A dream in which rats dreamed does not promise good mood. But don’t rush to panic, not everything is so bad. You need to look into the dream book to know what can happen when you are accompanied by a pack of rats or bitten by a rodent in a dream.

At the same time, you should not miss the little things: what color were the animals, was their bite painful or not, did there blood appear?

I dreamed about rats, what does this mean?

According to Miller's dream book, I dreamed rat pack for woman or man is regarded as a quarrel with disgruntled neighbors. This state of affairs can provoke a conflict incident and even a fight. Sometimes such a dream indicates cunning plans neighbors with deceptive actions.

  • When dreamed of one or more rats– beware of the insidious actions of colleagues or business partners.
  • By Ancient Slavic dream book an encounter with an unpleasant rodent leads to an explosive situation at work, in places of study, or at home.
  • Rats dream of inspection, revision, unpleasant relations with superiors.
  • If you dreamed about a lot of animals, and they attacked and bit, then an inspection visit will reveal shortages, negligence, misgrading of goods, and incorrect accounting.
  • I dream about rats in the house to the emergence of dangerous enemies, problems, grief and “intrigues” on the part of relatives, companions, and work colleagues.
  • Rat bite until you bleed- troubles with blood relatives.

Why do women dream about rats?

The dream book does not predict anything good woman when encountering rodents. It portends meanness, quarrels, conflict situations, betrayal.

If a woman dreams of rats, expect trouble from your husband, he is unfaithful to you.

When in a dream for women observed massacre of rat pups and female, the outcome of events will be positive. The woman will act wisely in her actions and return the unfaithful man to the family.

A woman dreams of rats from the squad of rats who bite until they bleed, gossip will appear from distant relatives.

Why does a man dream about a rat?

The dream book believes that men can see rodents in the night plot, to improve their financial condition. The more there are– the more significant the amount of money.

If found big rat black and he bites– your companion may turn out to be dishonest, expect betrayal from him.

Don't expect anything good if you encounter a gray rodent. This is a colleague who can betray you at any moment.

White tame rat predicts prosperity and stability.

If you dreamed of a big rat

  • How larger sizes rodent, the more trouble it can bring. This applies to gray and black animals.
  • If you dream of a great white- this is a good sign.
  • White rat in a cage- you got lucky. Such a dream indicates financial well-being, an unexpected bonus, or a significant win in the lottery.
  • When I dreamed about it big gray— listen to the opinion of the leader. You may find yourself in a critical situation because of a work colleague or friend.
  • Big black a creature in a dream brings bad news related to a car accident, illness and even death.

Why do you dream about a lot of rats?

A dream with a flock of rodents portends trouble, troubles, conflicts.

Many dream books interpret such a dream as financial well-being, but not for all categories of the population.

Businessman can see a rat pack to conclude a profitable business deal, to income.

For housewives such a night plot predicts a quarrel with the husband and his close relatives.

Seeing a white, black and gray rat in a dream, what does it mean?

If you dream rodents in large numbers white, black and gray in color, which means you may have quarrels with neighbors, good friends, and work colleagues.

When animals didn't attack you, you may simply be a spectator in a conflict situation.

White to lynx and mouse and do not foretell bad developments. They are a symbol of purity and prosperity.

For men white the rodent brings income, and for girls it predicts an imminent wedding.

Presence of black animals in the pack portends quarrels, illness, poor health, and sometimes an accident.

Gray rodents also do not bring anything good. If you managed to throw a gray female or male out of the house, you will cope with your enemies and conflict situations.

I dreamed about dead and dead rats

Seeing dead rodents in a dream- does not indicate troubles and misfortunes. On the contrary, the troubles moved aside - as if they died. And your enemies decided to leave you alone.

Sometimes dead animals indicate a change in weather.

Why do you dream about a rat that bites?

The dream book states that a rat bite portends scandals, bad news, gossip, unwanted quarrels and separations.

If you dream the rat that bit your hand, you should not borrow money. This may entail conflict situation with the creditor.

Bite on the leg according to the dream book- quarrels in the family, leaving home await you.

