Even porridge should be in moderation. © Shutterstock

Do you feed your baby different cereals? You're doing the right thing, especially if your baby is already over a year old. But if your baby is under one year old, be careful with cereals. It turns out that not all babies and not all cereals can eat.

How harmful are porridges?

Recently, researchers found that children under one year old should not be given cereal porridges. Because gastrointestinal tract Babies are not yet ready to digest such fairly heavy food. Babies under one year old can only be given special gluten-free cereals.

Semolina porridge is also not very useful for children, because it contains phytin, which interferes with the absorption of vitamin D and calcium necessary for the growth of the body.

Therefore, if semolina porridge is a frequent guest on the child’s table, there is a risk of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of rickets and weakening of the child’s immunity. Include semolina porridge in your child’s diet gradually and only after a year.

According to gastroenterologist Ekaterina Vasilyeva, many types of cereals, including semolina, are especially harmful to young children because their gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready to digest carbohydrates.

A harmful substance - glyodine - was found in barley, oat and millet. This is a mucopolysaccharide, which is found in the shell of some cereals and causes necrosis (death) of the intestinal villi, due to which absorption occurs nutrients.

The harm of oatmeal is that, like semolina, it contains a lot of gluten. In addition, oatmeal is harmful for those babies who have difficulty absorbing calcium, since it helps to wash out calcium from bone tissue.

Pearl barley contains B vitamins (like all grains), fiber, vegetable protein, and, of course, carbohydrates. In principle, it is not harmful, but its content of vitamins and proteins is low; after cooking, most of the beneficial starch goes into the water. Therefore, there is minimal benefit from pearl barley.

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What are the benefits of porridge?

For babies over one year old, porridge is an integral part of the children's diet, because they are very healthy, and not only for children. Thanks to the large amount of slowly absorbed carbohydrates in the porridge long time maintain constant blood glucose levels.

Therefore, the child has enough energy for a long time. Porridges contain starch, which provides energy for muscles. Unlike sugar, starch is absorbed by the body gradually.

The healthiest porridges for a child over one year old are oatmeal and buckwheat. Oatmeal contains a lot of vitamins B, PP, C and microelements such as phosphorus, magnesium, amino acids and enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of fats in the intestines.

Oatmeal is good for vision and proper brain function. After all, it contains vitamins A and E, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

Porridges contain fiber, which prevents obesity and helps avoid increased cholesterol in the blood. It is thanks to porridges, in particular oatmeal, that a barrier to cholesterol and carbohydrates is formed in the body, and they are absorbed into the blood more slowly. All grains also contain zinc, which actively fights skin infections.

Semolina, despite its high carbohydrate content, contains a lot minerals, proteins and vitamins, about 70% starch, which are retained in it even after cooking. Semolina is an excellent food for older children who are slowly gaining weight.

The next healthiest thing after oatmeal is buckwheat. It is rich in iron and calcium. Millet porridge fills the body with energy, removes excess mineral salts, and is rich in vitamin A. But you need to be careful with millet porridge, because it is difficult for a child’s stomach to digest.

Corn porridge contains a lot of microelements, silicon, which has a positive effect on the condition of teeth. This low-calorie porridge removes excess fat from the body.

Rice porridge, especially from refined rice, although rich in microelements, is not very healthy and is contraindicated for children with frequent constipation. Although rice is a good dish for a child’s diet, because it is quite easily absorbed by the body.

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The composition of wheat porridge includes silver, zinc and zirconium, as well as vitamin B. Sprouted wheat grains are especially useful. Pearl barley porridge normalizes metabolism, is rich in microelements, vitamin B and is excellent for allergic reactions.

And don’t rush to add salt and sugar to your baby’s porridge. Of course, you won't spoil the porridge with sugar and salt. But a child’s taste preferences are easily distorted. Having tried sweet porridge once, the baby will no longer eat unsweetened porridge. The same is true with salt. Well, find out at website.

Parents diligently stuff their kids with porridge, remember their healing properties. And they often forget that a child cannot be forced to eat even the healthiest product, because this can forever cause a disgust for this food in the baby.

