Every owner of a successful nightclub knows that the main thing in such a business is the concept. Without original idea Even the most expensive equipment and a good location of the club will not lead the business to the pinnacle of success.

It is the development of the concept that should be given the greatest attention, however, other nuances should not be neglected. If you want to open night club, then this article is for you.

Cost of opening a nightclub

Investments in such a business are as follows. In a mid-level establishment you will have to invest up to $1.5 million. If you plan to open a fashionable nightclub with high-quality expensive equipment, then the amount of investment can reach 3 million dollars. A fifth of this amount will be spent on an advertising campaign, and approximately the same amount on construction and renovation work+ interior design.

While you can still save some money on interior decoration (since nightclubs operate in twilight and no one will consider wall decoration), then it is not recommended to save on equipment.

Good sound and light are one of the main components of the success of a nightclub. Read below to find out what kind of equipment you should invest in.

Night club business plan

Stages of opening a nightclub

Concept development

Creating a profitable club business is possible only through the development and implementation of an original concept. A concept is, one might say, an idea of ​​what a future nightclub should be like. When building a nightclub concept, pay attention to the following points:

1. Idea. When formulating a general idea, it is necessary to describe the pricing and music policy, the interior and your target customers. For the most profitable solution in these matters, it is recommended to conduct marketing research of the club business in your region.

2. Layout. It is important to correctly distribute the entire space of the club, separating the technical and entertainment areas. It is best to work through several options and, based on their analysis, come to the right decision.

3. Stylistics. The nightclub is a special atmosphere. And this atmosphere can be created by the right interior solutions. In this matter, they often resort to the services of specialist designers, since they know how visitors will perceive this or that interior object.

4. Service. Choosing the optimal service scheme, both on regular days and during events.

5. Target audience. Description of who your main ones are (age, social status, financial situation etc.) and determining the class of the establishment.

6. Title. Choosing the name that best suits the general idea of ​​the club.
The elaboration of all these points represents the general concept of the nightclub.


The best place for a nightclub is crowded streets with convenient transport links. The club, which is located deep in the alleys, is unlikely to attract visitors. And of course, it would be more reasonable to open a nightclub where there are very few or no similar establishments.


The premises for a nightclub should be quite large - the dance floor alone will take up to 250 square meters. The premises can be either purchased or rented, but it is worth considering that the payback period for nightclubs is approximately 1-1.5 years (if the investment has not paid off during this time, you should think about closing the establishment or radically changing it).

Be careful when renting premises in residential buildings, as problems may arise with tenant complaints.


It is almost impossible to install sound and lighting equipment yourself; you need specialists who are well versed in this. Hire specially trained people to install and test all equipment to ensure it operates correctly.

For a nightclub you will need the following equipment:

1. Bar and kitchen equipment– refrigerators, bar counters, coffee makers, juicers, etc.
2. Lighting equipment– mirror balls, lamps, spotlights, lighting effects and decorations.
3. Sound equipment– mixing consoles, controllers, players, effectors, speaker systems, amplifiers, microphones.

There is no point in saving on lighting and sound equipment, since the overall atmosphere in your establishment depends on it. Now there are many companies that supply and install this equipment.


The key person is the director. He is the one who hires employees and supervises all personnel. The face of a nightclub is its administrator, who decides possible conflicts clients and club employees (for example, waiters), and also participates in negotiations with partners.

A nightclub also needs an accountant, and in the best case, a lawyer, who is responsible for completing all the documentation, both during the creation of the establishment and during its operation.

The staff of the nightclub is quite large, since in addition to those listed, it also includes waiters, bartenders, DJs, security guards, dancers, and kitchen staff (cooks). As for the latter, naturally, the organization of a nightclub kitchen is much more simplified compared to a restaurant kitchen, since the nightclub will not have a wide range of dishes (however, this still depends on the concept). But simple salads, desserts and other light dishes should be on the nightclub menu.

Organization of events and negotiations with representatives show business stars The art director of the club is in charge. To improve the professionalism of staff, it is worth conducting various trainings and seminars with them.


A nightclub can be aimed at different categories of visitors: students (as a rule, who do not have large funds), wealthier people and adults, “golden” youth, etc. But, as practice shows, the most profitable audience for nightlife establishments are young people aged 18 to 25 years. This is the most active age category, and almost 90% of people of this age are nightclub goers from time to time.

