Entertainment scenario in senior group"Etiquette and Politeness"

Calm music plays before the event starts

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys! Here in the music room you learn to play various musical instruments, learn the secrets of musical notation. But today we will talk about something completely different. We dedicate our meeting to etiquette and politeness. Let's start it with a smile and a song.

Song "Smile"

The guys are asked to form 2 circles (external and internal),

counting on the first and second and standing opposite each other.

A game "Greetings" .

Music background sounds

- (in unison) Hello Friend! - shake hands.

How are you doing? - pat on the shoulder.

Where have you been? - they pull your ear.

I missed! - hands to heart.

You came? - spread your hands.

Fine! - hugging.

Host: Having greeted each other, we set off on a journey through the country of Etiquette. And for this, let’s all say the words together: “We must be polite, we are friends with Etiquette!”

music sounds.

I. Etiquette and politeness.

First of all, let's think together about what etiquette is.

The children answer. The teacher summarizes the children’s statements.

Etiquette is the rules of behavior accepted in a given society and at a given time.

What does the word mean "politeness" ?

Word "Politeness" comes from the Slavic word "more mature" - connoisseur, know. Being polite means knowing how to behave

Whatever the rules of etiquette, they are all caused by a kind attitude towards people. Undoubtedly, many of the rules of etiquette are familiar to you. The game will help us remember them. Be careful.

Shout-Confusion Game

At school, together we always tell the bad students only...

And to the A’s, it’s no secret, we always say...

Shall we thank mom for the bag of sweets?

Shall we go to the buffet now and shake everyone there?

Oh, what nonsense, crushing the flowers in the flowerbed.

Can we easily throw candy wrappers past the trash can?

We sometimes forget "Hello" should we say? Will we be the elders and tell lies in response? ... Grandfather is riding next to us.

Shall we give way?

Shall we wash our dirty bike? Certainly…

Polite riddles

1 Although the word is not simple, there is no wisdom here.

This word "golden" we have heard since childhood. We say this word if we ask for something. We would like someone else to be considered well-mannered. (Please)

2. Well, this will be a shorter word, at least the price

High, and even very high, the words of this are always.

We also know him from childhood, the secret is very simple,

It’s like the sun is shining, starting with the letter that.

This is a word of gratitude for good deeds,

It’s like the sun brings clarity to our kind words. (Thank you)

Now let's talk about actions. If I talk about a polite act, you clap your hands. If not, stomp your feet.

A game "Polite-impolite"

Say hello when you meet.
Pushing and not apologizing.
Whistle, shout, make noise at school.
Give way to elders.

Do not stand up when asked by the teacher.
Come to visit without an invitation.
When leaving, say goodbye.

Having found out what etiquette and politeness are, we move on. Let's all say the magic words together again “We must be polite, we are friends with etiquette!”

Today we will talk about etiquette at a concert, theater and cinema.

Etiquette in the theater and at concerts.

Usually the question immediately arises - what to wear to the theater or to a concert. Not so long ago, when visiting the theater, replacement shoes were needed. Nowadays clothes have no of great importance. At the same time, she should be elegant, but not provocative. Do not wear frayed jeans, stretched sweaters and T-shirts, tops that expose the midriff, as well as sports or youth clothing with holes and cuts. If you are going to a classical music concert, remember that classical music requires a classical costume. Of course, no one will stop you if you come in jeans, a sports T-shirt and sandals with bare feet, but this will be disrespectful not only to the artists, but also to those around you. Avoid strong perfumes and cologne.

Illustration: drawing with young people in modern or beach clothes.

It is better to enter a theater or concert hall 10-15 minutes before the start. Then you will have time to buy the program and calmly sit down in your seats. If your seats are in the middle of the row, try to take them early, without waiting for the third bell, and you will not have to disturb those sitting at the end. You need to go to your seat facing those sitting. Having noticed those walking along a narrow passage, you should not wait until they ask you for permission to pass, but get up in advance. Be sure to thank the polite people who stood up to let you through.

When getting up and sitting down, try not to make noise. Lower the seat of the chair silently. It is impolite to occupy both armrests, as your neighbor may also want to lean on them. Do not lean on the back of the front seat or rest your feet on it. You should not look at the audience through binoculars and tell them the content of the play.

There are 3 bells given at the start of the performance. After the start of a performance or film, you need to stop all conversations. The interrupted conversation can be continued during the break or after the performance. Don't forget to turn off your cell phone ringer.

Cinema etiquette.

We go to the cinema much more often than to the theater. And despite the fact that the atmosphere in the cinema is more democratic and less solemn, when visiting the cinema you should be guided by the same rules.

You usually don't take off your outerwear in the cinema. If you have taken off your outer clothing, carefully, without touching your neighbor, place the coat on your lap. If you have a furry hat, you need to take it off.

At a regular movie show, you should follow the same rules as in the theater: do not make noise, arrive before the start of the show, take only your seats, walk if necessary facing those sitting, do not chew, do not litter, do not leave before the end of the show. You can leave the hall only if the film does not at all live up to your expectations, while trying not to disturb others.

At festival premieres and various film festivals, rules of behavior apply, as in the theater, including applause during and after the screening.

  • Presenter: Our journey will end with a blitz tournament “Do you know the rules of etiquette well?” Let's split into 2 teams. To determine the winning team, we need a jury.

Blitz tournament.

  1. Is it possible to eat in the foyer or auditorium of the theater? No. There is a buffet for this.
  2. Is it necessary to applaud after the curtain goes up? Yes, if you need to approve the decorations.
  3. What can you see in the theater with binoculars? Only the stage. Looking at the auditorium and the audience is unacceptable.
  4. Is it necessary to exchange impressions during the performance? No. This can be done during intermission and after the end of the performance.
  5. How to walk along those sitting in a row to your place: facing them or with your back? Face and only face.
  6. Two girls, passing by a boy, scattered apples from a bag. They bent down and collected. The boy, watching carefully, says: “Pick it up there, it’s rolled behind the chair.” What is the boy wrong about?
  7. Etiquette dictates gratitude even for the smallest service. If a friend puts black pepper in your tea, and now helpfully offers his handkerchief, according to etiquette, should you thank him?
  8. A polite Martian is no different from a polite earthling. Is it customary for Martians to greet their neighbors?
  9. Petya and Sasha, who are the same age, do not know each other yet, although they live in the same building. And every time they meet at his door, Petya politely makes way for Sasha, Sasha smiles, politely thanks and passes. Why do you think everything happens this way?
  10. Today Malvina gives another lesson in Politeness for Pinocchio:

– If you meet Someone at the door of a small room, the one who COMES out is the first to go through the door, and the second is the one who ENTERS...

