It turns out that his character depends on what time of day and hour the baby was born.

If the baby was born at night.

If the child was born between 24:00 and 2:00.
At this time of day, the most inquisitive babies are born, who are under the auspices of the planet Mercury. He will grow up to be a leader, will be active and energetic, and will strive to be the center of attention. Mothers of such children can be recommended to develop their ability to perceive information in every possible way. successful studies and form in the baby leadership skills.

If the baby was born in the middle of the night.

If your baby was born between 2.00 and 4.00 am.
In the middle of the night, hardworking individuals are born. He will be under the protection of Venus all his life. The planet of love will give the child the ability to earn money and achieve goals with his work and talent. These are very loving kids who, thanks to their gentleness and sociability, will be able to achieve favor the right person and get what you want.

If the baby was born in the morning.

If the baby was born between 4.00 and 6.00 am.
His patron planet is Mars. This is the planet of leadership, which will definitely lead your little one to success. Children born during this period of time are independent, stubborn, and honest. Only a leadership position is suitable for them. To curb the little commander, raise him as gently as possible, teach him to trust other children and adults.

If the baby was born in the morning.

Time from 6.00 to 8.00 am.
At this time of day, babies are born under the auspices of Neptune. Children born at this time will be vulnerable in soul. They are unlikely to rush into battle and try to take a leading position. They are more likely to retreat than to fight. Such kids can grow into a person with a rich inner world, who will prefer solitude to social life.

From 8.00 to 10.00.
Children are born in the morning, protected by Uranus. These are the most charming kids. People will always reach out to them for help, a warm word, simple human communication. The main qualities of such a person will be humanism, simplicity and humanity. Often such children grow up to be actively involved in charitable activities.

Late morning from 10.00 to 12.00 hours.
Saturn rules, which gives a person born at this time integrity and discipline. Such people are ambitious, set big goals for themselves and have enormous power of action. These are future politicians, civil servants, officials.

If the baby was born during the day.

From 12.00 to 14.00.
Children are born who are protected by Jupiter. At heart these people are eternal travelers. It will be important for them to learn information, communicate with new people, and constantly receive fresh impressions. They will be able to change their lives by moving to another country or radically changing their profession during their lives. WITH early childhood Such children need to be taught discipline.

From 14.00 to 16.00.
The time of birth of strong-willed and strong children. This is the watch of Pluto, which gives its wards the ability to endure failures and life’s difficulties more easily than others. Each new problem will make the child stronger, tougher and wiser. Such a child must be taught to set adequate goals and shown how they can be achieved.

The period of action of Venus is from 16.00 to 18.00.
The goal of children born during this period of time is to find their true love. Over the years, they will develop such a wonderful character trait as the ability to understand other people. They will put themselves in their place and do correct conclusions from situations. Ease of communication and the desire to find a soul mate will push such people to get married quite early.

If the baby was born in the evening.

In the evening, from 18.00 to 20.00.
Children are born who are actively affected by Mercury. This is the planet of the mind, ideas and new beginnings. These children will never give up and will be able to find a solution even in the most hopeless situations. Such children grow up devoted friends and loved ones, who certainly will not sit idle. Such a child must be taught to solve not only other people’s problems, but also his own.

From 20.00 to 22 hours.
The Sun begins to act, giving babies born at this time “sunny” features. Such children will definitely grow up sociable and ambitious, and will seek adventure and a change of pleasure. Such people can become artists, organizers, those for whom personal self-realization will be the most important goal in life. Send these children to an amateur club, let them sing and dance, this is their way!

Those babies who were born between 22.00 and 24.00.
They are under the influence of the mysterious and changeable Moon. Those born on this day have a philosophical mindset and strive for stability and harmony. Since childhood, such people are very impressionable, subject to fears and doubts, so they need to early age pay attention to the emotional and psychological side of raising a child. It is difficult for such children to achieve peace and joy on their own; they need to be taught to distinguish evil from good and work on an adequate assessment of the surrounding reality. There is no need to worry if a career and work do not immediately come into the life of such a person. It is difficult for such people to work solely for money. What they look for in a working relationship is emotional connection and peace.
© Denis Setin

When choosing a name for their future baby, parents usually focus not only on the sound of the name and fashion, but also on what the name means. However, not only the name can influence fate. According to astrologers, both the child’s character and the future depend on the time and day of the baby’s birth. Check if your baby fits one of our classifications.

Night hours

At this time, a new day begins, and very inquisitive natures are born. Their heavenly patron- Mercury. Always open to everything new, these children enjoy learning. True, mom needs to be on guard: their heavy loads nervous system can't stand it. The character of a child born under the sign of Mercury is lively and curious, he always needs to be aware of all events, so do not ignore your child’s desire to communicate, tell him interesting stories from life: he will definitely appreciate it. These children are able to study several foreign languages at the same time, however, you need to walk with them more and more often. In order for the baby to grow up smart and independent, the mother should pay attention to his social circle from childhood: the child can be highly dependent on his own company and get carried away by other people’s ideas. And not only good ones.

