
Hello, dear friends. Today we celebrate one of the most wonderful holidays. Moreover, it is celebrated all over the world, in many countries. There is nothing surprising in this, because Valentine's Day is a holiday for lovers, a holiday of love, and love exists everywhere, in the most remote corners of the globe.


Right. For love, both space and time are surmountable. Love conquers cities and mountains. As the poet put it, all ages are submissive to love. What is more beautiful in the world than love? Only love. Do you know how the celebration of Valentine's Day began?


To begin with, while the holiday is not yet in full force, a little history. Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to get married while they were in service (and the service lasted 25 years!), much less to consecrate it in church. Saint Valentine, shepherd and confessor of soldiers, secretly blessed loving hearts and, despite the ban, sanctified the relationship church rite.


The disobedient priest was extradited. He was executed on February 14. Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day. An indispensable attribute of Valentine's Day celebrations is a valentine - a message sent to a loved one. One of the first valentines was a card sent in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife from Tauzre prison, where he was imprisoned. The card is still kept in the British National Museum.


In the 16th century, postcard cards became popular and more decorative. In 1797, the “Guide for young man on writing valentines”, which contained many poems and dedications for those who themselves could not come up with anything worthwhile.


Don’t miss the day when you can convey your feelings, your confessions to your loved one and simply those people who love you more than anyone. Naturally, you already guessed that we're talking about about our parents, mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers. February 14th is a day when you can feel free to express your love for your closest person.

Presenter and Presenter (together).

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

And now Nikita Skomorokhin, 10th grade, will speak before us.

COMPETITION No. 1 « NAME A PAIR "(1 point) Romeo - ... (Juliet)

Tristan - ... (Isolde)

Ruslan - ... (Lyudmila)

Kai - ... (Gerda)

Pierrot - ... (Malvina)

Maxim Shatalin - ... (Victoria Prutkovskaya)

Andrey Bolkonsky - ... (Natasha Rostova)
Master - ... (Margarita)
Evgeny Onegin – ... (Tatiana Larina)
Chatsky - ... (Sofia)

Students performing 8 A

Students 8 B performing

Questions for girls very good ek:
1. What is a carburetor a component of? (Motor)
2. Is the hood of the car located at the front or rear? (Front)
3. When working with a saw, in which direction is the force applied: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)
4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)
5. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
6. Which company’s products have a “tick” shaped emblem? (Nike)

Questions for young people :
1. When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)
2. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
3. Is yeast added to shortbread dough? (No)
4. Why might a woman need acetone? (For removing nail polish)
5. Do I need to wash off the hair dye after dyeing it? (Yes)
6. What is the name of the small bag that holds items needed for makeup? (Beauty bag)

9th grade students perform.


The proverb says - love is blind.

Without thinking, we believe in this stupidity,

Let's put up with this until

She won't knock on our doors.


Everything about you will change immediately:

You will see different clouds, stars,

Suddenly something new will be born in us,

It will open up more tender than a blooming rose.


You will see even in the pitch darkness

Her only eyes, her smile,

Whisper and talk in your sleep,


Please don't believe that love is blind!

The blind are all those whom she passed by.

She led everyone to the heights of happiness

And I haven’t deceived anyone yet.

Leading . That's it! Our evening has come to an end. We wish you good luck, luck, tenderness, warmth and, of course, an ocean of love! Love and be loved!

Scenario game program"Valentine's Day " written for junior schoolchildren who are very interested in this holiday.

Thanks to this, in an entertaining way, with the help of skits and competitions, the teacher can introduce the children a little to the history of the holiday, talk about its traditions and give the first courtship skills to boys, and to everyone - friendship and mutual sympathy.

Game program for Valentine's Day.

For the holiday, it would be nice to decorate the classroom in the style of Valentine's Day: hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows, valentines with the names of schoolchildren, proverbs and famous expressions about love.

The program is led by a teacher and two costumed characters: Valentin and Aphrodite, whose role can be played by one of the high school students.


Love, love, we believe in you with hope,

And the doors are open for you in our hearts.

But if you don't knock, then where to meet?

And what is love, who will answer us?

How many words, songs, poems have been written about love, but each of us discovers it in our own way. Let's talk about this wonderful feeling today, especially since there is a reason, because today the whole world is celebrating Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, why Valentine, we will try to understand today by looking into the history of this wonderful holiday. And Valentin himself will help us with this. Meet!

(Valentine comes out to a beautiful melody)

Valentin: Greetings! Let's get acquainted, my name is Valentin, and I came to you from a magical land, the land of Love. Do you know what love is? Have you already heard how, when you look at another person, your heart beats faster? Or how warm and calm it becomes when your mom or dad is next to you, because it’s the warmth of their hearts that warms you? Or maybe you know the feeling of sympathy for your friends and classmates? Do you know these feelings? (children answer) These are all manifestations of love. There is a lot of love in the world, and it manifests itself for everyone and at every moment in a special way, because Love is always a miracle. Therefore, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, will help us understand this concept. Meet!

(Aphrodite comes out - a love song sounds).