If you decide to target an audience over 25 years old, then you should understand its pros and cons. The advantage is that people of this age, as a rule, are already more or less wealthy and in the future can leave a certain considerable amount in the bar’s cash register. But the establishment will have to compete for this age audience. Typically, the growth of this audience is much slower than that of younger visitors.

Clearly define your target audience and, using face control, make sure that people who do not fit your concept do not join the club. If a group of people came to a nightclub to relax wealthy people 28-39 years old, running their own business, then they want to see visitors of the same age and status, and not 18-year-old students. The same applies to other audience criteria.


When people come to a nightclub, they don’t just want to dance and try delicious cocktails, they want to watch a show. Events can be small-scale (for example, theme parties every Friday) or large-scale.

As for large events, every self-respecting nightclub should organize them at least 2-3 times a year. Organizing concerts of world-famous stars and famous DJs will attract many more visitors to the club than on regular weekdays.


Security service is very important point, When we're talking about about the nightclub. The specificity of the club business is that it centers drug dealers around itself. This is a potential danger that is fraught with both loss of reputation and economic losses. This can be avoided only by organizing a reliable security system that will prevent drug dealers and thieves from entering the establishment.

Security should be located not only at the entrance, but also inside the establishment, dispersed throughout the entire area. Security officers must have a good understanding of how individuals potentially dangerous to the establishment behave and be able to identify them. In addition, it is also necessary to install security equipment: video surveillance, metal detectors, etc.

Encyclopedic reference: a night club is an entertainment establishment operating at night. Some nightclubs offer their own entertainment programs, others invite famous performers “on tour”. Income for nightclubs is provided mainly by 2 types of activities: the sale of alcohol and the provision of tables during the show program.

If you have decided to connect your entrepreneurial activity with the organization of leisure and are considering options for opening your own nightclub, the advice in this article will be useful. After reading it, you will learn how to calculate whether a nightclub in your region is profitable, how much money (and nerves) it will take to open it, and also learn how to avoid many beginner mistakes.

Step by step to benefit from providing bread and circuses

Step one: choose a room

Before opening your own nightclub, conduct market research to understand what format of the establishment will be most popular.

Having determined the main direction of development, proceed to choosing a location - these two points are closely related. So, if you are planning to open an elite club, you need premises in a prestigious area. If your potential audience belongs to the middle class, a room in a residential area will do. At the same time, remember that the club must be visible and have good transport accessibility. Don't forget that the fashion for clubs is short-lived - after 3-4 years you will have to change either the format or even the location. Therefore, it is not worth investing in the purchase of premises; it is better to rent.

Regardless of the format of the club, the premises must meet certain parameters. The optimal size of an average club is 1000 m², ceiling height is from 4.5 meters. Remember that a club is a place where they not only drink and have small talk, but also dance: lack of good ventilation, stuffiness and cramped conditions are not acceptable.

Step two: arranging the interior space

One of the important components of the club's success is the interior. Many owners of nightclubs spare no expense in furnishing internal space. True, there is also a diametrically opposite approach - some successful nightclubs are located in hangars or abandoned industrial buildings and attract visitors precisely because of their pronounced urban character.

From the point of view of regulatory and inspection authorities, your nightclub must have a fire alarm, a hydrant, and flawlessly operating ventilation and air conditioning systems (almost 40% of the cost of all equipment). Projects for sewerage, water and electricity supply systems must be approved. Experienced club owners note that the most hassle is associated with providing heating for the nightclub (20% of costs) and its connections to external electrical networks (10% of costs).

Once all approvals are completed and permits have been received, you can begin purchasing equipment. Please note that it is advisable to change (or at least modernize) it approximately once a year.

Step three: building a strategy to attract visitors

To “promote” a club, a large-scale marketing campaign is needed, which should begin several months before the opening. During the preparation of an advertising campaign this will allow you to do right choice themes and ideas of the club, determine the target audience.

Moreover, you will have to conduct such market research regularly, since the audience of nightclubs, firstly, is small, and secondly, variable. “To fall out of fashion” means to lose visitors.

Where can I get money?

