From our article you will learn how to collect, dry and take decoctions from raspberry leaves.

Many of us associate raspberries with a tasty berry, the jam from which can be used to treat colds. Therefore, as a rule, we simply harvest from this plant and, in general, do not pay attention to its leaves.

Thus, we are making a huge mistake, because if we had prepared leaves for future use in the summer, then in the winter we would have had a remedy that would help us fight many ailments.

Raspberry leaf: beneficial and medicinal properties and contraindications

Raspberry leaf

Raspberry leaves are practically no different in composition from berries. They also contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps fight colds. They also contain a lot of mineral salts and organic elements that help increase the body's defenses.

The presence of all these beneficial substances allows this product to be used to treat very young children and women in interesting position. In addition, raspberry leaves can be used as a safe prophylactic agent that prevents the development of hematopoietic diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, this product contains a lot of copper, which helps fight nervous tension. Therefore, raspberry leaf tea can be used to relieve stress and reduce headaches.

Medicinal properties of raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves have the following medicinal properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory (relieves irritation of mucous membranes)
  • Antipyretics (reduce high fever)
  • Expectorants (promotes the removal of sputum)
  • Healing (helps fight skin problems)
  • Antitoxic (remove harmful substances from the body)
  • Astringents (stop bleeding)

Raspberries can be used to treat the following diseases:

  • Colds
  • Bronchitis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Colitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Endometriosis
  • Inflammation of the appendages
Contraindications to the use of raspberry leaves

But despite all its beneficial qualities, in some cases the use of raspberry leaves is strictly prohibited. Moreover, you cannot take a decoction made from this product either for treatment or for prevention.

Contraindications to the use of raspberry leaf decoction:

  • Kidney diseases
  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • Asthma
  • Allergy
  • Individual intolerance
  • Gout
  • Nasal polyps

What are the benefits of raspberry leaves for women: recipe and application

Decoction for douching

Raspberry leaves are a woman's indispensable helper in the fight for her health and beauty. From this product you can prepare teas, decoctions, tinctures and homemade ointments that will help fight colds, pathologies of the female reproductive system and skin problems.

In addition, the vitamins and minerals found in this plant material have beneficial influence on the nails and hair of the fair sex. But keep in mind that in order to get a positive effect, you need to take such a remedy for quite a long time.

If you take the prepared decoction literally a couple of times or stop drinking it as soon as you feel the first improvement, then with a high probability we can say that your problems will only get worse.

Benefits of raspberry leaves for the female body:

  • Reduce the manifestation of PMS
  • Relieve pain during menstruation
  • Promotes proper hormone production
  • Helps combat heavy periods
  • Relieves inflammation of the ovaries

Remedy for the treatment of thrush and candidiasis:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l of dry raw materials and fill it with 500 ml of water
  • Put it all on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes
  • Then turn off the stove and let the broth brew
  • Strain it, warm it up a little and use it as a douche.
  • For complete recovery, you will need to carry out two procedures per day for 7-10 days.

Means for normalizing ovarian function:

  • Take 3 tbsp. l raspberry leaves and 1 tbsp. l currants
  • Pour 600 ml of boiling water, wrap in a towel and let stand for 15 minutes
  • Strain the resulting liquid, divide it into 3 equal parts and drink throughout the day.
  • The course of treatment should last 10-14 days

What are the benefits of tea and decoction of raspberry leaves during pregnancy?

Raspberry leaf decoction during pregnancy
  • As mentioned a little above, raspberry leaves are not inferior to berries in their beneficial properties, so if a pregnant woman simply prepares and drinks tea from this product, she will at least saturate her body with useful minerals and vitamins.
  • Also, regular consumption of this tea will help her maintain the body’s defenses in a normal state. In the third trimester, raspberry decoction will help fight late toxicosis. But in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, this drug should be taken in the most minimal quantities.
  • Raspberry leaves contain a substance whose properties resemble acetylsalicylic acid. It can significantly increase the tone of the uterus, and this can lead to bleeding and termination of pregnancy. But still, there is no need to completely stop taking a decoction of raspberry leaves.
  • In addition to this substance, raspberry leaves contain a lot of iron, so if a woman regularly drinks not too concentrated tea from this product, then she will not be afraid of iron deficiency anemia.

