In our article we will talk about great prophetess Vange, whose predictions shook the whole world, one of which says that America will go under water.

Birth of a clairvoyant

She appeared on the last day of January 1911 at exactly twelve o'clock at night, in the small town of Strumica, which belonged to the Ottoman Empire, today part of Macedonia.

Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova was born in the family of a poor Bulgarian. The clairvoyant's name means "good news." As a newborn, she was so weak that her parents did not even call her, thinking that she would die. But the baby with her fingers and toes connected, born two months early, with her ears attached to her head, survived against all odds.

In those days, the child was named according to local custom, according to which the name was given by the first person he met on the street. The girl received the name Andromache, which was rejected by her grandmother, and the soothsayer was named Vangelia. Perhaps this name saved the girl; after her baptism on February 26, she began to recover sharply.

Difficult childhood

The war began, and my father had to go to the front of the First World War as part of the Bulgarian army. At the same time, the mother dies during childbirth. The three-year-old baby was left alone. She was taken in by her Turkish neighbor Asania, with whom she lived for three years.

The head of the family returned from the war when the girl was seven years old. The father married again. A caring stepmother raised her until she was 12 years old. It should be noted that Vanga was a very hardworking and cheerful girl. She loved to play blindfolded, to look for objects while blindfolded, so, probably, her gift was already breaking through then.

Loss of vision

In 1923, another tragedy occurred. The girl went blind. The reason for this was a hurricane, which threw her very far from the spring where she drank water with other children. And only in the evening she was found lying on the ground, far from the house, covered with branches.

Vanga's eyes were filled with sand. She needed an urgent operation, but the family had no money, and four years later the girl became completely blind. The reason for this was also poor nutrition due to a miserable existence.

Blind Vanga became a burden to her parents, helpless, and needed care. It was decided to send my daughter to Serbia, to a school for the blind. Fifteen-year-old Vangelia studied the alphabet for the blind and other sciences there, studied music, and mastered the piano. Moreover, she learned to clean things up on her own and even cook.

Difficult youth

A difficult fate continued to haunt her. Tank's stepmother died giving birth to her fourth child, and the baby also did not survive. So she returned home to help her father. The blind girl was excellent at housework. She learned to knit at a school for the blind, which brought in a small income. My father worked as a shepherd and laborer, but there was still a catastrophic lack of money. Soon Vanga herself will become seriously ill with pleurisy. Her family lost hope that she would survive, but she got back on her feet.

In 1940, my father fell ill with a terrible disease of blood poisoning. And he died soon, he was 54 years old. Vanga foresaw his death. The brothers went to a neighboring village to work as laborers, leaving her with her sister. As fate would have it, two years later she met her future husband, Dimitar Gushterov, with whom she moved to the city of Petrich.

Vanga's abilities

The seer easily identified people's illnesses and predicted fate. Visitors from all over the world came to see her. Vanga could point to a specific doctor who would help get rid of the disease.

Vanga claimed that she received information about people without reading their thoughts. It came from the spirits of the dead, transparent and glowing with a bright flame, who, like the living, move, sit and laugh. Another way of knowledge was through a mysterious voice.

Her predictions

The collapse of the USSR, the victory of Boris Yeltsin in the presidential elections, the tragedy with the Russian submarine "Kursk", the terrorist attack in America on September 11, natural disasters and many other events. We will talk about one prediction in more detail: how America will go under water.

According to the soothsayer, the United States will disappear from the face of the earth.

Let's talk about the prophecy of how America will go under water. Sergei Kostornoy, a journalist and relative of Vanga, voiced the prediction that the clairvoyant gave in a narrow circle of relatives and friends. But it was ordered not to release information to the masses until a certain point. Back in the 70s, she said that America does not exist, that she does not see it.

She did not say literally that America would go under water. She spoke about events, namely that the United States will be led by the 44th black president, who will be the last ruler. This will be due to the fact that the continent freezes or suffers from a terrible economic crisis.

The soothsayer Vanga indirectly said that America would go under water. In recent years, it has been hit by many natural disasters such as tornadoes, disastrous floods, deadly tornadoes and hurricanes. She never spoke about the apocalypse, but she predicted that some countries would disappear from the face of the earth. Therefore, it is unknown in what year America will go under water.

What else did Vanga say about America?

She predicted that the country would be mired in a terrible economic crisis, which would be a consequence of the disintegration of the States into independent lands with new leaders.

She argued that the United States would independently recognize the dominance of the new leader in the person of Russia, which would gain unprecedented power by uniting all the Slavic countries, which would only grow stronger over the years. Russia will enlist the support of China and India. And peace will reign, all wars and troubles will end. Thus, Vanga did not specifically say that America would go under water.

What is the opinion of scientists?

They predict that due to the melting of Antarctica's glaciers, by 2100 New York will be completely buried under water.

The water level in the world's oceans is rising much faster (by 25%) than predicted. Raising the level to two meters is already a disaster, but five is expected. And within half a century, many large cities from all over the world will disappear under the water column. Scientists estimate that by 2050 the eastern coasts of the United States, Canada and Latin America will be flooded. Australia will suffer.

American scientists also made a statement that the water level in the northeastern part of the United States is rising three or even four times faster than throughout the Earth as a whole. A rise in sea level of just one meter will lead to more frequent flooding. It will happen not once every century, but one every three years. This is similar to the prediction "America will go under water."

Scientists also see the apocalypse for the United States and North America as a result of terrible and powerful earthquakes, due to which all coastal areas will be flooded.

If we compare the forecasts of scientists and Vanga’s prediction “America will go under water,” it becomes clear that a general picture emerges. But, unfortunately, people do not take this information seriously.

By 2030, the world's political landscape will change significantly. The number of superpowers will increase sharply. The USA will be joined by Russia, China, Germany, India and Japan. At the same time, the power of the state will increasingly “spread” through non-state organizations and institutions. In general, the post-war order of things will remain, but, Forbes believes, there will be a significant increase in uncertainty and instability on the planet.

In the nineties of the last century, scientists, in particular the American philosopher and political scientist Francis Fukuyama, predicted the decline and disappearance of nation states. They were expected to succumb to the onslaught of globalization. Now, however, it turns out that this forecast was largely inaccurate. Rumors about the demise of nation states turned out to be greatly exaggerated.

In contrast, large nation states accumulate power. This is most clearly seen in their defense capabilities. The top ten countries for defense spending in 2015, according to SIPRI data, included the United States, China, Russia, India, Japan and Germany, the very countries that will dominate the planet in a decade and a half. When talking about peace, they are clearly preparing for a possible war. And they are not alone. The entire planet's defense spending has been growing steadily since the late nineties of the last century. Last year they exceeded $1.6 trillion. Experts believe that the growth trend will continue into the next decade.

These six countries will continue to dominate in economic development. At the same time, when calculating GDP taking into account purchasing power, China has already surpassed the United States. And according to this indicator, Russia is one of the five most developed countries. Forbes believes that these same countries will retain their leadership in 2030. Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Mexico, Indonesia, as well as a number of other countries may be added to them.

Of course, nation states are not the only format of political and economic organization society. They are already gradually sharing sovereignty and power with other forms of control, power and influence. These changes are being accelerated by the fourth industrial revolution. As economist Anne-Marie Slaughter explains, “Nation states are like the chessboard of geopolitics, but the rules of the game are greatly complicated by a dense web of business, social and criminal activity.”

Anything O Megacities also play an important role in the life of humanity. Take Mexico City, for example, which has the largest police force in the world. The number of city police departments in the Mexican capital is close to 100 thousand people.

Another example is New York, whose budget is $82 billion and exceeds the budgets of 160 countries on the planet. The population of the largest megacities, such as, say, Seoul or Tokyo, is larger than the population of many countries.

Political scientists identify four threats to the existence of nation states. Firstly, the redistribution of power and authority between several superpowers sharply disrupts the existing world order. Old alliances formed after World War II are giving way to new coalitions in Asia, Africa and Latin America. On the one hand, these changes reflect changes in the political and economic life of the regions, but on the other, they increase the risk of volatility and may even lead to wars.

Secondly, the gradual weakening of nation states leads to the creation of parallel systems of governance. Now on the planet there are more than 4 thousand officially registered special economic zones, which are something like quasi-states. Many such zones in China, Malaysia, South Korea and the UAE are considered quite successful. With economic zones rapidly springing up in Lately in Africa and southern Asia, the situation is more complicated.

Third, nation-states and quasi-states are under ever-increasing pressure from decentralized non-state institutions and coalitions. Huge transnational companies are already taking an active part in shaping national policy, and their weight is increasing all the time. What unites these institutions, among other things, is their strong dependence on digital technologies. Development and distribution latest technologies Forbes believes that it both strengthens and destroys democracy. The Fourth Industrial Revolution offers enormous advantages to humanity, but it also poses many dangers and underwater reefs.