In the middle of the night, baby bees are born. One can only rejoice at their hard work. Those born between 2 and 4 o'clock are under the auspices of Venus. It gives you the ability to earn and spend money, as well as easily achieve your goals in all areas of your life. And, of course, love will be no exception. A child born during these hours has excellent health and vitality. When the baby begins to grow up, do not try to control his every step, calmly release the child into the wild: prudence and natural caution will protect him from danger. The disadvantages of a child’s character include poor communication skills, so try to develop this quality from childhood. Despite all the enormous hard work, a child may fall behind in school and have difficulty catching up, because he has his own value system and it is sometimes impossible to convince him otherwise.

Closer to the morning, Mars enters its domain. It is valid from 4 to 6 am. During this period, leaders and future leaders are born. If a child is born in the morning, then he will be honest, independent and terribly stubborn. In order not to raise a tyrant and despot, raise the baby as gently as possible, instill patience and care for loved ones. Girls can be too capricious, and boys acquire the skills of masculine behavior early, so it is very important what kind of example they have before their eyes. These children take everything very seriously, which later helps them become truly independent. Among weaknesses people born in the morning - egocentrism. Sometimes they may act unreasonably in order to prove that they are right, their desire for leadership is so strong.

With the onset of morning, Neptune comes into force, and during these hours very sensitive and vulnerable children are born. They like to withdraw into themselves, draw their own world and immerse themselves in it. To prevent complete detachment from reality, it is important to establish a good relationship with Father. For some time, the baby and dad should spend time only together, without strangers. These children have very poor health, they are very sensitive to the environment, so spend more time with your baby in nature. To arouse your baby's interest, tell him mysterious and mysterious stories. If your baby was born at these hours, perhaps he will make an excellent psychologist. In adulthood, they may be drawn to creative, free activity, to research, but to achieve success, they need discipline.

From 8 to 10 am, people are born under the auspices of Uranus and have amazing charm. It is to them that everyone who needs a warm word and help will be drawn to, because the main qualities of the baby will be ease of communication, humanity and humanism. Perhaps your “charm” will be able to take a worthy place in charity. After all, often these children’s own interests coincide with the opinion of the majority.

The heavenly patron Saturn gives children born in the late morning ambition and integrity. They often become politicians in the future; it is difficult to change their point of view, they never follow a lead, and are true to themselves and their loved ones. Born when the sun rises, they easily make contacts, and girls communicate on equal terms with boys. In general, these children are always playing main role in any team. They only do what interests them, so parents need to control their freedom and develop those aspects of life in which the child has an interest. Remind your child often that without the ability to carry out everyday tasks, not a single dream will come true.

From 12 to 14 o'clock Jupiter rules the roost, at this time avid travelers appear. From a very early age they are ready to embark on trip around the world or follow in the footsteps of Indiana Jones. When the baby grows up and becomes relatively independent, calmly let him leave home on long journeys, and a quality education will be the most valuable gift for such a child. Studying abroad may be an ideal option. It is important for these kids not to impose their own opinion, because sometimes they really know better what they are doing.

If the baby was born during the day, life problems They will only strengthen his character. Pluto grants the ability to endure life's setbacks with incredible resilience. Your task is to teach your child to strive for real and truly important purposes. In life, such children will not be afraid of any challenges. These are inquisitive minds who will ask you very early on all the most indiscreet questions, the answers to which should not be avoided. Often the health of such children requires increased attention, and since their sense of proportion is weakened, make sure that they do not accidentally injure themselves. For example, at a football match or concert: among such children there are often ardent fans and admirers.

Towards evening, Venus comes into force again, but here its influence is manifested rather in the great need to find true love. Thanks to traits such as the ability to empathize and put oneself in someone else's shoes, people born during this period often get married early. Therefore, it is important to explain the rules to such children as early as possible. adult life, because they like to communicate not only with their peers.

Evening comes, and at this time people are born who know how to find a way out of even the most difficult situations. They are ruled by Mercury, and no matter what happens, such a kid will never give up. He will be devoted to his ideas, friends and loved ones. It is important for these children to wear not only beautiful, but also comfortable clothes: their self-esteem and mood depend on physical comfort. Your main task is to teach your child not to go to extremes and to approach everything wisely, taking into account not only other people’s interests, but also your own when solving problems.

During these hours, real luminaries are usually born, because they are protected by the Sun. Usually these children are very active, athletic, they are loved by their peers, and early romances from the first grade should not surprise you. These are gambling, cheerful natures with artistic inclinations. There is no need to fight this, just support your baby in everything, and you can be proud of him!

People born closer to the night are protected by the mysterious Moon. They are very attached to their parents, are proud of them and copy them in many ways. Do not be upset if in adulthood your child does not move up the career ladder very quickly: simply the very thought of personal gain is not close to him. But he can grow into an excellent family man who honors his ancestors and family traditions. Important point, which the mother should pay attention to: a child born under the auspices of the Moon has a hard time parting with familiar things: school, home, and even his favorite clothes. Try to explain to your child that change is an important part of life and you need to be able to accept it correctly.
It turns out that the day of the week that the baby chose for his birth has no less influence on fate.