If a large, black or gray animal grabbed by the finger - minor setbacks await you, illness is possible.

Kill a rat in a dream

Kill a rodent in a dream According to the dream book, it means dealing with an ill-wisher, overcoming problems, and solving problems positively.

The woman who killed the pest will win over his opponent.

A businessman will receive a profitable investor by beating his competitors. The dream book interprets such a nightly plot as getting rid of obstacles on the way to solving assigned tasks.

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying degrees of success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about a big Rat in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed of a big rat - expect important things to begin. Be careful with your friends and acquaintances, some of them are capable of committing meanness.

The huge rat symbolizes giant size difficulties and problems that have befallen you and require immediate solutions.

Where was the big rat? What did you do with the big rat in your dream? What did the big rat do?

Where was the big rat?

I dreamed of a big rat in the house

Why do you dream of a big rat in the house? Expect the beginning of a streak of disasters, failures and problems. You have to withstand many tests of strength prepared by fate.

What did you do with the big rat in your dream?

Kill a big rat in a dream

Killed a big rat in a dream - you will be able to find a hypocrite, a traitor in your own environment. The dream also indicates the ability to escape from an unfair action against you.

What did the big rat do?

I dreamed that a big rat bit

A dream where a big rat bites you promises big troubles in the family, deteriorating health, difficulties, problems at work. You must gather all your strength for the fight and prepare yourself for it mentally.


Rat according to the dream book

A rat seen in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Often in many dream books this symbol represents betrayal or treason. One of the options for what this large rodent dreams about is painful doubts regarding the need to make a responsible decision.

Kill and catch

If you dreamed that a cat was catching a rat, this meant material well-being.

By killing her in a dream, you defeat your enemies or free yourself from negative thoughts and emotions.

The universal dream book believes that catching tailed animals in night dreams is a sign of danger, and eating them is a sign of worries.

Shereminskaya also gives an explanation of why such a plot occurs in dreams. This interpreter believes that a rat is a warning about some kind of danger, and hunting it is a sign of anxiety. Another option for what this unpleasant creature dreams about is improving material well-being.

Killing a tailed creature in a dream means overcoming all difficulties.

Interpretations of the Modern Dream Book

A rat in a dream foretells that one of your close circle planned to betray you. If you yourself betrayed someone, such a dream may be an echo of your conscience.

If you dream of a white rat, then this is an omen of receiving support or complicity from someone.

If this creature gnaws clothes in a dream, then you will achieve your goal.

Does a huge rat run past you in a dream? This plot is a sign of some joyful event.

A dream in which you hear a squeak predicts that some nosy person will try to harm you. Try to put yourself in this person's shoes. Think about what feelings and emotions you would experience in such a situation. Perhaps in life you spend too much time on little things, be above it all, set goals for yourself and go towards them.

Various explanations

Seen in a dream, it can also symbolize any qualities of your character that you do not like about yourself. Aesop's Dream Book reminds you that in order to become one, you need to love yourself, otherwise you will never achieve inner harmony.

A dream about a rat can characterize your character. Grishina’s dream book believes that such a dream is evidence of petty thoughts and anger towards others in the head.

The rat always settles near people, thereby causing damage. Therefore, Shereminskaya’s dream book believes that a rat is a warning that something is threatening one’s health. This image also promises the loss of all luck and bad luck in business.

A description of why this “vile creature” is dreamed of is also found in the Female Interpreter, who suggests that seeing her is a sign of discord. If you dreamed that you were trying to catch a rat, it means that in reality you will win an unconditional victory over your enemies.

Nina Grishina in her dream book says that this symbol is more negative than positive, so if you saw her in a dream, get ready for not very good changes.



Miller's Dream Book

Seeing rats in a dream- means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible.

Grab a rat in a dream- means that you will despise human baseness and defeat your enemies with dignity.

Kill a rat in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Rat- internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness.

If a rat bites you- the dream foreshadows failures and illnesses.

If you killed a rat- you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference.