– I won’t give way to every Nekt!!! - Buratino shouts!

Is he right? And why?

Summing up, presentation by the jury, awarding the teams. Medals are awarded "An expert in theater and concert etiquette" And "To the most active participant" .

So, today we learned something new about etiquette in the theater, at a concert, in a cinema, during performances. And I believe that you guys will be the most polite, well-mannered, and tactful at any concert.

Tournament of Etiquette Experts

Purpose of the event:

To contribute to the formation of students' ideas about etiquette, developing the ability to behave in accordance with its main criteria, determining the level of education and proficiency in etiquette speech, instilling skills of cultural, correct behavior in a social environment, consolidating knowledge about the rules of good manners; stimulate the development of speech skills and acting abilities; contribute to the development of a sense of beauty and aesthetic perception.

Venue: assembly hall.

Equipment (the hall is decorated in the styleXIXcentury): poster-announcement, coats of arms of dynasties, flags with the name of the event, candelabra, piano with notes, 2 tables, 2 tablecloths, 2 sets, napkins, cards for the game, scrolls, certificates.

Technical equipment: presentation, laptop, projector, screen, musical equipment.

Announcement of the beginning (poster in front of the entrance to the hall):

"Oh, young lords of souls! Experts in politeness and courtesy! Come to the call of the tournament trumpets! The Tournament of Etiquette awaits you! Your armor is politeness and courtesy, attention and goodwill. May the strongest win! The tournament will take place..."

(Solemn music plays. The sound of a bugle or trumpet is heard.)

Herald 1 and 2.

Attention! Attention! We are starting our holiday “Tournament of Etiquette Experts”.

Herald 1.

Today we have an unusual meeting, we will hold a tournament of etiquette experts, where various tests await you.

Herald 2.

To do this, we came to this wonderful hall, where the Marquise de Etiquette meets us.

The Marquise de Etiquette comes out to the music.

Marquise de Etiquette:

Dear guests, I welcome you and congratulate you on a wonderful event! Everyone is happy about the opening of a festive, long-awaited tournament, big and significant. Many participants came to the competition. I want to wish you to pass all the tests, to show what you are capable of.

Herald 1:

The tournament involves two famous dynasties. Dynasty backgroundAB Solute and Dynasty de laIN sharp G .

Herald 2:

Let's greet each other.

Dynasty background Absolute.

Good afternoon We're glad to see you!

Dynasty de la Rapture.

Hello! We are happy to greet you!

Herald 1:

It is very difficult to win the tournament,

Here they fight for every point.

To win the tournament,

You have to be very smart and cultured.

Herald 2.

Dynasty von Absolute is your motto!

Dynasty background Absolute.

Accuracy and nobility!

Herald 1:

Dynasty de la Delight is your motto!

Dynasty de la Rapture.

Politeness and hospitality!

Herald 1 and 2:

Attention! The Tournament of Etiquette Experts is declared open!

Herald 2:

What is etiquette?

Let's not get him into trouble?

Herald 1:

Here we will all learn,

What is the best way to say goodbye?

How to introduce yourself, say your name,

How can we communicate correctly?

Herald 2:

You answer the questions

You won't find it without etiquette.

Marquise de Etiquette : I'll open this book for you.

After all, all her advice is helpful.

Let's learn etiquette

And we will find an answer to any question.

Herald 2:

What is etiquette? Everyone knows this

This is not possible and that is not possible. Who objects?

We were joking, friends, there is no doubt about it.

Now let’s give a serious definition.

Marquise de Etiquette :

Etiquette is the rules of human behavior among other people.

Historical reference.

In one of historical days In the 17th century, the French King Louis 14 hosted a reception. Louis, who had the loud nickname “Sun King” and was extremely fond of pomp, ordered that all guests be given cards. They listed the rules of behavior that must be observed. This card was called a label. It was from her that the word etiquette - rules of behavior - appeared. Thus, we see that “etiquette” is a word of French origin.

Herald 1:

What is etiquette?

It's possible,

It's not...

Etiquette like a label

And a good mark

But not only in the diary,

On people's tongues...

It is very easy to live culturally.

Everything is fine,

Which is not bad.

Marquise de Etiquette :

Before we test your knowledge, we'll do a little warm-up. True etiquette experts often use"magic words" So, a moment of poetry - “Say the word.”

    Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word...(Thank you).

    The old stump will turn green when it hears...(Good afternoon).

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom...(Thank you).

    When we are scolded for pranks, we say...(I'm sorry).

    The boy is polite and developed and speaks when meeting... (Hello)

    In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye)

You know the magic words well, but the main thing is to remember to use them in speech and with a special intonation. And also, honorable guests, do not forget to follow the rules of conduct!

Rules of conduct for our honored guests:

    Give compliments to each other.

    Tell only the truth.

    Be able to admit and correct your mistakes.

    Don't fight back, but solve problems with words.

    Always thank for your help with a smile on your face.

    Never be rude, never shout, talk to everyone in a calm and polite tone.

    Having noticed some kind of disorder, eliminate it without waiting for them to be asked to do so.

    Don’t brag if you do something well, but teach others how to do it.

    Show care for children and help adults.

    Be able to listen without interrupting your interlocutor.

    Learns to walk and dance beautifully.

    Know how to use cutlery correctly.

Marquise de Etiquette :

Well done, you know a lot of rules. I hope you comply with them.

The song “Politeness” (with the minus of the song “Miracle of Childhood”)

Hello please,

Excuse me -

It's not difficult

We all need to repeat.

The best traditions,

Good manners

We will certainly

We do everything.

Chorus (2 times):

Politeness, politeness is the main science!

Always glad to meet her

And he, and you, and me.

Politeness, politeness,

Come in without knocking.