Fourth, the power of nation states is being weakened by the increasing urbanization of the planet and megacities. The number of medium and large cities has increased 10-fold over the past six decades. Now on the planet there are 29 megacities with a population of at least 10 million people, 163 cities with a population of 3 to 10 million inhabitants, and at least 538 millionaire cities. At the same time, large cities are now not just adopting some standards from states. They themselves dictate forms and develop new norms and rules of coexistence. Moreover, we are talking not only about domestic, but also about foreign policy. It is not surprising that the geography of power is gradually shifting towards megacities.

Nation states will exist by 2030 and will continue to play a major role in the life of humanity, but in addition to the four main risks, they are also threatened by many smaller dangers, which also cannot be forgotten. The main thing, Forbes believes, is that nation states do not turn into an anachronism and begin to threaten the existence and prosperity of humanity. However, the alternative form of social organization in the form of megacities has not yet proven its usefulness. This means that there is no alternative to nation states, at least at this stage of development.

Prophecies of American Danion Brinkley about the future fate of the United States. He “received” his unusual abilities in the summer of 1975 after clinical death, which occurred as a result of a lightning discharge passing through his body while talking on the phone. After the injury, Dannion's spirit flew through a dark tunnel to an angel, who escorted him to the “crystal city.” There, Brinkley visited the “Temple of Knowledge” and received 13 visions contained in certain “boxes”. The angel showed him 117 pictures of possible future events, 95 of which took place before 1998. Dannion was resuscitated 28 minutes after he was pronounced dead. He later described his visions in the book Saved by the Light (1995).

“I saw,” writes Brinkley, that the black stain of a century of debt had descended on America. Scenes of spiritual regression flashed before me. People became “empty” inside - living shells filled with ambitions, selfish desires and passions”; “I watched these images, much like modern films, and cried in pain for the old values. People turned into animals. They adopted the laws of the wolf pack.

I have seen transparent people who are completely hollow inside. This emptiness, it was explained to me, was the result of a loss of faith in America and its ideals. The war, combined with inflation and distrust in our government system, created a spiritual vacuum, which was exacerbated by the loss of faith in God. The result of all this was rebellion and unrest, born of the desire to have more material wealth; teenagers shooting at each other; criminals stealing cars and staging shootouts. Most of the criminals were children and teenagers who had no one to care for them. I realized with excruciating pain that the lack of family ties encouraged them to behave like wolves.”

Visions of economic turmoil and Desert Storm. I was shown that at the turn of the century the world would experience an economic collapse. I saw people's disappointed faces and dollars flying through the air. Europe will try to save itself by introducing strict restrictions on the financial markets of its countries. Around the same time, America would be rocked by two terrible earthquakes. Restoring destroyed cities will require huge investments. The losses will be so heavy that the US will cede global leadership to China.

I saw scenes of war in the desert. In 1990, all these visions were repeated in the Desert Storm military campaign. Iraq, having been defeated, left occupied Kuwait and harbored a mortal grudge against Western civilization... Iran and Iraq took over nuclear weapons. I saw several Iranian-operated submarines. They were heading to the shores of America and were armed with missiles with chemical and nuclear warheads...

Last vision: “World War III. I saw scenes of chaos and horror from the southern deserts to the northern seas. One of the paintings struck me more than others. An army of women in black uniforms and brown scarves marched through some European city. The words rang in my head: “The fear of these people was so great that it forced them to give up all rights and freedoms for the sake of personal safety.

I also saw fields and gardens with rich harvests, and next to them, behind barbed wire, hundreds of exhausted and hungry people. Several European capitals also flashed by, flooded with water or almost hidden under a thick layer of dried mud. The entire north of America was engulfed in civil wars and endless racial conflicts. Millions of immigrants rushed across the cordons and borders into Nicaragua and Chile. The flood of refugees has crippled Mexico's economy and plunged the country into gang chaos.

The end of America as a world power would come with two monstrous earthquakes, during which houses swayed and fell to the ground like children's toys. I knew that earthquakes would happen at the end or beginning of the century, but I could not determine where they were occurring. I remember seeing a large body of water - perhaps a river. Expenses for the restoration of destroyed cities should appear the last straw for a state whose finances have been depleted to such an extent that it can no longer support itself. The screen showed hungry Americans standing in line for food. Scenes of war in the desert appeared. I saw armies fighting in clouds of dust raised by tank tracks. The gunfire and explosions sounded like lightning flashes. The ground shook. But suddenly there was silence, and like a bird I flew over the arches of sand strewn with the wreckage of military equipment.

No, the 21st century will not be easy. I know how many disasters can be avoided, but my method will seem unacceptable to you. Although it is very simple - people need to understand and show others that human kindness can change lives in better side. Only combined efforts and mutual love can avert the troubles that are already on our doorstep.”

Orson Pratt (1811-1881) One of the first Mormon prophets, the writer in 1879 predicted another civil war that would break out in the United States in the future: “And in what conditions will the people find themselves when this war breaks out? It will be completely different from that war between the North and the South (the civil war of 1861-1865 - S.V.) ... Neighbor will go to war with neighbor, city will rise up against city, village against village, state against state and state against state. And they will, without stopping, exterminate others and die themselves, and the industry will eventually fall into complete decline... Cities will be empty. The time will come when the huge and crowded New York... will become completely uninhabited.

Clairvoyant Ross Peterson, who predicts future events, being in a state of trance, prophesies about catastrophic transformations of the earth's crust. In his opinion, Georgia, the Carolinas and the entire West Coast of the United States will suffer as a result of a terrible tectonic cataclysm. California will be flooded and New York will be submerged in the ocean. Vast areas of Europe will “disappear in the blink of an eye.” Peterson argues that Spain, Portugal and the west coast of England will "sink into the water." All these tragic events will return humanity to true religion. According to his predictions, a new teaching will arise in Russia - a modified form of Christianity, and Asia will undergo a great spiritual revival.

Famous American fortune teller Jean Dixon said that global catastrophes would begin on earth, and the face of our planet would change significantly: “Where there is water now, there will be land, and where there is land today, violent streams will rush in like whirlwinds, sweeping away everything in its path”; “We will all be eyewitnesses of the shadow of the cross, the shaking of the earth and three days of darkness.”

Palestinian prophet Ziyad Silwadi predicts the imminent death of the United States of America. Based on the suras of the Koran, the Palestinian prophet predicts that the country will disappear from the face of the earth in the near future. According to Sylvadi's forecasts, the United States will be washed away by a powerful tsunami. “Water death” will hit America simultaneously from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The Palestinian argues that such a terrible fate for the United States will be just retribution for the country's treatment of Indians, as well as for the oppression of blacks, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and support for the Zionists. In his prophecies, Ziyad Silvadi quotes the 40th sura of the Koran, which speaks of the execution of the sinful pharaoh, who dies in boiling water. According to his predictions, the tsunami waves will be hot, probably the sea water will heat up as a result of the activation of underwater volcanoes.

Outstanding American fortuneteller Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), who foreshadowed future events in a state of trance and his prophecies almost always came true with incredible accuracy, warned: “The beginning of the century will be marked by powerful changes in the earth’s surface, resulting from terrible earthquakes and other natural disasters. The earthquake belt running across the Pacific Ocean along the coasts of North and South America to the eastern coast of Japan and passing through the East Indies, West Indies and some other islands is dangerous... There will be a movement of the poles. There will be displacements in the Arctic and Antarctica, which will result in eruptions in the tropical zone..., top part Europe will change in the blink of an eye"; “The earth will undergo catastrophic destruction…. Most of Europe will change beyond recognition in an instant. England is half-flooded. Most of Japan must go under water. In the western part of America the earth will begin to split apart.” California and southern Nevada will plunge into the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Mexico is in ruins. “Virginia Beach will be among those safe areas of land that, just like parts of the current states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, as well as most of Southern Canada, will not be subject to the destructive effects of the elements. At the same time, the western part of the continent will suffer greatly, as will its other regions. Over the next few years, new islands will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans... The earth will break in many places. First, the west coast of America will be transformed. In the northern regions of Greenland there will be open waters, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea... South America will be shaken from top to bottom; and in Antarctica, not far from Tierra del Fuego, there will be land and a strait with raging waters.”

Later, the predictor spoke in more detail about the consequences of the tectonic cataclysm in North America: “Look at New York, Connecticut and the like. Many areas on the East Coast will shake, as will the central United States.
Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of these cities will be destroyed, even before New York.
The East Coast areas near New York, and perhaps New York itself, will virtually disappear from the face of the earth. Here, however, another generation will live; as for the southern parts of Carolina, Georgia, they will disappear. And it will happen sooner.
The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico.
As a result of a terrible tectonic cataclysm, the Earth's rotation axis will shift relative to the ecliptic plane. The Prophet claimed that as a result of this the climate on the planet would change significantly.

In case of terrible natural disasters, the territory of Russia, as E. Casey predicted, will suffer less than other countries. The huge continental plate on which our country is located will remain almost untouched. The region from the Urals to Lake Baikal will become a modern analogue of Noah's Ark.