What are the benefits of tea and decoction of raspberry leaves in the last stages of pregnancy before childbirth?

A decoction of raspberry leaves latest dates pregnancy
  • If we talk about the benefits of tea on later, then, of course, it is worth mentioning its high diuretic properties. Women who are faced with the problem of edema can quite easily replace them with pharmaceutical diuretics, which, together with excess water remove useful salts from the body of a pregnant woman. Also, taking raspberry decoction will help ensure that after giving birth the new mother will not have problems with lactation.
  • Typically, women who regularly drink such drugs produce in sufficiently large quantities breast milk. Do not forget that this plant material contains quite a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the baby to properly form the bone skeleton. But, perhaps, this remedy brings the greatest benefit to a woman just before childbirth.
  • It helps expectant mothers to establish correct work gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation and calms them down nervous system. In addition, a decoction of raspberry leaves helps the female body to properly prepare for the process of giving birth to a baby. It helps the ligaments of the birth canal become as elastic as possible, which in turn helps to avoid the formation of painful ruptures.
  • In addition, such tea can help a woman start the process of childbirth. If in last days During your pregnancy, you will drink 3 glasses of raspberry decoction, then labor will definitely begin at the right time for you, and everything will go as smoothly as possible.

How to make raspberry leaf tea for immunity: fermentation

Fermentation of raspberry leaves

Anyone who has ever stored raspberry leaves for the winter knows that if you simply dry them in the sun, they will have a pronounced herbal taste and smell. In view of this, if you want to drink not only healthy, but also tasty tea, then try fermenting the collected raw materials.

  • Spread the fresh leaves in a thin layer on a clean sheet of paper and wait until they wither.
  • While this process is happening, do not forget to stir the mixture periodically so that it does not dry out too much.
  • When you see that the leaves have lost their density, begin to take them in small portions in your hands and roll them between your palms into small tubes.
  • If you do everything correctly, the preparations will darken slightly and release juice.
  • Then lay out the sausages again in one layer on Blank sheet paper, cover them with a damp towel and place them in warm place for 10-12 hours.
  • After this time, the tubes will need to be cut with a knife into pieces 1 cm wide and placed on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper.
  • In this form, they will need to be placed in the oven and completely dried at a temperature of 80 degrees.
  • The finished product can be brewed like regular tea and consumed 2-3 times a day.

Currant and raspberry leaf tea: recipe

Tea from currant and raspberry leaves

If you want to make the most healthy and fortified tea, then prepare it from raspberry and currant leaves. This drink will effectively combat colds and pathologies of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and reproductive system.

It can also be a good prophylactic and anti-influenza remedy. A huge dose of vitamin C, which will be present in this drink, will be able to overcome almost all viruses and infections.

Recipe for tea from currant and raspberry leaves:

  • Pour some boiling water into the teapot and let it warm up.
  • Literally after 1-2 minutes, drain the water and add raspberry and currant leaves to it in equal parts.
  • Fill them with water, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 10-15 minutes.
  • After this, you can pour the drink into cups, add honey to it and enjoy its pleasant taste.
  • If in this form the drink seems too concentrated to you, then add not a large number of hot water.

How to properly prepare a decoction of raspberry leaves?

Recommendations for preparing the decoction

Preparing a decoction, unlike tea, requires a lot of time. After all, if you want to get a truly useful product, then simply pour boiling water over the raw materials desired result will not give.

In order for the raspberry leaves to release the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and essential oils to the liquid, they must languish in it for some time. But you can’t boil them intensely either. With such actions you will simply kill most of the beneficial substances.

Tips to help prepare the right decoction of currant leaves:

  • Place 3-4 tablespoons of dried raw materials in a saucepan and fill it with water.
  • Bring everything to a boil and then transfer to a water bath.
  • Leave the product for a couple of 30 minutes, turn off the stove and let it brew for 3-5 hours.
  • If you want the leaves to be given to water maximum amount nutrients, then wrap the saucepan with a towel.
  • After the above time has passed, the liquid will need to be filtered and the decoction can be taken.

