Sometimes the titles of Honored Coach of the USSR (1956), Honorary Sports Judge (1972), and All-Union Judge (1934) are considered sports titles.

The lowest sports rank was an athlete of the third category in the main sports.

Against the backdrop of chess successes, IV and V chess categories were introduced in the USSR. The latter was eventually canceled. To obtain IV rank (and previously V), it was enough to gather a group of beginners of at least 11 people and score half the points in a round-robin tournament.

In addition, there was a system of youth sports titles, for persons under 18 years of age - I and II youth categories. There were no junior levels for chess.

In the republics of the USSR there was a system of sports titles similar to the system of all-Union titles. After the collapse of the country, titles of this kind were established in many newly formed countries.


Badge "Master of Sports of Russia"



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See what “Candidate Master of Sports” is in other dictionaries:

    Candidate Master of Sports- CANDIDATE FOR MASTER OF SPORTS, m Sports category preceding the title of Master of Sports; a person having such a rank. Tenth-grader Valery Kurtasov candidate for master of sports in skiing... Dictionary Russian nouns

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Rank by athletics are awarded to athletes who have passed the standards of the unified classification. Every citizen of the Russian Federation who leads an active lifestyle and plays sports can become the owner of a rank badge. In addition to the award, the distinguished athlete has a number of privileges. Students receive increased scholarship, and working citizens apply for additional days to their vacation.

Sports titles

Each category is awarded based on the results of passing sports standards. The result is valid for two years, then it must be confirmed. If the athlete demonstrates better physical fitness, the classification rank increases by one level. You can apply for categories in athletics from the age of 10.

Youth categories are awarded to schoolchildren under 18. Young athletes can apply for third class up to 14 years of age. Up to the age of sixteen, it is possible to assign 2 classes.

More stringent requirements are observed for candidates of adult qualification ranks. There are three of them, like the youth ones.

  • Candidate for master of sports. This title is awarded from the age of 14 based on the results of successfully passing standards at municipal level competitions (university, school, sports institution).
  • MS is a master of sports. Obtaining a title is possible at city and larger competitions. There are age restrictions for persons under 15 years of age.
  • MSMK is a master of sports of international class. The honorary title is available to adult athletes and is awarded at all-Russian level competitions.

Order of rank assignment

  • To get 1st category in athletics, you must pass the necessary standards.
  • Each rank provides for age restrictions, before which the assignment of a rank is unacceptable.
  • Sports distinction is confirmed at least once every two years. When retesting, previous results are canceled.
  • Titles are awarded only to Russian citizens.

  • To be awarded the title of CCM, MS, MSMK, it is necessary to achieve success in competitions of the required scale.
  • Passing the standards is possible only after official registration at the testing center.
  • Any citizen of the Russian Federation who plays sports can count on receiving a rank. It does not matter how physical training is carried out - independently or in a sports institution.
  • Athletics ranks are assigned in several sports. Each category has its own evaluated criteria - time, distance, weight of the projectile and others. In competitions where the result is not measured in such units, it is necessary to win or take a certain place.


The running standards required to obtain a sports category are divided into several types. Such competitions are held in specially equipped stadiums or indoors.

  • Short distances: 50, 60, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 600 m.
  • Middle distances: 800 m, 1 and 1.5 km, 1 mile.
  • Long: 3, 5, 10 km.
  • Road running: 15, 21.097 and 42.195 km (marathon), 100 km, daily.
  • Relay race: 4 distances of 100, 200, 400, 800 meters.
  • Hurdling: 60, 110 and 400 m.
  • Steeplechase: 2 and 3 km.


There are no strict restrictions on the organization of this sport; it can take place on ordinary roads, sand or dirt. The distances that athletes need to cover vary. There are distances of 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12 kilometers. Athletics ranks in this challenge are limited to 1 adult.


This is a sporting discipline in which the feet must be in constant contact with the ground. Receiving a category is possible by passing standards with a distance of 3, 5, 10, 20, 35 and 50 kilometers.