Aphrodite: I am Aphrodite - the goddess of Love, and I am happy to see so many beautiful young people and girls on this holiday, the holiday of all lovers! Despite the fact that it’s February outside and spring has not yet come into its own, you have an atmosphere of joy here, blooming and open to everything pure and beautiful of youth and the anticipation of love. She will definitely find you all, and perhaps she has already touched someone. As, for example, to the heroes of this

Comic skit for schoolchildren "Pierre in Love"





Maman: Pierre, what's new at school? Are you having problems?
Pierre: Yes, maman, I want to make friends with Mary, but I don’t know where to start.
Maman: First, Pierre, she needs to pay attention to you.
Pierre: Thank you, maman, I will do so.
Leading: Pierre comes home from school with a big bump on his forehead.
Pierre: Good evening, maman.
Maman: Good evening, Pierre. Well, did Mary tag you?
Pierre: As I noted, mother. I pulled it by the bow and painted the collar of the dress with red polka dots with a marker. She marked me with a pencil case. I think the mark will not go away for a long time...
Maman: You acted stupidly, Pierre. It would be better if you made her laugh.
Leading: A week later...Pierre returns home sad and upset.
Maman: Why, Pierre, are you so sad? Didn't you manage to make Mary laugh?
Pierre: It just worked, mother. During class I tickled her so much that she jumped as if she had been stung and laughed until she cried! But now you are called to school.
Maman: You did the wrong thing, Pierre. You can’t pester a girl so rudely, and even in class. You just have to be more attentive to her.
Pierre: Keep an eye on her, or what?
Maman: Oh, you're so stupid, Pierre. You need to yield to her in everything.
Presenter: Another week has passed. Pierre came from school.
Pierre: Hello, maman!
Maman: Hello, Pierre. How is your relationship with Mary?
Pierre: Fine. Today they were picking up the trash, and I gave her the biggest bag of trash.
Maman: You acted stupidly again, dear Pierre. I should have been the first to take this bag and help Mary. My last piece of advice. Give Mary the most precious thing you have. So that she remembers your gift for the rest of her life. Just make sure you don't make a mistake this time!
Pierre: Thank you, maman, this time I will definitely not make a mistake!

Presenter: Pierre took the rope and came to Mary. He tied her to a chair and put the most precious thing he had on her lap - his beloved rat Larisa. Many years have passed since then. Pierre grew up, Mary grew up. And as soon as Mary sees Pierre, as soon as she remembers about the gift - the rat Larisa, she runs away as fast as she can. But she liked Pierre so much from the first grade!!!

Presenter: This is how love happens...

Aphrodite: Yes, there are different types of love... And the mother from this comic scene She advised her son everything correctly, if you love, you need to give joy and give what is most precious, you need to be able to give in and trust... only Pierre was not yet ready for real feeling, that’s why he did everything wrong.

Valentin: But I am sure that when he grows up a little and becomes wiser, he will be able to win the heart of his beloved. Because you also need to be able to express your feelings correctly. And today you have a unique opportunity to show a feeling of sympathy and friendship for each other.

Teacher: Which means it's time for our game program. And may His Majesty Chance help us form pairs for her.

(Hearts with the names of schoolchildren are attached to the darts, throwing darts, they choose each other and gradually form pairs from competition to competition, we must try to ensure that everyone takes part in the program)

Aphrodite: One of the main attributes of lovers is flowers, let them bloom today too.

1. Game for Valentine's Day "Let the flowers bloom."

This general competition, for this, the guys need to be divided into several groups of 5 people.

The essence of the game: there are as many flower preparations scattered on the floor as there are groups, all different colors, only the core is the same for everyone - yellow. Each group needs to collect their flower faster than others.

(using darts, 2 pairs are determined to participate in the next competition)

2. Competition “What is a valentine made of?”"

How to have a fun Valentine's Day at school

The holiday on Valentine's Day is celebrated with pleasure within the walls of the school. It can be carried out as fun game, which does not require special preparation, complex script with difficult text. The holiday in a playful way will lift the spirits of its participants, as well as the audience.

Teachers, inspecting programs for Valentine's Day, select the most interesting material for children of different classes, taking into account their individual characteristics, abilities and knowledge. The music director selects music and dances, and it is carried out taking into account the capabilities of each individual child and the group of children as a whole, possibly an entire class. Children junior classes, for example, 7-8, can sing, and the music director, together with the teacher, choose a song appropriate for the holiday.

When the script is ready, class teachers conduct explanatory work in their classes, during which children are told about the upcoming holiday, it is explained what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. This applies to children in grades 6-8. If this holiday was already celebrated within the school walls last year, then older children remember what happened on it.

When that long-awaited day of the holiday comes, when the transformed and decorated school hall is full of young spectators, they wait with bated breath for it to begin.

A game called "Hearts in Love" will help withdrawn and uncommunicative children solve many of their problems with peers in terms of communication through funny jokes, humor and fun. To play the game you need to prepare an appropriate room. At school, this could be an assembly hall or a spacious classroom. There you need to place a certain number of chairs and decorate the stage. Draw a wall newspaper that matches the theme of the holiday. To interest children, you can hand out invitation cards to the game in the form of small but bright hearts.

The whole game is divided into several stages. In order to avoid gaps between them, it is necessary to come up with several amateur performances with the participation of junior schoolchildren.