On a day that everyone dislikes, affectionate and devoted children are born. True, they are subject to frequent mood swings, sometimes they are stubborn and capricious. They tend to be overweight, love to eat delicious food and enjoy learning to cook.

Those born on Tuesday are protected by militant Mars. Such children are very energetic and love to command and subordinate. They succeed in many things in life. Girls, upon becoming adults, usually choose a partner who is also born under the sign of Mars, and they themselves occupy the second position in the union.

Wednesday is the most cheerful day of the week, because its patron Mercury is the light-footed messenger of the gods. His charges are usually sharp-tongued, frivolous, and capable of trading and working with their hands. In love, people born on Wednesday are very tolerant and responsive.

Children born on Thursday are excellent family men, but they become such only by collecting a bouquet of broken hearts. They love to travel, are open to various innovations, easy-going and unusually smiling. They evoke delight and admiration for their greatness among those around them. However, they are often arrogant.

Venus rules on Friday. It is she who endows children born on this day with beauty and love of art. These people are amorous, love to flirt, and external attractiveness is important to them. They love sweets and entertainment. Usually this creative people working in the field of art.

On Saturday, children are born who are destined to become a teacher, scientist or philosopher in the future. They are influenced by the planet Saturn, under whose influence they take everything that happens around them seriously. However, no matter what type of activity a person born on Saturday chooses, you can always count on him - he will never let you down in difficult times.


People born under the sign of the Sun shine everywhere and always, infecting everyone with their optimism. Statistically, they are a little happier people born on other days of the week. They always succeed, but, unfortunately, they often have to deal with envy. What helps them is their creativity, which replaces the “sensitivity” of Monday and the “sharp mind” of Wednesday.

Strange as it may seem, many things are true

It happens that you read some horoscope and think: “Nothing fits. And who compiles them?” Indeed, all the characteristics seem to have been copied from another person. However, often this confusion is not due to the dishonesty of astrologers, but due to the fact that in determining fate or character, not only the sign under which you were born, that is, the date of birth, is important, but also the time of your birth.

A person born on January 1 in the morning and a person born on January 1 in the evening - different people. The fact is that astrologers divide a 24-hour day into 12 consecutive “two-hour periods”, in each of which “rule of the world” passes to the Sun, Moon or one of the planets solar system. Depending on which of the planets receives a dominant influence over the next two hours, the character of the person whose birth falls on this time period depends. If you want to “get to know yourself better and understand which planet you are the godson of, urgently find out the exact time of your birth and immerse yourself in reading a new horoscope. Perhaps it will shed light on the characteristics of your character and the natural “accidents” of your destiny.

You were born from 24.00-2.00

You are ruled by Mercury. You are very inquisitive and are likely to be a tireless absorber of information. In studies and career this is, of course, valuable quality, but in your personal life it is not always beneficial. Your passion for gossip does not look very nice, and constantly “tracking” your loved one makes his life tense, and the situation can lead to a breakup. However, changing your partner is not a problem for you. Your awareness, activity and sense of humor allow you to be at the center of events and society all the time, and this makes it easier to find your loved one. Everyone's attention flatters you and further activates your abilities. By the way, people born at the same time as you usually look younger than their age, which is nice. And if we take into account your, sometimes childish, spontaneity, combined with ebullient energy, then we can say that you are an eternally young and exalted person.

You were born between 2.00-4.00

You are ruled by Venus. You can rightfully be called a hard-working bee. After all, if you are promised a decent reward, you will move mountains, but you will do this work. You also have no problems with spending money. Increasing your own well-being is your motto. By the way, your ability to achieve your goal produces results not only in the professional or material spheres. In love, you too will not miss your chance. Once you have your eye on someone, they will no longer be able to avoid your close company. Agree, not everyone will like it. Your sense of ownership is too great.

You were born between 4.00-6.00

You are ruled by Mars. At birth, Mars gave you a powerful leadership element, so your destiny is to occupy a leadership position. If this does not happen, your desire to command and command may take a militant form. Those who are smarter realized long ago that it is safer to leave you freedom and independence rather than try to limit them. And demanding that you hold an account of your actions to someone should simply not occur to those around you. But the reproaches addressed to you regarding excessive straightforwardness are quite fair. You really often go ahead if you set a goal for yourself. But what is alien to you is arrogance and lies; no one has seen how you lie and puff out your cheeks when describing your successes. The most important thing you lack is faith in others. It is still very difficult to make your way in this life alone, so you should not a priori reject the possibility of someone’s support and sincere help.