How to brew raspberry leaves for fever, colds, bronchitis, cough?

Tips for making medicinal tea

Raspberry leaf tea is an excellent remedy for treating colds, coughs and bronchitis. But in order for it to have the desired effect, it must be consumed warm and preferably freshly brewed. After all, if the finished drink sits for at least a couple of hours, then almost all of it essential oils will disappear and you will not get the desired effect.

Therefore, it will be better if you cook this remedy immediately before use. In the summer, to prepare this drink, you can take fresh young leaves, and in the fall, use prepared and preferably fermented raw materials.

  • Hold the glass over the steam until it warms up
  • Put 1 tsp of dried raspberry leaves in it and pour boiling water over them
  • Cover the glass with a tea saucer and leave to steep for 10 minutes.
  • After this, add 1 teaspoon of honey to the tea, mix thoroughly and drink while still warm.
  • To prepare a remedy for the treatment of bronchitis and cough, you can add 1 tbsp to a glass of liquid. l raw materials
  • You need to drink this tea 3-4 times a day

When is the best time to collect and how to properly dry raspberry leaves?

Dry raspberry leaf
  • If you want the raspberry leaf remedy to bring maximum benefits to your body, then prepare the raw materials for its preparation exclusively in the summer. The optimal period of time is considered to be the time until the plant intensively produces young shoots and blooms. During this period, the leaves contain the largest amount of useful substances.
  • And as soon as the first berries appear on the bushes, they literally immediately take on some of the nutrients. That is why it is not advisable to harvest raw materials during the fruiting period. Yes, and don’t pick off a large number of leaves at once.
  • Take only as much from the bush as you can dry. If you pick more of them than necessary, and they lie folded in a bag for several days, then their beneficial qualities will greatly decrease.
  • The collected leaves can be dried in the same way that our mothers and grandmothers used, or you can try fermenting them. Since we described the fermentation method a little higher, now we will introduce you to a simpler method.
  • So, pick fresh leaves and tie them in 5-7 pieces and hang them in a place where air circulates freely. Wait until they are completely dry, then break them up with your hands and put them in a sealed bag. Leaves prepared in this way should be stored in a cool, dry place.

Video: Fermented tea from raspberry and cherry leaves/do it yourself

Fragrant and delicious berries Many people love raspberries. And they eagerly await their appearance, every day looking under the leaves to see if the long-awaited berries have appeared.

But this time can be spent usefully - preparing raspberry leaves both to maintain health and for brewing fragrant tea.

Berries, leaves and even twigs have beneficial properties.

Beneficial properties of raspberry leaves

  • Raspberry leaves contain vitamins A, B, C, E, so they are a good vitamin supplement that improves the taste of many herbal preparations.
  • This is a good diaphoretic used for colds.
  • The calming effect of raspberries has a positive effect in the treatment of neuroses.
  • Raspberries have an astringent and hemostatic effect and therefore are successfully used for diarrhea and bleeding.
  • Berries and leaves improve metabolism.
  • Used for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • Leaves and berries are used for hemorrhoids, hypermenorrhea and skin rashes.

When to Harvest Raspberry Leaves

The leaves of wild raspberry species have the best medicinal properties. Raspberries grow on the edges of forests, near reservoirs, in ravines and among other shrubs.

Raspberry leaves are harvested during its flowering period (June - July) or shortly before it, since it is at this time that the maximum amount of useful microelements accumulates in the leaves.

For this purpose, raspberry bushes are chosen away from roads, factories, garbage dumps and industrial waste. To harvest leaves, choose dry and sunny weather. Raspberry leaves are susceptible to infection by fungi and rust, so they must be completely dry from dew.

Only green leaves without signs of wilting or any damage are suitable for collection. For this purpose, it is best to pick young leaves located closer to the tops of the plant. You cannot pick all the leaves from the bush, as this greatly depletes the plant.