It is advisable that schoolchildren from the seventh grade and older participate in the game. Participants in the game must first fill out questionnaires about themselves and their interests according to the following plan.

1. Last name, first name, class in which you study.

2. Your hobby.

3. How many friends do you have and what are they mainly interested in?

4. How would you react to a person who played a prank on you in some way?

5. What are your parents' professions?

6. What do you want to become?

7. What time of year do you like and what holidays?

8. Who are you according to your horoscope?

9. How many friends of the opposite sex do you have?

10. What would you like to give them for Valentine's Day, even if you don't have the opportunity?

The questionnaire is aimed at identifying the student’s attitudes towards life, towards his peers, as well as at clarifying his range of interests. After analyzing the questionnaires, 10 people with the most similar answers are selected. Five of them are girls and five are boys. In addition to the main participants in the game, a reserve pair is selected in case one of the children is absent on the day of the game.

The presenters are also selected to conduct the game. There should be two of them (a boy and a girl) from high school students. For the game to be successful, it is important that they have such qualities as sociability, activity, humor, cheerfulness, etc. In addition, the presenters must show goodwill towards the participants of the game and not criticize them appearance and their behavior during the game. It is also important that presenters can easily cope with a difficult non-standard situation if one arises.

Before the start of the game, the presenters must communicate with the players and agree on what can be told about them, and what aspects of life are best left untouched. It is also necessary to conduct a short rehearsal of the game beforehand in order to know where the presenters, players, and spectators will be, how they will move, what questions to ask and how to answer them.

Participants in the game are selected on the condition that they will not behave indecently or make mocking remarks. offensive jokes and will correspond to the developed game scenario.

During the game, participants must answer the presenters' questions clearly and briefly, without delaying time and not distracting the attention of the audience. And so that they do not experience difficulties, they can find out some of the most difficult questions in advance. This will help them avoid getting into trouble during the game and come up with interesting and fun answers in advance, and will also help them tune in to a certain level of difficulty of the game.

Participants in the game must first come up with one question each and then ask it during the game. They can consult with the presenters about which topic is best to rely on. If facilitators notice that participants are having difficulty coping with such a question, they can offer them a list of questions to choose from.

1. What computer games do you love?

3. What sport do you like?

4. What sport do you do?

5. Which girl would you like to be friends with - the one who likes to read, or the one who likes to walk the streets, go to the movies and discos?

6. Which young man would you make friends with faster - the one who loves computer games, speaks three languages ​​and drives a private car, or the one who enjoys sports and reads classic literature?

The game consists of 4 stages

1st stage. "History of the holiday"

First presenter. Dear participants Today's game, dear viewers, first of all, we want to congratulate you on a happy holiday - Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day. If you came to us today as spectators or participants, it means you love or are loved, it means your hearts are filled with love and kindness. And these are important qualities that will certainly be useful to you in life.

Second presenter. Do you guys know the history of Valentine's Day? (The presenter addresses the audience.) Who will tell us about this? Who is Valentin? Why is it customary to give valentines to loved ones, loved ones and just good friends on this day?

First presenter. Did you know that in those distant times, on this day, young men and women told fortunes about their lovers, cast lots for the chosen one or the chosen one. It was believed that stranger of the opposite sex, seen first on this day, is the betrothed or betrothed.

Second presenter. Now our participants will choose a couple and write his or her name on a valentine card.

2nd stage. "My couple and her hobby"

The participants of the game go on stage, give five valentines with the names of boys and girls, a pair in each, and stand in a row of two people.

Second presenter. Reads the valentines, then addresses the participants. Let's first find out about the interests of our couples.

Approaches each participant with questions.

1. What do you do in your free time?

3. What sport do you respect?

4. What is your favorite school subject?

5. How much time do you spend playing computer games?

Questions are asked based on questionnaires. If a participant finds it difficult to answer a question, then his playing partner, or the presenter himself, should help him with this. The presenters should not rush the participants in the game, but, on the contrary, help them concentrate, not be shy and perceive everything in a game mood.

First presenter.

Let's now find out how our couples treat each other.

Each pair is asked questions that they must answer.

1a. Marina, tell me, how would you feel about Andrey if he gave you a cactus for your birthday?

1b. Andrey, how would you take the news that excellent student Marina received a bad mark on her test because she copied it from you?

2a. Oksana, would you agree to Sergei’s invitation to visit the attraction and eat ice cream on Sunday at 8 am?

2b. Seryozha, would you agree to lend your sneakers to Oksana for physical education class if she forgets hers and you run around barefoot?

3a. Olya, what will you do if Oleg asks you to buy candles for his birthday cake, and you forgot how old he is?

3b. Oleg, if Olya calls you at 12 am and asks you to solve math problems for tomorrow’s lesson, will you agree?

4a. Katya, how will you react to the fact that after Nikita reads your book about the adventures of Dunno, several pages are missing?

4b. Nikita, will you be happy if Katya gives you a box on February 23rd? chocolates and women's perfume?

5a. Nastya, would you agree to get a D in history instead of Dima if he solves geometry problems for you perfectly?

5b. Dima, will you come to the embroidery lesson instead of Nastya if she asks you about it?

After answers, participants leave to prepare for the next stage. At this time, an amateur performance number is held.