You were born between 6.00-8.00

You are ruled by Neptune. Your nature is subtle and vulnerable, your inner world is closed from others, and being alone is your favorite state. Reality is rough and sometimes unsightly, so you plunge into the world of dreams and fantasies, thereby trying to protect yourself from interference external environment. You have excellent intuition, and if you develop it, you can achieve a lot in mystical matters, in predicting the future and penetrating the past. But you don’t like to talk about your own personal life. But they are ready to sacrifice it for the sake of great goals, for example, to devote themselves entirely to work and “forget” about starting a family. Excessive sacrifice often harms the “children” of Neptune.

You were born between 8.00-10.00

You are ruled by Uranus. You are very charming and that is why people are so drawn to you, confiding in their wildest thoughts and innermost secrets. In all other respects, you are an easy-to-understand person who does not stand out from the general masses. Yours character traits: humanity, simplicity, rejection of conventions, lack of prejudice, humanism. Most likely, you will devote yourself to charity or another cause where there is an opportunity to patronize the weak and disadvantaged. There are always not enough people like you in society.

You were born between 10.00-12.12.00

You are ruled by Saturn. Your ambition is of cyclopean proportions. And this despite the fact that you have iron self-discipline and firm and firm life principles. Moreover, you have not committed a single spontaneous act in your life, you have never followed your mood. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to go into politics. By the way, Saturn’s wards often hear reproaches for excessive ambition, but they just as often achieve significant success in social activities and careers. By the way, it is possible that you carefully hide your strong-willed traits, but as soon as someone tries to cross your path, you immediately rush and knock the impudent person down. So you don’t even have to try to hide your fighting qualities, because the wolf doesn’t care sooner or later! - you have to take off the sheep's skin.

You were born between 12.00-14.00

You are ruled by Jupiter. What you cannot live without is new experiences. You need them like air. That's why you are always drawn to travel, meet new people, change partners and learn new professions. Marrying a foreigner is your dream, because this event will completely change your life. You are a dynamic person and move through life with relative ease, although you suffer from a lack of self-discipline. But it’s much more difficult for those around you than it is for you with them.

You were born between 14.00-16.00

You are ruled by Pluto “Children of Pluto” are distinguished by their restlessness and incredible vitality. If constant failures and “collapses” frighten others, break them and deprive them of self-confidence, then all these negative events just hardening. Rising and falling is your normal state, but it should not turn into a semblance of sports game. Even for such strong-willed, strong and passionate natures, it is better to set real goals and achieve them than to rush headlong into the pool just because you despise danger.

You were born between 16.00-18.00

You are controlled by Venus Already at birth, you received from Venus, the patroness of marriage and love, the desire to find your one and only soul mate at all costs and unite with her in eternal marriage. In short, early marriage or loneliness awaits you. After all, the constant and obsessive need for love often ceases to be a fear of not finding one’s betrothed at the same time as incessant attempts to find a life partner. This process is not easy and is fraught with disappointment. Your image is complemented by the ability to avoid sharp corners, natural tact, the ability to empathize and ease in everyday communication.

You were born between 18.00-20.00

You are ruled by Mercury. You have an unusually persistent character. More than once you have had to navigate out of the most hopeless situations and find a way out of a dead end. And all because you never despair, you maintain your presence of mind even when you really want to give up. True, one cannot help but note your desire to always go to extremes, to go too far both in love and, for example, in devotion to one or another diet. Try to approach everything wisely, with a dose of healthy laziness and skepticism. And yet, do not put your interests above your own so often that some of your unscrupulous acquaintances do not take advantage of you.

You were born between 20.00-22.00

You are ruled by the Sun. You are a “romantic” nature in the sense that you cannot live a day or a week without an affair. Love adventures are the goal of your life. Yes, and you have a tendency towards epicureanism, since you do not recognize dull everyday life and routine work, but prefer to live with taste in an endless change of pleasures. The desire to shine, which the Sun “instilled” in you at birth, may well lead you to the stage or connect you with some other public profession, where you will feel like a fish in water - after all, thousands, or even millions of glances will be directed at you . In general, it’s easy to communicate with you, you are able to get along with everyone, including children and animals, and therefore you are usually welcome everywhere.

You were born between 22.00-24.00

You are ruled by the Moon. You are most likely a philosophical person, and therefore you radiate vital energy, but you yourself never feel completely happy. You always lack a sense of mental security, although outwardly you almost always look calm, unperturbed, and peaceful. You are capable of violent outbursts mainly only when someone invades your mental space and unceremoniously disturbs the peace there. Your desire for inner harmony and interest in the life of the human spirit somewhat slows down your career, and you will most likely achieve success only in your forties or later. But in your personal life, everything will work out faster, you will be united by strong emotional ties with your partner, and your marriage will probably be stable. To put it briefly, highlighting the defining feature of nature, then in each “two-hour” the picture looks like this:

From 24.00 to 2.00 the most inquisitive and inquisitive people are born.

From 2.00 to 4.00 natural consumers and hard workers who know their benefits are born.

From 4.00 to 6.00, individuals with “pioneer” inclinations are born, they go ahead, are always in the vanguard and are extremely straightforward.

From 6.00 to 8.00 mystics and dreamers with a subtle mental organization are born.

