In today's article, our readers will be able to get acquainted with a fairly popular TV presenter, astrologer and psychologist. We will talk about Vasilisa Volodina. It is worth noting that Vasilisa’s name is not her real name, but only a pseudonym. According to the astrologer herself, this name suits her best because of her horoscope. There are many rumors around her name and from various sources you can absolutely hear different names. But more reliable sources claim that her real name is Oksana.

The maiden name of this wonderful woman is Naumova, and she took the surname Volodin when she got married. Let's not get ahead of ourselves and cover all aspects in order. life path Vasilisa Volodina.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina

Our today's heroine is quite a famous person and, of course, she has her own audience of fans. Due to its incredible appearance her fans certainly want to know the answers to questions such as height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina is also a popular question in certain circles.

So, the astropsychologist’s height is 170 centimeters, with a weight of 56 kilograms. Vasilisa Volodina, at 44 years old, has just such excellent physical characteristics. Photos from his youth can still be found in the public domain without much effort. Although it is very difficult to judge objectively, because even at her current age, it is difficult to say anything about the changes in her appearance, she still looks simply dazzling.

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina

On the sixteenth day of the spring month of April, in 1974, our heroine was born. This happened in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals, and it was then that the biography of Vasilisa Volodina began. The girl’s father was a military man, but media workers do not have more information regarding her parents.

Along with school education, Vasilisa simultaneously received a musical education. At school and beyond, she was a very exemplary child, and from the age of seven she began helping her mother with housework. The parents, in turn, tried to instill in the girl high moral principles, as well as set a strict pace of life.

While studying at school, the future celebrity first learned about all sorts of paranormal UFO phenomena. This became the defining moment in her life. And in the evenings, she peered at the stars through her father’s military binoculars, but never discovered a single unidentified flying object. However, she began to navigate the starry sky very well and decided to read several astrological books. A few years later, a book on palmistry fell into her hands, thanks to which she read on her palm that glory awaited her.

Having completed her schooling with honors, Vasilisa decides to enter the Academy of Management to become a cybernetics economist. The girl studied at the university with maximum diligence, but did not receive satisfaction from the path she had traveled. The desired came at the moment when Vasilisa was undergoing parallel training at the capital’s Academy of Astrology.

At the age of twenty, Volodina began giving the first astrological consultations in her life, and after that she began to give forecasts that were directly related to business.

Fame began to come to Vasilisa at the beginning of the 2000s. Her forecasts gave a high percentage of accuracy, and of course the entire metropolitan elite turned their attention to Volodina. And with the advent of 2006, she was invited to television as the host of the “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” program. This went on for two years, and the next offer came from the first all-Russian television channel. Vasilisa was invited to the “Let's Get Married” program as an expert astrologer.

Thanks to this television program, the astropsychologist became a well-known personality whom almost everyone knew. Then Vasilisa had an audience of fans. After several years of working on television, Volodina went on maternity leave. The triumphant return took place shortly after the birth of the child, and only at the numerous requests of television viewers and fans.

In addition to her activities as an astrologer and TV presenter, Vasilisa Volodina has established herself as a writer. She became the author of a book called "The Astrology of Seduction." In this book, Volodina gives advice to women on how to please opposite sex, as well as what exactly men desire.

After this, in 2015, the astropsychologist published a whole series of books regarding love astrological forecasts for each sign of the Zodiac calendar. The information that Vasilisa shared was presented in the best way and related to that very year 2015.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina’s personal life is not replete with heated intrigues and whirlwind romances, as is the case with most celebrities. However, even taking this fact into account, her personal life remains quite interesting and entertaining. And it all started in the nineties of the last century.

Vasilisa was asked to make an astrological forecast for one person. This man was hers future husband named Sergei. While making this very forecast, she saw that their compatibility was one hundred percent and was extremely surprised. Some time passed, Vasilisa had already forgotten about it, but fate decided to bring them together. After they met, very strong feelings arose, thanks to which they are together to this day, very happy and raising two beautiful children.

Family of Vasilisa Volodina

As noted earlier, the family in which the astropsychologist grew up had rather strict morals and strict discipline. From the very early years she was accustomed to work and order, for which it is worth thanking military service her father.