We will always be with you

Good friends.

Marquise de Etiquette:

Well, first of all, we’ll find out how well you understand the theoretical issues of etiquette. Each dynasty answers the question in turn. So, let's begin:

    What is etiquette?(Behavior rules)

    Who comes up with the rules of conduct?(The people themselves)

    Who is called a cultured person?

    Why follow the rules of etiquette?

    What words can replace the word “thank you”?

    Is it possible to give one flower?(Undoubtedly).

    Is argument allowed in a conversation?(Yes, but without unnecessary emotions) .

    Is it customary to express your gratitude for a small favor to a person you know well?(Yes, always).

    You came to visit. Who invites guests to the table and determines your place at the table?

    Who greets first if the youngest and the oldest meet?

Thanks to the participants for their answers!

Stage miniature “Meeting”

Herald 1:

Dear audience! We present to your attention a stage miniature. You will have to discover errors in following the rules of etiquette speech.

Masha met Petya:

You are the best in the world!

Petya immediately answered her:

Masha, I send you greetings!

How are you?

Yes, everything is fine!

Shall we go to the cinema now?

No, that's all for now, come on!

Okay, come on, goodbye!

Herald 2:

Valiant participants! Are our heroes well brought up? How would you behave in such a situation?

Marquise de Etiquette:

You have to teach our heroes good manners and ethical standards.Correct the situation by inserting etiquette words where necessary, replacing vernacular words with normative vocabulary.

Masha met Petya:

- …, best friend in the world!

Petya immediately answered her:

- ..., I send you greetings!

Petya, how are you doing?

- …, Fine! How is your life?

Everything is fine. And in the cinema

Shouldn't we go?

Masha, ..., long time ago

I promised to help my mother.

Definitely next time

We'll watch Yeralash.

That's good. ...!

- ... good evening!

Words for information: sorry, Masha, see you, hello, thank you, goodbye.

Marquise de Etiquette:

You did a great job!

Marquise de Etiquette:

And now I invite you to listen to Agnia Barto’s poem. What words are used by the hero of the poem when meeting and saying goodbye? Is he polite?

    Friends, here you go just in case

Poems about a schoolboy alone:

His name is... but it’s better

We won't name him here.

    He is often lazy

Say when meeting: “Good afternoon!”

But he is shy and silent.

And at best "great"

He says "hello" instead.

    “Thank you”, “hello”, “sorry”

He's not used to pronouncing it.

A simple word"Sorry"

His tongue did not overcome him.

    And instead of the word “goodbye”

He doesn't say anything.

Or he will say goodbye:

“Well, I’m off, bye, that’s all...”

    He won’t tell his friends at school:

Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya.

He only calls his friends:

Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka.

    Guys, we can't do it here.

Tell you his name.

We honestly warn you,

That we don’t know his name.

    But maybe he's familiar to everyone,

And you have met him somewhere.

Then tell us about it,

And we... we will tell you - thank you!

What words are used by the hero of the poem when meeting and saying goodbye?

What does he call his friends?

Is he polite?

Marquise de Etiquette :

Oh, how there are not enough true gentlemen in modern world! But in our kingdom, there will certainly be gentlemen in every dynasty. I'm just sure of it! I propose to carry outcompetition-duel “Compliment to a beautiful lady” .

I invite one gentleman from each class to the stage. There is a beautiful lady in front of you. Your task is to compliment her as much as possible. Take your starting positions. As you take a step, you give one compliment. If we do not hear a compliment addressed to beautiful lady, you are out of the competition.

Marquise de Etiquette : Dear tournament participants, you have proven that there are true gentlemen in our kingdom!

Game “Good - Bad” (Physical Minute)

“Good” - clap our hands, “bad” - stomp our feet.

    Say hello when you meet.

    Pushing and not apologizing.

    Help pick up a fallen item.

    Do not stand up while addressing the teacher.

    Get a ticket on the bus.

    Do not give up your seat in transport.

    Sit in a hat at the table.

    Cut - disfigure tree trunks.

    Break branches of trees and bushes.

    After relaxing in the forest, leave behind a dump.

    Congratulate your family on the holiday.

Marquise de Etiquette :

The next task is to test your knowledge of the Russian language. There are cards on the tables. Choose synonyms for the word politeness. The task is clear, time has passed.

Marquise de Etiquette :

The teams are ready. And the “___________” dynasty was the first to succeed! Read the words synonyms for the word politeness. Well done!You completed the task. I wish you to be POLITE, ATTENTIVE, TACTICAL, DECENT, KIND. After all, we miss this so much in our modern world!

Game with the hall “Catch a smiley face”

Marquise de Etiquette :

In communication between people, highly value such a facial movement as a smile. When a person smiles, his face becomes incomparably better. Those around you gratefully accept a smile that expresses affability and friendliness.

Now I will “throw a smile” to any participant in the tournament who will “catch” it with his hands and “apply” it to his face, then “erase” it and “throw” it to another.

A smiling person quickly attracts affection. Smile more often!

Marquise de Etiquette :

You have successfully completed the first competitive tasks of the tournament and are ready to move on to the next ones.

Musical break: "Courtesy Ball"

Marquise de Etiquette :

Today, while at the Etiquette Experts tournament, we will undoubtedly talk to you about the rules of behavior at the ball.

1. When inviting a lady to dance, you should bow and say: “Allow me to invite you!”

2.After the dance, you should accompany the lady and thank her.

3. Refusing an invitation to dance, the girl sayspolitely: “Sorry, I don’t dance.”

Marquise de Etiquette :

Please note that kind, tactful and caring gentlemen and very nice ladies came to the ball. The task is as follows:The gentlemen of the teams invite their ladies to dance, while fulfilling the first rule of behavior at the ball. After the dance, the gentlemen escort the ladies to their place and thank them for the dance. Is the task clear? Then let's ask for music.


Musical break announced!

Children perform a dance.

Marquise de Etiquette :

So, both dynasties showed themselves and completed the task.


Marquise de Etiquette :

Now you will be offered situations to test your knowledge of generally accepted norms of behavior.

Situation 1. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lives an unfortunate king: all his 13 smartest ministers speak together at all councils, so no one hears anyone and cannot really decide anything. Which rule of etiquette would you advise this king to make the First Law of his State?