The first signs of an approaching catastrophe, according to E. Casey, will be an increase in seismic activity in the Pacific Ocean: “When there are the first fluctuations in the South Sea and there will be a noticeable lowering or raising of what is almost opposite, either in the Mediterranean, and in the area of ​​Aetna (Etna ). Then we will know it has started.”

Edgar Cayce spoke of the future troubles that the United States would face: “Though there will be periods of great upheaval, when brother rises against brother, group, sect, or race rises against race, there must still be a balance.” He also warned of a major upheaval in the United States, calling on “those at the pinnacle of power to use their means, money, education and position” to consider those less privileged in society: “As for these people, Ultimately, there will be a coup in this country - and one region will rise up against another. Because this is a question of equality and the means to which people resort when there is plenty in some areas and a lack of livelihood in others.”

Famous American psychic Chet B. Snow, with whom Dr. Helen Wambach conducted hypnotic progression sessions (foreseeing the future in a trance state), in her book “The Future. Your life after 2000” cites numerous circumstances of the upcoming catastrophe associated with increased seismic activity in the bowels of our planet. I will give just some excerpts from the psychic’s notes: “Your eyes are closed and you are pleased that they are closed,” says Helen. Deep relaxation, it covers your facial muscles, the tongue in your mouth falls weakened... Soaring and moving forward in time, this time you will perceive everything that you see, hear or feel as happening to you in a dream...” Further, while under hypnosis, the psychic reports: “Recently there have been volcanic eruptions, terrible storms and subsidence of the soil, which led to severe floods along the west coast. The consequence of this was atmospheric disturbances and quite severe destruction throughout the entire Pacific region.
- What kind of volcano was this? Where did it all start?
- Fuji.
- Where? Tell me the name of this volcano again. Your voice sounds clear and precise as you pass the entire scene through your consciousness, just like in a dream...
- It was Fujiyama, it seems to me. At least, a volcano in Japan. Its eruption caused a chain reaction of powerful earthquakes and subsequent volcanic eruptions in Pacific region, all the way to Alaska. The newspapers called it the “ring of fire flash.”
- When did it start?
- Around the beginning of March, it seems. I didn't know the exact date because there were only minor tremors in our area before Mount Fuji exploded.
- What about California? Did anything happen there?
- Yes, strong storms broke out there, big floods... perhaps even what is called a small tsunami occurred. I think there were subsequent aftershocks, even perhaps one strong earthquake. This led to terrible floods. Part of the coast simply went under water, and as a result sea ​​waters penetrated into the central valleys of the country and flooded the lowlands. The worst thing is in southern California, where a huge part of the earth's surface subjected to tremors simply collapsed. - A few moments later I heard my voice continue: - But I believe that the population was warned, or (the disaster) did not happen immediately, for I know that a large-scale evacuation of people to the mountainous area was carried out. Now at the end of March, television and radio are assuring people that the worst is behind us. The waters are slowly receding, and we simply have to adapt to the new situation...
Helen's voice moved me forward. At first everything around me was black. Then I realized that it was the sky that had completely darkened. There was so much soot and dust flying in the air that it took my breath away for a while...
“The second act of the tragedy has happened,” I answered. Then I said what happened a month ago, in May. The exact dates seemed immaterial. I saw myself in nature (Arizona), where I looked after horses and worked in the garden that we started to provide ourselves with fresh vegetables. I enjoyed tinkering with animals and plants, as if to compensate for the lectures and research I was doing. Suddenly there was a rumble deep underground and the vibration of the soil that rolled like a roller toppled me over. Part of our ranch collapsed and people were running out of it screaming and yelling. We were doing a disaster survival class, so I knew I had to quickly run to the huge propane tank and turn on the valve to shut off the gas. Only then did I notice that I was shaking all over and was terribly scared!” As a result of the cataclysm, according to the psychic, “the Gulf of Mexico swallowed up almost all of Texas,” “the coastline moved a couple of hundred miles to Phoenix in Arizona, and all the way to Oregon there were only mountainous areas above the surface of the water.” Part of Japan sank under water, where millions of people died. All that was left of Australia was a small island, and a new continent emerged from under the water in the Atlantic Ocean.
Between 1980 and 1985, Helen Wambach, Chet B. Snow, Beverly Lundell, and Dr. Leo Sprinkle organized several groups of volunteers numbering more than 2.5 thousand people who were immersed in a state of progression using hypnosis. Based on statistical data, it was found that only 5% of Americans survived a global catastrophe. For the rest of the subjects, the future was imagined only in the form of a blindingly bright light. This phenomenon usually accompanies the transition to another world, which is confirmed by numerous descriptions of people who were in this state, that is, on the verge between life and death, and who safely returned to their normal existence. Most people under hypnosis describe desert landscapes with sparse vegetation, abandoned cities, "buildings are destroyed and the ground is covered with ruins, garbage and rubble", the environment as "foggy, gray, damp, cold... almost without signs of life." One New Yorker saw himself like this: “Walking down the street alone... Dinner consists of red meat on the bone, and I eat in some dark, cellar-like room in the company of a man in a hat, whose face is covered with red spots... . My hands are also covered in stains... The experience depresses me. I definitely wouldn’t want to go back to a devastated place like that again.”

Ruth Montgomery- a former journalist, and now a spiritualist, with the help of “spiritual guides”, predicts a future catastrophe and claims that a terrible tectonic catastrophe will occur in the area of ​​​​the San Andreas fault: “The fault will begin to move in the next few years and turn into ruins part of the buildings built on it wonderful modern buildings. People should know this before building anything in those parts. As it begins to move apart, California will slide piece by piece into the ocean. The number of victims will be huge... In those places where this happens at night, it will seem that the stars are rushing across the sky like crazy, and with the onset of dawn there will be a feeling as if the Sun has risen on the wrong side of the horizon. Where this happens during the day, it will seem as if the Sun is constantly overhead. Then the luminary, having created the illusion that it is moving in the opposite direction, disappears for a while behind the horizon line, and then rises there... Those who manage to reach safe place, they will see the earth’s surface shake and tremble; and as the oceans begin to flood the land, its individual sections will turn into a sea of ​​boiling water. Many simultaneous eruptions from the depths of the earth's crust will lead to the appearance of new islands above the water surface of the oceans; at the same time, other areas of land will be swallowed up by the sea. Please imagine a huge wave, the size of a ten-story building, rushing towards the shore. It is impossible to hide from her. And therefore, in this moment full of chilling horror, it is best, renouncing fear, to think about the bliss that can be found by leaving this world.”
“Due to tidal waves caused by the displacement of the earth’s axis, almost no part of the sea coasts can be considered safe; The low-lying regions of Europe are at risk, but larger landmasses inland, such as Canada, Russia, Africa and China, will be relatively safe.”
“It is, of course, impossible to accurately establish the angle of displacement, but, as we have already stated, one pole will be in the Pacific Ocean, and the other somewhere in the southern part of South America... Many people will not survive this displacement, although there will be many who will survive. This will happen for the reason that after a period of foaming seas and terrifying hurricane winds, the disorderly rampage will cease. Those who previously lived in the tropics will find themselves in the north, and vice versa - residents of cold countries will find themselves in the south.”
Immediately before the shift of the earth’s axis, the journalist’s “guides” predict strong volcanic eruptions on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, South America and California, as well as global earthquakes in Europe and Asia. “They will become the harbingers of the shift itself,” warn Ruth Montgomery’s “consultants,” and the Earth will sway smoothly from side to side all this time, as if lulling a baby in a cradle, day and night.”
Vision of the American clairvoyant Nancy: “I look down at the Earth, from space, but I am far enough away and am unable to see all the outlines at once, in detail. Over North America, all I can see is a line from North Pole to the bulge of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. The Earth then turns eastward below me until I move somewhere across the Pacific Ocean so that I can see the end of the line from South Pole to the center of India.
Now I'm over India, the Earth is turning so that I'm moving through space back to North America. Moving around Southeast Asia, I see that the Earth on the sea coasts is disappearing, as if being eaten up by water everywhere. This all happens along the coastline, as far as my eye can see, from the north of Korea to Indonesia. Indonesia thus essentially disappears entirely. Australia is experiencing the effects of water even before this coastline eating begins, as the western half is completely underwater.
When the west coast of North America is shown, I see that the entire coastline of North America from what I understand to be California to Canada is suddenly raised above the water level. Central America is under water. In the place where (I assume) San Francisco was - a waterfall. This coastline is not green, but a beige color has appeared. Moving over the United States, I see the southeast coast being eaten far inland in the same manner as southeast Asia. Florida disappeared - like the entire east coast, it was transformed into the Appalachian Mountains. The far south is under water.
Now the view of the Earth's position changes, it rotates below me so that I see the familiar outlines of the land. Moving over Canada and then over the Greenland massif, I see that where Europe used to be, a series of islands are visible. When moving further along the continent, I see India, or the place where it was usually located, which already ends in azure water. India is completely under water. Then I move over a mass of land that I do not recognize (Antarctica?), which has no vegetation of any kind.
After this, I am shown a house in a place that seems like a hot desert blown by a dry wind. They tell me that this will happen in late spring or early summer...”