So, if you want your child to eat cereal as an adult, don’t force him to eat cereal as a child. Find the porridge and the form of serving that your little one will like most.

An old Russian proverb says that you cannot feed a Russian peasant without porridge. And this pure truth. A variety of cereals provide us with not only light and healthy breakfasts, but also help you lose weight, restore your damaged stomach after weekends or holidays, and also just feel cheerful and healthy.

Porridge is one of the most ancient dishes. Archaeologists find such food prepared by our ancestors in almost every large village, and the finds can be several thousand years old.

If ancient people used oats, millet, wheat and other cereals to prepare it, then modern people have many times more choice. This article will help you find the porridge that is right for you or your child.

First, let’s remember what cereals we encounter on the shelves:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • semolina;
  • peas;
  • millet;
  • pearl barley

Now you can learn more about the beneficial properties of each of them separately.

Description of different types of porridges

Now let's find out which porridge is the healthiest. To do this, let’s take a closer look at the main types of this dish.

Oatmeal is a storehouse of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9), vitamin E and many others. But remember that many beneficial substances disappear from oatmeal during grain processing.

Choose flakes that have not undergone heat treatment; they retain all the vitamins and microelements. But what exactly is oatmeal good for?

When you hear the word “oatmeal,” you immediately think of vitamin B6. This substance helps the absorption of amino acids by brain cells, which in turn improves memory and helps to think clearly and quickly.

B6 also stabilizes glucose levels in the cells of the whole body, which in turn improves the functioning of nervous system: makes you more calm and resilient to various stressful situations at work, on the street or at home.

It is difficult to meet a person who would eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day and, at the same time, experience problems with excess weight. This is thanks to the beta-glucan found in oatmeal.

This substance prevents the absorption of cholesterol, which in the future can turn into plaques on blood vessels - one of the most common causes of heart attack. Oatmeal is the key to a healthy cardiovascular system.

If you often experience heartburn and stomach pain, then there is simply no better cure than a bowl of oatmeal. Oatmeal is very easy to digest, and at the same time creates a protective layer in the stomach that relieves inflammation, spasms and promotes healing of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Moreover, in the stomach, oatmeal absorbs toxins and heavy metals, which can also cause problems not only with digestion, but also with other processes in the human body.


Buckwheat is the absolute record holder for protein content among all cereals, but in terms of the content of microelements and vitamins it is second only to a few other cereals. Try to choose buckwheat in the store that has not been roasted (you can recognize it by its pale brown color). It is in it that the largest amount of useful substances is stored.

There are not only few carbohydrates in buckwheat compared to other products, but they are all “slow”. This property allows you to be satiated for several hours. Also, such a low carbohydrate content allows people suffering from diabetes to consume buckwheat.

Thanks to folic acid Buckwheat not only improves blood flow, but strengthens the immune system and increases endurance.

Buckwheat is rich in fiber. With its help, the body cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. Buckwheat also helps cleanse the liver. After festive feasts It’s worth eating a couple of bowls of buckwheat porridge to cleanse the body and regain vigor and lightness.

Semolina is obtained by grinding the nutritional parts of wheat grains. Due to such rough processing, very few useful substances remain in it. But this is its main advantage.

Semolina porridge is the most dietary of all presented. The low amount of fiber and high starch content make it very filling and quick to prepare. Due to its composition, semolina is digested in the lower intestines, gently cleansing the entire intestine along the way, which makes it indispensable for people who have undergone surgery or severe intoxication (poisoning) of the body.

Peas are not a grain, but they don't pea porridge less healthy or tasty. Depending on the pea variety, its composition will vary slightly, but the main beneficial features the dishes remain unchanged.

Depending on the processing, rice can have different properties. White rice contains a lot of starch and few nutrients. Brown rice contains more vitamins and microelements, but at the same time the porridge is made from brown rice will be more difficult to digest.

Thanks to the large amount of “fast” carbohydrates, porridge from white rice will help you quickly get enough before a hard day at work.

White rice is useful for people suffering from diarrhea and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Starch helps cure stomach upsets and normalize stool.

