who to love and how to reproduce?”

Well, the male consciousness does not accept images like: “I love you with all my eyes. I want to love you with my hands. Above the chestnut shoot. Bound by Murakami. I love you with the big sky. I want to love you with my hands."

Trying to formulate the emergence of fashion for homosexual art, I cannot find a clear answer. God knows best, maybe he himself is gay? People change genders and sing about homosexual love more and more often. The process of destruction of traditional relations is progressing. Maybe nature itself is preparing humanity for extinction?

They know her songs by heart and sing louder than Sveta herself, using a microphone. Most of her songs are about death, sadness, parting, but at the same time there is no feeling of darkness or doom.

Correspondent: “What did you think when you saw the duet Dmitry Pevtsov and Diana Arbenina?

Svetlana replied: “I was incredibly jealous of Pevtsov.”

At the concert of the former “night sniper,” the overwhelming majority were girls in trousers and heavy men’s boots. I politely gave way to them when they approached me like an icebreaker, as if silently saying: “Get out of the way, natural!”

Valery Posidelov for the “Trumpet” program

The year of Surganova's arrival is forgotten. In short, a few years ago

They are looking for a photograph of me (Gali Pilipenko), where I am in a skirt and with Sveta Surganova. (The skirt is made from the Don TR TV flag. Who has it? Not a skirt, photo?


Thanks to that very concert and Galus, Surganova and the Orchestra firmly settled in my soul!))
Thank you!))
Sorry, I don’t have any photos - it’s all just in my memory...

The singer released a single and came to perform in Kyiv.

Leader of the Night Snipers group and one ofstar trainers first "Voice of the Country" Diana recently released a single, in the evening Arbenina sing new and old songs in one of the capital's clubs. The singer also found time for an interview with , tells.

- Diana, you talk about children very easily, at what point did this degree of publicity come easy to you?

I hid them. When God gave me this pregnancy, I realized that I would not have life. I had to leave Russia, I went to America, and there I went through these hottest months, when my stomach was so big that I couldn’t see my knees.

While I was pregnant, I read 2 books - how to raise twins. That is, I’m not one of those moms who sat and did Pilates on balls. Either we went to yoga, or suddenly plunged into the pool, I went through my entire pregnancy very smoothly. And I gave birth and I came to Russia. And I, of course, didn’t show them to anyone.

- Did they stay there in the States?

I brought them with me. It’s just that we did everything in order not to expose them, this is speculation, opportunism. Then they walked, then they started talking, then they began to express their points of view, and they became little people. And I realized that I need to involve them in my life, because I don’t do anything shameful. At the age of 3, they began to appear with me.

- How often do you take them with you somewhere?

- There were only a few concerts, two concerts in Russia, by the way, they came to Ukraine. I spent a lot of time in Kyiv, I know it well, and I know where there are playgrounds, we walked around the squares together, so they just came for the weekend to spend it with their mother.

- When you leave, who do the children stay with?

Nanny. There was only one case where they practically didn’t get sick. There was no such attack when I would have felt scared: suddenly they got sick with something, and I was on tour in Chita. It so happened that the daughter was allowed outside in kindergarten in a T-shirt and a windbreaker on top.

- She goes to a regular kindergarten?

Yes, they go to a regular kindergarten, to a Montesorri group.

- Do you like mom’s songs?

I was asked this question: do they listen to my mother’s songs, do they play them? I say "No. True, I don’t bet. Do you sing your songs? I say: no, I don’t sing, I sing Soviet lullabies. Some Soviet songs, clouds, white-maned horses.

Nanny, driver, they all really love what I do. At some point they started playing acoustic songs for them. Then they turned on the electricity and sang electric songs. You see. Lines started falling out of them, it was so cool. They love the early songs, from the album "Tsunami". And now you play them another album that they haven’t heard and they say: well, mom, maybe new songs. – these are not new songs. – new!

-Are you a strict mother?

I'm afraid of my temper. When you realize that you can’t restrain yourself now, let’s say, tell them specifically or somehow rudely, and so on, you just need to leave. I go out onto the porch, take a breath, and come back. Because sometimes they get so annoying.

They still have character. Especially my daughter. There it is. It’s just that the topic is somehow simpler. Whenever I'm home, I'm always there. I pick them up from kindergarten myself, bring them in, take them away, feed them, and so on. I like it simple.

- And are you cooking?

You know how great I am at making soups! Seriously, there is no will in sight!

- Can you go outside in sweatpants?

- And there are people coming towards you: are you Diana Arbenina?

I say: yes, so what.

- May I take a picture with you?

Do you think this is appropriate? Oh please. I'm just not good at it. By the way, you know, the most sparkling answer to this phrase is “I’m not good at it.” They say: us too!

- Your songs are very personal.

This is how it works for me. I need a spark. So we talked and suddenly I understand that I need to go and write. And this song will be about you, and about this moment... Like the song, conditionally, “Catastrophically.” They are born, in principle, out of love for a person. Which is very important.

- Do you often fall in love?

No, not often. Don't fry it, don't fry it, that's what I'll say. I always have this last time. And it’s always like that, you know, seriously, and always “ahh”, and that’s it. And she flew away. I have no, there can be no retreat.

So, you know, so that I suffered and maybe I was always lucky, I never had unrequited love. Never in my life. I always fell in love so much that everything turned out that way.

The Night Snipers group, despite the fact that we are 20 years old today, I have now recorded a double acoustic album, 30 songs, 2 records, one completely new, and the other archival. For me, the most important thing is to write songs, raise children and write songs.

