Surprisingly, in dreams even the most seemingly ordinary, simple things sometimes acquire deep meaning, carry secrets, and open doors to the future.

Those who believe dreams and ask interpreters for answers are often surprised at how accurately one can decipher the signs that appear in dreams and how to successfully apply them in reality. It is worth paying attention to even the most ordinary objects - after all, in dreams they acquire different meanings than in reality.

For example, candy. Symbol of childhood, joy, pleasure and sweet life. Even in reality, a simple box of chocolates can speak of affection, express gratitude, become a romantic declaration of love or an apology.

Sweets are given for all holidays, they are presented simply to bring joy, they are not just a treat.

What can we say about dreams! In this mysterious world, everything is not just like that, everything is more complicated. And if you already dreamed of candy, know that it has meaning and a message.

Just to decipher what sweets are in dreams about, you need to pay attention - and remember the details of these “candy” dreams. What were they like, what did you do with them in your dream? For example:

  • You just saw candy in a dream.
  • You dream of a lot of small candies.
  • I dreamed about various sweets.
  • You saw lollipops in a dream.
  • I dream of a display case in which sweets are laid out.
  • You make candy yourself in your sleep.
  • Eating crispy, crumbly candy in a dream.
  • There is a chocolate candy.
  • Sour candy in a dream.
  • You received a box of chocolates from someone in a dream.
  • You gave them to someone yourself.
  • Buying candy in a dream.
  • Or sell them.

“Candy” dreams can mean different things - but, without a doubt, they are not associated with anything bad. Surely, a dream in which delicious sweets appeared promises something pleasant - but the interpreter will reveal to us exactly what. So remember all the nuances, and we’ll find out why you dream about sweets - they’re so different.

Just watch!

In many dreams, sweets come as if in separate visions - in other words, the dreamer does not eat them, does not touch them, but only sees them from the outside. What does this dream mean? Let's ask the dream books.

1. If you dream of a candy, or several, the dream book says that you can safely expect pleasant emotions associated with communication and joyful events. Let these joys not be on a universal scale, but they will bring you a lot of pleasant and bright things.

2. Seeing a lot of small candies in dreams - caramels, chocolate balls, lollipops and so on - is a lot of pleasures, joys and surprises.

A bright streak awaits you, during which you will receive small but very pleasant gifts from fate in droves. Get ready to enjoy life, or better yet, start now!

3. Sweets come in a dream to predict wealth for you - and rest assured, this dream will come true. You may not even suspect where the money will come from, but you will probably soon become much wealthier than you are now.

4. Seeing lollipops or beautiful multi-colored caramels in a dream is a hint that some pleasures and pleasures await you. Do not deny yourself the joys, enjoy yourself to the fullest!

5. Seeing candies and sweets in a dream in a beautiful display case, or on the counter of a candy store, is a hint of your daydreaming. Dreaming is useful, as they say, and you must believe in your dream, but just don’t live completely in the world of dreams and illusions, do something real to make them come true.

So tasty and sweet!

You see candy in your dreams, perhaps, less often than you eat, buy, give, and so on. More often than not, we dream about action. But remember what it was like in order to find out exactly what you dream about sweets and draw the right conclusion. What will the interpreter say?

1. If you dream at night about how you yourself, with your own hands, make sweets - chocolate, caramel and more - this is good. Such a dream, in which you made sweets, says that thanks to your diligence and hard work, your well-being will soon improve significantly.

You have a lot of strength and energy, talents and abilities! Use them actively, and soon you will live prosperously and comfortably.

2. It is not only easy to see from the outside, but also with pleasure to eat in a dream a crispy, light, crumbly candy, for example, waffle or with nuts - this is a dream that promises you luxury and pleasure from it.

Social pleasures and refined entertainment high level, good company and joy from these delights. Be worthy of it all and enjoy!

3. Such a sweet dream in which you eat delicious chocolate candies is a sign of imminent love that will knock on your life. Let her in - sweet experiences, romance and great happiness await you! Don't close your heart to new love!

4. Eating sour candy in a dream is a hint that you are very irritable. Think, maybe it makes sense to work on yourself, become more tolerant of people and events, try to perceive reality more calmly. Irritability does not suit you and significantly harms your precious health, to boot.

5. As the dream book says, candy, which in your dream you suddenly received as a gift from anyone, is a symbol of your speedy prosperity - both in the material sense and in the spiritual.

