The human brain remembers an average of 7 things, so if your daily to-do list is too long, things may slip out of your head. That's why reminders are very useful, no matter what it is: booking a vacation, visiting a doctor or taking medication. It’s better to remember your friends’ birthdays a few days in advance so that you can buy a good gift, rather than something that comes to hand. A smartphone or paper diary is suitable for setting reminders - as long as you don’t forget to look at it!

2. Admire nature

It sounds strange, but remember how refreshing a short walk in the park or watching the sunset can be. Take a break from your smartphone, look around, think about what you would like to change in your life, and about what you have already achieved.

3. Determine your skin and hair type

Surprisingly, many people prefer to buy anything, as long as it is available (or sold at a discount). But it’s enough to go to a cosmetologist and trichologist once to understand what features of your body you should pay attention to. And then the face cream will start working, and your hair will look much better.

4. Buy comfortable clothes

For example, one that not only fits well, but also does not need ironing (or requires minimal care). Things made from natural linen or silk wrinkle easily, so it’s worth looking at the composition and buying if, for example, polyester, wool, elastane or cashmere are added to them.

5. Spend money on things that make life easier.

Sometimes people want to hire a cleaner or buy expensive boots that won’t fall apart in six months. But they spare money for this. Think about it, will this make your life better? If yes, stop thinking of it as a luxury and turn it into an urgent necessity. The same goes for vacations: if a connecting flight is inconvenient, spend a little more on a direct flight.

6. Learn to say no

If you have to meet with friends every day, but you don’t have the energy for it, stop agreeing to everything. The ability to refuse is useful in almost any situation.

7. Set up automatic payments

Every month you have to pay for an apartment, telephone, television and other useful things. To avoid remembering this too late, connect to online banking and set up automatic payments. If you forget to take your wallet with you, and your smartphone has NFC, enable the ability to pay with your phone - you probably won’t leave it at home!

In the summer, every girl wants to make her life easier, because in solar time I want to forget about business and enjoy a vacation at the seaside or in the country. Wherever you go, you always need to know little tricks that will help you have an unforgettable time and remember this summer for a long time!

Lifehack No. 1. In summer, nails grow faster than at other times of the year. Sea salt promotes rapid growth and shine of nails. Nobody wants to constantly update their manicure, so you shouldn't choose too much bright color. But a gentle French manicure is a great solution! It is practically invisible and does not catch the eye when the nails grow a little.

Lifehack No. 2. For those who love wavy hair. Recently it has become fashionable to do your hair like a surfer's girlfriend. Making playful waves is not difficult. Braid two braids on damp hair (not wet!) and go to bed. In the morning Fancy Hairstyle ready! Secure the result with hairspray or styling gel.


Lifehack No. 3. Many people have an old long jacket that is constantly collecting dust on the shelf. In the summer you can make a cool one out of it short top. Tie a small knot on your stomach, stretch it a little on the sides. The original item is ready!

Lifehack No. 4. A magical remedy for summer is natural coconut oil. It has healing moisturizing properties. In summer, hair experiences serious stress due to the sun and chlorinated water. Masks from coconut oil intensively care for hair, making it silky and incredibly shiny. Dry hair can be lubricated with oil along the entire length, and for oily hair, a mask applied to the ends is suitable.


Lifehack No. 5. Sometimes we forget about the sensitive skin of our lips. She needs special care in winter and summer. Before going to the beach or solarium, be sure to apply hygienic lipstick to your lips; it will save you from peeling and cracking.


Lifehack No. 6. Instead of alcohol deodorant, use baby powder, it is more natural. Sometimes powder can relieve irritation or discomfort after shaving.


Lifehack No. 7. Surprisingly, men's shaving foam is quite capable of replacing moisturizer. She nourishes

Have you ever wondered how much easier life would be if you knew some little secrets? Such life hacks (little trick, useful advice to help solve everyday problems, save time) concern not only home improvement, preparation delicious dishes or training. There are even “fashion life hacks”, thanks to which we can not only be more stylish, but also learn how to spend time profitably, solving small problems in a matter of seconds. So, we present to your attention useful secrets, which you'll be glad to know about.