Freud's Dream Book

Even though a rat is a small creature- it symbolizes your sexual aggressiveness. You would like to experience sexual adventures, both with elements of sadism and masochism. You are also attracted to group sex.

For people who have not yet experienced the joys of sex- the rat symbolizes their fears before engaging in sexual activity.

Dream book of lovers

Dream about rats- promises deception on the part of a lover or admirer, whose devotion you still have no doubt about.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Rat in a dream- symbolizes hidden threat and danger. Such a dream suggests that you are burdened by vague premonitions of some kind of misfortune. Perhaps someone from your circle is preparing a trap for you or is going to abandon you in difficult times.

Jewish dream book

Rat- enemies.

D. Loff's Dream Book

For most people, dreams about rats- indicate their fears of turning into the same lonely garbage eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts. According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually. In reality, you perceive rats as pets or dangerous predators? In your dream, do rats pose a serious threat to your health and property, or are they simply a nuisance with their presence?

Dream book for the whole family

Running rats

Gnawing Rat

Saturday dream

Sunday dream

Dream book for a bitch

Rat- enemies that are difficult to get rid of, deception and quarrels from colleagues.

Catch a rat- overcome enemies with dignity.

Kill a rat in a dream- win in any situation.

New family dream book

Rats- dreams of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone.

If in a dream you grabbed a rat- you will be able to defeat your enemies with dignity.

Killed a rat in a dream- you will become a winner in any business and in any situation.

Modern combined dream book

Rat seen in a dream- means that you will be humiliated and insulted by your neighbors. Disagreements with companions and quarrels with friends are also possible.

If you dream that you are catching rats- V real life You will despise human baseness and prevail over your enemies.

Kill a rat- a sign of overcoming all difficulties.

Running rats- you need to go somewhere else for a while, at least for two weeks.

Gnawing Rat- time to think about preparations for the winter.

Saturday dream- you will make a profitable deal that will bring you a good income.

Sunday dream- pleasant household chores await you.

Eastern women's dream book

See a rat- to quarrels with friends, colleagues, neighbors.

A dream in which you catch rats- predicts a victorious war with enemies.

If you kill a rat- it means you will be able to overcome all difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Rat- a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, death, good luck.

See a sea of ​​rats eating the crops- this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and intelligently exterminate pests agriculture, this could turn out to be environmental disaster which will lead to famine.

Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage- means that negotiations with the northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise.

Seeing pairs of rats walking down the street like people- a harbinger of the fact that in 2020, conservationists will declare the year of the integrity of living beings.

Seeing a ship run by rats- this symbol means that before the era of general prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066.

Seeing people preparing a dish of rats- means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans.

Seeing people with rat tails- a sign that warns of illness should make one think about health and concern for the safety of life.

Seeing rats preparing to attack- a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Rat- to illness; if you kill or drive out a rat in a dream- then this sign indicates a successful completion of the disease. To a vile act; conversation with a cunning but very smart person.

If the rat is black- the meaning of sleep intensifies.

Children's dream book

Rat- in your company there is a false friend who will betray you at the first danger.

If the rat is white- then this female traitor.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Rat- a reflection of resilience and/or developed intuition. A reminder of the dangers of hasty conclusions.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you see a rat in a dream and shudder in disgust- a vile person will appear next to you who will not give you peace.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a lot of rats in a dream- experience horror.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Rat- to a smart enemy.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing rats in a dream- means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, cheeky rats running around the house- in reality they foretell family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats- this means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

Trapped rat- portends a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill a rat- get rid of slander and rivalry. Dead rat- to a contagious disease.

Drive rats out of a room using a poker or something like that- there will be a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

Be afraid of rats in a dream- in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and will be falsely accused.

Grab a rat with your hands- you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat- receive life-saving support on time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes- you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Women's dream book

The appearance of rats in a dream- to serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible.

Grab a rat in a dream- means to treat human baseness with contempt. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents.

