Year after year healthy image life is becoming increasingly popular. Proper nutrition, sports, refusal bad habits- in trend in everyone developed countries peace. Some people, in order to be slim and beautiful, choose a diet for themselves, others go to workouts. The ideal option is to combine a healthy diet and active exercise in gym or at the stadium.

Principles of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition before and after training is one of the most important points in your lifestyle. Agree, many people come to the gym when they notice that the situation is critical: their sides are swollen with fat, a “beer” belly has appeared, and hated cellulite has formed on their legs. Such people, after many years of laziness and idleness, begin training and sharply limit themselves in nutrition. And then they realize that they have no strength at all. It's logical. Any athlete will tell you that a lack of calories will also negatively affect your performance. appearance, as well as their excess. Therefore, experts recommend switching to a special diet - a sports one, in which you will eat food in sufficient quantities, while it will be healthy and nutritious.

Proper nutrition during training has a number of features:

  • No hunger.
  • Don't overeat or eat in a hurry.
  • You need to eat at a certain time.
  • Before starting classes, you need to consult with a sports doctor or nutritionist.

It is ideal if the menu is created for you by a professional. It will take into account your physical fitness, level of stress, and the type of sport you play.


The training program and proper nutrition will be the two pillars on which your day will be built. Schedule your daily diet so that you get enough protein before going to the gym. A serving should be eaten 2 hours before training. It’s best if it’s a piece of meat baked in the oven or a large fish steak, suitable for a side dish pea porridge or boiled lentils. If, due to an irregular work schedule, you cannot eat normally, you can snack on fruit or dairy products half an hour before class, and then have a hearty meal at home.

A good option would be to eat often, but in small portions. Ideally - 6 times a day, 200-300 grams. In this case, the emphasis is on protein products. Carbohydrates should also be present in your diet, because without them you will not have the energy and strength to physical activity. You also cannot do without fat, but there should be a little of it in your daily diet. build in such a way that you have time not only for sports and work, but also for a well-deserved rest.

The role of breakfast

Its presence necessarily requires proper nutrition. With training, his mission becomes more important and responsible. Unfortunately, many people do not eat anything in the morning, citing the fact that their body has not yet woken up after a night's rest. But it's not right. Breakfast is necessary, without it you will not be able to exercise, as you will feel unsatisfactory. An hour of training a day plus a regular morning meal is the most successful combination from a physiological point of view. If for some reason you do not have breakfast, gradually accustom yourself to this process. Believe me, in the near future you will not be able to imagine how you previously refused such pleasure.

By having a hearty breakfast, you will limit yourself from overeating during lunch and dinner. Those people who have accustomed themselves to morning reception food, do not have problems with metabolism, they are more active and active, they good mood. If you wake up and have no appetite, go for a run and take a contrast shower. These manipulations stimulate the feeling of hunger. Porridge, omelette with vegetables, grain bread with low-fat cheese would be excellent for an athlete. When you don't have time, you can drink a milkshake and take breakfast to work.

More water and fiber

Take this rule to heart. Proper nutrition during training involves consuming fiber, which helps the body cleanse itself and get rid of toxins. In addition, with its help you can achieve the absorption of all nutrients. Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, and mushrooms. An athlete's diet should contain about 400 grams of these products. Moreover, the lion's share should be given to vegetables - they are the most useful. The exception is potatoes; their consumption should be limited to a minimum. Instead, lean on pureed pumpkin and broccoli soups and vegetable carrots.

Also, drink plenty of fluids. Under its influence, fiber in the intestines swells, thereby stimulating digestion. The minimum daily intake is 2 liters of non-carbonated clean water. But the more intensely you exercise, the more fluid you need to replenish the lost supply. It's easy to check if you have enough water. To do this, you need to look at your urine: if its color is rich, you need to drink more fluid.

Should you cut out fats?

Proper nutrition during training for girls and boys involves the use of lipids, although many categorically refuse them. Remember: during intense physical activity, fats are necessary. These consist of a large number of hormones that actively participate in the process of burning deposited lipids. Also, the presence of fats in the diet reduces the release of insulin, which transforms glucose into subcutaneous fat. Accordingly, your hips will simply become thin and beautiful before your eyes.

The body needs the so-called proper fats: Omega-6 and Omega-3. They are found in large quantities in fish and seafood, so be sure to include them in your diet. You can eat any fish, with the exception of fried and smoked versions. It is best if it is boiled, baked or steamed. Animal fats are less useful, although they are also needed for the absorption of certain vitamins. To satisfy your need for them, you can eat a little butter for breakfast.