3rd stage. "Choosing the best couple"

At this stage, a competition for the best couple is held. Participants in the game must complete several tasks; the winners will become the best pair and move on to the next stage of the game.

Task 1. Each participant must tell why distinctive features he chose a mate.

Task 2. Compose a short poem dedicated to Valentine's Day and write it on a Valentine's card.

1. Let this little heart

Will tell you about my great love!

On Valentine's Day

Give me a smile!

2. I love you and with this feeling

They won't be able to cope for years.

Let's celebrate the holiday together,

We will always cherish love!

3. I'm happy that I'm in love

And that my love is mutual.

That I am not deprived of feeling

It is a delayed mine.

4. I can't say it in words

About the love that is between us,

I'll tell you with my eyes

About what we hear with our hearts.

5. Words cannot express feelings,

But it’s nice for me to write them,

I can’t keep silent about love,

Which I warm to you.

Task 3. Write a humorous telegram on pre-prepared multi-colored sheets of paper. The options may be as follows.

1. Citizens waiting for the second half are asked to go to the gym! Cupid was hiding on the wall bars with a large bag of ammunition. (School coach.)

2. Dear princes. The latest production of glass slippers is broken during an attempted robbery of a shoe factory. Instead, we offer rubber galoshes and tarpaulin boots. Today's princesses will not be inconvenienced by the quality of the roads. Discounts for lovers! (Administration of a shoe store.)

3. Dear lovers! Mailbox not rubber! Only one Valentine is accepted per heart, and it doesn’t matter that it has two ventricles! (School postman.)

5. Happy people, watch not your watch, but your mobile phones and wallets! (02)

Progress of the evening

(The hall is decorated in pink and red colors, balloons and cut-out hearts are used for decoration, fanfare sounds, turning into cheerful music.)

Presenter 1:

The evening spread coolness across the fields

And, flying through the valleys,

Threw the night cloaks to the poplars

And black shawls for rowan trees...

Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter 2: Hello, loving and beloved hearts!

Presenter 1: We met with you in our cozy room on the eve of a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day. This is the most romantic holiday when we confess our love and give sweet gifts to our beloved ones.

Presenter 2: According to Catholic Christian tradition February 14 is the day of remembrance of Valentine - the holy martyrs: the bishop and the healer. It is these saints who are considered the patrons of all those who are in love, engaged, and protectors of newlyweds.

Presenter 1: According to legend, those who find their love, and even more so decide to get married or have a wedding on February 14, will be patronized by St. Valentine throughout their lives.

Presenter 2: In Russia, Valentine's Day has been celebrated only recently, in imitation of Western tradition.

Presenter 1: They say that it takes one minute to distinguish a person from others.

Presenter 2: One hour to appreciate its merits.

Presenter 1: One day to love him.

Presenter 2: But it takes a lifetime to forget him. Therefore, love is the brightest feeling born in the human soul.

Presenter 1: Love is happiness, but only when you believe that it will be eternal. And even if it turns out to be a lie every time, only faith gives love strength and joy.

(Poems are read to the sounds of a lyrical melody.)

Presenter 2:

It all starts with love...

They say: in the beginning there was a word...

And I declare again:

It all starts with love!

Presenter 1:

It all starts with love:

And inspiration, and work,

Eyes of flowers, eyes of a child,

It all starts with love!..

Presenter 2:

Spring will whisper to you: “Live...”

And you will sway from the whisper,

And straighten up and begin,

It all starts with love...

Presenter 1: We announce the beginning of our “My Half” competition.

Presenter 2: Two couples from each class take part in the competition.

Presenter 1: The performance of the couples will be judged by our respected jury consisting of...

(The presenters take turns introducing the jury.)

Presenter 2: We will find out our couples during the first competition. They will need to introduce themselves in an interesting way. In this competition they can be assisted by representatives from their class.

Presenter 1: The first pair is...

(Couples take turns participating in the performance competition.)

Presenter 2: Love is when you tell a boy that you like his shirt, and then he wears it every day.

Presenter 1: For the next competition we invite the male half of our couples to the stage.

Presenter 2: You all know very well the kind, romantic fairy tale “Cinderella” by Charles Perot. It’s not in vain that we remembered this fairy tale.

Presenter 1: After all, the next competition is called “Shoe for Cinderella.”

Presenter 2: Now backstage, all the girls will have one shoe taken off. Young people, by drawing lots, choose the shoe that they believe belongs to their significant other.

Presenter 1: Then they take turns going backstage and returning with the “Cinderella” that this shoe fits.

(The competition is held to the soundtrack of a Cinderella song.)

Presenter 2: Love is when every minute of parting seems like an eternity, and in order to shorten these minutes, many hours of phone conversations or correspondence on ICQ begin. Our next competition is called “Twins”.

Presenter 1: For him, dear couples, you must choose someone for whom you will look for a twin - either you are looking for a twin for a girl or for a guy.

Presenter 2: Another representative from the couple goes into the auditorium and looks for a person who is as similar as possible to his other half, then, returning to the stage, explains his choice to everyone.

(The competition takes place to a cheerful soundtrack.)