Situation 2. ...Formidable knight in heavy armor stopped the horse at the threshold of the house. No one dared to come out to meet him - it was scary... He slowly turned to the door, took off his helmet and entered: “Hey, owners! I brought you greetings from my family...” - and smiled, young and handsome... Ever since All men, entering a house with good intentions, what do they do?

Situation 3. Two passers-by were walking down the street: one was 62 years old, the other was 8 years old. The first one had 5 items in his hands: a briefcase, 3 books and a large package. One book fell. “Your book fell,” the boy shouted, catching up with the passerby. "Really?" - he was surprised. “Of course. You had 5 items: 3 books, a briefcase and a package, and now there are 4 items left,” the boy explained. “I see that you know mathematics well,” said a passerby, with difficulty picking up the book. - “But, however, there are rules that you have not learned.” What should the boy do?

Situation 4. One girl complained indignantly to her mother: “The boy in the yard is so impolite, he calls me Tanka.” "What do you call him?" - Mom asked. “I don’t call him at all. I just shout to him: “Hey, you!” Tanya answered. Is Tanya right?

Situation 5. Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them Oleg saw his class teacher and, passing by, politely said: “Hello, Igor Semyonovich.” Tell me what mistake was made? Or maybe everything is okay?

Table setting

Marquise de Etiquette :

The next competition is table setting. Sadly, table etiquette is by no means popular in our country. Hand on heart, answer me which of you uses a knife and fork at the same time at the table at home.Each dynasty is provided with a set of dishes in order to set the table according to the rules of etiquette. The one who sets the table correctly wins.

So, let's set the table. (Music sounds)


Scene 1. On the bus.

The lady asks:

I'm sorry, are you leaving?

I'm leaving.

Are they coming ahead of you?


Have you asked them?

I asked and asked.

What did they answer you?

Scene 2. Mother teaches her son.

Never reach across the table if you need something. Don't you have a tongue?

Yes, but the arms are longer.

Scene 3. Grandmother is raising her grandson.

Andrey, when you cough, cover your mouth with your palm.

Don't be afraid, grandma, my teeth won't fall out.

Scene 4. Two people are talking in the theater during a performance.

One of the spectators sitting in front turns around and says:

Sorry, monsieur, I can't hear anything.

Why, in fact, should you hear what we are talking about?

Game "Stop" Red light"

You know that when the traffic light is red, it is dangerous to go. So in relation to people we need to remember this signal. You will now listen to small episodes, as soon as you notice unethical, impolite behavior - raise the red signal card, if you approve - raise the green card. Prepare your cards.

    Two boys were passionately arguing about something on the bus and so loudly that everyone began to look around at them.(Red.)

    During recess, at the buffet door, two boys, overtaking the girl and pushing her aside, were the first to run into the buffet.(Red.)

    Two girls in the dining room sniffle and chat at the table while eating.(Red.)

    The boys in our yard take ice cream from kids, pull the tails of dogs and cats, and throw stones at birds.(Red.)

    In the morning we make our bed.(Green.)

    After the game, we put away toys, books, and colored pencils in their proper place.(Green.)

    Adults will take on all the household chores, and boys and girls will have fun living in this world.(Red.)

    If I am offended by my friend for something, I will try to quickly forget and forgive him for my offense.(Green.)

"Bad advice"

Marquise de Etiquette:

And now the guys will give you bad advice, and you will find mistakes in the behavior of the heroes and correct them.

If you come to see friends, don’t say hello to anyone.

Don't say the words "please" or "thank you" to anyone.

Turn away and don’t answer anyone’s questions.

And then no one will say about you that you are a talker.

If your best friend slipped and fell,

Point your finger at your friend and grab your stomach.

Girls should never be noticed

And do not give them passage anywhere and never

They need to put their feet up, scare them from around the corner.

If a friend invites you over for his birthday,

Leave the gift at home, it will come in handy yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake, don’t engage in conversations.

You will eat half as much candy while talking.

Marquise de Etiquette :

In our kingdom, at our tournament, as we have already seen, true experts in etiquette gathered. Are you interested in knowing what is happening with our neighbors? Then I propose to take a trip to the neighboring kingdom.

Questions about video content:

Now attention! Guests from a neighboring kingdom arrived to us. They decided to show us their customs and their vision of etiquette.


Marquise de Etiquette :

Yes, modern etiquette has become less ceremonious, more simple. Etiquette today is primarily a means of communication. I turn to the next page of my wonderful book.

Marquise de Etiquette :

We had a good time today, visited the Etiquette Experts Tournament and learned a lot.

Marquise de Etiquette :

It's time to say the solemnoath. (The oath is read in chorus)

We swear to be polite

Always say “thank you”

And “good afternoon” and “goodbye”.

There is no higher rank in the world.

We are all diligent people

We will always be polite.

Kind and diligent

And be attentive to everyone!

Marquise de Etiquette :

Thank you my friends

I will reward you for your valor.

Marquise de Etiquette presents the tournament participants with a certificate confirming their participation. Order of Etiquette.

Song “Politely-impolitely” by Malyshariki

Hello, Goodbye, Thank you for your attention,

Sorry, come on in, may I ask you?

These simple words help us live in the world

So glad, how useful be polite.


Everyone should be polite – and timid and brave

Even someone very important must not forget

Hello, goodbye, thank you for your attention,

How easy and how important be polite.


And it's time for us to say goodbye. After all, a strict rule of etiquette says: leaving on time is no less important than arriving on time.

(After taking photographs, children leave the hall to solemn music.)

Extracurricular event “Let's get acquainted - Etiquette!”



: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are very glad to see you!

Guys, look at each other, smile at each other, smile at the guests. Let a smile and a good mood be your helpers at the holiday.

We dedicate our today's holiday to etiquette.

What is etiquette?

What is etiquette -
We should know from childhood.
These are the norms of behavior:
How to go to a birthday party?
How to meet?
As it is?
How to call?
How to get up?
How to sit down?
How to greet an adult?
There are many different questions.
And it gives the answer
This very etiquette

Leading: - The guys of our Academy have prepared several for you interesting lessons, which will reveal all the secrets of etiquette.