You will not only become richer financially, having received new opportunities and sources of income, but also, perhaps, you will become richer internally, spiritually, learn to be kinder and wiser, and give joy and light to others.

6. But such a “candy” dream, in which you yourself present candy to someone, indicates an excess of hopes - sometimes they can be empty.

This does not mean that you should not hope, and does not bode well. The dream book simply advises to be more real person, look at the world soberly - and not build unnecessary illusions.

7. Buying candy in a dream is a wonderful sign. If you dreamed about this, feel free to expect great luck and undoubted success in all your good deeds.

Fortune is simply beginning to relentlessly pursue you, which means that now you can implement bold projects and take decisive steps. You'll be lucky!

8. A dream in which you sell candy is very good for the dreamer - it indicates his best qualities that need to be actively implemented. You have a lot of goodness and desire to help those in need, do it - give joy, love, help to other people, this will make you happy.

Such different “candy” dreams, and they are all good and pleasant. What does the dream promise you? Love or pleasure, goodness or good luck - in any case, you should never have the slightest doubt that this will soon come true.

Believe in the best - and your life will change rapidly and confidently better side day after day, joyful events will simply magically happen in your everyday life, and luck will become your companion forever. Without any doubts! Author: Vasilina Serova

Why do you dream of chocolates and how sweet they can be? general meaning sleep? From the very first words we inform you that chocolate candies bring a million pleasant surprises to your dreams. The nature of the surprises depends on the candy filling, your mood, the candy wrapper, the time of day you dream about, and the general environment.

There are chocolates on observation deck his castle, admiring the luxurious ocean sunset, and frantically swallow chocolates stolen from a destroyed gas station, huddled in a gap under the bridge and fighting off huge zombie rats in the middle nuclear apocalypse- not the same thing.

By the way, the second dream has the most positive meaning and shows the will to live despite any circumstances. All that remains is to sympathize with the rats - the zombies. They don't have the slightest chance against the brave sweet tooth.

  • The most important meaning for which chocolate candies are dreamed of is pleasure, the desire for pleasure, the love of surprises. According to the famous Forrest Gump, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know exactly what filling you'll get this time.
  • The second meaning, a direct and logical derivative of the first, is the lack of love, pleasure, attention, and the luxury of simple human communication. Eating chocolates alone means loneliness.
  • Eating chocolates in a dream one after another, unwrapping and throwing the wrappers on the floor means experiencing boredom and disappointment.
  • If you have one single piece of candy in your dream and that’s enough for you, you dedicate a lot of time to self-discipline and have reached incredible heights. All your thoughts are under control, pleasures are strictly regulated. We will not advise you to relax, because everyone understands how this could end. It’s not for nothing that you keep yourself on a chain, you have good reasons. But even if you break down and go completely wild, we are with you in our thoughts. Don't beat yourself up.
  • Chocolates, piled high, in gold or silver wrappers - a desire for luxury. It may be stormy and beautiful, which will suddenly end without any special consequences.
  • To see someone eating chocolates, to admire a couple who treats each other to sweets - to envy someone else’s happiness, to dream of stealing it. Is not evil envy, you just want happiness and are trying to try on other people's recipes. It's not a fact that they will suit you.

What do chocolates mean according to dream books?

Sigmund Freud's dream book is adamant and, as always, unambiguous. Chocolates in a dream are sexual pleasures and erotic pleasures that you constantly dream about and hide the truth even from yourself. Treating each other with candy means having sex. Eating chocolates means dreaming about sex. Getting dirty with chocolate means you won’t be able to resist temptation.

The women's dream book considers chocolates to be kisses. Exchange candy - give each other kisses. Sending a box of chocolates is a sign of sincere sympathy. Send candy with a dove - kiss.

On the other hand, if you were given a box of chocolates, these are your dreams, packed in cellophane. If you don't immediately change your life, your dreams will not come true.

Miller's famous dream book tends to see joyful emotions in chocolates. Miller advises putting money on deposit to avoid thoughtless spending. Special, fancy candies, unusual shapes, interesting design of chocolates indicates your creative abilities.

What do the fillings mean?