Throwing projectiles

This is an athletics sport, the essence of which is to cover the maximum distance with a projectile as quickly as possible. When meeting the standards, you must not violate the established throwing technique and use additional devices (the exception is launching the hammer - it can be sprinkled).

  • Ball (140 g).
  • Disc (1-2 kg).
  • Spears (600-800 g).
  • Hammer (4-7,260 kg).
  • Pomegranate (500-700 g).


Another sport, based on the fulfillment of the standards of which, participants in the competition are awarded categories in athletics. Jumps are carried out in high, pole, long and triple (consists of three elements).

Shot put

This is a discipline of throwing a shot with a pushing movement of one hand. It is part of the all-around competition. Requires strength and good coordination from athletes. The weight of the projectile varies depending on the athlete’s gender and age. For men, the core mass is 7 kg 260 g, for women and boys under 14 years old - 4 kg. Young athletes from 14 to 17 are provided with a projectile weighing 5 kg, and young people under 20 years old - 6 kg. The result depends on the throwing distance.

Table of ranks in athletics. Shot put (standards in meters).
Gender, ageCore weight, kgMSMKMSKMS1 time.2 times.3 times.1 youth2 youth3 youth
Men7,26 20 17,2 15,6 14 12 10
Boys under 20 years old6 17 15,3 13,2 11,2 10
Boys 14-17 years old5 18,4 16,6 14,4 12,3 11 9,5
Boys under 14 years old4 17,6 15,4 13,3 12 10,5 9
Women4 18,6 15,8 14 12 10 8,5 7,5 6,5
Girls under 16 years old3 12,8 10,8 9 8 7 6


This is a sport that includes several disciplines at once. The basis for awarding qualification is the result obtained by summing up the points earned during the competition.

  • 10-wrestling. Running 100, 400, 1500 m; long jump, high jump and pole vault; shot put; discus and shot throwing.
  • 7-wrestling. Hurdling; high and long jumps; shot put; javelin-throwing; running 200 and 800 m.
  • 6-wrestling. 100m and hurdles; long and pole vault; discus and shot throwing.
  • 5-wrestling. Hurdles and 1 km; shot throw; long and high jumps.
  • 4-wrestling. Running 60 and 600 m; long jump; throwing the ball.
  • 3-wrestling. Running 60 and 600 m; long jump.

Manual and auto timing

The table of ranks in athletics includes two timing calculations - manual and automatic. The indicators differ from each other by 0.24 seconds. This is the time a person needs to react to a shot calling for movement. A computer that starts in automatic mode does not take this time into account.

The difference in fractions of a second matters at short and medium distances. When the distance limit exceeds 1000 meters, this time becomes so insignificant that it is simply not taken into account.

Youth categories

Youth categories in athletics are awarded to young athletes under 18 years of age. In those sports where age advantage is not of primary importance, such as intellectual sports, such a classification is absent. The standards for boys and girls are slightly different. The requirements for representatives of the stronger sex are stricter.

Starting from 2016, schoolchildren who received a sports distinction can count on privileges over their classmates - young athletes will receive additional points towards their Unified State Examination results.

So, you went to the official competitions high level, have fulfilled the relevant standards and want to officially formalize the title of Master of Sports of Russia. What needs to be done for this?

For registration of the 1st sports category and CMS, the sequence is almost the same.

Below I will tell you step by step instructions, where to go and how to apply for this high sports title.

Read more about regulatory documents and laws in this article ().

General procedure for submitting documents ()

Step 1. Get acquainted with EVSK.

First, let's take a look at the current EVSK) and .

Step 2. Fulfill the norms.

During 1.5 years, you must complete 3 STANDARDS(3 test exercises of the corresponding type.) At the time of submitting documents for registration, time must have passed since the deadline has been met no more than 9 months (in fact no later than 6, since there is still time for registration).

