Every person has faced difficulties in their life. However, sometimes they pile up in huge numbers. At such moments, it seems that the whole world is angry with you. One of the reasons for such difficult life situations there may be damage. What it is and how to deal with it, we’ll talk in this article.

Damage is a certain impact on a person with negative energy. It comes in two types:

  1. Involuntary;
  2. Purposeful.

Often people experience strong envy or hatred towards a particular person. Such a gust of dark energy can significantly affect a given personality. This is what is called involuntary damage.

Targeted damage is carried out only by professional sorcerers and magicians. For this purpose, various rituals are performed, which lead to the evil eye.

How to deal with damage?

Many people believe that it is impossible to avoid the negative influence of damage and the evil eye. However, it is not.

There are two groups of methods for combating mystical forces:

Do not be afraid. Spending large sums on the purchase of various amulets and magic items you won't have to. Usually, water, salt and a number of other inexpensive things are enough for a spell against spoilage.

You can remove damage not only from yourself, but also from your loved ones. The main thing is to carry out all the rituals described below correctly.

Interesting point: damage removed will immediately return to the one who brought it on you. This may help you identify the offender. If someone from your environment suddenly began to suffer, as you once did, then know that he is the culprit of your suffering!

Conspiracy against damage using water

As you know, there are various spells against damage, but the most popular and useful are those that use water.

Most best conspiracy for damage - this is an appeal to Saints Peter and Paul.

For this ritual You only need one glass of water. Water from a holy spring is best. If you don't have one, buy it at the store.

Do not use tap water. She has the weakest beneficial properties and is poorly suited for such rituals.

Read the following words above the glass:

“Saints Peter and Paul

Protect me, God's dear servant,

From dashing thoughts and dark deeds,

From human evil and demonic witchcraft.

From now on and forever and ever.


After this, you need to drink a glass of water charged with positive energy. After this, the damage will be removed in an instant.

There is another water ritual. For him it is necessary to speak holy water with the following prayer:

“Lord, bless all people, including me. Take it, Holy Mother of God, this water, and wash away all the touches and lessons from me with it.

Let the holy water wash away all the enviable eyes from me, all the hateful looks, the looks of men, women, girls.

Thought, promised, told fortunes, whispered, pasted on, forged, let all envy be taken away by the holy water from the servant of God (name).

Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen"

After this, the water can be drunk daily. This will keep you in good shape and with increased resistance to magical effects.

Smoky plot against damage

This spell to remove damage is ideal for those who live in country houses. After all, it is there, in village houses, that there are huge stoves. Since ancient times, they have helped peasants fight conspiracies from neighbors or boyars who did not like them.

In order to get rid of damage, it is enough to light the stove, wait until the smoke pours out of the chimney and go outside. There you need to read a special prayer:

“Dymushka, king of the stoves,

Take this bad matter away from me,

The word is alien and evil.

Scatter it across the clear sky,

Let the rays of the red sun burn him.

Take him into the dense forests,

Drown him in a fast river.

And the owner, the enemy, the gate. Key. Lock. Language.


This text can also be spoken over a fire - and the effect will be almost the same.

Conspiracy to remove damage with salt

Since ancient times, it was believed that salt was an incredibly powerful magical remedy. With its help you can get rid of even the most terrible evil eyes. It was salt that protected the main character of the novel “Viy” from the witch’s spell.

It is not surprising that even today salt is used in various rituals against spoilage.

The following is considered the most popular. It must be done at sunset. Take a small plate and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of salt on it. Light a candle next to her and read the following prayer:

“Salt is white and pure, cleanse me (name) from damage, evil eyes, love spells, spells, spells, slander on water, on food, on the wind, in the back, in the eyes. Let it be so."

After this, you need to pour the salt into an envelope and leave it on the windowsill. From there it will collect all the negative energy in the room.

After three days, the envelope must be buried or drowned in water. You can even flush it down the toilet (you must agree, it’s quite symbolic to throw all your problems down the toilet).

Another method of removing the evil eye is also effective, and perhaps even stronger. The fact is that it often leads to your offender admitting everything himself. After all, the damage returns to the sender with redoubled force.