(bell rings) -

Lesson 1. History of etiquette

1st presenter

And it all started as soon as people began to live together. It was then that there was an urgent need to make communication with each other as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. This is where etiquette was invented. It developed simultaneously with society. In ancient times, people loved to fight; if any dispute arose, it was immediately over weapons. This is how it appeareddiplomatic etiquette.

2nd presenter

In the era of kings and emperors, when each ruling dynasty came up with its own ceremony, less or more solemn, arosecourt etiquette.

In Russia, etiquette appeared thanks to Tsar Peter, who believed that Russia was a great power and should not yield to Europe.

1st presenter

Modern etiquette) describes the behavior of people in everyday life, at work, in in public places and on the street, at guests and at various kinds of official events - receptions, ceremonies, negotiations. The basic rule of modern etiquette is to always respect other people

Etiquette these days continues to actively develop, as they say, keeping up with the times. For example, now, when nothing and no one can do without a computer, there is alreadyInternet communication etiquette.

Etiquette means the form, manner of behavior, rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in a particular society.

(there is a knock on the door) The King of Etiquette enters with Princess Politeness and members of the club.

King: “Hello, I heard a conversation about me here. Well, let's get acquainted. I am the king of Etiquette, and next to me is Princess Politeness. And these are my assistants from the Academy of Polite Sciences, you are already familiar with them. They will tell you how to make friends with me.”

Leading: Let's start our lessons on etiquette.


First you agree
Then get ready to visit.
We dress smartly
To look smart.
You got dressed, combed your hair...
Why didn't you wash your face?

Don't go without a gift
You shouldn't feel sorry for him!
If you are not invited,
Don't force your way in.
Don't forget to take off your shoes,
You can't walk around in them at home!

Don't be naughty and don't bite
Don't be offended for no reason.
Don't break tables and furniture,
Wherever you have been as a guest, my friend.
Be well-mannered and modest
Don't poke around in secluded places.

No need to kick a cat
And throw potatoes under the table!
Praise the owners, the house,
And also what’s in the house.
You put on your shoes, took your jacket...
And "Goodbye!" said?

(bell rings)

Leading: Our next lesson. ETIQUETTE IN TRANSPORT

Lesson 3
Give room to old ladies
If it gets too crowded.
Don't shout that you're dreaming of sitting down -
Stand still and not melt.
Stand still and hold on
Don't cry and don't turn around.

There is no need to litter anything here -
It's a joy to be educated.
Don't throw the candy wrapper on the floor,
If he fell, pick him up.
Don't kick others
And don't get your boots dirty.

Lesson 3

Eat your bread carefully -
This is a kitchen, not a barn.
Don't turn around like a top on your chair,
Don't put your head in the pan.
Eat the soup carefully,
Don't spit it back out.

Drink your tea without spilling!
What is this big puddle?
What's that noise? What fell?
Katya was dreaming at the table.

Wipe your mouth with a napkin.
And don't drip on your stomach.
Eat jelly and porridge with a spoon,
Soup, puree and yogurt.

You can take potatoes with a fork,
Meat, rice... No need for a spoon!
You can take the pie with your hand,
Glazed curd.
And say thank you to everyone
Who did you eat food from?

The King of Etiquette and Princess Politeness take the stage in front of the audience.

King: “Guys, we have prepared questions for you. Think about it and answer honestly.

Riddles are asked one by one.


Which of you, waking up cheerfully,

"WITH Good morning"will he say firmly?


Tell me which one of you, brothers,

Forgets to wash your face?


Which one of you is okay?

Bag, books and notebooks?


Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Gives place to elders?


Which one of you is silent like a fish?

Instead of a kind “thank you”?


Who wants to be polite

Doesn't it offend kids?

King of Etiquette: Well done! . (Etiquette and Politeness disappear quietly).

Leading: "Now we will teach our next lesson

Lesson 4 Rules of behavior at school.

1.You look like forty

Didn't hear the call!

And when the bell rings -

The lesson begins!

2.If you want to answer,

Can you raise your hand?

And when they asked you,

You must stand at your desk,

Answer what was taught

And then you will get a “5”!

3.If a teacher enters the class,

Don't turn around, don't scream,

And stand quietly at the desks -

Let the teacher take a look

How beautiful you stand

And then he orders you to sit down.

4. Be diligent in class

And try to understand everything

And then not twos, threes,

You will receive a “5”.

5.Answer calmly, loudly,

If you've learned your lesson,

But then sit there like a little mouse,

If you couldn't learn.

6. There is no need to whisper in class

And quietly chew the sausage,

Admire the crows outside the window

And pick your nose snifflingly.

During the lesson it is advisable to listen to:

What will the teacher tell you now?

And try to study better

Make your class proud of you.

7.When the lesson is over,

All tasks are done

We will tell the teacher everything:

"Thank you bye!»

Princess Politeness

/Fanfare sounds. The heralds take the stage/
Listen to residents of all kinds,
Every representative of an honest people!
Some are on the platform, and some are completely barefoot,
Some with hair and some hairless!
Horror has happened in our kingdom.
There have never been such disasters in life!
The terrible dragon and the immoral Ham
Our princess was stolen by a hooligan!
Our poor king Etiquette is crying.
/The crying King Etiquette comes out./
We have no life without our sweet princess.
We all can’t live without her now.
Sweet Politeness was her name
/The dragon Ham comes out with a song to the tune of “...We say baki - beeches...” / along with him Rudeness and Laziness.

Ham sings:
They say I’m a buffoon, but among the people I’m just a boor,
Whoever says that, I'll hit you in the ear,
I am strong beyond my years!
(everyone sings together)
Oh, leave me alone
Oh, leave me alone.
Education is rubbish.
Relax, have fun...
Eh, ma-ah!

/The King approaches and tries to talk to Ham/

Why are you bothering to talk?
Are you pushing all sorts of bullshit?
You will hover under the fence
And stop watching the movie.
Oh, leave me alone
Oh, leave me alone.
Education is rubbish.
Relax, have fun...
Eh, ma-ah!