Opening your own club is not a cheap idea. To get an idea of ​​how much it costs to open a nightclub, consider the costs of renting and equipping the premises, as well as purchasing equipment. Start-up investments are only the first investments in the club business: development requires constant financial investments. Therefore, despite the high profitability of the business, it has a fairly long payback period - up to two years.

Banks do not lend to this type of business, so you will have to make do with personal funds or take out a non-targeted loan.

Underwater rocks

Almost everyone who decides to open a nightclub faces real bureaucratic reefs along the way. Registration of a company and numerous approvals from fire supervision, Rospotrebnadzor, SES and other authorities are only part of the problem. As you remember, one of the main sources of income for a nightclub is the sale of alcoholic beverages and alcoholic cocktails. This activity is licensed, and it takes many entrepreneurs months to obtain a license. There are many cases when the owner of a newly opened club is forced to look for a buyer for his business only because he was unable to obtain the coveted document.

It is also worth remembering the problems that unqualified personnel can cause.

Let's sum it up

Nightclub is one of the most difficult types entrepreneurial activity. In addition to the fact that considerable investment and colossal penetration power are required, you also need to be a true fan of your business.


When you talk about a club like this, you don't mean a nightclub for relaxation. You are talking about a place where people connected by common interests gather. Participants may be united in an official community, organization or association. A club for them is a place where they can discuss something without fear of control from superiors, ask questions to elders, and, ultimately, just take a break from work. The simplest division of clubs is pages on the Internet and actual places.

The most trivial example would be the creation of a club, for example, on the social network VKontakte. As with any club, you set its theme. If you're creating it with friends or colleagues, you can define rules that will govern the behavior of the participants. Depending on the direction of interests, the rules can be very strict, loyal, or may be absent altogether. Administrators and moderators must monitor their implementation.

If you are dealing with a group of people who are willing to gather in a certain place and have live communication, you are bound to have some problems.

The first is the club’s charter, a set of written or unwritten rules. The club must have some purpose, some specific theme. Be that as it may, the organizer is always one person or a group of people, which means that someone in charge must be present. This also includes the question of joining the club: whether it is open (anyone can join) or closed (you can join only with a specific recommendation or by purchasing a ticket confirming membership in the club).

The second is the actual gathering area. You can gather people on a street area, in a public place, or in any other place in the open air, provided that this place is not on someone else’s property. However, with the onset of cold weather, outdoor gatherings may lose their popularity. Then you need a room. The premises can be provided free of charge by a person interested in creating a club, or by someone who will be interested in rental income. Here's how you agree.

You can get a job in a recreation center, receive a minimum salary and attract people to participate in the club. It is also possible to agree on rent in a recreation center, if it is possible to pay, and on mutually beneficial cooperation. For example, a chess club or a sports club is a community that can defend the honor of a recreation center in competitions, without being officially registered there.

In the last few decades, semi-legal “rocking chairs” have been replaced by almost professional sports clubs, whose threshold is now crossed even by men and women over 40. They have successfully overcome their own complexes and realized how important it is not only to look good, but also to feel young and healthy. Along with this, sports are also changing. clubs. Now this is not just a room with a set of exercise equipment and a pumped-up trainer, but a real fitness center with a beauty salon, sauna, herbal bar and its own nutritionist. Opening such a center requires a carefully developed business plan.


Now start choosing a room. The best option is premises that were once used as a gym or sports complex. However, you can rent a room on the first office building or a residential building. The minimum area for placing a fitness center is 150-250 sq.m. Most of it is devoted to the gym and aerobics room or.

Having received permission, proceed to arranging the interior. All rooms must be equipped with exhaust ventilation. Lay a special material on the floor; ordinary linoleum is dangerous. At least one wall of each training room should be mirrored, and in the aerobics room, install a dance machine for stretching.

Now you can purchase equipment for classes. It is best if a professional trainer helps you create a list of necessary equipment. Basic kit simulators will cost no less than 750 thousand rubles. It consists of 15-17 strength machines and 4-5 cardio machines. This set will fit on 100 sq.m. IN gym and the aerobics room should have a music center or other source of rhythmic music.