Compliance with standards must be confirmed official competition reports, certified by the chief judge. That is, these are the results from each task where the norm is met. Example of a protocol from the Czech Republic 2017.


The protocol must be properly completed. Have a header containing all the data about the exercise by type of exercise (according to EVSC), have numbered pages, etc.

Step 3. Receive a certificate or extract about the composition of the GSC from the competition.

At competitions, from the competition secretary, in addition to the protocols, you must receive a certificate certified by the organizers extract on the composition of the main panel of judges (GCJ) signed by the chief judge, or certificate of compliance with the norm, signed by the members of the GSK.

Help example.

Step 4. Obtain copies of judge's certificates.

Copies of GSJ judges' IDs. Example of an ID.

Step 5. Do to copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (page with photo and registration) + two photographs measuring 3x4 cm;

Step 6. Prepare a REPRESENTATION certified by the chairman of the accredited regional sports federation at the place of registration of the pilot.

That is, you need to fill out Performance according to the form (see sample) and find your regional accredited federation.

The list of accredited federations for the sport “SLA sport”, at the time of writing, can be found below.

Currently there are 25 of them, (23 indicated in the file and 2 more (Crimea and Leningrad region) have valid accreditation, but the register has not yet been updated).

If the region of your registration does not yet have an accredited regional sports federation for the sport of ultralight aviation, then you have 3 options.

  1. Passive. Track current list accredited federations on the website of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. ( ). Suddenly, such a federation will appear within 9 months from the fulfillment of your extreme norm.
  2. Active. – Create a federation yourself, for example, as the Moscow paragliders created it, and carry out its accreditation.
  3. Register in another region of the Russian Federation, where there is already an accredited federation, and submit documents “at the place of registration.” through this federation.

Step 7. You hand over this entire set of documents (Submission, Copies of protocols on the implementation of standards, a certificate of the composition of the State Judicial Committee or a certificate of standards, copies of judge’s certificates, 2 3x4 photographs, a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) either to an authorized person in your regional federation, or take it yourself to regional office Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. //in Moscow this is the Moscow Department of Sports, in the Moscow region - the Ministry of Sports of the Moscow region, etc.//

Submission form (printed in color on thick paper).

Lazarev-Marchenko Sergey. December. 2017

Good afternoon, dear friend!

Let's be clear right away: the title of Master of Masters in chess is not a correct term. A candidate for master of sports is a rank. The highest of the ranks. Your titles are already coming: master of sports and grandmaster.

How to get the CMS rank?

We have already completed the execution procedure. The standard for a master candidate is also determined by the average tournament rating. The only condition is that the CMS is awarded from the age of 7.

You need to score 75% of points in a tournament with an average rating of opponents of 1901-1925.

The assignment procedure is the same as for other categories. We looked at it.

I believe that everything is clear on the technical side of executing and assigning CMS. Frankly speaking, level 1 chess players usually already know the entire procedure for performing the ranks themselves. It is identical for all categories.

It will be more difficult to bring your skill to this level. The CMS level is already a serious bar. Which is overcome by at most 3-5% of advanced chess players.

How to grow to KMS?

Your humble servant became a candidate for master at the age of 19, 7 years after he completed the 1st category. This happened largely by coincidence.

I was quietly studying in my second year at the Polytechnic University, living in a dorm, far from home. I played chess occasionally.

One day one of the chess officials found me and offered me to go to a zonal qualifying tournament as part of the regional team... Some of the presenters were unable to go, others got sick. In short, a replacement was urgently needed. That's how they remembered me. "Valera, help me out")

The tournament turned out extremely well for me. On my board I scored 9.5 out of a possible 11. He just tore everyone apart. As a result, I fulfilled the CCM standard, and the regional team took 1st place.

What caused the qualitative leap in the game and results remained a mystery to me at that moment. I came to a conclusion later, years later:

Psychological factors

Looking at this situation through the prism of life and chess experience, I realized:

By that time I had matured psychologically. The transition to a student environment and life away from home taught me to be independent and added self-confidence. I saw the life around me not through the prism of chess, but as an adult.