1. If your man doesn't like trying on things in the store, tell him about this secret. In order to determine whether the trousers will fit or not, you need to insert your elbow and fist into the waistband of the trousers. Typically this length is equal to your waist size. See you soon, fitting rooms!
2. Do not wash T-shirts and trousers after the first time. Save water and extend the life of your clothes. After all, you’re not so dirty that you need to wash something after wearing it once!

3. To wash your favorite sneakers, put them in the washing machine. And then let it dry in the fresh air.
4. A razor will help you get rid of pills on your favorite sweater.
5. If you want it in your closet more space, stack things vertically, not horizontally.
6. If it turns out that the zipper on your trousers comes apart, you can fix it in this moment no way, use the ring from the key fob.
7. By the way, if the razor did not help remove the pellets, try using a pumice stone.
8. To smooth out wrinkles in clothes, use fabric softener.

The recipe for this product is quite simple: 1 teaspoon of conditioner and 1 cup of water, mix everything in a spray bottle and rush to destroy all the wrinkles on your favorite shirt.
9. Do you have to write a lot in the office? No one is immune from ink stains on clothes. All the tube needs is hand sanitizer.
10. Do you like fluffy ones? soft sweaters? Then learn to wash your cashmere sweater by hand with a solution of water and baby shampoo.
11. Apply your favorite eau de toilette, before getting dressed.
12. You're late for a date with the man of your dreams, and by chance your earring falls out on the floor, but you can't find it... Put a sock on the vacuum cleaner nozzle and walk in the place where you dropped the earring.
13. To make ironing your blouse collar easier, use a hair straightener.
14. What a shame, are there visible sweat stains on your white T-shirt? Lemon juice will help remove them.
15. If you spray your tights with hairspray, you can avoid arrows.

16. A man may hardly like to go shopping and try on clothes, but, believe it or not, there are such women. Are you one of them? Then the following secret will come in handy. Jeans will be just right if their belt hugs your neck.
17. Have you purchased a dress with an open back, but can't find a bra to go with it? If you have any old busts left, take out the foam and lice into the dress.
18. If you accidentally put a greasy stain on your clothes while visiting, sprinkle it with baby powder at night.

19. To revive your white Converse, wash them with a toothbrush, baking soda and detergent.
20. To stretch tight shoes, fill bags with water, place them in your shoes, and place them in the refrigerator overnight.

21. If you accidentally knock over a glass of red wine in a restaurant, don’t worry, the stain can be removed with white wine!
22. Are your new shoes rubbing your heels?

To avoid blisters, lubricate the back with dry deodorant.
23. If it happens that after wearing your shoes, your shoes acquire a not-so-pleasant smell, use dry, used tea bags.
24. Do you remember how at school the boys used to put chewing gum on their chairs? Unfortunately, the clothes were thrown away after that. But in vain, all that was needed was to use a piece of ice.
25. To prevent the buttons on your blouse from coming off, cover them with colorless varnish.
26. Are the heels on your favorite shoes scratched? Don't worry, they can be revived. Apply glue to the heels, and then, generously, sprinkle with matching glitter. Your shoes will immediately take on a smart look.
27. To make fabric shoes waterproof, rub them with beeswax. And then your Toms will last longer.

I am sure that our article will be useful to you. And you, if necessary, will definitely use our tips. And if you have your own little tricks, be sure to share with us!

To cope with everyday difficulties, it is not necessary to use high-tech gadgets. You can quite successfully use objects that are familiar to us.
These life hacks will make your life easier and save time.

1. Use a can opener to open sealed plastic packaging.

This tip will save approximately 22.8 hours of your life.