Kill a rat in a dream- a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

General dream book

Seeing a rat in a dream- to malicious, cynical deception, and coming from people close to you or neighbors. It is quite possible that some spiteful critic will even try to get into a fight with you. After you see a rat in a dream, a quarrel may occur with your companions or employees.

Grab a rat in a dream- means that you will cope with all your enemies with dignity and will be able to overcome the human baseness that life circumstances will confront you with in the near future.

If you had to kill a rat in a dream- this means that you will be lucky in all your affairs, and you will achieve victory in any situation and in any important matter.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Rat- can symbolize a traitor or scoundrel. Have you betrayed someone? If you do this, analyze your actions and take responsibility for them. Perhaps they are betraying you? Be aware of those around you and don't become a victim. Do you allow the little things in life to bother you? If yes, try to rise above it. Declare to yourself: “I shouldn’t be scattered about trifles. I have high goals in life!”

Rats too- can be a symbol of those qualities that you despise in yourself or from which you turn away with disgust. It is necessary to integrate and recognize all aspects of one's own Self. Remember the story of the Hamelin musician. Together with the rats, the children of Hamelin rushed after him. Those parts of your Self that you are disgusted with also give you potential. After all, the children leaving the city along with the rats are the potential. Love and respect all parts of yourself and you will become whole.

Dream book of the 21st century

Catching rats in a dream- to danger.

There are them- to trouble.

Seeing a rat- to bad news.

Fall into a rat trap in a dream- means that you need to beware of robbery; see an empty rat trap- you are not threatened by slander and rivalry; set a rat trap- a sign that you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

English dream book

Seeing rats in a dream- this is a warning about many enemies who will cause you worry and anxiety. For those who love- this dream means a rival who has enormous influence on your betrothed, who will do everything to push you out of her heart and take your place. Sleep also- warns that some imaginary friend is trying to disturb your happiness and peace of mind.

Italian dream book

Rat- an exceptional animal that strives to be in close proximity to humans, food, is predisposed to be in places of extreme wealth and has a tendency to cause damage to the environment it occupies. This is an image of a vampiric takeover, it has a negative connotation and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing luck, symbolic meaning of guilt, fears about health, fears about the devaluation of some loved one. An expression of emphasized female negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate oneself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess. This image may be associated with negative maternal influences.

Islamic dream book

Rat squeak- portends damage that will be caused by some nosy, spoiled person or thief.

Lunar dream book

Rats- grief and tears.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

White rat- cooperation and support from someone.

Rat bites man's clothes- you will achieve what you strived for.

A big rat runs by- foreshadows a joyful event.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Rat- soreness. Not only because the rat is the source of the plague, but largely because rats infest the house which is the image of the body. Someone whom the individual unconsciously thinks of as a rat - a symbol of treachery and being the first to abandon a sinking ship. Gluttony and the Horrible Mother archetype.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Rat- illness, dangerous person.

White- luck, enrichment through temptation followed by spiritual corruption, “help” dark forces; own greed.

Modern universal dream book

It's funny: wherever people go, rats follow on their heels. Six rats even participated in space flight. But since rats carry diseases and live in dirt, we don’t like them and are even afraid of them.

If you dream- rat, perhaps someone in your life is behaving dishonestly and uncleanly. Why is this man acting like a rat? Is this due to circumstances or his environment?

Rats spread diseases because they live in sewers. Possibly a person associated with a rat- behaves unscrupulously because he simply cannot imagine another model of behavior. Perhaps you should explain something to him.

Rat- symbolizes adaptation to environment. Rats can survive anywhere and, over generations, become resistant to certain poisons. The dream may indicate that you are also able to overcome all obstacles.

If someone in your dream is associated with a rat- perhaps this person has the character traits that you need to survive. For example, if you dream stingy man and in a dream you see him next to a rat, perhaps you should spend less money in real life.

You may dream about rats- also if you feel that someone is betraying you or spreading gossip about you.

Rats, along with mice, are used to conduct experiments in scientific laboratories.- Do you feel like a lab rat? Is someone pulling your strings and playing with your feelings and emotions just to see how you will react?

