There are many different ways to promote products or services. Some of them cost a lot. So, you will have to pay a tidy sum for placing your poster on a billboard or broadcasting a video on television. Of course, not all organizations, firms and stores can afford such costs. That is why perhaps the most popular method of promotion is the distribution of special advertising materials - bright and enticing leaflets.

What is a flyer?

A leaflet is a paper product, usually A5 format, that contains information about a promoted product, service, special promotions or discounts. As a rule, such flyers also contain catchy color images, company logos, brand names, etc. Leaflets can have very different forms and contents, depending on the wishes of the entrepreneur and the specialization of a particular organization, company or outlet. Such advertising materials, as a rule, are handed out to passers-by, distributed through mailboxes, or pasted on special advertising stands.

Pros and cons of leaflets

  1. Low cost. Compared to other types of advertising, printing leaflets costs entrepreneurs very little money. However, remember, if an advertising agency offers a very low price for such a service, you should check the quality of the product before you receive a ready-made batch.
  2. Availability. In fact, similar promotional materials can be made at home by printing them on a regular printer. However, it is still better to entrust this task to professionals who can not only design and print leaflets, but also properly process them after printing.
  3. Opportunity to reach a wide audience. Leaflets can be distributed almost anywhere, near metro stations, shopping centers and complexes, left in mailboxes and under car wipers.
  4. Small size and compactness. These promotional materials are also good because after a person reads the text, he can put the leaflet in his bag or pocket. Of course, the consumer does this only if the offer interests him. Otherwise, the leaflet will most likely go to the nearest trash bin.
  5. Manufacturing speed. If you urgently need an advertising campaign, you can order leaflets from an advertising agency, and then properly organize the work of promoters. This will be enough to distribute promotional material throughout the city within one day. However, to do this, you need to ensure that your employees do not violate the established rules.

However, leaflets also have their disadvantages, namely:

  1. A considerable amount of preliminary work. If you do not go through all the necessary preparatory stages, do not pay due attention to the design, design, and printing features, you will not receive a high-quality product, but an attractive appearance is the key to the effectiveness of a leaflet.
  2. Ineffectiveness of leaflets as an independent advertising tool. To prevent leaflets from being thrown into the trash bin immediately after receipt, it is better to accompany their distribution with music, and give promoters a special form with the logo of the company or retail outlet. In other words, flyers need to be supported by other attention-grabbing methods.
  3. Lack of information content. The need to quickly “catch” the consumer’s attention greatly influences the size and content of the message. So you can't describe your proposal in detail, but it's a sacrifice that will have to be made anyway.
  4. Quality of staff work. Promoters don't always look friendly or happy, and sullenness scares off buyers. Try to supervise your workers, at least as much as possible.

Thus, despite the presence of certain disadvantages, with the right and reasonable approach, you can get the maximum benefit from this promotional material

The effectiveness of leaflets taking into account the profile of the enterprise

Leaflets are an effective means of promotion for almost any company, retail outlet and organization. These include:

  • Catering establishments: cafes, restaurants, fast food outlets;
  • Shops of various profiles, from pet stores to grocery stores;
  • Beauty salons, hairdressers, manicure salons, barbershops;
  • Wedding salons, clothing and shoe stores;
  • Real estate agencies and travel companies;
  • Educational institutions - kindergartens, private schools;
  • Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes;
  • Jewelry salons.

However, flyers will not be effective for the following businesses:

  • Hostels and hotels;
  • Gas stations;
  • Manufacturing enterprises.

Types of leaflets and their differences

Leaflets can have different designs, shapes and text. However, they differ precisely in the method of distribution, as well as in their main functions. So, there are the following types of these advertising materials:

  1. Leaflets accompanying the product. Such products are included in the packaging of an already purchased item or issued separately. Such leaflets can be purely advertising, or inform the client about a promotion, discount or special event.
  2. Leaflets for presentation. Such materials usually indicate that the client or buyer who presents the flyer will receive a special discount or bonus. Such materials are least likely to be sent to the trash can, because they promise a person very real benefits. Often such flyers are used to attract customers to various establishments.
  3. Invitation leaflets. Such materials do not necessarily have to confer any privileges on the bearer. Their main purpose is to notify about some event. Such leaflets can be distributed on the tables of cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, etc.
  4. Adhesive flyers and advertisements. Similar materials can be found near entrances, on advertising stands, lamp posts, etc. In general, such materials can be very effective, but you will have to coordinate their placement with municipal authorities or advertising site owners.
  5. Leaflets for mass distribution. This is the most popular type of such products. As a rule, promoters with such advertising materials can be found near all crowded places.