Vasilisa Volodina’s own family started in 2001, when she and her common-law husband decided to get married. Another decision for the couple was to abandon lavish wedding celebrations. They were prompted to get married by the news that the couple would soon become parents. This is how Vasilisa’s own family was created.

Children of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina's children are happy interesting topic. It’s worth noting right away that the woman herself was ready for their appearance, having calculated in advance when they would be born. The first child of the famous astropsychologist was born in 2001, and the second, Vyacheslav, fourteen years later.

For the public, the news about Vasilisa’s second pregnancy came as a real surprise, because by that time she had reached her fourth decade own life. However, the astrologer herself was not at all afraid of her pregnancy and was confident that everything would be fine. This is, in fact, what happened, because she made an astrological forecast in advance, which was focused on the health of the unborn child.

Son of Vasilisa Volodina - Vyacheslav

Vasilisa Volodina’s son, Vyacheslav, became the second child in the family. On this moment he is three years old. The married couple was preparing for his arrival in the family, they planned his birth into this world. By the way, Vasilisa’s husband, Sergei, expressed a desire to be present at the birth. And on the part of Victoria, the first child, there was no jealousy; on the contrary, she helped her mother in every possible way during pregnancy and prepared for the appearance of her younger brother.

As mentioned earlier, Vyacheslav is 3 years old and she is growing up in a very friendly and immensely happy family, and his mother tries to spend as much time as possible with him and his older sister. Many questions were asked why the married couple decided to take the somewhat dangerous step of having a child when the astrologer turned 40 years old. Vasilisa gave a clear and precise answer; she and her husband were waiting for the most opportune moment to give birth to a baby.

Daughter of Vasilisa Volodina - Victoria

The TV presenter's first child was a girl. Vasilisa Volodina’s daughter, Victoria, was born a completely healthy child, despite the rather difficult period of her mother’s pregnancy. This was directly related to Vasilisa’s health problems. At this point in time, Victoria is already seventeen years old. Schooling The girl is very attracted, in particular, to the exact sciences, such as mathematics and physics.

In addition, Victoria is studying in English and is so in-depth that he attends courses in the UK. Regarding her future, the girl dreams of opening her own business in her homeland, related to jewelry and accessories of a similar nature.

Vasilisa Volodina’s husband – Sergei Volodin

Our today's heroine met her future husband at one of the parties with mutual friends. Even before the meeting, the astropsychologist knew a lot about this man, thanks to the forecast compiled for him. Vasilisa’s surprise knew no bounds, because they were perfect for each other. The couple did not immediately decide to officially marry, and for seven years they lived in perfect harmony, in civil marriage.

Sergei and Vasilisa decided to legalize their relationship after the TV presenter found out that she was pregnant. Vasilisa Volodina’s husband, Sergei Volodin, worked in the logistics industry and achieved good luck. However, when his wife began to gain popularity, the couple decided to work together, and Sergei became her director. After all, in addition to television filming, Vasilisa works as an astrologer, and those who want to get a forecast from such famous person more than enough. Sergei helps his wife with calls and schedules.

Naked Vasilisa Volodina

The TV presenter has her own family and children, and the topic of explicit photo shoots, affairs and other obscenities is very far from her. Not only are there no magazine covers or photographs showing naked Vasilisa Volodina, but in addition to this, the press has never noticed the TV presenter in an indecent manner.

Undoubtedly, the astrologer is very attractive at forty-four years old. And of course, some part of the audience that is not indifferent to Vasilisa’s external data wants to see her in a similar role, but this is unlikely to happen. Volodina is happy in her marriage, and it is unlikely that she needs something like that.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodina

On the World Wide Web you can easily find things like Vasilisa Volodina’s Instagram and Wikipedia. The TV presenter is a very popular person, which means she undoubtedly has an official page in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. All of Vasilisa’s biographical information is there.

By the way, the page on social media. She also has it on the Instagram service. And her Instagram is very popular, in fact, like Vasilisa herself. The TV presenter quite often shares fresh photographic materials from places of leisure or work. In addition, the astropsychologist has an official page on the VKontakte social network, where she is happy to share her astrological forecasts of famous personalities and more. Article found on alabanza

Actress and TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina is known to many from the “Let's Get Married” program. The real name of the astrologer is Oksana Naumova. The pseudonym, in her opinion, suits her zodiac sign. According to her horoscope, she is an Aries. The biography of Vasilisa Volodina tells how a little girl-dreamer turned into a real TV star.