Brown rice contains a large number of Selena. This substance helps with arthritis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


The low price does not correspond to the enormous benefits of millet. The content of vitamins and healthy fats in it is several times higher than in most other cereals.

Millet contains a huge amount of B vitamins (B1, B6, B9). They help improve the functioning of the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, strengthen hair and nails, rejuvenate and heal the skin.

Unlike animal fats, which are found in meat and fish, vegetable fats do not contribute to weight gain. excess weight, the formation of cholesterol plaques and the appearance of other diseases. The content of vegetable fats in millet is one of the highest.

Pearl barley

Barley is obtained from barley grains, which makes it a fairly cheap and healthy cereal. Barley contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, polysaccharides and silicic acid.

Eating pearl barley will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of various types of impurities, restore the body after a hectic weekend and support its functioning during weekdays.

Silicic acid will help remove stones from the kidneys, urinary and gall bladder. She cleanses internal organs and will help you avoid surgical intervention. This substance is found in a very small number of foods, so it’s never too late to eat some pearl barley porridge for prevention.

What porridge is the healthiest for children?

Porridge is one of the most healthy products that you can give to your child, but you need to choose it wisely. It is recommended to start feeding your baby porridge from 4-5 months, one serving every two to three days.

It could be buckwheat or rice porridge. This choice is due to the fact that these cereals do not contain gluten, which can adversely affect your child’s health. From six months, start introducing small portions of oatmeal into your diet. Although oatmeal contains gluten, the amount of gluten in this cereal is minimal.

Do not add it to porridge under any circumstances until you are one year old. cow's milk, use breast or ready-made formulas. Also avoid additives such as sugar, butter, jam and condensed milk.

The most useful porridge for a child is buckwheat. It contains a large amount of protein necessary for the normal growth and development of your baby, and a large number of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Only oatmeal can compete with buckwheat. The amount of carbohydrates and starch in it is the lowest. Oatmeal contains a lot of healthy fats that are necessary for a child's growing body, and little fiber, so this porridge can be given to children with gastrointestinal problems.

Rules for preparing porridge

Of all the porridges, only three need preparation.

  • peas and pearl barley need to be soaked in water overnight;
  • Rice must be rinsed in running water before cooking.

Cooking method

The porridge should be poured into boiling water or milk. Add salt to taste.

Balance the quantity with your appetite; many cereals can increase 2-4 times.

Cooking time:

  • buckwheat – 20 minutes;
  • oatmeal – 4 minutes;
  • semolina - 4 minutes;
  • peas – 40 minutes;
  • rice – 20 minutes;
  • millet – 45 minutes;
  • pearl barley – 1 hour.

You can add sugar, butter, jam, jam, condensed milk, fresh berries, nuts and much more to the finished porridge. Experiment!

What porridges are the healthiest for weight loss: the opinion of nutritionists

In the diet of every person who leads healthy image life, includes various cereals. And this is no coincidence.

To lose weight, nutritionists advise combining cereals such as:

  1. Oatmeal. It is rich in fiber, fast carbohydrates and a lot of vitamins. Eating oatmeal stimulates intestinal motility and removes cholesterol from the body;
  2. Buckwheat. This porridge contains a lot of protein and microelements, and also helps strengthen the vascular wall, which leads to a reduction in the chances of heart disease;
  3. Rice. The complex carbohydrates contained in rice porridge will allow you not to feel hungry for a long time, and the absorbent properties will help remove harmful substances from the body and burn excess fat.

Remember that porridge has dietary properties exactly until the moment you start adding sugar, jam, condensed milk and other high-calorie foods to it. Also refrain from preparing porridge with milk, use drinking water.