Dream book of a gypsy

Rat- you have a secret enemy, and he is acting against you. Someone you think is your friend (though not a close one) is actually your enemy. He (she) is not so much plotting something against you as learning your secrets in order to take advantage of them.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Rat- your spiritual uncleanliness, petty, nasty thoughts, your bitterness / shame, shame / secret danger / treachery of friends.

Kill a rat- it’s good / to defeat enemies / to meet the person who is guilty of you.

Catching rats- danger.

There are them- trouble.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Rat- danger, grief, illness, hunger, tears, troubles, threat, enemy, news of a bad friend; catch, kill- good luck, you will avoid danger.

Ukrainian dream book

Rat- troubles, enemy.

Catch, kill- destroy the danger.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Rat- grief, tears, danger; kill a rat- luck, the more, the more it was dead rat in a dream; white rat- hidden danger.

Collection of dream books

Rat- traitor; intruder.

See a rat in your own house- to wealth.

Rat- to the loss of a very important thing; several rats- quarrel with loved ones; kill her- victory over difficulties.

Rat- symbolizes death, decay, the underworld.

In China- personifies baseness and timidity.

In Christianity- a symbol of evil.

Rats, mice- dream of a loss.

A rat is an animal that always strives to settle near a person, use his food and shelter, thereby causing damage.

If you dream of a rat- most likely, you are in danger of losing luck, or you have reason to fear for your health. This image can also be associated with negative impact from your mother, or another woman who, using her attractiveness, seeks to subjugate you.

Kill a rat- to liberation or healing.

Hunt a rat- anxiety, but at the same time the rat is a symbol of material well-being.

Dreamed rat- a sign that you need to be more careful in life, since you have enemies who wish you harm.

Eating rat meat in a dream- to victory over danger and evil.


I dreamed about a Rat, what is it for, what does a Rat mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of dream Rat:

You dreamed of a Rat, what is it for - a terrible enemy. Great danger. Pluto and the 12th house.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream about a Rat.

Rat is a disease; troubles; fear of becoming an outcast. Catch a rat - cope with your enemies; killing a rat is a victory in any matter and in any situation.

Jewish dream book What does a Rat mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Rat, what is this for - a Rat gnawing on a table leg says that you will soon discover something that has spoiled your relationship with a loved one. A rat in a pan in the kitchen means that some kind of deception will be revealed.

Dream Interpretation by K. Hall Interpretation of the dream Rat:

What does the Rat mean in a dream - losses, disappointments in material affairs. Defending yourself from attacked rats means a lack of faith in justice and the desire to independently solve complex cases. Seeing rats in the house is a test of fate. Seeing a rat carrying food means damage from neighbors. A rat in the workplace (in the office, etc.) is a harmful colleague who is not easy to get rid of.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Rat mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Rat, what does it mean - Betrayal of a friend. Imagine that you give a rat poison, it eats it and dies. Bury it in the ground.

British dream book I dreamed about a Rat:

Rat - Rats are considered dirty animals that carry diseases. Indeed, most rats live in dirty places, where it is easy to contract diseases that are life-threatening to humans. However, they are also quite intelligent, adaptable and make good pets. The meaning of rats in a dream depends on how you feel about them. Why do you have a dream: Maybe the rat you dreamed about was a lover who betrayed you? Or did you dream of hordes of rats moving in one direction, fleeing from a sinking ship? This option may indicate a subconscious awareness of problems in relationships or at work. Rats in the house mean that you feel guilty because the cleanliness in it does not meet your standards; rats at work - that someone is trying to set you up.

Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell What does Rat mean:

You dreamed of a Rat, what is it for - you see a rat in a dream - the dream suggests that someone, without any reason, will insult you; control yourself and you will soon hear this person apologizing. It’s as if you are catching a rat - one of your loved ones will commit a dishonorable act; your attitude towards this person can be called impartial. It is as if you are killing a rat - you will rise to the occasion in a difficult situation; defeating enemies is your destiny.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Rat, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: What does a Rat mean in a dream (see also Pests) demonstrates the devastated and cunning part of the dreamer’s nature or the dreamed situation. It may also mean something that the dreamer finds disgusting. Perhaps in reality he will be betrayed by a work colleague or friend.