Then start recruiting. You will need an administrator, manager, director, accountant, technical worker and several trainers. If desired, you can invite a massage specialist or, because residents of large cities are united by an eternal acute lack of time, so every visitor sports club It will be incredibly convenient to play sports and receive other beauty and health care services in one place.

Video on the topic


Please note that in the gym there must be a place for warming up, and in the free weights area (dumbbells, barbells) there must be a place for safety nets.

Helpful advice

When writing a business plan, consider operating expenses and rent. Taking into account the capacity of the sports club (20-40 people) and the cost of a monthly subscription (750-1500 rubles), the payback period will be 3-6 years.
It can take up to six months to obtain permits and approval documents.


  • Turnkey sports club for 150 thousand rubles.

The abundance of online communities and forums does not replace the need for live communication. Associations created on the network can be displayed in real life, organizing club By interests.


Determine your club A. Perhaps you and your like-minded people are united by several interests in the same area. In order to attract new participants to the association, you need to choose one direction or formulate several as clearly as possible, so that the potential audience knows exactly whether yours is suitable for them club or not. In addition, supervise the work club and in several areas it will be quite difficult from an organizational point of view.

For some, a nightclub is a place of popular recreation, for others it is a haven for spending time, and still others consider it a “abode of debauchery.” And only entrepreneurs know that a nightclub is profitable investment investments at any time, even during a crisis. And therefore, queries like: “How to open a nightclub from scratch” or “How much does it cost to open a nightclub” today are extremely stressful for search engine robots. Today I bring to your attention standard business plan nightclub, which, after some modification, can be successfully implemented in practice.


The presented project is a business plan for a nightclub (hereinafter referred to as the Club) - an entertainment establishment with a payback period of two years.

Organizer and project manager

Project goals:

  • Organization of a highly profitable enterprise
  • Obtaining a stable profit during the implementation of the project
  • Satisfying consumer demand for entertainment and leisure time

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Total cost of the project: 30-40 million rubles

Loan interest rate: 23% per annum

The total amount of loan funds over the payback period will be: 13.8 million rubles

Project payback period: 2 years

Investor profit: 13.8 million rubles

Payments of borrowed funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

The main stages of implementing a nightclub business plan

The immediate start of the project will begin immediately after receipt of loan funds or acceptance of this business plan by the Customer. The conditional completion of the project is in 24 months.

The main stages of implementation of the Club’s business plan are presented in Table No. 1:

Project stagesDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Obtaining borrowed funds1 month
Entry into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Selection of location and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Conducting a marketing campaign1-24 months

General characteristics of the object

The business plan for a nightclub is intended to organize entertainment for people mainly in the evening hours.

Club Visitors

The Club's target audience is mostly young people aged 18 to 33-35 years, usually earning their own living or having wealthy parents. However, visitors may also be older in age. All of them are united by the desire to have fun, dance, drink alcohol, and meet the opposite sex. Among the “higher” aspirations is to join the youth club culture that is currently popular.

It is the latter factor that often plays a decisive role in the success of an establishment. To catch a new youth trend in time, to feel the mood of visitors, to give the majority exactly what they want - this should be one of the components of the Club’s marketing strategy.

How to open a nightclub from scratch, with as little investment as possible? To do this, you should initially calculate which audience the club will target, since there are now a lot of youth movements, which are often supported by mature adults.

Close relationship various aspects business in this project is manifested in the dependence of the choice of the Club’s location on the residence of certain categories of its visitors. In other words, there is no point in opening a Club in an area with old houses in which people live a large number of elderly people who will not only not attend the Club, but also create certain obstacles to its activities.

Location and concept of the Club

There are two main ones, worthy of attention project directions. This:

  1. A nightclub of a “democratic” type, intended for open visits by people of any social status
  2. Nightclub for wealthy people

Without a doubt, the most profitable in terms of profit is the second option. How much does it cost to open an elite nightclub? As the practice of opening such establishments shows, it costs at least 20 million rubles. The main cost items when organizing a Club for wealthy people are renting premises in the central part of the city, and one-time costs for equipping the Club with high-class equipment.

A “democratic” type club is usually located in remote areas of the city, precisely because of the dissatisfaction of local residents with its work, as mentioned above. The main thing for both types is convenient access roads and the availability of ample parking.