2. Add brine to dilute dried mascara.

It only takes a couple of drops.
3.Use disposable paper toilet seats to remove oil from your face.

4. Use wine corks as tiny and cute flower pots.

Stick a magnet on them and place them on the refrigerator.
5. To boost your phone's sound when playing music, simply place it in a small bowl.

6. Use French manicure stickers to create a trendy moon manicure..

7. If the player does not read DVD disc, rub it with banana.

8. Use strawberry jelly as lip gloss.

Pour the contents of the powdered jelly into a small container, then take a cotton swab previously soaked in water. Using a stick, apply the mixture to your lips. This simple method will give your lips a pleasant pink tint and a fruity aroma.
9. Use fabric softener to soften your doll's hair..

10. Use a clothes cleaning roller to clean the bottom of your bag of debris and crumbs..

11. Spray candle containers with non-stick spray.

When the candle burns out, the wax will easily slide out of the container.
12. Eat a couple of marshmallows to relieve a sore throat.

13. The newspaper will absorb all unpleasant odors.

You can place newspaper in a plastic container, on a refrigerator shelf, or even in a new leather wallet to get rid of factory smell.
14. If, due to the high chlorine content in the water, your hair has acquired a greenish tint, aspirin will help restore it to its natural color.

Dissolve 6-8 aspirin tablets in a glass warm water, apply the mixture to your hair and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.
15. Using a regular sock, you can make a fashionable bun out of your hair..

16. Use a spoon to open a stubborn jar.

17. An elastic band will help you create the perfect French manicure..

18. Hang a picture with a soda ring.

19. Balm “Zvezdochka” will help in training pets.

Apply a small amount of ointment to the furniture you want to protect from pets. The smell will keep them away.
“Zvezdochka” also helps fight foot fungus.
20. Mayonnaise will help get rid of white water stains on wooden furniture.

21. Mix fabric softener with vinegar and spray it on your clothes to smooth them out..

22.Use a cereal container as a portable car trash can.

23. Flowers will last longer if you add a couple of drops of vodka and a spoonful of sugar to the water..

24. Effervescent aspirin can help clean your toilet.

Dissolve 2 tablets and wait 20 minutes. The acid contained in it will dissolve the dirt.
25. Hand sanitizer for ink stains.

26. Use dental floss to cut soft cheese or pie.

27. If you pack your shoes in a shower cap, the soles will not stain other things in your suitcase.

28.Spaghetti will help you light candles without burning your fingers..

29. Black tea can help get rid of sunburn.

30. Mustard will relieve pain if you are scalded.

Never put your hand on a boiling kettle.
31. To prevent the cheese from becoming moldy, rub the cut side with butter..

32.Use tape or nail polish to relieve itching after an insect bite.

If you limit the access of oxygen to the bite, the itching will go away.
33. A hairdryer will help dry a foggy bathroom mirror.

34. Baking soda will help extinguish burning fat.

This works like a powder fire extinguisher. But don't use water, baking powder or flour as this may make the fire worse.
35. A bottle of wine can be opened with your shoe.. Just knock the bottom against the wall.

We are always in a hurry to get somewhere in order to get everything done. At the same time, it is extremely important for every woman to always look her best. However, there is not always enough time to get yourself in order. In this article we will present self-care life hacks for girls that will help the fair sex, saving money, to create beauty very quickly at home in a matter of minutes.

IN Lately More and more revealed tricks of our life are appearing on the Internet, knowing that many issues can be solved in the shortest possible time. short term. These include life hacks for a girl’s beauty.

  1. If suddenly a very red pimple appears on your face, then do not even think about removing it. Eye drops will help you make the inflamed area of ​​skin invisible. Just moisten a cotton pad with them and place it in the freezer for a short time (literally for 5 minutes). After this, apply the prepared medicine to the pimple, and after a couple of minutes. he will no longer be visible.
  2. If you can't decide on the color of foundation for your skin, then the best way to check whether the product suits you or not is to apply a little product to your chin. This part of the face is the easiest to judge the difference between skin tones and foundation.
  3. If you have bruises under your eyes, then to hide them, you need to draw triangles with the corrector, which you just need to carefully shade with your fingers. You can also use essential oil shi - just drop a little of it on the area under the eyes, and the grayness will go away.