From 8.00 to 10.00 humanists and charmers are born.

From 10.00 to 12.00, ambitious and careerists are born.

From 12.00 to 14.00 lovers of risky adventures and adventurers are born.

From 14.00 to 16.00 lovers of difficulties and turmoil are born.

From 16.00 to 18.00 peacemakers and good-natured people are born.

From 18.00 to 20.00 strong spirits are born.

From 20.00 to 22.00 “star” personalities are born, for whom a modest role in life is categorically not suitable.

From 22.00 to 24.00 philosophers are born with a harmonious inner world, but sometimes inadequate external reactions.


Friday morning or Tuesday evening? It turns out that personality traits depend on this. Try to recognize the baby in the described characteristics and listen to our advice.


A new day begins, and the most inquisitive natures are born, under the auspices of Mercury. If the baby was born from 24.00 to 2.00 am, then he is always the center of attention, very active, energetic. In the future, such children can be recommended to use their ability to absorb information for successful studies and career advancement.

In the middle of the night the most industrious natures are born. Those born between 2.00 and 4.00 are under the auspices of Venus. It gives you the ability to earn and spend money, and generally achieve your goals in all areas of your life. Love is no exception here either. If the baby was born at this time, then one can only be happy about his future ability to get what he wants. Mars is active from 4.00 to 6.00 am. During this period, leaders and future leaders are born. If a child was born in the morning, then he will be honest, independent and stubborn. A leadership position is most suitable for him, otherwise the desire to command will not lead to good. Raise this little one as gently as possible, teach him to trust others.

Morning birds

Morning comes and Neptune comes into force. It is valid from 6.00 to 8.00 am. A person born at this time is a very vulnerable person. Such a child, growing up, will most likely prefer loneliness to the crowd, closing his inner world from people, protecting himself from reality by immersing himself in his amazing fantasies.

From 8.00 to 10.00 in the morning, people are born under the auspices of Uranus and have amazing charm. It is to them that everyone who needs a warm word and help will be drawn to, because the main qualities of the baby will be ease of communication, humanity and humanism. It is possible that the baby will be able to find a worthy place in a charitable public organization.

Late morning, from 10.00 to 12.00, and its patron Saturn gives a person highly developed ambition, integrity and discipline. As a rule, such people never follow their whims, always clearly representing their goals. This kind of willpower is best used in political activity.


Jupiter comes into force. Those born between 12:00 and 14:00 are travelers at heart (and maybe in reality). They always need new faces, places and experiences. They are quite capable of radically changing their lives by moving to another country or changing their profession to a completely new one. Such kids need to be taught discipline from a very early age.

From 14.00 to 16.00 strong and strong-willed people are born. Pluto gives them the ability to endure life's setbacks with incredible ease. If the baby was born during the day, life's problems will only strengthen his character. Teach your child to strive for real, truly important life goals.

Towards evening, Venus comes into force again - from 16.00 to 18.00 hours. But here its influence is manifested rather in great need find your true love. Thanks to traits such as the ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes and ease of communication, people born during this period often get married early.

The sun is setting

Evening comes, and at this time people are born who know how to find a way out of even the most difficult situations. The baby was born between 18.00 and 20.00 hours? This means that Mercury commands them, and no matter what happens, he will never give up. He will be very devoted to his ideas, friends and loved ones. Teach your child not to go to extremes and to approach everything wisely, taking into account not only other people’s interests, but also your own when solving problems.

At 20.00 the Sun comes into force. It “shines” until 10 p.m. and also allows those born at this time to shine. If a child was born in the evening, then sociability and the desire for a change in pleasures will become its main features. Such people love to be in public, perform on stage, and monotonous everyday life is not for them. Numerology about children
The one who was born closer to the night from 22.00 to 24.00 hours, is under the influence of the mysterious Moon. Being born under her auspices gives the baby a philosophical mindset and a desire for inner harmony and stability. True, it is difficult for such people to achieve happiness and peace, since the Moon makes them very impressionable. Don't worry if career your child’s future will be somewhat delayed - the very idea of ​​a career simply for the sake of profit is alien to the people of the Moon.

What about the days of the week?


The day that everyone dislikes is under the auspices of the Moon. It is her changeable nature that determines the frequent changes in mood and energy changes on this day. So don't start new things on Monday. Those born on Monday may be prone to being overweight, they are capricious and stubborn, easily susceptible to the influence of others, but at the same time they are very responsive, affectionate and sensitive. These kids love to eat delicious food and, as they grow up, enjoy learning to cook.


Those born on Tuesday are affected by the warlike planet Mars. Such people are quick-tempered, love to command, have a strong character and look for things to do where they need to spend a lot of energy. They are unexpected in their actions and love vivid impressions. Girls, having become adults, strive to find a partner who has the qualities of Mars, and they themselves occupy a second role in the union.

Wednesday is the most cheerful day of the week, because its patron Mercury is the light-footed messenger of the gods. He gives his charges a sharp tongue, frivolity, and the ability to trade and work with their hands. In life and love, people born on Wednesday are very mobile and sociable.