The childhood of Vasilisa Volodina

Oksana Naumova is Russian by nationality, a native Muscovite. The father is a military man by profession, the girl was raised in strictness. WITH early childhood she was taught order, responsibility, and hard work. These qualities helped Oksana achieve success in the future, as indicated in her biography.

In addition to the main classes, she attended a music school and other clubs. The girl studied hard, as evidenced by her high grades in all subjects. Oksana started helping her mother with household chores at the age of seven. From a young age, the girl was accustomed to leading an active lifestyle, achieving her goals, and working at a strict pace.

Oksana has been interested in astrology since school. She was interested in the paranormal and UFO stories. The girl whiled away the evenings on the balcony. I looked forward to the sunset, took my father’s binoculars and studied the starry sky. The girl sketched constellations in her notebook, trying to remember them. Every year, interest in predictions and fortune-telling grew. After reading many books and magazines on astrology, Oksana realized that you can predict the future using the stars. After I started studying the basics of palmistry. Looking at her palm, the young girl saw an interesting combination of lines. She managed to solve secret meaning unusual design. So, according to her biography, while still sitting at her school desk, Vasilisa Volodina knew that success and glory awaited her in the future.

Beginning of a career and professional activity

Upon graduation, Oksana received gold medal for high academic achievements. A craving for exact sciences determined her future biography. Vasilisa received higher education at the Faculty of Economics State Academy management. Having started her studies, the girl realized that working as a mathematician-economist was not her dream and began to look for other ways. Her search brought her to the threshold of the Moscow Academy of Astrology. From her first day at the department, Oksana felt that this was her calling. The girl’s teacher and inspirer was the famous scientist of this field, M. B. Levin. After graduating from the academy, it became clear what Oksana would work with. The ability to predict fate and determine the compatibility of couples has begun to generate income. The girl became interested in constructing astrological tables for business, which was extremely popular. Oksana's first clients were friends, relatives, and classmates. According to her biography, she officially worked as an astrologer at the age of 18. The first profession is astropsychologist. A talented young specialist could not go unnoticed. , business forecasts were accurate, which attracted the attention of the Moscow elite to Vasilisa. Volodina became a welcome guest at social events and a recognizable personality.

Creativity and television

Owners of large companies, film actors and politicians regularly came to her for advice. Such popularity attracted the attention of television. At the age of 32, she was invited to host the TV show “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina.”

Two years later, Channel One was looking. Oksana was an excellent candidate. She managed to pass the casting without any problems, telling her biography; preparations for this went on for many years. Since the beginning of 2000, Volodina actively communicated with journalists and worked 15 hours a day. The arrival of the astrologer on the program attracted even more viewers. The charming and attractive presenter won the hearts of thousands of fans. On the show, the girl revealed the compatibility of couples, gave advice to guests about whether they should give their heart to one or another chosen one. Such activities made Vasilisa Volodina popular.

On screen, Volodina always looks flawless. The presenter shared her secret in one of the interviews. Several years ago, Vasilisa completely entrusted the image to the stylists - and she was right. Makeup, clothes, and hairstyle were chosen perfectly, taking into account the height, figure and parameters of the star. The haircut is a classic bob and goes harmoniously with the shape of the face. Some claimed that the presenter had plastic surgery. But this is just a well-chosen image. Vasilisa is glad that she works with professionals.

Vasilisa’s creative biography is closely connected with television, but Volodina, who is known only from the “Let’s Get Married” program, is a multifaceted personality.

In addition to filming a television program, Oksana devotes a lot of time to writing. In 2012, her work “Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of Relationships." The writer describes the main points of the relationship between a man and a woman. The main questions are raised: how to maintain relationships? How to understand the strong half of humanity? How to find an approach to your chosen one? It describes what type of woman (mother, queen, hostess, like-minded person) is preferred by men of different zodiac signs. Is in the book and short biography astrologer.

Vasilisa created her own. This amulet can be used for free by simply setting the image as a background on your mobile phone or computer. It can protect a person from terrible tragedies or diseases.

