One of the most popular tasks is organizing business trips for the manager and his employees.

Business trip service

  • Search, purchase of tickets, transfer for executives, escorts
  • Drawing up the optimal route for a business trip
  • Visa processing
  • Hotel reservations for leaders and groups
  • Cost management, reducing travel budget, saving money
  • Support in emergency situations for corporate clients (managers and employees of companies)
  • Ensuring business travel security


First of all, this means organizing all the necessary processes and preparing documents. The priority is to save the time of top managers and the budget of the business structure. This is facilitated by a clear business trip plan and control of its implementation at all stages. A business trip for a manager will not require much effort from the organizers if they have relevant experience.

Negotiations, conferences, business meetings with foreign partners, opening new branches are an important part of big business. For a manager, a business trip involves new opportunities; you need to prepare for it in advance.

Traveling abroad will require a business visa. For the manager and his accompanying persons - collect and prepare the necessary papers. The package of documents and the visa processing time depend on the place and purpose of the executives’ departure. To obtain permission to some countries, the personal presence of the manager will be required.

Having accreditation in 15 embassies and a special structural unit, Aeroclub Group of Companies will provide assistance and comprehensive visa support to the directors and employees of companies.

The manager's trip may be private; in this case, confidentiality is guaranteed.


Aeroclub Group of Companies' proposals are aimed at the constructive implementation of all the manager's requests. Using our software product solves the issue of organizing and finding optimal offers for air and train tickets.

As an official representative of BCD Travel, we have access to special rates at thousands of hotels around the world. For managers and employees of companies that are our clients, discounts of up to 30% from official prices are provided. This comprehensively helps control travel expenses and save money.

Interaction with large international companies allows us to realize the individual needs of clients, including VIP trips.

  • Rent of airplanes, helicopters
  • Serving executives in airport VIP lounges
  • Organization of private transport and luxury car rental
  • Rent and preparation of villas
  • Concierge service on a business trip

An important aspect for a manager is a high level of security and customer support in emergency situations.


Turning to business travel experts entails a guaranteed reduction in business trip expenses for the manager and the company itself.


  • development of a work plan, business trip route;
  • participation in business negotiations with partner service providers;
  • assistance in paperwork and organization of business travel;
  • if necessary, meetings with the manager to discuss details.

Aeroclub Group of Companies offers its clients individual programs to reduce travel expenses. Our clients receive all the necessary documentation for the manager and accounting department

  • Financial, advance report on business trip
  • Statistical report (MIS reports)
  • Report at the request of the head of the company reflecting additional parameters

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It is necessary to clarify what status the business leader himself gives to the trip - organizing a special wardrobe, coordinating the stay, processing non-standard documents, etc.

Organizing business trips for an executive is a task for experienced specialists. The expected effect of business trips is achieved only through competent planning of organizational issues.

An important place in the work of a secretary is occupied by the organization of business trips for the manager. What are the functions of the secretary in preparing the manager and specialists for the trip?

1. The secretary selects all the information necessary for the business trip, including reports or abstracts for a conference or meeting, certificates, contracts, etc.

2. The secretary prints a business trip program indicating the organizations and persons with whom the manager or specialist must meet, as well as the time for which meetings or events are scheduled. The secretary must keep a copy of such a program, otherwise he will not be able to promptly contact the manager if necessary. The preliminary program is prepared by the secretary together with the manager and may contain the following information:

a) date of departure, arrival, duration of trip;

b) method of transportation;

c) hotel reservations;

d) places to visit and travel to them;

e) individuals or companies with whom you need to contact (names, addresses, telephone).

3. The secretary thinks over gifts and souvenirs for the receiving party.

4. The secretary supplies the manager with office supplies (notepads, pens, folders, etc.).

List of documents required for a manager on a business trip:

1) passport (if necessary, international passport);

2) air or train tickets;

3) travel certificate;

4) official assignment.

To be sent on a business trip, you first need to fill out a service assignment (form No. T-10a), which is subsequently used to draw up a report on the fulfillment of the purpose of the business trip. The task is approved by the head of the organization or an authorized person and transferred to the personnel service for issuing an order to be sent on a business trip.

In order for your manager to go on a business trip, it is not enough just a verbal agreement or a letter of invitation from the host party; it is necessary to prepare an order for sending on a business trip. In accordance with the new accounting forms, the order form for sending an employee on a business trip is drawn up in form No. T-9 (for sending several employees to one organization - No. T-9a).

After signing, the order must be registered. For registration, journal forms are most often used, in which the date and number of the order, its brief content, and the position of the manager who signed the document are entered. As a rule, travel orders have a common numbering with personnel orders, although it would be more correct to register travel orders separately (for example, with the index “k”, and orders for personnel – “ls”), since these orders have different storage periods (orders for secondment – ​​5 years, orders for personnel – 75 years minus age).