Pre-workout nutrition

As already mentioned, the body needs fuel before starting exercise. The correct one includes the following menu: lean steak and buckwheat, poultry and rice, scrambled eggs and vegetables, oatmeal and nuts. These dishes have already become classics of the genre for athletes. The calorie content should be sufficient. Large meals, such as a bowl of soup or a large salad, should be eaten 2 hours before class. Hearty food small size- a piece of meat, for example, can be eaten half an hour before training.

If you exercise to build up muscle mass, 40 minutes before going to the gym, eat several fruits with a low glycemic index: grapefruit, apples, prunes, apricots, cherries. Berries allowed: black currant, blackberries, blueberries. It's good to have a cup of coffee. The first will provide the substances necessary for building muscle, the second will mobilize fat so that the body uses it as fuel.

When sports activities are in full swing

It is important to eat properly before and after exercise, and drink fluids during exercise. When working out in the gym, drink as much as possible. Otherwise, you will be sleepy, sluggish and unproductive. Don't focus on thirst, drink constantly. When you want to take a sip of liquid, your body will already be dehydrated. And this is unacceptable. With age, the receptors responsible for the need for fluid lose their sensitivity. Therefore, you will not immediately feel that you need water. The main signs of dehydration are:

  • Headache.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Chapped lips.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nervousness.

The drinking regime should look like this: before exercise, drink a glass of water, during exercise, drink every 15 minutes. If the physical activity is intense and lasts more than an hour, you can drink any natural energy drink an hour before the start: green tea, fresh vegetable vitamin juice, berry smoothie, freshly squeezed fruit juice. If you don’t trust store-bought analogues, make your own drinks.

After training

It is recommended to eat heavily in the first 20 minutes after class. If you do not sit down at the table for 2 hours after finishing your workout, it will be of little use: the increase in muscle mass will remain at a minimum level. Bodybuilders call this period of time the “anabolic window” for consuming proteins and carbohydrates. What you eat during this period will help increase muscle volume. There are many menu options: omelette with vegetables and pita bread, turkey with black bread, fruit juice and cheese, fish steak and salad, cereal with milk, pea porridge and boiled meat, and so on.

Proper nutrition during training is aimed at low-fat dishes, which consist of one third of carbohydrates and two of proteins. To further replenish your supply, drink milkshakes. A natural protein drink is a mixture of egg whites, milk, cottage cheese and nuts whipped in a blender. For sweetness, you can add honey and a slice of banana. This cocktail can be consumed before training and in the midst of training.

What is prohibited?

Proper nutrition on training days has one goal - to eliminate fat and gain muscle mass. Therefore, lipids in food should be minimal. If there are a lot of them in the diet, they slow down the breakdown and absorption of nutrients and vitamins. Protein dishes should also be as low-fat as possible: no pork and chicken legs. Instead, gobble up poultry breast or veal. Be careful with dairy products too. Buy exclusively low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk and kefir. But fatty fish will be useful. This is a pleasant exception to the rule.

Proper nutrition when training in the gym is the basis. If you ignore it, the effect of the exercise will be virtually invisible. Therefore, follow the basic rules of a healthy and wholesome diet. In addition, if possible, spend a lot of time outdoors, play sport games, ride a bike, swim. In a word, lead. All this will help you achieve results faster and make it more effective.

Every person actively involved in sports knows that the more intense the training, the faster the body wears out. And to avoid this, health did not deteriorate with each subsequent workout, but on the contrary, it became stronger and stronger.

stronger, an athlete undergoing heavy training loads needs to eat right. Nutrition during physical activity should be as balanced as possible: the athlete must receive everything along with food. essential vitamins, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates with fiber.

Today there are many different nutritional methods for athletes with different levels physical activity compiled by scientists. All main types

sports can be divided into the following five categories:

  • performances at competitions;
  • with prolonged physical activity;
  • with constant, volumetric physical activity;

However, despite the existence of various methods of rational nutrition for

athletes, they have several general rules and recommendations for proper nutrition during physical activity.

1. If the duration of your workout is more than 45 minutes, an hour before the start it is recommended to drink a special mineral-carbohydrate drink consisting of lemon juice, honey, as well as minerals and vitamins.

2. At the end of physical activity, it is imperative to replenish energy reserves. To do this, you can eat oatmeal cookies, grapes or an orange. During intense exercise, it is recommended to switch to a six-meal diet. At the same time, 10% of the total diet should come from vegetables and fruits.