Price of advertising leaflets

The cost of leaflets will depend on many factors, including:

  • Type of material used;
  • Number of copies;
  • Post-print processing;
  • Brightness of colors;
  • Leaflet format (single-sided or double-sided);
  • Design development;
  • Sheet size.

In general, printing leaflets is one of the most inexpensive types of advertising. Thus, prices for a batch of 100 pieces can vary from 500 to 4,000 rubles.

How to attract attention to a leaflet

Remember, to ensure that your money is not wasted, you need to follow a few simple rules that will make your flyer bright and attractive.

  1. Try to stand out, “catch” the attention of a potential client, using large photos that should attract your audience (for example, if the leaflet is designed to advertise products for men, you can use photos of attractive women), as well as a large and easy to read font.
  2. Don't limit your imagination, use non-standard options. So, for example, you can order leaflets of unusual shapes, for example, round, triangular, etc.
  3. Make sure that the essence of your advertising offer is evident even from a quick glance at the flyer. Focus on keywords such as “children’s clothing”, “building materials”, “beer on tap” and so on. However, simply highlighting keywords is not enough. You need to briefly and sharply explain why your offer is unique and what its advantage is compared to the offers of other companies of the same profile. Such “signal” sentences should be written in large font. It does not matter whether they are at the top, bottom or in the middle of the leaflet, since it will be read from the large text.
  4. Use so-called “eye-stoppers” - elements that attract the eye and bright, contrasting colors.
  5. Style the leaflets to match the object being promoted - use corporate colors and logos.
  6. Remember, you shouldn’t write entire passages about your product or service. The less text, the easier and faster it is read and perceived. The sentence should contain no more than 6 words, and its meaning should be clear even to a child. So, you should not use too complex words or expressions, because your potential client may not understand the message the first time, and he will definitely not read the text for a long time.
  7. Humor can greatly increase the effectiveness of a leaflet as a promotional tool. Many entrepreneurs deliberately rely on funny and even eccentric slogans or slogans, knowing full well that they are great at attracting attention.
  8. Use specific numbers. So, if, for example, you are organizing a seasonal shoe sale, the “flashy” 50% can attract more customers.
  9. Use eye-catching marker words such as “first time”, “urgent”, “stop”, etc. For greater effect, you need to put exclamation marks after such words.
  10. Remember, the text on the flyer must be affirmative. Completely eliminate all denials, because they are poorly perceived by consciousness. So, a person can “omit” the particle “not”, and this, of course, will greatly change your information message. Moreover, phrases such as “you don’t have to worry about being scammed” are not the best option for attracting customers.
  11. Try to put yourself in the consumer’s shoes and develop a text that would attract you personally.

Where to order leaflets

You can order a batch of leaflets from an advertising agency or printing house. In advertising companies, in addition to printing, a flyer design is usually developed, while in a printing house, only the material is printed. In general, you can save a lot by choosing your own text and images, creating the flyer layout on a PC and printing a batch, but the flyers will likely look less attractive than products created on special equipment.

Where and how to distribute leaflets

For your advertising to be truly effective, you need to carefully consider all the places where you distribute leaflets. In most cases, entrepreneurs should not try to inform all passersby, but only those who are representatives of their target audience. If you, for example, are trying to increase the number of clients of a wedding salon, leaflets should be distributed in registry offices, youth institutions, shopping centers and shopping centers, near institutes and universities in the city. If a travel company is advertising, advertising material should be distributed in parks and other places where people spend their free time.

Leaflets can also be distributed through mailboxes (this is especially true if you sell mass-market products) or pasted on special advertising stands. However, you should not organize posting materials on fences and other unattractive surfaces - this will more likely cause harm than benefit the business.

Before distributing leaflets, it is better to conduct a detailed analysis that will help you find out in which places certain groups of people gather. Study the city press, ask friends and acquaintances, or even specialists - knowing the locations of your target audience will significantly increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

In addition, in order for leaflet distribution to bring tangible benefits to your business, your promoters will need to follow a few simple guidelines and rules, each of which is described below.