A travel certificate is a document certifying the time spent on a business trip, the time of arrival at the destination(s) and the time of departure from it(es). The travel certificate is issued in the T-10 form, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

At each destination, the travel certificate contains notes on the time of arrival and departure and is certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal that the organization usually uses in its business activities to certify the signature of the corresponding official.

A travel certificate may not be issued if the employee must return from a business trip to his place of permanent work on the same day on which he was sent. When traveling abroad, the time spent on a foreign business trip is determined by the marks in the international passport, so a certificate is not issued.

The day of departure on a business trip is the day of departure of a train, plane, bus or other vehicle from the place of permanent work of the business traveler, and the day of arrival is the day of arrival of the specified vehicle at the place of permanent work. If your manager’s departure is scheduled before 24:00 inclusive, then the day of departure on a business trip is considered the current day, and from 0:00 and later – the next day. For example, the train departs on January 29 at 23:50 (the station is located within the city), the first day of the trip in this case will be January 29. If the plane departs on January 30 at 0:40 a.m., and it takes 2 hours to get to the airport, then January 30 will still be considered the first day of the business trip.

The travel certificate form is issued by the employee responsible for business trips. The travel certificate is filled out in one copy, signed by the manager and sent to the employee responsible for business trips, who puts a mark of departure on the reverse side and registers the certificate in a special logbook for employees who left on business trips. In a small company, the secretary may act as the person responsible for business trips.

Before the manager leaves on a business trip, the secretary should receive as much information as possible about her actions during the manager’s absence. It is also necessary to control the issue of signing documents during the absence of the boss. If, during his absence, the manager transfers the right to sign to another official, then it is necessary to prepare a corresponding order assigning the duties of the manager for the period of his being on a business trip to the deputy manager or another official. The secretary must also monitor the execution of controlled documents, since when going on business trips, the employee responsible for controlling the execution of documents is obliged to transfer all controlled documents to another employee, in agreement with the immediate supervisor and the service that ensures execution control.

During the absence of the manager, the secretary usually performs all clerical operations with documents: receives and processes correspondence, registers documents and groups them by headings. That is, he performs his usual duties. All telephone calls received to the manager are recorded in a special log of telephone conversations. If these issues can be resolved by another employee within his competence, then telephone conversations are allowed to be redirected, and a corresponding entry is made in the registration log.

After the manager returns from a business trip, the secretary:

1) informs him about issues that arose during his absence;

2) processes business trip materials;

3) prepares reporting documents.

When working on a report, the secretary must know its purpose, scope and for whom it is intended. Typically the report includes three sections:

1) justification for the need for a business trip;

2) the sequence of solving issues;

The functions of the secretary include not only organizing business trips for managers and specialists, but also receiving posted workers. The secretary must find out:

1) on what issue the visitor arrived;

2) find out whether he is provided with a hotel and, if necessary, help him;

3) mark the travel certificate.

Travel certificates of arriving employees are registered in a special journal separately from travel certificates of employees of the organization.

If you follow these simple rules for organizing travel, business trips will contribute to the prosperity of your company, and not to its ruin.

To summarize: how competently and professionally you prepare a manager’s business trip largely determines its result, and, accordingly, the manager’s attitude towards you as a professional.

Business trip preparation plan for the secretary

Purpose of trip. Duration of stay, name of organization Issues discussed Necessary information Performers involved in the preparation of materials. Timing and form of information provision Technological and technical issues of preparing business trips
Conclusion of a contract. London. Firm "" from 00.00. to 00.00.0000 Product range, sales volume, prices, delivery times, etc. Product characteristics (certificate), draft contract, stay program, information about the company "" and other materials Trade and sales department, marketing department, information department, etc. Preparation of company data by 00.00.0000 Preparation of travel documents, ordering tickets, booking a hotel room; gifts and souvenirs, etc.

In the job description of the manager’s secretary, in the “job responsibilities” section, there is certainly a clause that determines that the obligatory function of the secretary is to prepare the manager’s business trips.

Business trip - a business assignment associated with going somewhere; travel to carry out such an assignment .

Recently, the term “business trip” is increasingly being replaced by another – a business trip for an executive. According to experts, this is due to the fact that Russia has entered into international market exchange, the economic situation in the country has changed, as well as the image, role and tasks of the leader in market relations. However, we will use the term that is designated in the Educational and Methodological Complex.

Manager's business trips are divided into 3 categories:

  • within Russia;
  • to the near abroad (former republics of the USSR, where much of the Soviet mentality has been preserved);
  • international.

However, other factors are also taken into account:

  • travel dates;
  • its tasks (introductory, final, etc.)%
  • complexity of the issues being resolved.