The ceremony takes place at midnight. When the moonlight illuminates your room and the sky is speckled with star grains, turn on the gas stove and place a frying pan on it. After this, throw three handfuls of salt on it. Then, watching the salt lose its natural appearance, read the prayer:

Seventy-seven grains, seventy-seven spirits. I give you food, I give you water to drink. You will do me a service, but show me my sworn enemy. Who sent evil to the servant of God (name)? Not with the roar of an animal, not with the gurgling of a fish, not with the singing of a bird, but with dashing words. Tell me, what kind of person was he?”

The salt will make an unusual squealing sound, as if something is dying. This is the evil eye leaving your body.

Now you need to go outside, take a deep breath and shout the following words:

“Star princesses, return all the evil that the dashing man brought to me into his house. I forgive him, I return everything to him back.”

Congratulations! Your body is clean, and the enemy suffers incredible torment.

Spells to spoil using an egg

The egg is a symbol of life and wisdom. It was this that contained the death of Koshcheev. It has also been mentioned numerous times in folklore and spell books.

There is a special ritual that allows you to find out if there is damage to you.

Take a bowl and pour a glass of water into it. Then break an egg into it. Try not to damage the yolk.

Place this bowl on the crown of your head and hold for 5-10 minutes. If the yolk remained intact, there was no spoilage. If strange black dots appear, it means that there was an evil eye on you, but now it has left the body.

Conspiracies for damage from death

Most often, people try to get rid of their competitors. Sometimes they resort to black magic and try to send the enemy to the next world with the help of damage.

Everyone should be prepared for such attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out one of these conspiracies.

This ritual must be performed at night in the cemetery. At night, you need to wipe your face with a white handkerchief and throw it on the ground with the words of prayer:

“I return death to death where I received it, and there I give it. Sleep, you dead, in the sleep of the dead, take my illness for yourself, put the evil damage in the grave, lock it up. Sleep peacefully, without getting up, without returning the disease to me. Amen."

Leave the cemetery immediately, as it is an extremely negative place. Not everyone dares to perform such a ritual.

A conspiracy to avoid becoming an old maid

Guys are often offended by girls who do not agree to be in a relationship with them. This becomes the cause of strong negativity, which develops into damage.

Because of such evil eyes, girls remain old maids. They cannot have normal relationships. And all because of an old grudge.

Exists effective method don't be left alone. To do this you need to steam the nearest church, in which the wedding is held. Buy two candles and hide them in a secluded place (pocket, scarf, bag, etc.). During the entire procession, read the prayer:
Go, dear, to the church threshold. On my journey, who will I meet, and here will I get married. Amen. Amen. Amen

After this, for these days, burn two candles every evening. They will charge you with the energy of sexuality and completely destroy damage.

There is another conspiracy against loneliness. To do this you will need 3 basins of holy water. She needs to wash herself and say the following words:

“With God's water, morning dew, I wash my face, I wash away the damage from myself. Let my lips be kissed, Let my breasts be pardoned. With God's water, with morning dew, Suitors flock to me, They want to marry me. Amen."

The same words can be said in the bathhouse. There they will be even more effective.

Alcoholism conspiracy

“The demon has led me astray,” these words are often said about those who suddenly start drinking. Alcoholism attacks also occur due to damage. And you can only fight with the help of prayers and conspiracies.

In order to save someone from alcoholism, you need to buy three apples. It is advisable to buy them on the market, without haggling. After purchasing, feed them to the pigs, saying the following spell:

“The pig eats, but doesn’t drink vodka. So the slave (name of the damned) will not drink vodka. Amen. ”

Pigs can be strangers. The most important thing is to say the words sincerely and from the bottom of your heart.

Creating a personal amulet

It is a mistake to believe that it is enough to simply buy a horseshoe or an amulet against damage. They still need to be charged own strength so that they help only you and your loved ones.

In the evening you need to light 5 candles. Place your personal amulet between them and say the following words 3 times:

“You will serve as protection for me, be faithful, protect me from the evil that lives and hovers around. Let it be as I said!”

Now the amulet is charged with your energy. The ritual must be repeated 3 times a year to keep your defense in good shape.


Damage is a terrible thing. She ruined the lives of many good people. Those who did not have such knowledge suffered especially. They were just suffering from negative energy and couldn't get rid of it.

You now know about the main conspiracies against magicians. This strong weapon, which must be used wisely.

It is especially useful to have a personal amulet. It helps not to fall under the flow of other people's negativity.

The main thing is not to be afraid of anything. Use these rituals, and all troubles and adversities will bypass your home.