Good family men include those born on Thursday - the day of Jupiter. People of Jupiter command respect and attract with their greatness, but they can also turn out to be arrogant, although they always try to be fair. Those born on Thursday are calm about innovations and are not in a hurry to embrace change. True, they become like this only after they have collected a collection of broken hearts in their youth and gone through a bunch of adventures. Subjects of Jupiter love to travel.


Friday is the day of Venus, the patroness of love and art. People born on Friday are accompanied throughout their lives by the desire to flirt, admire, and fall in love; they are charming, polite, affectionate, love sweets, external beauty is important to them. A beautiful voice and artistry define their work in the fields of aesthetics and art.


Those born on Saturday are affected by the planet Saturn. On this day, philosophers, scientists, teachers are born - people who take seriously everything that happens in their lives. inner world and around them. However, no matter what a person born on Saturday does, you can always count on him, he will not leave you in trouble.


This is a day under the sign of the Sun, a real day off, and people born on this day are doomed to “carry” the Sun with them all their lives. Even if it is “partly cloudy,” they are still happier than those born on other days of the week. According to statistics, they often succeed in everything, since they are capable of much. They are helped out everywhere by a creative approach, which replaces, for example, the sensitivity of “Monday” and the flexibility of mind of “Wednesday”. Everything in their life always shines.

Numerology about children Do you want to know what your little one will be like? This should not remain a mystery to you at all. According to the “fate number” system, it is enough to add up all the numbers that form the date of his birth (day, month, year) - and the character of the baby will immediately become clearer to you. For example, your child was born on October 11, 1999. Let’s sum it up: 1+1+1+0+1+9+9+9 = 31. We continue to add the numbers until we get a result expressed in a single digit: 3+1 = 4. So, the child’s destiny number is 4. What kind of character is formed? behind this or that final number?

A child born under the first number will begin to show character from the very moment of birth. By the age of five, this bundle of energy will give you such a kick that you can consider yourself to have aged ten years. You will not even notice how your child begins to walk and talk, and you will only remember those times when he ate. Slept peacefully during the day. It seems that number one kids are such tough nuts that they don't really need a parent's hug. But this impression is deceptive. In fact, they desperately need constant reassurance that they are loved and appreciated. This child always needs space for his activities, otherwise he behaves as if he had set out to turn the apartment upside down. Your child has an independent character, so it is easy to anger him if he is openly restricted in something. As soon as the baby learns to move independently and gets to know the world outside the playpen, you will no longer be able to keep him in a confined space, otherwise he will simply scream like a beluga, but is it worth torturing him and yourself? Since these kids are so keenly interested in everything that happens around them, their success in one area should be encouraged from the very beginning. Encourage his desire for leadership and exclusivity. He needs attention, and if you are patient and surround him with love, it will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

A baby with number two is charming from birth. In general, he is the most charming in the numerological cycle. Sociable, easy-going and helpful. However, it is necessary to keep a close eye on him and unobtrusively encourage him in his quest for independence. Such children know how to hide their true feelings, for fear of offending others, and as a result, they often grow up to be rather indecisive people. They spend a lot of energy trying to please others, and because of this they are afraid to face life. A sensitive, picky and shy baby, when he sees a stranger, will most likely hide behind his mother. After the initial shyness passes, they become talkative, love to play with their peers and are surrounded by many friends. Quiet, obedient, polite, affectionate, and responsive, they are loving. When they are hugged, but if their aspirations are not encouraged, they may distance themselves from you, fearing further insults. Your child will require a lot of attention - it will return to you in the future from a loving adult son or daughter. The child will never forget your love for him. When raising him, you need to accept his love, affirm his self-confidence and convince him in a gentle way that independence will open the way to happiness and freedom.

When God endowed children with charm, your little one was one of the first to be awarded the gift that attracts the hearts of those around him. These adorable children are often shy, but this does not prevent them from getting what they need more than anything else, namely attention. The baby demands to be listened to and to be looked at. The boy will become the object of his mother's adoration, the girl will always be " daddy's daughter" Both of them will be attractive to people of the opposite sex for the rest of their lives. Growing up as an only child and having no competition, such children seem to radiate sunshine and rarely act up. Having barely learned to speak, they chatter incessantly, especially the girls. Restless, restless, your child is likely to become a teacher's favorite and at the same time torment his classmates. He likes everything that glitters. When the shine fades, so does the interest. One of the main tasks of parents is to teach their child concentration and perseverance. “The third” is the most proud in the entire numerological cycle, and therefore you should carefully select your words in any attempt to reproach or scold. Those parents who spare no time and patience for their child need not worry: in a few years he will be there for you wholeheartedly.
a devoted and passionately loving soul.