Business trip preparation scheme
Regardless of these differences, preparation of a business trip for a manager is carried out according to the same type of scheme.
The manager informs the secretary:

  • purpose of the trip;
  • issues that need to be resolved;
  • meetings (persons);
  • places to visit.

Based on this, the secretary prepares all the necessary documented information, which a manager may need on a business trip:

    • report or abstract for conferences and meetings planned on a business trip;
    • contracts(current and projects);
    • certificates, reports, diagrams etc.

If necessary, together with the manager, the secretary analyzes and finalizes the documents, and also makes several photocopies (while keeping 1 copy for himself).

The secretary compiles business trip program, the main points of which are usually the following:

  • organizations and persons with whom the manager must meet;
  • the time at which meetings or events are scheduled.

For clarity, the program can be compiled in the form of a table:

The secretary needs to coordinate the program with the receiving party, specifying the duration of the manager’s stay; If there are adjustments, they must be made.

The foreign business trip program, designed for several points and several days, can be more detailed and extensive and contain the following information:

  • time (duration of trip, date of departure and arrival);
  • method of transportation (by plane, train, car);
  • schedule of business events;
  • places to visit and travel to them;
  • persons or companies with whom it is necessary to establish preliminary contact.

The preparation of such a program, as a rule, begins by determining the main events, the time, place and timing of their holding, which have already been agreed upon with the receiving party. Based on the remaining time, less important events are planned, determining their time, place, and duration.

In such a detailed program, the secretary includes as much as possible all available information: addresses, names, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail, information about persons with whom the manager meets and which may be useful to him.

The secretary must keep a copy of the program in order to promptly contact the manager if necessary. By agreement with the manager, the secretary transfers another copy of the program to the deputy manager or the official designated by the manager.

The secretary can also make a list personal and official documents and materials required for the trip:

  • passport;
  • visa;
  • air tickets;
  • insurance policy;
  • service voucher;
  • documents necessary for meetings and negotiations (reports, contracts, licenses, specifications, certificates, etc.);
  • product examples.

If a manager’s business trip involves visiting several cities and industrial centers, then the secretary must carefully work out the manager’s route, coordinating and clarifying it with the schedule of planes, trains, etc.

The duties of the secretary also include ordering tickets to and from destinations. The secretary books a hotel room based on application drawn up on the letterhead of the organization and sent by fax.

You must receive a booking confirmation from the hotel, which contains:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the guest;
  • Reservation number;
  • residence time;
  • type of room booked.

If there is no protocol service in the structure of the organization, the secretary provides visa support, and he also issues all travel documents.
The secretary prepares gifts and souvenirs for the receiving party, provides the manager with the necessary document forms, business cards of the manager, office supplies (notebooks, folders, pens, disks, etc.).

On the eve of departure, it is necessary to check everything again and receive instructions from the manager about important urgent matters that should be completed in his absence, cancel all meetings that were scheduled earlier and fall on the days of his business trip.

The question of whether the secretary needs to accompany the manager to the airport, as well as the meeting upon arrival back, is decided by the manager himself.

Preparation and execution of documents for business trips

Documents for registration of business trips are drawn up according to unified forms approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1:

  • an order to send an individual employee (in our case, a manager) on a business trip (Form No. T-9);
  • employee travel certificate (form No. T-10);
  • official assignment with a report on its implementation (form No. T-10a);
  • advance report (form No. AO-1).

Before creating an order to send a manager on a business trip, fill out and formalize job assignment, it is used to create an order and report on the fulfillment of the purpose of a business trip.

Form of official assignment for sending on a business trip

The task is approved by the head of the organization or an authorized person, then transferred to the personnel service to issue an order to be sent on a business trip. The same form No. T-10a also contains a report on the completion of the task, therefore it is very convenient.

For a manager to go on a business trip, it is not enough just to have an invitation letter from the host party; it is necessary to prepare order to go on a business trip. Form T-9.

As a rule, the draft order for a manager’s business trip is prepared by his secretary. Order:

  • filled out by a HR employee;
  • endorsed by the chief accountant;
  • signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person.

The order specifies:

  • Full Name;
  • structural subdivision;
  • profession (position) of the traveler;
  • target;
  • deadlines;
  • business trip location.

If necessary, the order indicates the source of payment for travel expenses and other conditions for going on a business trip. Thus, travel expenses are often paid by the inviting (host) party.
After signing, the order must be registered in the personnel order register. The journal form contains the following sections:

At the discretion of the organization, the logbook may contain additional sections in accordance with established rules.
Travel certificate issued in form No. T-10 after signing the travel order.

Travel certificate form

Travel certificate form. Reverse side
The travel certificate is issued by the secretary, entering into it all the data from the order. The travel certificate log has the following columns:

At each destination, notes on the time of arrival and departure are made on the travel certificate, which are certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal.

Upon completion of the trip, a Advance report. It is drawn up by the traveler in one copy in the prescribed form.