It happens that a person seems to feel bad for no reason. This state can occur some time after major quarrels, scandals at work or at home, sharp arguments with someone. You may feel dizzy or have a headache, body aches appear, and your legs and arms become heavy. Often the temperature even rises, and general fatigue is felt. In such cases, many people immediately take pills, but when they don’t help, they ask the question: “What is this?”

Often the cause of such ailments can be a common evil eye. Often a person does not want to do anything bad to you, but nevertheless he was envious, simply praised, and your energy protection is disrupted.

Scientists have proven that each of us has several etheric bodies. And when these shells that envelop ours like a cocoon physical body, whole, then everything is fine. But as soon as this “cocoon” is broken, a person will have problems. This “gap”, a breakdown, is an accidental evil eye or deliberate damage.

If you feel that you have “caught” someone’s negative influence, then clean the house and sprinkle the room with holy water. It’s good to read the prayer that you know, and best of all, “Our Father.”

Our grandmothers “saved” family members or acquaintances with the help of holy water and reading prayers. They could also read special spells, which they repeated several times after a certain time, because it can be very difficult to immediately remove damage, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

That is why it was necessary to visit the whispering grandmothers 3, 7 or 12 times, every day, every other day or once a week. The healer herself told the man how exactly everything should be done. You can try to cure yourself if you are sure that you have been jinxed.

As soon as you feel that you may have the evil eye, you need to read the spell, bending low over the water that you collect in a basin or bucket, and then douse yourself with this spelled water.

“Deliver me, servant of God (name), from a monogamist, a bigamist, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your own eyes, from your thoughts, from the oncoming one, from the fleeting, from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from their own eyes, and from their thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen."

There is also a proven and reliable way to get rid of the evil eye. To do this you need to take a bath with warm water, into which pour 0.5 kg of regular salt. Salt should not be iodized. You can also use flavored salt. You should lie in such a bath for at least 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly to wash off any remaining salt. If you have the evil eye, then this procedure helps a lot.

And when the Lord’s Prayer is read over a filled bathtub and holy water is added, this will only enhance the effect. With this procedure, a person’s positive energy is well restored.

Our ancestors loved the bathhouse and often took steam. It turns out that in addition to hygiene procedures, visiting a bathhouse has a good effect on restoring energy in the body. It was with the help of the bath that our ancestors got rid of the evil eye, and often damage. It is best if the bathhouse is built of birch, but if it is not possible to visit just such a bathhouse, then take at least a birch broom with you.

When you wash or steam, you can say any spell that will help get rid of the evil eye.

Here's one:

“I will stand blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, into an open field into the ocean. On the edge of the sea there is a golden chair; Saint Nicholas sits on a golden chair, holds a golden bow, pulls a silk bowstring, lays a red-hot arrow, begins to shoot lessons and prizes, begins to shoot the father's Duma and the mother's Duma and the brothers' Duma, all the people of the Duma, yellowish, oppressive and bitter; from a girl from a blackhead, from a terrible one. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The Lord's Prayer, which can be read quietly while washing with water, will also have a good effect.

There is a fairly short plot that is easy to remember. It is read over water, which is then used to wash:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. King of the earth, king of the sea, king of heaven, save and have mercy on the servant of God (name) from the evil eye and from the dashing man. Amen".

There is a longer plot that also helps in such cases.It is read over water, which must then be drunk by the person who has been jinxed:

“The water queen, the beautiful maiden, rolled and fell. From the Jordan rivers washed the steep banks, gushing roots and gray stones. Wash and cleanse the slave (name) from his violent head, from his clear eyes, from his light brown braids, from his rosy face, from his zealous heart, from his spinal bone, from his middle part, from his veins, from his joints. Lessons and vices, and envious, and joyful, and meeting from the front, and looking from the side, and catching up from the back, and old men, and young women, and a girl’s son, and a girl’s daughter, say goodbye, bless yourself. I send you slave (name), where the sun does not shine and the moon does not shine, golden mosses, rotten logs, not by herself, but by the Lord and Jesus Christ, the Most Pure Mother. Amen".

It happens that a person has jinxed himself, so we also need to take measures to discard everything superficial, unnecessary, superfluous.