If the “fourth” child seems too slow to you, do not worry - this is the most methodical person in the numerology cycle. If he is convinced of something, then forever! The first days of life are especially important when he must like you. “Fours” are especially organized, and if you want to avoid conflict, refrain from shifting objects that belong to them from one place to another and do not interfere with their privacy. How good it is to have an easy-going child who is also able to entertain himself and his brother or sister! Such independence, as well as a generous, trusting soul, evoke special affection. It seems to you that the baby does not really need you and does not require the attention that other children receive. In fact, it's the other way around. He, like no one else, needs love and attention, but, being completely unpretentious, he never shows it. At the same time, your child wants his parents to encourage him all the time and, being constantly somewhere nearby, to be able to stretch out loving hand when he falls. Typically, “fours” choose a long path to fame and prosperity, but if they reach the end, they do it brilliantly.

If the child was born number five, even before the mother gets used to the fact that she is a mother, the little robber will begin to walk, talk and tear to pieces all the most valuable things in the apartment. While still in the cradle, your baby takes a closer look at its structure and thinks about how he can escape from this prison. Only parents of the “fifth” children could invent playpens, plugs for electrical outlets and locks on cabinets. Under no circumstances should you underestimate the physical abilities of a baby. Don't forget also that the number 5 represents the five senses. Whatever your child sees, he will definitely want to taste it, touch it, smell it, listen to it and take a closer look. The mother of the “fifth” will have to constantly shell out money to buy all kinds of plasters. Such a baby may not seem affectionate to you, but he is extremely funny and loving and devoted in his own way. Put a child in the center of attention, and he will argue furiously with anyone who tries to force him out of there. Very soon you will tirelessly repeat the following phrase: “When my baby behaves well, he is just an angel, and when he behaves badly, he is just a fiend.” “Fifths” quickly get bored with everything, and they need a lot of different toys. The latter may well include brothers and sisters. Later, when your hurricane child creates a strong family (with his complete opposite) and names his grandson or granddaughter after you, we can assume that the parents’ efforts were not in vain.

If you have an only child, hurry up! “Sixth” children feel in their element only next to their brothers and sisters. They constantly need to take care of someone, to command someone, to play with someone. The child feels happy in happy family. Your baby is sometimes charming and friendly, sometimes capricious and stubborn. It happens that he will offend you and immediately settle everything. Usually “sixths” achieve success in life; many of them begin early to realize their responsibility to others. The task of parents is to teach the child balance in expressing emotions. These children are sensitive and caring; the slightest criticism addressed to them is perceived by them as an attack on their small world. They charm everyone around them, skillfully using this ability at their discretion. After all, “number six” is a born manipulator. Keep him confident own strength, respond with love to the love he gives you. It will last you for the rest of your life. The “sixth” is always a child of the heart.

The moment you see your baby for the first time, you will understand that a special baby has been born, unlike any other. As a rule, “sevenths” are very calm children. If the child turns out to be too temperamental, we have to disappoint you: this is the most difficult child in the numerological cycle. Such a baby knows exactly what he likes and what he doesn’t like. If he doesn’t want to eat carrots, give up this idea! She is not worth your or your children's experiences. If parents are responsive enough, then even the most difficult of the “sevenths” will bring a lot of joy. Having not yet learned to speak, he senses when you are upset and tries to console you. This sensitivity extends to siblings and friends. But it’s impossible to even imagine a child’s anger if someone breaks his well-established little world. “Sevens”, both good and bad, do not tolerate violations of the regime and can become withdrawn and alienated if they are not fed on time. Your child's strength lies in his mental abilities and extreme insight. Already upon “arrival” from the maternity hospital, he will begin to study your state of mind. “Number Seven” is good at hiding his emotions, and therefore parents need to instill in him a sense of security. Develop in him a penchant for creativity - such children have a multifaceted nature.

Of course, you don't want to spoil your child! But once you look at the newborn “eighth” child, you are lost! This is one of the most charming children in the numerology cycle. Over the years, you will understand that your angel uses personal charm solely at his own discretion. In general, the character of the “eight” is not bad, but the parents of this willful child should keep him in check, without fear of besieging him at the right moment. The child will challenge your authority, and you must let this little bundle of energy understand from the very beginning that you will be calling the shots. (Be careful with this, because despite all their energy, such children are very sensitive). As soon as the little one understands who is in charge here, peace will reign. Since the number 8 denotes strength and power, it is very important to teach the little one to distinguish good from bad as early as possible. "Number Eight" is not only very independent, but also extremely jealous. He needs to be convinced that there is enough love for everyone. This little “ball lightning” is very demanding, capricious and stubborn. But if you skillfully spend time with your “eight”, the result will be amazing.

The child is yours best teacher. As he grows, you will learn a lot from him. This wonderful baby has enormous attractive power, versatile talent and a rich imagination. Over time, the newborn will turn into a capricious child, however, without really unsettling you. Such children take decisions upon themselves. family problems. They rarely change their minds. Since among the “nines” there are people of the most different professions, involve your curious baby in everything. Let his interest in the world around him grow! “Nines” do not always express the need for love, although in fact they crave it. Parents sometimes forget too easily that a serious soul lives in the body of a child who wants to fool around and frolic with his peers. Listen to the little one and, regardless of his protests, hug and caress - in the future you will receive an unusually sincere and caring heart. Wherever the path takes such people, they will always return to your warm embrace.