Porridge is a dish that is not only tasty, but also very interesting. Here are a few facts about porridge and everything connected with it:

  1. The saying “You can’t cook porridge with him” comes from the ancient Russian custom of eating porridge during reconciliation with the enemy;
  2. Peter the Great's favorite porridge was barley. It was also fed to guests at the gala reception on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II;
  3. Army cooks are called "cooks";
  4. “Suvorovskaya” is the name for porridge, which is prepared from many different cereals. It got its name in honor of the incident: during one of Suvorov’s campaigns, a little of each cereal was left in the reserves, the commander ordered porridge from all the cereals to be cooked together, the soldiers really liked this dish;
  5. The oldest porridge found is millet. A fossilized breakfast was found in one of the ancient Chinese settlements. The age of the find is more than three thousand years.

This porridge is such a useful and interesting product. Decorate your diet with it!

Some additional information about healthy cereals is in the next video.

Pediatricians strongly recommend that the first complementary feeding should begin with cereals, as they are rich in vitamins, microelements and are well absorbed by the baby’s body. This product should be constantly in the baby’s diet, starting from 6 months. You can make porridge yourself or buy it in packages. From the article, parents will learn which cereals are best to buy for the first feeding and nutrition of the baby. A table with an overview of the best manufacturers of cereals for baby food will help you navigate the diversity of these products.

Which cereals are better for baby food and complementary feeding - comparison of different types of cereals

If a mother decides to feed her child store-bought cereals, then she needs to understand the huge range of cereals offered by baby food manufacturers. The tables below will help with this.

Table No. 1. Varieties of baby food porridges

Types of porridges Features of the composition Recommendations for use Advantages and disadvantages
Dry Dry porridges can have different compositions: gluten-free, dairy-free, dairy-free. Depending on the age of the baby, it is selected optimal product. Dry porridge is ground to flour and diluted with boiled water before use. Such cereals are good to give to children for the first feeding and are recommended as the main food until the baby masters real adult food. Pros:

Easy to use, affordable, and kids love it.


Personal intolerance to one or another porridge may occur.

Ready Such porridges can be prepared from any grain. Canned porridge in jars can be with the addition of fruit, cottage cheese or yogurt. Usually these cereals are used by mothers in case of lack of time. You can simply open them and feed your baby. Pros:

Quick and easy to use porridge.


Porridge has a limited shelf life. After opening, you need to consume the porridge within 6 hours, provided that the remainder of the product is stored in the refrigerator.

Dairy Dairy porridges are introduced after dairy-free ones. They contain cow's milk or are made with a partially adapted milk formula. You can consume such cereals from 7-8 months. Basically, if you add milk mixture to a dairy-free porridge, you get milk porridge. Sometimes mothers do not introduce this type of porridge into the children’s diet, but immediately switch to adult food. Pros:

The porridges are tasty and aromatic, children like it.


Almost any milk porridge contains sugar.

Dairy-free These porridges are cheaper than dairy ones, they do not contain sugar, but they are not as pleasant to the taste and aroma as dairy ones. Dairy-free porridges are recommended for children with allergies who cannot tolerate cow's milk. And also for those kids who suffer from lactose intolerance. Used for feeding children from 6-7 months. Pros:

Well digestible and good for health.


Children often refuse dairy-free porridge because of its neutral taste.

Gluten-free Gluten-free porridges include buckwheat, corn, rice, etc. They do not contain vegetable protein, which is why they got their name. Porridge is recommended for children's first complementary foods, since gluten (vegetable protein) is difficult for the baby's “inexperienced” stomach to digest. Buckwheat porridge is rich in iron and calcium. Rice porridge is recommended if the baby has bad stool.


Does not cause allergies, contains vitamins and nutrients.

There are no cons.

Gluten Gluten porridges contain wheat protein, which is difficult for the baby’s body to digest. Therefore, such a product is introduced from 11 months. Gluten from English language is translated as “glue”. These cereals can cause allergies and celiac disease (damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine) in a child. Pros:

Manufacturers make aromatic and tasty gluten porridges. They're cheap.


Allergies and celiac disease may occur.

With 1 grain The porridge is based on 1 grain (buckwheat, rice or corn). This kind of porridge can be given at the age of 8 months. Pros:

Useful, well absorbed by the body.


May contain sugar.