Our ancestors have long believed that the evil eye and damage can be removed if you regularly visit the temple. Scientists have experimentally proven that bell ringing literally kills many germs and viruses. It was not without reason that during epidemics in the Middle Ages, bells were rung and prayer services were held.

Therefore, if you are sure that there is an evil eye, then you can stand in front of the temple when the bells ring. You want the ringing of the bell to seem to envelop you entirely and “remove” the negative energy. After this, go to the temple and listen to the prayer service. Your sincere prayer near the icons will also help get rid of all evil.

It often happens that a person rejoiced at a successful purchase, completed a difficult task, or was cured of a serious illness, and lo and behold, the troubles returned again. They say then that the man himself jinxed himself.

Then you need to perform a special ritual. He takes a lighted candle in his hand, stands in front of the mirror and pronounces the spell three times, looking at his reflection in the mirror:

“Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back.”

After these words, the candle is placed on the windowsill. It cannot be extinguished; it must burn out completely.

There is also such a ritual to remove the evil eye.

To do this you need to prepare:

*small basin or wide bowl;

*plain water;

*silver or cupronickel spoons (3, or 5, or 7).

Holding all the spoons in one hand, you need to scoop up the water and pour it into the container again, and read the spell over the water:

“Like water from spoons, so from the servant of God (name of the child) all the evil eyes, lessons, fears, commotions will come away!”

This should be done in the evening, when they are going to put the child to bed. They wash him with this water. This procedure will also help an adult. You just need to wipe the child, as well as the adult, with the hem of the shirt or robe that the person who will be speaking the water is wearing.

Removing spoilage with water is carried out as follows. Water that no one has ever drunk is poured into a cup and a spell is read over it:

“When the servant of God (name) was born, he received relief from all illnesses, from all sorrows, from lessons, from ghosts, from fears, from commotion, from burdens, from aches, from the oncoming eye, from the white, black cover, from the woman’s sister-in-law , from a simple-haired girl. May my words be molded and strong. In those words, the lock is the sea, the key is the teeth.”

Then they give water to the one who suffers from damage.

It often happens that good man He just can’t find a mate, he can’t start a family, have children. Often the cause of this phenomenon is the curse of loneliness, which was brought on a specific person.

First you need to carefully inspect the house or apartment, find out if there are any foreign things, “lining”, because it is through this that damage is most often caused.

This could be twisted threads, salt or earth in a small bag, a scarf, sticks, pins, needles, or other people’s things in general. If you find something, you should break it or burn it without touching the object with your hands. You can sprinkle someone else's thing with holy water.

If you find out that there is a curse on loneliness, then a close blood relative can help the person, but she herself needs to sincerely believe in God. She has to come to the temple for three days and light candles in front of the icons of Jesus Christ, Mother of God, as well as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

When a woman leaves the church, she should say the following:

“Lord, please, take away all the trouble from the servant of God (name) to the swamp and rot. Amen".

The damage caused to a person for loneliness is removed blessed water. You need to take this water and rinse your eyes several times, quietly saying:

“The head is clear, the mind is clear, the head is clear, if there is damage, leave forever.”

Such water helps not only to remove damage, but also to protect yourself from the influence of ill-wishers in the future.

If you know that your enemies cast spells, cast spells, and send all sorts of evil upon you, then the Lord’s Prayer will help you free yourself from such negative influences.

There is also a special prayer that will help against damage:

“Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal heavenly powers, the holy prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John the Theologian, St.Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, abbot of Radonezh, St. Seraphim The Wonderworker of Sarov, the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia, the saints and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and all Your saints, help us, unworthy, servant of God (name). Deliver him from all slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crafty people, so that they may not be able to cause him any harm. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save it for the morning, for the day, for the evening, for the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

This prayer is read over water, which is then given to a person to drink.

Before the icon “The Tsaritsa” a prayer is read to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our painful sigh before miraculous icon By Thy, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look upon Thy children, those who suffer from incurable ailments, and fall to Thy holy image with faith! Just as a winged bird covers its chicks, so You, now and ever-living being, have covered us with Your multi-healing omophorion. There, where hope disappears, awaken with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, Appear with Patience and Weakness. There, where the darkness of despair has settled in the souls, let the ineffable Light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if You are alive and present with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hand, full of healing and medicine. To the joy of those who mourn, to the consolation of those who mourn, and to the miraculous help we have soon received, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

There is also a prayer to the Life-Giving Cross, which also helps from many troubles, including damage:

“May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of those who love God and are signified sign of the cross, and in joy saying: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord, by force the demons drove out on you the cursed Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

This prayer is read before the image Orthodox cross. This could be in a church, near a temple, when domes with crosses are in front of your eyes. It is important that you have pectoral cross. When reading a prayer, you must cross yourself.