The task of transition from the 1st category level to CMS remains unsolved for 90% of chess players. And it’s not just about pure chess skills .

As you grow up the rank ladder, the level of play levels out and psychological factors begin to play an increasingly important role: emotional stability, concentration, ability to rationally manage time, taking into account the opponent’s characteristics and many others.

A more mature outlook on life and chess developed naturally in me over the course of several years. However, in my opinion, psychological maturation can be made a more manageable process .

Within the framework of this article, I will note one important factor, the awareness of which is already an important step for a more successful game in the medium and long term. Namely adequate attitude towards defeat.


Do you know a chess player who has never lost? I guess the answer is obvious. Losing is part of our game. And we have to live with this.

Defeat, especially in a significant, decisive game, is depressing. The question is how quickly a player can get this weight off his shoulders . And can he?

At the same time, about which I wrote a little higher, I had a childhood friend, Volodya, who was also a chess player and a talented chess player. He played better than me and had already become the regional champion among adults. The plans were Napoleonic, the hopes were bright.

As the regional champion, Volodya went to the master's tournament. He played well and achieved the International Master score.

The next tournament is a qualifying tournament for the RSFSR Championship. And here Volodka met with failure. He was beaten quite badly; he found himself in the very tail.

And after that he... stopped playing. At all. Everyone just shrugged: “I buried my talent in the ground.”

About ten years later he began to play in workshop tournaments (he worked at a factory), but only at the urgent request of his superiors. I kept silent on all questions or laughed it off: I’m tired, I don’t want to.

Reason – psychological breakdown caused by “failure of hopes” . Volodya could not overcome the burden of an unexpected and heavy defeat, or rather several in a row.

The bad thing is that we did not have a sufficiently qualified coach who would understand issues of psychology.

Do you remember Robert Fisher? Why did he stop playing? There is still no definite answer, but it is obvious to me that the reasons are psychological.

My friend Volodya still sometimes plays for his team. But he is no longer the same. "Former". Both in terms of the strength of the game and the “charge” for the game.

Attitude towards defeats

Based on my attitude towards defeats, I would divide chess players into three groups:

1. Players for whom loss is tantamount to a universal catastrophe . After the defeat they are demoralized. It takes days, and sometimes weeks and months, to “lick the wounds.” The degree of demoralization is measured by a decrease in the quality of the game. Often one defeat is followed by a second, or even a whole series.

An example of a chess player of this kind (not counting my friend Volodka)) is H.R. Capablanca. Despite his outward gloss and apparent confidence, he took defeats painfully. After losing the match to Alekhine? he was never able to fully overcome this breakdown.

2. Chess players who after a defeat, they strive to “get even” . Such players prefer to get rid of unpleasant experiences as quickly as possible, trying to fight as quickly as possible in a new, more successful battle.

Many people consider this approach to be the only correct one. And they give examples of Botvinnik, Karpov, Kramnik.

Everything is true, but there is one catch. Remember the saying: “The father beat his son not because he was playing, but because he was getting even.”

The problem is that the desire to win back is an emotional impulse. And emotions, when they overwhelm, do not help, but hinder the game. Objective assessment of the position fades into the background. The first is a passionate desire to “punish” a partner. And this is not good.

In a state of emotional stress Creative skills turn off completely . Only instincts remain, fixed at the subconscious level.

In my opinion The reason for the success of the “big” chess players mentioned above is not the desire to win back, but the correct attitude towards defeats . They lead the third group of chess players.

3 . Players who perceive defeat as an integral part of the game . And life. Of course, they are upset by defeats, but quickly recover, learning the necessary lessons.

Serious success in chess can only be achieved “over a distance” of hundreds and thousands of games. It is impossible to go such distances without defeat. This means they just need to be accepted as part of the journey. .