With 2 grains Any two nutritious grains are added to the porridge, which makes it nutritious and rich. If the child tolerated feeding porridge with 1 grain well, you can give him porridge with 2 grains. Pros:

Nutritious, satisfies hunger for a long time.


Contains gluten or sugar.

Multigrains These porridges contain several types of grains. Vitamins and minerals are also added for the development of the child. It is recommended to consume such cereals after one year. They are rich and can be the main lunch or breakfast. Pros:

The crushed grains are prepared with high quality. When mixing cereals yourself, it is very difficult to ensure that the porridge is completely cooked. The porridge is tasty and nutritious.


There is sugar.

With pieces of fruit Dried fruits, ground to flour, are added to the porridge base, which enhances the taste and makes the porridge more enjoyable. It is recommended to try such cereals no earlier than 7 months. Pros:

Fruits make porridge more nutritious, which increases its value.


Some manufacturers add sugar to porridge.

Rating of the best 12 cereals in the diet of children under one year old

Table No. 2. Review of cereals from popular manufacturers

Brand of baby cereal/price Advantages Flaws
Agusha (manufacturer Wimm-Bill-Dann)

95-100 rub.

Agusha porridge dissolves well and has a pleasant taste. Reasonable price, but small packages. Also, porridge quickly spoils after printing.
Baby (Slovenia, Droga Kolinska company)

75-115 rub.

Natural composition, budget price, large assortment of cereals, pleasant taste. Baby cereals are consumed faster than other brands. It takes a lot of powder to make porridge.
Vinny (Russia, Infaprim CJSC)

Up to 95 rub.

Contains vitamin B, prebiotics. Easily absorbed by the child's body. Delicious. Some cereals contain sugar.
Karapuz (Ukraine)

70-90 rub.

Dissolves quickly, uses less powder than other brands of cereals. The grain grinding technology is no worse than in foreign cereals. Budget price. Some cereals are healthy, but have a repulsive smell. The child sometimes refuses to eat them.
Baby (Holland "Nutritsia")

71-120 rub.

Affordable price. Pleasant aroma, cooks quickly. The porridge sometimes forms lumps.
Nestlé (Switzerland)

85-132 rub.

Porridges are prepared using a special technology, carefully breaking down the grains. There are supplements, vitamins, bifidobacteria, probiotics. Large assortment of cereals. They are tasty and healthy. There is lecithin, which can cause allergies in the baby.
Samper (Switzerland)

50-150 rub.

The technology for preparing porridges includes special processing of grain and the process of enriching the product with vitamins and minerals. The porridges are tasty and healthy. The price is too high.
Spelenok (Russia)

60-100 rub.

The porridge is cheap and comes in a wide range of flavors. It is prepared without lumps and dissolves well. Allowed from 4 months. Some types of cereals contain sugar, but these products already contain enough carbohydrates.
Frutonyanya (Russia, Progress JSC)

35-96 rub.

Affordable price. The cheapest baby porridge. The porridge is delicious. The packaging is convenient. Some varieties of cereals have a high gluten content.
Heinz (Heinz baby company)

95-133 rub.

The porridges are prepared quickly, without lumps. Heinz has a pleasant taste and aroma. Children like it. Some varieties have a lot of unnecessary additives. Read the ingredients of the porridge on the packaging.
Hipp (Austria)

66-150 rub.

The porridges have a natural composition without impurities, have a pleasant smell and taste. Some cereals include a wide range of useful components: vitamins, probiotics, minerals. Some types of cereals have a neutral or even bland taste.
Humana (Germany)

85-135 rub.

Humana porridges contain healthy vitamins and minerals. Dissolves well. There is a wide selection of cereals for any age. There are no particular disadvantages, except for the high price.
  1. Hantz and Malyutka.
  2. Nestlé.
  3. Agusha.
  4. Humana.
  5. Frutonyanya.
  6. Samper and Baby.
  7. Vinnie.

What should you consider when choosing porridge for your first complementary feeding?