In any case, if you feel unwell without any visible reasons, especially if this happened some time after you visited crowded places, after guests or random people came to the house, then it is best to take preventive measures. To remove possible negativity, read a prayer, drink holy water, take a bath with salt or go to the bathhouse, and on the next day off, visit a temple.

These measures will in no way harm you, but will only help get rid of the damage caused. If after some time after all this you do not feel better, then you have severe damage. Then you should contact a professional to find out what exactly happened to you.

Removing the damage yourself or getting rid of the evil eye at home will not be difficult. To remove damage and the evil eye, just select the right one magic ritual and follow all instructions exactly.

Sometimes, completely unconsciously, we explain all our failures and bad luck as damage or the evil eye. This is usually done as a joke. But in every joke, as they say, there is a grain of joke, and the rest is true.

The evil eye and damage have scientific explanation. And the science that studies energy-information exchange is called eniology. It is believed that thought is material.

And if positive thoughts are not just pleasant for a person, but also have a beneficial effect on his well-being and the people around him, then hostile and negative thoughts are a real blow that can pierce a person’s energy shell, leaving a hole in it.

Such a hole does not have the best effect on a person’s condition, his well-being and sensations. There are many magical ways to remove damage and the evil eye yourself, at home.

However, first, you need to understand the difference between these negative influences, and only then look for signs of damage to a person or the effect of the evil eye.

Distinguishing between two strong negative influences

Damage and the evil eye belong to black magic. The main difference between them is their intentionality. If damage is caused to someone specifically with the help of a black ritual, then the evil eye is created unconsciously and can be done by a person who has too strong energy.

Damage is most often caused to the following areas of a person’s life:

  • health;
  • happiness;
  • death;
  • luck or luck;
  • loneliness.

The evil eye is usually most noticeable in the area that the “evil eye” person envied. Even if it is believed that these two effects are quite strong, you can remove them yourself.

How to remove damage and the evil eye - rites and rituals

Ritual with salt

You can independently remove the evil eye and damage at home using ordinary salt.

The strong energy of this product allows you to get rid of negative influences quite quickly.

The ritual must be performed for seven days in a row; under no circumstances should you miss a single day.

To remove any negative impact, the “spoiled” person must hold salt in his hands and read the following plot:

“Save me, save me, white salt, pure salt!

You need to repeat the words of the spell three times, after which this salt should be thrown away as far as possible from the house. Relief usually occurs after two to three days of performing the ritual.

However, it is best to do it for seven days. This way the result will be fixed and the evil eye will go away forever.

Ritual for water

You can remove damage and get rid of the evil eye yourself using water.

To perform this ritual, it is best to collect spring or holy church water. If this is not possible, then you can use rainwater.

In addition to water, you will need three matches from a new box. The ritual should be done on the waning moon, but if this is not possible, then give preference to Sunday.

At noon, water is poured into the jar and the spell is read on it:

“Clean water, pure blood, save and preserve the servant of God (name of the corrupted one)
From the evil eye, from a bad hour, from the hated and bad.

After reading the plot, the water is baptized three times with a burning match, and the burned part of it is broken off into the water. This ritual is repeated with each of the three matches. Now the patient needs to be sprinkled with this water and given to drink several times a day. It will be possible to remove the damage and remove the evil eye after several sessions.

Ritual at the crossroads

This ritual will help get rid of damage and the evil eye, but you can only remove the negative impact from yourself. For the ritual you will need four coins of medium denomination white. At dawn, with coins you need to go to a deserted intersection, where a conspiracy is read on each side:

“I’m reading a conspiracy against damage and the evil eye, for every line.
Black devils, take everything bad from me, take it away,
In dark forests, in deep rivers, in distant distances.
So that health and strength return, luck and luck return.
I didn’t come to you empty-handed, here’s some coins,
Yes, help me.

After reading the plot, you need to throw one of the coins in the direction in which the ritual was read.