  1. Smile. This makes a good impression on passers-by and often encourages them to take the leaflet.
  2. You should not try to distribute materials to everyone without exception. Sudden and unsystematic movements and jerks only scare away passers-by. You need to give out leaflets calmly, as if you were giving something to an old friend.
  3. Passing men should hold out the piece of paper with their right hand. This gesture is subconsciously perceived as a handshake and encourages you to take materials
  4. For women, it is better to give the leaflet with your left hand and as smoothly as possible. In this case, it is better to hide the text, i.e. presenting the piece of paper with the text facing down stimulates curiosity.
  5. After the leaflet is given, you should remove your hand smoothly. At the same time, you can gently say the advertising slogan and thank the passerby.

Examples of leaflets by type of business

To see examples of flyers for businesses you are interested in, use the search form or follow the link below.

For what purposes is leaflet distribution used and what audience does it reach? Some statistics on leaflet distribution and what makes it more effective. And also how leaflets are distributed and how much it costs.

Who is covered by the leaflet distribution?

Depending on the target audience you want to reach, you can distribute leaflets in two ways. They can hand out at the metro(on the street, near shopping centers, etc.), selecting potential clients from streams of people. Can i put in cars(for windshield wipers) in spontaneous parking lots. And it happens that both methods are used in one promotion.

When is it best to distribute leaflets?

When do you want to the client still has your business card with a phone number, directions, discount coupon, etc.

When is it more convenient for you choose target audience by appearance(for example, car owners of foreign cars, or women under 45).

When is it more convenient for you choose target audience geographically(for example, notify local residents that you have opened).

When do you want urgently inform everyone residents of Moscow about their product, service, brand, or about price changes, the release of a new version, or something else.

In the first four cases, promoters use slogans to “catch” the target audience from the crowd, and the effect depends directly on the number of leaflets distributed. In the latter case, the advertising is more of the promoters themselves, standing in “strategic” places and working more like barkers.

What kind of return can you expect from handing out leaflets?

What the return will be from distributing leaflets can only be estimated approximately. Statistics show figures from 0.1 to 10%. In any case, it depends not only on the demand for your product or service, but also on many other factors.

But here it is important to consider something else. Distributing a small volume of leaflets (less than 30,000) makes little sense. If you want to take a trial step, you can get your own statistics taking into account the profitability of the stock already with a volume of 100,000. And when distributing more than 300,000 leaflets, you can get results even with not the most successful leaflet, simply by the law of large numbers.

However, there are several points due to which the efficiency of distributing leaflets can be increased several times.

How to increase the effectiveness of leaflet distribution

Firstly, leaflet should be composed in such a way that a person, as soon as he sees it, immediately understands what is being offered to him. Then more leaflets will fall into the hands of those for whom the advertised product or service is relevant at that moment.

Secondly, you need to choose the right distribution places- there should not just be a lot of people there, but also a high density of the target audience.

Thirdly, choose the right time. For example, it is better to hand out leaflets to everyone near the metro in the afternoon or evening, when people are not in such a hurry as in the morning when flying to work, and are more receptive to information.

Fourthly, it is necessary to conduct training for promoters. During the training, variations of chants are created, and promoters develop the skill of using it to “sift” the crowd, “catching” the target audience from it. By skillfully working with slogans, promoters cover many more already “ripe” or almost “ripe” clients. In addition, after analyzing the material during the training in question-answer mode, they master it much better than after simply reading it. Then promoters can immediately answer the potential client’s basic questions, making it easier for him to make the right decision.

In fact, there are a hundred more subtleties in each specific case, knowing which you can significantly increase the effectiveness of the promotion, and which our manager will be happy to tell you about.

How much does it cost to distribute leaflets?

Comparing the prices of various agencies, you will find a range from 3 to 4 dollars per hour of a promoter’s work, plus a variety of markups, coefficients and commissions on top. So it is simply impossible to compare prices according to price lists. Therefore, to get the exact cost, ask for a calculation, and using the division method you will get the final cost of distributing the 1st leaflet.

Wherein, key point will quantity distributed leaflets per hour. With high-quality work by promoters, this figure depends on the density of the target audience in the selected locations. And it is clear that during rush hour there will be more leaflets distributed per hour, which means the same result will cost less.

So, the promoter, depending on the place, by distributing leaflets to everyone in the evening, he implements from 50 to 250 leaflets per hour. On average it's 150 leaflets per hour. When it comes to cars (for everything), the output per hour is somewhat less.

If it is necessary to sample the target audience, then, depending on the criteria, this figure can be 60 leaflets per hour.