Advance travel report form

On the reverse side of the form, a list of documents confirming production expenses (receipts, travel documents, sales receipts and other supporting documents) is written down. Amounts of costs for supporting documents are recorded in columns 1–6 of the reverse side of the form. The documents that are attached to the report are numbered by the traveler in the order of entry in the report. The organization's accounting department checks the intended use of funds, the availability of supporting documents, and the correctness of the calculation of amounts. The verified expense report is approved by the head of the organization or an authorized person and accepted for accounting.

Before the manager leaves on a business trip, the secretary receives instructions from him about his actions during the manager’s absence. According to established practice, during this period of time the secretary performs all his usual clerical duties: receives and processes correspondence, registers documents, groups them into categories, etc. However, along with these usual duties, the secretary pays attention to those issues that he cannot pay due attention at other times:

  • compiling a list of cases;
  • case formation;
  • registration of cases;
  • checking the availability of documents and files.

The secretary records telephone calls addressed to the manager in a special journal. If, during the absence of the manager on a business trip, issues can be resolved by other officials within their competence, telephone calls are redirected, and a corresponding entry is made in their accounting journal.

After the manager returns from a business trip, the secretary processes the business trip materials: copies, scans, multiplies them, and transfers them to the relevant employees and structural units.

The secretary's job responsibilities include drawing up a business trip report, when working on which the secretary must know its purpose and scope. Typically the report consists of 3 sections:

  • justification for the need for a business trip;
  • questions and the sequence of their resolution;
  • conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.

The secretary also informs the manager about issues that arose during his absence and the progress of their resolution.
Thus, preparing a business trip for a manager, being a mandatory function of the secretary, consists of organizational and information support for the manager’s trip.

S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Edition 2nd rev. and augmented. Moscow “AZ”, 1995, p.280.

A business trip for a manager is always a responsible and important task. A business trip is planned in advance. What conditions should be included in the business trip program? How to book a hotel room? These nuances need to be carefully considered when drawing up a plan.

The nuances of organizing a business trip for a manager

Business trip - determination of an employee to go to a place of work that does not belong to the company’s territory. They can be within one locality or travel hundreds of kilometers away, including crossing the border.

Departures and arrivals are prepared according to a template plan. Sometimes additional conditions are taken into account. An employee can be represented in different statuses:

  • VIP person;
  • Important guest;
  • Meeting participant;
  • Business partner and the like.

If the leader comes as an honored guest or VIP, then the host party can bear all expenses. The director may be a member of the delegation. All organizational issues in this case are taken over by the organizer of this trip.

The main responsibilities of the secretary in preparing the manager’s business trip

If the director goes for several days for work, the secretary must prepare the relevant documents: official assignment and order for the official trip. They will be needed later for detailed report preparation. The task and order must be approved.

Before sending the director on a business trip, the secretary should receive as much information as possible about the implementation of actions during the director’s absence. Please clarify the issue of signing documents during absence. If, during an official departure, the manager transfers his signature authority to another official, an appropriate order for the resolution must be generated.

The procedure for organizing a business trip for a manager

The procedure and responsibilities for organizing a business trip fall on the manager and secretary. The second prepares orders for business trips, registers them in the logbook and provides certificates for business trips. This document has a standard form. The secretary only fills it out in accordance with the order. The duties of the secretary necessarily include preparing him for the trip. The secretary, together with the director, prints the program. It contains the names of organizations, names of individuals, and dates of meetings with each of them. The company name must be correct. Additionally, telephone numbers and addresses must be indicated. The secretary always knows where the director is. If the need arises, he can contact him.

How to write a business trip order for a manager?

Does your manager need to go on a business trip? To begin, you need to create a job assignment. It serves as the basis for the subsequent drawing up of the order. If it is not there, the order cannot be created. Take this feature into account. After this, you will be able to issue an Order to go on a business trip. This is an important document that has significant legal force for the enterprise. On the basis of this paper, specialists act. It also affects document flow in the enterprise. The order must be signed by the director or authorized person.

Executive trip plan

The travel program is an important component. You need to remember all the dates and appointments. Created on the basis of submitted documents. You also need to consider:

  • Way to travel. Train, plane or personal car;
  • Optimal arrival and departure times;
  • Method of paying for travel, renting premises, and so on.

Practical tips for planning your trip

Practical advice on how to organize a director's departure well is based on evidence. Sometimes colleagues have already traveled in this direction and even to this locality. Consult them and find out which area is convenient to live in and why. Also check whether the metro, cafes, benches for relaxation in the park are close, whether the hotel is comfortable, and so on. Similar questions can be asked to the secretary of the company to which the director is sent. Take advantage of reviews from tourists on the Internet who share their impressions.

These simple tips will help you properly organize your manager’s trip.

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