Presenter 1: Love is when my mother makes coffee for my father, and first drinks a little and then gives it to him. As you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Presenter 2: We will now check how well our participants can complete this path; our next competition is called “If I don’t eat it, I’ll bite it.”

Presenter 1: We invite all our couples to the stage. All the boys are blindfolded and their hands are placed behind their backs, and the girls receive a kilogram of apples and are also blindfolded.

(While the presenters are explaining the rules of the competition, the assistants blindfold all participants and give the girls a bag of apples each to make sure that the coffee is delicious.)

Presenter 2: The task of our participants is to first find each other on this stage with eyes closed, and then the girls must feed the boys apples from their own hands.

Presenter 1: Only five minutes are allotted for this competition. The winner is the couple who remains lightest weight apples in a bag.

Presenter 2: Attention, get ready, let's begin.

(The competition is held to a cheerful soundtrack and the presenters accompany the progress of the competition with comments.)

Presenter 1:

Love is my work and my thoughts,

I don't need peace if there is no love.

Love in a person's heart gives birth to music. And then the person wants to sing.

Presenter 2: That’s why our next competition is called “Let’s Sing.” Each pair is given a selection of soundtracks from famous performers, where two characters are a man and a woman.

Presenter 1: It is necessary to play these songs artistically to the soundtrack.

(For each couple, “cuts” are played in turn, for example: Philip Kirkorov “I didn’t know...” and Alla Pugacheva “This is love.”)

(To the soundtrack of “Love Story,” the presenters read poetry.)

Presenter 2:

How can I tell you my story,

So as not to repeat familiar words again,

To make people understand that my story is true,

I have nothing to hide, where to start.

Presenter 1:

How can I explain

That sometimes things are as they should be

That sometimes life is lived the way it should be lived,

How will he explain to you what it means to love,

How to explain?

Presenter 2: Now our couples will tell us their love story.

Presenter 1: This will be the story of how they met in a given situation.

(The presenters, in turn, give each pair a piece of paper describing the situation. After 3 minutes of preparation, the pairs must play out the proposed situation, for example: “The girl was standing at a bus stop in the pouring rain, and the young man was driving a car and accidentally splashed her with water from a puddle.”; “A girl is at a football match, in which a young man is participating, whom she likes and with whom she wants to meet. To show how much she is rooting for him - she...” “You are at a disco, a guy invites a girl, you dance, and the guy constantly steps on his feet.”; “The young man, trying to show how dexterous he is and get to know the girl, jumped unsuccessfully and twisted his leg.”; “The wind tore off the girl’s hat and carried it away.”

While the couples are getting ready, the presenters can play a game with the audience. To do this, paper hearts are prepared in advance, on which the names of famous couples are written: for girls - red with female names, for boys - blue with male names. As spectators enter the hall, some of them are given these hearts in a chaotic manner. During the competition, a task is given - pairs will connect. The couple that connected the fastest receives a prize, and the remaining couples have the opportunity to vote for the couple participating in the competition - write the names of the pair of participants on the back of their paper heart, based on the results of this vote, a couple is selected that receives the Audience Choice Award. The couples that you write on paper hearts can be the following: Ruslan and Lyudmila, The Master and Margarita, Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler, Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin, Nadezhda Krupskaya and Vladimir Lenin, Cleopatra and Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, Gerda and Kai , Adam and Eve, Malvina and Pierrot, Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, Othello and Desdemona, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat, Alyonushka and Ivanushka and so on.)

Presenter 2:

Poems are born in love,

In earthly love, in supermundane love.

Presenter 1:

They're like ships

Distant lights for someone

In the vastness of limitless life,

Poems born in love!

Presenter 2: The time has come for the competition, when our couples will read poems about love.

Presenter 1: But for a reason. Each couple in turn must read at least a few lines of a poem about love, but always expressively.

Presenter 2: After a pause of ten seconds, the move moves on to the next pair.

(The phonogram of a lyrical melody plays, a competition takes place.)

Presenter 1: No pretense will help to hide love for a long time when it is there, or to pretend it when it is not there. Now our couples will take turns showing us their creative performances on the theme “Love is Beautiful”, which they prepared at home.

Presenter 2: In this competition they can be assisted by representatives from their class.

(Pairs take turns showing numbers of any genre.)

Presenter 1: Now we invite all the couples to the stage in order to find out how well they know each other.

Presenter 2: We will ask questions to boys and girls about their soul mates.

(The presenters ask questions to each couple in turn; the following questions can be used - for boys: “What color are her eyes?”; “Does she have a dog?”; “Does she like to dance?” For girls: “Does he like play football?”; “What kind of ice cream does he like?”; “How does he study at school?”, etc. The one who is asked answers out loud after his other half writes his answer on a piece of paper. )

Presenter 1: Our last competition is a dance competition.

Presenter 2: Now you will hear a medley of various dances and the couple must quickly find their bearings and dance this dance.

(Cutting sounds, a competition is taking place.)

Presenter 1: While the jury sums up the results, our couples can rest a little.

Presenter 2: No matter what anyone says, love is a force that can change a lot.

(A lyrical phonogram sounds, the presenters read poetry.)

Presenter 1:

I can really wait for you

Long, long and true, true,

And I can't sleep at night

A year or two and the rest of my life, probably!