American clairvoyant Michael Gordon Scullion, in his book “Messages from Space,” describes the terrible consequences of a tectonic cataclysm, as a result of which vast areas of land on all continents will go under water. Visions of global planetary cataclysms were presented to Scallion in three slightly different versions. He argues that the clearest and brightest images are the most probable and closest to future reality, and grayish blurry versions are only potential future events. Many of his prophecies have already been fulfilled. Scullion predicted active volcanic activity in the Philippines, an earthquake in Japan (Kobe), in Los Angeles, the eruption of Mount Etna, and the beginning of a period of destructive hurricanes in the United States, which would be unprecedented in their cruelty.
In the near future, he predicts an earthquake in San Francisco, which should mark the beginning of global tectonic cataclysms. Gordon calls the period of time between 1998 and 2012 the “Disaster Period.” According to his predictions, at this time, strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will begin on our planet, the earth’s crust will shift, and the geographic and magnetic poles will shift. The lowering and raising of individual sections of the earth's crust will cause low-frequency infrasonic radiation, which will affect the human mental sphere and cause numerous severe depressions and even mental disorders. As a result of changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, waves of epidemics of unknown diseases will sweep across all continents, as the “electromagnetic balance of the human body” will be disrupted.
In 1996, based on his visions, he published “Maps of the Future World,” which depict changes in the surface of the globe after a terrible cataclysm. According to Gordon Michael Scullion, the changes will be global on all continents.

According to the seer, “during an earthquake, the earth’s crust will split along a line connecting Eureka and Bakersfield, and then turning from Bakersfield to the Gulf of California. A giant gap in the ground will cross the San Joaquin Valley and the Sacramento Valley. The area west of the rift - a long segment of the Californian coast - will begin to move independently from the main part of North America. It will move relative to the North-South axis and form an angle with respect to the split line. The western edge of the breakaway segment will begin to sink. As it sinks, the Pacific Ocean will move further and further until it reaches the rift line. Thus, the entire segment will go under water. An earthquake of this magnitude will have several simultaneous consequences. Giant tidal waves will sweep across the Pacific Ocean. The sonic shock wave will spread to eastern North America. The shock wave will cause sedimentary rocks beneath the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain systems to vibrate, reducing their height and causing major destruction. While the western regions of the United States will begin to splinter, the eastern regions will also undergo significant changes. Parts of New York will be submerged, Manhattan will lose approximately 50% of its land area, a third of the coast of Maine will be inundated, most of Rhode Island will disappear under water, Connecticut will be more than half submerged in the ocean, Long Island will completely disappear, Florida will be half flooded. The Midwest will also experience significant disruption. The main change will be the transformation of the Great Lakes into one huge continental sea, and the Mississippi will turn into a giant sea strait. All these events will be followed by a shift in the Earth's poles.

Global changes in the United States will begin with faults and separation of parts of the North American Plate, which will turn into 150 California islands. The waters of the Pacific Ocean will flood the faults and form a new coastline, and the west coast will move east. All the Great Lakes will merge and unite with the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the flooded Mississippi will connect them with the Gulf of Mexico. Rising sea levels will push the entire eastern coast from Maine to Florida many kilometers inland.

Vast areas on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico will be flooded. The California Peninsula will become an island, and the Yucatan Peninsula will disappear under water. Hudson Bay and Fox Basin form a huge inland sea. The centers of survival and migration of the population of Alaska and British Columbia will be Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

In the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of the former west coast of the United States, there will be new land. Here they will find the remains of the ancient city of Mu (Golden City), which was the capital of the huge continent of Lemuria and disappeared 54 thousand years ago during the previous pole shift. Many documents from that ancient civilization will be found, but they will only be able to read them after several generations, when the “children of the blue ray” become adults. Only they will understand the holographic thought forms contained in the works of the ancient Lemurians.”

John Running - Indian shaman predicted two world wars, the death of Adolf Hitler, the American landing on the moon (this prediction dates back to 1901), the assassination of John Kennedy and the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union. He warned humanity that another war could break out due to the conflict between China and Japan, in which the United States of America would intervene. One of the most interesting predictions of the shaman is that in the future we should expect unprecedented hurricanes and earthquakes that will kill many people, including in the United States. This catastrophe will be caused by the impact of a certain celestial object from space.

Visions of the American Veronica Luken:“The last days of our era are coming. A fireball similar to the sun will approach the earth. Everyone will see him in heaven for two weeks. Then there will be three days of darkness. Before this, there will be an explosion in the Sun, and the sky will turn pink... War will begin in Asia and Africa. People will panic. Those who are still alive will run through the streets like crazy. Smoke and dust will cover everything. And some voice keeps telling me: three days... three days... three days...”
Prophecies about three days of darkness:

Famous healer from the city of Bryansk Maria Larionova reports such information obtained during the experiment conducted by A.K. Priyma: The “voice” says some celestial body is flying over the Earth. Not over Russia. No. And over the United States. And terrible destruction is possible there. Floods, earthquakes... Oh, I see the “picture”! The earth rotates. A celestial body is approaching her. The voice says the moment of closest approach will be... I can't hear well! Speak louder! It will be when the Earth turns out to be turned towards that body with its side on which America is located.”

Wallace Black Elk (Sioux Indian) predicted in 1985: “Soon the Earth will tremble and fall down, and people will cry: “Oh, my God! Oh my God!" And the Great Spirit will say: “No, they are not praying to me. They shout: “Oh, my wealth! Oh my wealth! This is how it will be.”

Prophecy of American Indian Robert Ghost Wolf:“Darkness and gloom will descend on the Pacific coast of the United States at the beginning of the new millennium, for several months it will be as dark as only the long polar nights can be. This will happen because dozens of volcanoes will erupt almost simultaneously, and ash and smoke will cover the entire western part of America for a long time. And the eruption of volcanoes at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean will cause a sharp rise in coastal waters to almost a hundred meters.”

Prophecies of the Indian White Feather:“You will hear about a mansion in heaven, above the earth, which will fall with great noise. It will look like a blue star (the fall of the Mir orbital station - Note by S.V.) Soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will stop.
These are signs of great destruction to come. The world will turn back and forth. White people will fight with other people in other lands - with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. Huge columns of fire and smoke will rise, similar to those that the white people light in the desert not far from here. White Feather saw them. But these pillars will cause great disease and pestilence. Those of my brothers who understand the prophecies will be saved. Those who remain to live with my brothers will also be saved. But then a lot will need to be rebuilt. And soon - very soon after this - Pakana will return. He will bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He will sow seeds of wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are already being sown. This will make the transition to the Fifth World easier.
But White Feather will not see this. He is old and dying. You'll probably see this. In due time, in due time..."
Prophecies of the Hopi Indians: “The end of all Hopi rituals will come when the Kachina (the dancer representing the deity), during a national dance, takes off his mask in front of the children (uninitiated). After this, for some time there will be no rituals, there will be no faith (Hopi). Then, Oraibi (the oldest Hopi village) will be renewed with its (traditional) faith and rituals.
The Third World War will be started by those peoples who were the first to receive the Light (Iraq, Iran, other countries of the Middle East, China, India). The United States - land and peoples - will be destroyed atomic bombs. Only the Hopi and their homeland will be saved as a refuge for refugees. Bomb shelters are a myth. Only materialists strive to build bomb shelters. Those who have peace in their hearts already (dwell) in the great refuge of life. Evil, however, has no refuge. Those who do not participate in the division of the world into ideologies are already ready to resume (their) life in another world. Whoever they are - Black, White, Red or Yellow, they are brothers of the same Family...
That time is not far away. It will come when the god Sasquasohu takes off his mask while dancing in the square. It depicts a blue star, distant and invisible, which will soon appear (perhaps we are talking about the appearance of a neutron star near our planet - Note - S.V.). This event is predicted in a song that was sung during the Vuvuchim ritual. It was sung in 1914, just before the outbreak of World War I, and again in 1940, before World War II, describing the discord, vice and hatred infecting Hopi rituals, which resulted in the spread of the same evil throughout the world. This song was sung again in 1961 during the Vuvuchim ritual.
The exit to the future Fifth World has already begun. Already the humble peoples of small nations, tribes and racial minorities are crossing over. This (transition) can be read in the Earth itself. In our world, seeds of plants that existed in previous worlds germinate. This could become a new branch of botany if people have the wisdom to study them. Such seeds sprout in the sky in the form of stars. Similar seeds are also planted in our hearts. They are all the same thing, depending on how you understand them. This is the transition to the next, Fifth, World.”