Russian dream book What does a Rat mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Rat, why is it - a harbinger of illness, failure, a sign of violent influence.


Dream Interpretation Rat

Rat, Rat without a tail, White rat, Dead rat, Rat bites, Black rat, Kill a rat, Mouse rats, Choke a rat, Two rats, Pet a rat, Eat a rat, Gray rat, Many rats, Catch a rat

If you saw a Rat in a dream or had to Catch a Rat in a dream, Dream Interpretations advise you to reconsider your surroundings as carefully as possible. A rat for you may turn out to be some cunning, dishonest person who uses you in every possible way in reality. In general, Dream Interpretations claim that Rats and Mice in a dream are not the most favorable sign, which promises you various kinds of troubles and problems.

I dreamed of a rat, Rats and mice in a dream, Many rats in a dream, Dreamed of two rats- troubles, bad news; illnesses and problems; otherwise - a negative emotional mood.

I dreamed of a white rat- the road to the treasure; help and support from unexpected quarters.

I dreamed of a gray rat- an insidious woman.

I dreamed of a black rat- enemy.

The color of the Rat you saw in your dream will help you make a forecast- what kind of events await you in the coming days in real life.

Eat a rat in a dream- major troubles and disappointments; to illness.

Be careful - in reality you are now at a very high risk of various kinds of infectious diseases.

I dreamed of a rat without a tail or a dead rat- troubles will pass by.

Strangle a rat in a dream, Kill a rat- victory over an unpleasant person.

Dead or destroyed by you Rat in a dream- an encouraging sign, predicting that in reality you will be able to neutralize a cunning and unpleasant person, you will be spared troubles, troubles and problems.

A rat bites in a dream- you will suffer from some cunning and deceitful person.

Catching a rat in a dream- desire to get rid of an unpleasant person.

Stroking a rat in a dream- to betrayal.


Beautiful big rat

Dream Interpretation Beautiful big rat dreamed of why you dream about a beautiful big rat? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a beautiful big rat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rats

IN modern world Rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of garbage-eating carriers of infection always precedes them wherever they appear. However, some people keep rats as PETS, their attitude towards them is, of course, different.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dream Interpretation - Rat


Half dead big rat in

Dream Interpretation Half-dead big rat in dreamed of why you dream of a half-dead big rat in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a half-dead big rat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of. Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies. A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry. A dead rat means a contagious disease.

To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results. If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused. To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person. Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time. If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The rat is a symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, and good luck.

Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and intelligently exterminate agricultural pests, this could turn into an environmental disaster that will lead to famine.

Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise.

Seeing pairs of rats walking along the street like people is a harbinger of the fact that in 2020, conservationists will declare the year of the sanctity of living beings.

Seeing a ship driven by rats - this symbol means that before the era of general prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066.

Seeing people preparing a dish from rats means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans.

Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness and should make you think about health and concern for life safety.

Seeing rats preparing to attack is a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone.

If in a dream you grabbed a rat, then you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies.

If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation.

According to Nostradamus, the rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, luck and... death.

A dream in which a huge number of rats eat crops speaks of a crop failure.

If you saw an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage, keep in mind that appearances are deceiving and a penchant for luxury does not indicate strength of character and a tendency to compromise.

If you dreamed about people with rat tails, take care of your health and safety.

D. Loff wrote: “In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt.

For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts.

According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has leaked. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.”

Dream Interpretation - Rats

In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of garbage-eating carriers of infection always precedes them wherever they appear. However, some people keep rats as PETS, their attitude towards them is, of course, different.

For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts.

According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has leaked. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.

In reality, do you perceive rats as pets or as dangerous predators?

In your dream, do rats pose a serious threat to your health and property, or are they simply a nuisance with their presence?

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing rats - to a large number enemies.

A woman sees herself holding a rat - foretells the birth of a child.