  1. For babies 4-6 months old, it is not recommended to include gluten or dairy porridge in the menu. Better opt for dairy-free porridge.
  2. Dry cereals are more convenient to give in the first days of complementary feeding , since you can regulate what dose to dissolve for your baby yourself. This will save your budget and product consumption. Also, such porridges are quickly prepared. They can be done before starting feeding, and not in advance.
  3. The first complementary food should be porridge made from rice, buckwheat or corn. . These cereals are better and easier to digest by the baby’s body and do not overload the stomach.
  4. If your baby is allergic to cow's milk or suffers from lactose intolerance, buy him dairy-free porridge and dilute with water adapted for infants or boiled.
  5. The first porridge should not contain salt or sugar . The manufacturer always indicates on the packaging full composition product.
  6. Choose cereals with PREbiotics . They create optimal microflora in the intestines, overcoming constipation and stool disorders. When entering, you need to take care of the baby’s well-being in advance.
  7. Porridges should be introduced gradually, even if the baby eats them willingly. Sometimes mothers, rejoicing at how the baby eats deliciously, overfeed the baby and give more than prescribed.

Many mothers wonder which cereals are better: purchased or home-cooked. Today, purchased cereals fully comply with all quality standards. They are useful and can be used for feeding children. If a mother wants to cook herself, that is her right, but if she prefers ready-made or dry porridge, then there is nothing terrible or shameful here. It all depends on personal preferences and circumstances.

Porridge for children is an irreplaceable source of valuable nutrients, and therefore energy. What kind of cereals do babies need, and when should they start complementary feeding? You need to know that the stomachs of small children are very delicate. Therefore, it is worth introducing your child to cereals gradually, introducing them one by one and according to the most favorable periods of stomach receptivity. Not all cereals are healthy for children. Let's look at what kind of porridge a child can eat.

First feeding

To ensure that the baby develops correctly, complementary feeding begins with vegetable puree for the first time when it reaches 4-6 months. And, approaching the period of 5-7 months, a second complementary feeding is introduced porridge. Cook the porridge in water and then add the mixture or breast milk, salt and sugar. Porridge for children, if cooked correctly, will seem unsweetened and under-salted to an adult. As for the oil, 2-3g per serving is enough. The first few days the porridge should be quite liquid. To do this, they adhere to the proportions - a teaspoon of cereal per 100 ml of milk. Later, in the absence of unwanted reactions, the porridge is thickened. Initially, the child is given only one teaspoon, and then the portion is increased to 100-150g, adding another one or two spoons day after day. Pediatricians advise feeding your child porridge only in the morning. Do not feed your child porridge before bedtime, otherwise...

You should know that not all porridges are suitable for 5-6 month old children, but only buckwheat, rice, and corn. Semolina and oatmeal are very allergenic due to gluten, and are not allowed at this time. Barley and millet are also contraindicated for unsettled digestive system baby. They are too rude.


Contains amino acids, proteins, fats, iron, vitamins B and E, starch, potassium, sodium, lecithin, which are essential for the functioning of the body. It is best to start the second complementary feeding (the first is vegetable puree) specifically with buckwheat porridge. The good thing for a child’s stomach is that porridge is easily digestible and quite low in calories. Therefore, it does not cause constipation. Buckwheat will contribute to the rapid growth and development of children and strengthen the immune system. Porridge is especially useful for the formation of the nervous and skeletal systems. For children after 12 months, buckwheat is supplemented with cottage cheese, vegetables, and meat.

Rice porridge for children

It is a storehouse of protein, amino acids, starch, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and B-group vitamins. Rice porridge is nutritious and easily digestible. Rice is an essential “helper” if the child has insufficient weight gain and also has a problem with loose stools. Porridge promotes mental development, bone tissue growth. For older children, jam, fresh fruits, berries, and dried fruits are added to the porridge. After a year, you can serve fish along with rice.

Corn porridge for children

Valuable for its nutritional value and content of vitamins PP and B, iron, carotene, chromium, silicon, protein and fiber. Porridge is considered non-allergenic, low-calorie and easily digestible. It has a beneficial effect on the intestines, cleansing and soothing its mucous membrane. Corn porridge is especially good and healthy for a child in combination with cream cheese and vegetables.