Prediction of priest Oleg Molenko about the fate of America: “What will be stated about America has no clear evidence in Holy Scripture, and America is not mentioned at all in Revelation. Please be lenient with me and accept my opinions as the personal opinion of the author.
However, my vision of America's destiny did not arise out of nowhere.
Firstly, I myself live and serve God on American soil - in Canada.
Secondly, I heard from my spiritual leaders - the great vessels of the Holy Spirit - some prophecies about America. They (who had already died in God) 15 years before my move to the American continent predicted my residence and service on it. But this was said in the era of the USSR, when leaving was impossible to even think about. Their prophecies regarding me came true exactly. That is why I have no reason not to trust their other prophecies that have not yet come true, including those regarding America.
And thirdly, I live on American soil by the will of God and I am not indifferent to the fate of its people, for every person is called to the Kingdom of God, and if someone refuses, then it is his fault and his choice. That is why, before expressing my judgments to people, I prayed a lot and passed it through my heart. If, however, I have sinned in any way, due to human weakness, I ask you to forgive me.
By America I mean all American soil from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. This so-called "New World", to which should be added Australia and New Zealand, was discovered and developed for human civilization later than all other continents and lands. Its new history, as every schoolchild knows, began at the end of the 15th century. In the book of Revelation there is a spiritual law: “first” - “last”, “beginning” - “end”. According to this spiritual law, the “New World” will disappear from the face of the Earth before other continents and countries. The Holy Scriptures clearly indicate what awaits our land: 2 Peter 3: 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, and then the heavens will pass away with a noise, and the elements will be destroyed with burning fire, and the earth and all the works that are in it will be burned up.
God's providence chose to begin this from the American continent. With all its external, scientific, technical and military-industrial achievements (mainly at the expense of the United States), America, as a phenomenon of civilization, is spiritually untenable and for this reason is doomed to destruction before others. Its apparent strength and power have no real spiritual basis. This is a colossus with feet of clay. This is Goliath, who fell from David's stone.
Already the first settlers from Europe brought their religious delusions here. Here these delusions found fertile soil and grew into thousands of sects and false teachings. of different stripes. If the Lord had not brought Orthodox Christians here through His providence, then America would have already perished from catastrophes and natural disasters.
For the sake of the small number of Orthodox Christians living here, only America is protected by God. That is why American countries should protect the Orthodox and their Orthodoxy above all else. But, alas, no one sees this cause-and-effect relationship, and Orthodoxy is melting in America today like snow in the spring sun.
What was predicted in Scripture is coming true, and with it the end of the American continent is approaching. There is very little time left - literally a few years! It's hard to believe - but it's true.
Therefore, by God’s will and blessing, it is in America, and in particular in Canada, that God is pleased to announce the preaching of worldwide repentance. First of all, this sermon is addressed to the people of the American countries, and especially the USA and Canada.
The sign and initial cause of the end will be the 3rd World War with the use of weapons of mass destruction. After this war, which will last 10 months, there will be a reverse exodus from the American continent. Part of the population will move back to Europe, to other countries. The remaining people will all die out for various reasons. Many will die during the exodus itself while crossing the ocean.
The events of September 11, 2001, from a spiritual perspective, are only a sign indicating a two-stage death of American civilization. This is why God calls everyone everywhere to repent.
Residents of the American continent, brothers and sisters, great and small, rich and poor, noble and inglorious, Orthodox and heterodox, believers and unbelievers, you are all mortal - repent and turn with weeping and prayer to the Lord, the only one who can save.
You are all children of the Heavenly Father, even if you do not know this - repent in order to return to your true, eternal heavenly Fatherland.
You have all been redeemed by Christ God - repent and accept the redemption of the Lord.
Remember the words of the Lord that if you do not repent, you will all perish - and repent without hypocrisy!
How to repent? Read the Holy Fathers of the East Orthodox Church. Listen and read sermons that will be posted on this site. Say the Jesus Prayer in simplicity, with attention and reverence - by silently invoking the name of the Lord you can be saved.
And may the Living and True God - the Most Holy Trinity - help each of you to sincerely repent for your salvation. Wake up, wake up and turn to God! This is your last chance. Don't miss it.
Merciful Lord, accept our repentance and have mercy on us. Amen".

Famous Grigory Rasputin back at the beginning of the 20th century, he predicted the collapse of the USSR (“Blizzard”) and the USA (“Grayug”): “Two bloodthirsty princes will take over the Earth: Blizzard will come from the east and enslave man with poverty, Grayug will come from the west and enslave man with wealth. The princes will dispute earth and heaven with each other (Cold War - Note by S.V.). And the great battlefield will be in the land of the four demons. Both princes will be victorious and both princes will be defeated. But Grayug will enter Blizzard’s house and sow his ancient words there, which will grow and destroy the earth. This is how the Vyuga empire will end (the collapse of the USSR).
But the day will come when the Grayug Empire will also collapse, for both laws were wrong and both brought death. Even their ashes cannot be used to fertilize the land on which a new plant of the third world will grow.”
Based on the predictions of the prophets, terrible cataclysms will occur in North America, as a result of which a significant part of the continent’s population will die. The United States of America will disappear from the historical scene for a long time, but at the end of the 21st century, the Americans will restore their country and, led by the Antichrist, invade Western Europe, the Middle East, and capture Israel and Iran. These predictions will be discussed in more detail below.

Prophecies of the Jewish prophet Thomas Descartes, who predicted the emergence of AIDS, the end of the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Mississippi River flood, the events of September 11, 2001, the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia (December 2004), both wars in Iraq. All his predictions came true with extraordinary accuracy.
Trial by the Influenza Virus (May 2005 - year of prediction.)
The Lord told me about a coming epidemic that would devastate the entire world. I prophesied many years ago that God would judge this world and this generation will already see it...
In a vision I saw millions dying and being taken to the grave. I saw Christians holding their dead children in their arms. He said to tell people to prepare and stock up on food and everything they need in the coming time. In this vision, the President declared a quarantine in America. Works, factories, schools and everything else were forced to close. The numbers were staggering, 60% - 70% of everyone who got this flu died. The Lord said to tell people to spend more time in prayer and seeking His will. He said that we must remain inside our houses until the angel of death passes by. He said to remember Egypt and how He brought us out from there. He also said that this is just the beginning, another epidemic will follow on its heels. He said that sin had reached Him and judgment was no longer at hand. He said that the epidemic would cover the world very quickly and hospitals here in America would not have enough beds for the sick. He said third world countries would be especially devastated.
Court (September 11, 2001).
2 years before September 11, 2001, God showed me a vision. It looked like a nuclear explosion that occurred in New York (Mall) and Washington (DC). The Lord said to tell the people that He had never allowed something like this to happen in America before. He said, but because America has become its own god, He will allow evil to enter the hearts of others from a distant land.
Before this vision, I had visions of nuclear attacks on this nation. There will be nuclear explosions in this country, it's only a matter of time. Either it is a suicide bomb (dirty bomb) or sent by another nation, it will happen. God said that He was not at all happy with what was happening in this nation, and He opened the door for its destruction.
Food Will Be Poisoned (1989)
The Lord showed me a vision that food would become poisoned and people would die or get sick because of it. He told me that there would come a day when food would be such that if it was not home grown, it could not be eaten. He told me that people should start stocking up on food and that old supplies should be renewed. This is for those times when food will be very difficult to get.
Panic in America (1989)
In the vision given to me, I saw three men in a jeep driving along a gravel road. The car stopped and three people got out, one had a rifle, and this man shot a cow that was grazing in the middle of the field. Three immediately climbed over the fence and began to butcher the cow. Then the scene shifted to people breaking in and robbing stores, taking out everything they could carry. I saw people breaking windows and crawling across broken glass to steal food or something else from inside. The Lord asked me if I knew where this was happening, I answered that I didn’t know. He said this is America and warn the people that the day will come when this will happen due to lack of food. In a vision, I saw starving children on the streets of America - something that we think only happens in third world countries.
Desert Storm (1989)
Two years before the first war in Iraq, the Lord showed me a vision of the coming war. He said that we would go, and that it would seem as if we had defeated the enemy, but in fact, we would be forced to return and try to finish what we started another time. God told me that America would try to restore order in the world with the help of our army and it would turn out that this would overextend and weaken our army, leaving us ourselves in danger. He said we will be involved in battles, but it will seem like we are not winning because He has taken away our ability to win wars. He said that America would be defeated in the end because they had turned their backs on the Living God. The Lord said America will fall to its knees and the world will look in wonder at the fallen superpower. He said that it is a terrible thing to tempt the Living God.
One World Bank (1989)
A vision came that the monetary system in America would go bankrupt. In the vision, I was watching the morning national news and the reporter said that we could easily burn trash or light cigarettes with our money since they were worth almost nothing anymore. I saw panic on the streets of America and people breaking into stores and trying to get into banks that were closed.
Men committed suicide, just as they did during the Great Depression. God said to tell people that Europe will rise and there will be a European Union, from which a single world monetary system will emerge. He said that Europe will make efforts to unite and it will not be easy for it to do. The Japanese Yen, the British Pound and the American Dollar will fall with the establishment of the European system.
Courts through Nature (1990)
I had a vision about nature. I was on a gravel road with huge fields of corn on either side. The Lord told me to look closely at the fields and tell me what was wrong with them. I replied that on one side of the road the corn was tall and good, but on the other side it was short and spoiled. He told me that rain has fallen on "the just and the unjust" for many generations, but a time is coming when only the righteous will receive the rain and farmers who do not know Him will have no harvest.
Insects will eat the crops, just as locusts did in their time. And science cannot offer anything to cope with them. In this vision, the Lord told me that the current dry places here and around the world would become wet. He said that rainy areas would become deserted. Record cold and heat will be recorded. He also said that the places in America that produce the majority of food will produce less and less.
He said the number of tornadoes in America would double in a year [which is what happened]. He said there would be flooding in places where they were and places where they weren't. Snow storms and heat in unexpected places. He said to tell the people in Florida and the Gulf Coast that hurricane after hurricane will come there.
Over time, these hurricanes will become superstorms with winds of 200 mph or stronger. He said people shouldn't buy houses there for that reason. And he said to tell those who live there to move from there while there is time. I saw many people move from there due to hurricanes coming one after another. So quickly that immediately after restoration, or even in the process of restoration, what was destroyed was again in danger from a new hurricane. I saw bodies hanging from trees and boats washed up miles on land as a result of these mega hurricanes.
The Lord also told me that earthquakes would become more frequent all over the world - also here in America. I saw how big piece of California fell into the ocean due to a strong earthquake. The Lord said it was because of sin, mainly homosexuality, that He would judge California.
I saw another devastating earthquake in the Midwest [of America], destroying bridges and completely stopping interstate transportation.
Invasion of Islam (1990)
In 1990 there were only a few mosques in this country. G-d told me to prophesy and tell everyone that Islam will grow in large quantities in America. And Islam will become the fastest growing religion in America. This is what happened over the course of several years. For this reason, they will establish themselves and become militant structures. The day will come when this will cause great damage to America. Many Americans will join Islam and turn against their country.
Sword in the Ground (1992)
I was given a vision from the Lord. I was driving down the road and the windshield filled with light and God took me in a vision. I saw a beautiful sword in the field, stuck into the ground at an angle. The sword was large, about 60 or 70 feet, and the hilt of the sword was gold. The Lord said that He is taking peace from the earth and the United States and the World will be plunged into the Great Troubles. The uprisings taking place in California were only the beginning of what would one day end in civil unrest in this country.
The day will come when the US will be a police state by decree of our government to bring the people under control. The government would try to confiscate people's guns, but without success for several years. However, they will prevail in the end. Once the people lose the right to bear arms, it will be very easy for the government to control the masses.
Also in the vision I saw our military shooting and killing own people. One of the soldiers threw down his weapon and said that he would no longer take part in the murder of his own fellow citizens. Families will rebel against each other, saying all kinds of evil against each other - they will even kill each other - father against son, son against father, mother against daughter, daughter against mother (see the prophecies of the Lord Jesus in the Gospel, Matt. 24).
The government will be split because they will fight against each other. There will come a time when the government will declare that the Constitution of this nation is outdated and it needs to be changed to suit the present society. I saw how the government allowed God to be removed from the lives of everyone living here, calling it “religious freedom.”
The problem of racism will worsen after a seeming time of reconciliation among ethnic groups. Groups in cities will lead open war on the streets with the help automatic weapons. Police forces across the country will be forced to buy weapons to equally confront heavily armed groups. Metal detectors will be installed in big city schools to protect students from other students bringing weapons. I saw such violence in schools that children were afraid to go there. At sporting competitions there were fights and people were killed.
The drug problem will get worse and worse, destroying thousands of families, children being given to others to raise. I saw that same-sex families appeared instead of husband and wife. Also, men and women simply cohabited instead of getting married.

