Knowing yourself

They say that man came to this Earth to make a short trip. Life itself is very rich. But we people have the wrong concept of wealth. I read somewhere a very simple definition of wealth. Your capital can be measured by any number of zeros after one. 100000000000000000…..$. One is your health. If you remove it, the remaining zeros will have no meaning.

We come into this world naked and we will leave the same way. Everyone knows that you won’t be able to take anything from what you have accumulated. afterworld. Therefore, you need to protect the most valuable thing in your life – health.

As life goes on, on the one hand, it becomes a little sad from the thought that time is irrevocable, but, on the other hand, with age comes experience and understanding. And this brings me joy and peace. Looking back at my life, I sadly think that if I had understood the meaning of life, the meaning of my birth, earlier, then how rich and happy life one could live. Because we live in an era information technologies, then there is almost nothing that we have not heard or recognized.

However, it turns out that we don't know the most important thing. Most people die without knowing themselves, the meaning of their birth - as an amazing, unique and inimitable individual.

It's not that hard, driving correct image life, extend this journey by another 20 years. But due to the fact that we have not received the most basic knowledge regarding healthy image life, the Mongolian nation turned into a nation, average duration whose life is too short, only 62–68 years.

There are events that greatly, radically change a person’s life, his views, thoughts and attitude towards the environment. This is exactly what happened to me. 2010 was a very difficult year for me. His father died, and 27 days after his death, his mother also passed away. They looked after my father for 3 years. And my mother, who never complained of illness, stayed in a coma for 5 days and died - everything was very quickly and unexpectedly. On November 12, journalists from one newspaper came to my home, interviewed me and took photographs (see photo). I took a photo with my mother and we were very happy together. I didn’t know that after 4 hours my mother would feel ill. It was so sad to realize that I didn’t have time to thank her and take care of her.

Photo: My mother Banzragch Maadorj and me.

I'm not a doctor or famous Researcher. But the experience and knowledge that I gained while studying and working with world-famous scientists and teachers in Moscow at the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Chemistry, in research laboratories, was very useful to me.

Although it seems to us that learning and developing is already in the past - there is no limit to knowledge. During his life, a person accumulates a huge amount of knowledge that cannot be stolen, taken away, which does not age, does not depreciate, and which becomes more and more numerous, which never decreases.

I don't know if modern medicine too advanced, or too specialized, but it seems to me that doctors view a person as a collection of organs that need to be treated each individually. Today, most doctors do not treat the cause of the disease, but the symptoms, bombarding the body with medications, leading to a chronic disease. And our healers of traditional medicine, diagnosing by pulse and treating with herbal medicines, sometimes even cure cancer. It turns out that nothing is impossible.

I firmly believe that once you get sick, you can get well. In my opinion, there are causes of diseases and conditions for their occurrence. Causes are a state of mind, and conditions are various factors influencing the occurrence of diseases. Now it seems to me that chronic diseases should not exist at all. If a doctor makes such a diagnosis, it means that he has an outdated approach to treating the disease.

I don't blame the doctors - there is no reason to blame them. Unless you radically change the healthcare system and the personnel training system, nothing will change, and medicine will not get out of the current impasse of powerlessness in the face of certain diseases.

After graduating from university, I taught chemistry at a medical school. But even I did not teach future doctors the knowledge of the biological causes of diseases, the biochemical effects of drugs on the human body. Well, I didn’t know myself.

Relying on my knowledge, studying the latest achievements in chemistry and biology, I began to consider man as a single whole. It is necessary to ensure the biochemical balance of man as a unique biological product. A person can be healthy only if favorable conditions are created for the occurrence of biochemical reactions and biological processes in his body, in this unique work of Mother Nature.

As a result, I was cured of 22 types of allergies that had plagued me for 28 years. I not only got rid of my illness, but also helped many of my consultants become healthy. When in 2011 I passed all the tests at the most prestigious Mongolian-Korean hospital, the results were normal, I was absolutely healthy. Since I suffered a spinal cord injury, before the study the doctor told me that the results of the test for calcium levels in the body could be bad. But when he saw the results, he was surprised. I was very pleased with the test results. Only the biological age was not determined at the hospital.

Over the past 3 years, I even forgot that such a disease, the flu, existed. I have never consulted a doctor. Although I have improved my health, a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle over the past 1.5 years has taken its toll. I started gaining weight. I moved little, shortness of breath appeared when walking, and my legs began to hurt. Because of all this, I didn’t want to bother moving at all. I must say that a lazy lifestyle has become the norm for me.

At the beginning of May 2013, my biological age was determined. The results were disastrous. My age was 92 years old. I had to radically change my lifestyle, my attitude towards myself. I used to think that I was doing a lot of self-care. But it was not so. If at the age of 50 I had such results, then in 5 years I can be completely written off from the accounts of life.

People have different biological ages. For example, one 27-year-old girl’s biological age is defined as 67 years, while another may be 12. I realized that this age is determined by the degree of purity of the body at the cellular level. It is impossible to determine this with a simple eye. It also happens that people with a high biological age do not have any signs of illness, and they feel completely healthy. But this is only a temporary phenomenon. After a certain time, the internal environment of the body will provide all the conditions for the development of the disease.

As a child, I heard old people say that something like this would come bad time, when people will be deeply in debt and “worms” will devour them from the inside. Perhaps this time has come. Let's pretend that human body- This is a winding vessel with a mouth, a nose on top, and 2 holes at the bottom for removing waste. Let's put meat, dairy and flour products, vegetables, fruits, alcoholic drinks and sweets in it. Let's put him in a room with oxygen and various toxic gases for 1, 2, 7, 10 days, for 1, 2, 30, 40 years. During this period, without ever cleaning the inside, we will constantly change the outer wrapper. Even in gold brocade, even in a branded box, even in a simple container, everything will still rot inside the vessel and it will be as if trash can. Especially in hard-to-reach places, waste will accumulate, in some places it can even turn to stone.

Back in 1932, Otto Warburg received Nobel Prize in chemistry for determining living conditions malignant tumors. Tumor cells (as well as bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms) develop excellently when the blood is acidified, that is, when the pH drops below 7.2–7.3 units. When the pH was normalized, the tumors first stopped growing and then resolved! If the blood pH is normal, foreign bacteria and microorganisms do not have conditions for reproduction.

From the results of these studies and the studies of other scientists, I have hope for the improvement of many ailments that are associated with cell oxidation and disruption of the natural acid-base balance of the internal fluids of the body. No one can deny the fact that liver diseases can be cured if the factors that destroy liver cells are eliminated. If all sciences (medicine, biology, chemistry, psychology) unite, then modern medicine will solve current problems, and such a thing as an incurable disease will disappear.

Will the earth really not support us? I want to live some more. Loving yourself means being healthy. Having made this conclusion, from May 15, 2013, a completely new beginning began in my life. new stage consciously changing oneself for a healthy, fulfilling life. In 3 months, my biological age from 92 became 50 years old, my weight decreased by 20 kg, my clothes became 2 sizes smaller, and I got rid of the cellulite that had been with me for the last 33 years. I feel satisfied with the work I have done on myself.

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Good afternoon, dear readers! How well do you know yourself? If you were asked to describe yourself as if from the outside, what would you say? Many people sooner or later begin a period of soul-searching and self-knowledge. But it’s not always clear where to start and how to do everything correctly, so as not to drown in a sea of ​​psychological information and make things worse for yourself. After all, not everything is as easy as it seems at first glance. Today I offer you a simple but convenient plan on how to understand yourself, personality psychology and self-analysis.

Psychological tests

Usually a person begins to know himself through psychological tests. This is, of course, not a bad thing, but learning to correctly interpret test results is not so easy. Psychologists have been teaching this for several years, preparing for certain results, teaching them to look not only at numbers and indicators, but also at the person himself, at the situation, at the circumstances.

Remember that many tests are based simply on general principles and do not take into account your specifics. It is impossible to understand yourself or other people only by passing such tests. If you really want to get an in-depth analysis, then I advise you to contact a psychologist who will draw up a psychological portrait for you.

A person is constantly changing, becoming better, reconsidering his views on life, learning new things. I have not yet met a single person who would remain exactly the same throughout his life. Personality tends to develop. Keep this in mind when doing soul-searching.

I bring to your attention the article “”. In it you will find many practical and useful tips, which will help you figure out where to start, how best to proceed and where to go. Don't be afraid and don't rush into everything at once. Be gradual and thorough, then you will definitely succeed.

"I" in relationships

When a person learns to recognize his essence, then, one way or another, he pays attention to himself in relationships. And, in general, there is a reassessment of the relationships of the past, present and future. This is an important and large part of life, so understanding yourself from a relationship perspective is extremely important.

It doesn't matter whether you are currently in a relationship or not. You still need to analyze this part of your life. Choose a time when no one will distract you, when you can sit quietly and calmly alone with your thoughts.

Sometimes a woman gets so carried away in a relationship that she stops being herself. She completely dissolves in a man. Sound familiar? I have several clients who, after a separation or divorce, were completely lost in life, because there was nothing in life except their husband. Nothing of our own. This is a catastrophically wrong situation.

Therefore, in a relationship, it is important to understand your desires and dreams, think about your activities, and spend time apart. You should not dissolve in a person, no matter how tempting it may seem. It’s easy to lose yourself next to another person, but then it’s hard to find yourself.

And many men should take a closer look at themselves in relationships. Why does the choice constantly lean towards such girls who cause wild pain? After all, happy person, who has caught harmony, and the relationship is going well. Think about it.

In the article “” you can find interesting thoughts that will tell you what is going wrong and how to fix it. Remember, there are no hopeless situations.

Work - career

But besides relationships, there is another important issue that should be thoroughly understood. This is a profession and your job. One of my clients teenage years worked as a secretary. The work wasn't particularly dusty, but she constantly felt dissatisfied and irritated.

After long conversations, it turned out that she did not tolerate office work at all. Of course, she didn’t rush headlong to quit. After all, you have to earn money to live.

The girl approached the question responsibly. She began to understand the question of what she could do outside the office and still earn enough money. Now she works as a florist and has opened a network of her flower shops and organizes master classes for beginners.

You can find your calling even in deep middle age. You can verify this by reading the article “”. In it I talk in detail about all sorts of ups and downs associated with my career.

Try to understand whether you like what you do, what processes at work you enjoy, and what annoys you and makes you angry. Don’t immediately think that your current job is nonsense and you need to change everything in your life.

Be consistent and calm. It is especially important not to make hasty decisions based on emotions. It’s not for nothing that they say that the morning is wiser than the evening.


Besides work, I also have hobbies. It is impossible to know yourself without this side of life. It doesn’t happen that a person just goes to work and then watches TV at home. There are always books, going to the cinema with friends, bowling or trips out of town.

For self-development, it is very important to do some things outside of work and home. You can know yourself not only by sitting in a chair and thinking. By doing something new, you recognize your desires, understand what you want and where you are striving.

One of my friends seems to have tried a million activities in her life. And vocals, piano playing, photography, styling and makeup, camping and rock climbing, charity and helping orphans. What was missing in her life.

She quit some classes quite quickly, without even studying for a week. Others became a real hobby and, to some extent, remain to this day. Don't be afraid to look for yourself and discover your passions. The more new things you experience, the better you will know your essence.

In all this it is important to maintain harmony. Of course, a person cannot break away and be everywhere. Sometimes it's not so easy to combine work, hobbies, family and friends. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something, make concessions. Here, too, a field for reflection opens up for you. What and for what are you willing to sacrifice?

I bring to your attention the article “”. From it you will learn how to properly distribute your time, devote required quantity pay attention to all aspects of your life and find inner harmony.

You can know yourself with the help of other people. How? Ask your loved ones, acquaintances and friends to write you a certain description. Positive and negative qualities. Just make sure that you don't resent people for telling you the truth.

Take information as new knowledge that will help you become even better and change your life.

Pay attention to your dreams. Sometimes very important people come to us at night necessary discoveries. Learn to remember what you dreamed. There are a huge number of techniques for this that you can find on the Internet.

Pay close attention to yourself when you are angry and upset. In such states, the most naked truth usually comes out. From the depths of my soul. Therefore, pay attention to those things that make you angry and irritated. Learn to understand your real attitude to what is happening.

Read Barbara Sher's book What to dream about" She can push you to new achievements that for some reason you were afraid to do before.

Have you ever helped a person understand himself? Do you often have heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones? Are there things you would be scared to know about yourself?

Feel free to move forward and don’t be afraid of anything, you will succeed!

In childhood, parents influence the formation of a child’s personality; friends and teachers gradually join them. In adult life it could be colleagues. A person who does not know himself easily succumbs to pressure and influence and is rarely happy. He just doesn’t know how, because he doesn’t understand what he really wants. That's why it's so important to know your true self.

How to know yourself and why answer questions to yourself?

Give yourself time to think. If the answer comes out of the mouth, this may indicate both that everything is fine in this area of ​​a person’s life, and that he is too susceptible to patterns and stereotypes. For example, if you ask a person whether he could kill his beloved dog, he will most likely answer in the negative. But if you ask the question differently, adding “if she bit your child,” “if she suffers from the wounds she received,” the answer may change.

Some questions require a “yes” or “no” answer, but it must be explained. Many problems in life are not related to others, but to a violation of harmony within a person. By resolving some issues, you can break the shackles that hinder development. The answers may surprise you. It is best to ask questions out loud in the format of talking to yourself.

Bad habits

  1. Why do I drink alcohol?
  2. Why do I smoke?
  3. Why am I swearing?
  4. Why do I take drugs?
  5. What do I depend on and why?

By answering questions like these, you can find out that the reason for an extra bun is boredom, not hunger. Cigarettes are a way to get away from doing a job you don’t like, and alcohol is a way to escape from loneliness. Having understood the reasons, you can find other ways to solve problems, more constructive ones.


  1. What's going on in the world?
  2. What events are happening within my country?
  3. What films/actors/musicians are popular now?
  4. Do I know the people who work/study/live with me?
  5. Do I have enough communication?

At first glance, these questions do not seem to concern the internal state, but they clearly show whether a person interacts with the world. You can also use these questions to determine your interests and degree of sociability.


  1. I like my job, what would I change about it?
  2. Am I satisfied with the salary?
  3. . Do I want to work at my job for the rest of my life and what happens if I lose it?
  4. Why can't I open my own business?
  5. What's stopping me from changing jobs?

Work is an important part of life; if a person is not satisfied with much in it, this will leave a negative imprint on other areas. The answers to these questions will help you understand how fulfilled a person is as a specialist, and whether he or she has potential for professional development.


  1. Am I a superstitious person, do I believe in horoscopes, signs, predestination of fate?
  2. Am I happy with my lifestyle choice?
  3. Are others obligated to do as I want?
  4. Should I do what others want?
  5. Who is to blame that I and my life are exactly like this?

The ability to take responsibility for your life and your actions is very important. This helps to free yourself from other people's influence. As soon as a person realizes that only he is responsible for everything he does, fear may appear, which will later be replaced by a feeling of freedom of choice and the discovery of new paths.


  1. Am I happy and what do I need to be happy?
  2. When I'm in last time were you really happy?
  3. Do I laugh a lot?
  4. Do I enjoy what I do?
  5. Do I deny myself many things and why?

Happiness is what largely determines the quality of life. Questions are aimed at understanding whether a person knows what makes him happy and whether he contributes to it.


  1. Why isn't what I planned done?
  2. Why am I worried and nervous?
  3. How often do I feel afraid?
  4. Why am I single (without a partner), does this scare me?
  5. Do I think about my death and what exactly?

To start thinking constructively, you need to identify what causes discomfort. Often a person exaggerates his problems and escalates them. And all because he thinks about them too much. These questions will help determine whether the enemy is “real” or is only in your head.


  1. Why is it difficult for me to be alone and what will I do if this happens?
  2. Why is it difficult for me to make new acquaintances?
  3. How much time do I spend on the Internet/watching TV?
  4. Do I spend enough time with my friends and loved ones, what does communicating with them give me?
  5. What are the pros and cons of my loneliness?

There's nothing wrong with spending time alone sometimes. Every person needs personal space and a break from society. But loneliness can be intentional, when a person runs away from people due to complexes or other internal problems. There is another side, when a person does not know how to be alone, he is frightened by the very thought that he will have to be left alone.


  1. Why am I embarrassed, what impression do I make on other people (acquaintances, strangers)?
  2. Should I be better than others or reach their level?
  3. How do I react to criticism addressed to me?
  4. Why do I think other people are better than me?
  5. How do other people like/dislike me?

By asking yourself these questions, a person will be able to understand how dependent he is on other people’s opinions, how highly he values ​​himself. To understand whether your self-esteem is too high, you can ask yourself how often you do something for others and for what purpose.

Negative emotions

  1. Why do I quarrel with my loved ones/friends/colleagues/those around me?
  2. Why do my emotions get the better of me?
  3. What emotions predominate in my life?
  4. How often does it happen to me Bad mood and what are its reasons?
  5. Am I ready to reach a consensus in an argument or do I argue to vent my emotions?

Sometimes emotions get the better of a person, he splashes them out on others. The reason for this is internal imbalance. A happy and balanced person will not swear in line or be rude to his family. It is important to determine what is throwing you out of balance.


  1. What will happen to me in 10/20/30 years if I continue to live as I do now?
  2. What are my plans for the next year, 5 years?
  3. Does old age scare me? How do I plan to spend it?
  4. What will I do next weekend?
  5. Am I living in the present, past or future?

The essence of these questions is to understand how a person sees his life. He may describe it in too much detail, indicating the color of the fence that he will build around the house in 2 years. This is fraught with the fact that if something from the list does not come true, the person will be unsettled. There are times when it is difficult for a person to plan even the next weekend. It is necessary to analyze whether such behavior is due to expressiveness or avoidance of responsibility.

To understand yourself, you can analyze your day before going to bed, determining whether it went as you would like. It's never too late to make adjustments in life.

I began to become interested in issues of self-knowledge back in early childhood, according to parents. For example, at the age of five I shocked them with the question: “What is life? Why do we live? To tell you the truth, I don’t remember this, but these questions are still spinning in my head. But before you answer them, you need to understand yourself. That is, to know yourself.

In general, self-knowledge, in essence, resembles, with the only difference that it is aimed at, and not just at the soul. Therefore, the effectiveness of this method is many times greater, although it is more complicated.

Having known ourselves, we are able to bring our personality to a higher level. high level and we will be able to move forward in this direction with real leaps and bounds. We will know how to act when faced with a choice. We will know exactly what will benefit us and what will only cause harm.

Certainly, important point in life is what we want from life, what we dream about. However, if there is a desire to achieve a goal, nothing is impossible. If your goal is your own home, then you can contact the Kostroma company, which manufactures and installs log houses. Many years of experience and satisfied customers guarantee that your goal will be achieved and will please you for many years.

In general, one can describe for a long time the advantages of self-knowledge. I’m sure you yourself know the benefits of certainty and probably strive for it. Well, let me help you on this difficult path and give you three tips that will help you learn how to know yourself.

Keep a diary

It would seem that everyone knows an attribute of life, but in reality it is for real effective remedy internal self-knowledge. It’s as if it’s a reflection of yourself: your thoughts, emotions and feelings. You can look at yourself from the outside and find out what you want.

If you've ever kept a diary, you know what I'm talking about. For those who have not practiced this method, I will describe it in more detail.

Even if you had a normal day, still write down what happened that day and how you responded to it. This will help you understand the impact of certain processes on you.

Besides, keeping a diary is a very exciting activity. You can then re-read your notes from 2-3 months ago and be amazed at how much you were able to grow during this period.

You can even improve your memory with the help of a diary. I already wrote about this in the material “”.


Usually, by the word meditation, people mean some kind of prayer in eastern countries. At first, people's responses in this style made me laugh, but then I realized how sad it was. Not only do they themselves not know what they are talking about, but they also convince others of it. Oh well... that's not what this post is about.

Meditation is a kind of dialogue between a person and himself. There are many areas of this practice, but now we will look at it from the side that is most practical for us.

The point is simple: find some quiet place, preferably one that you associate with something. For example, many people meditate next to a tree that they themselves planted. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can adapt your room for this activity.

It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position, as many people think. It is enough to take the most comfortable position for you (you can even lie down). Next, I recommend taking 10 deep breaths. This will calm you down, allow you to collect your thoughts and also stimulate your lungs.

Try to turn off all pressing questions, like: “Is my iron not burning?” and be alone with your consciousness. And then ask yourself various questions that you want to know the answer to and try to answer them as clearly and specifically as possible until you are completely satisfied with it.

Questions could be:

Do I really like this guy/girl?
Do I enjoy the work I do?
What is mine?
What happens if I change something now?
Am I doing enough to achieve my goals?
And others…

After meditation, you can write down all the thoughts that come into your head in your diary. For example, during meditation I like to come up with ideas for the next posts.

Ask Around

The fastest and easy way, to know yourself is to ask the people around you. It is advisable that you communicate with them for a long time, otherwise a subjective picture may emerge. By the way, many people think (especially teenagers) that those around them do not understand them at all and know nothing about them. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, others can show you your shortcomings or advantages. For example, I recently, quite by accident, learned that I am a very good speaker.

The best thing to do is to approach your spouse and ask what she or he doesn't like about you. Usually there are always a couple of points on this matter. Maybe you don’t spend much time with your family and haven’t even thought about it. Or maybe you forget to congratulate your parents on the holidays.

And parents can pick up so many points. After all, they also want to make you better, and no less than you.

That's all. If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe for updates!

The attempts of a sound artist, focused only on himself, to reveal a huge single unconscious inevitably fail. Man is a closed system, he feels only himself. The mistake is that, distancing ourselves from others, not understanding them, we cannot understand ourselves. Just as they are unable to distinguish white in the absence of black, everything is learned through opposites, in comparison.

Endless internal search. Eternal thirst for knowledge. Someone scattered “breadcrumbs” of meaning around the world. And I, like a beggar, looked for them for many years to satisfy my hunger, incomprehensible to others. Man's knowledge of himself was a matter of survival in this strange world around. I have always felt that there is something incredibly important hidden in this question: “Who am I?”

Knowing yourself - the first steps

It was absolutely clear that a person is not only a physical body, because the joys and pleasures of the body gave me so little and did not satiate my soul at all. In fact, my own body was much more often a burden to me. He had to be fed and bathed. Keep fit and dressed. Take care of him constantly. It was incredibly annoying at times.

I read somewhere that “the body is a prison of the spirit,” and I completely agreed. I knew for sure that a person was born for great achievements, and not at all to provide his physical body with bliss and all kinds of comfort.

The process of self-discovery assumed that I would finally find this real tool with the help of which a picture of the world around me and my place in it would come together. In the end it happened, but first the seven circles of hell awaited me.

I am everything. Down and Out trouble started

I can open my palm and absorb the tremors of heaven,
I can resurrect the fire and comprehend the singing forest...*

When I was young, I was absolutely sure that I could do anything. Absolutely everything, you know? I can change the world. Yes Yes exactly. There was a joyful anticipation: the world around either hung at the tips of his fingers, which he only had to click, and... Or maybe he was itching on the tip of his tongue in search of that very cherished Word?..

It seemed that any minute now I would find the very thing that was missing. I will be able to understand how to use this special gift. Just know yourself, your special device - and everything will work out!

Those around me openly pointed their fingers at my temple and made unflattering comments about my self-esteem. Society assumed that a person should live like everyone else and pull this burden until his deathbed. But I didn’t care too much about the opinions of “stupid ordinary people.” By that time it was already clear that we were unlikely to find a common language.

I am nothing. Emptiness and "black hole"

I can survive in a world where every second person is my enemy.
Flutter in the wild wind... I can. But I don’t know HOW.*

Time inexorably seeped like sand through your fingers. But I still didn’t find anything. Every person was supposed to graduate from school - and I graduated from it. And a person was also supposed to acquire a profession - and reluctantly I went to storm the university. While sitting in class, I found out that every day it becomes more and more difficult for me to concentrate on what the lecturer is saying. It was as if I “switched off” and did not perceive the information. It was even more difficult to withstand the voices of my classmates during the break - they screamed so much that it hurt my ears.

Much later, at a training session on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, I learned that such states are not uncommon for a person with. They arise as a consequence of the fact that the sound artist was looking for, but never found on his own, a way to know himself. I could not realize my natural desire for self-knowledge and knowledge of the world around me.

And then I didn’t understand anything. I just got used to shielding myself with headphones with my favorite music from this screaming, unbearably noisy crowd. This did not save me from the inner emptiness and growing heartache. I began to fall into a deep depression, with a black hole at the core of myself. Self-esteem collapsed from the level of “omnipotent” to the level of “insignificance.”

I am nothing. Empty place. Life is meaningless and empty.

What gives a person knowledge of himself: what is the method, such is the result

For some time I tried to satisfy my strange thirst with the help of philosophy. It didn’t help for long, and philosophy didn’t give the answer: what should I do with myself like this, how should I live? And for what? What's the point of this? The physical body burdened me more and more, I began to feel it as something separate from myself.

There were attempts that almost every person with a sound vector went through: I greedily devoured all kinds of religious and esoteric literature. It helped for a while: the thought that being “blissful nothingness” was great, lulled me to sleep. And the exercises partially restored to me the adequacy of the perception of my own physical body.

But these “near-meaning sublimants” only dulled the feeling of meaninglessness and emptiness. Then it fell with even greater force, with each new round the pain of the soul became stronger. Unbearable, hellish pain. It seemed that my body was to blame for it. Thoughts involuntarily came to mind that if you throw it through the window, maybe the pain will go away along with the death of the physical body? And finally will I remain - eternal, endless and free?

It was at that time when I recognized any methods of knowing myself as useless and was seriously thinking about suicide, I was invited to introductory lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

How does a person learn about himself?

In every description of a sound person, I recognized myself. Closedness, unsociability, intolerance of loud sounds. Focusing on your thoughts, a sense of your potential “genius”, superiority over other people who are concerned with mundane issues.

It turned out that the main task of a person with a sound vector is precisely to cognize, to reveal the hidden laws according to which the world around and the human soul is structured. But I did not escape the “trap” into which almost every person with a sound vector fell: I tried to uncover these processes on my own, believing that everything necessary was concentrated within myself.

Thanks to the training, I came to the realization that I am not the only person with such properties; about 5% of sound people are born. They are not interested in the needs of the physical body. But they strive to reveal the much-desired plan according to which our world is structured.

Our psyche (soul) is one. The attempts of a sound artist, focused only on himself, to reveal a huge single unconscious inevitably fail. Man is a closed system, he feels only himself. The mistake is that, distancing ourselves from others, not understanding them, we cannot understand ourselves. Just as they are unable to distinguish white in the absence of black, everything is learned through opposites, in comparison.

An unfulfilled desire to understand the structure of the soul leads the sound artist to depression. To get out of it, you need to focus outside: learn to accurately determine the psyche of another person and, as a result, crystallize an understanding of yourself. It gives fulfillment and suicidal thoughts.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan describes in detail the structure of our psyche, making it possible for a person to gain knowledge of himself. This is the joy of discovering the laws by which the world around us is structured. The joy of realization, life in physical body. The meaning of being and the happiness of cooperation with other people:

Know yourself

Tired of useless philosophy? The body is burdened, and attempts to understand the meaning of what is happening bring nothing but pain, emptiness and the feeling of something slipping away? Give yourself a chance to see life as it is at a free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. .

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»