The leaves are picked by hand with or without a small petiole. It is possible to prepare leaves with short branches, which also help against certain diseases: bronchitis, laryngitis, herpes and as an expectorant.

Drying raspberry leaves

Freshly picked leaves contain a lot of moisture, and if drying is carried out in cloudy weather, the raw material will become moldy and rot. To prevent this from happening, the leaves are dried very quickly.

But raspberry leaves cannot be dried in the sun, because then the chlorophyll in them is destroyed and many useful substances evaporate.

The torn leaves are laid out in a thin layer on matting, special flooring or on burlap in the shade, where they do not fall Sun rays, and dry with good air ventilation. To ensure that the leaves dry evenly, they need to be carefully tossed periodically.

Properly dried raw materials are dry, slightly curled green leaves that crumble well when rubbed between your fingers.

Brown, blackened or rotten leaves must be removed immediately, as they will spoil all the raw materials.

Drying raspberry leaves for tea

If raspberry leaves are prepared only for tea, then they can be immediately dried together with other plants that are stored for this action, for example, with currant, cherry or mint leaves, since the rules for drying and storage for these plants are the same as for raspberry leaves. You just need to remember that mint is very aromatic plant and therefore it needs to be put into the collection quite a bit. Best of all, add it directly during brewing.

Making tea leaves from raspberry leaves

  • First, the leaves need to be dried in the shade.
  • Then put several leaves together and roll them tightly into tubes.
  • When the juice begins to release, place the twisted tubes in a bowl, cover with a damp cloth and leave for 5-8 hours for fermentation, a chemical process that occurs in the leaves. The end of fermentation can be determined by a pleasant fruity aroma.
  • Then the leaves are cut into ribbons, laid out on baking sheets and dried in an oven or oven with the door open at a temperature not exceeding 100°. The raw materials must be mixed for uniform drying.
  • This tea is stored in glass jars with a screw-on lid, brewed as usual and drunk 2-3 glasses a day. Of course, if there are no allergies or other contraindications.

Storing dried raspberry leaves

Dried raspberry leaves are stored in glass jars with a well-closing lid so that their aroma does not evaporate. Storage in canvas bags is possible.

Raw materials are stored in a dry, dark, cool room. Shelf life 1-2 years.

With the arrival of summer, many people who care about their health try to stock up on healthy herbal ingredients for future use, so that they can pamper themselves and their loved ones later. aromatic tea- a source of vitamins and macroelements. A huge number of plants can help strengthen the body's immune system and rid it of old ailments. We are talking, in particular, about currant leaves, decoctions of which help us get rid of vitamin deficiency, which, as a rule, is rampant in winter time of the year. Moreover, their benefits are not limited to this.

Beneficial features

Why is currant leaf tea so valuable? Firstly, it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Flavonoids, tannins, phytoncides, magnesium, copper, manganese, vitamin C - all of the above components are found in abundance in the leaves of the berry bush.

General strengthening effect

As already emphasized, tea made from currant leaves helps strengthen the immune system, which means that the body’s resistance to viral infections and diseases increases.

In addition, the above tonic drink is recommended for overwork and loss of strength - it quickly relieves fatigue. Tea made from currant leaves increases vitality and invigorates. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Currant herbal collection is useful for colds: acute respiratory infections, flu, sore throat. Its action is aimed at relieving symptoms and speedy recovery. If you combine tea from currant leaves with honey, then colds, as they say, will go away.


Few people know that the above drink slows down the aging process - this property is especially valuable for older people. Pensioners who regularly drink currant tea always maintain vigor and clarity of mind. In addition, their visual acuity improves.

These are the amazing properties of currant leaf tea. What are the benefits and harms of this drink? Answer to asked question Not everyone knows. Let's continue to fill this gap.

Improves the functioning of vital organs

A decoction of berry bush leaves also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. In other words, it reduces the risk of developing dangerous diseases such as stroke, heart attack and hypertension. The drink also has a beneficial effect on digestive system. Systematic intake of currant tea normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and improves appetite. It also restores the functioning of the urinary system organs: liver, kidneys, bladder. For example, it is effective in removing excess amounts of puric and uric acids. Of course, many people need tea made from currant leaves. The benefits and harms of the above drink should be obvious to everyone.