/The king addresses the dragon to the tune of the song “Kings Can Do Anything”/

I'm asking, I'm asking
Give me back my daughter
After all, people cannot live without politeness.
Do you want me to pay you money?
Ham :
No, daddy, I don't want to
And you will have to forget about your daughter.
Well, then I'll take it
And I'll call you right away
To my friends,
They will help me
And who is it?
And then the students
second class with the letter “b”.
Now I'll call
I'll just dial the number
And you, wait here,
They will come in droves.
Then don't blame
And blame yourself
But they will talk to you politely,
But they will talk to you politely!

/Class students come out onto the playground with a song to the tune of “Don’t think down on the seconds”/

Think about education on time,
She, my friend, is a necessary thing in life,
And politeness will always be useful to you
And the relationship will be very friendly.

Poems are made from kind words,
Your destiny is made up of good deeds,
And our times may be hard,
Those who are educated can still cope with them

Well, guys, then I'm fine. Then I agree. Take the princess... and I'm with you!
/To the tune of “It’s fun to walk together,” everyone leaves the site./

Students read M. Tanich’s poem “Magic Words.”

1 student: Sorry, please forgive and allow.
These are not words, but a key to the soul.
Besides our companion -
Multiplication tables
There is also a table
Respect table!
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words!

2nd student: Everywhere where immodest
They will point from the gate,
Polite will ask
And it will pass
Before the word polite
The doors are opening!
Let it be repeated more often everywhere.
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words!

Final words from the teacher.



TARGET: introduce children to the rules of etiquette; to form in children an understanding of the need to follow the rules of ethical behavior.


    organize familiarization of children with the rules of behavior at the table, when visiting; practice using words meaning request, apology;

    introduce polite words;

    to form the inclinations of self-control in children’s behavior;

    foster a friendly atmosphere in their relationships.


Good afternoon guys! I'm glad to see you! Look at each other, smile. Let a smile and a good mood be your helpers today.

We dedicate our meeting to etiquette.

How many of you know what etiquette is?

What is etiquette?

We should know from childhood.
These are the norms of behavior:
How to go to a birthday party?
How to meet?
As it is?
How to call?
How to get up?
How to sit down?
How to greet an adult?
There are many different questions.
And it gives the answer
This is the same etiquette.

So etiquette is the rules of behavior in society. They include correct behavior at school, at home, in transport, in stores and other places.

Today I have prepared unusual school rules for you.

I will name them, and you will show me whether you agree or disagree with them.

If you agree, raise your thumb up; if you disagree, lower your finger down (comments after completion)

Rules of behavior in the classroom

    Don't copy from poor students on tests. Copy only from excellent students.

    Try to sit on the first desk. Then, after the bell rings for recess, you will be the first to reach the dining room!

    Don't write any nonsense on your desks. And write only the most important things, for example: “Spartak” is a champion!, “Vasya is a fool!”

    Keep your notebooks clean. It’s better not to write anything in them, otherwise what will you use to play “Tic Tac Toe” or “Battleship”?

Rules of behavior during recess

    During recess, don’t pull girls’ pigtails: it’s much more interesting to do it in class.

    Handle textbooks with care. Remember: this is your main weapon in a school fight!

    Always let the girl go first: it is much more convenient to pull her pigtail from behind.

    Don't offend the guys from junior classes: They are such sneaks.

- Well done. Now let's play.

Shouting game of confusion.

At school, together we will always say “D” only...

And to the A’s, it’s no secret, we always say...

We'll thank mom for the bag of sweets...

We'll go to the buffet now and shake everyone there...

Oh, what nonsense, crushing the flowers in the flowerbed...

We can easily throw candy wrappers past the trash can...

Sometimes we forget to say “Hello”...

When we are the elders, we will respond by telling lies...

Grandfather is riding next to us. Shall we give way?...

Shall we wash our dirty bike? Certainly…

Did you have fun? And now I invite everyone to go on a journey through the country of Etiquette and find out what rules people should use so that they and those around them can live well and calmly.

You will travel in groups by class using route sheets on which stations are indicated.

(Children receive route sheets)

City "Vezhlivsk"

City "Gostiysk"

City "Znakomsk"

Traveling through stations (practical work)

City "Vezhlivsk"

Guys, I welcome you to the city of Vezhlivsk. Do you know why it is called that?

What is politeness?

What kind of person can be called polite?

Presentation(slide show and comments along the way)

Now tasks for respect!

Question: A boy running shouted to a passer-by, “What time is it?” By treating this way, the boy made three mistakes. Which?

Answer: He should have calmly asked, “Excuse me, could you please tell me what time it is?”

Question: Two boys collided at the door and couldn’t separate. Which of them should give way if the boys are 8 and 11 years old?

Answer: Usually the one who is more polite gives way first.

You ate soup at a party. Which way should you tilt the plate to scoop? last drops: from yourself or on yourself?

Answer: There is no need to tilt the plate.

Question: You were offered a try at a party delicious compote from cherry. Only it has bones. Which hand should you spit the bones into?

Answer: the bones should be carefully spat out onto a teaspoon, then placed on a saucer.

Question: Where to put ice cream if you didn’t have time to eat it before entering the theater auditorium?

Answer: Ice cream should be thrown into the trash.

The last cake remained on the platter that was brought out to the guests. Which guest should take it?

Answer: no one. According to the rules, 1 more cake is always placed on the dish than the number of guests.


Guys, now we will see which of you is the most attentive. If the word is polite, you clap, if not, you stomp.

(Thank you, excuse me, thank you, okay, good afternoon, wake up, go away, please, forgive me, good, great, good evening, good night.)

Well done. I hope that you remember all the rules of politeness and will apply them in life.

City "Gostiysk"

Guys, do you like to visit?

Did you know that there are special rules of conduct for both the host and guests. We will meet some of them today. I hope you will comply with them.

Have you ever wondered why people visit? There are probably many reasons for this. ( Children's answers.)

    Firstly, it’s very nice when, when someone sees you, they are happy and smile warmly.

    Secondly, they gather at a party different people; they will talk about this and that - and everyone benefits: they learned the news, discussed events, exchanged information - and everyone became a little richer, smarter.

    And one more thing: people are used to sharing good things with each other. That is why people have been visiting since ancient times and to this day.