Personal life of Volodina and her family

According to the biography, the TV presenter has been happily married for more than 20 years and has two beautiful children. In matters of love, family relations Vasilisa completely relies on the stars. They helped her with choosing a companion. Oksana’s acquaintance with her husband is truly mystical and mysterious. She studied her husband's horoscope before meeting him. A friend came to her and asked her to draw up a horoscope for her friend, Sergei Volodin. Even then, the girl noticed how similar their astrological charts were. A little time passed, and Vasilisa met that same guy at a friend’s party. They immediately realized that this was fate. Vasilisa and Sergei dated for a short time, then they began to live together, and after the birth of their daughter Vika, they formalized the marriage. The girl left it in her passport maiden name.

The family lives happily in a strong union. First and subsequent pregnancies while still young. The presenter gave birth to her second child at the age of 40, as planned. Vasilisa wanted this pregnancy for a long time, but for everything to work out successfully, she had to wait 14 years.

According to the horoscope, the husband of the TV presenter is Virgo, and Virgos, according to the astrologer, make best husbands. At first, Sergei helped his wife build a business, and then became her partner. According to the biography, the couple did not have a single big quarrel in their entire life.

Recently, the presenter’s relatives and fans were alarmed by the news that Volodina was hospitalized (September 2018). She became ill right during filming for a reason allergic reaction for antibiotics, the patient was given an injection, and the work continued. She was then hospitalized. “I have no serious illnesses or irreparable conditions,” writes the astrologer. Soon the TV presenter returned to filming.

Now Volodina gives private consultations and advice for building strong relationships. Astrological charts of Vasilisa Volodina help to accept correct decision in business and life (regarding children, health, work). She has a place where you can find out her biography, watch interesting videos or astrologer predictions.

Today, among the popular high-quality brands of domestic astrology, the name of Vasilisa Volodina is regularly found. The biography and personal life of the astropsychologist and TV presenter inspire respect, and achievement list from four dozen books and a series of films on the TNT channel “Zodiac Signs” indicates a high ability to work. A confident woman with an elegant haircut looks sternly from the TV screen, but at home she loving wife And caring mother.

Childhood and youth

Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina, nee Oksana Naumova, Russian by nationality, was born on April 16, 1974 in a Moscow maternity hospital. Volodina is a married name, although the real maiden name is preserved in the passport. Vasilisa’s creative pseudonym was chosen in full accordance with the horoscope of its owner.

The father of the future astrologer, a professional military man, instilled in his daughter strict discipline and high moral principles. From early childhood she was accustomed to order and hard work, diligently helped her mother with the housework and was considered an exemplary child. Along with general education, she also attended a music school, and maintained the set strict pace throughout adult life. Vasilisa discovered her love for the stars early: as soon as the sun set, she went out onto the balcony of the family apartment in the Odintsovo district, took her father’s binoculars and admired the starry sky.

Innocent observations of the positions of the planets and sketches in the album served as a defining moment for the rest of my life. Widely discussed topics in the press of the time, the topics of paranormal phenomena and UFOs maintained interest in the celestial bodies and prompted a conscious decision to read books on astrology. And a palmistry textbook that came into my hands helped me make out the prediction of fame on my own palms. Enthusiasm card fortune telling awakened interest in esotericism, and with it came the first astrological experience among friends and acquaintances.

Study and career

Having successfully completed school, Vasilisa, on the advice of her parents, decided to acquire a profession useful for everyday life. She entered the Academy of Management. Ordzhonikidze, chose the specialty “economist-mathematician” and defended thesis on the topic “Forecasting futures on the grain market.” However, the dominant ideology of atheism was unable to defeat the youthful love of star forecasts: a second higher education was received in parallel at the Moscow Academy of Astrology under the leadership of M. B. Levin, the leader of the Russian school.

At the age of twenty, my amateur hobby of making business forecasts grew into my main profession. Accurate predictions allowed him to gain fame in the circles of the capital's elite and join the ranks of highly paid Moscow financial astrologers. Since 1992, this work began to generate significant income: personal and business consultations are conducted, horoscopes are compiled for television, magazines and online publications.

The cost of detailed predictions with a forecast for five years ahead starts from 2 thousand dollars, but they are in constant demand among wealthy citizens, because the price possible errors- much more expensive. And if a person turns out to be a candidate for removal from the Forbes list, then he will make every effort to stay there. In 2006, the Stolitsa TV channel released the program “ Starlight Night with Vasilisa Volodina,” which immediately gained high ratings.