A decoction from the above bush is not without a negative effect.

In particular, it has an adverse effect on tooth enamel, so it is better to combine currant leaves with other herbs. You should not overdo it with the dosage of tea. Half a glass twice a day is the optimal norm. Fermented tea from currant leaves is also contraindicated for people who suffer from allergies. Those diagnosed with stomach ulcers or gastritis with high acidity should also refrain from drinking the drink.

Symbiosis of currants and raspberries

Many adherents of alternative medicine prefer to drink tea from currant and raspberry leaves, as this drink has unique healing properties. It is recommended for metabolic disorders, swelling, bleeding, and as a diuretic. A decoction of the leaves of the above bushes has an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. For vitamin deficiency and weak immunity, tea made from currant and raspberry leaves is the first medicine.

However, the second berry also has contraindications from a health point of view. Infusions of raspberry leaves are not recommended for women who are pregnant. Do not drink before swimming cold water, and in winter, if you plan to go out into the fresh air, then before that it is better to refrain from decoction of raspberry leaves.

Cooking method

Of course, many are interested in the question of how to make tea from currant leaves. There are several basic methods. For example, a large handful of leaves is placed in a container with boiling water, boiled for a couple of minutes, and then the decoction is infused for a quarter of an hour, which is tasty and healthy not only hot, but also cold. It would be a good idea to add 2 teaspoons of honey to the drink. You can give the composition a more saturated shade by leaving it for 3 hours, after which you should remove the leaves, otherwise they will spoil the taste.

Don't know how to make tea from currant leaves? You can experiment. You will need: mint (1 part), currant leaves (2 parts), lemon balm (1 part), black tea without additives (1/2 part). It is necessary to mix the above ingredients, and then prepare a drink at the rate of 1 tablespoon of tea leaves per glass of water. You need to infuse the decoction for about 15-20 minutes.

There are many fans of fermented drinks, since their taste is more pronounced and piquant than that of decoctions from fresh leaves. First, the raw material is placed in the shade so that it wilts slightly. Then the leaves are placed in a thin layer on a cotton cloth, previously moistened with water (slightly), and at the next stage the cloth is rolled into a kind of sausage. The workpiece is thoroughly fixed and left for one day. The beginning of the fermentation process will be indicated by the heat that begins to emanate from the leaves. After 24 hours they are unwrapped and dried, after which they become fragrant, and drinking tea from such currant leaves is a pleasure.

The average price of 1 kilogram of currant leaf tea varies from two hundred to three hundred rubles.

Unique cosmetic property

Unfortunately, few people know that currant leaves make a woman more beautiful by improving the condition of her skin and hair. It is vitamins D and E, which they are abundant in, that prevent the appearance of wrinkles and relieve puffiness under the eyes.

When to collect

As for the berries, everything is simple: when they are ripe, then they need to be picked. If we're talking about about leaves, then you should remember some rules. Visually, it is difficult to determine from the leaves whether the time has come to collect them or not.

Which leaves are better to collect: those that are younger, or perhaps those that are larger? In reality, this is not the most important thing. There is an opinion that perfect time for collecting currant leaves - the new moon phase. The Moon influences most processes occurring on Earth, and the maturation of plants is no exception. Some experts believe that it is during the new moon that the greatest amount of vitamins is concentrated in currant leaves. However, this is not the only factor to consider. Experts recommend collecting in dry weather, after the morning dew has evaporated. At the same time, you should not wait until the sun begins to bake the ground, otherwise there will be few useful substances in the currant leaves.

Which part of the bush is best to use for harvesting? The middle of the branch is ideal. Remember that old leaves contain very few vitamins. And by tearing off young shoots, you can damage the entire bush. The middle of the branch is what you need.

Not the only thing you can get from bushes. Therefore, today we will tell you how they are used and how useful they are, and we will also figure out how to brew them.