Everything is repeated with each side separately. You can remove the damage and the evil eye almost immediately, relief will come the next day. However, if a very serious curse was being created or damage was done to death, you will have to repeat the ritual twice more.

Get rid of black magic done by a professional magician, or remove the dark influence energetically strong man It will be a little more difficult on your own. But if you believe in the result, then everything will definitely stabilize.

Birch ritual

To remove magical influence negative character and get rid of the evil eye and damage, you can do a ritual on a birch tree. It is performed at dawn. On a street where there is no one, you need to find a birch tree and read the spell on it:

“White birch, beautiful birch. Everyone envy and admire her.
She is not afraid of wind, rain, slush, or thunderstorms.
So that I wouldn’t be so afraid of anything, and what was bad would all go away.

The plot is repeated three times, after which you need to leave without looking back. If you don’t feel better the next day, repeat the ritual several more times. Sometimes it may take time to remove damage and get rid of the evil eye.

Ritual for bread

You can get rid of the negative black influence by performing a ritual with bread. To complete this, you will need a piece of black bread, on which the plot is read:

“Heaven is my father, earth is my mother, bread is the breadwinner and the main helper.
Help, take the evil eye away from me.
Give me wisdom, but not cunning.

You need to repeat the words three times, after which, in order to get rid of damage or remove the evil eye, you need to eat bread. Depending on the strength of the impact, you may have to repeat the ritual.

As can be seen from what is described above, removing damage and the evil eye on your own is not so difficult. It is very important to believe in a positive resolution to your situation and the power of a magical ritual.

Any impact is based on faith in its effectiveness!

So, if you do the ritual without hoping for a result, you will not be able to remove the negative impact. Carefully follow all the wishes and instructions of the ritual, and happiness and prosperity will return to your life.

The person affected by evil forces, sometimes it is not even known that he has been damaged, however, his life does not improve from trying to improve it and observing God’s commandments. If there are people in your environment who are capable of causing harm out of malice or mischief, protect yourself from them with the help of conspiracies.

Reliable protection from damage and the evil eye prayer

The most the best way to remove damage is a prayer that can be read every day after sunset, while all windows should be closed with curtains and walking around the house with church candle pronounce:

Just as I locked the windows, so with a strong word and a good deed I close my house, my family from thirty sorcerers, from black poppy, from gray poppy, from unripe white poppy, from dog hair, from quarrels and evil spirits, from a black candle and ashes from the stove, from a rotten egg, from a crooked key, from a rusty needle, I close my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Spells of a Siberian healer against the evil eye and damage

Siberian healer Maria Bazhenova published an entire book in which she shared with readers the ancient traditions of Siberian healers and talked about available conspiracies for various diseases of negative influence evil people.

The healer warns that when fighting evil, it is important to preserve goodness in the soul and not become embittered. At the same time, handle conspiracies and perform rituals carefully, without causing harm to yourself. Yes, and the one who caused damage should not take revenge and try to ruin life, fate itself will punish the culprit, and by stepping on the path of revenge, you can ruin your own future, harden your soul.

Before reading, you need to turn to good forces, ask them for help and protection, for this you can go to church, fast, read prayers, and mentally communicate with your ancestors. Below we present several conspiracies from the Siberian healer Maria Bazhenova.

Conspiracies against human damage, to remove it and how to find out its presence

Damage is one of the most terrible types of witchcraft; it is caused by envious and unkind people, leading a person to physical or mental illness. It is quite difficult to notice it, especially since it is aimed for different purposes. So, if damage has been caused to the family, then quarrels with the husband and misunderstandings will begin to arise, and out of nowhere. If your health is damaged, then it will begin to deteriorate sharply, and doctors will not be able to determine why your body suddenly “crumbled” from various ailments.

You can find out about the presence of damage using a pin; to do this, when leaving the house in the morning, pin a pin on your clothes so that it is closer to your heart. It should not be visible to others. The head of the pin must be directed perpendicular to the surface of the earth, that is, with the ends towards the ground and sky. When attaching a pin, say the following:

Save me on the road, Lord, from evil people and unkind thoughts. Amen, amen, amen.
After returning home, you should consider the pin. If it is unfastened, the evil eye is on you, and if it is lost, it means damage.

Read Slavic conspiracies against damage and the evil eye on water

For a spell against damage and the evil eye, you can use any drinking water, the following plot is read over it:

Saints Peter and Paul
Protect God's servant (name)
From dashing thoughts and dark deeds,
From human evil and demonic witchcraft.
From now on and forever and ever. Amen.
Then the water is drunk.