3. It is known that during heavy sports loads, protein, which is so necessary for the body, is consumed too quickly. Therefore, it needs to be restored in a timely manner. In addition, it is simply necessary for every athlete to increase muscle mass and is used as a building material for the whole body. During one workout, an athlete loses about 15 grams of protein, so if there is insufficient protein consumption in food, the body will begin to wear out very quickly.

4. Comply water regime. Our body, regardless of any circumstances, must receive a sufficient amount of clean water. Thirst begins to manifest itself after losing 1% of fluid. With a loss of 3%, endurance indicators decrease, but with 5%, it becomes possible for a person to transition into a state of apathy. With large, intense loads and temperatures of 27°C and above, the body loses a little more than 2 liters of water per hour. And these losses must be made up in a timely manner.

5. Before an upcoming serious workout, be sure to drink half a liter of water an hour before the start.

6. In case of deterioration or complete loss of appetite, you should introduce foods rich in carbohydrates into your diet.

7. Be sure to follow your diet. Always eat at the same specific time, or at least try to do so. If you want to eat before training, eat, but you need to do this at least a few hours before the start: it must have time to be digested and absorbed.

8. Replace carbohydrates that are difficult for the body with fructose and easily digestible carbohydrates (fruits, juices, honey, jam).

9. Eat as little salty food as possible.

10. A few days before the start of competitions or returning to sports activities after a break, you need to give the body a good rest and provide it with high-quality food rich in carbohydrates. During this period, it is important to drink as much fluid as possible and take light walks in the fresh air.

There is an opinion: the main thing that should distinguish a diet during physical activity is a huge amount of protein. The rest is up to you. An army of nutritionists has been fighting against this point of view for decades. But the fact remains: protein shakes and supplements in stores sports nutrition- traditionally the most popular products. So what should proper nutrition be like during intense physical activity?

Proteins and carbohydrates: the right ratio

Indeed, proteins are necessary during increased loads. It is the activation of proteins that provides the necessary growth in muscle mass. But this does not mean at all that the amount of protein should significantly exceed the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

For people who are not burdened with physical activity, nature has provided the following ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet: 1:1:4. This means one part protein to one part fat and four parts carbohydrates.

Under increased loads, the proportions may shift - up to a maximum of 1:1:2. That is, the amount of carbohydrates should, in any case, be at least 2 times the amount of proteins, no matter what sport you engage in. Otherwise, your disoriented body will sooner or later begin to rebel. And that's why.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, proteins are the building material for muscles. When we lack carbohydrates, the body simply does not have the strength to deliver building material to the cells. Therefore, carbohydrates should never be neglected. The same goes for fats. Fats are the second most important source of energy after carbohydrates. Therefore, a small amount of fat in the diet is physically active person must always be present. We give preference to polyunsaturated fatty acids found in nuts, fish, and vegetable oils.

Balanced nutrition in numbers

Most modern nutritionists say that during increased physical activity, it is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day. This type of nutrition is the most physiological. In this case, the first breakfast should be 5% of the daily calorie content, the second breakfast - 30%, additional nutrition after training - 5%, lunch - 30%, afternoon snack - 5%, dinner - 25%. The amount of food should not be too large: for 70 kg of body weight, from 3 to 3.5 kg of food per day. Fruits and vegetables should make up 10-15% of the diet. On class days, breakfast and lunch should be nutritious. This should be a food high in carbohydrates, it will give you strength before starting classes (foods rich in carbohydrates include oatmeal with skim milk, boiled potatoes, crispbread, crackers, toast, bread with jam or honey). Drink water throughout the day, especially in the last hour before class starts.

What to eat before training?

The last meal should be no later than an hour before class. The body cannot digest large amounts of food during physical exercise, so eating right before class is unwise.

An important condition is the variety of your menu, as well as quality cooking products.

Boiled and steamed meat, mashed legumes, oatmeal, and cereals are the easiest to digest. It is advisable to avoid identical side dishes. During the hot season, calorie content should be slightly reduced. In autumn and winter, you need to increase your protein intake and reduce the amount of fat consumed. Try to consume as little as possible foods that are difficult to digest: cabbage, beans, lentils, peas, beans, lard.

After classes

If you don't eat within 5 hours of intense physical activity, your blood glucose levels drop to dangerously low levels. Therefore, try to eat within two hours after finishing your classes. Here are a few dishes that are ideal for this: oatmeal cookies, fruitcake, pasta with vegetables, fish or chicken, baked potato with low-fat seasoning, salad from boiled rice and sweet corn, fruit salad With oatmeal, vegetable stew.