What are the benefits of raspberry leaves?

With leaves it has such beneficial features : it not only helps to cope with cold symptoms, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect, similar to aspirin; has an expectorant effect and increases the resistance of the immune system to viral diseases.

Used to treat all respiratory diseases, as well as to stop bleeding. In this case, both tea and infusion are used, which can be used to rinse the mouth. It is worth saying that it is recommended to drink tea from people whose work is associated with hazardous production, since such a remedy removes poisons and toxins from the body.

The astringent properties help cope with loose stools just as well as tablets, and if you have a large enough amount of raw materials, you can take a bath with raspberry leaves, which will help get rid of many female diseases.

In cosmetology, crushed green plates are used to create effective masks. Raspberries help get rid of teenage acne and also remove inflammation. A decoction is also prepared on their basis, which is used to rinse hair. This product helps against hair loss and accelerates hair growth.

Important! The beneficial properties of the leaves directly depend on their condition, the presence of fungal diseases or sunburn.

Raspberry greens are used not only for making tea, so such raw materials are very valuable. Next we will talk about when to collect raspberry leaves for tea and other needs.

When, how and where to collect

To get quality material, you need to collect greens in the first 2-3 weeks of June. At this time, leaves have the greatest value, since the plant directs all its forces to the development of the green part, and not to the formation of fruits.
You should choose bright undamaged plates. It is better to give preference to the leaves that are located near the top, since they receive the most light. Also pay attention to the presence of insects or fungus. We don’t need such greens, as consuming them can lead to poisoning.

It’s worth talking about when you need to collect raspberry leaves for drying for the winter. The collection period for further storage is not limited to the first weeks of summer, but it is better to collect raw materials before flowering begins. If you collect during the flowering process, then at a minimum you will harm the plant, and at maximum, you will not receive the product. best quality and leave yourself without the lion's share of the harvest.

You need to collect in the morning, when there is no dew on the bushes and the sun is not yet too hot. It should be understood that if the plant is already suffering from weather conditions or shortage nutrients, then the absence of several leaves can “finish off” it.

Important! Under no circumstances should you collect raw materials while your neighbors are treating their crops against pests. You will get severe poisoning.

How to dry raspberry leaves

After collecting, they need to be washed under running water and laid out on a woven material under a canopy in one layer. The canopy should be well ventilated and completely protect the leaves from sunlight.
Also do not forget that raw materials are needed turn regularly, so that it does not ban.

Did you know? Fresh raspberries help with alcohol intoxication. Eating just a few berries will help you sober up faster.

Fermentation of raspberry leaves

Before describing the fermentation of raspberry leaves, it is worth understanding what this process is and why it is needed.

So, fermentation in this case, it is the process of decomposition of organic matter under the action of enzymes. Fermentation is carried out to obtain a high-quality product from tea leaves. Simply put, fermentation is the oxidation of products under the influence of oxygen, in which enzymes participate.

We have more or less figured it out, now let’s talk about the sequence of actions that will help us make real tea.

  • The first option (labor-intensive). Take clean raspberries and rub them in your palms so that they darken and curl into a “sausage”. A similar action must be carried out with all the leaves from which you want to make tea.
  • The second option (“mechanized”). We take the same washed green leaves and pass them through a meat grinder. In this case, it is better to use an old mechanical machine, since an electric machine will twist everything into a homogeneous mass and no tea will be produced. It is important to use the largest grid possible so that the leaves are not crushed too much.

Of course, you can come up with a lot of other options that will also prepare the raw materials, but the ones proposed above are the most common.

If you use the first option, then after grinding you need to pour everything into a large container and put it under a press. If the second option was used, then simply pour it into a bowl and press it with your hand.

Important! You should not spread the leaves in a thin layer, otherwise the fermentation will be poor.

In order for everything to go as it should, you need to regularly check the moisture content of the fabric, and if it has dried out, re-wet it.
It is worth remembering that the optimal temperature for fermentation is 22–26 °C, no more, but no less. If the temperature decreases or increases, fermentation will stop or will not proceed as expected.