Let the leaves of the calendar

They will fly around like leaves in a garden,

What do you really need?

Presenter 2:

I can follow you

Through thickets and passes,

On sand, almost without roads,

Over the mountains, along any path,

Where the devil has never been!

I’ll go through everything without reproaching anyone,

I will overcome any worries,

Just to know that everything is not in vain,

That you won’t betray it later on the road.

Presenter 1:

I can give it for you

Everything I have and will have.

I can accept for you

The bitterness of the worst destinies in the world.

The whole world to you every hour.


Just to know that everything is not in vain,

That I love you not in vain!

(After summing up the results, the couples are awarded according to the nominations and the winning couple in the competition.)

Presenter 2: There is an opinion that there are different cures for love, but there is not a single reliable one.

Presenter 1: We wish our winners and participants that their love for each other cannot be cured!

(The presenters say goodbye and leave the stage.)

Entertainment script "Valentine's Day". (There is not much time left before the holiday of all lovers, Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14. It's time to choose a suitable scenario for the holiday. So, let's go! Prepare valentines in advance, taking into account that guests may come. Valentines are sealed in envelopes, on which the name of the person to whom the congratulation is addressed should be written. If someone did not get a valentine, make cards from the Saint himself with the signature “Your Valentine”, make orders from colored paper that are easily attached to clothes with pins. - just a big scarlet heart, the Order of the Smiling Heart - a heart with a smiling mouth, the Order of the Free Heart - a heart with wings, the Order of the Heart Secret - a red heart in a black half mask. The leader - it is better if it is one of the adults. one of the adults, or an artistic boy. Mages and Sorceresses - boys and girls (at least five people) in cloaks with stars, in pointed hats, Valentine - in a long-brimmed cape, with a beard (the beard can be made of cotton wool or paper). |I welcome you, noble ladies and gentlemen, to our holiday. Today - February 14th - Valentine's Day! This is a holiday of the young and lovers, but the holiday itself is not young, it was celebrated back in the 15th century. There are many legends telling about the origin of this holiday, but it would be nice to hear the story of St. Valentine from himself. But in the 21st century, miracles, alas, no longer happen... it is impossible to talk with those who have long hidden behind the dark veil of history -----Saint Valentine. Loving and being loved is not enough. At one time, for example, girls were often kept locked up. They saw no one except their relatives. How to arrange a meeting with your loved one in such conditions? Explain what you love? The lovers called upon their ingenuity to help, using secret languages: the language of flowers, secret fonts, sign language. I invite those who wish to talk to us without a single word or sound. Participants in the game are given cards on which lines from famous songs, sayings, and proverbs are written. The players’ task is to convey to the audience the meaning of what is written without words, using only facial expressions and gestures, and the audience must guess every word. Players whose “secret language” conveyed the meaning of the phrase more accurately than others are awarded the Order of the Secret of the Heart.|Saint Valentine (slyly). I cheated again. I forgot to tell you, old head... Love is met not only by the most cunning and quick-witted, but also by the most dexterous and strong! In our past, almost everything went wrong, we ourselves saw that the guards immediately grabbed us and took us to prison. How many times has it happened that one of the lovers was thrown into prison? He could only escape by overcoming the high walls and defeating the sullen guards. GAME "ESCAPE FROM DUNGEON" The game is, in principle, no different from the old game "Cat and Mouse". The participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Inside is a prisoner or captive, outside is his or her friend. The prisoner must break out, his assistant must deceive the guards. The one who lets the prisoner go takes his place. At the end of the game, the Order of the Free Heart is distributed to everyone.|GAME "THE MOST-MOST" No more than four people play this game. The task is to say to yourself, looking in the mirror, ten affectionate and kind words. The player must not laugh and must not repeat himself. The presenter, Valentin and other players interfere: they try to make you laugh by commenting on the speaker’s words. The winner is awarded the Order of the Smiling Heart. At the end of the holiday, everyone should have at least one order left. You can also hold a competition for best suit. Saint Valentine (looking at everyone). You are all great - smart, inventive, dexterous and fearless! But the most important thing is that I saw a kind, warm heart in everyone. Everyone’s hearts are different: some are a little timid, some are firm and faithful in their actions, some are tremulous and tender... But all human hearts are united by one thing - the ability to love and be loved. I wish everyone happiness and love! I’m leaving you because I still have a lot to do on the planet - so many people need to help find their love. Farewell, thank you for inviting me to your happy holiday , and for remembering Saint Valentine.|Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to get married while they were in the service (and the service lasted 25 years!), much less to consecrate it in the church. Saint Valentine, the shepherd and confessor of warriors, secretly blessed loving hearts and, despite the ban, sanctified the relationship with a church rite. This script is written for a Valentine's Day celebration for your school, class, if you are going to celebrate it, of course.|Many centuries ago, ancient Roman soldiers were not allowed by law to get married while they were in the service (and the service lasted 25 years!), and much less consecrate it in church. Saint Valentine, the shepherd and confessor of warriors, secretly blessed loving hearts and, despite the ban, sanctified the relationship with a church rite. The disobedient priest was extradited. He was executed on February 14. Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day. An indispensable attribute of Valentine's Day celebrations is a valentine - a message sent to a loved one. One of the first valentines was a card sent in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife from the Tower prison where he was imprisoned. The card is still preserved in the British Museum.|In the 16th century, postcard cards became popular and more decorative. In 1797, in England, “A Young Man’s Guide to Writing Valentine Cards” was known, which contained many poems and dedications for those who themselves could not come up with anything worthwhile. Don’t miss the day when you can convey your feelings, your confessions to your loved one and just those people who love you more than anyone... Naturally, you already guessed, these are our parents, mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers. February 14th is the only day when you can express your love for the person you love most...together: Happy Valentine's Day!!!|"First date" You need to recruit first: 1 girl and 3 boys. Boys are kept away from girls. They answer her questions, which she reads. As a result, she chooses one of the "princes". Then vice versa: they recruit 1 boy and 3 girls. For prizes you can use the following: Prize 1. A walk along the Arbat. Prize 2. A walk along the embankment. Prize 3. Sit at the same desk for a whole week. Prize 4. Free lunch in the dining room for two. |"Heart fortune telling" Everyone is given a blank piece of paper in the shape of a heart, and everyone writes their name (+ surname) on it. The leaves are collected by two presenters: one is the boys' leaves, and the other is the girls' leaves. They are placed in boxes with the names "Boys" and "Girls". All the contents in the boxes are mixed, and the presenter takes turns taking a “heart” from “Boys” and from “Girls”. The result is a pair. And so with all the hearts. “.... at first sight” As in “First Date” they answer questions. Just for the game you will need 6 people: 3 girls and 3 boys. Boys and girls talk about themselves. Then each of them chooses someone from the opposite sex. They become a couple.|"Heart fortune telling" Before the start of the holiday, cut out one heart (13 pieces) from cardboard for two guests, then cut each of the hearts in half, making various incredible cuts. Then mix all the halves and serve to your guests as everyone arrives. When everyone is gathered, it is announced that there should be no “broken” hearts at the holiday, let everyone find their “soul mate.” ---- “The Last Hero.” First competition. Jump up to the ceiling - the guest is blindfolded, and someone stands behind him with a board. Then we ask the guest to jump, he jumps, but does not reach the ceiling. We ask you to jump again, while raising the board above the guest’s head to such a height that the guest can reach it. (4 people) Second competition. Walk through the “swamp” - use 2 pieces of paper to reach the end of the wall without stepping on the floor. (26 people - divided into 2 groups of 13 people) Third competition. To find a hiding place in the dark - the guest is placed in front of a chair with some object, moves away from it 8-10 steps, then the guest is blindfolded, asked to turn around and walk back to the chair and take the object. (6 people) Fourth competition. Walk between the reefs - the guest must walk between the reefs blindfolded plastic bottles without hitting them (several people can do it at once). (4 people)|"On the hill." Everyone stands in a circle. Place a pillow in the center. Participants walk around it, chanting. The leader takes a pillow and walks inside the circle. The round dance stops when the song ends. The presenter stops at one person. He takes it, they sit on the pillow and kiss. “Funny face” On a piece of whatman paper you need to draw a funny face that could relate to Valentine’s Day. All participants (26 people) stand in line and, taking a marker, draw one face.|"Two Pianos" To play, you need 2 teams of 2 people. A line from famous song. Each line, which is hidden from the eyes of the participants, has several transitions. You can name any hidden word and sing a song in which this word appears. Sample lines: I won’t tell anyone anything (gr. “Girls”) Sings like a nightingale and they knew about it (“Cool you got on TV”) Boys fly towards life (“Other rules” “Fly! Run!” Why are you scary like this (“Andryukha” “The Path to the Heart” ---- All 12 girls are participating in this competition. Each of them is holding a ball in their hands. The balls are tangled on the floor, but their ends are clearly visible on the other side, where the boys are standing. The boys must choose one of the 12 paths and unravel them. As a result, they will end up visiting one of the girls. (When they get tangled, the boys should not see how they get tangled.)|Detailed scenario for Valentine's Day with games and competitions. or a children's camp between boys and girls can develop in different ways. This can be reciprocity and friendship, romance and attraction, or there can be quarrels and hostility. The task of the teacher is to form relationships that would lead to a correct understanding of the future. social roles the stronger and weaker sexes, romance, morality in relationships and mutual respect.|This is a musical and theatrical composition for high school students dedicated to Valentine's Day, international day all lovers. The holiday Valentine's Day (Lovers' Day) is celebrated on February 14th. Schoolchildren like this holiday, and they are happy to participate in organizing this holiday. Preparation of the holiday Participants: students of theater and dance associations. Viewers: 6-8th grades. The hall is decorated with posters with sayings of great people about love. On the central wall of a garland there is a large heart pierced by an arrow, which does not yet glow. |Valentine's Day, holiday scenarios for adults and children. Congratulations and wishes on Valentine's Day. Valentines. Postcards and congratulations. Games and competitions for Valentine's Day. History and traditions of Valentine's Day. How to celebrate Valentine's Day. Game "Cupid's Arrow" (use the game "Darts") Everyone can take part in the game. Blindfolded players try to hit a heart painted on the wall with an arrow. Each team has the same number of participants. The team that earns more points gets a heart. Valentines contest ---Children draw valentines in advance. At the festival, the results of the competition are summed up and the winners are awarded prizes. Game "Happy Valentine's Face" ---Each child cuts out a big heart from paper and, using small hearts, “draws” a nose, eyes, mouth, ears. The one who gets the most interesting or funniest face wins a prize.