Do not forget that under increased loads, your diet, more than ever, needs to be enriched with vitamins. Where will you receive them from? vitamin preparations or natural products - not so important. The main thing is that they exist. The most important for us are:

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) - promotes the effective absorption of oxygen by cells, regulates oxidative processes and promotes the accumulation of ATP in muscles, increases physical performance during anaerobic work. It is used for heavy physical activity of an anaerobic and speed-strength nature.
  • Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - deficiency of this vitamin manifests itself in increased fatigue, a decrease in the body's resistance to colds. Deficiency usually occurs at the end of winter and in early spring. Vitamin C is an effective stimulator of oxidative processes, increases endurance, and accelerates the recovery of physical performance. Included in all multivitamin complexes and nutritional mixtures for use during training and endurance competitions.
  • B vitamins increase the body’s resistance to hypoxia, increase the synthesis of glycogen in muscles, liver and myocardium, and in muscles they promote the production of creatine phosphate. Necessary to speed up recovery during periods of heavy physical exertion, in cases of myocardial overstrain, pain in the liver.

You shouldn’t forget about other vitamins and microelements either. It is very important that your body receives them in the right proportions and at the right time. To do this, it is advisable to consult with good specialist. It is inappropriate to be shy and stingy here. Especially when your beauty, health, fitness and good mood are at stake.

Intense physical activity places special demands on the diet, and for those who are actively involved in sports, regular diets will not work. Therefore, we present to your attention sports diet that will allow you to lose overweight, but not the strength to train. By applying it, you will see that diet and sports are quite compatible.

Sports nutrition – what to exclude?

If you want to gain sculpted muscles and lose weight, you need diet and exercise. But the diet when playing sports should not limit any food categories, but offer a balanced diet.

During sports training, you cannot limit the intake of protein from food. After all, muscle tissue is built from them. 10-15% of total calorie intake per day should come from animal and vegetable proteins - cheese, eggs, meat, milk, wheat, rye, vegetables.

Limit fats completely physical training impossible. Fats are a source of energy for long-term workouts. The diet for sports requires consuming fats 3-5 hours before training. Fats can account for up to 15% daily consumption calories. It could be a fatty fish butter, smoked meat, sausages, food fried in a frying pan.

When training, you should never limit carbohydrates - such a diet and sports are incompatible, since carbohydrates represent the main source of energy for physical activity. The share of carbohydrates in a balanced sports nutrition accounts for 50-60% total calories. These can include fruits, vegetables, rice, whole grain breads, beans and grains, and nuts.

During training, you cannot limit the supply of water, which is required for metabolism, temperature regulation and many other processes. For normal physical activity You need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

What is prohibited in this case? First of all, products that do not have biological value– sweets, confectionery, chips, chocolate bars, ice cream and other products that contain “empty” calories and do not saturate the body with minerals and trace elements. However, by properly combining diet and exercise, you can still allow yourself such excesses from time to time.

Diet and sports for weight loss - proper nutrition

When planning diet and sports, it is important to consider the percentage of fats, proteins and carbohydrates present in the daily diet. But it is equally important to select a diet in such a way that it includes a variety of foods in certain proportions, and also take into account the time of taking certain foods, taking into account the training schedule.

If you imagine a daily diet, it should include:

  • 2-3 parts milk and dairy products;
  • 2-3 parts of meat, poultry. fish and other protein products;
  • 7-10 parts of vegetables and fruits;
  • 6-10 parts of cereals and grains.

Diet and sports for weight loss require a special eating regimen. Namely, the intake of protein foods stops 5 hours before training, the intake of other types of food ends 2 hours before exercise, and in the remaining time you can drink some water. After a workout, on the other hand, it is recommended to take a good portion of protein.

If you need diet and sports not for weight loss, but for gaining muscle mass, then 2 hours before training it is recommended to eat a salad or soup, get a portion of carbohydrates in the form of a large fruit an hour before, and drink a glass of strong coffee or green tea half an hour before. And 20 minutes after training, eat a hearty meal, paying attention to potatoes, rice, vegetables, chicken breast, egg whites, cottage cheese, fruit and jam. After training, tea, coffee, chocolate and cocoa are excluded.

The foods we list here won't help you lose weight if you don't exercise. Moreover, even if you are on a diet, body fat stores will only decrease with intense physical activity. So, it turns out that it is impossible to lose weight without dieting and sports?

The diet during physical activity and hard work depends on the goals and gender of the athlete - weight can be gained or lost. helps achieve both of these goals. Proper nutrition makes it easier to bear stress and achieve the desired result faster.

Formation healthy person depends on his principles of food consumption and physical activity. The science of nutrition is consistent with the laws of nature, which no one can violate. Therefore, when regularly playing sports, it is necessary to choose the right composition of food. Eating right helps you gain muscle mass and burn fat while staying in good physical shape.

  • We recommend reading:

How many calories come in, so many need to be spent. This is the first law of proper nutrition. If you eat a lot, you will get fat. If you spend more than you consume, you will lose weight, and a deficiency of necessary substances will arise.

To avoid extremes, you need to know the rules of nutrition during heavy physical activity in the gym or at work.

The second law of proper nutrition involves compliance chemical composition food physiological needs for nutritional and biologically active compounds. A person must receive 150 chemical compounds from food.

Manufacturers and sellers of sports nutrition describe many advantages, and they really do have them:

  • Serves as a source of nutrients, vitamins and microelements;
  • Consumption increases energy during exercise;
  • Metabolism increases significantly;
  • Consumption reduces appetite;
  • Helps increase muscle growth at a rapid rate.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Institute of Nutrition Viktor Tutelyan believes that half of our health is the food we eat. Thanks to this, the need for food objectively decreased by 1500 kcal, and the necessary 150 elements remained. With normal eating, a deficiency of these elements occurs, and a person becomes ill with chronic diseases.

The most effective and simple way to replenish the body with microelements is the consumption of dietary supplements, that is, sports nutrition cocktails.

But there are valid principles natural healing, developed by academician of medicine G. Shatalova, who saved many incurable patients in practice. These principles do not contain many rules:

  • Food should be only natural and minimally processed,
  • Do sports, exercise, stay in the sun more;
  • Avoid nervous overload and frustration, engage in auto-training.

According to the academician, not a single artificial molecule can be absorbed to benefit the body. The choice of food composition is ours - it is only our health.

  • Conclusions: You should have porridge for breakfast, meat and vegetables for lunch, and cottage cheese for dinner.

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast: 150 g with 2 tsp. berries or fruits, 1 tsp. honey;
  • Snack: 10 nuts;
  • Lunch: 150 grams of buckwheat porridge with 150 grams of vegetables, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 egg;
  • Snack: 100 grams of 1% cottage cheese or sports shake;
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled meat or chickpeas, 1 tbsp. kefir

You should have dinner before 18 o'clock, since after this time the pancreas is physiologically switched off and must be at rest, not producing secretions for digesting food. There are no recipes as such, since all products are prepared as simply as possible - steamed and without spices.

What to eat for weight loss

When choosing food for weight loss, main principle– consume less than you spend. With such a scheme, there is a danger of developing chronic diseases due to a constant lack of necessary elements. Vitamins, dietary supplements and sports nutrition come to the rescue.

Sports nutrition for weight loss involves taking fat-burning mixtures and protein.

After an evening workout, you should not eat carbohydrate foods. During the classes, exercises are selected for, that is, accumulated carbohydrates. And stopping this process by consuming carbohydrates in food means wasting time.

The exercises, duration, and number of repetitions are selected by the trainer, creating a weight loss program with you. These should be aerobic exercises to develop endurance - cycling, running, swimming. Should be used for weight training little weight with lots of repetitions.

To lose weight, it is necessary to take into account the calories in foods and energy expenditure; you need to balance it every day.

List of products, menus and recipes

The list is no different from the list for building mass. We must remember that the physiological norm of carbohydrate consumption for men and women is the same - 260-290 g/day. Women consume 12% less protein - 60-90 g/day. They consume 17% less fat - 60-100 g/day.

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast: muesli with yogurt, natural coffe or green tea;
  • Snack: apple, glass of kefir;
  • Lunch: vinaigrette, compote;
  • Snack: ;
  • Dinner: boiled fish with cucumber, tea with honey.

Overdose of physical activity

Signs of vigorous physical activity include deep breathing and increased sweating. Extreme physical activity is more than 4 hours of vigorous daily exercise. Olympians and special forces soldiers undergo this training program. If a person suddenly decides to independently switch to the training regime for elite combat troops, the result will be sad.

An overdose regimen has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the heart, poisoning occurs, and arrhythmia begins. And then there’s no time for exercise to stay alive.

An overdose not only damages the heart, but also internal organs: joints, spine. The desire to train beyond your strength leads to the fact that the resulting breakdown products of carbohydrates (acetone, lactic acid) block fat burning and then the process of losing weight is slowed down for a long time.

The standard duration of classes is 45 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down. You need to train every other day so that the body has time to recover from the load and the level of physical fitness does not drop. The simplest way to monitor your condition is to feel pleasure after playing sports. During normal physical activity, there should be no other sensations.