Since 2008, on Channel One, in the TV show “Let’s Get Married,” hosts Vasilisa Volodina, Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova have been helping invited participants choose as partners one of several possible candidates, who are traditionally supported by relatives or friends. In this wonderful trio, Guzeeva is the main TV presenter, Syabitova is a professional matchmaker, and expert astrologer Volodina draws up a compatibility map of the heroes, considers a potential union from the perspective of the stars and tries to help recognize true happiness.

The multimillion-dollar audience of the program and the time it aired in prime time allowed the astropsychologist to become famous throughout the country, and in 2009, “Let's Get Married” received the Tefi Television Award in the category “Best Entertainment TV Program.” The year 2012 was marked by the publication of the publication “Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of Relations,” which won the Russian literary award “Electronic Letter” in the “Discovery of the Year” category. Women of all ages will find advice on how to win a man’s heart and become the only one forever, and the date of birth of the chosen one will help with this.

On the literary account of the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina books:

  • diary " Moon calendar for 2016";
  • Coloring book for adults “Change your destiny.”

There are also full-fledged projects in series of 12 books:

  • "Love forecast 2014."
  • "Love forecast 2015."

Vasilisa Volodina herself, despite her youth, without false modesty, speaks of herself as “the grandmother of Russian astrology.” Standing at the origins, she continues to make a significant contribution to the development of this direction. It is interesting to compare the functions of a horoscope with a clock mechanism, and astrology with financial analytics: the same time cycles and patterns.

Husband and children

Astrology helped Vasilisa meet her future husband, and this whole story is shrouded in a mystical haze. Natal charts She had to study Sergei Volodin long before the actual meeting - at the request of a mutual friend, she had to draw up a horoscope for his friend. The amazing compatibility with the mysterious stranger involuntarily interested the astrologer.

After some time, the same friend invited me to his birthday party. Having met a handsome guy in the courtyard of the house, Vasilisa thought that she could marry him, and it really worked out. An unexpected acquaintance grew into high feelings: the couple has been together for many years, is cloudlessly happy and has two beautiful children - daughter Victoria (2001) and son Vyacheslav (2015).

Before the official marriage, the young couple lived in a civil union for seven years and decided to legalize the relationship only after they learned that Vasilisa was pregnant. At first, Sergei successfully worked in the field of transport and logistics, but when the family brand gained serious popularity, and the accompanying business developed rapidly, it was decided to conduct joint activities. Vasilisa Volodina’s husband began planning his wife’s working time and performing the duties of a director.

In her youth, the girl was emotional and could flare up for no reason, but her husband took such outbursts calmly, and now they complement each other perfectly. Sergei is very proud of his missus’ successes and his role as an indispensable assistant; he believes that he managed to pull out a lucky ticket in this life. Children in the Volodin family were born in accordance with the exact calculations of their mother and a difference of 14 years. The astrologer was confident that everything would turn out well and made appropriate predictions in advance, focused on the health of the babies.

Adult daughter Victoria

The girl became the firstborn and was born safely in August 2001, despite difficult pregnancy mothers and emerging health problems that required long-term treatment. With her appearance, the parents, who had previously lived in a civil marriage, legalized the relationship, although they did not organize lavish wedding celebrations. Since childhood, Victoria has developed diversified, showing a penchant for mathematics, physics, as well as in-depth study of English. Three times a week you can find her in the streetball (street basketball) section.

She just loves to learn and improves in spoken language on courses in the UK, and plans to master the basics of entrepreneurship abroad. However, Vika connects her future with business in her homeland, focused on jewelry and prestigious accessories. The girl may follow in her mother’s footsteps, but for this she will need to receive an appropriate education.

Little son Vyacheslav

The married couple spent a long time and consciously preparing for the birth of a boy. Vasilisa was specially waiting for her fortieth birthday, having received clear predictions from the stars that this would be the most favorable period for conceiving and bearing a baby. The husband voluntarily attended the birth, and daughter Victoria was not at all jealous of her future brother and helped her mother in every possible way during pregnancy.