In children after eight months, oatmeal is allowed in the diet. Oatmeal is rich in fiber, magnesium, lecithin, protein, linoleic acid, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and calcium. Porridge stimulates growth and muscle development, promotes stable functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Semolina porridge for children

Children over one year old can also eat semolina porridge. Semolina contains too much starch (70%) and not enough vitamins, which is why it should not become a frequent “guest” on a child’s menu. Pediatricians say that the amount of semolina should be limited to 1-2 servings per week, up to three years. But fiber and protein save the day nonetheless. Thanks to this, the porridge is not “heavy”, is quickly absorbed and is useful for diseases that require dietary nutrition.

Excellent health to your baby!

Traditionally, porridge is one of those foods that children are fed from infancy. Recent research in the field of baby nutrition has shown that not all cereals may be beneficial for children under one year of age.

  1. Cereal porridges that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract cannot digest.
  2. Semolina porridge containing a substance such as phytin, which prevents the child’s body from absorbing vitamin D and calcium.
  3. Barley, oat and wheat cereals contain mucopolysaccharide, which is contained in the shell of these cereals and contributes to the necrosis of the villi lining the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls. Villi help absorb nutrients.
  4. Oatmeal, like semolina, contains gluten. In babies whose bodies do not absorb calcium well, glutin helps wash calcium out of the child’s body.
  5. Pearl barley is rich in B vitamins, fiber, vegetable protein and long-term carbohydrates. But the content of vitamins and proteins is so meager that pearl barley porridge should rarely be offered to children.

Porridge must be included in the diet of children over one year old. The high content of long-term carbohydrates in porridges gives children energy and maintains stable blood sugar levels. Porridge cereals contain starch, which is a long-term carbohydrate. Starch is absorbed gradually, which provides a long time for muscle energy.

What are the healthiest porridges?

For one year old child the healthiest porridges are oatmeal and buckwheat. Oatmeal contains many microelements and vitamins B, PP and C and amino acids that promote the breakdown of fats. Oatmeal is good for improving vision and good brain activity. Vitamins A and E present in oatmeal help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Fiber-rich oatmeal helps fight cholesterol. Cereals made from oats and buckwheat contain zinc, which improves the condition of the skin and prevents the penetration of skin infections.


Buckwheat is rich in iron and calcium and helps remove heavy metals and mineral salts from the body.

Millet porridge provides energy by removing excess mineral salts from the body. Millet porridge is too heavy food for a child’s stomach, which has difficulty digesting it

Corn porridge is rich in microelements, silicon and affects good condition teeth. Corn porridge It is better to cook in water and serve with milk.

Rice porridge is rich in B vitamins, microelements and starch. Porridge is healthy, but can cause constipation in a child. Porridge can be included in children's menus because it is well absorbed by the body. You should not give rice porridge often.


Barley porridge normalizes metabolism and helps with allergies.


When preparing porridge for a child, you should not overuse salt and especially sugar. Feeling the taste sweet porridge, the child will flatly refuse to eat unsweetened cereal.

Using trial and error, you need to choose the porridge for your child that he eats with pleasure. To prevent the child from becoming bored with the porridge, the porridge must be varied with various additives. To make porridge your baby’s favorite dish, add fruit or vegetable puree, berries, and fresh fruit to the cooked porridge.

Delicious porridge made from oatmeal. Beat the finished oatmeal, cooked in milk, with an immersion blender with one banana. When serving porridge, you can put a small piece in it butter. Instead of a banana, you can put any fruit, especially one that your child loves. For older children, you can prepare delicious crumbly buckwheat porridge, which you can serve with a sauce of fried champignons with onions. When compiling a daily menu for your child, you must include porridge in it. This could be oatmeal porridge in the morning and buckwheat porridge for dinner.

Present beautifully


For children intolerant to gluten, dry porridge mixtures that do not contain gluten are commercially available. When preparing porridge for a child, one must proceed not only from its usefulness, but rather from the preferences that the child gives, but still try not to follow the child’s desires, but make an effort to diversify the porridge.

The healthiest porridges