|Summing up - Guys, we are all united by love. She can be compared to a little sun, which makes us kind, sympathetic, beautiful, interesting and loved. Imagine: love has disappeared in a person. A thundercloud covered our sun. An evil wizard came and bewitched us - we all forgot how to love. Remember the fairy tale "Marya the Mistress". What did she become, enchanted by the water king? (Indifferent.) So, the most important thing is not to lose your sunshine - love. And sometimes in difficult situations this can be very difficult. In order for love to live in a person and on earth, you need to know something very important, remember it always, so that no one can destroy it.|Game "My Soulmate" --- During labor lessons, small paper hearts are made in advance and cut into two halves (the cut should be different for all hearts). The halves are distributed to children. At the command of the leader, the players try to find “their” soul mate. The team whose players do this the fastest wins. The team is given a heart.|Game “Who Stole My Heart?” --- The driver sits on a chair with his back to the other children. In his hands behind his back, he holds a paper heart. One of the children quietly comes up from behind and, taking the heart, returns to his place. The driver turns around and asks: “Who stole my heart? Is it you, Anya?..” You can only guess three times. If the driver guesses correctly, he remains on the chair and continues the game. If not, then the one who stole the heart takes his place. Children from different teams are chosen as drivers. The team whose drivers guessed most often gets a heart.|Valentine's Day is the day of all lovers. For more than two hundred years he has been the patron of those who are in love... Well, yes, we generally believe that only adults have the right to fall in love. And you can only laugh at the children or tease them: “Tili-tili-dough, bride and groom!” All this is stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten. And one can only envy such a person (and not giggle), because his life is immediately illuminated by this most wonderful feeling in the world.|We have so many people in love. Yes, perhaps everyone is in love: some with a classmate, some with a movie or pop star, some with their profession, etc. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Celebrated for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must be heart-shaped, be it a sofa cushion or a craft box. In addition, on this day it is customary to give each other postcards - valentines - with images of hearts, of course. | Course of extracurricular activities - The fourteenth day of February is Valentine's Day, they say. I choose you among everyone, Because I love you more than anyone. Teacher's story - What holiday are we celebrating today? (Children's answers.) - Do you know how this holiday came about? (Children's answers.) Indeed, there are many different versions. Today I want to tell you the version that I like best. Legends describe Valentine as great friend children: he was always kind to them, treated them to sweets, played, taught them about life, and told interesting stories. When Valentine was in prison, children, in order to support and encourage their friend, threw small notes through the bars with the image of a loving and suffering heart, which later became known as valentines. Here's the story. Today you learned the version of the origin of this holiday. And what is a holiday without competitions? (Children are divided into two teams. Two large heart-shaped posters are attached to the board. During the event, the teams fill these large hearts with small hearts earned in competitions.) | Scenario for an extracurricular activity for February 14 at elementary school. Extracurricular activity by February 14 Valentine's Day, 4th grade. Scenario. Goals: to promote the development of the emotional and sensory sphere of children; promote the unity of the children's team; to form ideas about aesthetic norms of communication between the sexes.|Preparatory work: 1. Ask 2-3 students to prepare a story about the history of Valentine's Day. 2. Give the children the task of learning a poem about love, preparing a surprise gift for their friend or whoever they like best in the class ( prerequisite- the gift must fit in the palms of your hands). Equipment: tape recorder; two boxes; halves of paper apples (according to the number of children in the class); candies with strings tied to them; incentive prizes for competition participants. Extracurricular activity plan I. Opening speech. II. Information message "History of the holiday." III. Competitions. 1. Find your soul mate. 2. On the side of the road. 3. Winders. 4. Song of love. IV. Final word. Course of extracurricular activities I. Opening remarks Homeroom teacher. Good afternoon, friends! Today we will talk about love. Not only on this day, my friend, you can hear the beating of hearts. Let every day that you are nearby be a holiday of love for us. - What holiday are we celebrating today? (Children's answers.) Correct: Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day. II. Information message "History of the holiday" Class teacher. In Russia, the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day appeared recently, so for us it can be said new holiday and we know little about him. But Valentine's Day, like any other holiday, has its own interesting story. Profile portraits will tell us about this. In the Swiss city of Winterthur there is a Museum of profile portraits cut out of black paper. Art historians believe that this unique type of graphics was “brought” to Europe from China in the 17th century, where it arose in ancient times. The prototype of the profile portrait was, apparently, a shadow theater. The art of profile portraits has now almost disappeared. Give the players (boy and girl) black paper, scissors, and let them try to cut out each other's profiles as they go. Whoever has the most similar one wins a prize. Broken hearts. Large paper red and pink hearts are cut into two parts. On one part of the heart they write a question about St. Valentine, on the other - the answer. The youth player receives half a heart with a question. Answering each question, he receives the other half of the heart from the girl if the answer matches the question. In this case, the “broken” halves are connected.