Presentation(presentation showing with comments along the way)

When accepting a gift, the birthday person must say something to the guest. And what exactly, we will find out by playing the game. If you like my answer, clap your hands, and if you don’t, say “Oooh.”

Thank you, I'm very glad. A wonderful gift.

Oh, you gave the same gift as my parents.

Thank you, I have long dreamed of such a gift.

What a pity! I thought you were going to give me a doll!

And I already have such a game!

Thank you, this is very good gift!

Now let's see how you remember the rules of behavior at the table.


If what I say is correct, we clap our hands; if not, we skip it.

 Eat with your hands.

 Swallow large pieces.

 Don't slurp.

 Picking your teeth with your fingers.

 Put small pieces in your mouth.

 Slurp.

 Talk while eating.

 Wipe your mouth with your sleeve.

 Hurry.

 Drink in one gulp.

 Spit out the bones on the table.

 Chew your food well.

 Eat too much.

 Don't talk with your mouth full.

 Brush your teeth with a toothpick.

 Use a napkin.

 Blow hard on the soup.

 Throw the napkin on the table.

Conclusion: Now you have become acquainted with some rules of conduct when visiting. I hope that you remember them well and will apply them in your life.

City "Znakomsk"

The city you arrived in is called “Znakomsk”. Guess what we'll be talking about? That's right, we'll talk about the rules of dating, introduction and treatment.

What dating rules do you know? (children come out in pairs and introduce themselves)

There are special dating rules:

    Those younger in age are introduced or, if necessary, they themselves introduce themselves to the elders.

    The younger one introduces himself to the older one.

    A woman, regardless of age and position, never introduces herself to a man first.

    When you introduce someone or someone introduces you, try to look the other person in the face. And smile. An acquaintance that begins with a friendly smile will certainly have a positive continuation for you.

    When introducing a person, you should clearly pronounce his first and last name.

    Among peers, it is quite acceptable to use only the first name when meeting someone.

What kind of greetings do people use: “salute”, “ciao”, “hello”, etc. Movements, gestures that people have exchanged for a long time different countries at the moment of greeting, even more varied. Some bowed from the waist, others fell to their knees, hitting the ground with their foreheads, others raised their hands to their foreheads and hearts, others touched their noses, and others stuck out their tongues.


The officers of the royal guard clicked their heels loudly and dropped their heads onto their chests. The ladies of high society curtsied deeply. The valiant musketeers bowed gracefully and waved their magnificent hats. The knights lifted the visors of their heavy helmets and pulled off their hand gloves. Words cannot describe it.

Yes, even now. Imagine that we were on the street big city. The military came by and saluted. Two men met and shook hands. And they waved their hands in greeting. The women have not seen each other for a long time and hug. And the girls: they ran into each other - smack, smack, chattered and ran away.

Practical work(teacher says - children show movements)

- Let us also greet each other, as in the Maasai tribe - before greeting each other, they spit on their hands (the spitting should be symbolic).

Residents of Tibet, taking off their hats, stick out their tongues, and left hand holds it behind the ear, as if listening.

Maori people touch each other's noses.

In New Guinea, it is a common custom to greet each other from a distance by “raising” the eyebrows, when both eyebrows simultaneously rise and fly up.

The traditional greeting in Thailand is called “wai”, in which the palms folded together are applied to the head or chest, and the position of the hands and the duration of the entire gesture are determined social status greeted: the more significant the person’s status, the higher the palms rise, and the longer the “wai” lasts. Let's greet our classmates, teacher, director, president.

It was customary for the Indians to run up to each other and rub noses. This is how they expressed their joy from meeting a person and their good disposition towards him.

Greetings from the residents of Easter Island: stand up straight, clench your hands into fists, stretch them out in front of you, raise them above your head, unclench your fists and let your hands fall calmly.

The Japanese take greetings very seriously. They use three types of bows - very low, medium and light. The most respected and wealthy people are greeted with a low bow.

Tibetans remove their headdress when meeting right hand, put the left hand behind the ear and stick out the tongue.

In the New Guinean Koiri tribe, when they meet, they tickle each other with their chins.

Discussion of A. Barto's poem

Friends, here you go just in case

Poems about a schoolboy alone:

His name is... but it’s better

We won't name him here.

He is often lazy

Say when meeting: “Good afternoon!”

It would seem a simple word,

But he is shy and silent.

And at best, “Great!”

Instead of “Hello!” speaks.

And instead of the word “Goodbye!”

He doesn't say anything

Ile says goodbye:

“Well, I'm off... Bye! Total!"

Issues for discussion:

Can this boy be called well-mannered?

Does this boy behave civilly?

What words does the boy use when meeting and saying goodbye?

Which ones should I use?

Name the words of greeting (children name).

Choose only greeting words from the words suggested on the sheets.



Good night


Good afternoon



Wake up

Children choose words.

Teacher. "Hello!" - this is very beautiful word. Listen to how the poet V. Soloukhin wrote about him.


Hello! -

Having bowed, we said to each other,

Although they were complete strangers.

Hello! -

What special things did we say to each other?

Just "hello"

We didn't say anything more.

Why a drop of sunshine?

Has there been more in the world?

Why a little bit of happiness?

Has there been more in the world?

Why is it a little more joyful?

Is life done?

A simple, ordinary word “Hello!” means: “I see you, man. I like you. Know that I respect you and want you to treat me well too. I wish you all the best: health, peace, fun, happiness.”

Training “Hello!”

Children stand in two circles - large and small (small inside the large), facing each other. Children in a small circle say hello, and in a large circle they return the greeting.

Exercise “Situations”

Teacher. How did you feel when they said greetings to you? When did you say these words yourself?

Children have red and green signals. The teacher offers different situations. If the situation reflects the correct behavior of the child, then the children honk green, and if the behavior is incorrect, then in red.

1. You are running along the corridor, and a teacher comes towards you. You run around her in an arc and throw out as you go: “Hello, Mary Ivanna!”

2. You wake up in the morning, go out to the kitchen and greet your family with the words: “Everyone Good morning

3. Summer. Petrov walks past the school door with fishing rods. Marya Ivanovna: “Petrov, why don’t you say hello?” And Petrov responded: “It’s summer, Mary Ivanna!”