In addition to the cost of the work of the promotional staff, it is also worth taking into account the costs of printing leaflets, clothing for promoters (if you do) and the cost of agreements with points (if leaflets are distributed on someone’s territory). We can do all this for you too.

Calculation of the cost of promotional staff work

Let's take a situation where a promoter distributes an average of 150 leaflets per hour. If you need to distribute, say 100,000 leaflets for a week (7 days), distributing them 4 hours a day, then 24 promoters will be required.

To organize the work of promoters at points, protect them from possible street problems, monitor leaflets and deliver new ones, ensuring uninterrupted and high-quality work, 4 supervisors will be needed for 24 promoters.

The action coordinator conducts the action, calls and gathers the staff, instructs them, places them at points, collects reports and manages all processes. One coordinator can handle 28 people.

And in order to unite everyone into a team, to develop consistency and accuracy in everyone’s actions, training is needed.

Now we open the price and count.

24 promoters * 7 days * 4 hours * 110 rub./hour = 73,920 rub.
4 supervisors * 7 days * 4 hours * 150 rub./hour = 16,800 rub.
1 coordinator * 7 days * 600 RUR/day = 4,200 USD
Training for 24 promoters and 4 supervisors - 3,000 rub.
Total: 73920 + 16800 + 4200 + 3000 + 15% agency commission = 112608 rub.
That is, if 100,000 leaflets are distributed, 1 leaflet will cost approximately 1 ruble 12 kopecks.


To prevent your people from being unable to cope with the increased demand during the promotion, please take care of a sufficient number of products in the warehouse and staff readiness in advance. Don't repeat other people's mistakes.

Most entrepreneurs continue to try to attract customers in the old fashioned way with leaflets and flyers, and this is done by shops, cafes, beauty salons, and fitness clubs. However, few of them evaluate the relationship between the effectiveness and cost of distributing leaflets.

Below we will compare the cost of two ways to attract customers: leaflet distribution and Wi-Fi promotion from Global Hotspot.

Let's calculate how much a new client who came through a flyer costs? On average, the cost of printing a color single-sided flyer measuring 210 x 99 mm (the most common leaflet format) on paper with a density of at least 115 g/cm3 in Moscow costs from 2.5 to 4 rubles. per unit for a one-time purchase of at least 1000 leaflets, excluding the cost of design and delivery. To calculate, let’s take the average cost of one flyer in the city, we usually choose something in the middle, not the most expensive, but not the cheapest, so our calculation is as close as possible to the real one,

(4+2.5)/2=3.25 rub.

The total cost of printing 1000 leaflets is 3250 rubles.

Let's add to it the cost of the design 1500 rubles. and the cost of delivering leaflets by courier is 300 rubles, and that’s what we have:

3250+1500+300=5050 rub.

Now let’s calculate the cost of the promoter’s work:

To distribute 1000 leaflets, we will hire 2 people and distribute leaflets in a very public place, for example, near the metro, then, assuming that one person will distribute 3 flyers per minute, and this is a very realistic speed in the presence of a large flow of passers-by, we find that it takes everyone 3 hours without breaks to distribute all the leaflets (1 person distributes 167 flyers in 1 hour, and there are 500 in total for each person). On average, the cost of an hour of work for a promoter is 250 rubles. (data from the site for Moscow), then the cost of the work will be:

250x6=1500 rub.

Conversion, or in other words, the efficiency of distributing leaflets according to the stated statistics on the Internet, ranges from 0.1% to 1%, depending on the offer and design of the leaflet. Here we will not be fooled and take the average value, because in our case, we included a minimum cost for the design and printing of leaflets, so it is not practical to count on a conversion higher than 0.3%.

So, the cost of one attracted client is the product of the total amount of costs and the conversion rate:

(5050+1500) x 0.3/100=2183.33 rub.

This cost of attracting a client is unprofitable for most establishments and is acceptable only where the average visitor bill is large, for example, for a jewelry store, or where the visitor will come at least 3 times, for example, for a dental clinic.

Thus, if you use this method of promotion for a cafe or beauty salon, then for you this scheme will be more unprofitable than profitable.

Guests who are already in your establishment are much more loyal than passers-by on the street and are ready to spend their money once they have come to you. Your task is to offer them such high-quality and profitable services as to systematically get maximum profit from each visitor, in other words, make them come as often as possible, buy as much as possible and recommend you to their friends and acquaintances. This can be done in several ways, which you can learn about in the series of articles “How to make money on Wi-Fi?” We will look at a way to increase the average bill with the help of promotions, discounts and special offers.