Prophecy for America.
This nation has become a stench in the nostrils of God and it is too late to prevent His judgments. The Spirit of God will no longer be neglected by America and America will have a long and hard fall. I understand that this is not what people want to hear, but this is what the Lord says:
“America, prepare to receive judgments from your God. I have given you fertile lands and given you the power to dominate nations and kingdoms. But now you think that you yourself achieved this on your own. Woe to you and your strong and brave. Because I, the Lord God, will diminish your strength and ability to overcome. It is I, the Lord God, who appoints kings and nations, and it is I who destroys them. You have become an abomination to me. Your priests and seers are sleeping dogs who have refused to repent and seek Me with all their hearts. They serve for their own enrichment. I, the Lord God, will defeat them and give them over to the power of deception; they will believe lies. I will bring hurricanes, earthquakes and floods more often and stronger. I will send the sword throughout the land and families will be at odds - killing or being killed. There will be unrest throughout the land, and blood will flow through the streets. I will send a famine and you will see your children die of hunger. Time and time again I tried to reason with you, O nation, but you did not listen. Now we’ll see how, having decided to become your own god, how you can help these people in difficult times. I will laugh at you and call you a stupid nation. You have left the Living God and now I am leaving you. And in the end you will know that I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I was in the beginning and so I will be in the end.”

These things don't happen overnight. This will happen slowly and has already begun. It would seem that nothing is happening. This nation is used to all the hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, floods and everything else that the Lord sends to try to get the attention of the church and this nation.
The days that lie ahead for the United States and the world will be very harsh and testing days. The Church will slip further and further into a coma from which only a remnant will awaken. This remnant will do great things in these last days.
We must hold fast to the faith and not be drawn into the trap prepared for all mankind: “... for he will come as a snare on all those who live on all the face of the earth.”

The distant future of America, Russia and other countries is spoken of in the prophecies of A.A. Bailey: “Spiritual development denies any inclination towards excesses that we do not have, have not had and never will have, so our country is not in danger of becoming mired in the luxury of consumerism, just as the countries of Western Europe and America are mired in it. Upon reaching a certain age, the country is freed from the obligation to work hard for the benefit of civilization and moves to the position of a pensioner, living out the remaining time in a relatively calm environment. At the moment, Europe has reached such an age - it has 200 years left to live, after which the Anglo-Saxon race will technically cease to exist - it has the right to rest, it has earned it. Unlike Europe, Russia has another 600 years to work, and no concessions are being made for it. As for America, its lifespan is half as long as ours - only 900 years, so it does not live, but burns, and, naturally, has a moral right to Better conditions life. Do not forget that no one took away her karma from her and no one is going to take it away. America has everything ahead. Personally, I would be careful not to envy her. This is done only by those who are sure that they live only once, trying to take everything they can from life, thereby aggravating their own karma. In fact, you need to look not at what is on the surface, but at what is in the depths. God is fair, He does not single out or humiliate anyone, for Him we are all His children, we are all in equal conditions, it’s just that at the moment someone is lagging behind, and someone is ahead... This is not our way. However, the time will come when Russia will achieve colossal economic power, but this will happen no earlier than in 240 years. Only when the Anglo-Saxons leave this plane. Until then, she will have to endure many difficulties and hardships, because first she needs to achieve political power. And she will definitely achieve it, but not now, but by the middle of the next cycle, by 2100. The pinnacle of its development will be the year 2400. By that time, the Slavic race will become dominant. Climatic conditions will change so that the Eurasian continent will turn into subtropics. Part of Europe will not exist, it will drown as a result of the cataclysm. But before that, Europe will be obliged to convey to us all the best that it has developed over the long centuries of its existence, because as long as the Anglo-Saxons exist, there will be no Russian leaders. Then Russia will be able to achieve what millions and millions of its fellow citizens laid down their lives for, and what, for well-known reasons, the Bolsheviks, who were trying to rally around themselves a world community based on the principles of freedom - spiritual, not physical, equality - spiritual, could not achieve. and not physical, and brotherhood - in the spirit, and not physically, since it was this confusion of the spiritual and physical that gave rise to the distortions that we have, for from a physical point of view there can be neither freedom, nor equality, nor brotherhood. This is an illusion that needs to be fought. By the same time, a society will be built in which the communist worldview will prevail over other worldviews. However, this will become possible only when Russia, by example, will prove to the world that you can come to a bright future not through the bones of your people and not under the slogan “we will forcibly destroy the whole world,” but by peacefully working for the good of your neighbor, the country and humanity. Then there will be a final and irrevocable unification of East and West under the auspices of Russia. Will it end life cycle in 2625 by voluntary transfer of all controls to the world government. At that moment, humanity will become practically united and there will no longer be such a thing as a state. As you can see, all prophecies focus on the same person, the same country, and the same time. And this is the Eighth President who will rule in Russia from 2037 to the 2050s. But this is in the future, for now our country will have to work hard to implement the development plan that is destined for it from above: “There are no conditions of peaceful existence and tranquility under which the soul can be called and in which work, potential in results, can be brought to the silence of silence and peace, what Hindus call “samadhi” - complete detachment from the call of the body and emotions. The work must be done in an environment of hubbub and turmoil. The point of peace must be found amidst the raging excitement." A.A. Bailey, Conversations with Students, p. 29.
From the book "Prophecies of the Book of Sibyls". From "Ves", 2012

The prophecies of this famous American thinker have not lost their enormous significance even now. They are often quoted by various astrologers and esotericists.