4. Sasha runs past the girls, stops and says: “Hello, girls!”

5. Aunt Dusya is standing at the entrance. Petya comes out. “Hello!” - he mutters under his breath.

Discussion of the poem “Hello, goose!”

The word "Hello!" - truly Magic word. Listen to the story that happened to the boy.


A huge Goose is running towards me.

I tell myself:

“Don’t be a coward!

May be,

This goose is tame

He’s running to meet me.”

But the goose looks fierce -

He hisses threateningly.

Will it pinch?

Well, let!

I smiled:

Hello, goose!

He nodded his head in response:

And I thought I heard: “Hello!”

T. Sobakin

Issues for discussion:

Why didn't the goose pinch the boy?

How should you say greetings so that it is pleasant to hear them? (With a smile)


Get up as soon as the sun rises

And quietly - to the window.

The beam will extend its hand to you -

Quickly put your palm up.

Let mom see you

And washed and shod.

Having tidied everything up, go straight to her.

And tell her: - Good morning!

And then with a smile, with a song

Go out to the people, to the herbs,

to the birds!

And cheerful, interesting

Your day should be great!

If you wake up every day with good mood and give it to other people, then all your days will be happy.

Result of the event:

Our event has come to an end. Today you visited three different cities in the country of Etiquette and learned a lot of new and interesting things. What etiquette rules do you remember? I wish you to grow up to be polite and well-mannered people with whom it would be a pleasure to communicate.

Now let us all take the oath of polite people together:

We swear to be polite

Always say thank you

Good afternoon and goodbye -

Not in the world better title!

We vow to always welcome everyone,

So that trouble does not enter the world,

So that everyone can believe in friendship,

And etiquette served this purpose

We swear! We swear! We swear!

To make life easier for everyone,

So you don't have to cry,

My friendly advice to you -

Observe etiquette. Thanks to all. Goodbye. Have a nice holiday.

Floral etiquette - summer event scenario

The event scenario is held in summer time with kids school age.

The hall is decorated with bouquets of flowers and greenery.

Teacher. Flowers are with us all our lives; they are beautiful children of nature. Giving flowers is a wonderful tradition.

Boys! Today I will give you all the flowers, and you give them to the girls. But to get these flowers, you must answer the quiz questions. Divide into 2 teams.

For the correct answer, the team receives a point (flower). Whichever team has the most flowers in its vase will be the winner.

Each team has its own fans. In case a team does not answer a question, they can earn them a point by giving the correct answer.

Each team is given mugs.

So, here's a quiz. The team in which the participant was the first to raise the circle answers first.


1. How to pick flowers correctly? (They are not plucked, but cut off.)

2. Who do they give flowers to? (Mom, dad, family, teachers, friends, etc.)

3. You are going to visit. What flowers are best to present? Homemade bouquet or purchased? (It’s better to make your own, but you can also buy one.)

4. What should a gift bouquet look like? (It must be completely wrapped in paper or cellophane.)

5. You entered the apartment. Your actions? (Remove the paper from the flowers or open the bouquet halfway.)

6. How many flowers should there be in a bouquet? (If there are up to 10 colors, then their number should be odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9). If the number is larger, it should be arbitrary.)

7. In which hand should you hold the bouquet? (First in the left, after the greeting, the bouquet is taken in the right hand and handed over.)

8. Show me how to hold a bouquet correctly? (Stems down, flowers up.)

9. What should the hostess (host) do when receiving flowers as a gift? (Say “thank you” and immediately put it in a vase in a prominent place.)

10. On what holidays are flowers given? (March 8, birthday, housewarming, graduation, wedding, etc.)

11. Which flowers are better to give to a man and which to a woman? (It is better to give large flowers with long stems to a man, any flowers to a woman.)

12. What flowers are best to visit a sick person with? (Better with gentle ones, without a pungent odor.)

13. What rules do you need to know when making a bouquet? (Place flower heads in different planes; avoid crossing at the top; destroy spines, thorns, and other sharp parts; large flowers should not have their heads facing each other or downwards, much less hanging down.)

For each correct answer and addition, the team receives a point.

14. On what occasion is a basket of flowers presented? (Retirement, wedding, artists at a concert.)

Teacher. Baskets with flowers and bouquets are presented not only during a celebration or concert, they are sent home. Placed in a bouquet or basket greeting card with the name of the congratulator.

The bride is most often given pink and white roses, as well as carnations, tulips, and lilies of the valley. The bouquet should be small and match the bride's outfit. The bride's bouquet is not wrapped in cellophane.

15. On the day of the holiday you were late to present flowers. When will you do it? (No later than noon the next day.)

16. Solve riddles. For each riddle - a flower.

It's always gloomy under the spruce tree,

It smells damp and musty.

Under a furry paw

Frosted lamps shine. (Lily of the valley.)

In the meadows, my little sister is a golden eye, White eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head. (Poppy.)

What is the name of the flower in which the woman found Thumbelina? (Tulip.)

The jury sums up the results: Which team has more flowers in its vase. The winning team is announced. Boys give flowers to girls. (Make sure the bouquet is presented correctly.) The holiday ends with mass games.


The existing boys' teams are joined by their fans - girls. The two new teams line up in a column, one at a time, in parallel rows. The team is led by a captain. Each team has its own song.

For example, the first one “Flowers in the garden are beautiful in spring” (music by Mokrousov, poems by Alymov). The second team has the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming” (music.

Dunaevsky, poems by Isakovsky).

When the melody of the chosen song is heard, the whole team begins to follow the captain around the site, turning first one way or the other. When another song starts playing, the team immediately stops, and the other team begins to move to the melody of their song. This is repeated several times.

Captains must lead the columns so that they intertwine with each other in different directions. When they are completely confused, the leader blows the whistle. At this signal, both teams must return to their original position as quickly as possible, while raising their hands up.

The team that does it faster wins.


The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the floor, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied).

Children pick it up from the floor and, holding it with their right hand, walk in a circle to the music of the song “A Million Roses” (music by Pauls, poetry by Voznesensky).

The melody changes abruptly to another, for example, “Lilies of the Valley” (music by Feltsman, lyrics by Fadeeva). When changing the melody, the players quickly take the rope with the other hand and move in the opposite direction. ********************************************