At first, the possibility of carrying out the birth in France was discussed, but then preference was given to Russian doctors, and everything went well. Vyacheslav was born in January 2015 and is growing up in a harmonious friendly family, and a nanny helps take care of him. The mother tries to equally divide attention between her son and his older sister and admits that she saw a full-fledged personality in the second child and began to treat him accordingly - without cooing and flirting.

Vasilisa Volodina now

TV presenter is a very popular personality not only on television screens, but also in the Internet space. She has official page on Wikipedia, accounts on in social networks Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others. There is also an official website www. (astrogift) with detailed description services provided, including dream books, horoscopes, fortune telling with Tarot cards and even a free amulet - for happiness, love and wealth.

A popular diet developed by an astrologer suggests a daily menu that takes into account lunar cycles and begins before the full moon. This will not only get rid of fat deposits, but also remove toxins, strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the skin. The lunar diet lasts 6 days, and the seventh is free, “unloading” or “loading” depending on needs:

  • first day - soups, stewed vegetables and seafood;
  • the second - only boiled vegetables and juices;
  • third - raw food diet;
  • fourth - fermented milk products and stewed vegetables;
  • the fifth and sixth days - complete refusal of carbohydrates and proteins;
  • last day - drink plenty of fluids to remove residual toxins.

Our own confidence in the help of astrological charts when making important decisions and the high reliability of forecasts contribute to the fact that those who once came to Volodina for advice subsequently become regular users. Among such clients are entrepreneurs and politicians, stars of show business and the film industry. Her schedule is very busy, and only the family knows that Vasilisa’s working day is not 8, but 16 hours a day. Individual and corporate consulting for clients, the number of which has reached seven thousand, is scheduled months in advance.

Personal and video conferences are regularly held, horoscopes are compiled according to zodiac signs, astrological forecasts by date of birth and recommendations by month according to the location of the planets.

The growing popularity of Vasilisa Volodina is also evidenced by the sad fact that scammers have already appeared trying to sell good luck amulets, red threads and coins on her behalf. The astrologer declares that he is in no way connected with such trading and warns gullible people about this.

The name Vasilisa for the astrologer and TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina is a pseudonym that, in her opinion, suits her horoscope. Various sources give the real name of the famous astropsychologist as Svetlana, Oksana, Elena or Elizaveta. It is believed that the closest option to the truth is the name Oksana. The future TV presenter changed her maiden name, Naumova, when she married Sergei Volodin. But first things first.

The childhood of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina was born in the capital of the USSR on April 16, 1974. The girl was raised under strict discipline from an early age, as her father was a military man. Since childhood, Vasilisa’s parents taught her to have order, hard work and diligence.

In addition to general education, the child also attended a music school, as well as many clubs and sections. Vasilisa was a very diligent student and from the age of seven she helped her mother teach household. The high moral standard set for the girl by her parents set a strict working pace for all subsequent activities of Vasilisa Volodina.

The now famous astrologer began to show interest in the future work of her life while still in school. Then in the 80s, for the first time on Soviet television they started talking about UFOs and various paranormal phenomena. Listening enthusiastically to these programs, Vasilisa greedily listened to all the information. And then, on long evenings near Moscow, a thoughtful and dreamy schoolgirl spent endless hours on the balcony of her parents’ apartment in Odintsovo, watching the starry sky through her father’s military binoculars.

According to the recollections of the astrologer herself, she did not see a single UFO, but she began to perfectly navigate the location of the stars. Being a very enthusiastic and purposeful person, Vasilisa read the first few books on astrology in her life. From them she learned the most important truth for herself: the stars can predict the future.

Vasilisa Volodina in “Let's Get Married” - fragment of the program

And a little later, at the age of 14, after reading several books on palmistry, Vasilisa made an important discovery in her own palm: fame and glory awaited her in the future!

The beginning of Vasilisa Volodina's career

After graduating from school with a gold medal, Volodina (then Naumova) easily entered the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Academy of Management at the Faculty of Economics. She continued to study diligently at the university, but the diploma she received in the specialty “economist-cybernetics” did not give moral satisfaction. Her soul yearned for something else. Creative inspiration Vasilisa received it while studying in parallel with her university at the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

Vasilisa Volodina about wedding dates for summer 2015

Vasilisa Volodina began conducting her first astrological consultations at the age of 20. And after graduating from the Academy of Astrology, she became interested in creating astrological forecasts for business.