Edgar Cayce had extraordinary abilities since childhood. It all started with the appearance of stigmata on his body. Soon after, he felt a genuine connection with the Cosmos and used it to gain insight into the future. The seer dictated his predictions to a stenographer, who then retyped them.

The most interesting predictions made by the soothsayer

These prophecies are of undoubted interest even now. They are of particular importance because at their birth not only the secretary was present, but a number of people were ready to testify that Edgar Cayce did not use any additional means.

The predictor was born in 1877 and, having lived a short but eventful life, died in 1945. He became famous as one of the leaders of prophecies for the future, made not only about individuals, but about the whole world.

While receiving information about the future, he fell into a transcendental state and made his predictions without realizing them, because he communicated with higher powers. He was asked leading questions, which he then covered in great detail.

Edgar Cayce left to his descendants about fourteen thousand different predictions, obtained over more than forty years of thought.

They first saw the light at the beginning of the twentieth century. Even then, the soothsayer predicted wars that engulfed the entire European continent. Moreover, the exact years of their beginning and end were named.

Edgar Cayce made a prediction about certain major battles in World War II, the defeat of Hitler and the triumphal march of Russia throughout Europe.

He also foresaw the Great Depression in the United States, which gave way to the prosperity of the country in the early thirties.

Subsequently, even skeptics had to admit the obvious correctness of his words. An American predictor made prophecies about the war unleashed by Hitler, about the collapse Soviet Union, about the emergence of China on the world stage as a key figure and about other major events in history.

Therefore, it is very important to highlight the most basic issues of what Edgar Cayce's deep prophecies speak about. They are truly of great importance in light of the fact that the vast majority of them have already been fulfilled. Therefore, it is very important to understand the supporting points of his reasoning.

What predictions came true

One can give an example of the most famous predictions thinkers who have already come true:

Edgar Cayce's forecasts by year

If we structure his prophecies by individual years, we get the following picture:

Edgar Cayce turned out to be surprisingly insightful, slightly shifting only the time frame of his predictions. However, their general direction, guessed by him, is striking in its amazing accuracy.

It is very important that the predictor saw the danger that ecological disasters. He was sure that there would be few corners of the Earth that would not be covered by them, and our country would suffer less than others.

He even foresaw a decrease in ice cover in the Arctic and Antarctic, an increased risk of earthquakes and enormous volcanic activity.

He also predicted that there would be no danger of a new world war, which, however, would be replaced by an even more terrible threat of the consequences of people’s careless attitude towards nature.

He saw the threat of climate warming as quite real, moreover, posing an undoubted danger to all life on Earth, since it would lead to increased seismic activity and serious consequences for humanity.

People also expect difficulties with fresh water, the transformation of southern territories into non-residential areas, as well as the emergence of new continents and islands.

Prophecies of E. Casey about Russia

He made many predictions about our country. Even during his lifetime, he considered Russians to be God's chosen people. He was of the opinion that they embody the light of Christian civilization. Therefore, the seer believed that Russia's achievement of prosperity is a benefit for all countries of the world.

Edgar Cayce, in his time quite distant from ours, already predicted the collapse of the socialist system before the onset of the new millennium.

He also foresaw protracted economic difficulties for Russia. He saw a way out of them only in a sincere appeal to God. He provided a fairly long period for achieving such a goal, but considered it clearly achievable both for our country individually and for the whole world as a whole.

Of great interest is what he predicted about the new unification of the former Soviet republics. He believed that the United States should provide enormous assistance.

Edgar Cayce also predicted the emergence of a new leader of our country. He foresaw that a man with a rare mind and a genuine diplomatic gift would eventually come to power there. He will actively develop the technical component of Russia and push it to the center of the world stage.

The seer predicted the events in Crimea and the escalation of the confrontation with the United States. However, he predicted that the difficulties would only be temporary.

Even then, Edgar Cayce spoke about the coming year like this:

  • The political and economic relations of our country with China will gain new strength;
  • Russia's role in the East will strengthen;
  • relations with Europe will become more complicated;
  • will get worse economic cooperation with the West;
  • the eastern part of the country will flourish;
  • Russia's cultural role in the world will increase;
  • there will be an opportunity for fateful achievements in relation to other powers.

E. Casey foresaw a great danger of natural disasters on all continents, which, however, would bypass Russia. In his opinion, the most favorable for people’s lives will be the west of Siberia


Predictions about the future of the United States

He also made predictions about the United States. In her homeland, the thinker was not highly regarded due to many negative prophecies about her destinies. The fulfilled vision of the death of two presidents alone has already made him not a very popular figure.

American historians believe that he made predictions about the coming of Obama and his upcoming reign.

He also predicted that the forty-fourth Head of State would also be the last in his position.

E. Casey thought that the future of the Americans lay only in cooperation with Russia and would become inevitable. Moreover, a large number of them will move to permanent residence in our country and Siberia will become their stronghold.

His native country faces difficult trials, which it can only withstand if it cooperates closely with Russia.

In the mid-thirties, Edgar Cayce made unequivocal predictions about such events. He foresaw popular unrest in the United States, the decline of the role of individual leaders of world politics and the disappearance of individual states from the face of the Earth.

He was of the opinion that these trends would have a very painful effect on America, even to the point of the cessation of the existence of entire states.

The predictor foresaw severe natural disasters for the entire western continent, which would largely make life on it unacceptable for everyday existence. Such catastrophes will be a heavy retribution for the multiple sins of the country's inhabitants. If Americans do not remember God, they will face severe shocks.

He saw the role of the messiah only in Russia.

Today, E. Casey's predictions have not lost any of their sharpness, despite the fact that most of them are not strictly tied to a specific time frame. They can even take a hundred years or more to complete.

His greatest merit lies in drawing the attention of world leaders to environmental problems that require urgent solutions.

Many of them have already become a reality. The number of natural disasters around the world is increasing, which speaks of the amazing insight of E. Casey.

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The future of the United States has always been an area of ​​keen interest to Russians. After all, one of the political hegemons of the world and the largest player in the economic field has a significant influence on the development of any world relations, be it politics, economics, the emergence of supranational organizations or the social movement of society.

It is not surprising that many people are trying to see what changes fate has in store for this country. This issue is becoming especially relevant these days, when the rise to power of Donald Trump has stirred up alarming premonitions among the world community. Let's find out what the predictions for the US could be in 2018!

Forecasts from Pavel Globa

Globa promises the United States a deep crisis and complete collapse of the economy

The main ones are based on the interpretation of the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin, who described his visions for a thousand years in advance. Alas, Russian astrologer could not accurately name the winner of the election race in the States. According to him, Nemchin’s predictions only indicated that new president will be radically different from its predecessors. This is suitable both for Hillary, who could become the first female president, and for Trump, who has unconventional roots in American politics.

Pavel Globa was unable to clarify the information on the stars, since he did not have information about the exact hour of birth of the two main candidates. Now Globa predicts that the United States will plunge into the abyss of crisis phenomena and economic recession, which will manifest itself in 2017. The next year will only worsen the negative phenomena, which will gradually spread to the entire world economy, forming a new financial crisis that will last until 2020.

It is the States that the astrologer predicts the most unenviable fate - the depreciation of the dollar, the final collapse of the North Atlantic Alliance, rising unemployment and increased social conflicts The United States will finally be removed from the first place in world leadership. The interpretation of Nemchin's predictions gave Globa the opportunity to make shocking statements that this president would lead America to complete collapse, the consequences of which would be corrected by many more subsequent rulers.

However, much in the words of Pavel Globa raises doubts - the fact is that Nemchin’s life and predictions are known only from the words of an astrologer. Documentary sources that would describe such a person were never found, and the book to which Pavel Globa constantly refers was allegedly lost immediately after he copied the information from there.

Predictions from Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce predicted a US coup and overthrow of the current government

The forecasts made at one time by the American mystic and medium Edgar Cayce are not very optimistic. After his death, he left thousands of transcripts, dictated by him in a state of trance, in which, in particular, followers of the teachings of the “Sleeping Prophet” saw predictions regarding the fate of the United States and world civilization as a whole.

The exact date of the events predicted by Cayce is unknown, but it is believed that they will come true in the 21st century. The prophet foretold that a coup might occur in America after an unexpected change of power. This event will be preceded by an active phase of social conflicts, so those in power should pay great attention to people who do not have social privileges and wealth.

Predictions from Palm Libraries

The creators of Palm Libraries promise a quick depreciation of money

Ancient information sources in Sanskrit, written by great sages on palm leaves, are known under this name. At one time, the information was organized by Thomas Ritter and published in the form of a separate book, telling on its pages about the future of various countries of the world, including the United States. The compiler of the book says that the ancient sages predicted a gradual decline of the world's largest economy due to ill-conceived policies in the field of economics and foreign relations.