As a rule, “democratic” type clubs have a larger number of visitors than elite establishments, but the average bill at a bar is several times smaller; the main income is entry fees. While clients of expensive clubs leave monthly salaries of budget workers in the bar. But there are very few such clients, especially in small towns; this circumstance must be taken into account when choosing the Club concept.

The most convenient location of the Club is to organize it in a separate building. Most best option– this is the building of a former cinema, or house of culture. Semi-basement and basement premises require the installation of additional fire alarms and equipment, and the organization of emergency exits. After the infamous fire at the Lame Horse club in Perm in 2009, safety requirements for nightclubs across the country have become significantly stricter, and compliance checks have become more frequent.

The area of ​​the dance hall depends on the expected number of visitors, in any case it should be at least 200-250 square meters. meters - with a smaller number of guests, the project risks working at a disadvantage. Ceiling height – from 4.5 meters. Complete construction of a building from scratch requires very significant investments, and is impractical due to high risks.

Club layout

How to open a nightclub that attracts hundreds and thousands of visitors. You need to start with the interior. The interior design of the room, layout and arrangement of furniture completely depend on the chosen concept of the Club. In order to attract a certain category of target customers, the atmosphere in the room must correspond to their interests and expectations.

The atmosphere of the Club is a kind of “spirit” of the establishment, consisting of the totality of the interior, the entertainment offered, the bar menu, music, lighting equipment, the public, and many other components. All this is inherent in the “democratic” type Club. There have been cases when investments per 1 sq. meter 2-3 thousand dollars did not bring the expected result, and the nightclub was not popular with the public. On the contrary, cheap establishments with their own “zest” attracted a full house.

To correctly determine the interior design, it is recommended to contact a designer with experience. successful work in similar projects. As a rule, it is enough for such specialists to voice the chosen concept in order to get several excellent design options for the Club.

Club Staff

Almost 80% of its popularity depends on the Club’s employees. Therefore, the selection of personnel should be approached extremely responsibly. The core staff usually includes:

  • An administrator is a person responsible for the entire operation of the establishment, preferably having experience in such work and communication with potential clients.
  • A promoter is a specialist who is responsible for attracting visitors to the Club, the main organizer of all parties, supporting and implementing the concept of the establishment. As statistics show, it was the unprofessional work of the promoter that was to blame for the closure of most nightclubs.
  • Bartender. The spectacular work of a professional bartender, capable of performing tricks no worse than a real illusionist, can provide the Club with 50% of all daily revenue. At the same time, the bartender is a person who needs to be closely monitored (preferably with a video camera), since the temptation and opportunity to cause damage to the establishment often prevail over decency and responsibility.
  • A DJ is a person who is responsible for the musical accompaniment of parties. This must be a professional who is always “in the trend” of the latest musical novelties of various musical styles preferred by visitors.

Employees invited from time to time (and if the project budget allows, then working on a permanent basis) can be:

  • Strippers and strippers. Organizing a striptease is an expensive “pleasure”, which, during open dances in a common hall, can increase the cost of the entrance ticket by 2-3 times. And with private dances, or dancing in a VIP room, it can increase the establishment’s profit several times. Professional strippers typically work for a fixed fee, and rarely agree to work for a percentage of revenue or tips from guests.
  • Musicians playing live sound. Of course, these must be artists of the musical genre preferred by the Club’s target audience.

Typically, visitors to nightclubs come to such establishments to use the services of a bar, watch an entertaining show program, and dance, so performances on other topics need to be “tested” in advance to ensure they are accepted by guests, so as not to fail.

It can be noted that at present this niche, especially in the category of “democratic” type establishments, has become significantly empty, and competition is weak enough to cause serious obstacles in the organization and development of business. But for a successful start, you need a competent nightclub business plan.

Marketing plan

The current state of the entertainment market, in particular the nightclub sector, is in decline. The industry had just managed to recover from the crisis of 2008-2009, and began to gain momentum, as economic and political sanctions imposed against Russia a number of times Western countries, forced the population to reconsider their attitude towards entertainment.

Wealthy youth and established adult businessmen did not particularly experience the consequences of the crisis that began in the country in 2015, and practically did not change their habits of visiting nightclubs. Therefore, elite establishments, like several years ago, continue to develop confidently, and the question of how to open a nightclub is still relevant.