  1. If you have a spot or pimple on your chest, you can cover it with the same concealer and then powder it. No flaws will be visible.
  2. If you need to visually lift your cheekbones, then apply highlighter to them, and then powder the same areas with bronzer. You can make bronze yourself from cinnamon, cocoa, grated nutmeg, corn starch. You need to take 1 tsp of each ingredient and mix them all into one mixture. You will get very beautiful and natural looking cheekbones.
  3. If you need to give yourself a blush, you don't have to use makeup to do it. Just touch your cheekbones and they will turn red. Or you can use the simplest lipstick. This, by the way, is a makeup life hack for girls that arose a long time ago.
  4. If the skin begins to shine due to released oil, and there is no powder on hand, then use the most common baby powder. You can buy it at the pharmacy for pennies at any moment.
  5. If you dyed your hair and got dye on your scalp, then this life hack will help you - apply makeup remover to a cotton swab, and then wipe the dyed area of ​​the skin.
  6. If you have very dull eyeshadow and want to brighten it up, then before applying eyeshadow, color your eyelids with a white pencil.
  7. If you have run out of eyebrow gel that will fix their shape, you can simply apply a little hair gel to the brush - the effect will be the same.
  8. If to create eye makeup you need not a regular pencil, but a gel pencil, then simply warm a simple pencil over a flame of fire. It will instantly turn into the cosmetic product you need.
  9. If it has always been a problem for you to draw beautiful and even arrows before your eyes, use the “spoon” method. How exactly to do this is shown in the figure below:

  1. If you need to increase the length of your eyelashes, first paint them with one layer of mascara, then sprinkle them with powder and paint them again with brasmatic.
  2. If you often glue false eyelashes on yourself, then apply the glue to them with the tip of a bobby pin so as not to overdo it and ruin your makeup.
  3. If your favorite mascara has dried out, you can revive it by placing the bottle in a glass with hot water for 10 min.
  4. To make your lips look natural pink color, you need to go over your lips with the same brush after brushing your teeth.
  5. If you do not know how to clearly draw the contour of your lips with a pencil, then you first need to draw the corners and draw a cross under the hollow on the upper lip. All lines will only need to be connected.
  6. If your goal is to make your lips visually fuller, then you need to apply lipstick not with a brush, but with your fingers.
  7. To make the lipstick last longer on your lips, you need to apply a paper napkin to them after applying makeup and powder your lips through it.
  8. If your lipstick suddenly breaks, you need to heat it up, give it the required form, and then place in the freezer for 7 minutes.
  9. If you suddenly run out of lip gloss, then add your favorite eye shadow to a spoon of Vaseline - you will get a great lipstick.
  10. If the ends of your hair are severely split, you can get rid of this trouble by simply twisting your hair into a spiral, and then cutting off all the ends that stick out. different sides hairs with scissors.
  11. If your hair is electrified and you cannot style it in any way, then use the usual antiseptic wipes that you usually use to clean your monitor screen.
  12. To fix your hairstyle, you need to spray your comb, not your hair, with hairspray.
  13. If you want your hair to be a little wavy, braid your hair all over your head and then run a hot iron through each one. When you undo the braids, you will have curly locks.
  14. To get a French manicure, you don't have to buy special stickers. You can use a wide elastic band as shown in the picture:

  1. If, while painting your nails with varnish, you touched the skin around the nail or the cuticle, then to remove excess varnish, you need to apply PVA glue to it. It will dry and you will get a film that you can easily remove along with the excess varnish.
  2. When you shave your legs, you can use a simple hair conditioner. There is no need to buy additional leg shaving gel.
  3. Mix almond oil with mint essential oil and tea tree. You will get an excellent product that will slow down hair growth after depilation.
  4. If you don't want to use any eyeshadow, you can simply add it to the clear polish to create a new, vibrant nail polish.
  5. To make eyebrow plucking painless, you need to lubricate them with baby gum cream, which is used during teething.
  6. Before spraying with perfume, lubricate your skin with Vaseline (wrist, knees, earlobes, neck). Then the aroma will last longer.
  7. If you have chapped lips, you need to mix brown sugar, honey and olive oil. In just a few minutes you will get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of chapped lips.
  8. To prevent lipstick marks from remaining on your teeth, you need to make a tube of your lips and wrap your index finger around them. All excess lipstick will remain on it, and your teeth will be clean.
  9. If you want to give your look an open look, then paint your eyelashes so that they are directed not to the sides, but closer to the bridge of the nose.

Lifehacks for girls these days

The period when a girl gets her period is very unpleasant. You have to endure pain, cope with heavy discharge and somehow live and work. The period of menstruation can be made easier if girls use useful lifehacks, which we will discuss below:

  • Carry several panties in your bag so that if the pad leaks, you can change the underwear wherever you are.
  • If your lower abdomen hurts badly, apply a hot bottle to it. It will stimulate blood flow and reduce pain.
  • Avoid drinking coffee during your period because it will retain fluid in your body, causing your stomach to swell and make it even more painful.
  • If you have period blood on your underwear or clothing, you will need to apply salted meat tenderizer, which can be purchased at any grocery store, onto the stain. Just sprinkle a little powder on your clothes, immediately apply water to form a paste, and after 30 minutes. wash it all off cold water. There will be no trace of blood left at all.
  • If you don’t have a pad on hand and your period comes, which often happens if menstrual cycle irregular, then you can make a hygiene product yourself this way: take gauze, wrap it toilet paper, place the resulting pad on your panties, and then wrap the pad with toilet paper again so that it does not move from the underwear.
  • Eat a small piece of chocolate during your period.
  • Have sex. Despite the fact that many girls refuse intimacy during menstruation, you should know that sex relaxes the uterus, and therefore relieves pain.
  • Drink ginger hour with mint and lemon, it soothes and relieves pain.
  • Don't wear tight clothes. You will feel uncomfortable in it, you will feel like you have gained a lot of weight.

Lifehacks with clothes for girls

A girl should always be neat and well-groomed. This applies not only to her hair, nails and skin, but also to her clothes. We present to you several interesting life hacks for girls that will help them take care of their wardrobe items:

  • If your clothes are too wrinkled and you don’t have an iron at hand, take them to the bathroom, which should be humid and hot. Humidity will level things out under their own weight.
  • After ironing items, do not put them on yourself immediately. They need to be given time to “rest”, otherwise, after you put them on, new wrinkles will form on them.
  • If your shoes are not of very high quality, which is why they constantly cause bad smell, you need to put tea bags in it at night, and lubricate your feet with baby powder.
  • If you run out of deodorant, you can use salicylic acid instead. It is odorless, colorless and very cheap.
  • To prevent bra straps from being visible under summer T-shirts, you just need to fasten them obliquely, not straight - a very useful life hack for teenage girls.
  • If you have gum stuck to your soles or skirt, you need to apply ice to the area. Wait until the chewing gum hardens, then you can easily pry it with something sharp to remove it - a very useful life hack for girls at school or university, where such a problem can be encountered at any time.
  • If you work from home, wear shoes and keep them on throughout the day. This is a rather strange life hack for girls, but it really sends a signal to the brain that you are at work and have no time to relax.

Nothing is impossible! Even from the most difficult situation You can find a way out, and a pleasant one at that. We hope that our useful tips self-care services will help you make your life easier and cope with things that previously took up a lot of your time and money, faster and cheaper.

Video: “Life hacks for girls from Ukrainian models”