In the 90s, this could not have been more relevant. In addition, the future TV presenter conducted personal astrological consultations for friends and acquaintances.

Professional activities of Vasilisa Volodina

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Vasilisa Volodina’s career has definitely taken off. Children's predictions gradually became reality. The business forecasts and personal horoscopes she compiled had a high percentage of accuracy, which did not escape the eyes of the Moscow elite. Volodin became a recognizable and well-known figure in Moscow social circles.

In 2006, the astrologer was invited to work as the host of the “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” program aired on the “Capital” TV channel. And in 2008, she began working as an expert astrologer in the Channel One program “Let’s Get Married.”

Vasilisa Volodina about horoscopes: how important it is to use the exact time of birth

It was this show that made Volodina famous throughout the country. Many TV viewers consider Vasilisa Volodina the most charming of the three presenters of this program, including such well-known media personalities of Russian culture as Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

Once, in the distant 90s, an acquaintance approached the young astrologer Naumova with a request to draw up a personal horoscope for his friend, a certain Sergei Volodin. As fate would have it, Vasilisa studied the star chart of her future husband even before meeting him personally.

Noting to herself the rare and amazing compatibility with her horoscope, the girl had already managed to forget about this strange incident. But fate brought them together in person at a meeting of friends. From this friendly party, when a spontaneous, but strong feeling, and they are still together.

In 2001, after three years of living together in a civil marriage, the Volodin couple had a daughter, Victoria. At the same time, Sergei and Vasilisa finally officially got married, without arranging lavish wedding celebrations. Sergei, who initially worked in the field of logistics, after some time became the director of his wife, drawing up her business schedule.

Vasilisa was in no hurry with her second child. Having thoroughly studied her horoscope, she calculated that her future son should be born into this world only when she herself turns 40 years old. On January 3, 2015, Volodina became a mother for the second time. The baby was named Vyacheslav.

Vasilisa Volodina now

IN maternity leave The TV presenter did not stay long to care for the child. In April 2015, she returned to work on the show. Volodina named numerous letters of requests from TV viewers as one of the main reasons for returning to filming so quickly.

Vasilisa Volodina about the book “Astrology of Seduction”

And in 2015, a series of books by an astrologer called “Love Astro Forecast for 2015” appeared on bookshelves. Vasilisa tried to give the most accurate forecast each zodiac sign and present information in a convenient form.

The presenter also gives advice and video forecasts through her personal website on the Internet, which is very popular among her fans.

Year of birth: 1974
Russian nationality
Education: Ordzhonikidze Academy of Management, Moscow Academy of Astrology.
Marital status: Married
Place of residence: Moscow
Number of children: daughter Victoria and son Vyacheslav
Parameters: weight – 56 kilograms, height – 170 centimeters.
Occupation: co-host and independent astrological expert of the “Let's Get Married” program, individual consultations, business consultations, astrological forecasts for the press and television, including financial forecasting, maintaining your own website.


Famous astrologer Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina was born in the capital Soviet Union in April 1974. Volodina is a married name. She doesn’t reveal her real name; different sources call her Elizaveta, Lena, Oksana or Sveta. I chose my nickname based on my horoscope.

Her father, a former military man, raised the girl strictly, instilling responsibility and hard work. She successfully combined her studies with visiting various clubs and sections, and graduated from music school. From the age of seven she kept house with her mother.

Interest in astrology manifested itself in school years, when reports of UFOs began appearing on television. The girl took binoculars that belonged to her father and whiled away the evenings on the balcony, looking at the starry sky.

Although I didn’t have a chance to examine any unidentified objects, Vasilisa began to have a good understanding of the location of the stars. A teenage hobby threatened to develop into something more.

Vasilisa took up fortune telling with cards and began reading special literature on astrology, palmistry and fortune telling. Back then it was difficult to get anything worthwhile on this topic; books were most often self-published. Later, the girl read on her palm that she would become famous.


Volodina (then Naumova) successfully graduated from school and entered the Faculty of Economics of the State Agrarian University named after. S. Ordzhonikidze. But neither the dominant atheistic ideology nor the instructions of the parents could overcome the hobby. She received a second higher education, graduating from the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

The girl became interested in a topical problem - making business forecasts, starting her professional biography at the age of 20. Her predictions were infallible. Thanks to this, Vasilisa Volodina gained great popularity in the elite circles of the capital.