  • If there are almonds hidden in a chocolate candy, great luck awaits you.
  • Cracked nuts - you will have to work hard to achieve happiness.
  • Liqueur, drunken cherry, any alcoholic filling - you lack calm and poise.
  • White filling - you are one of the calmest people in this world, the basis of family and well-being. Perhaps you would like to step out of character for a while? Why not go on holiday without your family? Choose northern and European countries.
  • Liquorice – you live in Scandinavia. It was a joke. What this really means is that you should take care of your throat and watch out for colds for a while.
  • Layered chocolate - you really know a lot about luxury. Be careful, people envy your happiness. Don't brag too much about your successes. Instead of admiration, you can get the exact opposite result - people will refuse to cooperate with you. Or they will significantly raise prices for their services.
  • Strawberry. In your case, Freud's interpretation is absolutely correct. You love sex and know a lot about it. Strawberry is one of the recognized aphrodisiacs. Do what you like. But don't get caught.
  • Spoiled, bitter filling, filling that is not at all suitable for candy or is inedible - beware of treachery in business. Don't take your word for it, don't trust smiles and promises. A well-drafted contract is the only thing you can trust. You will be surprised how many charming smiles will fade from your surroundings.


Seeing chocolates in a dream is very good, strong sign. But also a warning. You want more than you have this moment in life. You will have to make efforts to make your dreams come true. Chocolates used to be synonymous with absolute luxury. Nowadays chocolates are available to everyone.

You don’t have to work too hard to eat chocolates in any quantity every day and earn excess weight, diabetes and bury all your dreams and brilliant ideas. You deserve better. You have the right to work on your own ideas that will bring you profit. Or they won't bring it. But these are your ideas and your life. In any case, you will earn money from candies.

A dream about buying candy most often foreshadows upcoming health problems. There is no need to resort to old-fashioned methods and self-medication at home. You need to contact to a good doctor who decide on the treatment method.

What if you dream about buying candy?

In general, any purchase warns a person about something. If someone decided to buy candy in a dream, then in reality he needs to be careful while traveling so as not to break his bones. After such a dream, a driver should be very careful while driving, a pregnant woman should take vitamins to avoid miscarriage, and it’s time for a sick person to think about changing the method of treatment.

A person who sees himself buying sweets in a dream will suddenly feel unwell or weak in the near future. Therefore, after such a dream it is worth undergoing an examination.

Sometimes such a dream promises about unfaithful people surrounded by whom a person will soon be disappointed. Or a purchase will be made, which the person who sees such a dream will later regret, because... the thing was obviously unnecessary and the money was wasted.

If a person bought a giant candy, then this is a sign that there will soon be entertainment in real life. True, how they will end is unknown. Such a dream advises a person not to be frivolous, because... such behavior can actually damage your reputation. If during a party or other event it is offered a large number of alcoholic drinks, then it is better to refuse them so as not to get into unpleasant situations.

Sometimes you dream of buying confectionery as a sign of disappointment in the actions and behavior of a loved one.

What does it portend?

A favorable dream is one in which a person purchased candy, but did not pay a penny. This dream is often dreamed by those who are going to establish control over their actions, affairs, etc. All this will make a person much more successful.

Buying a large box of chocolates means family happiness and well-being. A small box of chocolates symbolizes small family joys.

We also thought about why we dreamed of buying candy in the old days. Since then, it has been believed that seeing the process of buying candy foreshadows health problems for some, and the emergence of new opportunities for others.

Sometimes buying candy is a dream for those who lack vivid emotions in life and need to try to do everything to create more impressions and pleasant moments in real life. Monotony, melancholy and boredom can make you sick.

Chocolate candies - faithful friends in real life.

If a person dreams that he is buying candy and immediately begins to eat it with pleasure, then this dream promises longevity and joyful friends with whom it will be pleasant to communicate.

Also, this dream warns that a relationship should be started not only because a person is beautiful, but his inner world must be taken into account.

A dream in which you saw sweets portends a long courtship young man, which will end with the traditional proposal to marry him.

Receiving a set of expensive chocolates as a gift means you will be invited to a celebration.

Giving a box of good chocolates in a dream means being the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

Eating candy in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love.

Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies mean illness and irritability, mint candies mean annoyance and disappointment will take the place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you.

Lollipops in a dream foreshadow betrayal on the part of imaginary friends.

Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and the matter will begin in full swing.

Making candy in a dream means you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work.

Buying candy is a complete waste of money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crispy candy suggests that you will be happy in love and live a social life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent advances of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he is giving a box of chocolates, it means that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams are often a reflection of daytime experiences, repressed desires and fears. One of the essential concerns of the day is food, because we need a lot of energy to cope with all the tasks and at the same time experience positive emotions. Moreover, the most desirable foods for both children and adults remain foods rich in sugars. Therefore, sweets, cakes, and candies appear very often in dreams. And in order to figure out why you dream about sweets, you need to thoroughly remember the details of the dream.