From the end of the second decade of the 2000s, crisis phenomena accompanied by a slowdown in industrial and financial growth will be increasingly observed. It is quite possible that in order to divert the attention of citizens from negative phenomena within the country, the United States will unleash a protracted military conflict, under the guise of a desire to ensure peace and freedom. However, the rulers will have to face significant internal problems, including armed uprisings by citizens.

Predictions from Vlad Ross

Vlad Ross sees the possibility of aggravation of the situation in the Middle East

One of the most popular astrologers of our time, Vlad Ross, was able to see that Trump’s victory was ensured by massive fraud. He was helped in this by reading the position of the Moon, which was in the constellation Pisces on election day. Ross calls the president himself a person unpredictable for astrological science. The forecaster refers to the fact that Uranus in Trump's horoscope is combined with the ascending node of the Moon's orbit, and this indicates both the possibility of transformation and change and destruction.

At the same time, the astrologer claims that ancient prophecies contain information about the apocalyptic consequences of the reign of the 44th President of the States, and Donald Trump was born at a time when there was an eclipse of the Moon, which indicates his destructive mission (the serial number was assigned to Trump without taking into account the double reign Grover Cleveland).

The astrologer also predicts the apogee of the Middle Eastern conflicts, since Uranus, passing in Aries in 2017, provided the world with destructive trends for a long time. However, at the end of 2018, when the warlike planet changes its position, one can hope for the gradual establishment of peace.

Visions of Kaede Uber

According to Kaede Uber, the United States is under threat from a terrible terrorist attack

This schoolgirl, who lives in France, has already been called “Vanga’s successor” by some journalists. According to information posted online, a seriously ill French woman can see in the fog of the future many pictures predicting terrorist attacks, natural disasters, epidemics and military conflicts. Just in 2016, Uber reported the likelihood of a terrible terrorist attack that would occur in the coming years in the United States, claiming a huge number of human lives.

Relatives of the young soothsayer noted in an interview that the girl is very frightened by the presence of representatives of the Muslim world, which makes it possible to suspect an Islamist threat. However, many doubt Uber's gift, since before the US elections it predicted that a woman would become president. As is already known, this did not happen, so the authority of the young soothsayer was seriously shaken.

Predictions from other clairvoyants

Many predictors threaten the United States with a series of natural disasters
  • Forecasts from Vera Lyon. A clairvoyant from Kazakhstan expresses confidence that the main problem in the coming years will be the fight against natural elements. The Americans will not be able to avoid this fate either, for whom the melting of ice in the Arctic region will bring catastrophic storms and splits of the earth’s crust in the oceanic regions. Flooding of territories will provoke an intensification of epidemiological diseases, mass flight and evacuation of the population, which will be forced to huddle in cities unaffected by the disaster. In the political sphere, the fortuneteller sees destructive processes in NATO and even possible conflict between the States and Germany, which will lead not only to a cooling of relations, but also to negative economic processes, both in the United States and in the European Union.
  • Prophecies from Orson Pratt. A famous Mormon soothsayer maintains a negative vision of the American future in his predictions. He also sees sharp social stratification and social injustice as the reason. Moreover, this will result in some kind of civil war, in which neighbor will oppose neighbor, the population of some cities will oppose others, and states will fight against states. The prophecy does not talk about any specific years, but followers are inclined to think that the beginning of the process, the result of which will be the death of people and the decline of industry, can be started in 2018-2020. Therefore, the authorities should take a closer look at issues of social policy and create less conflict in remote regions of the world.
  • Predictions from David Wilkerson. The forecasts of the American clairvoyant David Wilkerson, who predicts the impact of natural disasters in the United States, are not too optimistic. Unfortunately, the soothsayer did not indicate the exact period in which one should expect the visions to become reality. However, Wilkerson said that this phenomenon would be preceded by a strong earthquake that would kill many Japanese. As we already know, this event happened, confirmed by the tragedy in Fukushima. For America, the prophet predicted an equally terrifying catastrophe, which would entail panic, fear, casualties and destruction.
  • Forecast by Dannion Brinkley. The famous American predictor secured his trust and authority after he managed to predict the Chernobyl disaster. His visions regarding the United States are distinguished by the darkest sentiments, because in his forecasts Brinkley speaks of monstrous cataclysms at the beginning of the new century. Costs associated with the restoration of infrastructure, arrangement of temporary housing, medical care, extinguishing numerous fires and protecting cities from looters, will completely ruin the US budget. The country is beset by famine and numerous armed clashes, which could ultimately completely destroy the United States as a state.

Forecasts for the USA from political scientists and economists

Of course, it is worth considering that the predictions of psychics often do not come true. Among astrologers and clairvoyants there is also a place for the inherent bias of people - how else can one explain the fact that Russian mystics repeat year after year about the imminent collapse of the States, even when the situation is not conducive to this? That is why I would like to know the forecasts made by people who are far from mysticism and other worlds, but who are very well versed in the balance of political forces and economic phenomena.

Analytical forecasts from Saxo Bank experts

Saxo Bank predicts easing of sanctions debate between the US and Russia

Brokers from the Danish corporation Saxo Bank have long earned a reputation as very accurate forecasters in the financial field. The company publishes forecasts every year that could fundamentally affect the global economic order. For example, it was its experts who were able to foresee the fall in the value of the Chinese currency in 2014, and also calculated and predicted sharp negative changes in the price of “black gold”.

Throughout 2017, specialists from Saxo Bank published calculations that talk about a gradual change in relations between Russia and the United States. Today, given the election victory of Donald Trump’s team, whose position towards the Russians is considered much more friendly than Hillary Clinton’s, this forecast has every chance of becoming a reality. Experts suggest that already in 2018, Russia will gradually begin to free itself from the yoke of Western sanctions restrictions.

Dollar positions are causing concern among analysts - it is quite possible that the US currency will begin to gradually lose value. A further fall in oil prices is possible. All this, combined with the Federal Reserve's intentions to raise rates, could trigger a slowdown in economic growth and job losses. As a result, experts consider it quite likely that a scenario will occur in which they see an intensification of social protests and radical changes in US policy.

Calculations from financier Andrey Dirgin

Dirgin predicts rapid stabilization of financial processes in the United States

The Russian financial market began to gradually move into a recovery phase. This happened after the news of the victory of Donald Trump, whom experts believe is a much more preferable figure for Russia than the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Andrey Dirgin, head of the analytical department at Alfa-Forex, says that one should not believe rumors about Trump’s decisions being too impulsive and unpredictable.

The expert believes that the new head of the White House has a very clear plan, which he will follow with all possible care. From the point of view of US domestic policy, measures will consist of intensifying government stimulation of economic processes and gradually reducing tax burden.

The analyst believes that the policies and plan of measures proposed by Trump look better than Hillary Clinton's program. Despite the fact that the news of the election of a Republican caused a subsidence in the global financial market, this consequence can only be considered a sharp manifestation of the surprise effect. In 2018, he predicts greater stability for the economic world, and also expects a gradual reduction in American and European sanctions against the Russian economy.

Analytics from the Financial Times

Experts from the Financial Times expect that in the near future Donald Trump will focus on internal rather than external problems of the United States

The authoritative British publication always tries to keep its finger on the pulse of financial events, so it is not surprising that economic and political reviews regularly appear on its pages, and the authors try to extrapolate current trends to the possible development of the situation in the future. Experts from the Financial Times suggest that Donald Trump will systematically adhere to a carefully calibrated course and will definitely make everything he promised during the election race into reality.

The British believe that the matter will not only concern tightening the screws in relation to migrants, but will also result in the gradual establishment of partnerships with the Russian Federation. In other media there is also the idea that during 2017-2018 Trump will not make any sudden movements on the world stage. He will direct his efforts to solving internal problems and establishing intra-party relations. It is for this reason that a certain lull in world politics is expected during this period of time.

Forecast from political scientist Mikhail Pavliv

Mikhail Pavliv believes that Trump's uncertainty could worsen the problems between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

Ukrainian society received the news of Trump's victory in the American elections with a great deal of apprehension and anxiety for the future, believing that an unpredictable change of power in the United States could significantly worsen the position of their country. The situation is also fueled by statements from the Republican, who is very ambiguous in his attitude towards Russia and Ukraine.

In one speech, he can say that he will protect Ukrainians from Putin in every possible way, in another he can express absolute indifference to Ukraine’s entry into the North Atlantic Alliance, and on the Crimean issue, the position of the new president remains rather vague. Political scientist Mikhail Pavliv believes that Trump is a dark horse in the global political sphere.

He believes that it was extremely short-sighted on the part of Ukrainian politicians to speak out so harshly towards Trump during the election race. The expert advises not to count on changes in the military conflicts taking place in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions for now. Only when the elections for the French and Germans are over will it be possible to talk about any development of this issue. The picture will become clearer by the second half of 2018, when new government officials in the leading EU countries sort out appointments and visits.