Conspiracies and prayers against the evil eye and damage for children and infants, read with water and matches

To eliminate damage and the evil eye, you can prepare water for a small baby. Pour water into the jar, immerse it in it, but in such a way that it is up to the handle in water, and the tip is at the bottom. Left hand We place it on the edge of the neck, take the knife with our right hand and begin to baptize the water in the jar with this knife.

A conspiracy against damage from cemetery land and to make the one who did it feel bad

Peter and Paul, supreme apostles, cover and protect me, the servant of God (name), with your incorruptible robe from the evil of man, from dashing thoughts, from black, from dark, from white, from fair-haired, from the priest, from the priest, from the monk, from the black robes, from the simple-haired girl, from his thoughts, the servant of God (name), from his thoughts. And to my words the key and the lock. Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against damage and the evil eye on the iron tyn

Come out, unclean spirit, from the servant of God (name). From the head, from the hands, from the intestines of the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, stomach, from the spleen, from the bladder, from the whole body. Go, pain, to where the grass does not grow, where the sun does not warm, where the wind does not blow. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! Amen. Amen. Amen.

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

1. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (name), having blessed myself, I will cross myself, go to God’s works, to God’s path, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates - into the open field. Like in the open field of Akiyan, the Holy Blue Sea; in Akiyan the holy blue sea was Zlatar's stone. As in the white Zlatar stone there is a golden chair, on a golden chair sits Saint Mary on a golden chair; Saint Mary holds golden scissors; she, Saint Mary, circumcises, the Holy Spirit shears and circumcises the servant of God's (name) hair, prisms, lessons, wind and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, pinch and other internal illness; bone and alluvial hernia, and circumferential hernia, umbilical and inguinal hernia, supramudunal and submudal hernia, and chipped, and khomudtsy, keel and vered, and edema; heart hernia, dashing damage, deafness, hiccups, chattering, panting, yawning and laughing - from the bones, from the brain, from the eyes, from the eyelashes, from the face, from the reactive heart, from the black liver, from hot blood, from the hip joints, from from the joints, from the veins, from the arms, from the legs, from everything I will. From the servant of God (name), Saint Mary and from me, the servant of God (name), damage and touches, prizes, lessons in window and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight - on dark forests and on dry forests, in mosses and swamps, and on rotten logs, on lying vyskiri, she herself says: just as those rotten logs and lying vyskiri on the stage are not green, it will not be on me, on the servant of God (name), there will be no parables and spoils, charms and touches, and lessons, window dressing and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, witchcraft and witchcraft from now on and forever, the servant of God (name) confesses forever, the most pure Mother of God, the Mother of God on the throne. And I forgot a certain word, servant of God, and put that word in front of everyone. Amen.

2. Peter and Paul, supreme apostles, cover and protect me, the servant of God (the name of the rivers), with your incorruptible robe from the evil of man, from reckless thoughts, from rough, from black, from white, from russian, from priest, from priest, from a monk, from a monk, from a simple-haired girl, from his own thoughts, a servant of God (name), from his own thoughts. And to my words the key and the lock. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

3. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. From the Prayer of the Mother of God, from the Cross of Jesus, from the Seal of Christ, from the saints of help, from my word, go away, unclean demon, cursed spirit, to dry trees, to mosses and swamps, and there is your place, life, stay and will, and there shout , and not in the servant of God (name) be self-willed. The Lord Jesus Christ himself, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, all the heavenly power, Michael the Archangel, and all the holy wonderworkers: Niphon and Marof, Cyprian, Justinia, Konon, Isaurian, Dmitry of Rostov, Elijah the Prophet, Nicholas the Wonderworker, George the Victorious, and King David, John the Baptist and Blasius, Istopher and Nikita the Great Martyr, and my word is terrible and the conspiracy is strong; I forbid you, cursed demon, unclean spirit, do not live anywhere and do not be a servant of God (name), get out now, and this very minute, with all the damage and enchantments and get away from this slave and go to your place where you were and where the Lord God, Jesus Christ, sent you and where he ordered you to live, into the abyss and the underworld, into an empty unmade land, go there, live there, and leave this to the servant forever, from now on and forever. Amen, amen, amen.