In clubs for a wide range of visitors, things are very deplorable. During the 2nd half of 2015, more than half of the previously successfully operating “democratic” nightclubs in the country closed. Ministry statement made in mid-February 2016 economic development about the impending stagnation in the country's economy for several years, made investors very cautious when considering projects of this kind.

However, there is an opinion of analysts that it is the general reduction in the number of nightclubs across the country that will make this business again popular and in demand in six months or a year. People have been accustomed to enjoying pleasure for long enough to suddenly give it up. In addition, a person gets used to everything, and having become accustomed to a new environment, our compatriots will return to their previous way of life.

Experts in this field estimate the average amount of investment required for the successful operation of a nightclub in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, and some others major cities with a population of more than a million people - approximately 500-600 thousand dollars. Profitability of projects in this moment estimated at 30-60%.

In the “club” business over the past 506 years, there has been an interesting trend towards short operating hours, which, however, has a rational “grain” behind it. After working for 2-2.5 years, having become fairly bored with the visitors, the Club closes, only to be reopened by the same owner after some time in a different location, under a different name, and with a different concept. True, only a few manage to achieve the previous level of income, but the profit is still higher than if the establishment continued to operate in the old location.

Particular attention in the management of the Club must be paid to the “tolerance” of the pricing policy. As a rule, the influx of visitors occurs on weekends - from Friday to Sunday. It is on these days that prices need to be set as high as possible. On Monday there is a decline in guests, so on this day you can arrange a day off, a sanitary day, make entrance to the establishment free, or arrange a “discount day”. Based on the experience of existing establishments, such a “policy” justifies itself.

Statistics on how people from the target audience spend free time can be seen in Figure 1:

The frequency of visits to nightclubs by 100 respondents from the target audience can be seen in Figure 2:

Production plan

The equipment for organizing a Club is basically the same for establishments with any concept, and differs only in brands. The main list includes:

  • Equipment for disco
  • Acoustic system
  • Compressor
  • Smoke car
  • Equalizer
  • Controller
  • Lighting equipment for disco

When choosing equipment, the area of ​​the room, the features of the building, the layout of the furniture and areas in the room, and even the style of the music being played are taken into account. In this matter, it is best to trust specialists who know how to open a nightclub.

Financial plan

The main types of taxes payable are reflected in Table No. 2:

Type of taxTax basePeriodInterest rate
Income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxPayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentsPayroll fundMonth34%

An approximate plan for the volume of services provided is shown in Table No. 3:


The proposed analysis of the implementation of the project to organize a nightclub showed that this project has a high chance of becoming a highly profitable and very promising enterprise. The main condition for its successful operation is competent “flexible” management, the presence of qualified specialists, the right concept, and a good business plan for the nightclub.

  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing Plan
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for opening a nightclub. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, state support or attracting private investment.

Where to start opening a nightclub

The goal of the project is to open a nightclub in the city of N with a population of 300 thousand people. The prerequisites for opening the establishment are the steady growth of income of the city's population and the growing demand for entertainment services in general. To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 3,200,000 rubles. In total, the total cost of the project will be 4,200,000 rubles. Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year= 2,776,780 rubles;
  • Nightclub profitability = 22,6%;
  • Project payback= 18 months.

Which taxation system to choose for a nightclub. OKVED code

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be a limited liability company consisting of two founders. OKVED codes for this activity the following are selected: 55.40 - “Activities of bars” and 52.25 - “ Retail alcoholic and other drinks." The taxation system will be a simplified taxation system of 15% of profits.

What documents are needed to open a nightclub?

Currently, activities have begun to implement the nightclub project:

  1. The limited liability company “Night Shock” has been registered;
  2. The location of the establishment was agreed upon in a room with a total area of ​​510 m2. The premises comply with all food and fire safety. The preliminary lease agreement was concluded for a period of 5 years;
  3. Preliminary agreements have been concluded for the repair and reconstruction of the premises, and the supply of sound and lighting equipment.

Description of products and services

The following entertainment services are expected to be provided:

  • Dance and show programs;
  • Theme parties;
  • European cuisine;
  • VIP zone;
  • Table rental;
  • Bar work;
  • Carrying out banquets, wedding celebrations, corporate events.