In 2006, the program “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” was released. Two years later, she became an independent consultant for the famous TV show “Let's Get Married.” Vasilisa still works there to this day.

Four years ago, her book “Astrology of Seduction” appeared on store shelves, which is now extremely popular. The book talks about how to win a man's heart and become the only one for him. This is a whole encyclopedia of human relationships. It turns out that to seduce a representative of the opposite sex, it is enough to know his date of birth. The lady can only act, taking the right steps, determining what a man expects from the woman of his dreams.

Vasilisa says: “Without false modesty, there has never been such a book on the topic of astrology, either in content or design.” Volodina considers herself the “grandmother of Russian astrology”, because she had the opportunity to stand at the origins Russian astrology, make a significant contribution to its development.

When her son was born, Vasilisa did not have to stay at home with him for long. TV viewers demanded the return of their favorite TV presenter. In April, she again came to the “Let's Get Married” show. In the same year, readers became acquainted with her series of books “Love astro forecast for 2015.”

Vasilisa Volodina’s website is extremely popular, where you can order a personal horoscope, a business forecast, a compatibility chart, get up-to-date advice and watch video forecasts. Her page is on Instagram.

Personal life

Vasilisa met her future husband thanks to her calling. An old acquaintance approached the novice astrologer. He asked Naumova to make a personal horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. Analyzing the guy’s star chart, Vasilisa thought that they had a lot in common, and she would love to become his wife. Some time later, the girl was invited to a party by friends. At the entrance, Vasilisa ran into a young man. It turned out that they were going to the same apartment. And what a surprise it was when the girl found out that this was the same Volodin for whom she had drawn up a horoscope!

Since then, the couple has not separated. Vasilisa says that Sergei is the love of her life. In 2001, the lovers had a daughter, who was named Victoria. After this, the young people legalized their relationship, but did not arrange weddings. Even the parents were presented with a fait accompli.

Sergei had a good career in logistics. The family lived in a small apartment, where Vasilisa Vladimirovna had to conduct consultations with clients. She and her husband decided not to have another child until their living conditions could be improved.

In 2010, having moved into a brand new apartment, the couple seriously thought about adding to their family. Then Sergei quit his job in his specialty and became his wife’s director. He himself draws up her work schedule so that she has enough time not only to communicate with her daughter and husband, but also to relax.

Vasilisa’s first pregnancy was difficult; there were health problems that had to be addressed long time. Parents were not delighted after the news of another pregnancy of their aging daughter. But the mother-in-law came to the defense of her daughter-in-law, who gave birth to her third child when she was already over forty.

According to astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, she specifically waited for her fortieth birthday, because the stars predicted that this was the most favorable time for conception and pregnancy.

At first they planned to give birth in France, but later, after weighing all the pros and cons, they trusted Russian medicine.

The office was converted into a children's room. To create coziness, a soft carpet was laid there. But Vasilisa didn’t like the children’s painted wallpaper and furniture; she wanted to preserve a little of the business atmosphere in the baby’s room. A happy pregnant woman told reporters: “... it seems to me that I will immediately treat him as a full-fledged person, as an individual, without all these endless lisps.”

In January 2015, Vasilisa gave birth to a healthy son, who was named Vyacheslav.

Veronica supports her mother in everything, and dotes on her little brother. A nanny helps them look after Slava.

The Volodins love to relax at the seaside, go to the Maldives, Spain, etc.

Vasilisa reads a lot, especially literature on symbolism and psychology. Her favorite writers are Leskov, Turgenev, Tonino Benaquista (from entertainment), but, according to the woman, she reads any book to the last page, hoping to figure out for what purpose it was published.

She sees the recipe for female happiness in not being selfish and bitchy in love. If both spouses treat each other with care and understanding, the harmony desired by everyone arises, as the astrologer claims.

Vasilisa’s life is an excellent example of such an idyll. She manages to combine her life’s work and family, self-education and relaxation. Even the ubiquitous press cannot accuse Volodina of participating in quarrels or scandals, because she is a very decent, principled person. Analyzing her life, you begin to believe in fate and destiny.