Dream books are unanimous in the general interpretation of plots in which the dreamer has to eat candy in a dream. Everyone points to two main answers to the question “Why do you dream about candy?” The first answer is that the person may have been overly focused on avoiding sweets during the day for various reasons, and the unconscious thus provided the opportunity to satisfy the desire.

The second answer is more complex and has to do with what sweets symbolize in general. Sugar is energy and pleasure. Therefore, sweets are closely related to positive changes in reality for the dreamer, with creative enthusiasm and the discovery of new possibilities. Eating candy in a dream - of course positive sign. Why do you dream about sweets in different circumstances?

Seeing candy is a stormy and cheerful life, full of entertainment and acquaintances that bring a lot of positive emotions. Seeing a lot of sweets - the person who had the dream does not appreciate what he has. You need to reconsider your attitude towards yourself, your hobbies, friends and work.

If you dreamed of tasteless sweets, the person who saw such a plot feels annoyed with someone and is afraid of a negative outcome to an important matter. Dream books advise you to listen to yourself and change your approach in communicating with people who cause unpleasant feelings, and also try to analyze your capabilities regarding important matters.

If you dreamed about chocolates, a period of creativity begins in the dreamer’s life. The implementation of ideas that come at this time will bring great results. Seeing other people who eat sweets and do not share with the dreamer is a reflection of envious feelings experienced in reality. In order to find peace and happiness, you need to end envy once and for all.

A box presented as a gift, containing a variety of delicious sweets - soon such a plot promises prosperity and harmonization in all areas of the dreamer’s life. A beautiful gift box with chocolates on the table is a sign of the existence of a waking attachment to the dreamer, which is still superficial. In addition, it acts as a symbol of prosperity.

Eating candy in a dream is a sign of imminent pleasant changes in reality, which the dreamer has long been preparing. A box containing a lot of heart-shaped sweets - such a dream means warm relationships with loved ones. The dreamer can completely trust his surroundings.

A lot of sweets in the house - to prosperity and joy. Gathering friends and treating them to coffee and tea with sweets and chocolate means making new, very useful acquaintances.

Other sweet dream scenes

To understand why you dream of buying candy, you need to remember: was there a large assortment, which candies were selected, whether the final choice was made at all, whether the dreamer was satisfied with his purchase.

  • Seeing a lot of different candies in the store means a lot of choices in life. If at the same time the dreamer experiences confusion, in reality he stands at controversial issue seek advice from friends or knowledgeable people.
  • Collecting sweets that have spilled in a store from the floor is an inability to cope with your choice. You should carefully evaluate your strengths and abilities. And if someone helped the dreamer, help awaits him in reality.
  • To choose one type of candy after a long study of the counter is to make an important decision in reality, which will turn out to be absolutely correct.

Taking sweets from others is trying to take away from another person what brings him joy through dishonest actions. If this was prevented, you should not try to compensate for the lack of something at someone else’s expense. If the dreamer easily took away the sweets and disappeared, in reality everything will go unpunished, but it is unlikely that someone else’s will bring pleasure.

Seeing how someone takes away sweets and intervening reflects the internal state of the struggle for ideals. If the dreamer managed to stop the thieves, he will come out of any trouble in reality with honor thanks to his endurance and fortitude. And if you fail, then you should think about training your will.

Collecting candy wrappers means the dreamer should be attentive to the people and events that bring him joy and fun, and not forget about the wonderful moments of life. Collecting sweets from a cemetery means there is not enough fun and warmth in life, a person is trying to get them from the past or even living in the past. We need fresh impressions, new acquaintances, a change of scenery.

It is easy to determine why sweets are dreamed of - the dreamer has a very strong emotional connection with the past. Positive emotions from the past exceed anything a person encounters in the present.

If you dreamed of candy in a cemetery and he didn’t touch it, the dreamer should analyze what exactly caused joy and brought delight in the past in order to renew either a forgotten relationship or connect his activities with a business that was once successful.

In a dream, candies and sweets symbolize carefree joy and creativity, but any signs of dreams can be actualized in reality only as a result of the active actions of the person who had the dream and his faith in himself. Therefore, despite the positive predictions of the dream book regarding sweets, one must not forget about foresight, responsibility and the importance of one’s own efforts.