The birth of a new person is a mystery and magic. So tiny and defenseless, very soon he will begin to talk and walk, then read, write, go to school, and you will not notice how from a tiny creature an adult independent person will be formed, with his own tastes and views. I really want his destiny to work out, so that he becomes successful and self-sufficient. And it’s so interesting to learn about his future inclinations and character. It is believed that a person’s character and taste are influenced by the day of the week on which he was born.

If the baby was born on MONDAY

MONDAY birthday week day and character

Monday is the first day of the week. From this day we promise ourselves to start new life, instill new habits. On this day we go to work. Monday is considered a difficult day, but children born on Monday are often not so difficult at all. On the contrary, they are cheerful and cheerful. They have a kind and easy character. They easily get along with people and make new friends. Moreover, the word “friends” is not an empty phrase for them. If your friend was born on Monday, you can always rely on him.

Girls born on Monday become good mothers and housewives. And the boys are good family men. They cook well and love delicious food. Often those born on Monday are real gourmets. However, this may affect their figure. Therefore, those born on the first day of the week should curb their food cravings.

Children born on Monday can become real leaders if they learn to control their hot temper and constant mood swings. But their performers are bad. This connected with the fact that these children do not know how and really do not like to obey. They become stubborn and capricious if they are asked to do something that they absolutely do not want to do.

If the baby was born on TUESDAY


But if your baby was born on Tuesday, he is very energetic and strong. At the same time, he not only easily subjugates those around him, but also copes with their own shortcomings. These are real leaders and bosses. They can force people to follow them, correctly distribute work and responsibilities, reserving the right to lead the process. They will not stand at a crossroads for long, wondering which road to choose. They know how to make decisions quickly and are often right in their choice.

People born on Tuesday can hardly be called romantics, but at the same time they love travel, adventure and books with exciting stories.

If your baby was born on WEDNESDAY


Children born on Wednesday show their cheerful disposition from early childhood. They always have a lot of friends and fun at their birthday parties. This happens thanks to their easy-going nature and innate optimism. Such people are called “the life of the party.” But behind the simplicity lies an extraordinary mind and resourcefulness. It is difficult to baffle such a person with words. He will probably quickly find you a worthy answer.

All this influences the choice of profession. Children born on Wednesday often prefer professions where they need to constantly work with other people. They often achieve success in trading. And their innate optimism does not allow them to break down in difficult times. After all, they even treat their own troubles with a degree of humor.

However, their light and cheerful nature does not make them insensitive. On the contrary, they are sentimental. By-present A person born on Wednesday will sympathize and understand you.

If your baby was born on THURSDAY


If your baby was born on Thursday, he will probably make a good family man. Since childhood, these people love the comfort of home and cannot stand inconstancy. Remember the fairy tale about the three little pigs? “A pig’s house should be a fortress” - this is exactly the attitude these people have towards home.

But, although they prefer to all joys family values and home, these people are sociable, easily get along with strangers, captivating those with his sincere smile and optimism.

People born on Thursday love surprises and always keep up with the times. They will never turn out to be a conservative, lamenting “how good it was...”. They are open to the world and are interested in new products.

However, such an open character is not always good. Unfortunately, their path to a stable life will not always be easy. There are many disappointments ahead, grievances that they take too close to their hearts. All this will pass and be forgotten, because along with optimism, nature also rewarded them with stubbornness, which irritated their mother so much in childhood.

They can handle any job, especially if it involves making something with their own hands.

If your child was born on FRIDAY


True art connoisseurs are born on Friday. These are refined natures who have been drawn to beauty since childhood. A girl born on Friday will never allow herself to look inappropriate. She follows fashion and has an innate sense of style. The boy is neat and pedantic about his appearance.

In their youth, such people often have a large number of fans. This happens due to their amorousness and love of flirting, which leads to jealousy of their partner. However, they will not stop flirting even after finding their soulmate. But this flirting does not always imply cheating. They often enjoy the process itself.

They like noisy companies and entertainment. They prefer sweets to all dishes, even in old age.

People born on Friday. They become good journalists, workers in art, culture and television.

If your child was born on SATURDAY


Although Saturday is the first day off, children born on this day of the week are real workaholics. They are serious and always see things through to the end. These are the people who can achieve success even in an area in which they have never worked. They believe that if you want, you can learn anything and prove their theory in practice.

From childhood, a child born on Saturday will become a real helper in your home. And this quality will remain with him in adulthood. They are wonderful friends.

If your child was born on SUNDAY


If your child was born on Sunday, you don’t have to worry that his fate will not work out. Life itself treats such people favorably. These are real lucky people with a cheerful disposition and sunny character.

They do everything on time. A joyful childhood full of friends. Cheerful youth and prosperous old age. These people, as a rule, marry successfully and independently find their niche in life. They are creative and know how to approach situations creatively.

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