- Do you see Surganova?

No, why. The train left.

-Your tattoo is interesting. What does it mean?

I will not say. Well, leave me something.

The bodies of popular artists of the Russian stage are often decorated with numerous tattoos. For your attention - a stellar ten musicians, famous great love emphasize individuality with drawings, phrases and symbols on the skin. Enjoy watching!

Perhaps the record holder for the number of tattoos is rapper and businessman Timati. The artist admits that every image and inscription on his body carries a certain meaning.

Tattoos occupy more than 70% of Timati's body. Even the phalanges of the fingers have signs and symbols engraved on them.

Looks like tattoos are becoming business card rappers!

Photo: Instagram Timati @timatiofficial

Tattoos of Basta (Vasily Vakulenko)

Basta is a Russian rap artist, composer and producer - the owner of tattoos on both forearms.

Photo: Basta's Instagram @bastaakanoggano

Yegor Creed's tattoos

Yegor Creed admits that he got his first tattoo at the age of 14! Today, the favorite of the female audience is 22 years old, and the number of tattoos on his body has increased significantly.

Photo: Instagram Egor Creed @egorkreed

Dzhigan, a famous hip-hop artist and professional athlete, is seriously interested in tattooing.

Tattoos of Nargiz Zakirova

Nargiz Zakirova is the owner of extraordinary talent and extravagant appearance. Each of Nargiz’s tattoos is associated with a specific event in her life; the first one appeared after emigrating to America. “A tattoo is a diary of my life,” the singer admits.

Tattoos by Roman Pashkov (“Degrees”)

Soloist of the group “Degrees” Roman Pashkov – winner large quantity tattoos and, it seems, has no plans to stop there!

Photo: Instagram of Roman Pashkov @pashock_official

Bianca's tattoos

Tattoos on the hands of the queen of Russian R’n’B are not just decoration.

Bianca views tattoos as symbols that can influence life and bring good luck.
Photo: Instagram Bianca @biankarnb

Former Quest Pistols members reunited and started developing new group"Agon." The soloists of the shocking group - Anton Savlepov, Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky - are passionate about tattooing.

Photo: Instagram of the group “Agon” @yo_agon

Tattoos by Garik Burito

Band’Eros musician Igor Burnyshev is actively involved in his own project – Burito. The artist admits that with the appearance of special images on the body, the internal state changed. Garik Burito intends to develop a whole range of tattoos for himself.

Photo: Instagram Igor Burito @garburito

The leader of the Night Snipers group, Diana Arbenina, comments on the meaning of one of the tattoos on her arm, as a symbol of faith. The phrase stamped in Hebrew, roughly translated, sounds like this: “Everything is the same between us.”

“Night Sniper” fired everyone from the group with whom she once started

Backstage at the 20th rock festival “Invasion,” Diana Arbenina enjoyed talking with reporters. The “night sniper,” who recently celebrated her 45th birthday, spoke about the main thing.

- What is the main “sniper shot” in your life?- they asked Arbenina.

My children are twins Marta and Artem. And there will be nothing cooler in my life.... I fed the children for a year and three. And I am convinced that if you breastfeed your child, he will get sick less.

- What does a child absorb with mother’s milk? Taste for music as well?

Well, yes. I don’t think that if I raised them on some kind of broadband, they would now be listening to the group Muse, for example. Or would you know who she is? Amy Wahouse. Or would you know who he is? Freddie Mercury. We need to teach children... not that we should teach them, we just need to give them good music and just tell. But you can't force something. It will be rejection. But everything is fine with us.

- What should a musician have to be included in your personal playlist?

Nerve. Everyone has their own, of course. Now I'm listening to the album Tom York, his solo album, and for me it’s just a plague! I went with him to the “Invasion”.

Everyone has their own nerve, their own favorite song. Now I may disappoint you somewhat. If we talk about imported music, the lyrics are secondary for me. And the primary thing is the note. But since I’m not stupid and write good texts, I don’t pay attention to them. A person who speaks competently and should write in such a way that there is no shame.

You have become so popular. They came out of the underground and no matter what channel you turn on, there you are. Do you feel like you have ascended to the musical Olympus?

I don't feel popular. Now, when I came to the passport office to change my passport (in connection with my 45th anniversary - Ed.), they all started taking pictures with me. Cool, but nothing more. You need to work and not think about popularity. Popularity is all bullshit. Foam. I blew it away and that was it. And the main thing is that when you blow it off, everything is fine there. The main thing is to write new songs. I write, so I don’t need anything to be in a great mood and bursting with energy, as is happening now.

Take care of yourself and have more sex.

- The most strange place, where did you perform?

Bay of Biscay, Kruzenshtern (Russian sailing ship - Ed.). I had an acoustic recital there for sailors. After him, the captain came up to me and said: “You are now ours, your own.” It's very hard to play in a storm, and you're with a guitar and there's no one else on stage. And my fingers were very cold, because when the sun goes down, it becomes completely cold.

- What would you never do in your life?

Don't swear off prison and money. It’s very difficult for me if I suddenly have to hesitate and remove something that will lead to some consequences. For example, I'm not very happy about firing people. But we have to do it. There is no one left in Night Snipers who started with me. Any drastic actions bring great pain and a huge heaviness on the heart. I don't like this.

- Tell us about your tattoos?

Each person has their own reasons for doing them. I didn't do them for beauty. Each tattoo is evidence that I am alive. In this way I get rid of the fatal amount of pain that I have. I’m not only funny, but also smart, I repeat. But it’s hard for smart people to live in the world...