In the end, there are advantages to any defeat - there is an opportunity to see shortcomings in your preparation and game. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”

So, the conclusion: starting from rank 1, you should pay serious attention psychological aspects preparation.

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Unified All-Russian sports classification

Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK)- a normative document defining the procedure for assigning and confirming sports titles and categories in the Russian Federation. Defines the standards, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the assignment of titles and categories for all officially recognized sports. In the USSR there was a Unified All-Union Sports Classification. The first EVSK in Russia was introduced in 1994, it was designed for the period until 1996. For the period 1997-2000. the second EVSK was introduced, and for the period 2001-2005. - third. In 2006, the fourth EVSC was introduced, which will operate until 2009 (for some sports, the EVSC was developed for the period 2007-2010).

General provisions

EVSK is the only normative document, which determines the procedure for assigning official sports titles and categories and the requirements for athletes applying for these titles. EVSK is formed in accordance with the All-Russian Register of Sports and the list of sports recognized by the Federal Agency for Sports physical culture and sports in Russia.

The EVSC determines both the actual standards that an athlete must fulfill to receive the title, and the conditions under which these standards must be met: the level of competition, the qualifications of judges, the level of opponents. Requirements are established individually for each sport, taking into account both its specifics and the level of development of this sport in the Russian Federation.

The EVSK is developed and adopted for a period of four years. Several editions of the EVSK can operate simultaneously if they determine the requirements for different types sports

Rank and rank

The system of sports titles and categories is the same for all sports. The following titles and categories of athletes are provided (in descending order):

Sports titles:

  • (MSMK) :: Grandmaster of Russia

Sports categories:

  • 1st sports category
  • 2nd sports category
  • 3rd sports category
  • 4th sports category in chess - score at least 50 percent of points in a group tournament, playing at least 10 games.
  • 5th sports category in chess - cancelled. the conditions for obtaining are similar to the conditions for obtaining the current 4th category.
  • 1st youth category
  • 2nd youth category
  • 3rd youth category

The highest sports title has two names - “Master of Sports of International Class” and “Grandmaster of Russia”. The use of two terms is due to tradition - the title “Grandmaster” is used for tabletop logic games(chess, checkers, go), and MSMK - for all other sports.

Youth ranks are assigned only in those sports where age objectively gives an overwhelming advantage over the opponent, regardless of his level of training (where such qualities as physical strength, speed of movement, endurance, and reaction speed are decisive). In those species where age does not play a determining role (for example, in intellectual games), youth categories are not assigned.

Requirements and procedure for awarding titles

  • The basis for assigning a rank or title is the achievement of a certain objectively measurable result of sports activity. The following may be recognized as such:
    1. Occupying a certain place when performing in an official competition provided for by the standards.
    2. Achieving the number of victories specified by the standards over opponents of the corresponding rank or category. Victories achieved during last year, only in official competitions, the level of which meets the standards.
    3. Fulfillment of quantitative standards in those sports where such are possible (for example, weightlifting) at official competitions of the level corresponding to the standards.
  • Each title (category) provides for a certain minimum age of the athlete from which this title can be awarded.
  • To be awarded the title of MSMK or “Grandmaster of Russia”, an athlete must participate for Russia in international competitions at the appropriate level.
  • For competitions based on the results of which titles and categories are awarded, standards are established for the level, composition of participants, the required number of judges of a certain category, the required number of opponents, the number of games, fights, performances in the main and preliminary (qualifying) part of the competition.
  • For international competitions, based on the results of which the highest ranks are awarded, the necessary minimal amount participating countries.
  • The highest ranks (MSMK, Grandmaster of Russia) are approved by the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. Lower ranks and categories are assigned to athletes by regional or local (depending on the rank or rank) executive bodies for physical culture and sports.
  • Sports titles are awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Sports categories must be confirmed at least once every two years.



  • Section dedicated to EVSK on the website of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism: position, current EVSK

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