The finished mass should have a greenish-brown color and give off a fruity smell. After fermentation, the raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet and dried in the oven for about 2 hours. The optimal temperature is 100 °C.

Now let's talk about how strong is fermentation?:

  1. Easy. If the tea is fermented for 3 to 6 hours, its taste will be soft and light, but the aroma will be too strong.
  2. Average. After 10–16 hours taste qualities change: the taste becomes tart and sourness appears. The aroma becomes less “acidic”.
  3. Deep. After 20–36 hours, only a faint aroma remains, while the taste becomes more tart.

How and where to store dried leaves

Dried leaves (not tea) are stored at room temperature in places with low humidity. Completely dried leaves are crushed and placed in linen or paper bags.

If you have made tea, then you need to store it like any other tea - in a dry place, protected from light.

Best before date

When stored under suitable conditions, the product has a shelf life of 24 months.

Did you know? Unlike other berries, the usefulness of raspberries does not decrease after processing, so raspberry jam provides the same vitamins and microelements as fresh berries.

Recipes for delicious and healthy tea

It's time to talk about the variety of raspberry leaf tea options, as well as how to prepare them.
Let's start with the fact that to get tasty and healthy drink enough to take 1 tsp. brews for a standard cup of 150–200 ml.

Traditionally, raspberry greens can be brewed paired with the fruit or raspberry jam. This way you will not only improve the taste of the drink, but also make it more healthy, and most importantly, you will refuse to use sugar, which will only reduce the healthfulness of tea.

Raspberry leaves contain a lot of tannins, they have a slight hemostatic effect, so an infusion of them treats inflammation of the oral mucosa and diarrhea. Tea and infusions from raspberry leaves have a strengthening effect on the gums, cleanse the blood, and are used for gastrointestinal diseases and skin rashes. Vitamin C, which is contained in raspberry leaves, is necessary for the treatment of colds.

Tea made from raspberry leaves is especially useful during pregnancy - it strengthens the walls of the uterus, preventing miscarriages, and has a beneficial effect on all functions of the reproductive system. They contain a lot of magnesium, potassium, iron and B vitamins; these substances have a complex effect, relieving nausea during toxicosis, pain in the legs and giving a restful and sound sleep.

Currants, their buds and leaves are also rich in vitamin C, they contain essential oils and phytoncides, giving them a unique characteristic aroma. They also contain rare vitamin P and contain potassium salts. Currant leaves in the form of infusions and teas are used as a general tonic; they also have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition, they contain substances that protect against pneumonia.

How to properly collect and dry currant and raspberry leaves

The maximum amount of vitamins and other useful substances in raspberry currant leaves is contained during the flowering of the plant; it is best to collect and dry them at this time. But, if you don’t have time, pick mature leaves that have a rich green color, you can during June by choosing leaf blades that are not affected by fungus or rust, from which black currants suffer quite often. Leaves should be collected in dry weather, after the morning dew has evaporated from them.
To enhance healing properties tea from blackcurrant and raspberry leaves, drink it with lemon and honey or milk and honey.

In order for your herbal tea with raspberry and currant leaves to retain their natural aroma and avoid the taste of hay, the raw materials must be dried correctly so that the leaves are fermented like real black tea. Wither the leaves by laying them out for a day in a dry, shaded place, in a layer no thicker than 5 cm. Periodically turn the leaves so that they wilt not only at the edges.

Store fermented dry tea from raspberry and currant leaves in a special container with a ground-in lid.

The next day, collect the leaves in piles of 8-10 pieces and roll them into sausages, rolling them between your palms. During this procedure, juice should be released, while the leaves darken. Place these sausage-twisted leaves in layers in a deep enamel bowl, cover it with a wet, clean rag and leave in a warm place for 6-12 hours. The warmer it is, the faster the fermentation will take place. The readiness of the leaves and the end of the fermentation process are checked by the aroma released by the leaves - the smell of grass disappears, and a pronounced aroma of flowers and fruits appears. After this, the leaves need to be cut and placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Place them in the oven and dry at 100°C for an hour.