Catching a rat means meeting an unreliable person or that people are preparing trouble for you.

Seeing a cat catch a rat is a sign of prosperity.

Seeing a rat in a hole means your home is being robbed.

If a man saw that he was bitten by a rat, there would be trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Why are there rats in a dream? You dreamed of rats... In general, rats, like other “carriers of infection” (!), dream exclusively of diseases.

Pay attention to the size of rats in your dreams! How they behave, their quantity, quality... If there are 2-3 rats in a dream, then the illness will not be long or severe; if there are a lot of rats, especially if they are large, and even worse, if the rats hiss, pounce, attack you, and even try to eat you (and there are such sizes, it’s a dream!), then the situation is bad: you will either have a sharp, either a protracted illness or its threshold... The beginning.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief. Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy. Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy. See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dreaming of rats are secret or obvious enemies that are difficult to get rid of.

Such dreams are a sign of misfortune, failure, and illness.

Quarrels with neighbors, partners, colleagues are possible.

Fighting rats means suffering from deception, rudeness, arrogance, and betrayal.

Catching a rat means great luck.

Kill a rat - defeat your enemy.

A white rat is a hidden danger, someone’s location that you don’t need at all.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible.

Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity.

Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means disdaining human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying degrees of success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

Not everyone knows why a big rat dreams, but you really want to unravel your dream, because it doesn’t give you peace.

You dreamed of a big rat

As a rule, if you dreamed of a rat, this is not very good and should alert you. Such dreams occur if they want to betray you. Many people say that if you see a rat in a dream, then a person can expect a conflict with someone who will set him up for something in the near future.

Usually you can see a big rat in a dream before some very important and responsible task. In principle, almost every person has ill-wishers, and they are ready to go to great lengths if there is a chance to set up someone they dislike or hate. It also rarely happens that even the closest friends and good acquaintances are capable of doing something very unpleasant. Therefore, there is no need to think that your dream will not come true. This can happen when you least expect it.

What kind of rat was it?

Basically, all dream books and interpretations say that seeing a rat in a dream means enemies and quarrels. But there are also other points by which it is possible to determine who exactly wants to betray you or take revenge for something. It will be very good if you can remember what size the rat was, its color and whether it was active or, on the contrary, passive. More important point is what that rat was doing in your dream.

If you saw a white rat, then this means that a girl or woman will set you up; if the rat was black, then perhaps this will be a crushing blow for you. If a rat wants to bite, then some kind of disorder and illness await you.

Very often people see a dead rat in their dreams. However, there is no need to rejoice ahead of time and think that everything will be fine. You need to think carefully and analyze the situation and it will be better if you do not tell your acquaintances and friends about this dream. It is believed that seeing a rat that has already died in a dream means that you will defeat your enemies, but even here everything is not so simple. This symbolizes feelings of envy. It turns out that there is a rat, it is already dead and is incapable of causing you any harm. physical pain, but envy doesn't hurt you either. Therefore, you should not calm down and rejoice if the rat is dead, anyway, there is no positive moment in this. After all, not everyone expresses envy openly, that is, it can be anyone from your environment, even those from whom you least expect it. In the case when you see a living rat, and even a huge one, this indicates that the person who wishes you harm is also huge.

What does such a dream portend?

Basically, all dream books foretell deception and betrayal or tears. A rat in a dream brings nothing but misfortune and misfortune. But if you destroyed it yourself in your dream, then this means that soon you will be able to find out who this person is and unravel all his plans for you. But you need to act very carefully, because a rat is capable of biting you, and this is already bad. However, you should not fall into a depressed state, because this is a special sign sent from above to warn you of impending danger.

I would also like to add that if you had a dream on some holy holiday, then it will come true in the very near future, and also all dreams come true when they are dreamed on the night from Thursday to Friday.

But whether you believe it or not, this is your personal business, but most often all dreams come true, we just don’t focus our attention on this and don’t always check the interpretation of our dreams. But if you solved your dream and saw terrible things, do not be upset, as they say, this is fate, but you have a chance to change or meet this moment with dignity.

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