Visitors will also be offered a menu that includes hot dishes (soups, side dishes, pizza), cold appetizers (salads, meat snacks, vegetables, fish delicacies), cocktails, juices and spirits. alcoholic drinks. The establishment will sell strong alcoholic beverages.

For these purposes, a license to sell alcoholic beverages was acquired. Entrance fee to the establishment from Friday to Sunday: 200 rubles. per person. On weekdays admission will be free. The club's one-time capacity is 180 people. Our organization will employ experienced DJs, photographers, dance groups and showmen.

Download nightclub business plan

Marketing Plan

The building will be located in the central part of the city, in an area with convenient access roads. Our main visitors are young people aged 18 to 35 years. We will be in close proximity to a college campus, so a significant portion of the visitors will be students. Also next to the establishment there are two large shopping center, which will also have a positive impact on the popularity of the establishment.

The planned average bill for a nightclub is 700 rubles. This small amount, since the main contingent of the establishment cannot be called elite. The main income is planned to be obtained from turnover, counting on high attendance on weekends. The club, in addition to nightly dance programs, will carry out Additional services on conducting themed parties for VIP guests, New Year's Eve parties, corporate events, wedding celebrations, banquets and presentations.

The main direction of music is Disco, Radio Pop (pop). This is the most numerous and most influential music, which has significantly more fans than opponents. If we talk about possible competition, we can highlight two similar establishments operating in our area. Let's conduct a comparative analysis of strong and weaknesses potential competitors of the nightclub:

Events to attract visitors

  1. Advertising in the media (newspaper, magazines, TV, radio);
  2. Banners, banners, billboards;
  3. Distributing leaflets, flyers, posting advertisements;
  4. Creation of a personal club website;
  5. Promotion in in social networks and contextual advertising.

It is expected that these events will attract maximum amount visitors from the first days of the club.

How much can you earn from nightclub services?

Next, let’s calculate the organization’s potential revenue. It is expected that the main attendance will occur on Saturday and Friday, as well as on holidays (February 14 and 23, March 8, May 9, etc.). The occupancy rate of the establishment on these days will be close to 70% (~130 people). Number of days off and holidays There are ~105 days in a year. With an average club check of 700 rubles, the club’s revenue for data will be: 105 days * 130 people * 700 = 9.55 million rubles per year. Additional revenue can come from services for corporate events, wedding celebrations, and banquets. About 10 such events will be held monthly. The average revenue for one event is 50 thousand rubles. The planned annual revenue from the provision of these services will be 6 million rubles. The total amount of planned annual revenue, according to business plan calculations, will be about 15.55 million rubles.

Production plan

The total area of ​​the premises will be 510 m2. Of them:

  • dance hall area - 200m2;
  • area of ​​the boarding area and VIP cabins - 110 m2;
  • kitchen area - 50m2;
  • hall and locker room - 80m2;
  • restrooms, utility rooms, warehouse - 70m2.

The monthly rent under the contract is 500 rubles/m2 or 255 thousand rubles. monthly. All premises will be equipped and reconstructed in accordance with all fire safety standards (fire alarms, emergency exits, evacuation plan, emergency fire extinguishing system, etc.). The club will have two bars at the same time. Club opening hours:

  • Friday - Saturday from 20.00 - 05.00;
  • Tuesday - Thursday, Sunday from 20:00 - 04:00;
  • Corporate events will be held on any day.


In total, the staff will include 24 people. The monthly wage fund will be 372,000 rubles, the annual one - 4,464,000 rubles.

Financial plan

Fixed expenses per month will amount to 1,023,600 rubles.
The main fixed costs of a nightclub are the cost of payment wages employees - 36% of total expenses. In second place in the cost structure is the payment of rental payments to the owner of the premises - 25% of the total expenses of the nightclub. Then there are the costs of purchasing products and ingredients - 15% of the total costs and insurance contributions for employees to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund - 11%.

The nightclub's gross income will be 3.3 million rubles, and the club's net profit at the end of the year will be 2.8 million rubles. Every month the nightclub will generate a net profit of 230,000 rubles. The planned profitability of the nightclub, according to the business plan, will be 22.6%, which is good indicator for such a business. The payback of the project with such indicators will occur in 18 months.

We recommend download nightclub business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions